IMPRESSUM Herausgeber Galerie Michaela Stock Schleifmühlgasse 18 1040 Wien/Vienna info@galerie-stock.net www.galerie-stock.net Text © Hartwig Knack Übersetzung Matthias Goldmann Grafik Stephanie Guse Fotos © Ralf Edelmann Auflage 250 Stück © 2007 Galerie Michaela Stock und Ralf Edelmann Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von:
CAPTURING IDEAS Ralf Edelmanns Ironic View of the World by Hartwig Knack, Curator Kunsthalle Krems In a highly intelligent fashion and with inimitable ease, German artist Ralf Edelmann brings the absurdities of our society to light. Reduction achieved on the graphcal level and his focus on the essential as a painter make his work pointed and effective; his strength derives from an ironic point of view. Already his image captions make us sit up and take notice: Aufgepasst beim Autokauf („Be Careful when you Buy a Car“), Inline Buddhism, Elefant auf dem Weg zur Morgentoilette („Elephant on Route to Morning Toilette“), Early Bird, Siamesische Problematik („Siamese Issue“). The subjects of his imagery are just as interesting and funny as these witty remarks. They comprise elements he happens upon by chance, things not yet sorted out, incomplete objects, and fragments of an everyday culture that is frequently marked by standardization and uniformity. All this is arranged to form a consistent whole. In Ralf Edelmann’s paintings and graphics, visually formulated snippets of thought are combined with aphorisms and text fragments; figurtive and ornamental elements are juxtaposed with abstract and monochrome color fields. In the end, both on the levels of form and content, the completed picture shows all kinds of novel elements that reach beyond anything that was picked up by chance or considered a suitable ingredient. Ralf Edelmann’s cosmos of powerInline Buddhismus Warum siamesische Zwillinge im Kino drei Eintrittskarten kaufen müssen 2005, Acryl auf Karton je 50 x 70 cm
ful imagery comprises bits and pieces picked up in the streets out of the corner of his eye as well as clippings of verbal and visual messages gleaned from print media, radio shows, and TV programs. Ultimately, however, his complex motives reveal multiple narrative levels and it seems almost impossible to fathom the broad implications and depth of their message.
In the face of a manipulative media world, the set pieces of which Ralf Edelmann repeatedly falls back on, reality increasingly appears staged and simulated. Radio was the first electronic mass medium. While he works, Ralf Edelmann is in the habit of listening to the radio for hours on end or even for days. Thus, fragments of current issues discussed on radio programs are automatically incorporated into his imagery. He creates sketches and drawings in order to „capture any idea that comes my way“. Thus, Edelmann and his art are always on the ball and up to date. Highly Jugend und Kommunikation 2005, Acryl auf Karton 50 x 70 cm
sensuous images result from his anarchic, playful way of dealing with basic components of our daily life such as employment, leisure time, consumer behavior, human relations, entertainment, or health. In his art, Edelmann emphasizes topicality and relevance to the present. As one who interprets reality, the artist forms his very own personal image of the world, oftentimes in order to gain a more clear understanding
Among others, Ralf Edelmann spent his art school
of the times he lives in. Ralf Edelmann knows that the
years at the Städelschule in Franktfurt am Main, Ge-
elements of reality in his art can never be a simple
many, where he studied under Georg Herold. During
reproduction but always only an interpretation of re-
the early 1980s, the latter was associated with a group
ality. Interpretation, in turn, marks his personal point
of artists known as “Junge Wilde“ („Wild Youth“) which
of view and attitude. Coupled with overstatement and
challenged the art market boom of their day and also
exaggeration, this amounts to active participation in
included Albert and Markus Oehlen, Werner Büttner,
social and political life. His images add up to more
and Martin Kippenberger. Later, Herold often created
than taking sides on an artistic level, they enable us to
works that cast an ironic, critical light on traditional
look behind appearances in a way that prompts us to
forms of expression such as wall paintings and sculp-
smile. They not only reflect the obvious but also trans-
ture. Similar to Georg Herold, Ralf Edelmann uses the
late underlying currents in an exceptionally nuanced
witty titles of his pictures to question the perception of
manner. They let us see through the smoke.
viewers. Mainly for strategic reasons, Aschaffenburgborn Edelmann has made humor a central element of his work. He is not interested in comic effects or irony as an end in themselves. Rather, his aim is to create a space where criticism, provocation and exposure allows us to explore the depths of everyday routines, habits and fixed patterns. Edelmann harnesses humor and irony as a means to take aim, with a wink, at artistic and social norms as well as mechanisms of political power.
AufgepaĂ&#x;t beim Autokauf! 2005 21 x 30 cm Bleistift auf Papier
Also sprach Zarathustra 2008, 90 x 200 cm, Acryl auf Leinwand folgende Seiten Staubf채nger 2008, 150 x 200 cm, Acryl auf Leinwand
Die Herren mit der weiĂ&#x;en Weste 2008, 90 x 200 cm, Acryl auf Leinwand
Abrichtung 2008, 20 x 20 cm, Mischtechnik auf B端tten
Alte Kameraden 2008, 20 x 20 cm, Mischtechnik auf B端tten
RALF EDELMANN * 1968 in Aschaffenburg, lebt und arbeitet in Wien 2003 - 04 Lehrauftrag an der FH Aschaffenburg 1997 Diplom der Freien Kunst an der HBK Braunschweig 1996 Abschluß an der Städelschule Frankfurt 1995 Studium Freie Kunst, Bildkonstakademia, Helsinki, Finnland 1993 Studium Freie Kunst, Städelschule Frankfurt a.M., bei Georg Herold 1992 Studium Freie Kunst, San Antonio Art Institute, Texas, bei Bill FitzGibbons 1989 Studium Freie Kunst, HBK Braunschweig, bei Johannes Brus, H.P. Zimmer und Thomas Virnich Preise, Stipendien, Förderungen 2008 Kunstförderpreis des Neuen Kunstvereins Aschaffenburg 2006 Sponsoring durch Dolmar Kettensägen und Dyrup Farben 2003 Katalogförderung des Bayerischen Kultusministeriums 2002 - 05 Atelierförderstipendium des Bayerischen Kultusministeriums 1997 Kunstförderpreis der Weldebräu, Mannheim 1996 Operation Marinemaler, als Künstler an Bord der Fregatte „Köln” (nach Irland und England) 1995 Erasmus-Stipendium, Helsinki, Finnland 1992 DAAD-Stipendium, San Antonio Art Institute, Texas
Bikini Bar 2007, Mixed Media Minibar-Installation in der Galerie Michaela Stock