Scribe NOV 2011

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January 2012 Tevet/Shevat 5772

Temple Sinai of Roslyn, 425 Roslyn Rd., Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516/621-6800

Come in From the Cold of Winter to the Warmth of Temple Sinai Programs Join Us for These January Programs January 10 A Pathway for Jewish Identity and Spirituality: The Book of Exodus in the Torah - Rabbi Michael White January 12 The Last Survivor: A Documentary - Guest Speaker: Michael Kleiman (Film Preceded by Pizza & Pasta Dinner) January 15 Brotherhood Family Bowling January 19 Love and Religion - Featured Speaker: Dr. Marion Usher January 20 Dr. Marion Usher Will Speak at Shabbat Service January 26 Ahead of Time - Guest Speaker: Ruth Gruber January 27 Friday Morning Talmud With Rabbi Benjamin David January 30 Dr. Wendy Mogel Take Two January 31 Sinai Stitches Further information on these and other upcoming programs inside.

An updated January Calendar is on page 22

Local Producer of The Last Survivor to Speak at Temple Sinai Film Screening, January 12 at 7:30 pm Roslyn’s own Michael Kleiman, a Fulbright Scholar and award-winning documentary producer, will lead a post-film discussion of his award winning feature, The Last Survivor. The Adult Education Committee is pleased to host the screening of this movie, codirected and co-produced by Mr. Kleiman, who earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and who graduated from Roslyn High School in 2002. Hailed by critics as “staggeringly powerful,” The Last Survivor looks at the new lives of four individuals as they seek to repair the world and each other, and as they struggle to make sense of tragedy by raising awareness and promoting social activism. “Each survivor’s story is one of triumph over trauma, and we hope that audiences respond to their courage and perseverance as much as we have,” said Michael Pertnoy, the film’s co-director. “When we made the film, our objective was not to dwell on the tragedies of the past, but rather to understand how we can prevent atrocities in the future.”

Mr. Kleiman’s film production company is named Righteous Pictures. It is a social action organization founded in 1997 that creates socially driven documentary films and new media projects to serve as platforms for public engagement about critical global issues. In March 2009, Mr. Kleiman was named a Fulbright Scholar by the U.S. State Department to begin work on his second documentary feature, Web. He worked with leading organizations in education – the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the College Board – on a series of short documentaries highlighting education reform efforts in American public schools. Mr. Kleiman’s short films have played at film festivals in New York and Philadelphia. He also has worked at HBO’s documentary department. The film will be shown free of charge and is open to the public.

Adult Activity Club Pre-Movie Pizza, Pasta & Salad Dinner Thursday, January 12 at 6:30 pm

Join us for a lite bite preceeding the 7:30 pm showing of the award winning documentary The Last Survivor. The cost is $12 for Adult Activity Members; $18 Non-Members. Reservations are a must (so that we have enough food). If you would like to attend, please call the Temple office at 516-621-6800 by Monday, January 9. All are welcome.

Please join us as we present the film “Ahead of Time” Thursday, January 26 at 7:00 pm Ahead of Time is an award winning documentary that tells the fascinating story of Ruth Gruber’s life as an international foreign correspondent. “Ruth Gruber didn’t just report the news…she made it!” Born in Brooklyn in 1911, Ruth Gruber became the youngest PhD in the world before going on to become an international foreign correspondent and photojournalist at age 24. She emerged as the eyes and conscience of the world. With her love of adventure, fearlessness and powerful intellect, Ruth defied tradition in an extraordinary career that has spanned more than seven decades. The first journalist to enter the Soviet Arctic in 1935, Ruth also traveled to Alaska as a member of the Roose-


velt administration in 1942, escorted Holocaust refugees to America in 1944, covered the Nuremberg trials in 1946 and documented the Haganah ship Exodus in 1947. Her relationships with world leaders including Eleanor Roosevelt, President Harry Truman and David Ben Gurion gave her unique access and insight into the modern history of the Jewish people. Ruth is an inspiration not only for her ground-breakingcareer, but for her vitality and humor at 98 years old (now 100) as seen in the film. We are delighted that Ruth Gruber will join us for a question-and-answer period after the film. There is no fee and all are welcome. Thank you to David Schwartz and Bradley Gerstman for sponsoring this wonderful program.

Dr. Hussein Rashid of Hofstra To Discuss Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism: Two Sides of the Same Coin Thursday, February 9 at 7:30 pm Native New Yorker Dr. Hussein Rashid, a faculty member in the Department of Religion at Hofstra University, will speak about Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism on Thursday, February 9 at 7:30 pm. His talk, sponsored by the Adult Education Committee, will review historic roots of hatred against the world’s ethnic groups, and outline his desire as a devout Muslim to promote harmony between religions. As an academic, activist and lecturer, Dr. Rashid is deeply committed to community engagement and community building. “As a Muslim, I believe it is an act of faith to battle anti-Semitism where I may find it. Jews are people of the book, our divinely recognized brothers in faith. I must battle Islamophobia not only for the sake of the Muslim community, but for the sake of the Jewish community as well, and for the sake of those who hate, before that hatred marks their souls forever,” he said. A graduate of Columbia University, Dr. Rashid earned a master’s degree in Theological Studies at Harvard Divinity School. He then received an MA and PhD from at Har-

vard in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures. His theology background has led him to work with various faith communities to build common ground by taking their differences seriously. He has taught at Virginia Theological Seminary and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. He also has taught at various New York religious institutions, including the Park Avenue Christian Church, Central Synagogue, Park Avenue Synagogue, All Souls and St. Bart’s. A consultant to two former U.S. presidential candidates, Dr. Rashid is a current member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is actively involved in both mainstream and social media, and has appeared on most major U.S. television networks as well as those in the UK, Saudi Arabia and Russia. He has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post and on NPR. He is an associate editor at the on-line magazine site, Religion Dispatches. As a Nizari Ismaili Muslim, Dr. Rashid believes his faith guides him to do good in this world, and to leave the world in a better state for the sake of his and other’s children. His talk at Temple Sinai is free and open to the public, and will include a question-and-answer period.

Winter Has Just Begun . . . But Spring is in the Air! Save the Date For Not Your Grandfather’s Seder Sunday, March 18 at 9:30 am While families are outside shoveling driveways, and children are busy building snowmen, Temple Sinai’s Adult Education Committee is planning ahead for spring and the arrival of Passover on Friday night, April 6, 2012. To prepare for the annual holiday of matzah and Manischewitz, of charoset and chicken, please save the date of Sunday, March 18 at 9:30 am, for Not Your Grandfather’s Seder a unique morning of learning and joyful celebration of Jewish heritage with renowned scholar and modern Haggadah author Noam Zion of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Israel. Temple Sinai’s Passover event will feature a presentation by Noam Zion, entitled 101 Ideas for a More Participatory Seder.

unique Passover experiences, depending on participants’ ages and interest levels. He has written A Different Night, both in classic and compact versions; and A Night to Remember. Both Haggadahs are accessible on the website www.haggadahsruscom. The just-mentioned website notes of Zion’s A Night to Remember, “This is the original – the Haggadah that slew the Maxwell House.” While adult congregants are learning with Zion, children will take part in a special program that the Temple’s religious school is planning. Other program treats – including culinary ones - are in the works! Please stay tuned to the next issue of The Scribe for more information, and to pre-register for the Sunday, March 18 program.

Zion is well-known for his up-to-date Haggadahs that families around the world are utilizing to create their own


Tuesday Adult Education with Rabbi Michael White

A Pathway for Jewish Identity and Spirituality: The Book of Exodus in the Torah January 10, February 14, March 13, April 10, May 8 at 10:00 am and 8:00 pm The Book of Exodus tells the story of the creation of the Jewish people. It contains sparks of enlightenment that can help all of us grow on our own pathways as modern Jews. Come at 10:00 am or 8:00 pm. All are welcome.

Friday Morning Talmud With Rabbi Benjamin David Fridays, January 27, March 2, March 30, April 27, May 25, June 22 at 11:00 am

Join Rabbi David for an informal hour of Talmud study in the Temple library. Together we will learn about the make-up of the Talmud and discuss some of its most fascinating sections. All are welcome.

Adult Bat Mitzvah Continuing Studies with Rabbi David and Cantor Arad

Mark your calendars for what promises to be a fun-filled and meaningful continuation of the path on which you have already begun. Together, we will explore and discuss Torah, holidays, Jewish values, and current events, as we look through the lens of our tradition. This course is for anyone who has a foundation and wishes to continue their Jewish studies. Tuesday, January 31 at 12:30 pm, Tuesday, March 27 at 7:00 pm, Tuesday, April 24 at 7:00 pm Please note that each session will be an independent topic. or call Doreen Cohen at 621-8016.

For further information please email

Join Rabbi Benjamin David for:

Havurat HaSefer: The Fellowship of the Book Friday, February 3, at 11:00 am

On Friday, February 3, at 11:00 am the Temple Sinai Book Club will meet to discuss Children and Fire by Ursula Hegi. Re-discover the pleasures of reading and the added delight of "sounding off", by sharing your feelings, pro and con, about what you have read. Do consider joining us. You'll have a really good time!

Roots and Wings: How to Become a More Centered Jew Mondays, February 13, 27, March 12 at 7:30 pm

Join Cantor Gabi Arad as we explore different ways to center ourselves as Jews. Through text study, meditation, music, sharing and self-reflection you will walk away with tools to center yourself every day. Walk away feeling rooted in your Jewish identity, while at the same time ready to spread your wings and be open to new experiences. All are welcome.



From theI write President’s Desk this article as I am flying nity, Jeremy ArbitalJacoby who offered his expertise every back to New York from our nation’s capital after attending my first URJ Biennial. I have many thoughts about this, as I am certain the other twenty-four Temple Sinai members and staff have, who were in attendance as well at this spectacular event. My initial thoughts, in bold stroke terms, are that the Reform Jewish movement across this country and beyond is alive, vibrant and strong! The current movement, led by our new president elect, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, is embarking upon a new vision of the Union partnering with congregations, rather than the big brother approach of the past. I realize now, more than ever before, how important the Union for Reform Judaism is to our Temple and to all of our lives. In order to sustain Reform Judaism, we must have a strong Union that speaks up on issues that we support. It is only because of the strong political voice that the Union has, through the Religious Action Center, that we were addressed by President Obama at this Biennial. The President gave a masterful speech and reaffirmed his commitment to the security of the State of Israel. I was inspired when the President stated that he would not be President, had it not been for the URJ as one of the pioneers of the civil rights movement. It was a moving speech, but I will not be fully inspired until he puts his eloquent words into action. I'm hopeful that our URJ Religious Action Center will challenge President Obama to become completely engaged in the process of obtaining peace. It is only when we have a true peace in the Middle East that those powerful words in support of Israel will be corroborated. I was struck by the beautiful music at the Biennial. All of the cantors who sang were spectacular. We listened to twenty piece bands playing during Shabbat services, along with large choirs. To say that praying with 5,000 people during services was a moving experience would be an understatement. While listening to the beautiful music, I smiled and thought of the new Steinway baby grand piano that will become a centerpiece in our sanctuary. This piano is a spectacular, Dakota Jackson designed, limited edition in which there are only 300 in the world. Donated by the Bobbie Landsberg Fund, we will have a beautiful dedication of this new piece of art in memory of Bobbie Landsberg at an upcoming Shabbat service. I would like to thank all involved in the team effort of acquiring this beautiful piano including, Vice President Rich Evans who negotiated and executed the deal, Executive Vice President Howard Berrent who discovered the opportu-


step of the way, Jeff Krugman for logistical expertise, Cantor Arad for all of her advice, and all of the others who were involved in the process. This piano is an important step in moving us forward as a modern day, 21st century synagogue and I am excited to hear great music in our sanctuary for many years to come. With the change to our new piano, we will be seeing additional change in June as we say goodbye to our Cantor, Gabriella Arad as she, her husband Rabbi Josh Burrows, and their two beautiful daughters embark on the next phase of their lives in sunny San Diego, California. Josh has been named Associate Rabbi at a temple in San Diego and we all wish them a hearty Mazel Tov. I want to thank Gabi, on behalf of all of the members of Temple Sinai, for the wonderful years you have given us as our Cantor. I want to assure everyone that we have formed a search committee which has already commenced active efforts to bring the very best cantor we can find to Temple Sinai. I am confident that we will continue our tradition of excellence both on the bima with inspirational music, and with our students as they make the journey through the Bar/Bat Mitzvah process. As we think about our Temple's future, I am proud to report that at the Biennial, Temple Sinai was awarded the Belin award for our Sinai in the City program. Sinai in the City President and Temple Sinai Trustee, Scott Reich, accepted the well deserved award for connecting Sinai members who are in their 20's and 30's and live in the City, with Temple Sinai. I had the honor of attending the Sinai in the City annual Chanukah party, along with Rabbi White, and it was invigorating to connect with this group of exuberant young people. I reminded the group that I am only five years removed from being eligible for membership! I felt comfortable interacting with the members and I thank each and every one of you for welcoming me to your event. I view the continuity and vitality of Sinai in the City as a major priority going forward. We have much to be proud of as we enter the secular year of 2012. While we all live busy lives, please keep Temple Sinai in mind for 2012 and make every effort to be involved. We need each one of you to keep our Temple vibrant and we have a blockbuster calendar of programming. I want to wish all of our members a happy Chanukah and a happy and healthy New Year and I look forward to seeing all of you in 2012. L'Shalom David Schwartz

From the Corridors of the Religious School Have you visited the Religious School page at lately? It offers a great deal of information that may be of interest to you, including: Links to each of the B’nei Mitzvah

prayers, including the text and tune. These tunes are also downloadable as MP3s. A weekly Torah commentary from the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ). Temple Sinai’s Religious School calendar. Links to items of interest including the URJ’s Jewish Parent Page, information on Reform Jewish Camping and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. Jewish learning links including Hebrew reading practice sites and Jewish holiday games. We will be regularly adding to this page. Please check back often!

Dates to Remember

Monday-Monday, December 26-January 2 Winter Recess Tuesday, January 3 K-6 Classes resume Tuesday, January 3 No Hebrew High Classes Friday, January 6 Grade 4 Milestone Service 6:30 pm Friday-Monday, January 6-9 Grade 10 Trip to RAC

Tuesday, January 10 No 10th Grade Class Tuesday, January 10 Grade 4 Family Workshop 7:00-8:30 pm Wednesday, January 11 Rosh Hodesh Girls Club 6:15-7:45 pm Wednesday, January 11 Grade 4 Family Workshop 7:00-8:30 pm Monday, January 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday-No School Tuesday, January 17 SORTY Lounge Night 8:00-8:45 pm Friday-Sunday, January 20-22 URJ Camp Arts Weekend Friday, January 20 Hevra Family Program 6:00-8:30 pm Saturday, January 21 Grades K-2 Shabbat Program 9:30-11:00 am Monday, January 23 Grades 11/12 Meet 6:40-8:00 pm Tuesday, January 24 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Seminar 7:00-9:00 pm Tuesday, January 24 No Hebrew High School Classes Wednesday, January 25 JORTY Lounge Night 6:15-7:00 pm Monday, January 30 Club 7 8:00-8:30 pm Tuesday, January 31 Grade 5 Family Workshop 7:00-8:30 pm Wednesday, February 1 Grade 5 Family Workshop 7:00-8:30 pm

Religious School Weather Cancellation Information If Roslyn Public School classes are cancelled due to inclement weather, Temple Sinai Religious School will automatically be cancelled for that day. If it becomes necessary to cancel Religious School during the day because of inclement weather, we will try to make the decision as early in the day as possible. Religious School cancellations will be announced on the following radio/TV Stations: WINS (AM 1010), WCBS (AM 880), NEWSCHANNEL 12 (Cablevision), FIOS1 Long Island (FIOS) and posted on the Temple Sinai website: Or call the Temple Sinai Religious School office at: 516-621-8016

Direct Phone Numbers Save You Time Use these numbers for direct access to the Religious School and Nursery School before you call the main Temple office. Nursery 621-8708 Religious School 621-8016 Temple Sinai has a Phone-In Service for Friday evening and Saturday morning services held in the Sanctuary. All you need to do is dial 516-740-3400 and you can listen to the entire service.


Youth Group Corner Join Us for Our 2nd LICAN Interfaith Teen Event Monday, January 16, 2012 - 12:00-5:00 pm at Temple Sinai of Roslyn Teens: Earn 5 hours of community service by:  

Learning about other faiths from the teens of local mosques, churches and synagogues Then we’ll split into two groups: 1. Staying at Sinai to teach local seniors about technology such as Google, email,YouTube, and texting 2. Riding the bus to Sun Harbor Manor Nursing Home to visit with the residents (this visit will entail chatting and hopefully, some musical performances) Seniors: Come out for a lovely afternoon of socializing and learning:

 

Meet outstanding teens from local mosques, churches and synagogues Learn a little more about technology from teens who are patient and caring (What is Facebook? How can I Skype with my grandkids? Where do you attach a picture to an email?)

Please RSVP to:

Sinai's Youth Lounge is Experiencing Tons of Use and Needs an Upgrade! We are looking for the following items in good working condition:   

foosball table (tabletop soccer) air hockey table ping pong table

Will you be our angel donor? To help, please contact:


Children with Special Needs and their Parents to a wonderful Shabbat Celebration where we will learn about Purim. Temple Sinai provides a unique, ongoing experience for children with developmental needs, who are not currently engaged in a program of Jewish learning.

Please join us for our next program

Saturday, February 4 10:00 am – 11:00 am

at Temple Sinai 425 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights The experience will be geared towards families with children ages 5–12 with special needs, including, but not limited to: children who are autistic or on the spectrum (PDD), or those with developmental delays. The program will be staffed by certified Special Education teachers and will be uniquely designed to best meet the individual needs of each child and his/her parent, who attends. Join us as we: Sing the Shabbat Blessings Enjoy Delicious Shabbat Challah & Grape Juice Sing Purim Songs Make Purim Crafts, and more

All are welcome! No synagogue affiliation necessary. There is no fee for the program. All we ask is that you call us by January 30 to RSVP. Advance registration is required so that we can ensure that our program will meet your child’s needs. Please call 621-8016 to register or for more information. This program is dedicated in honor of Florence Friedman.

Future Programs are scheduled for March 17 and April 28.


Brotherhood News and Events Brotherhood is a group of welcoming, caring and socially conscious men, dedicated to working with and supporting every arm of Temple Sinai. Our endeavor is to enrich the spirit of participation with our Temple youth and the other committees to build a vital Temple community through meaningful and fun activities. We are always looking for new members and future leaders. It’s never too late to join; annual dues are just $36 and may be paid at any time. For more information, call the Temple office (516-621-6800) or Andy Kraus, Brotherhood President (516-318-4325/ Mark your calendars for the following upcoming meetings and events: Sunday, January 15 at 12:00 Noon Family Bowling (see below) Tuesday, January 17 at 7:30 pm Monthly Meeting Thursday, February 2 at 7:30 pm Scotch and Sacred Text (see below) Tuesday, February 21 at 7:45 pm Monthly Meeting Sunday, February 26 - Yogi Berra Museum (watch for further details) Please support your Brotherhood, so that we in turn can support Temple Sinai!

Brotherhood - Be A Part of It!

Brotherhood Family Bowling

Sunday, January 15 - 12:00 Noon-2:00 pm Brotherhood invites all Dads and Kids to enjoy an afternoon of bowling fun at Sheridan Lanes, 199 E. Jericho Turnpike, Mineola. For just $12 per person, you’ll get a full two hours of bowling, pizza and soft drinks (this event is being partially funded by Brotherhood). To RSVP, or for further information, kindly contact Bert Kraus (516) 835-2960 (

Brotherhood and Rabbi White are pleased to present:

Scotch and Sacred Text Please join Brotherhood and Rabbi White on Thursday, February 2, at 7:30 pm for the second of this season’s popular and meaningful evenings with Rabbi White. Our host for the evening will be Rich Evans. We know that you will find the discussion and camaraderie most worthwhile. Scotch (and non-alcoholic drinks) and snacks to be served. All men (over age 21 please) are welcome. Questions and RSVP’s, contact Andy Kraus, Brotherhood President (516-318-4325 /

A Multi-Generation Temple Sinai Family Are you from a multi-generation Temple Sinai family? Were your parents members? Did you grow up in Temple Sinai? Are your grown children now members? Please let us know and we will publish your family history in a future issue of the Scribe.


Friend of a Friend/Chaverot (FOF) Life is not a Destination… Life is about enjoying the Journey… unknown

Wendy Mogel Take Two

Our event in November with Dr. Wendy Mogel was so well received we wanted anyone who missed it - or wants to see it again to come to a video showing-- offered by Friend of a Friend/Chaverot on Monday, January 30, at 7:30 pm in the Simcha Room. This is open to the community. A social worker from PIC will be in attendance for your questions. Please RSVP to Lara Weinstock at

-Sinai Stitches-

Calling all knitters and crocheters!!! Do you love to work with your hands? Are you looking for a reason to pick up those needles? Join us on Tuesday, January 31, 7:308:30 pm in the Temple library at our first session where we join together and create beautiful handmade treasures for those in need and set future dates to continue our work. Contact Michelle Golden - or (516) 6506690 for more information.

Mark you Calendar for our Annual Intergenerational Women’s Seder Wednesday March 14, 2012 Please Drop By Any of Our Future Monthly Gatherings Friday, January 6 at 9:30 am Thursday, February 2 at 7:30 pm (evening meeting) Friday, March 2 at 9:30 am Tuesday, April 17 at 7:30 pm (evening meeting) Friday, May 4 at 9:30 am Friday, June 1 - End of Year Brunch at 10:00 am FREE (All meetings will be held in the ART Room on the 2nd floor) We look forward to seeing you: The Board of FOF/Chaverot: Lara Weinstock, Michelle Golden, Jill Barry, Donna Bernstein, Abby Heller, Leslie Lewit-Milner, Robyn Schreiber & Lori Yaspan. You can always reach us at:

On Friday, December 2, 2011, Temple Sinai celebrated the 10th Anniversary of its Women's Group, Friend of A Friend/Chaverot, an arm of our Temple which raises funds to help the children and adults enjoy and celebrate life's occasions. To commemorate the evening, all of the presidents of FOF were honored with a beautiful plaque. It is inscribed with the names of each president, past and present. The voices of the children’s choir led by Cantor Gabi filled the synagogue with music. Rabbi White spoke beautifully to our congregation comparing our Friend of A Friend group to angels. Cantor Gabi made many a mention of Miriam and other women in Judaism when referring to our women's group. Some of the yearly efforts on the part of Friend of a Friend Chaverot include: Intergenerational Seders, Kiddush Cups to B'nei Mitzvah students, gifts to all Confirmands, decorating of the Sukkah, serving latkes to our Hebrew school, running the Chanukah Boutique with the proceeds going to the Hebrew school, Mother's Day celebrations and many other special events. A sweet and delicious Oneg was the perfect ending to the evening. See the monthly Scribe/Newsletter for our schedule of meetings and events. We would love to have you join us for any or all of our gatherings.

Join Rabbi White In Israel June 17-27, 2012 See Temple website for reservation form at


Friday, January 20, 2012 at 7:45 pm Shabbat Service Interfaith Outreach Committee Featured Speaker Dr. Marion Usher Creator of the Love and Religion Program for Interfaith Couples Will Discuss the Relevant Issues Facing Interfaith Couples in Today's World.

Calling All Cooks, Bakers and Those Who Buy Prepared Foods The Caring Committee of Temple Sinai is looking for people who would like to help those congregants in need, with friendly deliveries of either homemade or store-bought food and baked goods. No membership of committee required. We are just looking to establish a pool of people who could help us on an as-needed basis. If interested, please email (Pauli Wertheim).

From the Social Action Committee Join the Social Action Committee and the Tikkun Alliance of the North Shore (TANS) at the E-Joy Community Center in Roslyn (50 Orchard St) on Sunday, January 8, from 2:00-4:00 pm, as we distribute food and clothing to the needy. If you cannot join us that day, we would appreciate all donations beforehand: nonperishable food items, winter clothing, toiletries, and baby supplies. Be part of a great mitzvah! Donation bins are located next to the sanctuary. Questions?

If you move, change your phone number or your email address, please notify the Temple Sinai office at 516-621-6800 or Email:

Wednesday Evening Mah Jongg

7:30-9:30 pm January 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15 Come in from the cold and learn Mah Jongg. Cost is $80 for Temple Members $105 for non members. For more information contact FOF President Lara Weinstock (516-551-9716) or email To register for lessons, please complete this form and mail with your check payable to Temple Sinai to: Temple Sinai of Roslyn, 425 Roslyn Rd, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 attn: FOF Mah Jongg Name(s): ____________________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________ I/we are interested in Wednesday Evening Mah Jongg: #___ Members @ $80 per session= $_____ #___ Non-Members @ $105 per session = $_____


Total Enclosed $ _____

Attention Manhattan Residents Get-Together With Rabbi White in New York City Thursday, January 12 at 7:30 pm

Join us, the Temple Sinai Manhattan residents, for an informal get-together with Rabbi White. This is a chance to bring Temple Sinai to us in New York City and keep our connection with our wonderful synagogue. Join us for dessert and talk! For more information and to RSVP, call the Temple office at 516-621-6800

From Sinai in the City Temple Sinai's award-winning young professionals program Sinai in the City is growing fast. Join us and receive e-mail updates and event invitations from our group! Please send your e-mail address to Linda Neiman in the Temple office at and we'll be happy to include you!

Want to connect or reconnect with fellow congregants or just "add your 2 cents"? Join the Temple Sinai of Roslyn, NY group on Facebook Want to get Temple information quickly? Email your email address to Want to see what's happening or get information or a preview of the Scribe? Visit the Temple Sinai website at

Life Cycle Distribution Information Our Temple family shares good periods and bad. We want all who choose to rejoice in life’s bounty or help others bear their losses to have an opportunity to do so. We will be distributing “life cycle” information to all of our congregants who have provided us with their email addresses. If you would like to receive this information, please make sure to submit your email address to the Temple office at:


Temple Sinai Comes to Boca Raton for our Florida Luncheon All are welcome to join Rabbi Michael White, President David Schwartz and Executive Director Ethel Liebeskind Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 12:00 Noon

Fleming’s Bistro (Will be open for lunch just for us!) 6060 SW 18th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33433 Temple Sinai members (present and past), their families, and friends are invited and encouraged to attend. Cost: $30 per person includes House Salad, choice of Chicken, Fish or Pasta and Dessert. Call Phyllis in the Temple office (516-621-6800) for reservations.

Temple Sinai Florida Luncheon Tuesday, February 28, 2012 in Boca Raton, Florida Name(s) __________________________________________ Florida Phone No. ____________________ Florida Address ________________________________________________________________________ Please make reservations for _____ people @ $30 per person = $ _______ (Check payable to: Temple Sinai) No need to select your meal now. Lunch choices will be taken by wait staff at the Bistro. Please return this form along with your check payable to Temple Sinai to be received by February 15, 2012 to: Temple Sinai, 425 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Attn: Florida Luncheon

Heading For the Sun?? Do you plan to enjoy the sun for the winter? If so, please fill out this form and return it to the Temple office. Name: ________________________________________ Winter Phone No:___________________ Winter Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Date Arriving: ____________________ Date Returning to New York: ______________________ Please call us upon your return at 516-621-6800. If you do not, your mail will continue to travel to the sun even though you are here.


PIC Community Workshop: Kenneth Ginsburg,

Letting Go with Love and Confidence, Raising Responsible, Resilient, Self-Sufficient Teens in the 21st Century Tuesday, March 6 at 7:30 pm at the Sid Jacobson JCC Dr. Ginsburg offers practical advice on everyday challenging decisions about parenting. This discussion will help parents manage emotions about letting go, reduce conflict around the whens, minimize anxiety over the hows, gain confidence to make the right decisions and understand that nurturing independence is an act of love. Dr. Ginsburg is an Adolescent Medicine specialist. He was featured in the film Race to Nowhere. Fee $10 / JCC and synagogue members $5. Register with the Sid Jacobson JCC Front Desk 516-484-1545

A benefit of your synagogue membership. January Highlight: Geriatric Care I am feeling the stress of caring for my aging parent and my school-age children. I need help in deciding on the best living arrangements for my dad. “I am so thankful for the guidance and support of Partners In Caring. When my parents couldn’t live alone anymore, I found the help I needed. Even the difficult decisions were something I could face.” - Eva, a synagogue member

A caring place to turn to find support and guidance during life changes and challenges. Parenting w Caregiving w Marital Concerns w Separation/Divorce w Bereavement w Geriatric Care w Cancer Wellness w Career w Legal w Financial Partners In Caring (PIC) offers short term individual and family counseling, support groups, and a variety of resources and referral information.

CALL 516.484.1545, ext. 196 Phone calls are always free and confidential. Services are offered at minimal or no cost to synagogue members.

Staff Audrey J. Bernstein, LMSW Randy Hight, LMSW Margy Ringelheim, LMSW Susan Broxmeyer, LCSW, ACSW, PIC Clinical Social Worker Supervisor Stuart Botwinick, MAJEd, MAJCS, PIC Director


We Give Thanks

A full list of donations appears in the copy of the Newsletter you receive by mail. Please go to page 18 for the balance of this issue.


A full list of donations appears in the copy of the Newsletter you receive by mail. Please go to page 18 for the balance of this issue.


Congratulations and Condolences Congratulations to:

Leslie & Douglas Rothkopf on the marriage of their son Joshua & Christine Richardson Beth & Ronald Birnbaum on the birth of their granddaughter Ava Amelia Birnbaum Erica & Patrick Montalbano on the birth of their daughter Leni Eden Montalbano

Condolences to:

Ferne Gould on the loss of her brother Hal Segal Leonard Freeman on the loss of his brother Herbert Freeman Steve Bloom on the loss of his mother Beatrice Bloom Dr. Jon Turk on the loss of his father Stephen Turk

We record with sorrow the death of

Charles Margolis Husband of Phyllis; father of Gary and Jane, David, and Diane; grandfather of three With deepest sympathy to his family May his memory be for a blessing

Donations to Clergy Discretionary and Other Funds A donation to any of the clergy discretionary funds requires a separate check. For each of these donations, please make check payable to Temple Sinai of Roslyn with the specific discretionary fund written in the check memo line: Rabbi Michael White’s Discretionary Fund Rabbi Benjamin David’s Discretionary Fund Cantor Gabriella Arad’s Discretionary Fund Donations to any other funds can be combined in one check made payable to Temple Sinai of Roslyn or can be emailed to: and we will bill you (members only). If you are paying with a company check, make sure your name appears in the memo line so we can give you proper credit.

The ONLY Judaica Shop You Will Ever Need

YOUR JUDAICA SUPERSTORE Gifts to Celebrate All Your Simchas and For Special Gift-Giving Holidays, Bar/Bat Mitzvah,Wedding, New Baby & More “BEST PRICES IN TOWN” HOURS: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:00 pm-5:00 pm Tuesday 11:00 am-1:00 pm Other Times By Appointment - Volunteers Needed Call Lori Yaspan at 314-2141

Support the Temple Through Your Purchases



Support Merchants Who Support Temple Sinai Poems by Jodi for Special Occasions You’re having a party, making a guest list Picking out colors and what you’ll be dressed in Planning perfection for a special day But maybe you don’t know what to say You send the details. I’ll make them rhyme A candle lighting worthy of party time. Jodi Goodman


Favors Favors Favors

ty Par ce Unique Custom Designed Favors For All Occasions! an Eleg z” Personalized: Jewelry  Blankets  Sweatshirts “Kidents... Pres

Leathers  Dream Catchers and more . . .

Gifts for Kids  Adults - That They Will Adore! Designed by Tina Maltz, Party Planner Party/Event Planning Available


Phone: 516-578-0030 Fax: 516-484-3902 Email:

Temple Sinai’s own “exclusive” on-site caterer, V&Z Caterers, has created one of the most elegant and exquisite Wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Party facilities on Long Island. For any Temple Sinai members, family and friends who are contemplating a Wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah or party in the future, we invite you to contact Mary Venier at 516-484-4300 to arrange for a consultation.

Advertise Your Business While Supporting Temple Sinai

Advertising will give you the opportunity to let your fellow congregants know about your business and services. All ads are business card size only and will be run in the January through July issues of the Scribe and Newsletters (a total of 4 Scribes and 3 Newsletters). The prorated cost of each ad is $525 for the 7 issues. Please complete the form below, enclose a clean copy of your business card or business card size advertisement, and return it with your check in the amount of $525, payable to Temple Sinai by January 9, 2012.

Scribe Advertising Space Request Name:___________________________________ Phone:___________________________ Company/Business Name:______________________________________________________ Type of Business:____________________________________________________________ _____ I would like to start advertising in The Scribe. My ad is attached. Please return this form with a clean copy of your business card or business card size ad along with your check payable to Temple Sinai in the amount of $525, by January 9, 2012, to: Temple Sinai, Scribe Editor, 425 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577


Dates and times are current as of December 16, 2011 and are subject to change. Calendars will be updated on a regular basis. Please call the Temple at the following numbers if you have any questions: Religious School 516-621-8016, Nursery School 516-621-8708 Temple Main Office 516-621-6800.

Sun 1





Building Closed

11:30 am Advanced Hebrew









11:30 am Beginning Adult Hebrew 7:00 pm SORTY Board Meeting

9:30 am FOF Meeting 4:00 pm Junior Choir 6:30 pm Shabbat Service/ Birthday Blessings/4th Grade Milestone Service

9:00 am Morning Minyan 10:30 am Shabbat Service B’nei Mitzvah: Julie Siegal, Jacob Klee 7:00 pm Twilight Service Bar Mitzvah: Jake Shulman

Religious School and Nursery School Resume

RAC Trip thru 1/9








6:40 pm 7th Grade 8:15 pm Board Meeting

10:00 am Adult Education with Rabbi White 11:30 am Advanced Hebrew 7:00 pm Grade 4 Family Workshop 8:00 pm Adult Education with Rabbi White

6:15-7:45 pm Rosh Hodesh Girls’ Club 7:00 pm Grade 4 Family Workshop 7:30 pm Mah Jongg

11:30 am Beginning Adult Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult Activity Club Dinner 7:30 pm Adult Education Film Night The Last Survivor Special Guest: Michael Kleiman

4:00 pm Junior Choir 6:30 pm Shabbat Service/ Band

9:00 am Morning Minyan 10:30 am Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah: Micki Wain 7:00 pm Twilight Service Bar Mitzvah: Zachary Silver

No Hebrew High School








12:00 Noon Brotherhood Bowling

12:00-5:00 pm LICAN Teen Event

11:30 am Advanced Hebrew 6:40 pm Hebrew High 7:00 pm Israel Trip Orientation 7:45 pm Brotherhood Monthly Meeting 8:00-8:45 pm SORTY Lounge Night

7:30 pm Mah Jongg

11:30 am Beginning Adult Hebrew 7:30 pm Interfaith Outreach Speaker: Dr. Marion Usher

6:00-8:30 pm Hevra 7:45 pm Shabbat Service/ Birthday Blessings/Interfaith Shabbat/Speaker: Dr. Marion Usher

9:00 am Morning Minyan 9:30 am Tot/K-2 Shabbat 6:30 pm Twilight Service Bat Mitzvah: Julia Baum








6:40 pm 7th Grade 11th & 12th

11:30 am Advanced Hebrew 7:00 pm Bar/Bat Mitzvah Seminar

6:15-7:00 pm JORTY Lounge Night 7:30 pm Mah Jongg

11:30 am Beginning Adult Hebrew 7:30 pm Film: Ahead of Time Special guest: Ruth Gruber

11:00 am Friday Morning Talmud with Rabbi David 7:45 pm Shabbat Service/ Band

9:00 am Morning Minyan 7:00 pm Twilight Service Bar Mitzvah: Steven Bochner

No Hebrew High School





6:40 pm 7th Grade 7:30 pm Wendy Mogel Take Two 8:00 pm Club 7

11:30 am Advanced Hebrew 12:30 pm Adult Bat Mitzvah 6:40 pm Hebrew High 7:00 pm Grade 5 Family workshop 7:30 pm FOF Sinai Stitches

January 2012

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