Title: Comprehensive Study on Global Blood Plasma Market Report: 2015 Edition Short Summary Global Blood Plasma Market Report: 2015 Edition Size and Share Published in 201507-13 Available for US$ 800 at Researchmoz.us Description The raw material for blood plasma industry is the straw colored liquid that is a component of blood called blood plasma. It consists mostly of water and a small amount of proteins and antibodies. Those proteins are used to produce medicines, which are extracted to produce the end products for treatment that helps people with a variety of life-threatening diseases, illnesses and conditions. These plasma-derived medications are the standard course of treatment for thousands of people, in more than 100 countries across the globe, who need the treatment to improve their health and lead productive lives. The global blood plasma market has historically grown at a mid-single digit rate up till now. Currently the US is the largest market, and the most profitable, as prices enjoy a significant premium over the other countries compared to Europe. China is now the largest consumer of albumin globally and continues to grow rapidly. The key trends observed in the market include strong and stable pricing power in immunoglobulin market, rapidly growing SCIG market and capacity expansion by commercial fractionators. But there are certain challenges too which include competition from recombinant FVIII and pricing pressure in tenders in plasma-derived FVIII market as well as potential threats to immunoglobulin market. The market’s main growth drivers include immunoglobulin segment, albumin market growth in China, new indications, an ageing population as well as growth in plasma collections in the US.
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The report provides a comprehensive study of blood plasma market globally. The industry is quite concentrated with a few large players such as Baxter, Grifols, CSL and Octapharma. All these companies have been profiled in the present report highlighting their key financials and business strategies for growth. By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
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Table of Content 1. Overview 1.1 Components of Blood Plasma 1.2 Functions of Blood Plasma 1.3 Collection and Extraction of Plasma 1.3.1 Plasma Collection 1.3.2 Plasma Extraction 1.3.3 Plasma Fractionation Yield 1.3.4 Plasma Usage
2. Market Analysis 2.1 Global Blood Plasma Market Market Value Key Segments 2.2 Market Segmentation 2.2.1 Global Immunoglobulin Market Market Value Market Volume Regional Breakdown US Market Value By Therapeutic Areas
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