Honors Convocation 2010

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HONORS CONVOCATION April 28, 2010 3 p.m. Friends Hall

COLLEGE HONORS WITH DISTINCTION Student Name and Major Maxim Bantis Business Admin Finance & Economics

Project Title NFL ProBowl Econometrics

Faculty Sponsor Jason Hecht

Faculty Readers Alexandre Olbrecht Rikki Abzug

Aspartame Controversy

William Mitchell

Edward Saiff Susan Petro

Anthony Harris Psychology

The Historical Trends of Black Masculinity

David Lewis-Colman Maya Poran Erin Augis

Thomas Ng History

Race Music in the 1960-70’s Carter Jones Meyer

David Lewis-Colman Philip Cotroneo

Corey O’Connell American Studies & Contemporary Arts

Narrative Adaptations

Peter Campbell

Edward Shannon Tobin Addington

Kaitlyn Pollock History

Presidents as Outsiders

Stephen Rice

Carter Jones Meyer Michael Fluhr

Matthew Diamond Biology & Theater

Aaron Rampersadsingh Emergence and Mind Psychology

Emily Abbey

James Morley Lisa Cassidy

William Mitchell

Susan Petro Sandra Suarez

Nicole Rodstrom Biology

Population Genetics of Canis Lupus

Tiffany Simons Chemistry

Structures of Inorganic Solids Stephen Anderson

Robert Shine Anita Brandolini

Monique Simpson Biochemistry

Prostaglandins and Osteoblast Differentiation

Thomas Owen

Seung-Sup Kim Jay Carreon

Caitlin Steeves Social Work

Careers in Social Work Curriculum

Cort Engelken

Stoyan Stoyanov International Marketing Strategic Petkus International Studies Alliances: An Event Study Analysis & International Business of Short- and Long-Term Consequences Ashley Tobin Communication Arts

Green, Tan & Pink

Regina Clark

Mihail Velikov Numerical Solution of Differential Maxim Goldberg-Rugalev Business Admin Equations Arising from Economics

Kim Lorber John McLaughlin Desislava Budeva Ed James Woodley

Valerie Wesley Mary Cicitta Kenneth McMurdy Jason Hecht

The Office of the Provost would like to recognize the gracious assistance of all whose work makes our acknowledgement of student achievement possible today.

We especially thank the Deans, conveners, and faculty who took the time to carefully assess the contributions of their students in consideration of these awards.

Our greatest appreciation is extended to those students honored today, and to the many students whose achievements made the choice of honorees a difficult one. Their excellent academic achievement and co-curricular activities are the life of Ramapo College.

ORDER OF EVENTS Introduction and Greetings by Dr. Beth Barnett, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs College Honors Program Awards presented by Dr. Marta Vides Saade, Honors Program Director School Awards for Outstanding Academic Achievement presented by the Deans Anisfield School of Business – Dr. Lewis Chakrin American and International Studies – Dr. Hassan M. Nejad Contemporary Arts – Mr. Steven Perry Social Science and Human Services – Dr. Samuel Rosenberg Theoretical and Applied Science – Dr. Bernard Langer Lee Sennish Prize presented by Ms. Katherine McGee, Director of the Women’s Center American Federation of Teachers Local 2274 Graduate School Scholarship presented by Ms. Irene Kuchta, President of AFT Local 2274 Closing Remarks by Dr. Peter P. Mercer, President Alma Mater Reception to follow in the Alumni Lounge Music Provided by: Mack Brandon Vocal Performance by: Adam Posluszny

COLLEGE HONORS WITH DISTINCTION Student Name and Major Maxim Bantis Business Admin Finance & Economics

Project Title NFL ProBowl Econometrics

Faculty Sponsor Jason Hecht

Faculty Readers Alexandre Olbrecht Rikki Abzug

Aspartame Controversy

William Mitchell

Edward Saiff Susan Petro

Anthony Harris Psychology

The Historical Trends of Black Masculinity

David Lewis-Colman Maya Poran Erin Augis

Thomas Ng History

Race Music in the 1960-70’s Carter Jones Meyer

David Lewis-Colman Philip Cotroneo

Corey O’Connell American Studies & Contemporary Arts

Narrative Adaptations

Peter Campbell

Edward Shannon Tobin Addington

Kaitlyn Pollock History

Presidents as Outsiders

Stephen Rice

Carter Jones Meyer Michael Fluhr

Matthew Diamond Biology & Theater

Aaron Rampersadsingh Emergence and Mind Psychology

Emily Abbey

James Morley Lisa Cassidy

William Mitchell

Susan Petro Sandra Suarez

Nicole Rodstrom Biology

Population Genetics of Canis Lupus

Tiffany Simons Chemistry

Structures of Inorganic Solids Stephen Anderson

Robert Shine Anita Brandolini

Monique Simpson Biochemistry

Prostaglandins and Osteoblast Differentiation

Thomas Owen

Seung-Sup Kim Jay Carreon

Caitlin Steeves Social Work

Careers in Social Work Curriculum

Cort Engelken

Stoyan Stoyanov International Marketing Strategic Petkus International Studies Alliances: An Event Study Analysis & International Business of Short- and Long-Term Consequences Ashley Tobin Communication Arts

Green, Tan & Pink

Regina Clark

Mihail Velikov Numerical Solution of Differential Maxim Goldberg-Rugalev Business Admin Equations Arising from Economics

Kim Lorber John McLaughlin Desislava Budeva Ed James Woodley

Valerie Wesley Mary Cicitta Kenneth McMurdy Jason Hecht

The Office of the Provost would like to recognize the gracious assistance of all whose work makes our acknowledgement of student achievement possible today.

We especially thank the Deans, conveners, and faculty who took the time to carefully assess the contributions of their students in consideration of these awards.

Our greatest appreciation is extended to those students honored today, and to the many students whose achievements made the choice of honorees a difficult one. Their excellent academic achievement and co-curricular activities are the life of Ramapo College.

Finance & Mathematics

CERTIFICATE IN COLLEGE HONORS Mariya Bistrina – Accounting Melissa Crowe – Accounting Daniela Georgieva – Biology/Chemistry Lori Gough – Biology Michele Jastrzembski – Mathematics Jaclyn Kedzierski - Mathematics Tracy Lanzilotti – Visual Arts Joseph Lewandowski – Communication Arts Rebecca Soltan – Psychology Viktoriya Staneva – Business Administration - Finance Bethany Walton – Biochemistry Isabelle Weishaar – Biology


William Frech

Alexandre Olbrecht

Tobin Addington

Linda Gilman

Thomas Owen

Mary Ellen Allison

Maxim Goldberg-Rugalev

Ellen Ross

Steven Baltin

Mary Ellen O’Grady Harvey Edward Saiff

Michael Bitz

Eric Haye

Anita Brandolini

Jason Hecht

Peter Scheckner Edward Shannon

Juan Cabrera

Thomas Heed

Cherie Sherman

Lisa Cassidy

Karl Johnson

Walter Stead

Joseph Cataliotti

Elvira Katic

Anita Stellenwerf

Mary Cicitta

Elizabeth Keenan

Matthew Swarts

Regina Clark

David Lewis-Colman

Jeremy Teigen

Philip Cotroneo

Richard Lowell

Ben Pangyen Weng

Lawrence D’Antonio

Carter Jones Meyer

Eric Wiener

Cort Engelken

William Mitchell

Kathryn Yeaton

Arthur Felix

James Morley

Kathryn Zeno

SCHOOL AWARDS FOR OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT School of American and International Studies, Dr. Hassan Nejad, Dean Corey O’Connell American Studies Thomas W. Ng History Elizabeth A. Gilmour International Studies Gretchen Kaser Literature Boris Glazman Political Science Sarah Hildebrand Spanish Language Studies Samuel Z. Corman Book Prize Elizabeth A. Gimour Faculty-Student Research Award Anisfield School of Business, Dr. Lewis Chakrin, Dean Katie L. Callahan Accounting Adam Biener Economics Viktoriya Staneva Finance Christina M. Senyk Information Systems Stoyan Stoyanov International Business Melissa Laaninen Management Anthony Siciliano Marketing Paul Coraggio Book Prize School of Contemporary Arts, Mr. Steven Perry, Dean Glenn H. Rosenthal Communications Arts: Design and Interactive Media Victoria Matthews Communications Arts: Digital Filmmaking Joseph M. Lewandowski Communications Arts: Journalism Lauren S. Miglionica Communications Arts: Media Cinema Studies Annie E. Davis Communications Arts: Writing Judith Levin Contemporary Arts Lindsay Sanchez Music Chelsea Collins Theater David L. Borst Visual Arts Diana Hartman Book Prize School of Social Science and Human Services, Dr. Samuel Rosenberg, Dean Alexander P. Sim Environmental Studies Rosanne Sessa Law & Society Devin Monteverde Psychology Gabriela Decandia Psychology Kristen M. Potanka Social Science Caitlin C. Steeves Social Work Erich Jost Sociology Diana C. Sensale Book Prize Kathryn A. Slavin NASW Student Social Work Scholarship Jonathan L. Panico Herbert Wortreich Award Casey A. Castronova The Carol Schaefer Human Services/Shepherd Foundation Award Caitlin L. Helmstetter The Carol Schaefer Human Services/Shepherd Foundation Award Lydia Lipsy The Carol Schaefer Human Services/Shepherd Foundation Award

School of Theoretical and Applied Science, Dr. Bernard Langer, Dean Monique E. Simpson Biochemistry Waleed M. Haso Bioinformatics Michael J. Allen Biology Natalia A. Pieratos Biology Graeme Gardner Chemistry Viktor Vasilev Computer Science Sean P. Degennaro Engineering Physics Kimberly L. Rodgers Environmental Science Mihail Velikov Mathematics Virginia Cuce Nursing MSN Yuliya Lyakh-Klinchik Book Prize Sandralynn Veech Faculty-Student Research Award



SCHOOL AWARDS FOR OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT School of American and International Studies, Dr. Hassan Nejad, Dean Corey O’Connell American Studies Thomas W. Ng History Elizabeth A. Gilmour International Studies Gretchen Kaser Literature Boris Glazman Political Science Sarah Hildebrand Spanish Language Studies Samuel Z. Corman Book Prize Elizabeth A. Gimour Faculty-Student Research Award Anisfield School of Business, Dr. Lewis Chakrin, Dean Katie L. Callahan Accounting Adam Biener Economics Viktoriya Staneva Finance Christina M. Senyk Information Systems Stoyan Stoyanov International Business Melissa Laaninen Management Anthony Siciliano Marketing Paul Coraggio Book Prize School of Contemporary Arts, Mr. Steven Perry, Dean Glenn H. Rosenthal Communications Arts: Design and Interactive Media Victoria Matthews Communications Arts: Digital Filmmaking Joseph M. Lewandowski Communications Arts: Journalism Lauren S. Miglionica Communications Arts: Media Cinema Studies Annie E. Davis Communications Arts: Writing Judith Levin Contemporary Arts Lindsay Sanchez Music Chelsea Collins Theater David L. Borst Visual Arts Diana Hartman Book Prize School of Social Science and Human Services, Dr. Samuel Rosenberg, Dean Alexander P. Sim Environmental Studies Rosanne Sessa Law & Society Devin Monteverde Psychology Gabriela Decandia Psychology Kristen M. Potanka Social Science Caitlin C. Steeves Social Work Erich Jost Sociology Diana C. Sensale Book Prize Kathryn A. Slavin NASW Student Social Work Scholarship Jonathan L. Panico Herbert Wortreich Award Casey A. Castronova The Carol Schaefer Human Services/Shepherd Foundation Award Caitlin L. Helmstetter The Carol Schaefer Human Services/Shepherd Foundation Award Lydia Lipsy The Carol Schaefer Human Services/Shepherd Foundation Award

School of Theoretical and Applied Science, Dr. Bernard Langer, Dean Monique E. Simpson Biochemistry Waleed M. Haso Bioinformatics Michael J. Allen Biology Natalia A. Pieratos Biology Graeme Gardner Chemistry Viktor Vasilev Computer Science Sean P. Degennaro Engineering Physics Kimberly L. Rodgers Environmental Science Mihail Velikov Mathematics Virginia Cuce Nursing MSN Yuliya Lyakh-Klinchik Book Prize Sandralynn Veech Faculty-Student Research Award



Finance & Mathematics

CERTIFICATE IN COLLEGE HONORS Mariya Bistrina – Accounting Melissa Crowe – Accounting Daniela Georgieva – Biology/Chemistry Lori Gough – Biology Michele Jastrzembski – Mathematics Jaclyn Kedzierski - Mathematics Tracy Lanzilotti – Visual Arts Joseph Lewandowski – Communication Arts Rebecca Soltan – Psychology Viktoriya Staneva – Business Administration - Finance Bethany Walton – Biochemistry Isabelle Weishaar – Biology


William Frech

Alexandre Olbrecht

Tobin Addington

Linda Gilman

Thomas Owen

Mary Ellen Allison

Maxim Goldberg-Rugalev

Ellen Ross

Steven Baltin

Mary Ellen O’Grady Harvey Edward Saiff

Michael Bitz

Eric Haye

Peter Scheckner

Anita Brandolini

Jason Hecht

Edward Shannon

Juan Cabrera

Thomas Heed

Cherie Sherman Walter Stead

Lisa Cassidy

Karl Johnson

Joseph Cataliotti

Elvira Katic

Anita Stellenwerf

Mary Cicitta

Elizabeth Keenan

Matthew Swarts

Regina Clark

David Lewis-Colman

Jeremy Teigen

Philip Cotroneo

Richard Lowell

Ben Pangyen Weng

Lawrence D’Antonio

Carter Jones Meyer

Eric Wiener

Cort Engelken

William Mitchell

Kathryn Yeaton

Arthur Felix

James Morley

Kathryn Zeno

HONORS CONVOCATION April 28, 2010 3 p.m. Friends Hall

ORDER OF EVENTS Introduction and Greetings by Dr. Beth Barnett, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs College Honors Program Awards presented by Dr. Marta Vides Saade, Honors Program Director School Awards for Outstanding Academic Achievement presented by the Deans Anisfield School of Business – Dr. Lewis Chakrin American and International Studies – Dr. Hassan M. Nejad Contemporary Arts – Mr. Steven Perry Social Science and Human Services – Dr. Samuel Rosenberg Theoretical and Applied Science – Dr. Bernard Langer Lee Sennish Prize presented by Ms. Katherine McGee, Director of the Women’s Center American Federation of Teachers Local 2274 Graduate School Scholarship presented by Ms. Irene Kuchta, President of AFT Local 2274 Closing Remarks by Dr. Peter P. Mercer, President Alma Mater Reception to follow in the Alumni Lounge Music Provided by: Mack Brandon Vocal Performance by: Adam Posluszny

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