Upcoming events • EOF Graduating Senior Luncheon • EOF Etiquette Dinner • Chi Alpha Epsilon Pen Pal Visiting Day • SSHS Mentorship/Research Program and Teacher Certification Luncheon • Boys & Girls Scout College Tour • National Action Network Conference • EOF ASB Mentorship Luncheon • NJ Nursing Student Association Conference • STEM: Speaker Series • Graduate School Shadowing Marita Esposito (third from left) and members of the EOF Student Leadership Organization.
• Mentoring in Medicine: Yes, I can be a Health Professional • NJ Academy of Science Conference • TAS Major Meetings
Director’s Corner It is with great pleasure that we bring to you the second edition of the Educational Opportunity Fund Program newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to communicate EOF program news, student activities and accomplishments to the Ramapo College community and program alumni. The EOF tree (front cover) planted in 2002 remains deeply rooted, tall and beautiful while serving as the symbolic representation of the Ramapo College EOF program and its students.
EOF is now on Orgsync! EOF is now on Orgsync, a quick and easy way to stay updated and informed. After following the simple steps to creating an account and joining the EOF group, you will have access to applications, forms, event calendars, program updates, and more!
I would like to thank the Bergen County Chapter of the American Conference on Diversity for recognizing the accomplishments of the program and for presenting us with a Humanitarian Award in recognition of the program’s contribution to society. The EOF staff: Our two most recent professional staff additions, Erika Vega and Marita Esposito, completed their first full academic year with the EOF team. Along, with Nicole Baker, they Fall 2012 Volume 2 Issue 2 make up our exceptional Student Development Specialist staff. Dee Foreman is the program’s Associate Director, and the hard work and dedication that she InsIde thIs Issue director’s Corner .....................................1 brings to the program each and every day are invaluable. The person ensuring 2012 Graduates ........................................2 that everything runs smoothly and in many ways serves as our first responder is Alumni......................................................2 Natasha Rodriguez, our Office Manager and Student Staff Supervisor. student development specialists ............3
To Get Started: 1. Go to Orgsync.com 2. Click “Sign Up” 3. Complete account and profile information 4. Browse Organization and search under “Browse by Category” 5. Click “Departmental” and join the Educational Opportunity Fund Program
Last semester, EOF nursing students attended the New Jersey Nursing Student, Inc., 59th Annual Convention in Atlantic City.
We in EOF are continually developing and/or working to improve the services and opportunities that we deliver to students, some of which are described in this newsletter. However, much of what we do would not be possible without the assistance of our colleagues and faculty here at Ramapo, so on behalf of the program and its students I thank all who contribute to our success. Lastly, I must reserve a special thanks to Santali Villafane whose tireless effort made the second edition of our newsletter possible.
EOF tree
The Chi Alpha Epsilon Pen Pal Program pairs K-12 students with Ramapo College student mentors for the purpose of mentorship and college awareness. Mentors and mentees write to one another for a period of two semesters, culminating with all participants meeting in the spring semester at Ramapo College.
Lorne Weems, Director, EOF
Chi Alpha epsilon .....................................4 dean’s List................................................4 Faculty Mentor Program ..........................5 study Abroad............................................5 senior dinner...........................................5 Pushing Boundaries to success...............6 eOF summer Program 2012 ....................7 upcoming events .....................................8 eOF on Orgsync ........................................8 student Leadership Organization ............8 nursing students .....................................8 Chi Alpha epsilon Pen Pal Program.........8
Visit the EOF website at: http://ww2.ramapo.edu/EOF3/ index.aspx Join our Group on Facebook: EOF, Ramapo College of New Jersey
63 EOF students graduated last year
OF embarked upon new summer 2012 program initiatives and as a result enhancements were made to the summer academic curriculum. For the first time, Social Issues, Perspectives of Business and Elementary Algebra Topics were offered during the summer program, allowing students the opportunity to get a jump start on their School Core requirements. The academic component was vigorous however 100% of the credits attempted by the students were successfully completed. As always, The Potter library staff did an exceptional job delivering the information literacy program to our students. The Deans of all five schools and their faculty once again participated in the academic exposure program, where our students were not only introduced to the school majors, but also experienced simulated classes and discussions involving career choices. The career exposure component consisted of visits to UPS World Technologies Headquarters, Global Soft Digital, Englewood Hospital &Medical Center, and the Bergen County Justice Center. There are countless individuals here at Ramapo that play an integral role in the success of the EOF summer program, however, limited space only allows for the acknowledgement of a special few: Donald Fucci, Dorothy Gillman, Jose Vallejo, and Judy May.
Michael Dillard, EOF Alumni “I’ve been an EOF student at other colleges, however, there was such a great connection with the EOF team at Ramapo…I appreciate all that EOF has done for me.”
Dr. Donald Fucci, Professor of Literature, SSAIS
Date of graduation: May 2007 Hometown: Newark, NJ Major at Ramapo: Business Administration with a concentration in management Master’s Degree: Public Administration Currently working towards a Doctorate in Educational Leadership Current Professional Position: Regional Director of Program Supportive Services at Emeritus Senior Living
Has taught in the EOF Program since 1971 Hometown: Jersey City, NJ Education: B.A., M.A., New Jersey City University and Ed. D. Rutgers University Academic Convener and writing professor during the EOF Summer Program
“EOF students reenergize me. I have found them to be the most interesting and interested students at Ramapo. Some advice I give to EOF students is to be curious, stay interested, and want more.”
Pushing Boundaries to Success
Student Development Specialists Q: Please explain how you acquired your internship.
Q: How has EOF helped you with your success? A: Unfortunately, the general consensus about EOF on the Ramapo College campus is that it is purely a financial assistance program. To me, EOF is much more than dollars and cents. Although the aid is great, I feel that it is a community of people sharing similar experiences.
A: A company was recommended to me by Denise Sawyer Johnson from the Anisfield School of Business. I went on the Stryker website and noticed there was an opening and I decided to submit my resume. Then after a few weeks, I was contacted to schedule an interview with the manager of the Accounts Payable department at Stryker Spine.
Q: If there was any advice you could give to students who are interested in pursuing the Nursing Program, what would it be? A: Nursing is a wonderfully rewarding field to get into. The best advice that I could give to a student interested in pursuing a nursing career is to get a job in the field. Experience is the only way to truly know if you can see yourself in the position. Nursing is not an easy job. It takes dedication, time, and most importantly, patience.
your success?
Q: How has EOF helped you with
A: EOF has been an extraordinary contributor to my success, starting with my advisor Nicole Baker. She has been by my side since I started my journey at Ramapo, by making sure that I stayed on top of my academic studies, which has led to the possibility of graduating with enough credits to take the CPA exam upon graduation. Being eligible to take the exam upon graduation was one of the main reasons why I was offered the internship.
Name: MOLLY SENSE Hometown: Rochelle Park Class of 2013 Major: Nursing
Nicole Baker, Career Development Coordinator Nicole Baker serves as the liaison to the Cahill Center and the Anisfield School of Business. We are currently in the second year of the EOF/ASB Mentoring Program and thirteen students majoring in business are now paired with volunteer ASB faculty serving as mentors. Last semester an invitation was extended for EOF students to participate in a professional mentorship program with the employees of KPMG, one of the world’s most respected accounting firms. Nicole also coordinates the EOF Graduate and Professional School Preparation Program. The GPSPP is designed to provide support services and financial assistance to a select number of students who have demonstrated an interest and potential for graduate/professional school. This semester twenty-five students are registered in the program and 18 of them will take the GRE, MCAT, GMAT or PCAT exam.
Marita Esposito, Coordinator of Leadership and Student Activities
Name: IGNAMIL FERMIN Hometown: Paterson Class of 2013 Major: Accounting Intern at Stryker
Q: How has EOF helped you with your success? A: Over the past three years, EOF has been very helpful. My advisor not only helped me with creating my schedule each semester, but she has also helped me get through the days when I felt down. However, my advisor is not the only person who helped me over these past few years. Everyone in the EOF office has always been really helpful and is concerned about me on a personal level, which is something I truly appreciate. EOF has been my backbone and has helped me get to where I am now. For that, I am very thankful.
Current initiatives Marita Esposito directly manages include but are not limited to: the Student Leaders Organization, SSHS Research and Mentorship Program, and the EOF Teacher Certification Preparatory Program. The EOF Student Leaders Organization (SLO) assists in the facilitation of programming that specifically target students in their freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year. The SSHS Research and Mentorship program provides research and mentorship opportunities to students in their prospective fields of study. The EOF Teacher Certification Preparatory Program provides preparation for the PRAXIS I exam.
Q: How has the EOF program contributed to your academic accomplishments? A: The EOF Program is essential to my success. This program offers a great amount of support, including financial support which allows students to focus more on their studies. Also, having an EOF advisor affords me the opportunity to have two advisors, while my peers only have access to one. This gives me the opportunity to easily find help as it is needed.
Q: Please explain how you balance the responsibilities of being a student athlete with your academic studies.
Q: How important do you think it is for EOF students to take the initiative to acquire leadership positions on campus?
A: As a student athlete, keeping a schedule and following it is extremely vital to my success. I record all my homework due dates, and allot enough time to complete my work. I also use my phone to keep records of everything else I need to do as well. My academic responsibilities are the most important, then my responsibilities as an athlete, and all other responsibilities follow.
A: A leader is a prestigious role that all EOF students should strive to achieve. A leadership position can offer priceless opportunities to shape the campus environment, and EOF students should take advantage of that. Upper-class EOF students should be leaders through their mentorship, as we can guide our younger students along the right path.
Name: ANITA ROGERS Hometown: Wyckoff Class of 2013 Major: Business Management Minor: Psychology Sport: Track and Field *2012 NJAC Champion*
Name: MACRAE FRANCIS Hometown: Paterson Class of 2014 Major: Accounting
Erika Vega, Coordinator of Instructional Support Services and EOF STEM program
Erika coordinates the EOF STEM Program. Its mission is to increase the number of EOF students who successfully complete undergraduate degrees in the STEM and Pre-health fields. Students are supported through their academic, professional, and personal development through the lens of future STEM/Pre-health professional partners. Academically students will be challenged to maintain a high GPA, consistently evaluate their four year plans, and seek academic assistance. The Supplemental Instruction program (SI) coordinated by Erika provides academic assistance in courses that have been historically challenging for our students. Our two most recent professional staff additions, Erika Vega and Marita Esposito, have completed their first full year on our EOF team this semester. Along, with Nicole Baker, they make up our exceptional student development specialist staff.
Faculty Mentorship Program
Chi Alpha Epsilon Academic Honor Society
ounded at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Chi Alpha Epsilon Academic Honor Society was organized in 1989. Responding to an increased need to acknowledge the continuing successes of students in the Academic Development Program and recognizing that students who share similar experiences could serve as significant models for others, a Greek letter honor society was proposed by Dr. Elbert Saddler. Members of XAE pledge to continue to excel academically, promote academic excellence in others, and to help those who genuinely aspire to the same goals.
ast year’s emphasis to foster student/faculty involvement has resulted in continued and productive opportunities for our students. Our faculty mentorship program, faculty research and teacher education preparatory program’s continue to provide our students with opportunities for scholarship, professional preparation and academic success. Majeda Sultana was one of four students from Professor Donna Crawley’s Research Methods and Data Analyses course who traveled to Chicago to the National Convention of the Association for Psychological Science. Majeda and her research partners assisted with presenting the findings of Dr. Crawley’s research project, which examined the question of whether the ability to savor small pleasures is diminished when people are primed to think about wealth. Does a concern with money decrease small pleasures? According to Dr. Crawley, “Our research indicates that for some people, it does.” Congratulations Dr. Crawley and your team of research assistants.
(Top photo) On May 1, 2012, Dr. Jackie Ehlert-Mercer hosted the 1st Annual EOF Graduating Senior Etiquette Dinner, graciously facilitated by Theresa Salameno (right).
Since their arrival here to Ramapo College, President Peter P. Mercer and Dr. Jacqueline Elhert-Mercer have hosted receptions at the start of each fall semester welcoming EOF first year students to the College. The programs offer the Mercers the opportunity to meet and greet our new students, but more importantly it allows them to personally emphasize the dedication and commitment that Ramapo College has to the success of the students in the EOF program.
Membership in Chi Alpha Epsilon is offered to eligible students and alumni who hold a 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. for two consecutive full-time semesters and who were admitted to the college/university via developmental or higher education opportunity type programs are eligible for membership. Alpha Chi Chapter at Ramapo College of New Jersey was founded by eighteen members on May 1, 2000. Since 2000, there have been over 270 students inducted into the Ramapo Chapter of Chi Alpha Epsilon Academic Honor Society. Chi Alpha Epsilon hosted the 11th annual Induction and Pinning Ceremony on October 28, 2012. A total of 45 students were inducted or upgraded in 2012-2013. The following students were inducted or upgraded on October 28, 2012: Lina damrah** Kadiann Afflick Yisel espinal Jennifer Alfonso** Anthony Fama solange Alvarado Jacquelyn Feliciano** Gavin Baker tanayah Flores Alibiroz Bayat Macrae Francis** Chase Burns Rosa Gomez Arely Cesti Lee-Anna John Kathia Cintron Jene Jones Angie Cisneros Valmira Kaba** danielle Corcione Rudina Kajacka** Ashley Cummings
Runa Khanom** thanh Lai** Catherine McCarthy Ruqiya Mohamud Rachael O’Brien** daysi Orellana Yanirys Perez Porfirio Rodriguez Crystal Roman Iteona Roundtree Molly senese**
eugene song Karol sosa Andres suarez Carmen trujillo sofia trujillo-Gomez Parker tubman Alexandra Vasquez eric Vitale Aloha Wilkins
Study Abroad
he EOF program supports and encourages student participation in international or study abroad programs.
Within the past year, EOF students participated in the following Study Abroad/Alternative Spring Break programs: Hawaii, India, China, Sierra Leone, Guatemala, and Costa Rica. Vince Maggio, EOF class of 2013, studied abroad at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. “Studying a semester in Hawaii was one of the best decisions I ever made and was worth every penny. This trip served as a great tool for broadening my understanding of environmental studies as well as how other people view worldly problems. By understanding both what individuals from other cultures valued and why they put such meaning behind them, I became more open minded in accepting differences at all angles. I then took a glance within myself and cleared previous ambiguities about things that I had not be aware of. I feel stronger about the things I care for and appreciate the little things that used to be too small to sense. The endless adventures that were filled with the excitement of newness made this trip worthwhile to say the least.”
**students who were upgraded
Dean’s List Spring 2012 Jennifer Alfonso Solange Alvarado Maria Ameralis Sonia Amladi Claude Barnes Alibiroz Bayat Chase Burns
Danielle Corcione Victoria Cramer Lina Damrah Yisel Espinal Jacquelyn Feliciano Macrae Francis Valmira Kaba
Rudina Kajacka Runa Khanom Thanh Lai Julian Morales Alysha Marengo Rachael O’Brien Yanirys Perez
Iteona Roundtree Eugene Song Andres Suarez Sofia Trujillo Gomez Parker Tubman Esther Wasserman-Plaza Brianne Woods *students who earned a 4.0
Yisel Vasquez, Sierra Leone
Currently, there are two EOF students studying abroad: Jennifer Mejia, senior, in Italy, and Kathia Cintron, sophomore, in Barcelona. We look forward to welcoming them back soon, and hearing about their wonderful experiences.
In partnership with the Teacher Education Program, EOF has developed an Alternative Spring Program in the Dominican Republic which will begin in March 2013. 5
Faculty Mentorship Program
Chi Alpha Epsilon Academic Honor Society
ounded at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Chi Alpha Epsilon Academic Honor Society was organized in 1989. Responding to an increased need to acknowledge the continuing successes of students in the Academic Development Program and recognizing that students who share similar experiences could serve as significant models for others, a Greek letter honor society was proposed by Dr. Elbert Saddler. Members of XAE pledge to continue to excel academically, promote academic excellence in others, and to help those who genuinely aspire to the same goals.
ast year’s emphasis to foster student/faculty involvement has resulted in continued and productive opportunities for our students. Our faculty mentorship program, faculty research and teacher education preparatory program’s continue to provide our students with opportunities for scholarship, professional preparation and academic success. Majeda Sultana was one of four students from Professor Donna Crawley’s Research Methods and Data Analyses course who traveled to Chicago to the National Convention of the Association for Psychological Science. Majeda and her research partners assisted with presenting the findings of Dr. Crawley’s research project, which examined the question of whether the ability to savor small pleasures is diminished when people are primed to think about wealth. Does a concern with money decrease small pleasures? According to Dr. Crawley, “Our research indicates that for some people, it does.” Congratulations Dr. Crawley and your team of research assistants.
(Top photo) On May 1, 2012, Dr. Jackie Ehlert-Mercer hosted the 1st Annual EOF Graduating Senior Etiquette Dinner, graciously facilitated by Theresa Salameno (right).
Since their arrival here to Ramapo College, President Peter P. Mercer and Dr. Jacqueline Elhert-Mercer have hosted receptions at the start of each fall semester welcoming EOF first year students to the College. The programs offer the Mercers the opportunity to meet and greet our new students, but more importantly it allows them to personally emphasize the dedication and commitment that Ramapo College has to the success of the students in the EOF program.
Membership in Chi Alpha Epsilon is offered to eligible students and alumni who hold a 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. for two consecutive full-time semesters and who were admitted to the college/university via developmental or higher education opportunity type programs are eligible for membership. Alpha Chi Chapter at Ramapo College of New Jersey was founded by eighteen members on May 1, 2000. Since 2000, there have been over 270 students inducted into the Ramapo Chapter of Chi Alpha Epsilon Academic Honor Society. Chi Alpha Epsilon hosted the 11th annual Induction and Pinning Ceremony on October 28, 2012. A total of 45 students were inducted or upgraded in 2012-2013. The following students were inducted or upgraded on October 28, 2012: Lina damrah** Kadiann Afflick Yisel espinal Jennifer Alfonso** Anthony Fama solange Alvarado Jacquelyn Feliciano** Gavin Baker tanayah Flores Alibiroz Bayat Macrae Francis** Chase Burns Rosa Gomez Arely Cesti Lee-Anna John Kathia Cintron Jene Jones Angie Cisneros Valmira Kaba** danielle Corcione Rudina Kajacka** Ashley Cummings
Runa Khanom** thanh Lai** Catherine McCarthy Ruqiya Mohamud Rachael O’Brien** daysi Orellana Yanirys Perez Porfirio Rodriguez Crystal Roman Iteona Roundtree Molly senese**
eugene song Karol sosa Andres suarez Carmen trujillo sofia trujillo-Gomez Parker tubman Alexandra Vasquez eric Vitale Aloha Wilkins
Study Abroad
he EOF program supports and encourages student participation in international or study abroad programs.
Within the past year, EOF students participated in the following Study Abroad/Alternative Spring Break programs: Hawaii, India, China, Sierra Leone, Guatemala, and Costa Rica. Vince Maggio, EOF class of 2013, studied abroad at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. “Studying a semester in Hawaii was one of the best decisions I ever made and was worth every penny. This trip served as a great tool for broadening my understanding of environmental studies as well as how other people view worldly problems. By understanding both what individuals from other cultures valued and why they put such meaning behind them, I became more open minded in accepting differences at all angles. I then took a glance within myself and cleared previous ambiguities about things that I had not be aware of. I feel stronger about the things I care for and appreciate the little things that used to be too small to sense. The endless adventures that were filled with the excitement of newness made this trip worthwhile to say the least.”
**students who were upgraded
Dean’s List Spring 2012 Jennifer Alfonso Solange Alvarado Maria Ameralis Sonia Amladi Claude Barnes Alibiroz Bayat Chase Burns
Danielle Corcione Victoria Cramer Lina Damrah Yisel Espinal Jacquelyn Feliciano Macrae Francis Valmira Kaba
Rudina Kajacka Runa Khanom Thanh Lai Julian Morales Alysha Marengo Rachael O’Brien Yanirys Perez
Iteona Roundtree Eugene Song Andres Suarez Sofia Trujillo Gomez Parker Tubman Esther Wasserman-Plaza Brianne Woods *students who earned a 4.0
Yisel Vasquez, Sierra Leone
Currently, there are two EOF students studying abroad: Jennifer Mejia, senior, in Italy, and Kathia Cintron, sophomore, in Barcelona. We look forward to welcoming them back soon, and hearing about their wonderful experiences.
In partnership with the Teacher Education Program, EOF has developed an Alternative Spring Program in the Dominican Republic which will begin in March 2013. 5
Pushing Boundaries to Success
Student Development Specialists Q: Please explain how you acquired your internship.
Q: How has EOF helped you with your success? A: Unfortunately, the general consensus about EOF on the Ramapo College campus is that it is purely a financial assistance program. To me, EOF is much more than dollars and cents. Although the aid is great, I feel that it is a community of people sharing similar experiences.
A: A company was recommended to me by Denise Sawyer Johnson from the Anisfield School of Business. I went on the Stryker website and noticed there was an opening and I decided to submit my resume. Then after a few weeks, I was contacted to schedule an interview with the manager of the Accounts Payable department at Stryker Spine.
Q: If there was any advice you could give to students who are interested in pursuing the Nursing Program, what would it be? A: Nursing is a wonderfully rewarding field to get into. The best advice that I could give to a student interested in pursuing a nursing career is to get a job in the field. Experience is the only way to truly know if you can see yourself in the position. Nursing is not an easy job. It takes dedication, time, and most importantly, patience.
your success?
Q: How has EOF helped you with
A: EOF has been an extraordinary contributor to my success, starting with my advisor Nicole Baker. She has been by my side since I started my journey at Ramapo, by making sure that I stayed on top of my academic studies, which has led to the possibility of graduating with enough credits to take the CPA exam upon graduation. Being eligible to take the exam upon graduation was one of the main reasons why I was offered the internship.
Name: MOLLY SENSE Hometown: Rochelle Park Class of 2013 Major: Nursing
Nicole Baker, Career Development Coordinator Nicole Baker serves as the liaison to the Cahill Center and the Anisfield School of Business. We are currently in the second year of the EOF/ASB Mentoring Program and thirteen students majoring in business are now paired with volunteer ASB faculty serving as mentors. Last semester an invitation was extended for EOF students to participate in a professional mentorship program with the employees of KPMG, one of the world’s most respected accounting firms. Nicole also coordinates the EOF Graduate and Professional School Preparation Program. The GPSPP is designed to provide support services and financial assistance to a select number of students who have demonstrated an interest and potential for graduate/professional school. This semester twenty-five students are registered in the program and 18 of them will take the GRE, MCAT, GMAT or PCAT exam.
Marita Esposito, Coordinator of Leadership and Student Activities
Name: IGNAMIL FERMIN Hometown: Paterson Class of 2013 Major: Accounting Intern at Stryker
Q: How has EOF helped you with your success? A: Over the past three years, EOF has been very helpful. My advisor not only helped me with creating my schedule each semester, but she has also helped me get through the days when I felt down. However, my advisor is not the only person who helped me over these past few years. Everyone in the EOF office has always been really helpful and is concerned about me on a personal level, which is something I truly appreciate. EOF has been my backbone and has helped me get to where I am now. For that, I am very thankful.
Current initiatives Marita Esposito directly manages include but are not limited to: the Student Leaders Organization, SSHS Research and Mentorship Program, and the EOF Teacher Certification Preparatory Program. The EOF Student Leaders Organization (SLO) assists in the facilitation of programming that specifically target students in their freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year. The SSHS Research and Mentorship program provides research and mentorship opportunities to students in their prospective fields of study. The EOF Teacher Certification Preparatory Program provides preparation for the PRAXIS I exam.
Q: How has the EOF program contributed to your academic accomplishments? A: The EOF Program is essential to my success. This program offers a great amount of support, including financial support which allows students to focus more on their studies. Also, having an EOF advisor affords me the opportunity to have two advisors, while my peers only have access to one. This gives me the opportunity to easily find help as it is needed.
Q: Please explain how you balance the responsibilities of being a student athlete with your academic studies.
Q: How important do you think it is for EOF students to take the initiative to acquire leadership positions on campus?
A: As a student athlete, keeping a schedule and following it is extremely vital to my success. I record all my homework due dates, and allot enough time to complete my work. I also use my phone to keep records of everything else I need to do as well. My academic responsibilities are the most important, then my responsibilities as an athlete, and all other responsibilities follow.
A: A leader is a prestigious role that all EOF students should strive to achieve. A leadership position can offer priceless opportunities to shape the campus environment, and EOF students should take advantage of that. Upper-class EOF students should be leaders through their mentorship, as we can guide our younger students along the right path.
Name: ANITA ROGERS Hometown: Wyckoff Class of 2013 Major: Business Management Minor: Psychology Sport: Track and Field *2012 NJAC Champion*
Name: MACRAE FRANCIS Hometown: Paterson Class of 2014 Major: Accounting
Erika Vega, Coordinator of Instructional Support Services and EOF STEM program
Erika coordinates the EOF STEM Program. Its mission is to increase the number of EOF students who successfully complete undergraduate degrees in the STEM and Pre-health fields. Students are supported through their academic, professional, and personal development through the lens of future STEM/Pre-health professional partners. Academically students will be challenged to maintain a high GPA, consistently evaluate their four year plans, and seek academic assistance. The Supplemental Instruction program (SI) coordinated by Erika provides academic assistance in courses that have been historically challenging for our students. Our two most recent professional staff additions, Erika Vega and Marita Esposito, have completed their first full year on our EOF team this semester. Along, with Nicole Baker, they make up our exceptional student development specialist staff.
63 EOF students graduated last year
OF embarked upon new summer 2012 program initiatives and as a result enhancements were made to the summer academic curriculum. For the first time, Social Issues, Perspectives of Business and Elementary Algebra Topics were offered during the summer program, allowing students the opportunity to get a jump start on their School Core requirements. The academic component was vigorous however 100% of the credits attempted by the students were successfully completed. As always, The Potter library staff did an exceptional job delivering the information literacy program to our students. The Deans of all five schools and their faculty once again participated in the academic exposure program, where our students were not only introduced to the school majors, but also experienced simulated classes and discussions involving career choices. The career exposure component consisted of visits to UPS World Technologies Headquarters, Global Soft Digital, Englewood Hospital &Medical Center, and the Bergen County Justice Center. There are countless individuals here at Ramapo that play an integral role in the success of the EOF summer program, however, limited space only allows for the acknowledgement of a special few: Donald Fucci, Dorothy Gillman, Jose Vallejo, and Judy May.
Michael Dillard, EOF Alumni “I’ve been an EOF student at other colleges, however, there was such a great connection with the EOF team at Ramapo…I appreciate all that EOF has done for me.”
Dr. Donald Fucci, Professor of Literature, SSAIS
Date of graduation: May 2007 Hometown: Newark, NJ Major at Ramapo: Business Administration with a concentration in management Master’s Degree: Public Administration Currently working towards a Doctorate in Educational Leadership Current Professional Position: Regional Director of Program Supportive Services at Emeritus Senior Living
Has taught in the EOF Program since 1971 Hometown: Jersey City, NJ Education: B.A., M.A., New Jersey City University and Ed. D. Rutgers University Academic Convener and writing professor during the EOF Summer Program
“EOF students reenergize me. I have found them to be the most interesting and interested students at Ramapo. Some advice I give to EOF students is to be curious, stay interested, and want more.”
Upcoming events • EOF Graduating Senior Luncheon • EOF Etiquette Dinner • Chi Alpha Epsilon Pen Pal Visiting Day • SSHS Mentorship/Research Program and Teacher Certification Luncheon • Boys & Girls Scout College Tour • National Action Network Conference • EOF ASB Mentorship Luncheon • NJ Nursing Student Association Conference • STEM: Speaker Series • Graduate School Shadowing Marita Esposito (third from left) and members of the EOF Student Leadership Organization.
• Mentoring in Medicine: Yes, I can be a Health Professional • NJ Academy of Science Conference • TAS Major Meetings
Director’s Corner It is with great pleasure that we bring to you the second edition of the Educational Opportunity Fund Program newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to communicate EOF program news, student activities and accomplishments to the Ramapo College community and program alumni. The EOF tree (front cover) planted in 2002 remains deeply rooted, tall and beautiful while serving as the symbolic representation of the Ramapo College EOF program and its students.
EOF is now on Orgsync! EOF is now on Orgsync, a quick and easy way to stay updated and informed. After following the simple steps to creating an account and joining the EOF group, you will have access to applications, forms, event calendars, program updates, and more!
I would like to thank the Bergen County Chapter of the American Conference on Diversity for recognizing the accomplishments of the program and for presenting us with a Humanitarian Award in recognition of the program’s contribution to society. The EOF staff: Our two most recent professional staff additions, Erika Vega and Marita Esposito, completed their first full academic year with the EOF team. Along, with Nicole Baker, they Fall 2012 Volume 2 Issue 2 make up our exceptional Student Development Specialist staff. Dee Foreman is the program’s Associate Director, and the hard work and dedication that she InsIde thIs Issue director’s Corner .....................................1 brings to the program each and every day are invaluable. The person ensuring 2012 Graduates ........................................2 that everything runs smoothly and in many ways serves as our first responder is Alumni......................................................2 Natasha Rodriguez, our Office Manager and Student Staff Supervisor. student development specialists ............3
To Get Started: 1. Go to Orgsync.com 2. Click “Sign Up” 3. Complete account and profile information 4. Browse Organization and search under “Browse by Category” 5. Click “Departmental” and join the Educational Opportunity Fund Program
Last semester, EOF nursing students attended the New Jersey Nursing Student, Inc., 59th Annual Convention in Atlantic City.
We in EOF are continually developing and/or working to improve the services and opportunities that we deliver to students, some of which are described in this newsletter. However, much of what we do would not be possible without the assistance of our colleagues and faculty here at Ramapo, so on behalf of the program and its students I thank all who contribute to our success. Lastly, I must reserve a special thanks to Santali Villafane whose tireless effort made the second edition of our newsletter possible.
EOF tree
The Chi Alpha Epsilon Pen Pal Program pairs K-12 students with Ramapo College student mentors for the purpose of mentorship and college awareness. Mentors and mentees write to one another for a period of two semesters, culminating with all participants meeting in the spring semester at Ramapo College.
Lorne Weems, Director, EOF
Chi Alpha epsilon .....................................4 dean’s List................................................4 Faculty Mentor Program ..........................5 study Abroad............................................5 senior dinner...........................................5 Pushing Boundaries to success...............6 eOF summer Program 2012 ....................7 upcoming events .....................................8 eOF on Orgsync ........................................8 student Leadership Organization ............8 nursing students .....................................8 Chi Alpha epsilon Pen Pal Program.........8
Visit the EOF website at: http://ww2.ramapo.edu/EOF3/ index.aspx Join our Group on Facebook: EOF, Ramapo College of New Jersey