EOF Fall 2012 Newsletter

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Upcoming events • EOF Graduating Senior Luncheon • EOF Etiquette Dinner • Chi Alpha Epsilon Pen Pal Visiting Day • SSHS Mentorship/Research Program and Teacher Certification Luncheon • Boys & Girls Scout College Tour • National Action Network Conference • EOF ASB Mentorship Luncheon • NJ Nursing Student Association Conference • STEM: Speaker Series • Graduate School Shadowing Marita Esposito (third from left) and members of the EOF Student Leadership Organization.

• Mentoring in Medicine: Yes, I can be a Health Professional • NJ Academy of Science Conference • TAS Major Meetings

Director’s Corner It is with great pleasure that we bring to you the second edition of the Educational Opportunity Fund Program newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to communicate EOF program news, student activities and accomplishments to the Ramapo College community and program alumni. The EOF tree (front cover) planted in 2002 remains deeply rooted, tall and beautiful while serving as the symbolic representation of the Ramapo College EOF program and its students.

EOF is now on Orgsync! EOF is now on Orgsync, a quick and easy way to stay updated and informed. After following the simple steps to creating an account and joining the EOF group, you will have access to applications, forms, event calendars, program updates, and more!

I would like to thank the Bergen County Chapter of the American Conference on Diversity for recognizing the accomplishments of the program and for presenting us with a Humanitarian Award in recognition of the program’s contribution to society. The EOF staff: Our two most recent professional staff additions, Erika Vega and Marita Esposito, completed their first full academic year with the EOF team. Along, with Nicole Baker, they Fall 2012 Volume 2 Issue 2 make up our exceptional Student Development Specialist staff. Dee Foreman is the program’s Associate Director, and the hard work and dedication that she InsIde thIs Issue director’s Corner .....................................1 brings to the program each and every day are invaluable. The person ensuring 2012 Graduates ........................................2 that everything runs smoothly and in many ways serves as our first responder is Alumni......................................................2 Natasha Rodriguez, our Office Manager and Student Staff Supervisor. student development specialists ............3

To Get Started: 1. Go to Orgsync.com 2. Click “Sign Up” 3. Complete account and profile information 4. Browse Organization and search under “Browse by Category” 5. Click “Departmental” and join the Educational Opportunity Fund Program

Last semester, EOF nursing students attended the New Jersey Nursing Student, Inc., 59th Annual Convention in Atlantic City.

We in EOF are continually developing and/or working to improve the services and opportunities that we deliver to students, some of which are described in this newsletter. However, much of what we do would not be possible without the assistance of our colleagues and faculty here at Ramapo, so on behalf of the program and its students I thank all who contribute to our success. Lastly, I must reserve a special thanks to Santali Villafane whose tireless effort made the second edition of our newsletter possible.

EOF tree

The Chi Alpha Epsilon Pen Pal Program pairs K-12 students with Ramapo College student mentors for the purpose of mentorship and college awareness. Mentors and mentees write to one another for a period of two semesters, culminating with all participants meeting in the spring semester at Ramapo College.



Lorne Weems, Director, EOF

Chi Alpha epsilon .....................................4 dean’s List................................................4 Faculty Mentor Program ..........................5 study Abroad............................................5 senior dinner...........................................5 Pushing Boundaries to success...............6 eOF summer Program 2012 ....................7 upcoming events .....................................8 eOF on Orgsync ........................................8 student Leadership Organization ............8 nursing students .....................................8 Chi Alpha epsilon Pen Pal Program.........8

Visit the EOF website at: http://ww2.ramapo.edu/EOF3/ index.aspx Join our Group on Facebook: EOF, Ramapo College of New Jersey

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