Illuminations 2016

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Student Editor: Elianna Schwartz ‘17 Artwork by: Gabrielle Amar-Ouimet ‘17 Faculty Advisor: Ms. Miriam Krupka



Chanukah 5777, 2016

The Chanukah Story Through a Different Lens

The True Miracle(s) of Chanukah

Elianna Schwartz ‘17, Editor

Matthew Hirschfeld ‘17

It is commonly accepted that the story of Chanukah is not mentioned anywhere within Tanakh. For most of us, knowledge of this holiday comes strictly from what we learn about in the Talmud. There are earlier, extra-biblical sources for Chanukah as well. Maccabees Books 1 and 2 are well-studied books that recount the story of the Hasmonean victory over the Greeks. A more obscure source is Megillat Antiochus, also known as Megillat Chanukah. According to Rav Saadia Gaon, this work was composed by members of the Hasmonean dynasty. Yet

In masechet Shabbat, on Daf 21b, the Talmud deals with a fundamental question which almost all Jews contemplate during Chanukah or the days leading up to it. The Talmud asks a simple seeming question: Why do we celebrate Chanukah? The Talmud responds as follows: The reason we celebrate Chanukah is because when the Greeks entered the Beit Ha’Mikdash (Temple) , they defiled all the oil that had been designated for the lighting of the menorah. After they had succeeded in this military skirmish, the Hasmoneans searched through the

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