Ramaz LS Shabbazine 5785 Vayakhel

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March22,2025 ·


In Parshat Vayakhel, Moshe gathers Bnei Yisrael and reminds them about the most important mitzvah Shabbat. He tells them that even though they are building the Mishkan (Tabernacle), they must stop their work and rest on Shabbat. This teaches us that no matter how important a job is, keeping Shabbat comes first!

Then, Moshe tells the people about the Mishkan again. He asks them to donate gold, silver, copper, and other materials for its construction. The Jewish people are so excited to give that they bring more than enough, and Moshe has to tell them to stop!


In Parshat Vayakhel, Bnei Yisrael bring donations for the Mishkan with so much excitement that they bring too much! Moshe even has to tell them to stop giving because there are more than enough materials. Imagine if your school had a tzedakah drive, and so many kids gave, that the principal had to say, "No more! We have enough!" That’s how much Bnei Yisrael wanted to be part of something special for Hashem. This teaches us an important lesson: when we do mitzvot, we should do them with all our heart and with excitement! Whether it’s giving tzedakah, helping a friend, or davening, we should do it with love and not just because we have to.

This shows us how much they wanted to help and be part of something holy.

Next, we learn about Betzalel and Oholiav, the special builders Hashem chose to create the Mishkan and all its beautiful vessels. They make the Aron (Ark), Menorah, Mizbe’ach (Altar), and other parts exactly as Hashem commanded. The Torah describes how everything was made with care and skill because this was a holy place for Hashem to be among Bnei Yisrael.

Besides Parshat Vayakhel, this week we also read Parshat Parah. This is a special reading about the Parah Adumah (Red Cow), a mitzvah Hashem gave to Bnei Yisrael. The Parah Adumah was a perfect red cow that was burned, and its ashes were mixed with water and placed on an impure person to make them pure again. Even though we don’t fully understand how it works, we follow Hashem’s mitzvot because we trust Him.

Candle-lighting: 6:50pm

Havdalah: 7:46pm allah: 5:25pm


Mitzvot………………………….1 (1 Do)

Lines in the Torah ..............211 (22nd most)

Pesukim .............................122 (17th most)

Words ................................1558 (24th most)

Letters................................6181 (21st most)


(Source: OU Torah Tidbits)

One of the unusual elements of the Parah Adumah is that when the pure kohein helps the impure person become pure, the kohein himself becomes impure! It’s not so crazy though. There are other examples where the helper loses something during the helping process. Someone who gives tzedakah has less money after giving. Someone who gives another person a kidney is left with only one kidney. Did you know that a Jewish organization called Renewal has helped well over 1000 people get a kidney that they needed?


To be filled out after shabbat and brought in Monday.

 I called to wish them a “Shabbat Shalom”

 I went to ________________ shul (synagogue)

 I did the Shabbat mitzvah of_______________ Hadlakat Nerot/Kiddush/Hamotzi/ Birkat Hamazon

 Sang zemirot/songs

 I wore __________________ in honor of Shabbat

 I __________________________ in my home to prepare for Shabbat

Full Name: ______________________________


Parent Signature: _________________________


1. What is the special Torah reading that we read this Shabbat?

2. Do you know what the one mitzvah is that is in this parsha?

3. Thought question: Can you evergivetoomuch tzedakah?

4. Whatistheunusualelementof the Parah Adumah purification process?

5. Whowerethetwopeoplewho designed the Mishkan?

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