The Ramaz Upper School 60 East 78th Street, New York, NY 10075 212-774-8070 • www.ramaz.org
As a co-educational, Modern Orthodox Day School, Ramaz strives to educate students toward the following goals: • A commitment to menschlichkeit, reflecting fineness of character, respect for others, integrity, and the centrality of chesed in all its manifestations. • A commitment to Torah, mitzvot, Ahavat Yisrael, and love and support for the State of Israel. • A commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, to intellectual rigor, to scholarship, and to a life-long love of learning. • Loyalty and gratitude to the United States of America, and the democratic traditions and values of our country. • A sense of responsibility for the Jewish people and all humankind.
RAMAZ US KEY CONTACTS 2021-22/5782 For questions about your child’s growth and development at Ramaz, there are many professionals to whom you can turn, each with their own area of expertise and responsibility. At times, there may even seem to be some overlap among them, so feel free to choose and the person you contact will either help you personally or help direct you to the best person with whom to speak. Dr. Jon Jucovy Director of Humanities
Ms. Miriam Krupka Dean of Faculty
Ms. Dana Messinger Dean of College Guidance
Rabbi Dov Pianko Director of Programming and Student Life
Rabbi Kenny Schiowitz Director of Judaic Studies and Religious Life
Here’s a quick guide - a brief who’s who: TEACHER For questions about your child’s progress in a particular class, please communicate directly with the teacher via email. You may also call the school office at 212-774-8070 and an administrative assistant will connect you to a teacher’s voicemail. You should hear back from the teacher within a day or two.
ADVISER In most cases, your child’s adviser should be the first address for any questions that cannot be asked of any individual teacher. The adviser has the responsibility of trying to get to know how your child is doing overall in school and is the primary adult in the building to whom a student (or parent) can turn when help or a friendly ear is needed. Advisers speak to teachers and individual students on a regular basis, as well as meet in advisory groups of 10-12 advisees every four or five weeks. Your child’s adviser’s contact information is listed along with that of your child’s teachers.
GRADE DEAN The Grade Dean is responsible for monitoring the progress of an entire grade and its members. The Dean, together with the Directors of Guidance, works together with the advisers and teachers to coordinate the needs of individual students and the grade as a whole. Deans manage the grade’s test calendar and help plan grade-specific events such as outings, shabbatonim, and guest speakers. FRESHMAN GRADE Dr. Terri Aharon aharont@ramaz.org
SOPHOMORE GRADE Ms. Lenore Brachot brachotl@ramaz.org
JUNIOR GRADE Ms. Eva Bernfeld bernfelde@ramaz.org
SENIOR GRADE Dr. Nancy Block blockn@ramaz.org
SENIOR PROGRAM COORDINATOR Ms. Tamar Benus benust@ramaz.org
DEPARTMENT CHAIR For questions about a class placement or about the curriculum in a particular subject, contact the department chair. The chair meets regularly with department teachers both as a group and individually to discuss instruction, curriculum, departmental policies and placement. Chairs are the direct supervisors of classroom teachers in their departments. ART Ms. Rachel Rabhan rabhanr@ramaz.org
ENGLISH Ms. Sue Litwack litwacks@ramaz.org
HEBREW Ms. Dana Barak dana@ramaz.org
HISTORY Dr. Jon Jucovy jjucovy@ramaz.org
JEWISH LAW & THOUGHT (JLT) Rabbi Ilan Schimmel schimmeli@ramaz.org
MATH Rabbi Ely Stern elystern@ramaz.org
SCIENCE; RamTEC Ms. Lenore Brachot brachotl@ramaz.org
TALMUD Rabbi Kenny Schiowitz schiowitzk@ramaz.org
TANAKH Rabbi Moshe Stavsky stavskym@ramaz.org
WORLD LANGUAGE Dr. Astrid Roldan roldana@ramaz.org
GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Dr. Jerry Zeitchik and Ms. Eva Bernfeld oversee the advisory program and supervise the individual advisers. They also meet with individual students and confidentially coordinate any contact between the school and outside mental health professionals. If you have specific concerns about your child’s social and emotional well-being, then Dr. Zeitchik or Ms. Bernfeld may be the first person to contact. Dr. Jerry Zeitchik Director of Guidance jerry@ramaz.org
Ms. Eva Bernfeld Associate Director of Guidance bernfelde@ramaz.org
COLLEGE GUIDANCE Students are assigned to a specific college guidance counselor in the first semester of the junior year. Nevertheless, parents of children in younger grades should address questions about SAT Subject Tests or other college related matters to the college guidance office. Ms. Dana Messinger Dean of College Guidance messingerd@ramaz.org
Mr. Rafael Blumenthal Director of College Guidance blumenthalraf@ramaz.org
Ms. Abby Davis Associate Director of College Guidance davisa@ramaz.org
Dr. Edith Honig Associate Director of College Guidance edith@ramaz.org
LEARNING CENTER Ms. Cynthia Webb is the Director of the Learning Center whose services are provided to those students who have undergone psycho-educational evaluations by outside professionals. The Learning Center coordinates learning accommodations, such as extended time testing, granted to approved students. Ms. Cynthia Webb Learning Center Director webbc@ramaz.org
ISRAEL GUIDANCE Students are assigned to an Israel guidance counselor in the second semester of the junior year. Parents of children in younger grades should address questions about the year of study in Israel to any of the Israel advisers. Rabbi Ruben Gober goberr@ramaz.org
Rabbi Kenny Schiowitz schiowitzk@ramaz.org
Ms. Gabby Rahimzada rahimzadag@ramaz.org
Rabbi Ilan Schimmel schimmeli@ramaz.org
Ms. Tammie Senders senderst@ramaz.org
HEALTH OFFICE The Upper School Health Office is staffed with a full time registered nurse. It remains open the entire school day. Parents of students with any health related concerns are encouraged to contact the school nurse, who will facilitate communication of medical issues, when appropriate, to school teachers and personnel with regard to confidentiality. Ms. Nechama Moskowitz, RN Nurse moskowitzn@ramaz.org
STUDENT ACTIVITIES | CHESED | ATHLETICS For questions about your child’s involvement in co-curricular activities, you may call your child’s adviser or speak directly to our Director of Programming and Student Life, Rabbi Dov Pianko. If you have questions regarding community outreach and chesed programs, you may speak with Ms. Deeni Hass. Questions about our athletics department should be addressed to the specific coach or to Mr. Ari Witkes, our Director of Athletics. Rabbi Dov Pianko Director of Programming & Student Life piankod@ramaz.org
Mr. Yehoshua Segal Student Activities segaly@ramaz.org
Mr. Ari Witkes Director of Athletics witkesa@ramaz.org
Ms. Deeni Hass Director of Chesed & Community Outreach hassd@ramaz.org
UPPER SCHOOL OFFICE The Upper School office staff is available to answer any questions or direct you to the proper individual. If a student has a change in attendance, arrival or dismissal time, (e.g. for a doctor’s appointment or illness) please email us@ramaz.org to alert the US office.
Ms. Ann Chechik Office Manager annbc@ramaz.org
Mr. Ezra Gershman Administrative Assistant gershmane@ramaz.org
Ms. Kathleen Scheerle Executive Assistant scheerlek@ramaz.org
LEADERSHIP TEAM The school leadership team is available to facilitate communication, assist you as parents during your son’s or daughter’s high school years, and to enhance the quality of your child’s educational experience in the Upper School. Dr. Jon Jucovy jjucovy@ramaz.org
Ms. Miriam Krupka krupkam@ramaz.org
Rabbi Dov Pianko piankod@ramaz.org
Rabbi Kenny Schiowitz schiowitzk@ramaz.org
Ms. Dana Messinger messingerd@ramaz.org
OFFICE OF THE HEAD OF SCHOOL The Head of School is always pleased to hear from students and parents. Emails are always welcome and if you prefer an in-person meeting, please contact Michelle Daniels. Mr. Jonathan Cannon Head of School cannonj@ramaz.org
Ms. Michelle Daniels Executive Assistant to the Head of School danielsm@ramaz.org
The Ramaz Upper School in the Morris & Ida Newman Educational Center 60 East 78th Street, New York, NY 10075 212-774-8070 www.ramaz.org