UPPER SCHOOL Co-Curricular Program Guide
Table of Contents STUDENT GOVERNMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 5 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL .................................................................................................................................................. 5 CLASS PRESIDENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 5 STUDENT FACULTY ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ............................................................................................................................... 5 COMMITTEES .................................................................................................................................................................... 6 AIPAC-Israel Advocacy Club ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Chesed Club ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Coalition for the Homeless, Sandwich Packing .................................................................................................... 6 The Environmental Club ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Human Rights Club ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 COMPETITIONS & TEAMS .............................................................................................................................................. 7 Chess Club ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Chidon HaTanakh ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 College Bowl .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Debate Team ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Math Team ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 The George Jacobs Mock Trial Program ............................................................................................................... 8 Model Congress ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 Model U.N. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Science Olympiad ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Torah Bowl ................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Track .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 FINE & PERFORMING ARTS ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Art Club (Project-Oriented) ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Art through Experience ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Band ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Chamber Chorus ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 Chorus ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
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Dance Team ................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Fashion Arts Workshop: Ramaz Style .................................................................................................................. 11 Guitar Ensemble ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Lighting Crew ............................................................................................................................................................... 12 Music Production Club .............................................................................................................................................. 12 Percussion Ensemble ................................................................................................................................................ 12 Photography Club ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Stage Crew .................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Theatre .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Ramaz Film Club ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 Breakthrough ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 El Ramillete .................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Illuminations ................................................................................................................................................................. 14 La Gazette .................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Likrat Shabbat ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Parallax ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Ramblings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Rambunctions ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 Rambuzz ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15 raMEDz / Pre-med Club .......................................................................................................................................... 15 RamPage ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Rise ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Sports Report .............................................................................................................................................................. 16 XeVeX ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Yearbook - Ramifications ......................................................................................................................................... 16 SPECIAL INTERESTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 3D Printing ................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Arabic ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Asian Culture Club ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 Book Club: Conflicts in Literature ........................................................................................................................... 17
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BO$$ .............................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Business Investment Club ........................................................................................................................................ 18 Bridge Club ................................................................................................................................................................... 18 City Culture Club ......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Engineering Club ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 Hiking Club .................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Historical Simulations Club ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Law Club ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Physics Club ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 RAMPO - Politics and Foreign Policy Club ........................................................................................................... 19 Psychology Club .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Start Up Club ............................................................................................................................................................... 20 Natural Engineering Club ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Study Skills ................................................................................................................................................................... 20 SPORTS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 21 Fall Semester ............................................................................................................................................................... 21 Spring Semester ......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Intramurals ................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Clubs & Clinics Schedule: .............................................................................................................................................. 22
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STUDENT GOVERNMENT The General Organization (G.O.) is the representative organization of the student body. It is responsible for a host of school wide activities and programs. This year the G.O is being supervised and mentored by Rabbi Eli Slomnicki with help from our Director of Student Activities, Dov Pianko.
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The G.O. is comprised of the following elected officials for 2016-2017: • President – Nancy Toussie •
Vice President- Secretary
Jr. Vice President – Richie Hafif Treasurer – Jonah Sobel Secretary – Naomi Freilich
• •
CLASS PRESIDENTS Class Presidents are responsible for after school social recreational programs and class meetings, as well as for representing their class in G.O. deliberations and at SFAC. Elections are held in October for grade nine. Presidents for 2015-2016 are: • • •
David Adler and Danya Jacobs, Grade 10 Elana Shalomoff and Louise Sitt, Grade 11 Sam Freilich and Evan Straus, Grade 12
STUDENT FACULTY ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE “SFAC” meets regularly to discuss items of relevance to the student body. The members include student officers, faculty representatives and members of the administration. Meetings are chaired by a representative of the student body selected by the G.O. Past discussion ns have been on subjects such as service credits, the honor system, dress code, school time scheduling, school calendar and building maintenance. Although SFAC is an advisory body, it does influence administration policy through the vigor and frankness of its deliberations.
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COMMITTEES The General Organization (G.O.) of the Ramaz student body sponsors a number of committees whose responsibilities include programs and projects which touch the entire school community. Each committee is headed by one or more students, usually those who have been involved in the committee’s work for some time. All students may join a committee and may suggest ideas for projects which they themselves can then play a major role in implementing. While enrollment as a member usually takes place at the beginning of the year, one may join a committee at any time. Committee membership represents an opportunity to initiate or help with projects that affect the largest number of people in the school community.
AIPAC-Israel Advocacy Club Every year Israel receives $2.75 billion in foreign aid from the United States. When the U.N. is ready to condemn Israel, it is the United States which blocks the vote. This is the result of one of the strongest and most powerful lobbies in Washington D.C. The Israel Advocacy Club provides a chance to discover how you can advocate for Israel on the national political scene. Students will learn the skills of lobbying with experts from organizations like AIPAC, confront all the most current issues in U.S./Israel relations, and actively participate in real lobbying sessions with members of the House of Representatives. You can make a difference. Mr. Dov Pianko is Faculty Advisor
Chesed Club On a number of occasions throughout the year, the committee plans and implements chesed projects that are designed to involve the entire school community in a particular cause. Committee members must research the project and design ways to inform, motivate and involve as many people as possible. This process often involves communicating with outside agencies or individuals, enlisting the help of maintenance and kitchen staffs, ordering supplies, bookkeeping, and developing marketing skills. The committee presents a wonderful opportunity to bring together an entire community to achieve what a single individual cannot do alone. Ms. DeeDee Benel is Faculty Advisor.
Coalition for the Homeless, Sandwich Packing Every Wednesday, after school, students who give their time to “Coalition For the Homeless” (CFH) pack 100 lunch bags in our school’s lunchroom. The bags are filled with sandwiches, fruit and snacks that are picked up on Friday mornings by a member of the Coalition. The Coalition is quite a phenomenal place that never closes its doors; it is open 24/7, should anyone be hungry. CFH depends on donations like ours. Thanks to the efforts of the Tzedakah committee we are able to fund this special chesed program. Ms. DeeDee Benel is Faculty Advisor.
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The Environmental Club The Environmental Club is open to all students who care about the environment and are interested in learning about current environmental issues and the means available for actively solving global, as well as local environmental problems. Ms. DeeDee Benel is Faculty Advisor.
Human Rights Club Human Rights Club is a coalition to raise awareness on Human Rights violations, both domestically and globally. We work to educate each other and our community on issues, as well as raise money, supplies and understanding for those in need of social justice. Ms. DeeDee Benel is Faculty Advisor.
Tzedakah Committee The committee seeks to sensitize the Ramaz community to the value and practical day-to-day need to give and collect tzedakah. Each week, an organization or cause is chosen by the committee whose members then go around to classes to inform them about the organization and collect monies from the faculty and students on its behalf. Members also sell challah or holiday baked goods and flowers from Israel to raise extra funds as well as organizes long-term projects to raise larger funds. Ms. Dee Dee Benel is Faculty Advisor.
COMPETITIONS & TEAMS Chess Club “The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake,” said Savielly Tartakover. At chess we joke around and say funny comments like this. However, the chess team IS NOT all fun and games! “I give 98 percent of my mental energy to Chess. Others give only 2 percent,” said the great Bobby Fischer. The Ramaz Rams Chess Team gives it more than the great Bobby Fischer! We give one hundred percent. The Chess Club is one of Ramaz’s finest co-curricular activities. Everyone is invited to attend and play chess during these meetings. The team competes in the interscholastic tournaments of the Yeshiva Chess League. Mr. Rodger Jaffe is Faculty Advisor.
Chidon HaTanakh Chidon HaTanakh, the National Bible Contest, is a great club for those who love Tanakh and want to learn. The contest consists of three regional exams, administered at Ramaz in December, February and March, followed by the national exam, in May, for those students who score in the highest score range on the regional exams. All questions are multiple choice. The regional exam is not too difficult. The national exam requires more precise knowledge of the same material. First place national winner goes on to compete in the International Bible Contest held in Jerusalem on the following Yom
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Ha`atzmaut. Ramaz has had close to a dozen winners in recent years! meetings is relaxed; nevertheless, a great deal is learned. All are welcome.
The atmosphere at the
Students who participate in this club will have an opportunity to exempt themselves from taking their Tanakh final in January. An exemption will be given to any student who performs well on a series of in-house quizzes on the same material administered throughout the semester. Rabbi Moshe Stavsky is Faculty Advisor.
College Bowl The Ramaz College Bowl team is one of our school’s most successful co-curricular clubs. Small in size, almost by definition, the club emphasizes a wide expertise and a mastery of random trivia. The team generally prepares for competitions by working on reaction discipline and exploring team members’ strengths and weaknesses to determine primary levels of responsibility in given fields. Questions are provided by an impartial private service. While the team has no formal “meetings” outside of their annual competition schedule, it has always prided itself on being a close-knit group that has developed an uncanny ability to discuss topics which invariably appear in the meets. Recently a single conversation made reference to Punic, runic, and The Magic Flute, all of which were the subject of later queries. Dr. Jay Stone is Faculty Advisor.
Debate Team Members of the Debate Team, chosen after a tryout procedure held in September, learn many skills and have the opportunity to use these skills in both intra- and inter-school debates. Each member learns the format of a formal debate (e.g., first affirmative, second negative, etc.), the terminology (e.g., resolved, status quo, etc.), and he/she also learns how a true debater prepares for a debate: research. During meetings, members discuss the issues of upcoming debates, helping to devise a winning strategy. Mr. David Deutsch is Faculty Advisor.
Math Team The Ramaz Math Team competes in the New York Math League (NYML) and the Mandelbrot Competition. Practice sessions and matches are held after school on Tuesdays. All students in grades 9-12 are welcome. The top five scores in each match are used to form a team score. After the match students receive solution sheets so that they can study further. Rabbi Ely Stern is Faculty Advisor
The George Jacobs Mock Trial Program The George Jacobs Mock Trial Program team consists of six lawyers, six witnesses, and several alternates. Each year the team participates in a statewide competition sponsored by the New York
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State Bar Association. Every participating school is given a set of stipulated facts and witness statements concerning a hypothetical case. Opposing schools represent different sides of the case before a “judge” in an actual courthouse. Lawyers must develop effective questions and learn the proper procedure for questioning witnesses. Witnesses must be able to act their parts well. Tryouts begin in late October. In addition to being New York State champions in 2002, , the Ramaz George Jacobs Mock Trial Program Team has won the NYC Championship four times and has been a finalist or a semi-finalist an additional six times. Dr. Jon Jucovy is Faculty Advisor.
Model Congress What makes our democracy a government “by the people and for the people?” Congress. Often overshadowed by the President, Congress creates law, controls the national check book, authorizes the President to make war, and provides a place where every citizen can go and advocate for their interests. It is the cornerstone of the world’s first modern republic, a place where the minority can always maintain a voice in government. If you’re thinking of how you might one day change your world, Congress is a great place to start. Dr. Arieh Sclar is Faculty Advisor.
Model U.N. The Ramaz Model U.N. Team participates annually in the Yeshiva University Model U.N. together with many other schools from the U.S. and Canada. The team focuses on merging skills in research, public speaking, and persuasion within a large forum. Typically, each student represents the views of a single country on a specific Committee such as the Security Council or World Health. In any given year, the Ramaz team will represent approximately three countries. Points are awarded to individuals, national delegations, and entire school delegations. Ramaz students particularly relish the highly intellectual and competitive nature of the Model U.N., as well as the opportunity to meet students from yeshivot across the country. Tryouts for the team are held in May. Dr. Jay Stone is Faculty Advisor.
Science Olympiad Our team competes with 15 NY/ NJ Yeshivot in 12-14 different events at a competition administered by the BJE that usually takes place in March or April. Each event has a team of 2 students that prepare extensively over a period of several months. Events can be based on knowledge, skills or building or a combination. Building events can typically involve 10-15 students contributing to their project. The competition itself follows the strict rules and guidelines of the National Science Olympiad and medals are awarded to the top three teams for each event. Popular events are Gravity Vehicle, Write It Do It, Anatomy & Physiology, Disease Detectives, Elevated Bridge or Tower Building, Thermodynamics, Dynamic Planet, Forensics and Technical Problem Solving. Dr. Terri Aharon and Mr. Russell Hatch are Faculty Advisors.
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Torah Bowl Torah Bowl offers our students a unique and exciting opportunity to broaden their knowledge of Tanakh. Team members study selected sections of Chumash and Nev’im, along with Rashi’s commentary, and then compete against the twenty or so yeshivot that currently take part in a competition patterned closely after the College Bowl League. Students who express an interest in joining this co-curricular club will be invited to take a screening test early in the year, and we will then form a boys’ team and a girls’ team to represent Ramaz at the three regular season meets and – go teams! – at the division and league championship meets, as well. Rabbi Jared Anstandig is Faculty Advisor for the Boys. Ms. Eliana Mitnick is Faculty Advisor for the Girls.
Track Track is a great way to get in shape or simply decompress after a long school day. We run in Central Park on a weekly basis and participate in Yeshiva League track meets. All are welcome to join! Coach Miriam Cohen is Faculty Advisor
FINE & PERFORMING ARTS Art Club (Project-Oriented) This club will allow students to pursue long-term projects to be assigned by the instructor. Projects will be intensive and the instructor will expect a firm commitment from all participants. The purpose of this club is two-fold: to provide an opportunity to develop a comprehensive portfolio and to serve as a prerequisite for students preparing for the senior honors studio art class. Furthermore, the club fosters an environment conducive to independent development of artistic goals. We plan to complete a minimum of six projects over the course of the academic year. Attendance is mandatory for the duration of each individual project. Ms. Rachel Rabhan is Faculty Advisor.
Art through Experience Students will explore artistic possibilities by focusing on problems, issues and themes that can be addressed through multi-media experiments. Each week, the class will focus on a different medium, period of art history, and conceptual framework. The classroom environment will be informal, and students are encouraged to have fun, experiment, and take risks. Ms. Rachel Rabhan is Faculty Advisor.
Band The Band is made up of students who have studied and who continue to study instruments privately. Auditions are held in the fall. The group plays at The Ramaz Dinner Dance, Chagigot and on the float in the Salute to Israel Parade. Wind players needed! Mr. Oded Lev-Ari is Faculty Advisor.
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Chamber Chorus Veteran singers in grades 10-12 have the option of auditioning for the Ramaz Chamber Chorus. This group of advanced singers performs with the chorus, as well as throughout the school year (and even beyond!) at various community and cultural events. They sing accompanied, as well as a cappella, and learn to sight sing. In the past, the Chamber Chorus has performed for Mayor Guiliani at Gracie Mansion, traveled to Boston for the New England Jewish Choral Festival, performed in honor of the dedication of the new sifrei Torah at Ramaz and at Kehilath Jeshurun, and entertained the sick and elderly at local hospitals and nursing homes. Rehearsals take place immediately after the full chorus rehearses on select Sundays. Hence, trying out for Chamber means that one must find transportation home other than late vans. Members realize that being part of Ramaz’s elite singing group is a major commitment. Competition for the few open slots is fierce, but well worth the effort. While it requires a tremendous amount of zeal and devotion, it is extremely rewarding and a lot of fun. Auditions take place each spring for the upcoming year. Mr. Daniel Henkin is Faculty Advisor.
Chorus The Ramaz Chorus is the largest co-curricular activity that meets on a regular basis, consisting of over 100 students from Grades 9-12. They are the premier performing group in school and are widely acclaimed for their talent, spirit, and professionalism. They sing in Hebrew, English, Ladino, and even Yiddish, in styles ranging from modern Israeli pop to old time Broadway. The climax of the year is their performance at the Dinner Dance. However, the singing continues even after this spectacular extravaganza. Mr. Daniel Henkin is Faculty Advisor.
Dance Team The Ramaz Dance Ensemble learns various dance techniques including Modern, Jazz, Ballet, Israeli Folk Dance, Hip Hop, and others. Students also have opportunities to create their own dances. The ensemble performs at the annual Dinner Dance, at other school functions and around the city. Auditions are held at the beginning of the school year. Ms. Ruth Goodman is Faculty Advisor.
Fashion Arts Workshop: Ramaz Style What is your personal style? Do you like to express yourself through what you wear and how you look? Are you interested in learning how to relax through making things with your hands? Do you like colors, textures and fabrics? Are you interested in art, engineering, and being cool? In the Fashion Arts Workshop, you will learn clothing and textile design through the development of hand skills and spatial reasoning. Starting with basic techniques and projects, you will create and design your own cloth objects, to wear or not to wear. You will learn visualization, hand-eye coordination, design principles. Project Starter Ideas include: Up-cycled T-shirts, Tote bags with Pockets, Jean skirts and bags, Embellishments, Sashiko and Embroidery, Hand dying, Hand printing, Drawstring dresses and bags, Fashion design using basic shapes and design principles, Hand sewing techniques and if
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possible, machine sewing, Costuming for Theater Productions, Culminating Fashion Arts Show, Social Media Documentation. Britta Wheeler (of the Children's Institute of Fashion Arts; theCIFA.org) is Faculty Advisor
Guitar Ensemble If you play acoustic, electric or bass guitar, you should consider trying out for the new and exciting club, “Guitar Ensemble.” While the challenges of “Ensemble” are demanding, they are equally enjoyable and promise to expand your playing and musical abilities. We will be strumming student and instructor driven compositions as well as guitar-specific repertoires. “Guitar Ensemble” will be an after school club on Thursday. Mr. Rami Yadid is Faculty Advisor.
Lighting Crew Join the Lighting Crew to learn the art and craft of lighting design for the theatre. We will learn the elements of design including color mixing, sculpting form, and movement, as well as the technical elements of electricity, computer control and drafting. We will also work on the design and running of the Ramaz plays and musicals. Join classmates for field trips to see shows and take backstage tours at Lincoln Center and Broadway theatres.
Mr. Sam Gordon is Faculty Advisor.
Music Production Club Using today’s most advanced music production software, this after school course will teach the fundamentals of working with ProTools software. Students will produce audio content from spoken word to fully produced music. The pre-requisite is an interest in audio, computers, and music technology. Seats are limited.
Mr. Rami Yadid is Faculty Advisor.
Percussion Ensemble The Ramaz Percussion Ensemble is a creative performing group focusing on rhythmic music played on a variety of instruments, some struck, some shaken, stirred and tapped, with hands, feet, sticks, mallets and mouths. From the drumset to the woodblock, students develop and compose original pieces to be performed in various contexts. Ensemble members are expected to attend weekly sessions, along with some additional rehearsals, when necessary. With space extremely limited, auditions for the few open slots are held in the spring for the following year. Sophomores, juniors and seniors are admitted. Mr. Ehran Elisha is Faculty Advisor.
Photography Club In the history of art, photography, as a medium, is comparatively young. In the attempt to define the role of photography in the world of images, it is interesting to explore the attraction we have to the camera. This club allows individuals a chance to uncover the reasons for this fascination.
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The club is open to all students who are interested in learning the art of black and white photography. Students work on individual projects and may ultimately create a comprehensive portfolio. Ms. Rachel Rabhan is Faculty Advisor.
Stage Crew Stage Crew gives students experience creating scenery, organizing costumes and working backstage for the school’s theatrical productions. We paint, draw and build props and scenery. This work requires energy and enthusiasm, but all levels of creativity and ability are welcome (any previous experience is always appreciated). Stage Crew is a great creative outlet at the end of a hard day. Ms. Barbara Abramson is Faculty Advisor.
Theatre Ramaz Theatre consists of a musical, a drama, and senior show. Catapulting the cast into a fantastical world, Ramaz Theatre allows its participants to explore various characters and settings. It is a unique experience mingling the upperclassmen and underclassmen together, melding the group into more than just a cast. While the productions are magnificent, the shows entail a certain amount of devotion, rehearsing approximately three times a week. The commitment, however, only lasts for about six weeks, still allowing students to pursue other interests. Mr. Jason Robinson is Faculty Advisor.
Ramaz Film Club The hardest part about being a kid-filmmaker (or wannabe filmmaker) is finding the time, equipment, and partners to work, act, and film with. By being a part in the Ramaz Film Club students will be able to leap over these obstacles with the help of the faculty advisor and fellow clubmates who share the same passion. Together we will work on plenty of projects, both for the school such as the pep-rally and GO videos, and people's personal projects. This club is open for anyone with any interest in film, from writing and filming to acting and editing. We also have a lineup of some interesting speakers from the industry to teach their tools of the trade. Mr. Dani Tenenbaum is Faculty Advisor.
PUBLICATIONS Breakthrough Breakthrough is the Ramaz science and technology publication. Students contribute articles on science related issues that reflect their particular interests, opinions, and hobbies. Four to six issues are published each year. Students are invited to contribute articles on current events in science, new developments in applied technology, as well as ethical issues that they may raise. Students meet about once a week. Ms. Lenore Brachot is Faculty Advisor.
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El Ramillete The Spanish student newspaper gives students the opportunity to express themselves in Spanish. It includes articles of Jewish and school import, as well as student poetry, comic strips, and puzzles. Students have the liberty to write on a variety of subjects that interest them. This publication comes out at least twice a year. Dr. Joan Warshall is Faculty Advisor.
Illuminations The Illuminations Torah publication series consists of “Chanukah Illuminations”, “Purim Illusions” and “Yom HaAtzmaut Aspirations”. It consists of short essays written by students, relating the themes of these three holidays. In addition, the publication is illuminated by artwork and photos prepared by students. The student editors and faculty advisor prepare this collection for publication in an aesthetically appealing and intellectually intriguing manner. Ms. Miriam Krupka is Faculty Advisor.
La Gazette The French student newspaper gives students the opportunity to express themselves in French. We cover current events, and elements of French culture. It comes out a few times a year. Mr. Mario Alvarez is Faculty Advisor.
Likrat Shabbat Likrat Shabbat is a weekly publication that includes divrei Torah as well as Israel-related items of interest. Students and faculty write for the issues both in Hebrew and English. Students are also welcome to submit work that they wrote for class which they want to publish. If you are interested in publishing divrei Torah or keeping people informed about Jewish topics, there is a place for you in Likrat Shabbat. Mr. Dov Pianko is Faculty Advisor
Parallax Parallax is the Ramaz writing club and literary magazine. At meetings we hold creative writing workshops, during which we write, read, and gently critique student poetry and prose. Parallax publishes an annual literary magazine, in addition to a creative writing section in the yearbook. Our magazine has won the gold medal from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association for the past five years. In addition, for the past two years, we have won the Silver Crown Award, an honor earned by only nine high school literary magazines in the country. Parallax also helps to run the annual Celebration of the Arts night. Members often read their work aloud for this evening. Writers address the club once or twice a year, and members of the club attend public poetry readings. For anyone
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who loves to write, but never has the time or discipline, Parallax provides a writing home and just the little push you may need. Dr. Edith Honig is Faculty Advisor.
Ramblings Ramblings is Ramaz's current events magazines. Anything happening NOW is raw material for Ramblings's great writers. Whether political, sport related, or just relevant, it goes in the Ramblings magazine. Ramblings has high standards for its publication, but welcomes all writers, for it won't be long until they've mastered their craft like the rest of the Ramblings crew. Dr. Gerald Zeitchik is Faculty Advisor
Rambunctions The satirical writing publication called Rambunctions will consist of satirical articles and headlines similar to The Onion. Students will learn how to master the skill of writing satire and their work will be distributed to the school. Satirical topics will relate to Ramaz; fiction written to sound like truth in a manner humorous but respectful to each individual.
Mr. David Deutsch is Faculty Advisor.
Rambuzz Rambuzz is a magazine for the Ramaz Upper School community that publishes distinctive reviews of noteworthy events in popular culture. In each issue, students critique film, literature, music, fashion, sports, and more. Student editors both edit Rambuzz and encourage writers to develop their own voices. Ms. Miriam Cohen is Faculty Advisor.
raMEDz / Pre-med Club Each week, raMEDz, the Ramaz premed club, meets to discuss current issues in medicine and related topics. Approximately once a month, a guest speaker is brought in to discuss his/her profession in the medical field and to answer questions of students who are contemplating pursuing a career in medicine. The premed club is also responsible for the Ramedz publication. This journal features articles spotlighting advances in medical research, as well as some lighter contributions including a Q & A and some brain-teasers. The club is open to all students interested in medicine. Ms. Lenore Brachot is Faculty Advisor.
RamPage RamPage, the school newspaper, provides an opportunity for fun and experience in research and writing. The paper includes articles on school news, opinion pieces, and news on Israel. Members are encouraged to develop article ideas, discuss current events, and improve writing techniques; everyone gets a chance to write an article. Students can also help out with the design of the paper.
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Five to seven issues are published each year. RamPage is for anyone interested in journalism, research, design, or current events. Dr. Steve Milowitz is Faculty Advisor.
Rise Rise Magazine is a creative arts and culture magazine founded by two Ramaz students, Moselle Kleiner '17 and Tamar Sidi' 17. A seasonal online and print magazine, Rise presents the way Ramaz students experience and are influenced by the rich culture of New York City. Art in all its forms from paint, photography, poetry, art reviews of exhibitions, fashion, music and more, are included in the magazine. Ms. Rachel Rabhan is Faculty Advisor
Sports Report The Sports Report is the Ramaz magazine related to all things sports. Professional or college, high school or Olympic, playoffs or fantasy, anything is fair game. Articles include serious analytical breakdowns of students’ favorite teams and players, as well as spoofs and goofs about Ramaz students. Any article related to any sport, Ramaz or otherwise, is invited. Mr. Rafi Blumenthal, a die-hard Boston fan, is Faculty Advisor
תוסס/ Tosses Tosses is the only all-Hebrew student publication at Ramaz. We feature articles about politics, technology, culture, and anything Israeli. We welcome all writers to come and join. Ms. Ada Maccabee is Faculty Advisor.
XeVeX Xevex, the Ramaz Math Magazine, explores and reports on mathematical ideas and news. Students have an opportunity to write about mathematical concepts and submit them to a quarterly issue which includes a puzzle section, as well as a section devoted to conceptual articles. Meetings are occasional and usually short in length. If more help is required, a faculty adviser or one of the editors is always an email away. We hope to have an even more successful year than last year, so come and see how you can contribute to XeVeX.
Rabbi Ely Stern is Faculty Adviser.
Yearbook - Ramifications Working on the yearbook is an exciting and fulfilling experience. The yearbook employs creative and journalistic style writing, as well as graphic arts. Editors select the yearbook theme and cover design. The entire staff is involved in the brainstorming for article ideas and the layout style. The yearbook seeks to create a memory of the entire school year which in an informative and fun format. Dr. Joan Warshall is Faculty Advisor.
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SPECIAL INTERESTS 3D Printing Be involved in some of the world’s most cutting edge technology. Spend time learning how to design models, devices and more to be printed on our very own 3D printers. Dr. Ethan Rotenberg is Faculty Advisor.
Arabic Students will acquire a basic knowledge of conversational Arabic, everyday language, and basic usage. Learning a language is a form of studying culture. Participants will study Arabic culture as it relates to language, literature, music and media will be introduced as way to better understand the interface of Arabic and its many cultural faces. Ms. Orit Nawrocki is Faculty Advisor.
Asian Culture Club Promote, inform and teach students about Asia culture, diversity and to help bridge cultural misconceptions. Explore different Asian culture such as traditions, histories, and languages by possibly going to different neighborhoods, watch movies and discuss the differences. Enjoy Asian music, movies and cuisine. Ms. Maggie Fung is Faculty Advisor.
Book Club: Conflicts in Literature Book Club is a club that has recently been reestablished at Ramaz. It is a flexible, student-led club that meets once a month. Participants read provocative, but fun books and discuss them in a nonacademic environment. Book Club is designed for all students, those who love to read and those who don’t. It is here for students to share their thoughts, opinions, and partake in interesting literary discussions with friends. As a group we decide what books everyone would enjoy to read, some long some short. Book Club is a great opportunity for free expression and relaxation from school books. Ms. Lisa Scudera is Faculty Advisor
BO$$ The Business of Sport club, or BOS$, is geared towards students who have an interest or ambition to work in the sports management world. The club brings in professionals from various sports business roles to speak about their background and their job, to advise students about how to get into the field, and to offer networking opportunities for our students. In its first year, BOS$ welcomed two sports agents (one who is a Ramaz alumnus), an observant Modern Orthodox owner of a professional soccer team, the New York Knicks’ Public Relations Director, a professor of sports management at NYU, as well as other speakers. BOS$ also attended an MLS game at Red Bull Arena. Mr. Rafael Blumenthal is Faculty Advisor
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Business Investment Club Have you ever thought about what makes Google so good? Neither the first search engine or the only one, Google’s name is synonymous with what it does. Do you think you could have spotted two PhD students at Stamford in 1996 and said these guys will start a company that one day will process one billion search requests using one million servers, totaling twenty petabytes of information - each day? People did. And without them, Google probably never would have happened. Markets can produce great things. But for every success like Google there are several failures, and we’ve seen how failures can cause serious damage. Learn how to spot the successes and failures before they happen and you can change the world. If you want to get started, join the Business Investment Club. Faculty Advisor to be determined.
Bridge Club Learn how to play this classic card game with a professional competitor. Mr. Omer Ekinci (Game Director at the Honors Bridge Center) is the Faculty Advisor.
City Culture Club In City Culture Club, we think that it is very important for every student to be given the opportunity of experiencing the diverse cultures, history, and attractions offered in New York City. Even though our school is situated in an extremely cultural area, we feel that many students who attend Ramaz do not live in the city and it is extremely important that they experience the area in their short time here. Therefore, through discovering elements of Central Park, and visiting museums and galleries, students will receive hands on learning experience that they will be able to hold on to for the rest of their lives. Dr. Jay Stone is Faculty Advisor.
Engineering Club Have you ever wanted to build something cool like a robotic arm, but never known how? Are you the kid who would love to build stuff in his/her spare time, but never had a community to rely on to help you? Look no further than Ramaz’s engineering club. No matter whether you want to learn about what a transistor is, want help in designing or documenting your project in CAD, or want to work on a project with your peers, the club can help you with it. We can work with RFID, robots, LEDs, servos, DC motors, or any other relatively small projects/components. Engineering is becoming one of the largest fields in the 21st century. There are new groundbreaking inventions being created daily by innovators and visionaries such as Steve Jobs. Maybe you have what it takes to build the next big thing so come hone your skills here. No prior engineering experience is necessary. Mr. Russell Hatch is Faculty Advisor.
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Hiking Club The Ramaz Hiking Club provides a welcome opportunity to get away from it all. On several days over the course of the year it allows us to get out of the city and into the fresh air of the country for some healthy exercise and genuine photo opportunities. For those overcome by constraints of a school week there is no better way to relax. Dr. Jay Stone is Faculty Advisor.
Historical Simulations Club The Historical Simulations Club seeks to better acquaint Ramaz students with a host of different historical problems and approaches. Run very much on a “drop-in” basis, the club periodically learns new games selected by its leadership, based upon a criteria of relevance, playability and interest. In the past, the club has focused on board games such as Civilization, Axis and Allies, Shogun, Barbarians, Kingdoms and Empires, Diplomacy and Go. War games featuring hundreds of toy soldiers upon a terrained battlefield, replicating actions of the Ancient World, Renaissance, American Civil War and Napoleonics, are standard extra features when the calendar permits. Students merely have to show up to join. Dr. Jay Stone is Faculty Advisor.
Law Club The Law club is a club where students can experience the law profession. The students who attend the club meet different types of lawyers and get a sense of how the law profession works in its vast industry. Dr. Sclar is Faculty Advisor
Physics Club Exciting developments are happening all the time in physics, and there is often not enough time to discuss them in physics class. This club offers the opportunity to examine such contemporary developments, as well as other topics in physics that may not be covered in class. From quantum mechanics to string theory, from condensed matter to plasmas, we will use newspaper and magazine articles, as well as original research articles to study some of these topics. Students may, in addition, propose other areas of interest to them. Mr. Jay Klotz is Faculty Advisor.
RAMPO - Politics and Foreign Policy Club The Ramaz Politics and Foreign Policy Club is for budding young politicians and policy wonks. We explore different current issues with an emphasis on contemporary American politics. But we don’t stop there: we also juxtapose different countries’ foreign policy with how they relate to domestic issues. We also will explore different fields and how they affect and are shaped by politics. Political
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discussion and guest speakers with expertise in specific fields will help us understand the issues at hand better. Mr. David Deutsch is Faculty Advisor
Psychology Club The psychology club provides a safe space for discussion of various topics relating to psychology and mental health. We will analyze different topics such as identity, depression, relationships, stigma and other important themes.. Our topics are chosen by our student leaders and we try as much as possible to relate to issues that impact on our school community and the world around us. Dr. Jerry Zeitchik is Faculty Advisor
Start Up Club This club is meant to educate other students on managing and running a company especially in its beginning stages. Our first phase of this club is educating the club members on basic business concepts. To do so, we will explain the concepts of entrepreneurship such as, management, finances, marketing, and most importantly the development of different products. Also we will invite experienced entrepreneurs in this field come teach and explain their personal stories, as well as teaching us necessary devices of entrepreneurship. In our second phase, I plan on actually getting a mentor to help us run an actual company. This will be an excellent business lesson in the sense of learning through the method of trial and error. Faculty Advisor to be announced
Natural Engineering Club Natural engineering club provides students the opportunity to build almost anything they want out of wood. A skilled craftsman comes in, to assists and advises members how to build their projects. Over the last two years club members have made a wide variety of objects. People have made stools, mugs, speaker amplifiers, lamps, napkin holders, manikins, clocks and much more. Over all it is a great opportunity to build and be creative (along with using sharp and pointy tools). Mr. Spinello is Faculty Advisor
Study Skills A place where students can come and learn basic skills that will help them do better in school. Learn how to better organize your life (social and academic). Learn simple tips and tricks to make your life easier and less stressful. Mr. Ryan Enis is Faculty Advisor.
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SPORTS Ramaz fields a number of teams throughout the school year. In most cases, our teams are members of the Yeshiva Athletic League which represents many of the yeshiva day schools throughout the New York area. In addition, we play exhibition games against other schools both in the yeshiva day school and independent school communities. Below you can find a list of most of the activities sponsored by the Ramaz athletic program. If you have any questions, contact Coach Randy Dulny, our athletic director.
Fall Semester Tryouts for the following teams take place at the beginning of the school year. • Girls’ Junior Varsity Basketball • Boys’ Junior Varsity Basketball • Girls’ Varsity Basketball • Boys’ Varsity Basketball • Girls’ Junior Varsity Volleyball • Girls’ Varsity Volleyball • Boys’ Varsity Hockey • Boys’ JV Hockey • Swim Club • Table Tennis • Track
Spring Semester Tryouts for the following teams take place in March. • Boys’ Baseball • Girls’ Softball • Girls’ Tennis • Boys’ Tennis • Boys’ Varsity Volleyball • Boys’ Soccer • Girls’ Soccer • Girls’ Hockey • Swim Club • Table Tennis
Intramurals Intramural sports take place in March. Intramurals are offered in Boys’ Basketball and Hockey.
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Clubs & Clinics Schedule: English / W riting Ms. Sue Litwack
Foreign Language Mr. Mario Alvarez
French Clinic
Mr. Mario Alvarez
Spanish Clinic
Mr. Rodger Jaffe
Ms. Beth Latin
Hebrew Ms. Ada Maccabee
M ath
Science Ms. Rena Dashiff
Biology Clinic
Mr. Jay Klotz
Physics Clinic
Mr. Ethan Rotenberg
Chemistry Clinic
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# Lunch Room 201
M onday
Historical Simulation
W ednesday
Dance Team
Sandwich Packing
City Harvest
Music Production
Guitar Ensemble
Mock Trial
Model Congress
Witness Theater
3rd Lounge
Table Tennis
French Clinic
Chidon HaTanach
Math Clinic
Math Clinic
Spanish Clinic
Hebrew Clinic
501 502 lab
Physics Clinic
503 lab
Biology Clinic
504 lab
Science Olympiad
English Clinic
Drivers Ed
Physics Club
Art Room
Art Club & Arduino
Math Team & XeVeX Photography & Natural Engineering
Music 702
Rhythm Workshop
Rock Band
PC lab 703/704
Chemistry Clinic
Sign Language
Chamber Choir
602 603
Portfolio Building Chamber Ensemble
Stage Crew
HS Choir
Likrat Shabbot
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Ramaz Style: Fashion Club Percussion Ensemble