2011-11-The Valley Spirit

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Ramona United Methodist Church

The Valley Spirit

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

November 2011

Pastor Steve’s Reflections Proverbs 22:6 Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.

Inside this issue: Opportunities to Participate


Christmas Pageant


Friendship Circle UMW News Turkey Dinner


Notes from Lay


Youth News




Prayer Chain Info. Scrip San Diego UMC

OUR VISION: An inclusive community of faith, learning and serving for the glory of Christ


How important is Christian education, especially Sunday School? Does it really matter if our children receive a solid foundation in the stories and principles of Christianity? Most of us would say “Of course a good Christian education is important.” But, then how important is it when compared to other things we value in life? For example: is it as important as secular school? Is it as important as dance classes or soccer practice? Is it as important as that really important game next Sunday? Is it as important as the homework that was put off until the last minute? Is it as important as the lure of good fishing? Is it as important as another hour of sleep to make up for last night’s party? Sadly, in too many of our churches today the answer is no, “its not really that important.” Yet, the single most important factor for insuring a life equipped to handle the ups and downs of this world, with its challenges to our security, our health, or our happiness is a solid faith. And, that is acquired most naturally while we are still young by learn-

ing the stories and principles of our tradition. Whether wealthy, middle class, or poor, whether healthy or sick, those with a strong faith endure and even prosper better than those who have not learned the ways of faith. This has been supported by more than a few research studies. We are blessed here at Ramona United Methodist Church to have a wonderfully dedicated team of people ready, willing, and able to give guidance and instruction to our young people. Each week, they spend their own time preparing for Sunday morning classes with the children and youth. They are a dedicated group that believes that when young people learn the stories and practice of Christianity they will grow into spiritually stronger and more balanced adults. They believe that what they are offering is important enough for them to dedicate a significant amount of their time to make it possible for others to benefit. They know that children and youth who learn and practice their faith from an early age are more likely to live healthier, more faith-filled lives than children and youth who don’t have these advantages.

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Faith Weaver Friends Has Begun! Faith Weaver Friends is a weekly gathering of pre-school and elementary students for a time of Bible stories, crafts, music, games and theatre. It takes place every Wednesday afternoon from 4:30-6 pm, followed by a potluck dinner at 6 pm. All are invited to attend the potluck. Registration forms for Faith Weavers are available in the church office, at the pre-

school, or on our website (www.ramonaumc.org). If you would like to volunteer to help with Faith Weavers or in the kitchen, you can sign up on-line or look for the sign-up sheets on the church bulletin board.

Communion Class Offered Have you ever thought about the meaning of communion and how you experience it? Well, this is your chance to have a conversation about just that. Due to the Turkey dinner in November, our next communion class will be held on December 4, following worship, from 11:30—1 pm. And lunch will be provided! Please join us.

Join us for Bible Study UMC offers a weekly Bible study program open to all who are interested. We meet each Wednesday evening in the education building from 6:30—8 pm. Each week we review and study the scripture for the upcoming Sunday worship service and discuss ways in which to apply it to our lives today. Please feel free to invite a friend. Please notify the church office if you need assistance with child care. Arrangements will be made to have child care on site.

‘In the beginning there was nothing, and out of nothing you fashioned a universe so vast, so unimaginable that we can only sigh with amazement when we stare upwards on a star-lit night…’ - John Birch, Methodist Lay Preacher Pastor’s article continued from page 1… So, next time you see Nicole Styx, Rose Howland, Joanne Bowden, Jill Bacorn, Justin McIver, Diane Islander, Holly Adams, or Ed Bacorn tell them how much you appreciate their dedication as teachers for our young people. Because of them we have an excellent Christian Education Department for our youth. Our teachers are important. But, they are not complete without the

young people. Please support them not only with your prayers, your gifts, and your service, but also with your presence and the presence of your children and grandchildren each and every Sunday. Our children may never have a better chance. Pastor Steve

November 2011

T h e V a l l ey S p i r i t

Christmas Pageant—Dec 11th

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Turkey Dinner—Nov 6th

The Christmas Season preparations have started at Ramona United Methodist Church. The Children’s Christmas pageant is set for Sunday, December 11 at 4 pm. We will be acting out the Nativity with music sung by all ages. Parts have been assigned, but there is still room for anyone wishing to participate. If you are unable to attend, but interested in participating please contact Nicole Styx. Nicole.Styx@cox.net 760-4400276.

This year’s 31st Annual Ramona United Methodist Church Turkey Dinner is noon—5 p.m. at the Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane. Get your tickets now. Tickets will also be available at Albertson’s and Stater Bros. Watch for the sale tables!

Practice will be on Wednesdays during FWF at 4:30 and after Church on December 4th and 11th.

The Turkey Dinner began as a mission project and has grown to be a great community service. Through ticket sales to members, friends and family, Ramona United Methodist Church serves complimentary meals to families in need, the home-bound, In His Steps, Michael’s House and many others. 100% of the net proceeds go to mission support. More information is available at

Adult tickets are $8, seniors are $7 and children 5-12 are $6. Families of six or more are $6 per person.

http://ramonaumc.org or by calling (760) 789-7106.

Friendship Circle

UMW Annual Craft Sale-Nov 6

The Friendship Circle will meet at 10 am on Wednesday, November 2, at the home of Joanne Bowden, 16150 Oak Springs Drive. Rose Howland will lead the devotions.

UMW will be holding their annual craft sale during the turkey dinner which will be taking place at the Senior Center on Sunday, November 6. Cyndy Manning is once again preparing a fabulous quilt for the “Opportunity Drawing”. Tickets will be available for a $2 donation at the church prior to this event. Tickets will also be available the day of the turkey dinner.

All women are invited for a morning of inspiration, fellowship, and refreshments.

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Notes from the Lay Leader A recent business trip took me to Orlando for a week. I decided to spend the weekend after my business concluded at Disney World. As I walked around the World Showcase at Epcot, I heard the sound of harmony coming from the American Adventure Pavilion. The sound enticed me to enter the building. As I entered, the sound grew not only in volume but in clarity and richness. There was a crowd already formed around an 8-member acapella group called the Voices of Liberty. I found a place along the wall where I could stand to listen. The group began to sing "God Bless America" as a finale to the set they were finishing. It was wonderful. So good in fact that I noted when the next performance was going to be, so I could come back. I entered the pavilion early and got a seat up front. The attendants were encouraging people to move close to where the group was going to be and to sit on the floor. Several children and families did that, and some of the children were excited and giddy about it. The group came out, and sang a short opening number. Then the leader addressed the crowd inviting everyone to come into the circle on the floor that mirrored the dome in the ceiling. He explained that was where the sound was the best. I was so glad that I had returned because the group was great. I plan to buy one or more of their Christmas CD’s this year so I can relive some of that experience.

realize that we need something and we are looking intently. Others are like me at Epcot, wandering somewhat aimlessly, stopping where things seem interesting. When we first hear the call to Christ, it is faint but intriguing enough to make us want to investigate. As we draw closer, we hear something analogous to "God Bless America" and we think, yes, I like that. At that point, how many of us wander away to look in the next exhibit? What is there in our initial experience that makes us want to return? When that visitor walks through the doors of your church are they offered a reason to return? Who's job is it to provide that reason? (It's yours but we'll save that explanation for another article.) When they do return, are they invited to sit in the choice seats? Are they excited about the invitation? Many of us start out along the wall and it takes some time to feel comfortable coming closer. The distance from the somewhat anonymous outside aisle seat two-thirds of the way back to the front row can be a long way. Who's helping us make that journey? Who's inviting us to come closer to Christ, to sit under the dome so that we get all of the best of the song? And when we hear that song, do we let it wash over us, savor it and then go looking for more?

Don't worry if you're not ready to take a place on the floor under the dome. It will be there As I thought about it, I realized that it symbol- for you when you are ready. In the meantime, ized the relationship that I and many others read, study, commune, and worship as you look have with God and the church. We are wander- for just the right spot on the floor. ing about through the world, looking for someJ.D. Baker thing but not knowing what that is. Some of us

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Jr./Sr. High Youth News The Jr./Sr. high youth have been gathering for Sunday School and have some new opportunities that will begin in November. The first is their participation in worship on the first Sunday of each month. On Communion Sunday our older youth traditionally stay in church rather than having a Sunday school class, so they are going to be getting more involved in worship. Youth have signed up to help with communion service, ushering, providing music, and helping with the elementary Sunday school classes in November. Each month there will be new signups so that they have the opportunity to participate in different ways each month. Secondly, they are giving some serious thought as to whether or not they want to commit to participating in Sierra Service Project next summer. In Sunday school on October 30, they will be looking at videos from actual SSP trips and discussing what this commitment would mean with regards to fund raising and time commitments. A decision needs to be made and $60 deposits (checks made out to RUMC Youth) received from each youth participating by Sunday, November 13. This deposit is to be paid by the youth or parent. All future deposits and expenses will be raised by the youth. The cost per person is $325 for new groups ($360 for returning churches). They will also need to raise travel expenses (van rental and gas) and possibly hotel and some meal expenses, depending on where the youth elect to go. (check out the SSP website at www.sierraserviceproject.org)

The Jr. High Sunday School class (grades 68) is going to be led by Holly Adams beginning the second Sunday in November and the Sr. High Sunday school class is being led by Eddie Bacorn and Diane Islander. Eddie will be teaching on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, and Diane will be teaching on 3rd and 5th Sundays and organizing the sign-ups on 1st Sundays.

Spaghetti Dinner— Youth Fund Raiser The traditional spaghetti dinner which the youth put on annually following the Christmas program will be taking place on Sunday, December 11. The Christmas program is scheduled for 4 pm and the dinner will follow around 5 pm. Volunteers are needed to help with the cooking and youth and parents are asked to please stay following worship to help set up tables. A basket for donations will be placed on each table and funds raised will go to support SSP and the youth retreat weekends (Spirit Quest for Jr. high and Youth Alive for Sr. high). Your support for our youth is greatly appreciated. In Christ’s Service, Diane Islander, UMYF Co-Director

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Little People’s Learning Center We’ve had a very busy time in October with a visit from Smokey Bear and his firefighter friends, a trip to Fire Station #82, a ride around Farmer Sam’s to find pumpkins and finally a parade of costumes on Halloween. Thanks to all our teachers for ALL they do.

We asked the children *What are you thankful for? Some of their answers are: snacks, fun & fitness, food, Nana, Jesus, love, friends, Grandma, moon & stars, watermelon, strawberries, trampoline, sunshine, daddy, uncle & aunt and birds.

November’s learning themes include: Harvest Time, Making Bread, Pilgrim Days, and Giving Thanks!

Once again the children teach us it’s the simple things. What are YOU thankful for?

We’ll be planting a fall/winter garden with the help of Papa Tom Ferguson. Nana Rose continues to bring us stories with her puppets and Ms. Jill does fun & fitness with all the children twice a month. Anyone looking to volunteer at the preschool are welcome— ideas: help us make bread, straighten out storage or help teacher prep. I’ve been asked to do the designer bags fundraiser again, so check with me if you want to order bags or see what we have on hand.

God Bless, Ms. Jill

Are You a Link? A link in the prayer chain, that is. Since our church was founded in 1979 we have had an active prayer chain with folks ready to pray at any time for those who request prayers. Those of us who have had our needs prayed for know how much strength and comfort those prayers have given us. If you have a need for prayer, please contact the church office at 760-789-7106 or Cynthia Ferguson

at 760-789-7204 or 760-310-2853. If you cannot reach either and it is a need for immediate action, please contact Adelaide Young (see below). Being a member of the prayer chain is easy. You just agree to hold people and their needs in prayer when you are called or emailed with a request. Prayer requests are distributed to everyone via email that we have an email address for, but not everyone has email; those who volunteer to be on the “call” list will receive a phone call regarding the prayer request. If you are not currently on the prayer “call” chain, you may contact Adelaide Young and let her know if you would like to be reached by phone. She can be reached at 760-789-2956, 760-445-0452, or adelaidey@sbcglobal.net.

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Another Way to Purchase Scrip Have you been thinking about Christmas purchases? Are you too busy on Sunday mornings to stop by the gazebo to pick up your scrip? Do you forget your checkbook and don’t want to come by the office during the week? Are you a computer savvy person? Then have we got an idea for you. If you’d like to purchase scrip online from Great Lakes Scrip, the company that our church works with, Karen Harris (martkar@cox.net) can give you directions on the procedure; in a half hour or so you’ll have your scrip! From January 1st through October 4th four different families purchased $4,000

worth of scrip this way for Home Depot, Amazon, iTunes, and various other companies; the total rebate amount back to the church for these online purchases was $172.45. One couple buys all of their iPad books with scrip that gives the church a percentage too. And you can re-load some scrip gift cards. Of course if you’d like to purchase your scrip on Sunday mornings we’ll still be set up at the gazebo. You’d be surprised at all of the scrip companies we have in inventory and the others which can be ordered. A complete list can be accessed at greatlakesscrip.com.

Can Structural Change Lead to Social Change? Wednesday, December 7 @ San Diego First UMC 7-8:30 p.m. In the Sutherland Family Music Center Marjorie Suchocki, member of the United Methodist Church's Worldwide Nature of Church Study Commission and retired theology professor from the Claremont School of Theology, will discuss problems and possibilities emerging from the Study Commissions report and recommendations to General Conference 2012. In recent years, the face of United Methodist Church has changed dramatically. In the US, our church has continued a slow decline. Elsewhere in the world, the Church is growing quickly and enthusiastically. Though questions about the changing global structure of our denomination may seem far away from our local churches in California, decisions made by our General Conference about the church’s structure affect us all. Join us also for Vespers Communion at 5:30 & Wednesday Dinner from 6--7:00 RSVP for dinner ($6) at 619--297--4366 Sponsored by MSFA and San Diego First UMC


Ramona United Methodist Church 3394 Chapel Lane Ramona, CA 92065-3640

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

We’re on the WEB! Ramonaumc.org & umc.org Rev. Steve Islander, Pastor OFFICE: 760-789-7106 HOME: 760-787-1589 EMAIL: pastorsteve @ramonaumc.org Barbara Green, Admin. Asst. office@ramonaumc.org

Opportunities to Participate in the Life of RUMC Sign up on the

Annual Turkey


bulletin board in

Dinner set for


the church


December 11

Nov. 6

@ 4:00 pm

Diane Islander & Jennifer Sager, UMYF Co-Directors alohadi@att.net jjsager2002@yahoo.com

narthex to serve

Jason Purtle, Music Director Kevin Cavanaugh, Accompanist


Rev. Myron Wingfield, District Superintendent Ministers: The People of the Church LITTLE PEOPLE’S LEARNING CENTER 760-789-3435 Jill Bacorn, Director

and participate!

Followed by



flowers on




Articles for next month’s Valley Spirit are due by November 16th

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