Ramona United Methodist Church
The Valley Spirit
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
August 2011
Pastor Steve’s Reflections Inside this issue: Potluck Sunday, Aug. 14th
Friendship Circle
Wednesday Summer Picnics
Fall Festival
News From Your Lay Leader
Sunday School News for August
Calendar/This Month’s Volunteers
Trustees Update
OUR VISION: An inclusive community of faith, learning and serving for the glory of Christ.
“Wait until summer,” he said, “Things will slow down and you will have some spare time to catch up on all this work.” He was a fellow pastor and mentor of mine. I believed him. But, unless he meant next summer, or some other summer in the future, and not the last fourteen, he was wrong. Mentors aren’t always right you know. He remained a mentor to me for several more years, but not in the way you might think. It eventually evolved into a “photo negative” sort of thing in which I would pose a problem to him, he would give an answer, and I could then eliminate that suggestion from the list of options. Actually, very helpful in that way. But, that’s another story for another time.
on the sign remodel going on out by the highway. Then I came into the building and noticed the two former nursery rooms are well underway with their transformation into a meeting room and learning center. The Sunday nursery has been moved to the preschool building. In addition we have obtained an excellent price on new carpeting thoughout the sanctuary and office space and the new ductwork has been completed. Plans to upgrade the A.V. system in the sanctuary are coming along and will enable us to serve more people by providing a quality venue for our local talent and a gathering place for our community. And that’s just some of the physical stuff. There are new things going on all the time.
I am writing this after returning from a two week “vacation,” and looking at all that is going on around the church. Sometimes it seems like nothing is happening while you are in the midst of it all. It can be frustrating when you imagine that things should or could be going at a more rapid pace. But, after being away for a while, you see things with fresh eyes. It’s the old forest and trees metaphor.
Have you noticed our webpage? Every time I look at it there are noticeable improvements. We now have sermons recorded and posted, so those missing a Sunday can stay caught up. Good news for our families that may be home bound at the moment. Also, for friends and relatives that may not be able to attend on a regular basis. It is also loaded with helpful links to keep us current on not just our congregation, but on the whole United Methodist movement. We now have a very positive outreach service with our webpage.
As I returned from vacation and began to look around I could not help seeing tremendous changes for the better going on all over the place. The first thing I noticed was the sudden progress
...continued at bottom of page two
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T h e V a l l ey S p i r i t
August 2011
Farewell Potluck for Rebecca Wolfe, Christian Ed. Director Please plan to stay following worship on Sunday, August 14, to participate in a farewell luncheon/potluck for Rebecca Wolfe. Rebecca has served as our Christian Education Director for the past six years and we want to let her know how grateful we have been for her service. She will be missed, not only by the other education volunteers and adults in our church, but also by the many children she has nurtured over the years. Please bring a dish to share—paper goods and drinks will be provided.
All Women of the Church Are Invited To Participate in UMW
Friendship Circle
United Methodist Women will resume their monthly gatherings on August 22nd. All women are welcome and encouraged to participate. The Board members will meet at 5:00 pm at the home of Hallie McCray followed by the general meeting at 6:00 where we will share a meal prepared by our hostesses, Hallie and Fern Ball, and a program will follow. Meetings usually end at 8:00 pm.
The Friendship Circle will meet this month on Wednesday, August 3rd at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Dolores Sasway, 16535 Arena Dr. Maddie Volper will lead the devotions. All women are invited for a morning of inspiration, fellowship, and refreshments.
If you have further questions, please contact our UMW President, Paula Miller, at 760-789-9725. Pastor’s article continued from page one….
put us on the Ramona map.
Our new Bible Study at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays is growing with disciples—check it out. Our Core Leadership Team is working on a new mission project to expand service to our community to be announced later. Vacation Bible School has started with over 100 children registered. And, I might add, a multitude of volunteers. The Wednesday night picnics on the patio continue to draw excellent crowds as both church members and preschool families come together for great food and fellowship.
Because there is so much going on, I have probably missed some things. But, I do know this: God has blessed us and is leading us in a very positive direction. God has given us some of the best risk taking lay leadership imaginable, whose talents have been inspiring to us all. Because of them and the enthusiastic support they have received from the rest of the congregation, we are a church on the move. I can’t name them all for fear of missing some, but you know who they are. Be sure to personally thank them when you see them. It makes a big difference.
On top of that, planning and organizing for the Fall Festival is well underway. It will be a fullfledged carnival, with rides, vendor booths, food booths, game booths, entertainment, and more. It will fill the entire empty space between the church and the highway. That will
Blessings, Pastor Steve
August 2011
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Wednesday Summer Picnics Bring Out the Crowds Our joint LPLC and RUMC Wednesday Picnics have been well attended and the food is GREAT! There two more planned for August, so if you haven’t been able to attend one yet, there’s still time. August 10th & August 24th: dinner themes tbd You can sign up to bring a dish on Sundays following worship or contact Nikki Styx at 760-440-0276.
Carnival Plans Shifting Into High Gear Planning for our “Fall Festival” is underway. The event will be taking place September 9-11 and is certain to be a great fund raiser for our church. There will be carnival rides, food vendors, exhibitors, entertainment, demonstrations, and much, much more!
be needed. We hope that if you are called upon to lend a hand, that you will respond willingly and with enthusiasm. Meetings are being held on Thursdays at 5:00 at the church to help keep everyone on track. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Chairing the event is Nikki Styx, Mark Miller is chairing the grounds committee, Diane Islander is chairing the events coordination, Paula Miller and Doris Nixon are recruiting vendors, and Paul Wilkinson is helping with publicity (our web guru) and the financial end of things.
We hope to have some food events (possibly a chili cook-off and maybe a cupcake decorating contest) and will be looking for folks willing to organize these events. If you are willing to say, “Ooo, Yes, pick me!”, please contact Diane at 760-787-1589. Check out our Ramona UMC website for further information.
This is a big undertaking and a lot of help will
Kudos To Our SCRIP Supporters To all who purchased SCRIP from through June; to those who have SCRIP, sold it, and processed the Ramona UMC has received over $1,500 of your efforts!
January ordered orders— because
If you are not already a SCRIP customer, it’s time to start. It’s simple to do; just stop by the gazebo following worship and we’ll explain how it works. Remember, buying SCRIP means you’ll pay no more for the purchases you
normally make and our church will be better able to meet our commitments financially. Make a point to stop by the gazebo this Sunday.
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T h e V a l l ey S p i r i t
August 2011
News From Your Lay Leader Reciprocity When someone has done you a favor or perhaps an unexpected kindness have you ever responded "much obliged" as a way of saying thank you? I know that many of us have. The leadership team at the company I am now employed at has been reading a book entitled, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion which is about how people are influenced in their decision making. Finding a way to make people think they are obligated to do something for you is one of those techniques. Many of the examples in the book have a negative connotation, like how sales people get us to buy stuff we don't really want. But one quote in the book caused me to think differently. "Pay every debt, as if God wrote the bill." Ralph Waldo Emerson So it seems to me that all of the psychological talk about reciprocity - some 35 pages of it in this book - was nothing more than a restatement of the Golden Rule. Matthew 7:12 says, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." I was not surprised to find that the notion of the Golden Rule exists in many faiths and beliefs. One of my favorites in those other religions was from something called Jainism, "A man should wander about treating all creatures as he himself would be treated." Sutrakritanga 1.11.33
called to do. When Emma and Peter Moore-Kochlacs led worship a couple weeks ago, they chose Matthew 25:31-45 as the scripture. This passage instructs us to meet the needs of the people we encounter, even the least of them, and many of us do that when we are asked. During our Bible study session on Matthew 25, Pat Olson summed it up very succinctly, "Love includes doing." But how many of us "wander about" seeking ways to apply the Golden Rule? I believe we are not only called to do good when the opportunity presents itself, but also called to seek out those opportunities. We need to look beyond our church walls, learn about the needs of our community, and then act on that knowledge. In each and everything we do throughout each day, wherever we are, whoever we meet, we need to act our faith by exercising the Golden Rule. In return those people may just feel obligated to learn more about what motivates us to act that way, and so the world starts to transform by making another disciple of Jesus Christ. Your Lay Leader, J.D. Baker
I think this speaks to what we as Christians are
Sunday School News for August During the month of August, we will continue our Summer Movie Clips for Kids. On August 7th, the children will be learning about when Jacob received Isaac’s blessing and we will be watching a clip from The Lion King. On August 14th, the children will watch a clip from A Christmas Story as they learn about parents always wanting what is best for their children. On August 21st, they will watch a clip from Home Alone as they learn about the
Good Samaritan. On August 28th, we will be getting ready to go back to school and will be discussing grades as we watch a clip from Little Dogs on the Prairie: Lyin’, Cheatin’ and a Hot Lollipop Volunteers are always welcome. Please contact Rebecca Wolfe at 760789-1063 if you are able to help out.
August 2011
August Birthdays 1 3 4 5 7 8 11
12 13 16 17 20 22 30 31
Alan Welch Rachel James Gina Fisher Jason Purtle Tony Greenwell Bernard Young Mabel Wescott Mark Miller Mary Lou Gray Donna Bakarich Jessica Gage Alicia Baker Lila Jenkins Joyce Craig Riley Braxtan Carlton Hutchins Mary Barnes Dorothy Allen Danny Nixon Cindi Zeigler Jen Willson Darren Hardesty Jr.
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Mark Your Calendars Wednesdays
Bible Study
Choir Practice
6:30-8:00 pm 6:30-8:00 pm
(beginning Aug. 11) Mon., Sept. 5
Trustees 7:00 pm
Sept. 9-11
Fall Festival & Carnival
Mon., Sept. 19
Finance 6:00 pm Ad. Council 7:00 pm
Thurs., Sept. 15Worship Comm. 5:30 pm Mon., Sept. 26
UMW Ex. Comm. 5:00 pm UMW Gen. Mtg. 6:00 pm (Location tbd)
YOUTH 2011: Youth 2011 is a project of Young People’s Ministries, a division of The General Board of Discipleship of the UMC. This gathering of youth takes place every three years in a different part of the county. This year they are meeting in two locations. The first group—about 3,700 from 42 states and 274 churches—was on the campus of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., July 13-17. The second Youth 2011 will begin July 27 in Sacramento, Calif. Miki Arnold, 17, said Youth 2011 made her realize that “being a Methodist is more than just reading the Bible and the building we call a church … it’s being out with people and showing potential and inspiring others. It’s all about going out on your journey,” she said.
August Anniversaries 4 8 9 15 25
David & Rose Howland Matt and Jennifer Sager Sheldon & Joyce Craig Harold & Ellie Campbell Curt & Karen Johnson
Young people at the Purdue gathering found their days full with workshops and speakers, an exhibit hall of ministry organizations and on-the-spot volunteer opportunities with such groups as Habitat for Humanity or Children with Hair Loss. Preliminary tallies from the Youth 2011 organizers found six interior walls and 20 wall panels built for Habitat for Humanity and 265 locks of hair donated to Children with Hair Loss. That is in addition to the 20,022 meals packaged for Stop Hunger Now, 150-plus cards written for Kairos Prison Ministry, $8,200 raised for Youth Service Fund and 100 boxes of toys collected for the Methodist Health Foundation to be distributed to children in area hospitals. Organizers still are counting all that the young people contributed during the Purdue gathering and won’t have a final tally until after the Sacramento event. This is just one example of the many opportunities available through the UMC for our young people. See more about Youth 2011 at www.umc.org.
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T h e V a l l ey S p i r i t
August 2011
August 2011
NEW Office Hours: Tues-Thurs 9 am – 1 pm
1 Trustees Mtg. 7:00 pm
7 Communion Sunday
3 Friendship
4 Fall Festival
Circle 10:00 am @ home of Dolores Sasway Bible Study 6:30-8:00
Planning Mtg. 5:00 pm
10 Bible Study 6:30-8:00
15 Finance Mtg. 6:00 pm Ad Council 7:00 pm
22 UMW Board 5:00 pm Gen. Mtg. & dinner 6:00 pm @ home of Hallie McCrray
Potluck for Rebecca Wolfe
11 Fall Festival Planning Mtg. 5:00 pm Choir Rehearsal 6:30-8:00 pm
17 Bible Study 6:30-8:00
18 FF Mtg. 5:00 Worship Comm. Mtg. 5:30 pm Choir Rehearsal 6:30-8:00 pm
24 Bible Study 6:30-8:00
25 Fall Festival Planning Mtg. 5:00 pm Choir Rehearsal 6:30-8:00 pm
31 Bible Study 6:30-8:00
Men’s Breakfast @ Ramona Café 6 AM Every Thursday
Women’s Breakfast @ McDonald’s 6:30 AM Every Tuesday
This Month’s Volunteers Liturgist: Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28
Acolytes: Robin LeBrun Hallie McCray Rex McCray Rebecca Wolfe
Greeters: Aug. 7 OPEN Aug. 14&21 Fergusons Aug. 28 Millers Coffee Fellowship: Month of August: SPRC
Friendship Day
14 Farewell
Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28
Dawson Adams Cara Wochaski Nathaniel LeBrun Conner Wochaski
Flowers: Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28
Youngs OPEN Ruth Smith Elsners
August 2011
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News From Our Little People’s Learning Center What a wonderful summer we are having are Little People’s Learning Center. The children are learning, playing and praying! Yes, the children pray daily before each snack/meal, at daily Bible circle and sometimes when we have celebrations and concerns. Won’t you join us in prayer daily for our preschool and church?
Library, Dos Picos Park, and Ramona Museum. We continue to enjoy sharing time together at the Summer Picnics: August Dates are the 10th and 24th. Won’t you join us around 5, eat at 5:30 and visit until the sun goes down? Or join the Bible study while the children play. Lastly, LPLC will be closed for all preschool children (open for school age) Thursday and Friday 8/18 & 19 to prepare for the new school year. The school year begins August 29 and very few openings are left. Contact Jill at 760-789-3435 if you plan to enroll.
While we play we learn, and August brings us to South Africa in our quest to know about our world. We’ll study deserts and safaris, continue to enjoy water play, and fun & fitness. The school-age children will visit Ramona
Facilities Update From Our Trustees One of the important responsibilities of the Church Trustees is to ensure the proper upkeep of our building and grounds. Earlier this year, we made the decision to move forward to repair the Hwy 67 church sign and to make it more prominent and readable. This is just one of the many suggestions made to improve our Church’s visibility in the community and to become more welcoming. With Mark Miller’s help and the generous funding from the Memorial Committee, the sign is under construction. Two beautiful crosses are to be mounted on a substantial stucco wall edged with a stone veneer, lighting and landscaping. Watch the progress over the next few weeks. Another significant project underway is the conversion of the vacated nursery areas in the main building to the new Rockey Learning Center. This Center supports the learning facet of the Church’s new Vision. (The nursery is now in the Little People Learning Center and the prior Library space is to be used for the growing pre-school program.) The rooms are being upgraded and furnished to support an enhanced meeting/ classroom, and an intimate, cozy reading room/ conversation space. New energy efficient lighting, modular tables and a multi-media whiteboard will provide a 21st century learning environment. A small Bible reference library will be available for research in a comfortable space with individual and group seating for quiet thought, prayer, and consultation. Fresh paint, wood blinds and an area
rug will create a warm, inviting ambience. This project is being funded from the generous Clyde and Betty Rockey legacy gift. Work is underway on this project, and it is anticipated that it is to be completed in mid-September. Also, we have an unexpected opportunity to acquire new carpet for the Sanctuary and offices at a great price and consideration of this improvement is underway. Just as our homes need maintenance and refreshing, so does our church facility. We are being mindful to take into consideration energyefficiency, safety, and thriftiness when making decisions. We are also mindful that our Church is an asset with long-term value that we have been entrusted to maintain. The Trustees thank everyone who helps us to keep current with our responsibilities.
Ramona United Methodist Church 3394 Chapel Lane Ramona, CA 92065-3640
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
We’re on the WEB! Ramonaumc.org & umc.org Rev. Steve Islander, Pastor OFFICE: 760-789-7106 HOME: 760-787-1589 EMAIL: pastorsteve @ramonaumc.org Open Position, Admin. Asst. Diane Islander, Valley Spirit Editor (alohadi@att.net)
Opportunities to Participate in the Life of RUMC Sign up on the
Choir Rehearsals
Fall Festival
bulletin board in
the church
August 11,
meeting every
narthex to serve
6:30-8:00 pm
Rebecca Wolfe, Christian Education Director
and participate!
5:00 pm at the
Jason Purtle, Music Director Kevin Cavanaugh, Accompanist
Rev. Myron Wingfield, District Superintendent
Come lend a
flowers on
Ministers: The People of the Church LITTLE PEOPLE’S LEARNING CENTER 760-789-3435 Jill Bacorn, Director
Sunday) Articles for next month’s Valley Spirit are due by August 20th