Our operations
Considerate safety Ramudden is the considerate work site safety company. With adapted solutions based on our extensive know-how and capacity for innovation, we improve safety for our and our customers’ employees and for the general public. We lead development in the industry and are focused on continuing to grow and expand.
At Ramudden, our job is to make sure that everyone comes home safe and well every day. Our solutions are based on our employees’ expertise and our genuine passion for making a difference and contributing to a higher level of safety in society. Through regular internal skills development, we ensure that all staff on site in projects are qualified and have the
necessary knowledge. The special Ramudden spirit focuses on the human factor and helps all our employees do their best and provide our customers with good service. We always work in close proximity to our customers and have high availability with our 63 depots across the Nordic region. We are available when and where customers need us. The value we add
With considerateness, knowledge, expertise and innovative solutions, we create safe work sites that contribute to a safer society. Right from the planning stage, we enhance the efficiency of projects in terms of logistics, safety, costs and environmental impact. We like to join projects early and ensure that regulations for work site safety and the environment are complied with effectively. As our customers hire equipment from us instead of buying it themselves, we boost resource efficiency in the industry. We reuse things for as long as possible and increase the use intensity of equipment during its life. The equipment we provide is always quality-assured so that our customers can rely on it and focus on their projects. We constantly improve our solutions, in part by means of new digital technology, to make work sites even safer and more efficient. Industry involvement
All the way from planning to the practical work out at work sites, Ramudden focuses on safety and efficiency.
Ramudden is deeply involved in the work to improve work site safety in general. We promote this issue in the industries in which we work. We have representatives both on the board of the Swedish Association for Safer Roadwork Sites (Sveriges Branschförening för Säkrare Vägarbetsplatser) and