Second Annual Production Sale
R B Lady Party 192-305 - Lot 1
September 7, 2013
4 p.m. CDT
Jeff and Jon Riley E 2999 S. Dublin Darlington, WI 53530 Dear Cattlemen and Friends, Welcome to our Second Annual Female Production Sale. We would like to thank you in advance for taking interest in our Angus program. We have worked diligently to produce cattle that will have a strong impact on the cattle industry. We feel that cattle have to be born light and grow fast to a year old. This growth rate has proven to dominate the needs of cattle breeders throughout the United States. The Lady cow family has exemplified our beliefs. We’re four of the top ten (non-parent females) for Birth to Yearling weight spread cattle in the entire Angus breed were bred here at Riley Bros. Angus farm. The top spread heifer was sold in our first production sale for $4,500. This heifer was Pfizer tested and took her slot at the top of the breed. The owners of this heifer have been extremely satisfied with the outcome of the results. Our Lady family also dominated the 2013 NWSS in Denver, Colorado where the top-selling four head were all Lady females from three different producers. This has shown that the Lady family has proven to work at different environments for different breeders’ needs. Another great accomplishment from 2013 is that a Lady bred animal won the prestigious Midland Bull Test in Montana for the second time in two tries which is a dream most breeders only can hope will happen once in a lifetime. Our females in this sale all have the capability to take your herd into another level of growth cattle. In this sale you will see for yourself the first calves from our bulls at major AI studs�RB Active Duty-010, RB Tour of Duty-177, RB Barometer-9721 and RB Resolute-1844. They will not disappoint. We have also brought in many new cow families over the last few years which we will be offering many in this sale. You will also find cattle from the great Koupals herd in South Dakota. These are easy fleshing well-bred females. We would like to recognize the great efforts given by our crew at home: Tom Edwards, Glenn Davis, Josh Riley, Tim Salathe, David Williams, Ron Ray and Chad Morrissey. Without the day-to-day commitment on their part to our farming operation, none of this would be possible. Updated pedigree information will be provided on our website at Weaning weights will be taken during the second week in August. Please feel free to give Glenn a call to set up a visit or to answer any questions regarding the sale at 608-574-2176. Sincerely, Jeff and Jon Riley
Second Annual Production Sale
4 p.m. CDT
September 7, 2013
RILEY BROS. CONTACT INFORMATION: Jeff Riley (608) 574-2299 Jon Riley (608) 574-2298 Glenn Davis, Manager (608) 574-2176 E-mail:
SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION: Updated breeding and HD50K will be available prior to sale and on sale day. Weaning weights will be submitted after the printing of this sale book. Check our web site at for updates.
HERD HEALTH: A complete up-to-date health certificate will be available for each animal listed in this sale book.
SALE DAY PHONES: Please call listed phone numbers for Riley Bros., Glenn. SALE DAY REPRESENTATIVES: Wes Tiemann (816) 244-4462................ Angus Journal Tom Rooney (515) 491-6025............ Midwest Marketer Bill Schermer (641) 425-2641......... Special Assignment Mike Sorenson (641) 745-7949............... Livestock Plus SALE LOCATION: 7559 Hwy. E, Shullsburg, WI 53586 Food and refreshments will be served on sale day.
INSPECTION OF CATTLE: Cattle are ready for inspection at any time. Please call Glen Davis, (608) 574-2176 to set up your visit. TRUCKING: Truckers believed to be reliable are available for transport of cattle. Riley Bros. Angus or CK6 Consulting Inc. will help in this process. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Cattle will sell under the suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association (http://www.angus. org/Pub/suggested_sale_terms.pdf). Visit the Angus Journal® Web site, www.angusjournal. com, and view this sale book online. References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusSource®, CAB®, Pathfinder®.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Super 8, Darlington, WI (608) 776-8830 Ask for Riley Bros block of rooms. Dubuque, IA is 20 minutes from sale location.
EPDs current as of July 31, 2013. Updated EPDs can be viewed online at
Riley Bros Service Sires G T Protege Birth Date: 3-26-2012
#+Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 GAR-EGL Protege +15098880 LB 6807 Isabel 339 Woodhill Mainline GT Siskin 891 #16142672 GT Siskin 657 CED
Bull 17388618
#Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 GAR Precision 2536 #DHD Traveler 6807 #LB E31 Isabel 168
Birth Date: 12-22-2009
#Connealy Danny Boy #Woodhill Blackbird 1288-138K #Connealy Freightliner GT Siskin 280 BW
Pine View 410 X033 [AMF-CAF-NHF]
Tattoo: 21
+.36 RE
+.89 $B
.36 +1.7 .42 +72 .33 +131 .36 +24
High selling bull of the 2013 Wisconsin Bull Test.
Bull 16720961
#Bon View New Design 208 TC Total 410 #14844711 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 #Boyd On Target 1083 Pine View Rita U018 +16152259 +SVF Rita 51N CED
Tattoo: X033
#B/R New Design 036 #Bon View Erica 443 #Twin Valley Precision E161 [RDF] #+TC Erica Eileen 5116 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 +Boyd Forever Lady 7095 #B/R New Dimension 7127 +GAR Precision 939
.31 +.9
+.73 RE
+.78 $B
.35 +59 .27 +113 .27 +25
Big spread bull from the Pine View herd in Iowa.
R B Lady Party 192-305 - Lot 1
1 R B Lady Party 192-305 Birth Date: 1-26-2011
Cow +16984173
#Connealy Onward Werner War Party 2417 +16004857 +BAAR USA Lady Jaye 489 #DHD Traveler 6807 BA Lady 6807 305 +15679812 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
Tattoo: 192
#Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 #BAR Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy #QAS Traveler 23-4 #Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #Hoff Hi Flyer SC 7134 Lady Valedictorian 3SAF
+45 5%
+.26 85% RE
+.59 30% $B
+77.59 20%
RB Lady Party 192-305 CED BW WW YW Milk is a prolific daughter of +1 .31 +2.4 .36 +62 .30 +108 .32 +31 .21 85% 65% 3% 4% 10% Werner War Party out of the cornerstone of the Riley Bros. Angus program B A Lady 6807-305. She is a first-calf heifer that is exceptionally designed in her phenotype with added capacity shape and style. We truly believe this is one of the best females we have ever offered. Full sister to RB Tour of Duty 177, the ABS Global and ORIgen featured sire and record-selling $55,000 MN Bull Test record-breaker, to Crouch Angus Valley, Glenwood, IA. Maternal sister to RB Active Duty 010 at ABS Global and ORIgen and second high-selling bull at the 2011 National Western Stock Show Bull Sale for $16,000 sold to Pasture View Angus, Dunlap, IA and Haynes Cattle Co., Holyoke, CO. RB Lady Party 192-305 is a maternal sister to RB Lady Standard 305890, the $50,000 valued donor for Gaffney Family Cattle and Riley Bros. Angus. She is already rewriting the history books by selling three daughters in the 2013 NWSS Foundation Female Sale that averaged $32,000 and also raising the Champion Bull at the 2013 Midland Bull Test. RB Lady Standard 305-890 on her first 7 heifers has averaged $27,000. Maternal sister to RB Lady Standard 305-0790, the second high-selling $16,500 selection from our 2012 sale, sold to Mindemann Farms, WI, Souix Pass, MT, and Gary Wall in MT. RB Lady Standard 305-216 was the high-selling $15,000 selection of the Wisconsin State Angus Sale sold to Crouch Angus Valley, Glenwood, IA and Gaffney Family Cattle, Barneveld, WI. Maternal sister to RB Lady Standard 305-02 was the lead-off donor at Bechthold Angus Farm, La Porte City, IA and Riley Bros. Angus. Maternal sister to RB Absolute 1305 is owned by Triple C Angus and Seneca Way Inc. of Bruston Mills, WV. Selling open with a package of 6 embryos sired by Koupals B&B Identity.
R B Tour Of Duty 177 - Full brother to Lot 1.
R B Active Duty 010 - Maternal brother to Lot 1.
R B Lady W W 308-988 - Lot 2
2 R B Lady W W 308-988 Birth Date: 3-31-2009
Cow +16400021
#SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV Net Worth 4200 #14739204 +SAV May 2410 #DHD Traveler 6807 BA Lady 6807 308 +15679813 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
Tattoo: 988
#Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 #SAV May 6269 #QAS Traveler 23-4 #Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #Hoff Hi Flyer SC 7134 Lady Valedictorian 3SAF
+45 2%
+.36 50% RE
+.26 50% $B
+70.03 25%
BW WW YW Milk Proven donor and true +4 CED.28 +2.6 .32 +55 .28 +99 .26 +37 .28 powerhouse RB Lady 55% 65% 10% 10% 1% W W 308-988 is a full sister to the Champion Bull at the 2010 Midland Bull Test. Very rarely a tour is given at the farm where the stature of what we truly believe is one of the best Net Worth daughters in the country goes unnoticed. A true ground pounder, and when power comes to mind she has endless ability in a light birth weight package. Maternal sister to the 2012 high-selling $32,000 female RB Lady Contrast 308-850 selected by Crouch Angus Valley, Glenwood, IA. Maternal sister sold to Belle Point Ranch, AR for $19,500 at the 2013 NWSS for Pasture View Angus, IL. Congratulations to the Cox family on all your success! Six maternal sisters sold for an average of $11,650 in our first annual female sale selling to THM Farms, MO, Sioux Pass Angus, MT, and Gary Wall, MT. RB Lady Standard 308-925 a maternal sister sold for $25,000 selection for Mark Holder, OK and Haynes Cattle Co., CO at the 2010 NWSS also the $13,000 RB Lady Brilliance 308-131 selected by Pasture View Angus, IL. RB New Power 936-308 is a maternal brother purchased by Brand Angus, MN later leased to ORIgen bull stud in 2013. First daughter, RB Lady Product 988-2988, sold in the 2013 NWSS Sale for $6,600 to Brand Angus, MN. 1 at birth ratio 95 and 1 at weaning ratio 117. Pasture exposed to Pine View Total X033 from January 25 to February 20, est. due date November 11, 2013.
B A Lady 6807 308 - Dam of Lot 2.
R B Lady Contrast 308-850 - Maternal sister to Lot 2. 3
R B Lady Focus 303-840 - Lot 3
3 R B Lady Focus 303-840 Birth Date: 2-29-2008
#SAF Focus of ER Mytty In Focus [RDF] #13880818 Mytty Countess 906 #DHD Traveler 6807 BA Lady 6807 303 +15679811 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
Cow +16130658
Tattoo: 840
#SAF Fame GDAR Forever Lady 246 #Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357 #QAS Traveler 23-4 #Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #Hoff Hi Flyer SC 7134 Lady Valedictorian 3SAF
+28 30%
+.35 50% RE
+.24 50% $B
+64.75 35%
CED BW WW YW Milk Maternal sister to RB .28 +.1 .33 +50 .29 +93 .29 +32 .30 Smooth Cat 987-303 +10 10% 10% 20% 15% 4% the 2010 Winter Bull Calf NWSS Champion sold to Lazy Black Diamond Ranch in Palmer, NE. RB Lady Focus 303-840 is a maternal sister to RB Lady Final Answer 303-9100 who sold for $13,000 to Carlson Angus Ranch, ND. 840’s maternal sister, RB Lady Final Answer 303-937, was the topselling cow/calf pair in our 2012 sale selling for $15,500 to THM Farms, MO. Full sister RB Lady Focus 303-827 sold for $8,000 to CDL Ranch, IN at the 2011 Midwest Connection Sale. Full sister to RB Lady Focus 303-844, who sold for half interest to Rock Creek Farms, IL, went on to produce RB Resolute 1844 the new ABS Global low BW to growth sensation. 844 also produced RB Lady Party 844-1173 selected for $10,000 by Crouch Angus Valley in the 2012 NWSS Foundation Female Sale. 840 has produced the best flush set of embryo calves at Riley Bros. Angus in 2013 sired by EXAR Upshot. We truly believe she has the ability to out produce any female on the farm. 2@91 BR, 2@114 WR, 2@108 YR, 2@112 IMF, 2@109 RE, best overall records in the herd. AI bred to Sitz Upward 307R, due September 17, 2013 with a heifer calf.
R B Resolute 1844 - Produced from a full sister to the dam of Lot 3.
RB Lady Final Answer 303-9100 - Maternal sister to Lot 3. 4
R B Lady Answer 750-0750 - Lot 4
4 R B Lady Answer 750-0750 Birth Date: 2-19-2010
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] #13592905 SAV Emulous 8145 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] RB Lady Focus 013-750 #+15970912 +BA Lady 302-013
Cow 16859248
Tattoo: 0750
#GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 #Bon View Bando 598 SAV Sky Emulous 2124 #SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
+25 35%
+.53 25% RE
+.29 45% $B
+63.50 40%
CED BW WW YW Milk We believe this is our +7 .31 +.4 .39 +57 .30 +99 .25 +33 .26 best Final Answer 30% 15% 4% 10% 3% daughter in our herd, tremendous udder shape, heavy milker, with power to burn. Ratioed 97 at birth and 123 at weaning on her first calf, the highest ratioing calf of the 2012 crop. RB Lady Answer 750-0750’s first calf, RB Lady 7125-0750-2075 sold for $6,000 to Kurt Steinborn and Ken Bell in our 2012 sale. 0750 is a proven donor producing an average of 20 embryos on her first three flushes. RB Lady Focus 013-750, the Pathfinder Dam of 0750, has 3@112 weaning ratio, 5@105 for IMF, and 5@103 for ribeye. AI bred to RB Tour of Duty 177, due on September 16, 2013.
RB Lady 7125-0750-2075 - Lot 4’s first calf.
RB Lady Duty 0750-318 - Daughter of Lot 4, sells as Lot 20.
R B Lady Party 1912-844 - Lot 5
5 R B Lady Party 1912-844 Birth Date: 1-22-2011
Cow +16998960
#Connealy Onward Werner War Party 2417 +16004857 +BAAR USA Lady Jaye 489 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] RB Lady Focus 303-844 +16130655 +BA Lady 6807 303
Tattoo: 1912
#Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 #BAR Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy #SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
+33 25%
+.45 55% RE
+.57 35% $B
+77.71 20%
CED BW WW YW Milk Proven donor producing .05 I+1.1 .05 I+59 .05 I+108 .05 I+33 .05 28 embryos on her first I+11 10% 35% 10% 4% 3% flush. Maternal sister to RB Resolute 1844, the new ABS Global selected sire for birth to growth spread. Full sister to RB Lady Party 844-1173, the $10,000 selection at the 2012 NWSS Foundation Female Sale by Crouch Angus Valley now a proven donor in Glenwood, IA. 1912 is a full sister to RB Special Forces 110 the Spring Bull Calf Champion at the 2012 NWSS sold to Rodger Friker of KS for $7,500. Her dam, RB Lady Focus 303-844, is considered to be our easiest fleshing cow in the entire herd and sold for one-half interest to Rock Creek Farms, IL. Half-sister to the top-selling cow/calf pair in our 2012 sale for $15,500 to THM Farms, MO. 1912’s dam is a maternal sister to RB Lady Answer 303-9100 that sold for $13,000 to Carlson Angus Ranch in the Wisconsin State Angus sale. Dam is a full sister to the $8,000 selection by CDL Ranch, IN in the Midwest Connection Sale. Sells open and ready to flush with a package of 6 embryos sired by Connealy Imprint.
R B Lady Party 1173-844 - Full sister to Lot 5.
R B Resolute 1844 - Maternal brother to Lot 5. 6
Cherry Crk Blackcap 721 - Lot 6
6 Cherry Crk Blackcap 721 Birth Date: 1-12-2007
Cow 15944086
#Bon View New Design 1407 LCC New Standard #14218253 LCC Sunset K3118 #Nichols Extra H6 Ms CC Blackcap 024 5161S 15182067 +CC Blackcap 1172-024
Tattoo: 721
#B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 War Venture 8030 6008 Leachman Sunset G3008 #N Bar Emulation EXT Nichols Eileen May F261 #Hyline Travel Agent #MS CC Blackcap 3116-1172
+26 35%
+.47 35% RE
+.32 40% $B
+69.72 25%
CED BW WW YW Milk The mother of the +13 .37 +0 .45 +55 .37 +100 .36 +38 .30 incredible $25,000 2% 10% 10% 5% 1% RB Barometer 9721 selected by Select Sires and Haynes Cattle Co. is the top spread bull from Birth to Yearling growth at Select Sires bull stud. Cherry Creek Blackcap 721 is also the picture cow under her sire in the ABS Global Sire Directory, LCC New Standard. 721 ratioed 103 at weaning against 166 contemporaries, 108 at yearling against 66 contemporaries and 122 at IMF against 66 contemporaries for the highest IMF of the great Cherry Creek herd in WY while still ratioing 93 for fat. RB Barometer 9721, her first calf and the Select Sires standout, is -3.2 BW, +70 WW and +117 YW. 721 has 2 calves at 90 for BW, 2@124 for WW, 1@111 YW, 4@110 for IMF, 4@102 for RE and 4@95 for Fat. Cherry Creek Blackcap 721’s daughter, RB Blackcap 1721, ratioed 125 for IMF and 125 for RE and has grown to be one of the best females on the farm. 721 has averaged 7 embryos on her last 3 flushes. Pasture exposed from June 16 to August 1 to GT Protègè.
R B Barometer 9721 - Son of Lot 6 at Select Sires.
RB Lady Upshot 305-389 - Lot 7
7 RB Lady Upshot 305-389 Birth Date: 2-12-2013
#Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Upshot 0562B 16541214 #+EXAR Barbara T020 #DHD Traveler 6807 BA Lady 6807 305 +15679812 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
Cow +17559156
Tattoo: 389
#Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #Isu Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 #QAS Traveler 23-4 #Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #Hoff Hi Flyer SC 7134 Lady Valedictorian 3SAF
I+53 2%
I+.28 80% RE
I+.56 35% $B
+82.99 10%
BW WW YW Milk Maternal sister to Lot 1, I+2 CED.05 I+2.1 .05 I+59 .05 I+108 .05 I+34 .05 both females stemming 2% 80% 60% 10% 4% from the cornerstone of the Riley Bros. Angus program. Not enough can be said about the legendary dam of 389 and most importantly what her daughters have achieved in production. EXAR Upshot is one of the hottest bulls in the country and this mating to B A Lady 6807 305 we absolutely believe will go down in history at Riley Brothers as one of our greatest flushes. Look for her full brother in Denver 2014! Maternal sister sold to Wendel Livestock, ND at the 2011 NWSS and a maternal brother sold to Kim Siebert, NE at the 2011 NWSS. RB Lady Upshot 305-389 exemplifies tremendous style, explosive growth, an ideal breeding piece that has the ability to change and improve any Angus program around the country. Maternal sister RB Lady Standard 305-890 is considered by many to be one of the best cows in the Angus business approaching gross sales of $500,000 in three short years.
RB Lady Product 185-355 - Lot 8 8
R B Lady Standard 305-890 - Maternal sister to Lot 7.
8 RB Lady Product 185-355 Birth Date: 1-19-2013
Connealy Product 568 Connealy Final Product 15848422 #Ebonista of Conanga 471 +SQ Credence 67S RB Lady Credence 890-185 +16998951 RB Lady Standard 305-890
Cow 17559085
Tattoo: 355
#GAR Retail Product Pride Fine of Conanga 566 #Connealy Deep Canyon 454 Ebonisa of Conanga 5469 #SS Objective T510 0T26 +Rita 3540 of 021 Rito 1I1 #LCC New Standard +BA Lady 6807 305
I+18 80%
I+.43 55% RE
I+.66 25% $B
+66.10 50%
CED BW WW YW Milk 355 will be one of the I+7 .05 I+.1 .05 I+65 .05 I+113 .05 I+33 .05 heaviest heifers at 35% 15% 1% 2% 3% weaning in 2013 off of her first calf mother 185. RB Lady Credence 185-890, the dam of 355, is out of the iconic RB Lady Standard 305-890 who is the number one birth to growth cow in the entire Angus breed also with the highest accuracy. 355 dam is a maternal sister to the 2013 Midland Bull Test Champion. 185 is also a maternal sister to the 2013 NWSS phenom RB American Gal 250 purchased for $50,000 by Jet Stream Genetics and the new ABS Global sire RB American Made 197. Dam of 355 is a maternal granddaughter to RB Lady Standard 3050790 purchased by Mindemann Farms, Sioux Pass, and Gary Wall for $16,500 in our 2012 Female Sale. RB Lady Product 185-355 is the first second-generation progeny to be offered for sale stemming from RB Lady Standard 305-890.
RB American Gal-890-250 - Maternal sister to the dam of Lot 8.
RB Lady Upshot 02-350 - Lot 9
9 RB Lady Upshot 02-350 Birth Date: 1-17-2013
#Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Upshot 0562B 16541214 #+EXAR Barbara T020 #LCC New Standard RB Lady Standard 305-02 +16728855 +BA Lady 6807 305
Cow +17559136
Tattoo: 350
#Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #Isu Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 #Bon View New Design 1407 LCC Sunset K3118 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
I+48 4%
I+.43 55% RE
I+.62 25% $B
+86.72 10%
BW WW YW Milk This incredibly deep and I+8 CED.05 I+1.0 .05 I+59 .05 I+112 .05 I+36 .05 powerful EXAR Upshot 1% 30% 30% 10% 2% heifer is a maternal sister to the high-selling heifer calf of our 2012 Female Sale purchased by Crouch Angus Valley, IA for $10,000. Dam is a full sister to RB Active Duty who stands at ORIgen and ABS Global bull studs and has acclaimed wide fame for producing thickness, muscle pattern, and docility. 350’s dam, RB Lady Standard 305-02, is one of the most impressive in our program and possibly one of the better cows in the country, we believe she is one of the best we have ever bred here. Owned with Bechthold Angus Farm, IA. Dam is a full sister to RB Lady Standard 305-890, owned with Gaffney Family Cattle, who has four daughters in the top 10 females in the entire Angus breed for birth to growth spread. 350’s growth is evident and she will carry on to produce industrydesirable cattle that will carry on our testation winning tradition.
10 RB Lady Identity 02-3113
#Sitz Upward 307R Koupals B&B Identity 16710463 #B&B Erica 605 #LCC New Standard RB Lady Standard 305-02 +16728855 +BA Lady 6807 305
Cow +17559159
Tattoo: 3113
#Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #+GAR Exaltation 3144 B&B Erica 4064 #Bon View New Design 1407 LCC Sunset K3118 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
R B Active Duty 010 - Full brother to the dams of Lots 9, 10 and 11.
R B Lady Standard 305-077 - Dam of Lot 11.
RB Lady Identity 02-3113 - Lot 10
Birth Date: 3-4-2013
R B Lady Standard 305-02 - Dam of Lots 9 and 10.
I+51 3%
I+.25 85% RE
I+.63 25% $B
+81.92 15%
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Lady Identity 02-3113 I+10 .05 I+.2 .05 I+63 .05 I+118 .05 I+34 .05 will be one of the first 2% 15% 15% 2% 1% Koupals B&B Identity daughters to sell this fall and she will not disappoint. Koupals B&B Identity is a low birth weight Upwards son who still has all the power and balance exemplified here in 3113. 3113’s grandam, B A Lady 6807 305, is a true breed changer and has done and will continue to do so through her offspring. Very few cows of her stature still stand on this earth where every offering is a genetic opportunity to give yourself endless ability to achieve whatever you wish. Dam is a maternal sister to Lots 1 and 7.
11 RB Lady Concensus 077-3132 Birth Date: 3-14-2013
Connealy Consensus Connealy Consensus 7229 16447771 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #LCC New Standard RB Lady Standard 305-077 +16728856 +BA Lady 6807 305
Cow +17559130
Tattoo: 3132
#KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Blinda of Conanga 004 #Woodhill Admiral 77K Blue Cash of Conanga 6020
#Bon View New Design 1407 LCC Sunset K3118 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
I+38 15%
I+.58 30% RE
I+.45 50% $B
+81.98 15%
CED BW WW YW Milk Dam RB Lady Standard I+5 .05 I+1.2 .05 I+64 .05 I+111 .05 I+27 .05 305-077 is another full 25% 55% 35% 2% 2% sister to RB Lady Standard 305-890, RB Active Duty 010 and RB Lady Standard 305-0790. 077 ratioed 124 at WW and was the first calf to break the 900 lb. barrier as a first-calf heifer while still ratioing 86 at BW carrying on the family tradition for birth to growth spread. 3132’s dam is a maternal sister to RB Tour of Duty 177 who is considered by many to be the best bull displayed in the Denver yards in 2013. 077 had 8.69% IMF and ratioed 150 to be the best scanning animal of the 2010 calf crop. 9 3132 is an absolute sure future donor with endless potential.
R B Lady Contrast 308-850 - Dam of Lot 14 and grandam of Lot 12.
12 RB Lady Sterling 1850-224 Birth Date: 12-1-2012
Cow 17558684
SAV Legacy 5216 HAYNES Sterling 924 16505482 HAYNES ND Forver Lady T709 KCF Bennett Absolute RB Lady Absolute 1850-850 16984181 #+RB Lady Contrast 308-850
Tattoo: 224
#SAV Pathfinder 3134 +SAV Rosetta 3350 #+Boyd New Day 8005 HAYNES Forever Lady R501 #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 #Connealy Contrast +BA Lady 6807 308
I+28 40%
I+.66 25% RE
I+.55 35% $B
+77.18 20%
CED BW WW YW Milk Dam, RB Lady Absolute I+12 .05 I-.6 .05 I+59 .05 I+99 .05 I+28 .05 850-1850, is a direct 20% 5% 10% 10% 15% daughter of the $32,000 sale highlight from our 2012 sale selling to Crouch Angus Valley, IA. Sterling progeny have had a huge impact on our replacement program and we truly believe they have the ability to add the needed characteristic for the Angus breed. 224’s dam is sired by KCF Bennett Absolute, an up-and-coming sire for ABS Global. Dam records a ratio of 90 at BW, 112 at WW, 111 at YW and 111 at RE. 1850’s -.6 BW EPD to I+99 YW EPD gives 224 the ability to produce your next generation herd sires. 224’s 66 lb. actual BW exemplifies her dam’s birth weight EPD.
RB Lady Product 032-362 - Lot 13
13 RB Lady Product 032-362 Birth Date: 1-25-2013
Connealy Product 568 Connealy Final Product 15848422 #Ebonista of Conanga 471 #SAV Net Worth 4200 RB Lady Net Worth 308-032 +16859420 +BA Lady 6807 308
Cow +17559086
Tattoo: 362
#GAR Retail Product Pride Fine of Conanga 566 #Connealy Deep Canyon 454 Ebonisa of Conanga 5469 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] +SAV May 2410 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
RB Lady Confidence 850-3163 - Lot 14
14 RB Lady Confidence 850-3163 Birth Date: 3-26-2013
Cow +17558778
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 16761479 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 #Connealy Contrast RB Lady Contrast 308-850 #+16130651 +BA Lady 6807 308
Tattoo: 3163
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder [RDF] Becka Lee of Conanga 37 #Connealy Danny Boy #Doris of Conanga 669 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
I+.45 55% RE
I+.78 15% $B
+79.47 15%
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Lady Confidence I+13 .05 I-1.3 .05 I+48 .05 I+92 .05 I+33 .05 850-3163 is a direct 3% 3% 3% 45% 30% daughter of the $32,000 sale highlight selected by Crouch Angus Valley, IA. Her dam, RB Lady Contrast 308-850, has 3 calves at 89 for BW, 3@115 for WW, 3@111 for YW and also is a Pathfinder. Thirteen sisters to the dam of 3163 have sold for an average of $12,600 at public auction. A maternal sister to 850 by Upwards sold for $19,500 to Belle Point Ranch, AR as the second high-selling female at the 2013 NWSS Foundation Female Sale. A full sib pregnancy to 3163 was selected by KCJ Angus in our 2012 sale for $4,750.
I+46 5%
I+.47 50% RE
I+.61 30% $B
+78.92 20%
BW WW YW Milk RB Lady Net Worth 308- I+5 CED.05 I+1.2 .05 I+60 .05 I+108 .05 I+36 .05 032 is a full sister Lot 2. 1% 55% 35% 4% 4% Dam recorded a ratio of 115 at IMF, 117 at RE. 032’s first calf ratioed 90 at BW, 114 at WW, 108 at YW, 101 at IMF, 114 at RE and 93 at Fat. Dam is a full sister to the 2011 Midland Bull Test Champion and look for a full brother in Denver 2014! 10
I+35 20%
R B Lady Net Worth 308-032 - Dam of Lot 13.
15 RB Lady Concensus 750-214 Birth Date: 10-1-2012
Connealy Consensus Connealy Consensus 7229 16447771 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] RB Lady Focus 013-750 #+15970912 +BA Lady 302-013
Cow +17559158
Tattoo: 214
#KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Blinda of Conanga 004 #Woodhill Admiral 77K Blue Cash of Conanga 6020 #SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
I+38 15%
I+.69 20% RE
I+.38 60% $B
+81.82 15%
CED BW WW YW Milk Proven donor dam RB I+4 .05 I+2.4 .05 I+59 .05 I+101 .05 I+22 .05 Lady Focus 013-750 60% 65% 65% 10% 10% has been an outstanding longtime egg producer and we have retained many daughters. 214 is a maternal sister to the donor dam of Lot 4, RB Lady Answer 750-0750. Dam recorded 3@100 for BW, 3@112 for WW, 1@107 for YW, 5@105 for IMF and 5@103 for RE. Connealy Consensus 7229 progeny are sought after across the country.
R B Lady Answer 750-0750 - Maternal sister to Lots 15, 16 and 17.
RB Lady Upshot 750-265 - Lot 16
16 RB Lady Upshot 750-265 Birth Date: 12-27-2012
#Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Upshot 0562B 16541214 #+EXAR Barbara T020 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] RB Lady Focus 013-750 #+15970912 +BA Lady 302-013
Cow 17559143
Tattoo: 265
#Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #Isu Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 #SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
I+48 4%
I+.63 25% RE
I+.48 45% $B
+88.57 4%
BW WW YW Milk RB Lady Upshot 750-265 I+4 CED.05 I+2.6 .05 I+57 .05 I+108 .05 I+34 .05 is a maternal sister to 2% 65% 70% 10% 4% Lot 4 who raised RB Lady 7125-2075 that sold to Kurt Steinborn and Ken Bell in our 2012 sale for $6,600. 265 is RB Lady Focus 013-750’s natural calf which should reflect in her EPD profile. EXAR Upshot progeny are taking the country by storm and he has recently produced the first million dollar son, EXAR Denver.
EXAR Upshot 0562B - Sire of Lot 16.
17 RB Lady Safe Guard 750-365 Birth Date: 1-25-2013
Cow +17559168
#+GAR New Design 5050 PA Safeguard 021 16772185 #+PA Lorna Marshall 2905-730 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] RB Lady Focus 013-750 #+15970912 +BA Lady 302-013
Tattoo: 365
#B/R New Design 036 GAR Precision 706 #+Woodhill Foresight Petes 2905 Dateline Marshall #SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
I+36 20%
I+.77 15% RE
I+.46 50% $B
+86.41 10%
BW WW YW Milk Her dam, RB Lady Focus I+5 CED.05 I+1.8 .05 I+63 .05 I+110 .05 I+34 .05 013-750, records 2% 55% 50% 2% 3% 3@100 for BW, 3@112 for WW, 1@107 for YW, 5@105 for IMF and 5@103 for RE. PA Safeguard 021, the new ABS sire, has genomic enhanced EPDs that rank in the top 10% for most key performance traits. 265 is an outstanding prospect for birth, weaning, carcass and docility.
PA Safeguard 021 - New ABS sire of Lot 17.
RB Lady Upshot 840-382 - Lot 18
18 RB Lady Upshot 840-382 Birth Date: 2-8-2013
Cow Reg.No.Pdg.
#Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Upshot 0562B 16541214 #+EXAR Barbara T020 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] RB Lady Focus 303-840 +16130658 +BA Lady 6807 303
Tattoo: 382 S
#Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #Isu Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 #SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
R B Lady Focus 303-840 - Dam of Lot 18.
+.76 RE
+.92 $B
+104.24 D CW +28 MARB
+.35 RE
CED BW WW YW Milk +.24 RB Lady Focus .70 +2.4 .90 +61 .84 +122 .73 +36 .26 $B 303-840 sells SD +6 +10 .28 +.1 .33 +50 .29 +93 .29 +32 .30 +64.75 as Lot 3 and has sired maybe the most consistent set of embryo calves raised at Riley Bros. Angus. RB Lady Upshot 840-382 is an impressive heifer sired by the exciting EXAR Upshot and has all the ability to impact your herd as did her dam for us. Look for full brother in Denver 2014! Three full sisters to her dam 840 have averaged $10,500 at public auction. Dam has recorded 2@91 for BW, 2@114 for WW, 2@108 for YW, 2@112 for IMF, 2@109 for RE, best overall numbers in our herd. 382 has all the potential to be a no-miss donor.
RB Lady Duty 0750-318 - Lot 20
20 RB Lady Duty 0750-318 Birth Date: 1-4-2013
Cow Reg.No.Pdg.
#LCC New Standard RB Active Duty 010 +16718300 +BA Lady 6807 305 #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] RB Lady Answer 750-0750 16859248 #+RB Lady Focus 013-750
Tattoo: 318 S
#Bon View New Design 1407 LCC Sunset K3118 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302 #Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] +BA Lady 302-013
+.05 RE
+.25 $B
+59.49 D CW +25 MARB
+.53 RE
RB Lady Brillance 978-22 - Lot 19
19 RB Lady Brillance 978-22 Birth Date: 9-2-2012
Cow +17559110
+SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] SAV Brilliance 8077 16107774 SAV Blackcap May 5270 #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] RB Lady Final Answer 303-978 +16400034 +BA Lady 6807 303
Tattoo: 22
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] #+SAV May 2420 #Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
CED BW WW YW Milk First daughter to +.29 .39 +.1 .47 +62 .37 +112 .35 +36 .25 $B sell sired by the SD +5 +7 .31 +.4 .39 +57 .30 +99 .25 +33 .26 +63.50 well-received RB Active Duty 010. Active Duty progeny are exemplifying tremendous muscle, pattern, fleshing ability, with exponential growth. Dam is proven donor Lot 4, RB Lady Final Answer 750-0750. 0750, dam of 318, recorded a ratio of 123 at WW on her first calf, the heaviest heifer calf recorded at Riley Bros. Angus. 318’s dam raised a $6,600 heifer selected by Kurt Steinborn and Ken Bell in our 2012 Female Sale.
I+29 35%
I+.13 95% RE
I+.50 40% $B
+54.63 80%
Six full brothers have CED BW WW YW Milk averaged $4,600 at I+12 .05 I+.1 .05 I+51 .05 I+93 .05 I+30 .05 10% 5% 15% 30% 25% public auction. RB Lady Final Answer 303978 is a proven donor and full sister to RB Smooth Cat 987 Winter Bull Calf Champion at the 2010 NWSS. 978 is a full sister to the 2012 Wisconsin State Angus Sale highlight RB Lady Final Answer 303-9100 that sold to Carlson Angus Ranch for $13,000. 22’s full sister sold at the 2013 NWSS for Bechthold Angus Farm to Tim Goforth, WV. 12 Look for her to impact your show string.
R B Active Duty 010 - Sire of Lot 20.
C C A Ruth 096 - Dam of Lot 21.
RB Ruth Confidence 096-3136 - Lot 21
21 RB Ruth Confidence 096-3136 Birth Date: 3-16-2013
Cow Reg.No.Pdg.
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 16761479 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 BC Eagle Eye 110-7 CCA Ruth 096 +16644990 ACC Ruth 310 516
Tattoo: 3136 S
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder [RDF] Becka Lee of Conanga 37 +BC Lookout 7024 #BC Pure Pride Erica D 110 #BR Midland ACC 104 Ruth 002 310
+.72 RE
+1.08 $B
+80.54 D CW +43 MARB
+.49 RE
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Ruth +.63 $B S +16 .74 -2.0 .88 +47 .82 +94 .57 +31 .22 Confidence D -2 .29 +4.2 .35 +60 .29 +105 .32 +21 .20 +88.10 096-3136 will be the first daughter to sell by one of the dominating show heifers of all time. C C A Ruth 096 was Supreme Grand Champion Female at the 2012 Oklahoma Youth Expo, one of the world’s largest junior shows. Also 096 accomplished what many show heifers can’t by going on to be named the 2012 National Junior Angus Show Champion Cow/Calf Pair in Louisville, KY. 3136 exemplifies all the abilities of her dam and is sure to hang purple banners at all levels across the nation. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to own National Champion genetics. Not enough can be said about 3136 and her dam’s impeccable style and look that cannot be matched.
22 RB Beebe Queen 50/50-3100 Birth Date: 2-18-2013
Cow +17558781
#B/R New Design 036 GAR New Design 5050 #+13728513 GAR Precision 706 #SAF Focus of ER Shamrock Beebe Queen 460 E1L +14534094 #+TAR Beebe Queen 576 E26D
Tattoo: 3100
#VDAR New Trend 315 B/R Blackcap Empress 76 #GAR Precision 1680 +GAR Ext 2114 #SAF Fame GDAR Forever Lady 246 #+Leachman Right Time #Sitz Beebe Queen 3615
I+18 80%
I+.80 15% RE
I+.52 40% $B
+72.78 30%
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Beebe Queen 50/50- I+10 .05 I+.9 .05 I+46 .05 I+88 .05 I+32 .05 3100’s donor dam, 5% 15% 30% 55% 40% Shamrock Beebe Queen 460 E1L, stems from the same cow family as the ORIgen and ABS sire PA Power Tool 9108. Power Tool is loaded with the convenience and quality traits that keep Angus cattle on top. Calving-ease, growth, easy-keeping, docileperformance cattle with the ability to hit the high marbling grids that spell profit. 3100 has a practical and functional look to produce the desired traits that stem for generation after generation deep in her pedigree. 5050 sired heifer with the EPD and pedigree flexibility to complement many bloodlines.
23 RB Toni Active Duty 1054-315 Birth Date: 1-4-2013
Cow 17558185
#LCC New Standard RB Active Duty 010 +16718300 +BA Lady 6807 305 Koupals B&B Balancer 709 B&B Toni 1054 17023613 B&B Toni 9078
R B Active Duty 010 Sire of Lot 23.
24 RB Rita Tour 03-386 Birth Date: 2-11-2013
Cow 17558187
I+30 35%
I+.18 95% RE
I+.27 75% $B
+59.84 70%
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Toni Active Duty I+8 .05 I-.1 .05 I+57 .05 I+97 .05 I+28 .05 1054-315 is the first 20% 30% 15% 10% 20% daughter to sell sired by the well-received RB Active Duty 010. 315 possesses massive width, power, style, and explosive growth. Look for Active Duty heifers to be desired by many across the country as they find their way into production. B&B Toni 1054 is a -BW first-calf heifer that recorded 110 at IMF, 94 at Rib Fat and 106 at WW. 1054 recorded a ratio of 94 for birth proving this with a 66 lb. BW on her first calf, 315.
RB Toni Active Duty 1054-315 - Lot 23
+Werner War Party 2417 RB Tour Of Duty 177 +16984170 +BA Lady 6807 305 +SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] Gaffney Blackcap 03 16760334 Gaffney New Design 830
Tattoo: 315
#Bon View New Design 1407 LCC Sunset K3118 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302 Koupals B&B Balancer 4017 +B&B Gammer 5020 Koupals B&B Initiative 608 B&B Toni 1016
Tattoo: 386
#Connealy Onward +BAAR USA Lady Jaye 489 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #GAR Predestined +OTG New Design 1139 459
I+33 25%
I+.35 70% RE
I+.54 35% $B
+74.86 25%
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Rita Tour 03-386 is I+8 .05 I+1.5 .05 I+56 .05 I+100 .05 I+28 .05 sired by RB Tour of Duty 20% 30% 45% 15% 15% 177 and has been one of our favorites since birth at Riley Bros. Angus. RB Tour of Duty was selected by Crouch Angus Valley as one of the best breeding pieces they have ever come across and we agree they couldn’t have been more correct. 386 has explosive growth, added length, and will without a doubt be one of the heaviest heifers we have ever weaned. Gaffney Blackcap 03, 386’s dam, came from the Gaffney Family Cattle herd and has grown into one of the best young cows in the herd.
R B Rita Tour 03-386 - Lot 24
R B Tour Of Duty 177 Sire of Lot 24.
25 RB Annie Resolute 1183-367 Birth Date: 1-26-2013
Cow 17558186
KCF Bennett Absolute RB Resolute 1844 16984187 +RB Lady Focus 303-844 #SydGen CC&7 RB Annie CC&7 1183-187 +16998895 RM Annie 187
Tattoo: 367 S
#SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] +BA Lady 6807 303 #+SAF Connection SydGen Forever Lady 4087 #Connealy Thunder [RDF] RM Annie 313
+.42 RE
+.39 $B
+67.79 D CW I+26 MARB
I+.49 RE
I+.79 .33 -2.0 .41 +67 .31 +114 .33 +28 .16 $B Resolute S +16 D I+6 .05 I+.9 .05 I+54 .05 I+104 .05 I+37 .05 +79.58 CED
RB Annie Resolute 1183-367 - Lot 25
R B Resolute 1844 Sire of Lot 25.
RB Annie 1183-367 is the very first RB Resolute 1844 heifer to sell anywhere in the country. Doug Frank from ABS selected Resolute himself as the next great birth to growth sire and here is your chance to own his oldest daughter and put her into production keeping you ahead of the game. RB Annie CC&7 1183-187 is a first-calf heifer that is super docile with an impeccable udder. Not enough can be said about our Annie daughters and they are just starting to make a huge impact in our herd. Grandmother RM Annie 187 was selected by us as the high-selling female from the Mickelson Dispersion sale where she recorded a ratio of 112 at WW, 112 at YW and 125 at RE making her the high-indexing calf of her crop. 1183 had 6.79% IMF and recorded a ratio of 112.
27 R B Lady 732-0732 Birth Date: 3-15-2010
Cow 16728884
#Bon View New Design 1407 TRR New Design 9u 16419676 #TRR Evergreen 92M-36S #Mytty In Focus [RDF] RB Lady Focus 308-732 +15809304 +BA Lady 6807 308
LCC New Standard - Sire of Lot 26.
26 R B Lady Standard 9787-787 Birth Date: 2-19-2009
Cow 16400065
#Bon View New Design 1407 LCC New Standard #14218253 LCC Sunset K3118 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] RB Lady Focus 303-787 +15809300 +BA Lady 6807 303
Tattoo: 9787
#B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 War Venture 8030 6008 Leachman Sunset G3008 #SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
+24 40%
+.38 45% RE
+.33 40% $B
+60.86 45%
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Lady Standard +12 .33 -.4 .39 +50 .29 +95 .24 +30 .27 10% 3% 10% 20% 10% 9787-787 is a moderate, practical cow with a great udder and has all the ability to raise high quality progeny expected from the Lady cow family. 9787 has recorded 2@98 for BW and 1@108 for IMF. Her dam, RB Lady Focus 303-787, recorded 2@108 for WW. 787 was selected by THM Farms, MO in our 2012 Female Sale and her sisters, RB Lady Focus 303-827, RB Lady Answer 303-937, and RB Lady Answer 303-9100 have averaged $11,200 at public auction. 9787’s dam is a full sister to RB Lady Focus 303-844, coowned with Rock Creek Farms, who is the donor dam of RB Resolute 1844, the new ABS Global sire. Pasture exposed to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to July 25.
Tattoo: 0732
#B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 BT Notch 2M Woodhill Evergreen 1566-92M #SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302
+20 55%
+.65 15% RE
+.18 60% $B
+64.81 35%
BW WW YW Milk RB Lady 732-0732 is +5 CED.22 +1.6 .35 +33 .24 +72 .15 +21 .18 55% 45% 40% 85% 65% a moderate working type female that is as practical as you can get for the times we are facing with high feed costs. Easy keeping and super docile. 0732 recorded a ratio of 123 on IMF making her the highindexing heifer of her crop. RB Lady Focus 308-732 was selected by THM Farms, MO for $7,500 in our 2012 sale. 732 recorded 3@107 for WW. Six maternal sisters to RB Lady Focus 308-732 averaged $11,650 in our 2012 sale. AI bred to Koupals B&B Identity on June 9, due March 19, 2014, checked safe.
28 R B Evergreen 378-930 Birth Date: 2-17-2009
Cow +16418819
#Nichols Extra H6 Nichols Extra K205 #13752642 Nichols Black Heiress F346 #+GAR Expectation 4915 TRR Evergreen 807-37P +14798646 #+Woodhill Evergreen 615-807 CED
Tattoo: 930
#N Bar Emulation EXT Nichols Eileen May F261 +Nichols Heavy Duty D20 Nichols Black Heiress B3 #N Bar Emulation EXT GAR Traveler 2421 #GDAR Traveler 71 +Woodhill Evergreen 58-615 BW
+31 20%
+.26 70% RE
+.09 75% $B
+63.26 40% Milk
+5 .26 +3.2 .31 +47 .26 +93 .25 +34 .28 2% 45% 75% 30% 15%
RB Evergreen 378-930 has donor potential as she has proven herself here at Riley Bros. Angus and is a descendent of the great Woodhill Evergreen cow Family. 930 will become a Pathfinder after her data is turned in this year following in the footsteps of her dam TRR Evergreen 807-37P. GT Miss Traveler 58 is the great-greatgrandmother and as you may know rewrote Angus history producing sons such as GT Max, Woodhill Triple Threat, and Woodhill Valor just to name a few. 930 recorded 2@110 for WW, 1@112 for YW and 2@106 for RE. An RB Active Duty bull calf descending from this bloodline could possibly be one for the best prospects we have ever raised. See him in Denver 2014! AI bred to RB Tour of Duty 177, due December 6, 2013, checked safe. R B Evergreen 378-930 - Lot 28 15
29 Royal Forever Lady 9503 Birth Date: 2-3-2009
Cow 16292438
#DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Emblazon 854E #+12514348 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 #+B/R New Frontier 095 Royal Forever Lady 503 15078923 +Gdar Forever Lady 7002
Tattoo: 9503
#QAS Traveler 23-4 #Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of CH 615 #B/R New Design 036 White Fence Pride H1 #+GDAR Royce 131 #GDAR Forever Lady 98
+9 90%
+.20 80% RE
+.44 25% $B
+41.57 85%
CED BW WW YW Milk Royal Forever Lady 9503 +10 .26 +.7 .30 +45 .25 +79 .24 +18 .27 is an ideally designed 75% 10% 20% 40% 45% cow built for longevity creating carefree profitability for the producer year after year. 9503 records 2@102 for WW. Stemming back to D H D Traveler 6807 and Forever Lady 9503, she is bred royally with potential to raise herd sires and replacement heifers turning profit for years. PE to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to August 1.
30 Gaffney Miss Rita 93 Birth Date: 12-30-2008
#Bon View Bando 598 SVF Bandolier 12224884 SVF Primrose Lady 9446 #GAR Retail Product GAR Retail Product 512 14222276 +GAR New Design 1300
Cow +16535671
Tattoo: 93
#Tehama Bando 155 #Bon View Dora 56 #+GDAR Oscar 711 #Primrose Lady 446 GDAR #GAR Precision 1680 +GAR Ext 4927 #B/R New Design 036 +GAR Ext 614 BW
+29 25%
+.43 40% RE
+.36 35%
Birth Date: 3-3-2009
Cow 16491527
Tattoo: 906
#DHD Traveler 6807 #SS Miss Hi Spade A114 SS Rito Rito R76 R011 SS Miss Ultress U56 #N Bar Emulation EXT +Woodhill Black Lady 416-1353 +Sunnybrook Magician 053 Youngberg Power Play C57
Cow 16620735
#Bon View New Design 208 TC Total 410 #14844711 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 #Bon View New Design 1407 Royal Georgina 255 +14321977 +Royal Georgina 734
Tattoo: 210
#B/R New Design 036 #Bon View Erica 443 #Twin Valley Precision E161 [RDF] #+TC Erica Eileen 5116 #B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 #DHD Traveler 6807 LLA Georgina 419
+72.29 20%
31 OW GCMajic 008 Obj OT26 906
#SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Objective T510 0T26 #13776378 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 Woodhill Extra 1353-767 Gold Crown Magic 519-008 13696383 MR Black Magic 519
32 QRM Georgina 210 Birth Date: 1-18-2010
Gaffney Miss Rita 93 +8 .29 +4.1 .44 +46 .35 +85 .29 +23 .29 was a past donor for 45% 20% 90% 35% 30% Gaffney Family Cattle and has an impressive group of replacement heifers Scott retained in their herd. 93 recorded a ratio of 116 for RE as a heifer. 93 is a massive powerhouse and we only decided to put her in the sale because we are retaining her 2013 calf for a replacement heifer. PE to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to August 1. CED
TC Total 410 - Sire of Lot 32.
+11 85%
+.72 10% RE
+.50 20% $B
+62.91 40%
CED BW WW YW Milk 906 is an extra deep +9 .26 -.1 .37 +51 .28 +85 .24 +24 .26 bodied power cow with 35% 15% 10% 15% 30% added carcass abilities. She records 1@169 for IMF and 1@101 for RE. First calf sold to Zimmerman’s, WI in our 2012 sale. PE to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to August 1.
S S Objective T510 0T26 - Sire of Lots 31 and 33.
I+.70 10% RE
I+.69 10% $B
+82.18 10%
CED BW WW YW Milk QRM Georgina 210 is I+1 .05 +2.7 .25 +51 .23 +96 .23 +31 .24 a beautifully uddered 10% 80% 65% 15% 10% second calver who recorded a 118 for WW on her first calf and 1@93 on BW. Tremendous carcass pedigree with D H D Traveler 6807 in the pedigree. 210’s third dam is the great LLA Georgina 419. AI bred on February 22 to RB Lady Final Answer 934, PE to GT Protègè June 1 to August 1.
33 Creekside Bonnie X01 Birth Date: 2-3-2010
#SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Objective T510 0T26 #13776378 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 BC 7022 Raven 7965 BCC Bonnie 7163 15918899 Whitestone Bonnie E197
Cow 16867564
Tattoo: X01
#DHD Traveler 6807 #SS Miss Hi Spade A114 SS Rito Rito R76 R011 SS Miss Ultress U56 #BC Marathon 7022 OCC Blackbird 796F #B/R New Design 323-9150 EHF Bonnie C117
+13 80%
+.59 20% RE
+.82 3% $B
+68.48 25%
CED BW WW YW Milk Creekside Bonnie X01 +7 .29 +2.5 .38 +50 .29 +93 .28 +20 .25 is long-bodied with a 60% 30% 60% 20% 15% strong spread of EPDs. X01 records 1@101 WW, 1@103 YW, 1@106 RE, 1@61 Fat. Sired by the breed legend S S Objective T510 0T26, X01 has the ability to produce prime beef for the dinner table. PE to RB Lady 6EM3 305-2126 from June 1 to August 1. 16
I+26 35%
37 R B Blackcap 0147 Birth Date: 2-16-2010
Cow 16984191
#Bon View New Design 1407 TRR New Design 9u 16419676 #TRR Evergreen 92M-36S Tomaw VRD 022 Dixon Blackcap 147 15934399 Dixon Blackcap 245
Tattoo: 0147
#B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 BT Notch 2M Woodhill Evergreen 1566-92M #Vermilion Dateline 7078 Burns Miss Erica J859 DA Traveler 210 Dixon Blackcap 503
+17 80%
+.44 55% RE
+.25 75% $B
+56.04 75%
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Blackcap 0147 is +3 .19 +2.6 .31 +27 .20 +60 .10 +13 .16 a very complete and 0% 75% 70% 0% 95% balanced easy-doing female. 0147 is highly productive, deep-ribbed, all in a feminine package. PE to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to August 1.
R B Lady Contrast 308-850 - Full sister to the sire of Lot 34.
34 R B Jilt 1126 Birth Date: 3-22-2011
Cow 16987544
#Connealy Contrast RB Contrast 308-888 +16980852 +BA Lady 6807 308 RWS Bando 5175 201 Dixon Jilt 126 15583321 Dixon Jilt 275
Tattoo: 1126
#Connealy Danny Boy #Doris of Conanga 669 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 RWS Beauty 629 DA Traveler 210 Dixon Jilt 130
+23 60%
+.33 75% RE
-.06 0% $B
+54.85 80%
BW WW YW Milk RB Jilt 1126 is sired by +3 CED.18 +1.6 .31 +36 .20 +66 .18 +21 .11 the full brother to our 70% 75% 45% 90% 90% 2012 sale highlight RB Lady Contrast 308-850 selected by Crouch Angus Valley for $32,000. 1126 has a super maternal pedigree with unlimited mating possibilities. Heavy-muscled, easy fleshing, moderate, but with added growth. PE to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to August 1.
35 Dixon Erica 176 Birth Date: 4-8-2006
Cow 15583326
#+SAF 598 Bando 5175 RWS Bando 5175 201 14040931 RWS Beauty 629 Mill Coulee Dark Star 935 Dixon Erica 173 11995984 Dixon Erica 107
Tattoo: 176
#Bon View Bando 598 +SAF Royal Lass 1002 SS Scotch Cap S08 3C2 RWS Miss Black Label 177 #+Fairfield Dark Star P57 Mill Coulee Barbara K 361 +Abacus Titan 81 Dixon Erica 111
+7 95%
+.29 65% RE
-.13 95% $B
+35.98 90%
BW WW YW Milk Dixon Erica 176 is a big- +3 CED.17 +2.8 .28 +27 .17 +51 .10 +5 .22 structured rugged cow 0% 65% 70% 95% 95% that is the production kind. 176 possesses a great udder in a moderate growth package with great maternal pedigree. PE to Pine View Total X033 for June 1 to August 1.
36 Dixon Jilt 127 Birth Date: 3-29-2007
Cow 15934395
#CA Future Direction 5321 Kind Future Direction 509 15089217 +Kahn Everelda Entense M87 RWS Bando 5175 201 Dixon Jilt 195 15248079 Dixon Jilt 181
Tattoo: 127
#GAR Precision 1680 CA Miss Power Fix 308 #BCC Bushwacker 41-93 +BT Everelda Entense 57D #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 RWS Beauty 629 Tomaw 9FB3 4469 10H Dixon Jilt 195
+18 65%
+.40 45% RE
+.24 50% $B
+57.61 55%
CED BW WW YW Milk Dixon Jilt is medium +2 .15 +2.0 .22 +37 .14 +67 .10 +14 .21 framed, powerful 90% 75% 50% 70% 75% phenotype, and transmits desirable muscle pattern. 127 records 1@105 WW and 1@103 for IMF. Very sound, functional cow. PE to RB Lady 6EM3 305-2126 from June 1 to August 1.
38 B & B Gammer 1189 [AMF-CAF-NHF] Birth Date: 3-18-2011
Cow 17059805
#+Wulffs Ext 6106 Koupals B&B EXT +15111928 +Whitestone Everelda Entense #Whitestone Precision H141 B&B Gammer 3011 14477176 Koupal Gammer 1049
Tattoo: 1189
#N Bar Emulation EXT Wulffs Erica Dianna C116 #RR Scotchcap 9440 +BT Everelda Entense 55D #GAR Precision 1680 +Rita 3X11 of Rita 0FB4 Ext #SAF Focus of ER #Bon View Gammer 1034
I+21 70%
I+.32 75% RE
I+.20 80% $B
+58.71 70%
BW WW YW Milk B&B Gammer 1189 is a +7 CED.22 +1.1 .34 +36 .24 +66 .17 +21 .15 light birth weight first 70% 35% 35% 90% 90% calf heifer. 1189 is impressive in her phenotype, muscle expression, body capacity, and is unmatched with character and eye appeal. Proven performance backed by the astounding Koupal Angus herd. PE to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to August 1.
39 B&B Blkbd Progress 14 Birth Date: 2-12-2011
Cow 17023626
#+SAV Initiative 4406 Koupals B&B Initiative 608 15460747 B&B Toni 1029 +SAV 5175 Bando 4597 B&B Blkbd Progress 7119 15812688 #Koupal Blkbd Progress 5015
Tattoo: 14
#SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV Miss Bobbie 0405 #Whitestone Widespread MB Koupal Toni 508 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 +Champion Hill Blossom 1611 #GDAR Traveler 71 Beefland Blkbd Progress 3015
+22 65%
+.44 55% RE
+.05 95% $B
+57.75 75%
BW WW YW Milk B&B Blkbd Progress 14 is +7 CED.22 +1.1 .36 +39 .27 +72 .26 +20 .17 a robust, deep-ribbed, 75% 35% 35% 80% 80% thick-hipped, balanced, first-calf heifer. She recorded a 116 ratio for IMF. 14 is designed for maximum production with her added center dimension. PE to GT Protègè from June 1 to August 1.
40 Dixon Jestress 237 Birth Date: 4-8-2007
#+B/R New Frontier 095 2K Frontier 543 14572298 #2K Pride 358 SMW Easy Money H9 Dixon Jestress 70 13762348 Dixon Jestress 48
Cow 15934409
#B/R New Design 036 White Fence Pride H1 #TC Stockman 365 2K Pride 135 #SAF Fame RAF Eldorene 627 RWS Bando 598 375 Dixon Jestress 235
Tattoo: 237
+4 95%
+.19 80% RE
+.15 65% $B
+36.02 90%
CED BW WW YW Milk Dixon Jestress 237 has +2 .13 +2.7 .23 +28 .15 +51 .09 +8 .22 extra do-ability and 0% 75% 65% 95% 95% substance. 237 has extra center of dimension, wide-based, thick-topped, and deep-sided. PE to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to August 1.
44 3-D Royal-Stout Birth Date: 4-6-2010
Cow 16701579
TC Stout 407 2K Stout 527 15920754 #2K Pride 63 #LF New Trend 4100 Royal Ruby 242 14113054 Sedgwicks Ruby 5882
Tattoo: D105
#TC Freedom 104 TC Pride 2053 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 2K Pride 66 #VDAR New Trend 784 #Lazy Four Lucy 003 #TC Dividend 963 [RDF] #Sedgwicks Ruby 223
CED BW WW YW Milk 3-D Royal-Stout is a I+6 .05 I+2.6 .05 I+37 .05 I+71 .05 I+21 .05 practical, easy doing 55% 35% 65% 70% 65% female that has a youthful look. Deep-bodied, moderate-framed, tremendous structure, to make turning a profit a reality. PE to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to August 1.
Tombstone 050 - Service Sire of Lot 41.
41 Koupal Rica 1123 Birth Date: 2-3-2011
OCC Paxton 730P OCC Unmistakabull 896U 16573072 +OCC Dixie Erica 829M Sitz Relay 510R Koupal Rica 844 16142600 Koupal Rica 669
Cow 17027241
Tattoo: 1123
+OCC Focus 813F OCC Blackbird 736K #OCC Anchor 771A +OCC Dixie Erica 816B #Connealy Lead On Sitz Pride 80 #Koupals B&B Precision 0076 Koupals Rica 197
+13 90%
+.19 90% RE
+.62 25% $B
+46.90 90%
CED BW WW YW Milk Koupal Rica 1123 has +17 .21 -3.9 .35 +35 .25 +66 .24 +19 .11 a BW EPD of -3.9 80% 1% 1% 90% 90% which gives her endless flexibility when mating decisions come to mind. 1123 recorded a ratio of 86 for birth and 112 at RE. Very efficient, reduced maintenance in a uniformly good, moderateframed package. AI bred to Tombstone March 18, due December 27, 2013.
42 Koupal Errolline 1182 Birth Date: 2-28-2011
+Duff New Edition 6108 Duff Amigo 815 +16288888 #DCC NL 652K Merle 443 OCC Patriot 863P Koupal Errolline 8125 16142484 Koupals Errolline 565
Cow 17027251
Tattoo: 1182
+OCC Genesis 872G OCC Dixie Erica 814G DCC New Look 101 CM Merle 652K OCC Legacy 839L OCC Blackbird 841L Koupals Mo Co 253 Koupals Errolline 1224
+9 95%
+.02 0% RE
+.29 70% $B
+31.34 0%
CED BW WW YW Milk Koupal Errolline 1182 +7 .20 +.3 .36 +46 .26 +76 .26 +20 .11 is a first-calf heifer 75% 35% 20% 55% 75% with added length and efficient conversion. 1182 is made to improve retail cut-ability necessary for efficient beef cattle production. We cannot say enough about the impact Koupal Angus has had on our herd in one short year. PE to GT Protègè from June 1 to August 1.
43 Koupal Elba 1181 Birth Date: 2-27-2011
+Duff New Edition 6108 Duff Amigo 815 +16288888 #DCC NL 652K Merle 443 Sinclair Prime Papa 4P11 Koupal Elba 8114 16142472 Koupals Elba 5103
Cow 17027250
Tattoo: 1181
+OCC Genesis 872G OCC Dixie Erica 814G DCC New Look 101 CM Merle 652K #N Bar Prime Time D806 #+Sinclair Blackcap M 2J90 #+Whitestone Xception Koupals Elba 2289
Birth Date: 12-6-2011
Cow 17284355
Sinclair Picasso Blackstone Picasso 2809 16610595 +Sinclair Lady 2P60 4465 #SS Objective T510 0T26 Blackstone Rita 9442 16597493 Shady Brook 4217 Rita T238
Tattoo: 1944
#N Bar Emulation EXT #+Sinclair Lady 3R2 4465 #N Bar Prime Time D806 +Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 #SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 #Connealy Lead On DeBusk 1407 Rita 4217
+19 75%
+.54 35% RE
+.47 45% $B
+67.07 50%
BW WW YW Milk RB Rita 9442-1944 is a +5 CED.20 +2.3 .31 +43 .21 +79 .19 +26 .10 great way to start off 30% 55% 65% 65% 65% the bred heifer division. 1944 is bred to excel for maternal traits, deep, broody and capacious that stands on a very correct foot. Recorded a ratio of 99 for WW, 100 for YW and 106 for IMF with 7.77%. Stems from the famous Rita family from the Blackstone Cattle herd. AI bred to BR Barometer 9721 on May 3, due February 11, 2014.
46 Wardens Barbara 6325 2512 Birth Date: 3-29-2012
Cow 17274138
#GT Shear Force Ironwood Shear Force NL 9323 16350336 +Wardens Barbara 6370 NL 6503 LA High Prime 4031 Wardens Barb 4P8 HPS 6325 15376371 Wardens Barbara 4P8 3308
Tattoo: 2512
#N Bar Prime Time D806 #GT Siskin 106 #Ironwood New Level Wardens Barbar 209 6370 8248 #Summitcrest High Prime 0H29 LA Rita 403 #4 Point 8 of Ironwood #Kapp Toreby Barbara ND 042
+28 40%
+.43 55% RE
+.31 70% $B
+62.99 60%
BW WW YW Milk Wardens Barbara 6325 +8 CED.20 +1.2 .34 +39 .23 +84 .19 +21 .11 2512 is a great bred 70% 30% 35% 80% 50% heifer from the feed efficient herd designed by Dr. Warden, IA. Recorded a ratio of 106 at YW and 100 at RE. AI bred to RB Active Duty 010 on May 3, due February 11.
+25 50%
-.03 0% RE
+.49 45% $B
+45.19 95%
CED BW WW YW Milk Koupal Elba 1181 +9 .21 +1.2 .36 +53 .27 +93 .26 +24 .12 demands attention with 45% 20% 35% 20% 25% superior balance, eye appeal, and structural soundness. 1181 recorded a ratio of 107 for YW and 113 for RE. Typical of what we expected from the Koupal Angus program. 1181 is soft-made, docile with exceptional style. AI bred to RB Tour of Duty 177 on February 6, due December 7, 2013.
45 RB Rita 9442-1944
RB Tour of Duty 177 - Service Sire of Lot 43.
47 Ironwood 8329 9096 2614 Birth Date: 4-1-2012
Bull 17274175
Ironwood 4P8 701 4333 Ironwood 4333 9399 8329 16103885 #Wardens Minerva 9399 3325 PAA 9399 New Level 4082 Wardens Pride 4082 9096 16521482 Wardens Pride 714 0064
Tattoo: 2614
#4 Point 8 of Ironwood Wardens Rito 3U 701 9367 #Ironwood New Level Wardens Minerva 410 7081 #Ironwood New Level #PAA 7570 Mable 1130 Ironwood Easy 307 714 Wardens Pride 713 019 3636
I+18 80%
I+.34 65% RE
I+.23 75% $B
+54.62 80%
CED BW WW YW Milk Ironwood 8329 9096 +10 .19 -.5 .33 +41 .22 +69 .12 +27 .09 2614 is an easy-doing, 25% 15% 10% 75% 85% low maintenance heifer. Recorded a weaning ratio of 109. PE to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to August 1.
48 B&b Lass 1064 Birth Date: 1-26-2011
#+SAV Initiative 4406 Koupals B&B Initiative 608 15460747 B&B Toni 1029 #+Boyd New Day 8005 B&B Lass 4061 14792164 B&B Lass 9054
Cow 17023615
Tattoo: 1064
#SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV Miss Bobbie 0405 #Whitestone Widespread MB Koupal Toni 508 #AAR New Trend SVF Forever Lady 57D B&B Blizzard 7015 Koupal Lass 5032
50 RB Pride 1099-234 Birth Date: 12-6-2012
Cow 17558184
#TC Total 410 Pine View 410 X033 16720961 +Pine View Rita U018 Koupals B&B EXTRA 7080 B&B Prospector Pride 1099 17023625 B&B Prospector Pride 209
Tattoo: 234
#Bon View New Design 208 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 #Boyd On Target 1083 +SVF Rita 51N #Nichols Extra K205 B&B Zara 304 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 B&B Prospector Pride 806
I+38 15%
I+.62 25% RE
I+.65 25% $B
+88.02 5%
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Pride 1099-234 is I+7 .05 I+1.3 .05 I+55 .05 I+104 .05 I+23 .05 a great young female 55% 35% 40% 15% 10% sired by our herd bull selection, Pine View Total X033, from Pine View Angus, Colesburg, IA. 1099’s dam recorded a ratio of 94 at BW, 101 at WW, 109 at YW, 107 at IMF and 115 at RE while having an 84 at Fat making her a standout on scan data. This young heifer’s productive family set a perfect background for success.
+22 65%
+.23 90% RE
+.50 40% $B
+56.67 75%
BW WW YW Milk B&B Lass 1064 is thick- +4 CED.22 +2.4 .36 +44 .27 +76 .26 +15 .17 made, moderate and 95% 65% 65% 60% 75% full-bodied and good. 1064 has flawless structure and movement with expansive volume. PE to GT Protègè from June 1 to August 1.
Exar Lutton 1831 - Grandsire of Lots 51 and 52.
51 RB Jilt Crude 127-3152 Birth Date: 3-20-2013
Cow Reg.No.Pdg.
#Exar Lutton 1831 RB Bubbling Crude 180 +16987607 +BA Lady 6807 305 Kind Future Direction 509 Dixon Jilt 127 15934395 Dixon Jilt 195
RB Crude 127 I+3 .05 I+2.2 .05 I+61 .05 I+103 .05 I+31 3152 is sired SD +2 .15 +2.0 .22 +37 .14 +67 .10 +14 by RB Bubbling Crude 180, our herd sire with style to burn. Dam sells as Lot 36. CED
R B Lady Contrast 308-850 - Full sister to the sire of Lot 49.
49 R B Jilt 1216 Birth Date: 3-23-2011
#Connealy Contrast RB Contrast 308-888 +16980852 +BA Lady 6807 308 RWS Bando 5175 201 Dixon Jilt 216 15583331 Dixon Jilt 292
Cow 16987802
Tattoo: 1216
#Connealy Danny Boy #Doris of Conanga 669 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 RWS Beauty 629 Tomaw 9FB3 4469 10H Dixon Jilt 25
+26 50%
+.28 80% RE
+.05 95% $B
+58.64 70%
BW WW YW Milk RB Jilt 1216 is sired by -1 CED.18 +3.7 .31 +28 .20 +65 .18 +19 .11 the full brother to our 80% 95% 90% 0% 90% 2012 sale highlight, RB Lady Contrast 308-850, selected by Crouch Angus Valley, IA for $32,000. 1216’s sire is known for his ability to sire maternal powerhouses, strong yet feminine, with udders that females need in today’s industry. PE to Pine View Total X033 from June 1 to August 1.
Tattoo: 3152 S
#+Northern Improvement 4480 GF Exar Saras Dream 9809 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302 #CA Future Direction 5321 +Kahn Everelda Entense M87 RWS Bando 5175 201 Dixon Jilt 181
I+.04 RE
I+.10 $B
+69.01 D CW +18 MARB
+.40 RE
+.24 .05 $B .21 +57.61
52 RB Royal Crude D105-3174 Birth Date: 4-7-2013
#Exar Lutton 1831 RB Bubbling Crude 180 +16987607 +BA Lady 6807 305 2K Stout 527 3-D Royal-Stout 16701579 Royal Ruby 242
Cow 17558777
Tattoo: 3174 S
#+Northern Improvement 4480 GF Exar Saras Dream 9809 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302 TC Stout 407 #2K Pride 63 #LF New Trend 4100 Sedgwicks Ruby 5882
I+.04 RE
I+.10 $B
+69.01 D CW N/A MARB
BW WW YW Milk N/A RB Royal Crude I+3 CED.05 I+2.2 .05 I+61 .05 I+103 .05 I+31 .05 $B D105-3174 is SD I+6 .05 I+2.6 .05 I+37 .05 I+71 .05 I+21 .05 N/A another heifer sired by RB Bubbling Crude 180 and has the look expected from this mating. Young heifer but with patience this heifer has all the potential.
HAYNES Sterling 924 - Sire of Lot 53.
53 RB Georgina Sterling 210-35 Birth Date: 1-2-2013
Cow 17558685
SAV Legacy 5216 HAYNES Sterling 924 16505482 HAYNES ND Forver Lady T709 #TC Total 410 QRM Georgina 210 16620735 +Royal Georgina 255
Tattoo: 35
#SAV Pathfinder 3134 +SAV Rosetta 3350 #+Boyd New Day 8005 HAYNES Forever Lady R501 #Bon View New Design 208 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 #Bon View New Design 1407 +Royal Georgina 734
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Georgina Sterling N/A N/A I+1.3 .05 I+56 .05 I+96 .05 I+29 .05 210-35 is a Haynes 15% NA 40% 15% 20% Sterling daughter and the impact Sterling has had on our replacement pen is priceless. 35’s dam recorded a ratio of 93 at BW and 118 at WW on her first calf and sells as Lot 32.
Poss Total Impact 745 - Sire of Lot 54.
Birth Date: 1-20-2013
Cow 17559087
Tattoo: 357
#Bon View New Design 208 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 #Connealy Lead On Poss Blackcap 205 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 #GARLD 036 New Design 0236
I+29 35%
I+.85 10% RE
I+.83 10% $B
+91.56 3%
BW WW YW Milk RB Rita Impact X05-357 I+7 CED.05 I+2.3 .05 I+59 .05 I+107 .05 I+22 .05 has a great pedigree 60% 35% 65% 10% 4% with big-time EPDs with extra growth. 357’s dam records a ratio of 115 at IMF, 104 at RE and 89 at rump fat.
55 RB Queen Barometer X04-394 Birth Date: 2-13-2013
Woodhill Mainline RB Barometer 9721 16400061 Cherry Crk Blackcap 721 PAR In Focus 617 Creekside Queen X04 16863853 SS Queen U362
Cow 17558188
Tattoo: 394
#Connealy Danny Boy #Woodhill Blackbird 1288-138K #LCC New Standard Ms CC Blackcap 024 5161S #Mytty In Focus [RDF] PAR Blackcap 5113 PARB Futuristic 803 NAR WFF 134
I+36 20%
I+.48 45% RE
I+.60 30% $B
+81.10 15%
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Queen Barometer I+8 .05 I-.3 .05 I+59 .05 I+103 .05 I+24 .05 X04-394 is a light birth 45% 30% 10% 10% 10% weight Barometer heifer and one of the first to sell in the country. 394’s dam recorded a ratio of 106 at IMF, 103 at WW, 103 at YW, 106 at RE and 65 on fat.
Connealy Consensus 7229 - Sire of Lot 56.
54 RB Rita Impact X05-357
#TC Total 410 Poss Total Impact 745 15885405 Poss Blackcap 5116 +SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] Creekside Rita X05 16867563 GAR 6I6 Rito 17S
R B Barometer 9721 - Sire of Lot 55.
56 RB Bonnie Concensus X01-3123 Birth Date: 3-9-2013
Connealy Consensus Connealy Consensus 7229 16447771 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #SS Objective T510 0T26 Creekside Bonnie X01 16867564 BCC Bonnie 7163
Cow 17559129
Tattoo: 3123
#KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Blinda of Conanga 004 #Woodhill Admiral 77K Blue Cash of Conanga 6020 #SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 BC 7022 Raven 7965 Whitestone Bonnie E197
I+28 40%
I+.74 15% RE
I+.77 15% $B
+84.37 10%
CED BW WW YW Milk RB Bonnie Concensus I+7 .05 I+2.3 .05 I+58 .05 I+100 .05 I+16 .05 X01-3123 is a 95% 35% 65% 10% 15% massive heifer sired by Consensus 7229, sure to be at the top of her weaning group. 3123 dam recorded a ratio of 101 at WW, 103 at YW, 106 at RE and 61 at fat.
RB Lady Standard 305-890 - Grandam to Lots 57-59.
57 RB Lady Credence Pregnancy Due Date: 1-5-2014
Reg. Recip: #17173783
58 RB Lady Credence Pregnancy Due Date: 1-5-2014
Reg. Recip: #16867563
59 RB Lady Credence Pregnancy Due Date: 1-5-2014
Reg. Recip: #16470090
EXAR Upshot 0562B EXAR Denver 2002B 17160560 +Exar Royal Lass 1067 +SQ Credence 67S RB Lady Credence 1186-890 +16998949 RB Lady Standard 305-890 CED
EXAR Denver 2002B - Sire of Lots 57-59.
#Sitz Upward 307R #+EXAR Barbara T020 #EXAR 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132 #SS Objective T510 0T26 +Rita 3540 of 021 Rito 1I1 #LCC New Standard +BA Lady 6807 305 WW
+.96 RE
+.88 $B
+107.23 D CW -5
Riley Bros. Angus could not be more excited to offer this exciting mating of some of the hottest genetics in the breed. RB Lady Credence 1186-890 is a stellar daughter of the prolific RB Lady Standard 305-890, co-owned with Gaffney Family Cattle. Sired by EXAR Denver 2002B this pregnancy is packed with excitement and has what we believe is that potential to put anyone on the map. All sell in registered recipients and are due to calve January 5, 2014.
S +14 .35 +1.1 .43 +74 .33 +132 .35 +37 D +5 .31 +.4 .36 +71 .30 +112 .32 +32
+.56 .17 $B .23 +33.05
60 RM Annie Pregnancy Due Date: 3-1-2014
Reg. Recip: #17023682
#LCC New Standard RB Active Duty 010 +16718300 +BA Lady 6807 305 #Connealy Thunder [RDF] RM Annie 187 16046955 RM Annie 313
+.05 RE
+.25 $B
+59.49 D CW +22 MARB
+.40 RE
+.83 RM Annie $B S +5 .39 +.1 .47 +62 .37 +112 .35 +36 .25 +7 .30 +.7 .41 +54 .31 +101 .31 +29 .28 +69.70 D 187, the donor dam of the Lot 60 pregnancy, was selected by us as the high-selling female from the Mickelson Dispersion sale where she recorded a ratio of 112 at WW, 112 at YW and 125 at RE making her the high-indexing calf of her crop. Not enough can be said about our Annie daughters and they are just starting to make a huge impact in our herd and this mating to RB Active Duty 010 should make for an abundance of power. Could be one of the best matings we have ever constructed! Registered recipient due to calve March 1, 2014. CED
RB Active Duty 010 - Sire of Lot 60 pregnancy.
#Bon View New Design 1407 LCC Sunset K3118 #DHD Traveler 6807 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302 #Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF #Parka of Conanga 241 #Bon View New Design 1407 RM Annie 91
St. Joseph, MO Permit #2017
Jeff and Jon Riley E 2999 S. Dublin Darlington, WI 53530
Second Annual Production Sale Saturday
September 7, 2013
4 p.m. CDT