2016 4M Angus Bull Sale Catalog

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4M Angus /  Burken Cattle Co. 9 th Annual Bull Sale Calving ease and high performance bulls that are second to none! SELLING -- 47 Angus & 25 Sim Angus Bulls

Sunday March 13, 2016 2:00 p.m. 4M Angus Sale Barn

Welcome to our 9th Annual Bull Sale!

I would like to start out by thanking everyone for taking the time to look through our bulls and giving us the opportunity to share our program with you! I always thank everyone at the end, but this year I have to thank them first since they are the reason everything gets done around the farm and we are able to do what we do. I have to thank my wife, Kami, and daughters, Kyra & Kasey. Without all their dedication and work throughout the year, none of this would be possible. Next I have to thank Shane for everything he does all year long. Whether it is on the farming operation or the cattle side of the operation, Shane is a big part of everything that is done around here and we cannot thank him enough for all the hours and dedication he has given to us! Lastly we have to thank our parents. From helping with day to day activities to getting the kids to and from activities, we would not be what we are today without their help. Now on to the bulls! How quickly things can change in a year! We went from record high prices a year ago to more modest and probably more realistic prices, in today’s current market. No matter how high or how low the current market value is, good cattle are always in higher demand and paid a premium for. Investing in quality genetics and high quality cattle will always pay off in the end! We are extremely proud and excited to bring you a set of bulls this year that is without a question the deepest, most complete group we have ever sold. That is why this year we cataloged the bulls in sire groups instead of a catalog order. This was the toughest set of bulls we have ever had to try and put in a catalog order. From 1 to 48, there are tremendous bulls on every single page of the catalog. Someone had to be first and someone had to be last; and trust me, Lot 48 may be one of the favorites on sale day! The bulls offered out of our herd sire, Poss Element, will change one’s thinking that a calving ease bull can’t have power and growth. These are again some of the most exciting bulls we will offer. Their birth to yearling spread is remarkable and they have some of the best CED numbers I have seen anywhere on bulls. We again have a set of bulls out of Connealy Capitalist that will be as easy to look at in terms of mass and overall body dimension as any that you can find anywhere. We once again will offer many flush brothers and strong aged yearling bulls with gnomically enhanced EPD’s. Our bulls are fed a high roughage ration consisting of 22% ground hay, 37% corn silage, 34% distillers, and 7%corn&mineral. We feel the longevity in the bulls is extremely important and the feed program plays a big part in that. I invite you to look over the videos of all the bulls in the sale either on our website or at DV Auction. I feel this is the best way to give a honest and true representation of the bull. I would like to once again thank Hans and his family for bringing us another tremendous set of Sim/Angus bulls. Year in and year out their cattle are some of the best found anywhere and I invite you to take a good hard look at those bulls, I’d put them up against anyone’s Sim influenced bulls!!! Our sale will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday March 13th and we will serve a complementary beef meal beginning at 11:00. If you should have any questions on any of the bulls please feel free to contact Hans or I. Our place is always open for visitors before the sale and we hope to see you the 13th. Brandon & Kami Meyer Sincerely, 1459 RD AA • Blue Hill, NE 68930 • (402) 756-2488 Brandon Meyer

Email: bkmeyer@gtmc.net Brandon’s Cell (402) 469-0439

Welcome to the 9th Annual 4M Angus/Burken Cattle Bull sale. First, I want to thank Brandon, Kami, and the girls for the opportunity to market our bulls with them. It has been a pleasure to showcase our genetics along side this great set of Angus cattle each year. I would also like to thank all the people behind the scenes that help out through the year to make this offering available. We have continued in the direction of our breeding program over the years to produce problem-free, efficient beef cattle. Whether this is more calving ease, carcass, growth, or maternal traits, our goal is to have balance to broaden your marketing potential. I would also like to thank Mitch Ziebell, Scott Nielsen, and the guys with Darr Feedlot for developing the bulls. They do an exceptional job of developing the bulls for future longevity and are a pleasure to work with. We stand behind these bulls 100%, if there is ever any problems, feel free to contact me any time. Hans Burken

Burken Cattle Co.

Hans Burken • Blue Hill, NE • Email: hansburken@gmail.com

(402) 469-1966 The sale will be held at the 4M Angus sale barn located 1 mile north and 1½ miles west of Blue Hill, NE

Guarantee: All bulls selling for $3,500 or more are guaranteed against breeding injury for the first season. Breeding season is defined as the 90-day period following the turnout of the bulls. If a replacement bull is available, one will be provided or if the buyer prefers, credit towards one bull will be given in the following year’s sale, less salvage value of the injured bull. This guarantee is not a life insurance policy. It does not include loss due to abuse, neglect, sickness, or an act of God (lightning, flood, etc.). If any problems or issues arrive, please contact us within 48 hours. Terms and Conditions: All cattle sell under a 100% satisfaction guarantee from 4M Angus and under the terms and conditions of the American Angus Association. Herd Health: All the bulls are on a complete health program. They have had pre-weaning and weaning shots and have been vaccinated with IBR, BVD Type I and II, P13, Pasturella, 7-way, Haemophilus, and Decotmax injectable. All bulls have been scrotal measured and have passed a semen test done by Dr. Jeremy VanBoening of Republican Valley Animal Center at Alma, NE. Free Delivery: Free delivery will be done on all bulls up to 150 miles. After the 150 miles you may be asked to meet at a central location or arrange for delivery of your bull.

Free Care: All bulls will be cared for and wintered free of charge until March 30. Any bull picked up within 3 days of the sale will have $50 deducted from the purchase price. Lunch: A complimentary lunch will be served starting at 12:00 noon on sale day. Liability: All precautions will be taken to protect the safety of everyone attending the sale. However all persons attending the sale do so at their own risk. Neither 4M Angus nor any of the sale staff assume any responsibility or liability, legal, or otherwise for any accidents occurring on or about the premises.

Auctioneer--Tracy Harl--402-469-3852 Ring Service

American Angus Association Jay Nordhausen........................(308) 289-1548 Special Assignment Levi Landers.............................(308) 730-1396 Special Assignment Matt Printz................................(308) 440-2918

Sale Day Phones Brandon Meyer.............................(402) 469-0439 Kami Meyer..................................(402) 469-8895 Hans Burken.................................(402) 469-1966 4M Angus Sale Barn.....................(402) 756-2488

We Will Offer A Volume Discount 2 Bulls.......................1% 3-4 Bulls...................2% 5 or more.................3%

Videos of all bulls can be viewed at: www.burkencattle.com www.4mangusfarm.com and at DVAuction.com 2

Driving the science of better breeding

There’s little room for error in the cattle business. Producers need the most advanced information to make smart selection decisions, and Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) provides it through genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs). GE-EPDs have become the industry standard for herd improvement, building on decades of science-backed genetic evaluation tools originated and maintained through the American Angus Association®, home to the largest and evergrowing single-breed beef cattle database. EPDs that traditionally contained all pedigree, performance and progeny information now also include results from available genomic, or DNA, tests. Breeders who use genomic technology give buyers access to AGI-generated GE-EPDs that provide: Increased predictability and decreased risk for young and unproven animals due to enhanced accuracy of EPDs Better characterization of genetics for difficult-to-measure performance traits (such as carcass traits, maternal traits and feed efficiency) The ability to make more rapid progress for traits that are important to you, due to: · more accurate selection · easier identification of genetic outliers · the ability to propagate young animals with confidence earlier in their lives In fact, GE-EPDs on unproven animals have the same amount of accuracy as if they had recorded 8-20 calves, depending on the trait. That’s valuable insight, offered regularly through the breed’s weekly national cattle evaluation. Trait

Calving Ease Direct Birth Weight Weaning Weight Yearling Weight Milk Yearling Height Yearling Scrotal Dry Matter Intake

Progeny Equivalent


21 13 19 22 14 11 14 18

Docility Heifer Pregnancy Mature Weight Carcass Weight Carcass Marbling Carcass Rib Carcass Fat

How do you know if EPDs are genomic-enhanced?

Progeny Equivalent

12 10 13 10 9 11 12

Ask your breeder, refer to the registration paper, or look for the AGI GE-EPD logo or those of partnering labs Zoetis (HD50K, i50K) or GeneSeek (GGP-HD, GGP-LD).These images indicate animals for which low-density or highdensity genomic testing has been conducted and incorporated by AGI into GE-EPDs.



American Angus Association® Selection Tools

Cow Energy Value ($EN), expressed in dollars savings per cow per year, assesses differences in cow energy requirements as an expected dollar savings difference in daughters of sires. A larger value is more favorable when comparing two animals (more dollars saved on feed energy expenses). Components for computing the cow $EN savings difference include lactation energy requirements and energy costs associated with differences in mature cow size.

Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE.

CARCASS The genetic evaluation produces a single set of EPDs for carcass weight, marbling score, Ribeye area and fat thickness. The units of measure are in carcass trait format and analyzed on an age-constant basis.

Accuracy (ACC), is the reliability that can be placed on the EPD. An accuracy of close to 1.0 indicates higher reliability. Accuracy is impacted by the number of progeny and ancestral records included in the analysis.

Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

GROWTH Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in firstcalf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.

Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG), feed efficiency expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic ability for postweaning gain in future progeny compared to that of other sires, given a constant amount of feed consumed.

$VALUE INDEXES $Value indexes, are multi-trait selection indexes to assist beef producers by adding simplicity to genetic selection decisions. $Values are reported in dollars per head, where a higher value is more favorable. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires in the database if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.

Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Yearling Height EPD (YH), is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to the that of other sires. Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.

Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for preweaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size.

Docility (DOC), is expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility. It predicts the average difference of progeny from a sire in comparison with another sire’s calves.

Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning merit compared to progeny of other sires.

MATERNAL Heifer Pregnancy (HP), is a selection tool to increase the probability or chance of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant as first–calf heifers during a normal breeding season. A higher EPD is the more favorable direction, and the EPD is reported in percentage units.

Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires. Quality Grade ($QG) represents the quality grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $QG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on improving quality grade. The carcass marbling (Marb) EPD, which is influenced by carcass marbling scores and ultrasound percent intramuscular fat (% IMF) measurements, contribute to $QG.

Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.

Yield Grade ($YG) $YG represents the yield grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $YG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on red meat yield. It provides a multi-trait approach to encompass ribeye, fat thickness and weight into an economic value for red meat yield. $G combines both $QG and $YG, and may be the best carcass decision tool for focusing on quality and red meat yield simultaneously.

Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. Mature Weight EPD (MW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires.

Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires.

Mature Height EPD (MH), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the difference in mature height of a sire’s daughters compared to daughters of other sires. 4


4M ANGUS BULLS PA FORTITUDE 2500 Birth Date: 12/15/2011  ·  Reg # 17418539 BW: 80   Adj WW: 823   Adj YW: 1519

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 GAR-EGL PROTEGE L B 6807 Isabel 339

Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 G A R Precision 2536 D H D Traveler 6807 L B E31 Isabel 168

SydGen C C & 7 G G CLARA 0171 G G Clara 7192

S A F Connection SydGen Forever Lady 4087 G A R Retail Product G G Clara 404

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 13 -1.8 57 24 113 -14.79 48 .62 .93 -.011 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +60.04 +90.33 +40.95 +167.10 H Fortitude offers one of the most no holes, value added tabulations in the entire breed while transmitting added body length and breedleading performance in a super attractive, structurally correct package. H His pedigree is stacked for feed efficiency and end product merit while ranking near the top of the breed in his combination of $W and $B. H He is an excellent mating on New Design, Predestined and Objective influenced females.

PA Fortitude Sire of Lot 1

Lot 1

4M FORTITUDE 505 Birth Date: 1/2/2015  ·  Reg # 18181884

GAR-EGL Protege.............................Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 L B 6807 Isabel 339 PA FORTITUDE 2500 G G Clara 0171..................................SydGen C C & 7 G G Clara 7192 Connealy Onward...........................Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 4M BLACKCAP 1088 Three Trees Blackcap 3658...........G A R Grid Maker G A R Lucys Boy 2118

Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 765 Adj. YW 1541 Adj. IMF 4.94 Adj. REA 14.6 Adj. Fat 0.20

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 11 -.3 59 24 118 -22.76 50 .89 .75 .032 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +53.14 +86.60 +41.47 +161.10


26 30 6 2 60 90 11 48 28 75 35 51 4 7 3 24 29 37 59

Lot 1

H Chosen to be the lead off bull for this year’s sale is a tremendously complete son out of one of the top incoming producing dams in our herd. This bull combines a modest birth weight with tremendous growth, large scrotal, and good carcass traits to rise to the top as one of our best. His 50K data shows the growth and performance his offspring should possess. His now deceased dam’s progeny have topped many bull sales in the past and her daughters retained in the herd are going to follow in her footsteps. His dam was the choice of Galaxy Beef in last year’s sale for the flush of any female in the herd. This guy is as big and powerful as they come and I’d love to own every calf out of him--bull or female!

4M Blackcap 1088 Dam of Lot 1 Her influence is seen throughout the catalog


4M ANGUS BULLS CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 Birth Date: 1/11/2010  ·  Reg # 16752262 BW: 70   Adj WW: 861   Adj YW: 1443

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V Emulous 8145

G D A R Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 S A V Sky Emulous 2124

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 PRIDES PITA OF CONANGA 8821 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499

B A R Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy Traveler of Conanga Pretty Pet of Conanga

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 11 -.2 64 14 108 4.35 27 .54 1.02 .105 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +61.97 +68.82 +30.23 +102.28 H Unmatched in his ability to transmit mass and body width with as much visual muscle as you can ask for. H King of the cowmakers, his daughters have perfect udders and raise heavy calves. H A proven Calving Ease sire who does not disappoint in terms of siring muscle and performance--a rare combination! H An excellent mating choice for larger framed cattle who need rib and dimension.

Connealy Capitalist Sire of Lots 2-7

Lot 2

4M CAPITALIST 502 Birth Date: 1/1/2015  ·  Reg # 18181172

S A V Final Answer 0035................Sitz Traveler 8180 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 S A V Emulous 8145 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821.......C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 S A V Bismarck 5682.......................G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 4M BLACKCAP 081 4M Blackcap 1088...........................Connealy Onward Three Trees Blackcap 3658

Act. BW 81 Adj. WW 832 Adj. YW 1358 Adj. IMF 3.35 Adj. REA 14.8 Adj. Fat 0.39

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 .6 60 19 104 -1.51 28 .56 1.01 .061 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +61.32 +61.55 +36.04 +107.05

Lot 2


11 15 31 28 56 86 96 22 81 53 5 67 61 36 84 75 19 77 4

H A bull with as much depth and thickness across his top as any in the sale. His grandam is none other than the lead off bull’s mother and his dam is one of the best uddered and producing females in our herd who has 3-98 for BW, 3-107 for WR and 3-104 for YW. These Capitalist sons all have tremendous base width, depth of body, and a disposition anyone would want in their herd! Ratioed 111 at weaning in the largest contemporary group. A bull we would die to have every female from back in our herd!

Lot 3

4M CAPITALIST 507 Birth Date: 1/2/2015  ·  Reg # 18181173

S A V Final Answer 0035................Sitz Traveler 8180 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 S A V Emulous 8145 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821.......C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 Connealy Onward...........................Connealy Lead On RIVERBEND BLACKCAP U1195 Altune of Conanga 6104 Rita 3B2 of 2536 BW.......................B C C Bushwacker 41-93 G A R Precision 2536

Act. BW 83 Adj. WW 739 Adj. YW 1342 Adj. IMF 2.76 Adj. REA 13.4 Adj. Fat 0.40

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 15 -.6 61 20 107 -2.57 44 .37 1.04 .083 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +66.72 +62.31 +23.69 +126.35


4 6 7 15 90 82 89 26 59 36 16 41 78 49 48 83 22 89 5

Lot 3 6

H Another Capitalist son who should absolutely produce low birth, high growth cattle. His length of spine and overall completeness could have easily landed him at the top of the catalog, and I guarantee he’ll find his way to the top of most cattleman’s list. His 50K data is as complete and hard to fault as any in the sale. This is one very, very good bull out of a cow that has had the lead off bull in 2 previous sales.


4M CAPITALIST 553 Birth Date: 1/29/2015  ·  Reg # 18289698

S A V Final Answer 0035................Sitz Traveler 8180 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 S A V Emulous 8145 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821.......C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 Connealy Onward...........................Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 C&H PRIMROSE 7033 Exar Primrose 0842.........................Twin Valley Precision E161 N Bar Primrose 2424

Act. BW 85 Adj. WW 732 Adj. YW 1401 Adj. IMF 4.26 Adj. REA 13.3 Adj. Fat 0.40

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 7 1.3 54 20 104 -3.41 45 .54 .88 .071 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +50.37 +60.07 +29.39 +132.12

Lot 4


28 24 20 18 88 89 62 5 80 34 32 59 63 37 33 75 28 87 22

H A tremendously soft made bull with extra length and thickness throughout. The Capitalist X Onward mating’s have been some of the best in the past for producing cattle with good depth of body and thickness while moderating the milk some. The females from all of these Capitalist bulls will be ones that everyone would want to retain in their herd.

Lot 5

4M CAPITALIST 522 Birth Date: 1/10/2015  ·  Reg # 18275494

S A V Final Answer 0035................Sitz Traveler 8180 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 S A V Emulous 8145 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821.......C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon.........O C C Emblazon 854E Rita 4L1 of 2536 208 4M LADY 1044 Three Trees First Lady R0007.......Bon View New Design 1407 Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286

Act. BW 75 Adj. WW 667 Adj. YW 1293 Adj. IMF 3.5 Adj. REA 13.2 Adj. Fat 0.30

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 10 -.8 62 21 109 -12.38 24 .60 .83 .069 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +61.60 +76.07 +34.99 +104.29


13 3 18 15 14 43 99 63 80 36 53 60 17 48 91 62 46 93 80

H Here is a pair of flush brothers that are full brothers to our lead off and top selling bull 2 years ago that sold to Carlson Cattle Company for $13,000. These guys are low birth weight, moderate made bulls, with tremendous thickness who will produce females that are as beautifully uddered as they come. His dam is a tremendous producing moderate made female with 3-97 for BW and 3-106 at Weaning. If you are looking for one of the top female producing bull’s in the sale, these guys are it!!!

Lot 5

Lot 6

4M CAPITALIST 506 Birth Date: 1/2/2015  ·  Reg # 18275489

S A V Final Answer 0035................Sitz Traveler 8180 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 S A V Emulous 8145 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821.......C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon.........O C C Emblazon 854E Rita 4L1 of 2536 208 4M LADY 1044 Three Trees First Lady R0007.......Bon View New Design 1407 Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286

Lot 7

Act. BW 74 Adj. WW 678 Adj. YW 1324 Adj. IMF 5.60 Adj. REA 11.8 Adj. Fat 0.25

4M CAPITALIST 520 Birth Date: 1/8/2015  ·  Reg # 18181178

Connealy Consensus 7229...........Connealy Consensus Blue Lily of Conanga 16 EXAR SIGNIFICANT 1769B Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T..............Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M O C C Stallone 800S........................O C C Great Plains 943G O C C Dixie Erica 816B 4M BARBARA 072 LEE Barbara 6586.............................DCC 002 Outlook 472 Vermilion Barbara 0033

Act. BW 80 Adj. WW 786 Adj. YW 1170 Adj. IMF 2.52 Adj. REA 11.5 Adj. Fat 0.27

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 .2 53 17 79 +4.67 21 .44 .76 .054 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +50.48 +23.72 +30.83 +82.27

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 12 -.4 61 19 101 +1.06 22 .51 .91 .054 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +67.32 +61.59 +35.02 +97.01


H Another very good Capitalist son with tremendous length who ratioed 105 at weaning.

6 5 24 45 22 45 99 30 99 71 56 79 78 79 95 69 30 86 64 H Flush brother to Lot 5.


4M ANGUS BULLS POSS ELEMENT 215 Birth Date: 1/29/2012  ·  Reg # 17383988 BW: 62   Adj WW: 808   Adj YW: 1411

Poss Total Impact 745 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 Poss Elmaretta 736

TC Total 410 Poss Blackcap 5116 Hyline Right Time 338 Poss Elmaretta 025

ALC Big Eye D09N POSS ERICA 004 Poss Erica 814

C A Future Direction 5321 ALC Hazel L12L Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Poss Erica 627

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 18 -2.7 69 25 122 -20.92 41 .46 .70 .042 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +78.80 94.64 28.56 138.13


15 9 12 6 51 36 39 24 49 49 6 53 30 22 20 41 33 67 3

H Element has the makings of a leading A.I. sire within the Angus breed — sleep-all-night calving ease, big time performance, tons of mating flexibility, mid-range Milk EPD and high quality daughters. H He sires sound, big-ribbed progeny with tremendous style and base width. H He is extremely unique in the exceptional performance and powerful phenotype he transmits for a +17 CED sire. His pedigree allows him to be mated to daughters of many popular Angus sires.

Poss Element Sire of Lots 8-25

Lot 8

4M ELEMENT 509 Birth Date: 1/4/2015  ·  Reg # 18181174

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 BC Big Daddy 702-5........................O C C Emblazon 854E Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 CCC PINELAND 9052 Pineland 1407 A6............................Bon View New Design 1407 G A R Precision H128

Lot 9

Act. BW 73 Adj. WW 767 Adj. YW 1335 Adj. IMF 3.58 Adj. REA 13.4 Adj. Fat 0.62

KLM ELEMENT 524 Birth Date: 1/12/2015  ·  Reg # 18188047

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 Sitz Upward 307R............................Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M MJB LUCY 8N02 066 Basin Lucy 8N02...............................Bon View New Design 1407 Basin Lucy 178E

Act. BW 71 Adj. WW 803 Adj. YW 1379 Adj. IMF 3.02 Adj. REA 14.3 Adj. Fat 0.41

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 17 -2.2 64 32 115 -27.61 52 .71 .76 .032 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +80.89 +80.44 +36.62 +161.53

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 20 -3.8 61 23 107 -7.65 33 .75 .84 .012 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +72.94 +75.70 +44.02 +136.58



11 14 23 14 70 65 41 11 70 7 2 5 46 11 9 45 21 39 58

4 2 47 46 33 26 80 70 36 62 7 56 60 54 51 27 23 48 55

H You want calving ease, growth, carcass, and milk all in one package, here it is! This is one of the bulls in this year’s sale that is owned by my daughters, and may well be the best they have ever sold! A bull that is in the top 5% for CED, BW, WW, YW, CEM, Milk, CW, $W, $F, and $B are rare. Finding one for sale is even rarer! He truly is the do it all bull here. Whether you are feeding your cattle out and selling on the rail or selling at weaning, this bull is gonna make any operation money. He is a long bodied, high growth bull out of one of the biggest and most powerful cows to stand on our place.

H When we cataloged the bulls this year, we did so by sire groups. When you look at this bull and his phenotype and combine that with a BW and CED that is in the top 1% of the breed, he may be the best calving ease prospect we have ever offered. These Element sons were the top selling sire group in last year’s sale and if you are looking for breed leading calving ease to go along with tremendous growth, than look at these 18 sons we have to offer. Nowhere else will you find bulls with that much muscle shape in a low birth weight package; and they are as docile as any we have ever raised!

Lot 8

Lot 9 8


4M ELEMENT 533 Birth Date: 1/20/2015  ·  Reg # 18182327

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V Bismarck 5682.......................G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 4M LUCY 3027 Basin Lucy 1036...............................B C C Bushwacker 41-93 Basin Lucy 3829

Act. BW 51 Adj. WW 969 Adj. YW 1300 Adj. IMF 3.84 Adj. REA 11.9 Adj. Fat 0.53

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 20 -4.7 74 32 111 -21.46 36 .55 .70 .047 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +105.20 +72.04 +32.13 +129.25


Lot 10

6 3 14 12 7 33 65 78 14 6 2 27 82 30 47 50 50 73 23

H Had this bull not gotten hurt after weaning and fallen behind a little, he would most likely have a page to himself. We go on and on about the calving ease and growth in the Element cattle, but this guy takes those expectations to a whole different level. LOOK at the CED...+20, BW...-4.7, WW...74! Ratioed 129 at weaning in the largest contemporary group on the farm. It is unheard of to have a bull with so much calving ease and still be in the top 1% of the breed for WW and $F. A tremendous herd sire prospect that goes back to one of the highest growth females the Angus breed has every seen. His 50K only solidifies what his EPD’s say, this bull is a good one!

Lot 11

4M ELEMENT 515 Birth Date: 1/6/2015  ·  Reg # 18181176

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V Mandan 5664.........................S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V Abigale 0451 4M YOUNG LUCY 1005 Clifton Young Lucy 821 5106......G A R Predestined B/R Young Lucy 821

Act. BW 84 Adj. WW 765 Adj. YW 1407 Adj. IMF 4.83 Adj. REA 12.7 Adj. Fat 0.49

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 2 1.1 66 26 116 -16.08 49 .85 .75 .078 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +74.96 +78.92 +34.50 +152.10


84 69 13 23 46 75 48 4 81 31 55 58 56 22 24 22 46 97 26

H One of the thickest and most powerful Element sons in the sale. This bull is very good from front to back and may have a little more birth than some of the other Element calves; but he will add more pounds and power to his offspring. He comes from a model Angus cow in our herd who raises a big one every year.

Lot 11

Lot 12

4M ELEMENT 526 Birth Date: 1/14/2015  ·  Reg # 18182328

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V Bismarck 5682.......................G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 4M MS EASTER 2706 KB Ms Easter 9135 0705................TC Gridiron 258 TR Ms Easter 9135

Act. BW 80 Adj. WW 779 Adj. YW 1355 Adj. IMF 3.74 Adj. REA 14.6 Adj. Fat 0.35

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 .6 62 23 110 -11.43 37 .32 .82 .027 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +65.57 +75.04 +26.74 +123.23


42 40 30 22 30 52 61 46 29 35 15 62 28 11 41 73 37 51 2


H Another high growth, powerful Element son who has tremendous length to him and comes from a first calf Bismark daughter. Very high performing individual who ratioed 104 at weaning and 103 at a year.


4M ELEMENT 566 Birth Date: 2/8/2015  ·  Reg # 18190177

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V 707 Rito 9969.........................Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 BR Polly 8077-472 4M ENTENSE 3020 Lone Oaks Ever Entense 8240.....C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Twin Hills Ever Entense 2209

Act. BW 79 Adj. WW 836 Adj. YW 1367 Adj. IMF 2.41 Adj. REA 15.2 Adj. Fat .031

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 7 1.7 65 26 114 -29.11 28 .16 .48 .016 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +58.96 +79.10 +18.14 +93.95 H An extremely long bodied, thick ended bull that will add loads of performance to his progeny. Ratioed 111 @ WW and 104 @ YW. This guy has been a favorite of ours all summer on the side of his dam. Take notice of him sale day!

Lot 13

Lot 14

4M ELEMENT 528 Birth Date: 1/17/2015  ·  Reg # 18182324

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V Brilliance 8077.......................S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Blackcap May 5270 4M PROUD FORMERA 3006 RRR/CCC Proud Formera 121......S A V Iron Mountain 8066 MGSA Pow 8002

Act. BW 78 Adj. WW 808 Adj. YW 1326 Adj. IMF 3.47 Adj. REA 13.7 Adj. Fat 0.38

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 12 -.2 64 24 108 -22.42 23 ,26 ,38 ,020 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +60.85 +67.29 +22.11 +83.94 H Super complete bull with tremendous phenotype to him. A very good bull from a beautiful first calf dam.

Lot 14

Lot 15

4M ELEMENT 536 Birth Date: 1/20/2015  ·  Reg # 18182318

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 Connealy Capitalist 028................S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 4M FOREVER LADY 3040 B/F Forever Lady 46P 7P 104T....Bonners Up The Limit 7P B/F Forever Lady of 1407 46P

Act. BW 72 Adj. WW 795 Adj. YW 1353 Adj. IMF 2.37 Adj. REA 14.7 Adj. Fat 0.24

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 16 -1.1 70 28 119 -19.87 38 .32 .89 .022 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +87.05 +91.70 +27.88 +133.85


6 9 7 11 35 35 36 67 37 34 14 32 67 44 38 61 22 48 1

H A bull that comes from the most powerful 2 year old to ever stand on our farm and was a flush mate to the best Capitalist bulls I have seen sell anywhere. His grandam is none other than the herd bull producing matriarch that sold 2 years ago as a special feature in our sale to Lemke Cattle Co. Look at this guy’s 50K data and it’s hard to find a hole in him. Top 1% for CED, WW, YW, $W, and $F. With a +16 CED, and tremendous birth to yearling spread, this bull has big time potential as a herd sire! Definitely a sale feature here.

Lot 15



4M ELEMENT 538 Birth Date: 1/21/2015  ·  Reg # 18190115

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 Connealy Capitalist 028................S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 4M BLACKCAP 3001 4M Blackcap 080..............................S A V Bismarck 5682 4M Blackcap 1088

Lot 17

Act. BW 71 Adj. WW 684 Adj. YW 1252 Adj. IMF 2.53 Adj. REA 13.0 Adj. Fat 0.22

4M ELEMENT 550 Birth Date: 1/28/2015  ·  Reg # 18182321

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V First Class 0207......................S A V Net Worth 4200 S A V Duke Girl 7348 4M LUCY 3023 Weikers Lucy 7W56.........................N Bar Emulation EXT Rector Lucy 5000

Act. BW 78 Adj. WW 778 Adj. YW 1400 Adj. IMF 3.55 Adj. REA 14.6 Adj. Fat 0.49

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 15 -1.0 60 20 108 -15.97 23 .26 .38 .020 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +60.85 +67.29 +22.11 +83.94

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 11 .4 55 28 104 -26.82 28 .26 .44 .027 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +51.94 +65.60 +21.13 +94.72

H A calving ease specialist bull that descends from the great 1088 female, whose bull is Lot 1 this year. A sleep all night heifer bull that will produce ideal females with a perfect udder structure.

H Another very complete Element son that goes back to a gorgeous EXT grandam on the bottom side. When you see these Element sons from beginning to end, you’ll appreciate them all for their consistency of performance and look and muscle shape that they all exhibit.

Lot 18

4M ELEMENT 513 Birth Date: 1/5/2015  ·  Reg # 18181175

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V Iron Mountain 8066.............TC Gridiron 258 S A V Madame Pride 3249 4M LUCY 2009 Weikers Lucy 7W56.........................N Bar Emulatio EXT Rector Lucy 5000

Act. BW 80 Adj. WW 710 Adj. YW 1244 Adj. IMF 4.94 Adj. REA 14.3 Adj. Fat 0.18

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 11 .3 53 19 97 -8.25 33 .63 .51 .027 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +42.78 +55.90 +35.21 +118.89

Lot 17

H My youngest daughter Kasey’s favorite bull in the sale. A moderate, thick made bull that is as gentle as any.

Lot 19

4M ELEMENT 521 Birth Date: 1/8/2015  ·  Reg # 18181177

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V Bismarck 5682.......................G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 4M LADY BURGESS 2019 4M Lady Burgess 0040...................Justamere 406S Panamajack 336U LLB Lady Burgess 499R

Lot 20

Act. BW 81 Adj. WW 702 Adj. YW 1264 Adj. IMF 2.57 Adj. REA 12.8 Adj. Fat 0.24

4M ELEMENT 535 Birth Date: 1/20/2015  ·  Reg # 18182322

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 Connealy Capitalist 028................S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 4M ENTENSE 3002 4M Ever Entense 1017...................S A V Bismarck 5682 Lone Oaks Ever Entense 8240

Act. BW 70 Adj. WW 739 Adj. YW 1201 Adj. IMF 3.71 Adj. REA 13.5 Adj. Fat 0.26

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 15 -1.5 61 22 100 -14.69 14 .28 .37 .015 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +60.27 +54.59 +25.07 +63.60

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 14 .4 54 23 93 -6.78 26 .61 .53 .021 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +56.54 +54.83 +36.73 +109.85


H A sure fire heifer bull with 3 generations of calving ease built in. Keep every female from this guy as they will be moderate, easy fleshing, beautifully uddered females.

14 27 66 71 10 15 67 28 47 29 11 53 29 40 81 48 77 44 16

H Another low birth heifer bull that should produce good feeding, easy fleshing cattle.



4M ELEMENT 540 Birth Date: 1/23/2015  ·  Reg # 18182319

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 Justamere 406S Panamajack 336U...Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S EXAR Empress 2429 4M BLACKCAP 2001 Riverbend Blackcap U1195..........Connealy Onward Rita 3B2 of 2536 BW

Lot 22

Act. BW 77 Adj. WW 739 Adj. YW 1313 Adj. IMF 3.57 Adj. REA 13.3 Adj. Fat 0.32

4M ELEMENT 559 Birth Date: 1/30/2015  ·  Reg # 18190176

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V 707 Rito 9969.........................Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 BR Polly 8077-472 4M ERISKAY 2012 Eriskay of Rollin Rock 6310..........RR Payday 3847 Eriskay of Rollin Rock 3721

Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 790 Adj. YW 1294 Adj. IMF 2.47 Adj. REA 14.2 Adj. Fat 0.20

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 15 -1.2 60 22 106 -18.05 22 .27 .36 .018 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +55.74 +67.60 +22.75 +82.29

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 10 .2 59 21 111 -19.26 22 .16 .41 .002 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +48.39 +75.90 +19.79 +80.70

H These Element sons are like peas in a pod. Their low birth weight and calving ease is true and consistent in them all. This is a very good one that descends from U1195, who has produced some of our top selling bulls in previous sales and is the dam of Lot 3 this year.

H A high performing Element bull with good growth numbers and modest birth weight.

Lot 23

4M ELEMENT 544 Birth Date: 1/27/2015  ·  Reg # 18182320

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V Brave 8320..............................S A V Mandan 5664 S A V May 2397 4M LADY BURGESS 3013 Justamere 406S Panamajack 336U 4M Lady Burgess 0040................... LLB Lady Burgess 499R

Lot 24

Act. BW 85 Adj. WW 768 Adj. YW 1419 Adj. IMF 4.18 Adj. REA 15.1 Adj. Fat 0.49

4M ELEMENT 575 Birth Date: 3/22/2015  ·  Reg # 18277732

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V Bismarck 5682.......................G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 4M FOREVER LADY 2022 4M Forever Lady 9400...................S S Objective T510 0T26 B/F Forever Lady 46P 7P 104T

Act. BW 77 Adj. WW 776 Adj. YW Adj. IMF 2.65 Adj. REA 14.2 Adj. Fat 0.37

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 7 2.3 60 25 110 -25.19 29 .32 .47 .025 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +46.82 +74.00 +24.16 +101.42

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 15 -1.0 65 27 113 -24.96 31 .48 .82 .007 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +70.45 +80.24 +36.11 +121.60

H A powerful, long spined Element son who we recommend more for cows.

H One of the youngest bulls in the sale, but still a very, very good bull. We usually don’t offer any of our younger bulls for sale but this one is out of the great 104T family and this guy’s dam raises one of the best year in and year out. Don’t let his age scare you....analyze his numbers and the bull himself, this is a good one!!

Lot 25

4M ELEMENT 508 Birth Date: 1/4/2015  ·  Reg # 18314000

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V Iron Mountain 8066.............TC Gridiron 258 S A V Madame Pride 3249 4M BLACKCAP 2010 Bohi Blackcap 6448........................G A R Precision 1680 Coleman Blackcap 211

Lot 26

Act. BW 76 Adj. WW 678 Adj. YW 1182 Adj. IMF 4.12 Adj. REA 12.1 Adj. Fat 0.24

4M ELEMENT 549 Birth Date: 1/28/2015  ·  Reg # Pending

Poss Easy Impact 0119..................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004...................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 S A V Bismarck 5682.......................G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 4M BLACKCAP 3026 Bohi Blackcap 6448........................G A R Precision 1680 Coleman Blackcap 211

Act. BW 80 Adj. WW 728 Adj. YW 1384 Adj. IMF 2.81 Adj. REA 15.8 Adj. Fat 0.31

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 12 0 53 19 94 -6.60 11 .32 .28 .012 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +44.95 +50.40 +26.48 +57.31

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 18 -.8 57 24 102 -12.60 32 .47 .77 .02 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +59.36 +69.99 +32.69 +122.41

H A bull that was injured shortly after weaning but has come on tremendously since. Another with tremendous length that should produce very good feeding calves.

H Another very good Element son who ratioed 105 at a year and 117 for his REA.


4M ANGUS BULLS POSS TOTAL IMPACT 745 Birth Date: 2/15/2007  ·  Reg # 15885405 BW: 65   Adj WW: 697   Adj YW: 1361

Bon View New Design 208 B/R New Design 036 Bon View Erica 443 TC TOTAL 410 Twin Valley Precision E161 TC Erica Eileen 2047 TC Erica Eileen 5116 Connealy Lead On POSS BLACKCAP 5116 Poss Blackcap 205

Connealy Leadtime Eligence Plus of Conanga Bon View New Design 1407 Poss Blackcap 079

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat -6 2.6 70 7 123 +1.08 38 1.05 .63 -.026 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +42.65 +92.43 +51.33 +151.57

CED BW WW YW RFI DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW Marb REA FAT Tend H Total Impact offers outcross genetics to most high $B lines. H He is a former #1 sire for $B and currently ranks at the top of the breed. H He was an athletic individual with great feet and leg structure.

Poss Total Impact Sire of Lot 27

Lot 27

4M IMPACT 557 Birth Date: 1/30/2015  ·  Reg # 18191586

TC Total 410.......................................Bon View New Design 208 TC Erica Eileen 2047 POSS TOTAL IMPACT 745 Poss Blackcap 5116.........................Connealy Lead On Poss Blackcap 205 G A R Predestined............................B/R New Design 036 G A R Ext 4206 4M GALAXY LADY 7465 Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286................D H D Traveler 6807 E E 4286 of Ideal 2240 1254

Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 815 Adj. YW 1465 Adj. IMF 4.77 Adj. REA 14.0 Adj. Fat 0.42

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 1 .9 59 15 107 -6.43 35 1.23 .49 .001 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +43.27 +71.08 +51.16 +142.20


84 45 13 16 68 36 88 49 41 64 42 91 3 24 55 6 77 38 42

H Every year we have that one bull that I look at and marvel for his sheer mass and power, this is that bull! He is the #1 Marbling EPD bull in the sale and is going to produce tremendously deep calves that are going to be real scale crushers!

Lot 27

EXAR DENVER 2002B Birth Date: 1/1/2012  ·  Reg # 17160560 BW: 76   Adj WW: 930   Adj YW: 1592

Sitz Upward 307R EXAR UPSHOT 0562B EXAR Barbara T020

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Isu Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382

EXAR 263C EXAR ROYAL LASS 1067 BR Royal Lass 19-132

Bon View New Design 1407 Exar June C 3577 G A R Expectation 4915 BR Royal Lass 7036-19

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 2.6 72 42 125 -56.67 56 .84 .94 .083 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +80.71 +94.83 +34.78 +170.07 H The little extra weight at birth of his progeny is worth it. H His calves are growthy and eye appealing. H He is in the top 4% or better for WW, YW, Milk, $W, $F, and $B. H He is a problem free sire that is producing highly fertile progeny.

EXAR Denver Sire of Lots 28-31 13


KLM DENVER 541 Birth Date: 1/24/2015  ·  Reg # 18184878

EXAR Upshot 0562B.......................Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Barbara T020 EXAR DENVER 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067......................EXAR 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132 S A V Bismarck 5682.......................G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 4M RUBY 0011 TC Ruby 8034....................................TC Advantage Plus 680 TC Ruby 6047

Act. BW 80 Adj. WW 741 Adj. YW 1437 Adj. IMF 2.86 Adj. REA 12.0 Adj. Fat 0.25

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 1.8 63 33 121 -45.05 42 .63 .89 .033 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +56.97 94.18 37.60 146.80 H A Denver son with tremendous length and depth of body who ratioed 110 at a year. Don’t be fooled by him being back in the book. This bull will rival any before him when it comes to adding power and pounds to his offspring. A maternal brother was kept for our own in-herd use and produces some of the biggest calves we will sell every year. These Denver sons are high growth bulls with more carcass added in. This is one of the best we’ve offered!

Lot 29

Lot 28

4M DENVER 529 Birth Date: 1/18/2015  ·  Reg # 18184869

EXAR Upshot 0562B.......................Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Barbara T020 EXAR DENVER 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067......................EXAR 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132 S A V Bismarck 5682.......................G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 4M FOREVER LADY 0002 B/F Forever Lady 46P 7P 104T....Bonners Up The Limit 7P B/F Forever Lady of 1407 46P

Lot 30

Act. BW 70 Adj. WW 788 Adj. YW 1334 Adj. IMF 2.67 Adj. REA 13.0 Adj. Fat 0.16

4M DENVER 530 Birth Date: 1/18/2015  ·  Reg # 18184871

EXAR Upshot 0562B.......................Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Barbara T020 EXAR DENVER 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067......................EXAR 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132 S A V Bismarck 5682.......................G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 4M FOREVER LADY 0002 B/F Forever Lady 46P 7P 104T....Bonners Up The Limit 7P B/F Forever Lady of 1407 46P

Act. BW 77 Adj. WW 741 Adj. YW 1375 Adj. IMF 2.28 Adj. REA 13.4 Adj. Fat 0.20

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 10 1.9 62 37 107 -44.18 39 .57 .95 .029 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +65.89 +68.02 +37.21 +135.87

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 10 1.9 62 37 107 -44.18 39 .57 .95 .029 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +65.89 +68.02 +37.21 +135.87

H Lot 29 and Lot 30 are twins that were both raised on the side of their dam. 1520 lbs at weaning time show the growth that comes from the 104T family. These 2 brothers are excellent in terms of their growth and performance numbers and are going to produce good doing cattle that will add pounds and profit to a calf crop.

H Twin to Lot 29

Lot 31

4M DENVER 556 Birth Date: 1/30/2015  ·  Reg # 18190175

EXAR Upshot 0562B.......................Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Barbara T020 EXAR DENVER 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067......................EXAR 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132 N Bar Emulation EXT......................Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Primrose 2424 4M BLACKBIRD 9026 Riverbend Blackbird 4301............G A R Grid Maker Riverbend Blackbird 2204

Act. BW Adj. WW 680 Adj. YW 1266 Adj. IMF 4.76 Adj. REA 13.1 Adj. Fat 0.36

Lot 30

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 6 2.4 57 32 102 -32.55 27 .54 .48 .050 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +54.23 +62.29 +30.24 +100.90 H The first of 2 descendants of the famed 4301 female, whose grandsons include some of the most popular and highly used Angus bulls in the breed. Very fancy made, moderate framed bull who is hard to pick a fault in.


4M ANGUS BULLS KRAYE HERO JK 384 Birth Date: 2/8/2013  ·  Reg # 17699979 BW: 76   Adj WW: 761   Adj YW: 1592

S A V Pioneer 7301 WAR HERO X499 WAR Analyst U512 M250 4526

S A V Final Answer 0035 S A V Blackbird 5297 Dr J Analyst M250 WAR Design 4526 878 0020

Boyd New Day 8005 MISS EMMA JK 6177 Miss Emma F K 7196

A A R New Trend S V F Forever Lady 57D Dameron Robust Miss Emma F K 4222

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 3 2.1 60 19 100 -4.57 36 .07 1.01 .052 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +54.40 +49.26 +14.71 +97.94 H We purchased this bull from Kraye Angus and unfortunately lost him due to injury the first year of service. His calves were extremely large topped and thick made with good structure and foot design. His progeny should be highly maternal and be excellent producing females and high growth, large ribeye cattle.

Lot 32

4M HERO 572 Birth Date: 3/5/2015  ·  Reg # 18277733

WAR Hero X499................................S A V Pioneer 7301 WAR Analyst U512 M250 4526 KRAYE HERO JK 384 Miss Emma JK 6177........................Boyd New Day 8005 Miss Emma F K 7196 S A V Bismarck 5682.......................G A R Grid Maker RIVERBEND BLACKCAP X1272 S A V Abigale 0451 Riverbend Blackcap T498.............Mytty In Focus Rita 1I98 of 2536 Rito 6I6

Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 709 Adj. YW 1279 Adj. IMF 2.67 Adj. REA 14.0 Adj. Fat 0.36

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 8 .9 52 21 88 -8.98 29 .25 .87 .030 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +44.62 +40.40 +25.27 +97.75


17 22 58 77 8 70 94 56 42 51 33 56 8 18 81 83 40 68 91

H A Hero son out of a cow that produces one of our top bulls year in and year out. This guy is one of the younger ones in the sale but still one of the better ones if you analyze him for his age.

Lot 33

Lot 32

4M HERO 573 Birth Date: 3/12/2015  ·  Reg # 18277734

WAR Hero X499................................S A V Pioneer 7301 WAR Analyst U512 M250 4526 KRAYE HERO JK 384 Miss Emma JK 6177........................Boyd New Day 8005 Miss Emma F K 7196 Sitz Upward 307R............................Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M 4M BLACKBIRD 2004 Riverbend Blackbird 4301............G A R Grid Maker Riverbend Blackbird 2204

Act. BW 73 Adj. WW 845 Adj. YW 1432 Adj. IMF 3.03 Adj. REA 14.4 Adj. Fat 0.43

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 2 1.8 71 30 119 -32.73 46 .29 .97 .039 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +75.45 +73.92 +24.42 +129.37


Lot 33

76 90 5 10 71 96 37 18 62 6 57 29 9 6 27 93 18 44 96

H Here is the maternal brother to last year’s top selling bull at $35,000 going to Peak Dot Ranches and now leased to Semex. Without a doubt this bull has power and performance built in. Look at his 50K and the fact he ratioed 113@WW and 109@YW in the largest contemporary group we had, and if you sell your calves by the pound this bull is a must to look at. I could go on and on about his dam and the 4301 cow family and there could be pages and pages with all the bulls in studs all over the U.S. from this family. His 1432 lb yearling weight and 50K data should only legitimize this bull’s worth to anyone wanting to add pounds to a calf crop!! Truly a sale feature!


4M ANGUS BULLS S A V ANGUS VALLEY 1867 Birth Date: 1/5/2011  ·  Reg # 17016630 BW: 85   Adj WW: 957   Adj YW: 1449

TC Gridiron 258 S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 S A V Madame Pride 3249

G A R Grid Maker TC Blackbird 7049 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V Madame Pride 8264

S A F 598 Bando 5175 S A V MAY 2397 S A V May 7238

Bon View Bando 598 S A F Royal Lass 1002 Leachman Right Time S A R Prospector May 9124

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 13 .2 52 13 102 -1.19 54 .72 .59 .068 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +31.97 +43.90 +29.06 +134.98

CED BW WW YW RFI DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW Marb REA FAT Tend H One of the highest selling Angus bulls in 2012, widely admired and respected for his consistent calving ease and early gestation. H Gaining an outstanding reputation as a maternal sire, his daughters have style that catches the eye, a wedge-shaped body design and tremendous udder quality. H Look to Angus Valley for calving ease, performance and maternal power with style!

S A V Angus Valley Sire of Lots 34-36

Lot 34

4M ANGUS VALLEY 503 Birth Date: 1/1/2015  ·  Reg # 18181855

S A V Iron Mountain 8066.............TC Gridiron 258 S A V Madame Pride 3249 S A V ANGUS VALLEY 1867 S A V May 2397.................................S A F 598 Bando 5175 S A V May 7238 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608...........B A R Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy 4M BLACKCAP 9001 Bohi Blackcap 6448........................G A R Precision 1680 Coleman Blackcap 211

Act. BW 78 Adj. WW 759 Adj. YW 1372 Adj. IMF 3.19 Adj. REA 14.3 Adj. Fat 0.39

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 19 -1.8 50 21 93 -4.99 36 .61 .76 .039 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +49.52 +40.61 +35.81 +115.44


5 10 46 64 52 85 64 82 72 23 7 55 38 16 52 57 34 82 30

H A beautifully made, tremendously long, Angus Valley son who has a great deal of calving ease to him. The Angus Valley cattle are highly maternal cattle with a good amount of calving ease combined with very good growth. This bull would be one of the top CED bulls in the sale and will produce some of the best females in anyone’s herd.

Lot 35

Lot 34

4M ANGUS VALLEY 514 Birth Date: 1/5/2015  ·  Reg # 18181861

S A V Iron Mountain 8066.............TC Gridiron 258 S A V Madame Pride 3249 S A V ANGUS VALLEY 1867 S A V May 2397.................................S A F 598 Bando 5175 S A V May 7238 Sitz Tradition RLS 8702..................Vermilion Dateline 7078 R L S Eisa Evergreen 5018 TC FLOWER 6201 TC Flower 9023.................................Connealy Kincaid TC Flower 2014

Lot 36

Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 694 Adj. YW 1321 Adj. IMF 3.59 Adj. REA 12.1 Adj. Fat 0.31

4M ANGUS VALLEY 516 Birth Date: 1/6/2015  ·  Reg # 18191795

S A V Iron Mountain 8066.............TC Gridiron 258 S A V Madame Pride 3249 S A V ANGUS VALLEY 1867 S A V May 2397.................................S A F 598 Bando 5175 S A V May 7238 S A V 707 Rito 9969.........................Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 BR Polly 8077-472 4M BLACKCAP 2008 4M Blackcap 1088...........................Connealy Onward Three Trees Blackcap 3658

Act. BW 79 Adj. WW 674 Adj. YW 1320 Adj. IMF 3.53 Adj. REA 13.3 Adj. Fat 0.26

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 7 1.2 52 13 100 -1.49 40 .59 .60 .027 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +29.92 +62.17 +33.75 +133.47

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 7 1.7 55 15 113 -10.24 50 .46 .52 .023 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +30.60 +73.33 +26.73 +138.48

H Another super maternal bull whose dam was born and raised in the TC program. Extreme length and balance to this total package bull.

H A really long sided, super docile bull who comes from the 1088 cow family. Very good yearling growth to go along with this bull’s one tremendous disposition make this guy one of the very good ones.



4M BISMARK 537 Birth Date: 1/21/2015  ·  Reg # 18191574

G A R Grid Maker.............................G D A R Traveler 044 G A R Precision 2536 S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V Abigale 0451..........................Schoenes Fix It 826 S A V Abigale 6062 S A V Brillance 8077........................S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Blackcap May 5270 4M LADY BURGESS 3058 LLB Lady Burgess 499R..................LLB New Frontier 100N LLB Lady Burgess 227N

Act. BW 64 Adj. WW 679 Adj. YW 1205 Adj. IMF 2.84 Adj. REA 13.4 Adj. Fat 0.43

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 14 -1.2 50 22 85 -6.46 2 .26 .56 -.001 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +48.00 +36.98 +29.46 +37.24 H The only Bismark son in the offering but one that will work tremendously on heifers and comes from a very good 2 year old. A beautiful profiling bull that has a great deal more thickness and muscle shape than most heifer bulls.

Lot 37

S A V FIELDMASTER 2181 Birth Date: 2/28/2012  ·  Reg # 17318642 BW: 85   Adj WW: 957   Adj YW: 1449

S A V Heritage 6295 S A V HARVESTOR 0338 S A V Emblynette 7749

CAR Duke 104 S A V Blackcap May 4136 S A V Net Worth 4200 S A V Emblynette Diamond 6377

S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V ABIGALE 5650 S A V Abigale 0451

Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever 8003 Schoenes Fix It 826 S A V Abigale 6062

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat -6 5.2 69 28 126 -29.13 66 .67 .55 .084 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +57.26 +96.66 +21.16 +170.85


S A V Fieldmaster Sire of Lot 38

Lot 38

4M FIELDMASTER 523 Birth Date: 1/10/2015  ·  Reg # 18191894

S A V Harvestor 0338......................S A V Heritage 6295 S A V Emblynette 7749 S A V FIELDMASTER 2181 S A V Abigale 5650..........................S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V Abigale 0451 B C C Bushwacker 41-93...............Paramont Ambush 2172 R C Anita T Bando 918903 BASIN LUCY 1036 Basin Lucy 3829...............................C A Future Direction 5321 Basin Lucy 178E

Act. BW 87 Adj. WW 688 Adj. YW 1293 Adj. IMF 3.39 Adj. REA 13.1 Adj. Fat 0.31

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 2 3.5 65 29 110 -21.72 54 .39 .50 .068 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +67.13 +73.81 +16.52 +147.31 H A son of SAV Fieldmaster who was the top selling bull at SAV in the past. This super complete bull is solid from front to back. He is long spined and is going to be a really, really good one for adding pounds and size to a calf crop.

Lot 38 17


4M SIGNIFICANT 542 Birth Date: 1/22/2015  ·  Reg # 18182323

Connealy Consensus 7229...........Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 EXAR SIGNIFICANT 1769B Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T..............Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Connealy Onward...........................Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 4M BLACKCAP 1088 Three Trees Blackcap 3658...........G A R Grid Maker G A R Lucys Boy 2118

Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 618 Adj. YW 1204 Adj. IMF 3.32 Adj. REA 12.8 Adj. Fat 0.26

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 10 .8 54 22 100 -5.75 38 .64 .88 .043 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +54.23 +48.46 +37.31 +120.46


25 42 19 22 100 83 64 9 25 45 69 14 52 29 29 69 7 26 75

H An E.T. maternal brother to the Lot 1 bull in this year’s sale. The Significant calves have good depth of body with a big top to them and are large scrotaled, highly fertile cattle. This bull’s recip set him back a little at weaning, but don’t hold that against him. He is gonna be a high performing bull--high growth bull.

SITZ INVESTMENT 660Z Birth Date: 2/28/2012  ·  Reg # 17318642 BW: 86   Adj WW: 905   Adj YW: 1503

S A V Heritage 6295 S A V HARVESTOR 0338 S A V Emblynette 7749

CAR Duke 104 S A V Blackcap May 4136 S A V Net Worth 4200 S A V Emblynette Diamond 6377

S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V ABIGALE 5650 S A V Abigale 0451

Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever 8003 Schoenes Fix It 826 S A V Abigale 6062

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat -6 5.2 69 28 126 -29.13 66 .67 .55 .084 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +57.26 +96.66 +21.16 +170.85

CED BW WW YW RFI DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW Marb REA FAT Tend H One of the highest fertility sires that leads the breed for $W. H Investment calves have been phenotypic and performance standouts at progeny test and seedstock herds across the country. H His progeny were the lowest and most consistent sire group ever PAP tested at Sitz Angus. They averaged 36.7 at 5400 feet elevation, compared to a contemporary group average of 43.

Sitz Investment Sire of Lot 40

Lot 40

4M INVESTMENT 560 Birth Date: 1/30/2015  ·  Reg # 18191845

Connealy Final Product.................Connealy Product 568 Ebonista of Conanga 471 S A V INVESTMENT 660Z Sitz Ellunas Elite 656T....................Sitz Upward 307R Sitz Ellunas Elite 35M B C C Bushwacker 41-93...............Paramont Ambush 2172 R C Anita T Bando 918903 BASIN LUCY 1036 Basin Lucy 3829................................C A Future Direction 5321 Basin Lucy 178E

Act. BW 86 Adj. WW 621 Adj. YW 1168 Adj. IMF 3.43 Adj. REA 11.0 Adj. Fat 0.33

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 8 1.4 67 28 118 -18.10 49 .31 .61 .068 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +79.38 +79.60 +16.01 +131.77 H An Investment son from the famed Lucy family that is known for producing cattle that grow.


4M ANGUS BULLS PVF INSIGHT 0129 Birth Date: 4/17/2010  ·  Reg # 16805884 BW: 84   Adj WW: 680

S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 S A V Blackcap May 5270

G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2420

P V F New Horizon 001 PVF MISSIE 790 P V F Miss Raptor 024

B/R New Design 323 Hyline Ellen 410 Dameron P V F Raptor 702 P V F Miss Stockman 812

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 1.6 63 27 108 -18.43 48 .31 1.18 -.006 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +68.83 +62.74 +31.56 +142.25

CED BW WW YW RFI DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW Marb REA FAT Tend H Insight has a unique ability to sire show-stopping females and sale-topping sons. Progeny are standouts for eye appeal, excellent structure, balance and style. He offers a top 1% REA EPD, and progeny exhibit added visual muscle. H Insight has become a household name in purebred and commercial herds that appreciate good looking cattle with moderate birth weights, solid growth and maternal function. H Insight is gaining popularity as an all-around bull for use on purebred or commercial Angus, as well as Continental breeds.

PVF Insight Sire of Lots 41 & 48

Lot 41

KLM INSIGHT 562 Birth Date: 2/4/2015  ·  Reg # 18191753

S A V Brilliance 8077.......................S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Blackcap May 5270 PVF INSIGHT 0129 PVF Missie 790..................................P V F New Horizon 001 P V F Miss Raptor 024 P R 696 Beef-541..............................B C Mr Beef 2231 P R 541 414-297 P R 849 696-736 P R 736 Leg-554...............................O C C Legend 616L P R Lisa 554

Act. BW 76 Adj. WW 725 Adj. YW 1279 Adj. IMF 2.77 Adj. REA 13.5 Adj. Fat 0.25

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 11 .3 54 25 93 -15.72 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +53.04 +47.88 H A low birth weight Insight son who is really deep sided and extremely good from one end to another. The Insights are heavily muscled low birth weight cattle that have good thickness and base width to them. This bull is extremely docile and is one of the best phenotype bulls in the offering.

Lot 42

Lot 41

KLM CLASSIC 517 Birth Date: 1/7/2015  ·  Reg # 18191921

EXG RS First Rate S903 R3.............Exar Lutton 1831 DAMERON C-5 AMERICAN CLASSIC Rafter S Blackcap P909 Dameron Northern Miss 3114....Dameron P V F Raptor 702 Dameron Miss 550 P R 696 Beef-541..............................B C Mr Beef 2231 P R 541 414-297 P R 849 696-736 P R 736 Leg-554...............................O C C Legend 616L P R Lisa 554

Lot 43

Act. BW 87 Adj. WW 807 Adj. YW 1354 Adj. IMF 3.14 Adj. REA 12.7 Adj. Fat 0.35

KLM CLASSIC 501 Birth Date: 12/17/2014  ·  Reg # 18191922

EXG RS First Rate S903 R3.............Exar Lutton 1831 DAMERON C-5 AMERICAN CLASSIC Rafter S Blackcap P909 Dameron Northern Miss 3114....Dameron P V F Raptor 702 Dameron Miss 550 P R 696 Beef-541..............................B C Mr Beef 2231 P R 541 414-297 P R 849 696-736 P R 736 Leg-554...............................O C C Legend 616L P R Lisa 554

Act. BW 70 Adj. WW 796 Adj. YW 1289 Adj. IMF 2.90 Adj. REA 13.3 Adj. Fat 0.22

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 3 2.3 56 28 89 -18.53 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +56.51 +39.28

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 3 2.3 56 28 89 -18.53 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +56.51 +39.28

H A pair of flush brothers from the same dam as Lot 41. These bulls are high performing bulls that have a little more birth weight and are recommended for cows only but if you sell cattle by the pound these guys are going to add $ to your pocket! These are some of the heaviest muscled and easiest bulls to look at in the entire offering. Take note of the sheer power in them!

H Flush brother to Lot 42.



KLM STYLE 510 Birth Date: 1/5/2015  ·  Reg # 18184809

Gambles Hot Rod............................Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703 SILVEIRAS STYLE 9303 Silveiras Elba 2520..........................Twin Valley Precision E161 D A R Elba 55 O C C Emblazon 854E....................D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 4M DIXIE ERICA 9044 DCC Dixie Erica 001........................O C C Freestyle 921F O C C Dixie Erica 814G

Act. BW 89 Adj. WW 723 Adj. YW 1222 Adj. IMF 4.60 Adj. REA 11.5 Adj. Fat 0.31

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 7 2.2 43 19 75 +3.68 13 .3 .43 .016 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +32.33 +23.50 +27.90 +60.34 H A bull from a cow that produced a $14,000 feature in last year’s sale going to Risse Angus in South Dakota. This super stylish bull will add tremendous muscle and style to his cattle.

Lot 45

Lot 44

4M LUTTON 563 Birth Date: 2/5/2015  ·  Reg # 18312763

Exar Lutton 1831.............................Northern Improvement 4480 GF Exar Saras Dream 9809 4M LUTTON 140 LLB Lady Burgess 499R..................LLB New Frontier 100N LLB Lady Burgess 227N Justamere 406S Panamajack 336U...Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S EXAR Empress 2429 4M LADY 2015 S C C Ms Broadside 1154..............O C C Broadside 876B S C C Ms Emulation 827

Lot 46

Act. BW 83 Adj. WW 651 Adj. YW 1185 Adj. IMF 5.20 Adj. REA 13.9 Adj. Fat 0.39

4M RITO 565 Birth Date: 2/8/2015  ·  Reg # 18312762

S A V 707 Rito 9969.........................Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 BR Polly 8077-472 CCC 9969 RITO 1306 Riverbend Blackbird 4301............G A R Grid Maker Riverbend Blackbird 2204 D H D Traveler 6807........................Q A S Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid D H D 0807 4M BLACKCAP 9023 Riverbend Blackcap T114.............Leachman Right Time Rita 2811 of 2536 Bvnd 878

Act. BW 83 Adj. WW 721 Adj. YW 1244 Adj. IMF 2.56 Adj. REA 12.9 Adj. Fat 0.39

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 7 2.7 38 18 70 +7.90 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +23.10 +18.23

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 5 1.9 53 24 91 -12.98 30 .37 .45 -.020 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +47.77 +44.96 +30.33 +105.60

H A tank of a bull with tremendous thickness and mass from our herd sire.

H Another bull with exceptional thickness and mass to him from a bull that is a direct son of the immortal 4301 cow. These are some of the first progeny to come from our newest herd sire and they are exceeding our expectations for growth and power.

Lot 47

4M RITO 578 Birth Date: 4/1/2015  ·  Reg # 18277735

S A V 707 Rito 9969.........................Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 BR Polly 8077-472 CCC 9969 RITO 1306 Riverbend Blackbird 4301............G A R Grid Maker Riverbend Blackbird 2204 Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon.........O C C Emblazon 854E Rita 4L1 of 2536 208 4M LADY 1044 Three Trees First Lady R0007.......Bon View New Design 1407 Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286

Act. BW 72 Adj. WW 747 Adj. YW Adj. IMF NA Adj. REA NA Adj. Fat NA

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 .4 66 28 112 -26.60 33 .42 .74 .001 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +70.81 +82.22 +33.26 +127.43


41 63 4 11 3 48 88 74 56 80 72 59 9 49 59 72 41 46 83

H The youngest bull in the offering; but one that will be a good one down the line. His dam is also the dam of the Lots 5 & 6 flush brothers. Look at the WW and YW 50K data on this bull. If you don’t turn out till a little later, this bull is one that will be worth the money!

Nebraska Angus Association Board of Directors 20


EXAR INSIGHT 8804B Birth Date: 8/3/2014  ·  Reg # 17865974

S A V Brilliance 8077.......................S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Blackcap May 5270 PVF INSIGHT 0129 PVF Missie 790..................................P V F New Horizon 001 P V F Miss Raptor 024 O S U Impact 3182..........................Exar Sudden Impact 1537 O S U 6807 Gem 5102 OSU ERICA 7171 O S U Erica 0158...............................A&B Yukon 7150 O S U 869A Erica 4147

Act. BW Adj. WW 580 Adj. YW 1012 Adj. IMF NA Adj. REA NA Adj. Fat NA

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 4 3.3 62 24 106 -11.88 44 .28 .67 -.020 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +59.42 +68.71 +26.84 +138.06 H The oldest bull in the sale that comes from a cow we purchased to add to our herd and was born shortly before we purchased him. We very rarely sell older aged bulls but this one was way too good to not offer. He is powerful, thick, and full of meat from end to end! His disposition is one of a kind, hence his name “Peaches”, which Kasey named him. Anyone wanting a older bull to run with a few more cows needs to take a look here. This one is a good one!!

Lot 48


BC1 MR. C539 Birth Date: 2/1/2015  ·  Reg # 3008798  ·  3/4 SM 1/4 AN

Ellingson Legacy M229.................Nichols Legacy G151 Ellingson Ms Pstock K58 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B....................GLS Mojo M38 GFI Darla M410 Ren Arizona U832............................GCF Challenger R78 Ren Midnight Solution 338 X093 BCC Ms Soggy S645........................BS & Triple T Soggy N10 EB Ms Arapahoe N321

Act. BW 96 Adj. WW 858 Adj. YW 1615 Adj. IMF 4.26 Adj. REA 17.7 Adj. BF 0.45

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 7.0 2.3 82.5 120.0 5.2 21.2 62.5 11.2 44.0 -0.34 MARB BF REA API TI 0.62 -.033 1.23 143.0 90.9 H A real massive performace standout. Outstanding individual performance and carcass results have propelled his figures into the top of the breed. Top 2%WW, 10%YW, 10% MARB, 1%REA and1%TI. Ratioed 110 for REA and 147 MARB. Very gentle, structurally sound bull that will sire some very profitable feeder cattle

Lot 51

MOHNEN LONG DISTANCE 1639 Birth Date: 1/20/2009  ·  Reg # 16455862 BW: 76   Adj WW: 793   Adj YW: 1305

Mohnen Brushpopper 353..........B C C Bushwacker 41-93 MOHNEN BRUSHPOPPER 295 Mohnen Erica 51 Mohnen Jilt 1283.............................Boyd New Day 8005 Mohnen Jilt 143 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807.....................D H D Traveler 6807 BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD M565 Rita 4B20 of 0FB1 Bando Baldridge Blackbird 736F.............Bon View Bando 598 S V F Blackbird 1620 CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 19 -2.4 47 30 82 -12.02 -5 .68 .33 -.027 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +61.75 +35.61 +45.93 +39.18

Mohnen Long Distance Sire of Lots 52-55


H The very best for calving ease, indicated by his top 1% ranking for CED. H An added bonus is the replacement females he sires. Moderate in frame size, they develop beautiful udders that are tight and snug with small teats and above average milk production.


BC1 MR. C525 Birth Date: 1/27/2015  ·  Reg # 3008785  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Mohnen Brushpopper 295..........Mohnen Brushpopper 353 MOHNEN LONG DISTANCE 1639 Mohnen Jilt 1283 Baldridge Blackbird M565............Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Baldridge Blackbird 736F Gonsior Laredos Dream................NJC Laredo STF Dream Catcher 162L X005 Ms Blackman P424..........................LHT Mr Blackman 176K L70

Act. BW 91 Adj. WW 697 Adj. YW 1345 Adj. IMF 2.42 Adj. REA 17.42 Adj. BF 0.21

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 13.7 0.6 67.9 106.5 8.8 22.7 56.7 11.3 34.2 -0.38 MARB BF REA API TI 0.29 -.106 0.66 132.1 72.8 H We used Long Distance on some of our best purebred Simmental cows for his exceptional calving ease and high API. C525 is a very long smooth bull who will add some pounds and make great females. Very correct, gentle bull. His mother is one of our best Laredo females who never misses.

Lot 52

Lot 53

BC1 MR. C562 Birth Date: 2/9/2015  ·  Reg # 3009166  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Mohnen Brushpopper 295..........Mohnen Brushpopper 353 MOHNEN LONG DISTANCE 1639 Mohnen Jilt 1283 Baldridge Blackbird M565............Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Baldridge Blackbird 736F PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker...............Harts Black Casino B408 PVF-BF Mabelle C131 DIAMOND-D BJ ET15P Diamond-D CBJ P4Z.......................C&B Junior Diamond D Sigfried H40W

Act. BW 92 Adj. WW 744 Adj. YW 1285 Adj. IMF 2.76 Adj. REA 17.13 Adj. BF 0.19

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 12.5 -0.8 60.5 92.5 8.3 22.7 53.0 11.8 23.9 -0.22 MARB BF REA API TI 0.26 -.030 0.61 126.9 68.2 H Lots 53-55 are flush brothers by Long Distance and our 15P donor cow. They are all very deep, stout, soft made bulls. Lot 53 is solid black, 54 and 55 have some white on their face. 15P just calved again at a 335 day interval at 12 years of age. The udder quality, fertility, and docility of her offspring are unmatched. Check out Lot 56 who is a grandson to this great cow.

Lot 53

Lot 54

BC1 MR. C558 Birth Date: 2/8/2015  ·  Reg # 3008816  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Mohnen Brushpopper 295..........Mohnen Brushpopper 353 MOHNEN LONG DISTANCE 1639 Mohnen Jilt 1283 Baldridge Blackbird M565............Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Baldridge Blackbird 736F PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker...............Harts Black Casino B408 PVF-BF Mabelle C131 DIAMOND-D BJ ET15P Diamond-D CBJ P4Z.......................C&B Junior Diamond D Sigfried H40W

Act. BW 92 Adj. WW 694 Adj. YW 1274 Adj. IMF 2.84 Adj. REA 17.71 Adj. BF 0.38

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 12.8 -0.8 62.9 99.2 8.6 23.0 54.5 11.8 28.0 -0.23 MARB BF REA API TI 0.16 -.019 0.78 123.5 67.4 H See Lot 53 footnotes.



BC1 MR. C536 Birth Date: 1/31/2015  ·  Reg # 3008796  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Mohnen Brushpopper 295..........Mohnen Brushpopper 353 MOHNEN LONG DISTANCE 1639 Mohnen Jilt 1283 Baldridge Blackbird M565............Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Baldridge Blackbird 736F PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker...............Harts Black Casino B408 PVF-BF Mabelle C131 DIAMOND-D BJ ET15P Diamond-D CBJ P4Z.......................C&B Junior Diamond D Sigfried H40W

Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 625 Adj. YW 1166 Adj. IMF 3.91 Adj. REA 15.18 Adj. BF 0.30

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 12.8 -0.8 62.9 99.2 8.6 23.0 54.5 11.8 28.0 -0.20 MARB BF REA API TI 0.39 -.044 0.50 135.2 72.8 H See Lot 53 footnotes.

Lot 55

Lot 56

BC1 MR. C597 Birth Date: 2/18/2015  ·  Reg # 3008845  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Sitz Upward 307R............................Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M BC1 Z240 EBCC Annie 6137.............................Triple E Special Addition WK Annie 7207 Sand Ranch Hand............................Wheatland Bull 131L Sand Lucky Charmer BC1 W932 Diamond-D BJ ET15P.....................PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Diamond-D CBJ P4Z

Act. BW 84 Adj. WW 749 Adj. YW 1362 Adj. IMF 2.89 Adj. REA 14.87 Adj. BF 0.56

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 11.2 -1.4 60.4 99.3 9.2 24.0 54.2 9.1 27.3 0.04 MARB BF REA API TI 0.40 .060 0.56 132.2 71.3 H This has been one of my favorite bulls all year. Extremely dense bull that carries a lot of mass and middle. His mother has one of the best udders on the farm and always has a good one. We raised his Sitz Upward sire who hit a home run with this bull.

Lot 56

Lot 57

BC1 MR. C593 Birth Date: 2/17/2015  ·  Reg # 3008842  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

S A V Final Answer 0035................Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821.......C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 Sand Ranch Hand............................Wheatland Bull 131L Sand Lucky Charmer BC1 Y110 GFI Ruby P4114................................GFI Magnum K52 GFI Ruby K020

Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 696 Adj. YW 1302 Adj. IMF 2.99 Adj. REA 15.85 Adj. BF 0.46

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 15.2 -2.2 63.1 98.9 12.0 23.3 54.8 11.1 25.7 -0.09 MARB BF REA API TI 0.42 .036 0.77 150.6 75.2 H This ½ blood Capitalist son is an awful good bull in person and on paper. Check out his -2.0 BW EPD and 150.8 API. Very long, clean bull that still carries a lot of muscle into his lower quarter.

Lot 57 23

BURKEN CATTLE CO. BULLS BC1 MR. C505 Lot Birth Date: 1/19/2015  ·  Reg # 3008770  ·  3/8 SM 9/16 AN 58

S A V Final Answer 0035................Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821.......C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 TNT Top Gun R244...........................TNT Gunner N208 TNT Miss Sadie M68 BC1 A324 18N.......................................................GW Lucky Break 047G 26L

Lot 59

Act. BW 90 Adj. WW 657 Adj. YW 1195 Adj. IMF 2.22 Adj. REA 13.99 Adj. BF 0.40

BC1 MR. C5121 Birth Date: 3/3/2015  ·  Reg # 3008862  ·  3/8 SM 5/8 AN

Sitz Upward 307R............................Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M BC1 Z240 EBCC Annie 6137.............................Triple E Special Addition WK Annie 7207 BS & Triple T Soggy N10................Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C Triple T Ms Blk Vision BCC MS. SOGGY S682 ES Ms T Dinah EF02.........................GW Tailor Made 515A Q Dinah 10A

Act. BW 86 Adj. WW 678 Adj. YW 1261 Adj. IMF 2.59 Adj. REA 14.88 Adj. BF 0.45

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 14.20 -0.85 70.00 112.95 9.05 12.30 47.30 9.00 35.85 -0.10 MARB BF REA API TI 0.33 0.02 0.77 132.7 73.7

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 9.25 0.50 55.90 89.10 6.50 20.50 48.50 8.40 24.10 -0.06 MARB BF REA API TI 0.40 0.02 0.52 112.4 64.9

H Long bodied Capitalist son out of a very nice Top Gun first calf heifer.

H A half-brother to the Lot 56 standout and very similar in type. This bull is huge middled and should also sire some fantastic replacement females.

Lot 60

BC1 MR. C560 Birth Date: 2/9/2015  ·  Reg # 3008818  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Sydgen C C & 7.................................S A F Connection Sydgen Forever Lady 4087 HOOVER DAM Erica of Ellston C124.......................TC Gridiron 258 Erica of Ellston V65 GFI Magnum K52.............................Ellingson Blackperfector RIV Blk Josie 438 755G GFI RUBY P4114 GFI Ruby K020..................................BS Mr Arapahoe 811A HF/GFI Ruby Red 33E

Act. BW 88 Adj. WW 751 Adj. YW 1292 Adj. IMF 3.82 Adj. REA 14.53 Adj. BF 0.26

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 10.9 0.3 62.8 100.6 8.3 27.3 58.7 13.1 30.5 -0.35 MARB BF REA API TI 0.54 -.088 0.64 136.0 76.2 H This is the natural calf out of our 4114 donor. Ratioed 102 BW, 105 WW, 100 YW, and 132 IMF. A larger framed bull that will sire some extra stretch to his calves.

Lot 61

Lot 60

BC1 MR. C5161 Birth Date: 3/1/2015 · Reg # Pending  ·  3/8 SM 5/8 AN

Sydgen C C & 7.................................S A F Connection Sydgen Forever Lady 4087 HOOVER DAM Erica of Ellston C124.......................TC Gridiron 258 Erica of Ellston V65 X060..................................................... BC1 A346 BC1 Y1109..........................................

Lot 62

Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 675 Adj. YW NA Adj. IMF NA Adj. REA NA Adj. BF NA

BC1 MR. C501 Birth Date: 1/15/2015  ·  Reg # 3008767  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Sitz Upward 307R............................Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M EXAR UPSHOT 0562B EXAR Barbara T020.........................ISU Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 Gonsior Laredos Dream................NJC Laredo STF Dream Catcher 162L BC1 Y112 U876.....................................................CNS Dream On L186 Ms Blackman P424

Act. BW 86 Adj. WW 648 Adj. YW 1215 Adj. IMF 3.10 Adj. REA 15.42 Adj. BF 0.33

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 14.95 -1.90 50.45 85.00 9.50 24.25 49.50 11.65 18.00 -0.33 MARB BF REA API TI 0.60 -0.05 0.80 146.3 72.4

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 13.9 -1.0 54.0 90.0 7.2 25.9 52.9 10.3 22.7 -0.27 MARB BF REA API TI 0.55 -.019 0.84 142.6 72.9

H This bull is out of a show heifer we sold to Kayce Allen a couple years ago. I was very impressed with how he turned out and bought part of him back. This is a very gentle, March bull that has really done well since I got him.

H This Upshot son is a larger framed, free moving bull. Sure to sire some extra punch to his calves and out of a beautiful Laredo daughter. Negative BW, high marbling and API bull.



BC1 MR. C550 Birth Date: 2/6/2015  ·  Reg # 3008809  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

G A R Predestined............................B/R New Design 036 G A R Ext 4206 GW PREDESTINED 701T GW Miss Lucky Strike 363.............GW Lucky Strike 147G Kappes Moses J213 LHT Mr Blackman 176K.................Shilohs Blackman E7 LHT Ms Addiction 149H BCC MS. BLACKMAN R552 70 Green.............................................

Act. BW 91 Adj. WW 720 Adj. YW 1321 Adj. IMF 3.02 Adj. REA 17.58 Adj. BF 0.20

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 11.2 -0.5 59.2 88.8 6.3 24.9 54.5 9.5 22.1 -0.34 MARB BF REA API TI 0.55 -.070 0.66 129.1 73.6 H Probably one of the most attractive 701T sons I have seen and still very stout and sound. This is a bull we really should be keeping. Ratioed 101 WW, 102 YW, 104 IMF, and 109 REA. He will cover all the bases from calving ease, growth, carcass, and excellent females. DD free.

Lot 63

Lot 64

BC1 MR. C510 Birth Date: 1/22/2015  ·  Reg # 3009153 · Purebred

MCM Top Grade 018X....................Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MCM 513R DMKR TOP PRIZE DMKR Suprise Attack.....................Triple C Invation R47K CCR Ms Dream On 60265 TNT Tuition U238.............................S A V Final Answer 0035 TNT Miss S68 BC1 Z222 TNT Miss S137...................................STF Montana Black KF25 TNT Miss Black Mick C99

Act. BW 93 Adj. WW 727 Adj. YW 1385 Adj. IMF 3.60 Adj. REA 17.34 Adj. BF 0.39

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 8.5 1.4 61.2 99.2 8.8 23.7 54.3 9.7 31.5 -0.20 MARB BF REA API TI 0.41 -.016 0.75 131.5 72.4 H The only black purebred in the sale and he is a good one. It is tough to make a purebred this smooth and stout yet maintain his growth. Perfect joints and loads of power. His sire is one of our herdbulls and he is doing a tremendous job. Ratioed 106 WW, 110 YW, 111 for MARB and 104 for REA.

Lot 64

JBS BIG CASINO 336Y Birth Date: 3/11/2011  ·  Reg # 2602861 BW: 89   Adj WW: 777

HC Hummer 12M.............................WLE Power Stroke LBR Destinys Dream K830 RC CLUB KING 040R RC Miss Griffey 038N......................CCR Griffey Miss RC 600U 501F JBS Mr Desperado 301K................WHF Desperado 212G JBS Miss Maximizer 301 JBS MISS DES 301 512N JBS Miss 600U 512...........................Circle S Leachman 600U JBS Ms Maxim 224B CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 11.7 -1.0 76.4 115.8 13.4 20.5 58.7 12.9 37.1 -0.42 MARB BF REA API TI -0.07 -.085 0.96 114.8 75.1 H Blaze faced bull who is loaded with length, muscle and power. H A true multi-dimensional bull who ranks in the top 10% of the breed for 8 different traits and indexes and in the top 20% for 13 traits and indexes. H BIG CASINO is a unique find, not just for phenotype, but is currently the only purebred bull in the breed to rank in the top 10% of the breed for BW, WW, YW, ADG, MCE, YG and TI Index. H Progeny are lauded as being stout, big hipped cattle with most having a good splash of white on their face.

JBS Big Casino Sire of Lot 65



BC1 MR. C556 Birth Date: 2/7/2015  ·  Reg # 3008815  ·  3/4 SM 1/4 AN

Act. BW 86 Adj. WW 692 Adj. YW 1273 Adj. IMF 2.51 Adj. REA 16.99 Adj. BF 0.46

RC Club King 040R..........................HC Hummer 12M RC Miss Griffey 038N JBS BIG CASINO 336Y JBS Miss Des 301 512N..................JBS Mr Desperado 301K JBS Miss 600U 512 Mytty In Focus..................................S A F Focus of E R Mytty Countess 906 BC1 Z214 X022.....................................................TripleC El Poderoso Rey U886

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 12.7 -1.1 65.2 103.2 11.1 20.5 53.1 12.8 29.8 -0.16 MARB BF REA API TI 0.21 .003 0.76 136.4 71.8 H A very good Big Casino out of a beautiful In Focus daughter. Very correct, stout bull to make heavy feeders or beautiful uddered, structurally correct replacements. Awesome EPD profile with -1 BW up to a 103 YW.

Lot 65

Lot 66

BC1 MR. C5103 Birth Date: 2/19/2015  ·  Reg # 3008849  ·  5/8 SM 3/8 AN

HSF Better Than Ever......................SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 HSF Victoria P30 GLS NEW DIRECTION X184 GLS N6.................................................Kenco/MF Powerline 204L GLS Lady Bug L36 GLS Combination R2......................B/R New Frontier 095 GLS Hostess H16 BC1 Y130 T A New Queen 2201.....................WK New Design 1151 T A Queen Ann 1963

Act. BW 90 Adj. WW 750 Adj. YW 1372 Adj. IMF 2.06 Adj. REA 17.19 Adj. BF 0.27

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 8.9 0.4 62.2 102.5 6.7 17.9 49.0 9.7 32.0 -0.34 MARB BF REA API TI 0.06 -.065 0.83 102.5 62.6 H This bull is one of the younger ones in the sale, but you would never know it. He is a high performance stud out of a great Combination female. Lots of muscle and middle in this one.

Lot 66

Lot 67

BC1 MR. C5142 Birth Date: 3/19/2015  ·  Reg # 3008882  ·  3/4 SM 1/8 AN

MCM Top Grade 018X....................Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MCM 513R DMKR TOP PRIZE DMKR Suprise Attack.....................Triple C Invasion R47K CCR Ms Dream on 60265 RRJS Three Sixes 327W..................BHR Three Sixes SA L666E RR Idessa 2291 BC1 Z2137 BHR Arissa R389...............................DRCC K481 BHR Lotties Design F156E

Act. BW 86 Adj. WW 687 Adj. YW 1245 Adj. IMF 2.55 Adj. REA 16.64 Adj. BF 0.24

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 7.9 2.1 53.4 79.1 6.2 24.8 51.5 10.9 20.4 -0.29 MARB BF REA API TI 0.30 -.055 0.60 105.8 60.9 H This young baldy bull has caught everyone’s eye. He is a total outcross to all the popular baldy bulls out there. Moderate framed, yet stout and long. Will make great females or stout steers.

Lot 67 26


BC1 MR. C5124 Birth Date: 3/5/2015  ·  Reg # 3008865  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

MCM Top Grade 018X....................Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MCM 513R DMKR TOP PRIZE DMKR Suprise Attack.....................Triple C Invasion R47K CCR Ms Dream on 60265 S A V Brilliance 8077.......................S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Blackcap May 5270 BC1 Y133 EBCC Blackcap 6503.......................Plainview Remedy WK Blackcap 4564

Act. BW 91 Adj. WW 740 Adj. YW 1399 Adj. IMF 2.45 Adj. REA 16.51 Adj. BF 0.25

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 12.1 0.1 56.4 97.6 9.2 26.6 54.8 10.9 28.9 -0.22 MARB BF REA API TI 0.42 -.032 0.65 125.9 68.6 H Another Top Prize out of one of our top Angus cows who ratioed 103 WW and 108 YW. These bulls are all very stylish, sound, and stout. Tremendous younger bull.

Lot 69

Lot 68

BC1 MR. C524 Birth Date: 1/27/2015  ·  Reg # 3008784  ·  5/8 SM 3/8 AN

MCM Top Grade 018X....................Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MCM 513R DMKR TOP PRIZE DMKR Suprise Attack.....................Triple C Invasion R47K CCR Ms Dream on 60265 Mytty In Focus..................................S A F Focus of E R Mytty Countess 906 X011 U808.....................................................TJ Duramax 100K S621

Lot 70

Act. BW 83 Adj. WW 717 Adj. YW 1261 Adj. IMF 3.57 Adj. REA 14.22 Adj. BF 0.46

BC1 MR. C511 Birth Date: 1/22/2015  ·  Reg # 3008774  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

MCC Daylite 0005............................MCC Daybreak A G Miss In Focus 7302 CCR FRONTIER 0053Z CCR Ms 4013 Dura 0053X.............HTP/SVF Duracell T52 CCR Ms P Beef 4013P Gonsior Laredos Dream................NJC Laredo STF Dream Catcher 162L BC1 A370 785........................................................

Act. BW 91 Adj. WW 684 Adj. YW 1270 Adj. IMF 2.53 Adj. REA 15.54 Adj. BF 0.41

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 14.15 -1.30 49.85 77.10 10.25 24.25 49.20 10.90 14.25 -0.26 MARB BF REA API TI 0.49 -0.04 0.52 144.0 68.6

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 11.9 -0.6 57.7 88.4 9.7 23.1 52.0 7.3 21.8 -0.19 MARB BF REA API TI 0.18 .001 0.75 121.8 64.1

H Big, rangy Top Prize son. Expect plenty of length and width with his calves.

H We used CCR Frontier on our heifers and it really worked. This bull is very stout and has done well since weaning. Disposition on these bulls is great.

CCR FRONTIER 0053Z Birth Date: 2/17/2012  ·  Reg # 2703756 BW: 66   Adj WW: 791   Adj YW: 1312

MCC Daybreak..................................Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 MCC DAYLITE 0005 A G Miss In Focus 7302..................Mytty In Focus A G Level Best 5321 HTP/SVF Duracell T52....................CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Honeydew CCR MS 4013 DURA 0053X CCR Ms P Beef 4013P.....................SRS J914 Preferred Beef CCR Ms Drive 291M CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 16.3 -1.3 62.1 99.0 13.3 22.2 53.2 10.0 27.2 -0.29 MARB BF REA API TI 0.45 .002 1.12 155.7 75.5 H Sire is the product of the ABS Sire Alliance winner DAYBREAK. H Progeny proven unique EPDs, ranks in the top 5% of the breed for CED and top 10% for yearling growth. H His combination of growth and carcass merit earn rankings in the top 5% of the breed for API and TI. H Progeny are impressive, big topped, long spined, thick ended cattle with a really good look.

CCR Frontier Sire of Lots 70 & 71 27


BC1 MR. C529 Birth Date: 1/28/2015  ·  Reg # 3008789  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

MCC Daylite 0005............................MCC Daybreak A G Miss In Focus 7302 CCR FRONTIER 0053Z CCR Ms 4013 Dura 0053X.............HTP/SVF Duracell T52 CCR Ms P Beef 4013P GW Premium Beef 021TS..............G A R US Premium Beef GW Miss Lucky Charm 410P BC1 A308 BC1 Y132.............................................Gonsior Laredos Dream EBCC New Queen 724

Lot 72

Act. BW 89 Adj. WW 736 Adj. YW 1410 Adj. IMF 3.56 Adj. REA 15.23 Adj. BF 0.46

BC1 MR. C512 Birth Date: 1/22/2015  ·  Reg # 3008775  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

NJC Laredo.........................................PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker NJC/TJF Jolene GONSIOR LAREDOS DREAM STF Dream Catcher 162L..............SAC Mr MT 73G STF Desa Rae 785

Act. BW 78 Adj. WW 699 Adj. YW 1253 Adj. IMF 2.07 Adj. REA 16.14 Adj. BF 0.20

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 14.9 -0.6 68.2 115.5 11.9 20.8 54.9 10.8 38.2 -0.10 MARB BF REA API TI 0.54 .015 0.78 154.7 80.0

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 8.10 -0.20 57.40 83.80 3.60 24.50 53.25 NA 19.30 -0.24 MARB BF REA API TI 0.08 -0.03 0.59 96.9 60.3

H This Frontier is out of a first calf Premium Beef daughter we expect big things out of. Top 10% YW, ADG, API, and TI. Ratioed 101 BW, 103 WW and 109 YW. A bull who will cover all the bases from replacements females to top end feeder cattle.

H These Laredo halfblood bulls have been very consistent over the years. They are heavy muscled, moderate framed bulls with plenty of growth. We still AI several cows to him every year for bulls like this stout bull.

Lot 73

BC1 MR. C5160 Birth Date: 2/17/2015  ·  Reg # 3078312 · Purebred

THSF Freedom 300N......................BH Tracker 998J SAFN Miss Zing 02H TRAXS RUSHMORE X103 Miss Trax U850..................................Lchmn Bright Light L122L R549 OLF Otis Y43......................................OLF Odin U5 OLF Miss Gunner W8 OLF LADY OT A115 OLF K128............................................BDV-STF Lariat D10

Act. BW 86 Adj. WW 685 Adj. YW 1362 Adj. IMF 2.47 Adj. REA 17.15 Adj. BF 0.31

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 12.9 0.5 71.0 107.4 14.8 18.9 54.4 10.4 34.3 -0.37 MARB BF REA API TI 0.07 -.055 1.04 126.9 73.5 H The only red bull in the sale and he is an awful good one. We purchased his mother for her flawless phenotype, and she gave us this heavy muscled beef bull. Out of a first calf heifer and calving ease on both sides of his pedigree. Look for him to calve easy and explode to weaning.

Lot 74

Lot 73

BC1 MR. C596 Birth Date: 2/18/2015  ·  Reg # 3008844  ·  5/8 SM 3/8 AN

A A R Ten X 7008 S A.......................Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 LRS TOP TEN 104A LRS Ms Surebet 104Y.....................Dikemans Sure Bet LRS Ms Missinglink 968W Gonsior Laredos Dream................NJC Laredo STF Dream Catcher 162L BC1 Y128 26L........................................................FF Hard Cash H214 827

Act. BW 88 Adj. WW 659 Adj. YW 1261 Adj. IMF 2.81 Adj. REA 15.97 Adj. BF 0.31

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 11.90 -0.35 59.85 96.40 8.90 18.95 48.90 NA 27.10 -0.33 MARB BF REA API TI 0.41 -0.05 0.85 133.1 71.3 H A very solid Top Ten out of Laredo daughter. With Top Ten’s carcass and calving ease and Laredo’s muscle, this bull should be a real sound investment.

Lot 74



BC1 MR. B4142 Birth Date: 8/1/2014 · Reg # 2931779  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

TC Freedom 104...............................Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 X058 BCC Ms. Pbeef R5032.....................Dikemans Sure Bet LRS Ms Missinglink 968W S A V 8180 Traveler 004.................NJC Laredo STF Dream Catcher 162L TCFK KANSAS GAL T04 Hart Hollywood Queen E700......FF Hard Cash H214 827

Act. BW 86 Adj. WW 690 Adj. YW NA Adj. IMF NA Adj. REA NA Adj. BF NA

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 8.10 1.85 64.90 99.00 5.10 20.70 53.20 13.65 31.60 -0.04 MARB BF REA API TI 0.29 -0.03 0.17 101.6 65.5 H This fall bull is out of a donor we flushed and bred back for fall. A very long, larger framed bull who will sire a lot of growth going back to our TC Freedom herdsire.


Quick Reference to ASA EPDs and $ Indexes Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs): EPDs are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetic levels. In using EPDs, the difference between two sires’ EPDs represents the unit difference expected in the performance of their progeny. For example, if sires A and B have EPDs of +10 and –5, a 15-unit difference would be expected in their progeny (moving from -5 to +10 yields 15 units). Key to using EPDs is knowing what units they are expressed in. For example, if the above case referred to weaning weight EPDs, A would be expected to sire 15-pounds more weaning weight than B. If calving ease were the trait, A would be expected to sire 15-percent more unassisted births in first-calf heifers; in other words, if B sired 30 assists in a group of 100 heifers, we’d expect A to require 15 assists. A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s EPDs rank him relative to other bulls in the breed. For percentile rankings or more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes visit www.simmental.org. Listed below are the units ASA EPDs are expressed in: All-Purpose Index (API): Dollars per cow exposed under an all-purpose-sire scenario. (See below for more details.) Back Fat (BF): Inches of backfat. Birth Weight (BW): Pounds of birth weight. Calving Ease (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers. Carcass Weight (CW): Pounds of carcass weight. Maternal Calving Ease (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters. Milk (MLK): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk. Marbling (MRB): Marbling score. Maternal Weaning Weight (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth.

Ribeye Area (REA): Square inches of ribeye. Warner-Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF): Pounds of force required to shear a steak. Stayability (STAY): Percent of daughters remaining in the cowherd at 6 years of age. Terminal Index (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario. (See below for more details.) Weaning Weight (WW): Pounds of weaning weight. Yearling Weight (YW): Pounds of yearling weight. Yield Grade (YG): Yield grade score.

$ Indexes: Though EPDs allow for the comparison of genetic levels for many economically important traits, they only provide a piece of the economic puzzle. That’s where $ indexes come in. Through wellconceived, rigorous mathematical computation, $ indexes blend EPDs and economics to estimate an animal’s overall impact on your bottom line. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used to develop the following $ indexes: All-Purpose Index (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield. Terminal Index (TI): Evaluates sire for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield. Using API and TI: First, determine which index to use; if you’re keeping replacements use API, if not, TI. Then, just as with EPDs, zero in on the unit difference between bulls. (As described above, index units are in dollars per cow exposed.) The difference can be used to determine how much a bull is worth compared to another. Or, put another way, how much you can pay for one bull compared to another. For example, when buying an all-purpose-type sire, you can quickly figure a bull scoring +100 for API is worth an extra $6,000 over a +50 bull if both are exposed to 30 cows over 4 years ($50 diff. x 30 hd. x 4 yr. = $6,000). A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s index value ranks him relative to other bulls in the breed. For percentile rankings or more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes visit www.simmental.org.



Brandon & Kami Meyer 1459 RD AA Blue Hill, NE 68930

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