2017 4M Angus Sale Catalog

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4M Angus /  Burken Cattle Co. 10 th Annual Bull Sale Calving ease and high performance bulls that are second to none!

Sunday, March 12, 2017 2:00 p.m. — 4M Angus Sale Barn


Welcome to our 10th Annual Bull Sale!

I would like to welcome you to our 10th annual bull sale, and thank you for taking time to look at our offering! I have to start out by thanking all of my family. My wife, Kami, and our two daughters Kyra and Kasey, all play a huge part in our operation and we could not get done what we do without the tremendous amount of work they all put into it. We also have to thank our parents for all the work and time they spend helping out. Whether it be feeding cattle or helping out on the farm or running kids here and there, all of their help is greatly appreciated! Finally, we have to thank Shane for all his hard work. His dedication and help with the cattle and farming operation is a tremendous asset to us. Our bull offering, all though down in numbers, is as uniform and complete as any we have had. The good Lord must have wanted us to expand our operation because last year we ended up with almost 75% of our calf crop being heifers. Our bulls are fed right and built for longevity. Feet and legs are extremely important to us and our bulls are fed a high roughage diet with the idea of lasting longer and being problem free for a longer period. A larger number of the bulls selling will have 50k data collected on them and will be posted in the catalog. We hope this gives our customer more confidence, and aids in the selection of their bull. This year we will also be offering 4 select female lots. Our lot A donor we are offering a flush on is without a doubt the best cow we have ever had on our farm. She is massive in her design and loaded with power, but yet maintains a great deal of femininity to her. Her 2 daughters we are selling are our pick of each of the mating’s. They will make tremendous donor cows for their new owners and will be cows to build a herd around. The Annie K female we are offering a flush on is one of the greatest show females to ever come from Canada. Annie’s show career winnings are too numerous to mention and the interest in progeny from her continues to grow so we have decided to offer a flush on this female that has dominated the show ring. I want to again thank Hans and his family for once again being a part of our sale and bringing us a tremendous set of bulls. The Burken families are as good of people as you will find anywhere and we thank them again for bringing us a tremendous set of Sim influenced bulls. Our sale will begin at 2:00 on Sunday, March 12th and we will serve a complimentary lunch beginning at 11:00. If you should have any questions on any of the bulls, please feel free to contact Hans or I. Our place is always open for visitors and we hope to see you the 12th. Sincerely, Brandon & Kami Meyer Brandon 1459 RD AA • Blue Hill, NE 68930 • (402) 756-2488

Email: bkmeyer@gtmc.net Brandon’s Cell (402) 469-0439 Welcome to the 2017 4M Angus/Burken Cattle Bull Sale. Again, I want to thank Brandon, Kami and the girls for letting us be a part of this sale. They are truly great friends. I also want to thank my family and neighbors for all the help and support provided throughout the year. None of this could be possible without the help of Mom and Dad and my siblings. I also want to thank Mitch, Scott, and all the guys at Darr Feedlot for the great job they do developing the bulls. The bulls in this year’s sale are truly a great set. I think there is something for everyone in this sale, from calving ease, maternal bulls to high performance terminal sires. We are continually working to make more balanced, problem free cattle, and this set of bulls makes me believe we are making progress. Several of the bulls in this sale carry breed leading EPD values validated by their in herd ratios. We stand behind these cattle 100%, if there is any questions feel free to contact myself or any of my brothers. Thanks. Hans Burken

Burken Cattle Co.

Hans Burken • Blue Hill, NE • Email: hansburken@gmail.com

(402) 469-1966 The sale will be held at the 4M Angus sale barn located 1 mile north and 1½ miles west of Blue Hill, NE

Guarantee: All bulls selling for $2,500 or more are guaranteed against breeding injury for the first season. Breeding season is defined as the 90-day period following the turnout of the bulls. If a replacement bull is available, one will be provided or if the buyer prefers, credit towards one bull will be given in the following year’s sale, less salvage value of the injured bull. This guarantee is not a life insurance policy. It does not include loss due to abuse, neglect, sickness, or an act of God (lightning, flood, etc.). If any problems or issues arrive, please contact us within 48 hours. Terms and Conditions: All cattle sell under a 100% satisfaction guarantee from 4M Angus and under the terms and conditions of the American Angus Association. Herd Health: All the bulls are on a complete health program. They have had pre-weaning and weaning shots and have been vaccinated with IBR, BVD Type I and II, P13, Pasturella, 7-way, Haemophilus, and Decotmax injectable. All bulls have been scrotal measured and have passed a semen test done by Dr. Jeremy VanBoening of Republican Valley Animal Center at Alma, NE. Free Delivery: Free delivery will be done on all bulls up to 150 miles. After the 150 miles you may be asked to meet at a central location or arrange for delivery of your bull.

Free Care: All bulls will be cared for and wintered free of charge until March 30. Any bull picked up within 3 days of the sale will have $50 deducted from the purchase price. Lunch: A complimentary lunch will be served starting at 12:00 noon on sale day. Liability: All precautions will be taken to protect the safety of everyone attending the sale. However all persons attending the sale do so at their own risk. Neither 4M Angus nor any of the sale staff assume any responsibility or liability, legal, or otherwise for any accidents occurring on or about the premises.

Auctioneer--Tracy Harl--402-469-3852 Ring Service

American Angus Association Drew Feller...............................(402) 841-4215 Midwest Messenger Chris Beutler............................(402) 380-8244 Special Assignment Kristian Rennert.......................(308) 440-9463

Sale Day Phones Brandon Meyer.............................(402) 469-0439 Kami Meyer..................................(402) 469-8895 Hans Burken.................................(402) 469-1966 4M Angus Sale Barn.....................(402) 756-2488

We Will Offer A Volume Discount 2 Bulls.......................1% 3-4 Bulls...................2% 5 or more.................3%

Videos of all bulls can be viewed at: www.burkencattle.com www.4mangusfarm.com and at DVAuction.com 2

Driving the science of better breeding

There’s little room for error in the cattle business. Producers need the most advanced information to make smart selection decisions, and Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) provides it through genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs). GE-EPDs have become the industry standard for herd improvement, building on decades of science-backed genetic evaluation tools originated and maintained through the American Angus Association®, home to the largest and evergrowing single-breed beef cattle database. EPDs that traditionally contained all pedigree, performance and progeny information now also include results from available genomic, or DNA, tests. Breeders who use genomic technology give buyers access to AGI-generated GE-EPDs that provide: Increased predictability and decreased risk for young and unproven animals due to enhanced accuracy of EPDs Better characterization of genetics for difficult-to-measure performance traits (such as carcass traits, maternal traits and feed efficiency) The ability to make more rapid progress for traits that are important to you, due to: · more accurate selection · easier identification of genetic outliers · the ability to propagate young animals with confidence earlier in their lives In fact, GE-EPDs on unproven animals have the same amount of accuracy as if they had recorded 8-20 calves, depending on the trait. That’s valuable insight, offered regularly through the breed’s weekly national cattle evaluation. Trait

Calving Ease Direct Birth Weight Weaning Weight Yearling Weight Milk Yearling Height Yearling Scrotal Dry Matter Intake

Progeny Equivalent


21 13 19 22 14 11 14 18

Docility Heifer Pregnancy Mature Weight Carcass Weight Carcass Marbling Carcass Rib Carcass Fat

How do you know if EPDs are genomic-enhanced?

Progeny Equivalent

12 10 13 10 9 11 12

Ask your breeder, refer to the registration paper, or look for the AGI GE-EPD logo or those of partnering labs Zoetis (HD50K, i50K) or GeneSeek (GGP-HD, GGP-LD).These images indicate animals for which low-density or highdensity genomic testing has been conducted and incorporated by AGI into GE-EPDs.



American Angus Association® Selection Tools

Cow Energy Value ($EN), expressed in dollars savings per cow per year, assesses differences in cow energy requirements as an expected dollar savings difference in daughters of sires. A larger value is more favorable when comparing two animals (more dollars saved on feed energy expenses). Components for computing the cow $EN savings difference include lactation energy requirements and energy costs associated with differences in mature cow size.

Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE.

CARCASS The genetic evaluation produces a single set of EPDs for carcass weight, marbling score, Ribeye area and fat thickness. The units of measure are in carcass trait format and analyzed on an age-constant basis.

Accuracy (ACC), is the reliability that can be placed on the EPD. An accuracy of close to 1.0 indicates higher reliability. Accuracy is impacted by the number of progeny and ancestral records included in the analysis.

Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

GROWTH Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in firstcalf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.

Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG), feed efficiency expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic ability for postweaning gain in future progeny compared to that of other sires, given a constant amount of feed consumed.

$VALUE INDEXES $Value indexes, are multi-trait selection indexes to assist beef producers by adding simplicity to genetic selection decisions. $Values are reported in dollars per head, where a higher value is more favorable. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires in the database if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.

Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Yearling Height EPD (YH), is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to the that of other sires. Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.

Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for preweaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size.

Docility (DOC), is expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility. It predicts the average difference of progeny from a sire in comparison with another sire’s calves.

Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning merit compared to progeny of other sires.

MATERNAL Heifer Pregnancy (HP), is a selection tool to increase the probability or chance of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant as first–calf heifers during a normal breeding season. A higher EPD is the more favorable direction, and the EPD is reported in percentage units.

Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires. Quality Grade ($QG) represents the quality grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $QG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on improving quality grade. The carcass marbling (Marb) EPD, which is influenced by carcass marbling scores and ultrasound percent intramuscular fat (% IMF) measurements, contribute to $QG.

Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.

Yield Grade ($YG) $YG represents the yield grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $YG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on red meat yield. It provides a multi-trait approach to encompass ribeye, fat thickness and weight into an economic value for red meat yield. $G combines both $QG and $YG, and may be the best carcass decision tool for focusing on quality and red meat yield simultaneously.

Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. Mature Weight EPD (MW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires. Mature Height EPD (MH), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the difference in mature height of a sire’s daughters compared to daughters of other sires.

Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. 4



4M BLACKBIRD 2004 Birth Date: 1/1/2012  ·  Reg # 17139027

Connealy Onward............................. Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 SITZ UPWARD 307R Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M................ Sitz Value 7097 Sitz Henrietta Pride 1370 GAR Grid Maker................................. GDAR Traveler 044 RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 4301 GAR Precision 2536 Riverbend Blackbird 2204............. SAF Focus of ER Davis Yr Blackbird 558H

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 2 1.9 74 42 128 -47.05 54 .73 .89 .068 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +79.82 +95.99 +34.41 +149.89


51 83 1 1 95 21 23 55 21 43 3 4 8 5 67 7 31 93

H The dam of 4M Element 405, who was the top selling bull of our 2015 sale at $35,000 to Peak Dot Ranches in Saskatchewan Canada. H A tremendous growth and power cow; her progeny continue to dominate their contemporary groups on our farm. Dam has had 2 calves at 95 for BW, 119 at weaning and 109 at a year. H Is in the top 1% of the breed for YW, WW, Milk, MW, $W, $F and top 4% for CW, RE, and $B. H Maternal sister to the $500,000 Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 at Vintage Angus, who as had over 4 million dollars in progeny sales and is the dam of 7 bulls in A.I. studs across America. H Her 6 daughters currently in our herd all have ideal udders and the right amount of milk for a mama cow.

We are offering a flush to the bull of the buyer’s choice on the greatest cow we have ever owned. She is due to calve March 24th and will be ready to flush by approximately mid May. A guarantee of 6 embryos with a 50/50 split of embryos over 8 between the purchaser and 4M Angus will be made; or the remaining embryos produced over 8 can be purchased at the prorated flush price. This is a tremendous earning opportunity on one of the great young cows in the Angus breed!!

Son of Lot A, full brother to Lot B, and maternal brother to Lot C


4M ELEMENT 405 Birth Date: 1/3/2014  ·  Reg # 17748846

Poss Easy Impact 0119.................... Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004..................................... ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 Sitz Upward 307R.............................. Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M 4M BLACKBIRD 2004 Riverbend Blackbird 4301............. GAR Grid Maker Riverbend Blackbird 2204

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 11 -.8 81 34 134 -36.41 55 .50 .66 .077 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +88.48 +104.64 +21.96 +142.14


36 30 3 2 92 7 13 82 60 13 13 5 7 10 63 39 55 52

H Son of the Lot A donor being offered and one of the highest performing and top selling bulls we have ever produced. H In Peak Dot Ranches’ herd the first calves averaged the following: 59 females averaged 72lbs. on birth 51 males averaged 77lbs. on birth Weaning Avg. Summary Management Group 1 21 males weighed, avg. 205 actual day weight 765, avg. age 210 days, avg. adjusted 205 day weight 783, avg. progeny ADG 3.45, Avg. Progeny Index 102 Management Group 2 28 females weighed, avg. 205 actual day weight 685, avg. age 204 days, avg. adjusted 205 day weight 729, avg. progeny ADG 3.22, Avg. Progeny Index 106 Management Group 3 30 females weighed, avg. 205 actual day weight 781, avg. age 228 days, avg. adjusted 205 day weight 711, avg. progeny ADG 3.11, Avg. Progeny Index 99 Management Group 3 27 males weighed, avg. 205 actual day weight 857, avg. age 227 days, avg. adjusted 205 day weight 788, avg. progeny ADG 3.46, Avg. Progeny Index 101




H Full Sister to the top selling bull in our 2015 sale, 4M Element 405. H TOP 1% of the breed for WW,YW,MW,CW,$W,$F, and $B. TOP 10% or better for CED,RADG,CEM,MILK,MH and RE. H Tremendous spread from birth to yearling. -.3 to 128 with a +11 CED mirrors her full brother’s ability to produce low birth weight cattle with tremendous growth. H Ratioed 121 at weaning on the side of her dam, 4M Blackbird 2004, as her first natural calf as a 2 year old and comes with a actual birth weight of 68 lbs. H Her first calf, 4M Blackbird 6040, ratioed 118 at a year and is being retained in our herd with a birth to yearling spread of .4 to 130. H One of the greatest opportunities we have ever offered is this female from our Blackbird family. She is in the prime of her life and will be ready to flush or breed. She sells with a bull calf on her side sired by Musgrave Aviator and born on 1-142017 with a birth weight of 73 pounds.

Birth Date: 3/18/2014  ·  Reg # 17888129

Poss Easy Impact 0119.................... Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004..................................... ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 Sitz Upward 307R.............................. Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M 4M BLACKBIRD 2004 Riverbend Blackbird 4301............. GAR Grid Maker Riverbend Blackbird 2204

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 11 -.3 72 32 128 -33.59 62 .46 .89 .069 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +72.61 +105.94 +23.67 +157.85


27 42 3 1 48 5 43 69 44 24 17 3 11 2 66 9 55 44

Lot C

4M BLACKBIRD 5047 Birth Date: 1/22/2015  ·  Reg # 18185976

SAV Final Answer 0035................... Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821......... CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 Sitz Upward 307R.............................. Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M 4M BLACKBIRD 2004 Riverbend Blackbird 4301............. GAR Grid Maker Riverbend Blackbird 2204

H Excellent EPD profile to go along with superior 50k data make this female one of the elite 2 year olds in our herd. H Actual BW of 74 pounds to go along with top 1% for WW and YW EPD further prove the the low birth, high growth cattle her dam produces. H Sells with a heifer calf on her side by Musgrave Aviator born 1-18-2017 with a actual birth weight of 76 pounds.

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 12 -.1 68 33 117 -22.68 40 .57 1.03 .143 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +79.42 +83.45 +22.74 +118.13


6 16 3 4 81 96 21 51 18 26 11 53 77 45 73 10 90 63

Lot D

SOO LINE ANNIE K 6271 Birth Date: 2/10/2006  ·  Reg # 16424727

Vermilion Yellowstone.................... Vermilion Dateline 7078 CUDLOBE YELLOWSTONE 80M Vermilion B Jestress 3912 Stevenson Enchantress 425F........ Connealys Dividend 730 JRS Enchantress 235Z Geis Maximum 26 95....................... Crescent Creek Maximum 37C Geis Georgina 160 93 SOO LINE ANNIE K 3012 Geis Annie K 230 97......................... Geis Bardolene 121 93 Double AA Annie K 579 90

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 3 5.4 25 22 47 +12.04 5 .50 -.48 .061 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +5.93 -5.40 +17.57 +34.65


99 94 97 97 18 17 38 53 58 97 89 57 58 87 72 99 72 43

H 2009 World Angus Forum Champion H One of the most dominant females of the show ring ever in Canada. H Absolutely stunning profile to go along with tremendous depth of body and consistently transmits extra stoutness, mass and power to her progeny. H Son sold for $14,000 in Soo Line’s annual bull sale H Will calve by sale day and be ready to flush approximately May 1.

We are offering a flush to the bull of the buyer’s choice on the greatest show female we have ever owned. She is due to calve by sale day and will be ready to flush approximately May 1. A guarantee of 6 embryos with a 50/50 split of embryos over 8 between the purchaser and 4M Angus will be made or the remaining embryos produced over 8 can be purchased at the prorated flush price. This is a tremendous earning opportunity and anyone looking to produce big time show females from the original Annie K who started it all and one of the all time best to ever come from Canada, needs to get in on this one time only opportunity! 6



Birth Date: 2/3/2011  ·  Reg # 16983331 BW: 72   Adj WW: 784   Adj YW: 1252 Connealy Reflection............................ Bon View New Design 878 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 CONNEALY IMPRESSION Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194......... Vermilion Dateline 7078 Pearl Jam of Conanga 6114

SAV Final Answer 0035...................... Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 MAR FINAL KAHUNA 856 MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674...... River Hills Kahuna 175M

MAR Precision 328 Bush 700 CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 5 2.8 69 22 111 -9.59 22 .66 .91 .029 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +62.16 +74.25 +43.14 +105.25 H Anyone who sees Innovation in person becomes an instant fan. He offers incredible body capacity and width of base and stands on some of the best feet and legs in the Angus lineup. H Innovation daughters are making a name for themselves as super functional, durable cattle with picture-perfect udders. H A docility improver with breed-leading HPG and a pedigree full of maternal power, use Innovation to add pounds on the scale and daughters to the keeper pen.

MAR Innovation 251 Sire of Lots 1-4

Lot 1

4M INNOVATION 643 Birth Date: 1/26/2016  ·  Reg # 18648532

Connealy Impression.........................Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856......................SAV Final Answer 0035 MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674

Act. BW 86 Adj. WW 758 Adj. YW 1399

Bonners Up The Limit 7P..................Twin Valley Precision E161 B/F FOREVER LADY 46P 7P 104T Three Trees Precision 1493 B/F Forever Lady of 1407 46P.........Bon View New Design 1407 SVF Forever Lady 41F

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 4.49 17.3 .20 .20 39

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 1.5 55 31 94 -14.98 25 .48 .84 -.018 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +60.17 +62.98 +40.08 +115.28


Lot 1

16 25 33 46 14 62 49 79 12 3 36 34 28 83 53 34 10 67

H This trio of flush brothers is from one of the best herd producing dams we have owned. They are thick made, high performing cattle. Lots 1,2 & 3 are flush brothers.

Lot 2

4M INNOVATION 644 Birth Date: 1/26/2016  ·  Reg # 18648533

Connealy Impression.........................Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856......................SAV Final Answer 0035 MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674

Act. BW 88 Adj. WW 862 Adj. YW 1469

Bonners Up The Limit 7P..................Twin Valley Precision E161 B/F FOREVER LADY 46P 7P 104T Three Trees Precision 1493 B/F Forever Lady of 1407 46P.........Bon View New Design 1407 SVF Forever Lady 41F

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.85 17 .17 .17 39

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 2 3.8 56 30 92 -18.21 28 .28 .91 -.022 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +48.45 +57.92 +32.37 +112.15


Lot 2

52 78 31 56 18 20 71 44 11 9 44 7 16 75 68 23 9 13



4M INNOVATION 641 Birth Date: 1/24/2016  ·  Reg # 18648531

Connealy Impression.........................Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856......................SAV Final Answer 0035 MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674

Act. BW 86 Adj. WW 748 Adj. YW 1423

Bonners Up The Limit 7P..................Twin Valley Precision E161 B/F FOREVER LADY 46P 7P 104T Three Trees Precision 1493 B/F Forever Lady of 1407 46P.........Bon View New Design 1407 SVF Forever Lady 41F

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 2.99 15.8 .23 .24 40

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 5 3.7 54 29 98 -17.87 27 .50 .83 -.038 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +43.81 +69.42 +41.96 +120.74


Lot 3

36 76 40 33 24 43 39 38 47 4 62 8 8 78 51 36 4 57

Lot 4

KLM INNOVATION 619 Birth Date: 1/5/2016  ·  Reg # 18641452

Connealy Impression.........................Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856......................SAV Final Answer 0035 MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674

Act. BW 87 Adj. WW 778 Adj. YW 1405

OCC Emblazon 854E..........................DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 4M DIXIE ERICA 9044 DCC Dixie Erica 001............................OCC Freestyle 921F OCC Dixie Erica 814G

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 2.49 16 .17 .18 39

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 8 1.7 53 19 89 8.53 15 .30 .75 .010 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +52.46 +51.32 +30.82 +79.34


15 38 50 63 18 97 60 51 42 84 86 88 97 96 96 46 55 24

Lot 4

H As solid and thick made as any bull in the sale. The dam of this bull is a huge hipped, long bodied cow with as much muscle shape as any we have. One of the few bulls in the sale owned by our daughters.

Mark Your Calendars! We will be hosting a Sullivan Stock Show U Clinic on Sunday, April 9th, 2017 at the 4M Ranch. This will be a hands-on clinic for all youth. Youth can bring their own calf or just observe clipping and fitting techniques.

More details and registration information to come. Clinic Sponsored By: Kohmetscher Feed, Purina and Sullivan Supply 8

4M ANGUS BULLS EXAR DENVER 2002B Birth Date: 1/1/2012  ·  Reg # 17160560 BW: 76   Adj WW: 930   Adj YW: 1592

Sitz Upward 307R........................... Connealy Onward Henrietta Pride 81M EXAR UPSHOT 0562B.................. Sitz Isu Imaging Q 9111 EXAR Barbara T020........................ LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 EXAR 263C........................................ Bon View New Design 1407 Exar June C 3577 EXAR ROYAL LASS 1067 G A R Expectation 4915 BR Royal Lass 19-132.................... BR Royal Lass 7036-19 CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 7 2.6 66 33 118 -27.14 52 1.15 1.07 .002 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +65.72 +88.29 +54.34 +170.41 H The little extra weight at birth of his progeny is worth it. H His calves are growthy and eye appealing. H He is in the top 4% or better for WW, YW, Milk, $W, $F, and $B. H He is a problem free sire that is producing highly fertile progeny.

EXAR Denver Sire of Lots 5-10

Lot 5

4M DENVER 606 Birth Date: 12/30/2015  ·  Reg # 18640459

Exar Upshot 0562B.............................Sitz Upward 307R Exar Barbara T020 EXAR DENVER 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067..........................Exar 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132

Act. BW 84 Adj. WW 782 Adj. YW 1479

Bonners Up The Limit 7P..................Twin Valley Precision E161 B/F FOREVER LADY 46P 7P 104T Three Trees Precision 1493 B/F Forever Lady of 1407 46P.........Bon View New Design 1407 SVF Forever Lady 41F

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.98 15.9 .19 .20 39

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 2 3.4 53 37 101 -26.99 43 .84 .96 -.014 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +51.97 +76.21 +49.22 +158.69


Lot 5

53 89 26 18 32 8 73 68 50 37 22 11 10 33 29 13 40 78

H Another trio of flush mates out of our 104T cow. The Denver sons are some of the highet performing cattle year in and year out and will add more carcass value to your cattle than most. Lot 5, 6, & 7 are flush brothers.

Lot 6

4M DENVER 612 Birth Date: 1/2/2016  ·  Reg # 18641571

Exar Upshot 0562B.............................Sitz Upward 307R Exar Barbara T020 EXAR DENVER 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067..........................Exar 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132

Lot 7

Act. BW 81 Adj. WW 704 Adj. YW 1370

4M DENVER 623 Birth Date: 1/6/2016  ·  Reg # 18641576

Exar Upshot 0562B.............................Sitz Upward 307R Exar Barbara T020 EXAR DENVER 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067..........................Exar 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132

Bonners Up The Limit 7P..................Twin Valley Precision E161 B/F FOREVER LADY 46P 7P 104T Three Trees Precision 1493 B/F Forever Lady of 1407 46P.........Bon View New Design 1407 SVF Forever Lady 41F

Bonners Up The Limit 7P..................Twin Valley Precision E161 B/F FOREVER LADY 46P 7P 104T Three Trees Precision 1493 B/F Forever Lady of 1407 46P.........Bon View New Design 1407 SVF Forever Lady 41F

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 4.18 16.4 .23 .17 39

Act. BW 76 Adj. WW 670 Adj. YW 1364

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.10 14.8 .19 .15 36

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 3 2.6 58 39 104 -35.94 49 .73 .96 .009 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +57.81 +77.50 +43.24 +161.55

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 10 1.6 54 41 99 -33.62 41 .58 .90 -.007 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +61.59 +70.11 +40.75 +144.40

47 77 9 12 38 6 42 76 62 32 10 1 3 14 36 13 64 97

17 54 22 23 47 24 68 91 55 10 5 6 15 39 47 19 49 99

CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC Doc HP CEM Milk MW MH CW Marb RE FAT Tend H This bull lost his recip mom at 4 months of age and was on his own the rest of the summer.




4M DENVER 617 Birth Date: 1/4/2016  ·  Reg # 18641547

Exar Upshot 0562B.............................Sitz Upward 307R Exar Barbara T020 EXAR DENVER 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067..........................Exar 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132

Act. BW 87 Adj. WW 800 Adj. YW 1464

SAV First Class 0207............................SAV Net Worth 4200 SAV Duke Girl 7348 4M GAMMER 3007 4M Gammer 9134...............................GAR Predestined Bohi Gammer 6102

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.41 14.9 .26 .18 38

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 5 3.0 59 31 101 -18.79 49 1.00 .60 .020 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +57.53 +56.20 +44.29 +147.01


Lot 8

47 95 13 23 87 14 68 61 22 49 24 10 7 21 26 42 87 49

H A really deep bodied bull who ratioed 105 at weaning and 104 at a year whose dam has 2@103 for weaning ratio.

Lot 9

KLM DENVER 621 Birth Date: 1/6/2016  ·  Reg # 18641552

Exar Upshot 0562B.............................Sitz Upward 307R Exar Barbara T020 EXAR DENVER 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067..........................Exar 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132

Act. BW 88 Adj. WW 846 Adj. YW 1476

SAV Bismarck 5682.............................GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 4M RUBY 0011 TC Ruby 8034........................................TC Advantage Plus 680 TC Ruby 6047

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.03 15.5 .18 .22 41

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 3 2.6 60 30 105 -14.67 46 .67 .85 -.017 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +62.33 +74.18 +43.30 +153.48


Lot 9

35 69 19 28 56 56 36 78 30 25 28 30 32 39 59 39 34 11

H Another tremendous bull, of our daughter’s, who ratioed 106 at weaning. Dam is a beautifully made Bismarck cow who has 3@107 at a year.

Lot 10

4M DENVER 622 Birth Date: 1/6/2016  ·  Reg # 18641558

Exar Upshot 0562B.............................Sitz Upward 307R Exar Barbara T020 EXAR DENVER 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067..........................Exar 263C BR Royal Lass 19-132

Act. BW 89 Adj. WW 850 Adj. YW 1517

GAR Predestined.................................B/R New Design 036 GAR Ext 4206 SANDPOINT LUCY 8977 Basin Lucy 178E...................................Basin Max 602C Basin Lucy 855A

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.42 14.5 .24 .20 42

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 1 3.3 66 32 114 -20.66 60 .90 .77 .012 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +67.59 +78.46 +43.17 +166.61


Lot 10

61 90 2 7 79 17 13 67 54 25 8 29 50 7 24 24 82 94

H One of the top performing bulls, at a year, with a yearling weight of 1517 to ratio 108. His Predestined dam is from one of the most famous cows in the breed known for her growth, 178E.


4M ANGUS BULLS POSS ELEMENT 215 Birth Date: 1/29/2012  ·  Reg # 17383988 BW: 62   Adj WW: 808   Adj YW: 1411

Poss Total Impact 745................... TC Total 410 Poss Blackcap 5116 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 Hyline Right Time 338 Poss Elmaretta 736........................ Poss Elmaretta 025 ALC Big Eye D09N.......................... C A Future Direction 5321 ALC Hazel L12L POSS ERICA 004 Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Poss Erica 814....................................... Poss Erica 627 CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 18 -2.5 61 22 104 -8.04 50 .25 .63 .040 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +61.79 +70.64 +17.53 +132.57


15 6 15 11 29 27 26 66 70 7 75 24 41 18 61 41 47 3

H Element has the makings of a leading A.I. sire within the Angus breed — sleep-all-night calving ease, big time performance, tons of mating flexibility, mid-range Milk EPD and high quality daughters. H He sires sound, big-ribbed progeny with tremendous style and base width. H He is extremely unique in the exceptional performance and powerful phenotype he transmits for a +17 CED sire. His pedigree allows him to be mated to daughters of many popular Angus sires.

Poss Element Sire of Lots 11-23

Lot 11

4M ELEMENT 631 Birth Date: 1/8/2016  ·  Reg # 18707212

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

Lot 12

Act. BW 72 Adj. WW 772 Adj. YW 1410

4M ELEMENT 602 Birth Date: 12/29/2015  ·  Reg # 18640458

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

Connealy Onward...............................Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 4M LUCY 4005 4M Lucy 1019.......................................N Bar Emulation EXT Basin Lucy 1036

Vin-Mar O’Reilly Factor......................SAV Final Answer 0035 Vin-Mar Edella 2827 4M BLACKBIRD 3004 Riverbend Blackbird 4301................GAR Grid Maker Riverbend Blackbird 2204

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.96 14.6 .32 .35 38

Act. BW 70 Adj. WW 758 Adj. YW 1378

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 2.73 15.3 .33 .18 40

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 14 -.4 54 24 97 +9.42 51 .36 .59 .036 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +52.45 +57.41 +21.78 +132.64

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 16 -2.0 59 26 103 -15.10 30 .44 .55 .015 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +60.19 +72.32 +31.50 +114.30

H One of the thickest, most stylish made Elements we have produced. I absolutley love the mass and power this bull has, especially considering his heifer bull status.

11 12 22 16 36 26 25 73 74 4 79 12 7 60 60 56 34 32

CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC Doc HP CEM Milk MW MH CW Marb RE FAT Tend H A sure fire heifer bull with a -2.0 BW EPD and +16 CED. This bull’s dam is a maternal sister to 4M Blackbird 2004, who is the dam of 4M Element 405, and is without a doubt the best cow to ever walk on our farm.

Lot 11

Lot 12 11


4M ELEMENT 607 Birth Date: 1/1/2016  ·  Reg # 18640460

Act. BW 85 Adj. WW 854 Adj. YW 1513

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814 Sitz Tradition RLS 8702......................Vermilion Dateline 7078 RLS Eisa Evergreen 5018 TC FLOWER 6201 TC Flower 9023.....................................Connealy Kincaid TC Flower 2014

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.09 16.5 .39 .34 38

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 .5 62 19 105 -9.28 42 .35 .62 .017 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +50.74 +64.65 +26.30 +121.54

Lot 13

H The highest performing Element son in the sale. Ratioed 109 at weaning and 107 at a year. Extremely long bodied and smooth made bull.

Lot 14

4M ELEMENT 609 Birth Date: 1/1/2016  ·  Reg # 18640461

Lot 15

Act. BW 80 Adj. WW 796 Adj. YW 1425

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

4M ELEMENT 615 Birth Date: 1/3/2016  ·  Reg # 18640462

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

Justamere406S Panamajack336U...Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S Exar Empress 2429 4M BLACKCAP 2001 Riverbend Blackcap U1195..............Connealy Onward Rita 3B2 of 2536 BW

OCC Stallone 800S..............................OCC Great Plains 943G OCC Dixie Erica 816B 4M BARBARA 072 LEE Barbara 6586.................................DCC 002 Outlook 472 Vermilion Barbara 0033

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 2.76 16.3 .23 .30 39

Act. BW 69 Adj. WW 810 Adj. YW 1369

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.78 15 .17 .25 38

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 15 -1.1 56 22 95 -8.11 42 .30 .67 .021 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +52.09 +50.41 +24.28 +117.46

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 16 -2.5 49 23 79 -2.27 30 .34 .48 .009 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +51.36 +26.56 +27.11 +95.72

H Another very good Element son with extra length and style.

H The Element Bulls are some of our most consistent calves year in and year out. This bull is just like the rest, long bodied, smooth shouldered, and small headed. Another tremendous heifer bull with a -2.6 BW EPD and +16 CED.

Lot 16

KLM ELEMENT 627 Birth Date: 1/7/2016  ·  Reg # 18655340

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

Act. BW 72 Adj. WW 708 Adj. YW 1385

Exar Brilliance.......................................SAV Brilliance 8077 Seldom Rest Georgina 916 KLM RUBY 4057 4M Ruby 0011.......................................SAV Bismarck 5682 TC Ruby 8034

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.13 11.8 .34 .35 38

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 13 -.2 53 23 91 -7.64 19 .15 .11 .027 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +48.94 +45.23 +13.40 +61.57

Lot 16

H Super stylish and smooth made from front to back. This bull has calving ease written all over him.



4M ELEMENT 645 Birth Date: 1/26/2016  ·  Reg # 18663364

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

Lot 18

Act. BW 83 Adj. WW 784 Adj. YW 1430

4M ELEMENT 601 Birth Date: 12/26/2015  ·  Reg # 18640457

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

SAV Pioneer 7301................................SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Blackbird 5297 BOYD GEORGINA 1142 Champion Hill Georgina 5947........SAV Net Worth 4200 Champion Hill Georgina 2335

SAV First Class 0207............................SAV Net Worth 4200 SAV Duke Girl 7348 4M LUCY 3023 Weikers Lucy 7W56............................N Bar Emulation Ext Rector Lucy 5000

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 2.23 15.9 .33 .26 39

Act. BW 70 Adj. WW 788 Adj. YW 1421

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.74 14.7 .35 .39 42

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 12 .3 57 25 95 -12.15 50 .32 .75 .081 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +54.44 +49.70 +16.57 +122.60

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 19 -3.1 51 24 91 -3.45 39 .50 .34 .032 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +55.93 +46.30 +27.19 +114.42

H An Element son that has more thickness and power to him. His dam is a picture perfect Pioneer daughter who has 2@102 for weaning.

10 4 44 33 64 85 52 76 35 5 82 44 70 44 56 76 74 15

Lot 19

CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC Doc HP CEM Milk MW MH CW Marb RE FAT Tend H A moderate framed, thick made bull that with a -3.1 BW EPD and +19 CED. This guy is one of the best “sleep all night” calving ease bulls to sell anywhere.

4M ELEMENT 624 Birth Date: 1/6/2016  ·  Reg # 18640466

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

Lot 20

Act. BW 75 Adj. WW 710 Adj. YW 1459

KGM ELEMENT 640 Birth Date: 1/22/2016  ·  Reg # 18663429

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

MF Net Return 8197...........................SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2436 4M GAMMER 3015 4M Gammer 9145...............................OCC Missing Link 830M Bohi Gammer 6102

TC Advantage Plus 680.....................TC Advantage TC Clovia Pride 0059 TC RUBY 8034 TC Ruby 6047........................................Bluegrass New Design 205 TC Ruby 8163

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 2.54 15.2 .27 .36 36

Act. BW 87 Adj. WW 736 Adj. YW 1410

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 2.58 16.9 .31 .27 36

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 14 -1.2 51 21 92 -5.43 25 .10 .31 .023 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +44.88 +48.47 +12.92 +74.30

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 1.4 59 21 103 -3.80 42 .29 .57 0 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +54.91 +70.69 +24.82 +127.38

H A very stout made Element son with a negative birthweight and +14 CED.

31 26 33 28 37 6 27 41 70 33 83 40 43 49 63 59 28 29

Lot 21

CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC Doc HP CEM Milk MW MH CW Marb RE FAT Tend H Nice long sided, high performing bull that is recommended more for cows.

4M ELEMENT 630 Birth Date: 1/7/2016  ·  Reg # 18640463

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

Act. BW 78 Adj. WW 664 Adj. YW 1286

SAV Iron Mountain 8066...................TC Gridiron 258 SAV Madame Pride 3249 4M BLACKCAP 2010 Bohi Blackcap 6448............................GAR Precision 1680 Coleman Blackcap 211

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 2.80 14.7 .19 .18 36

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 12 0 46 18 82 +2.98 26 .47 .43 .020 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +36.72 +33.92 +31.43 +92.77

Lot 20

H Very complete bull with a 78 pound actual birthweight.



4M ELEMENT 636 Birth Date: 1/15/2016  ·  Reg # 18663366

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

Lot 23

Act. BW 77 Adj. WW 678 Adj. YW 1371

4M ELEMENT 637 Birth Date: 1/18/2016  ·  Reg # 18640464

Poss Easy Impact 0119......................Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 POSS ELEMENT 215 Poss Erica 004.......................................ALC Big Eye D09N Poss Erica 814

Exar Significant 1769B.......................Connealy Consensus 7229 Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T 4M LUCY 4018 Basin Lucy 1036...................................BCC Bushwacker 41-93 Basin Lucy 3829

Exar Significant 1769B.......................Connealy Consensus 7229 Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T 4M LADY 4051 4M Galaxy Lady 7465.........................GAR Predestined Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.58 15.4 .27 .31 35

Act. BW 69 Adj. WW 667 Adj. YW 1289

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 4.36 14.5 .26 .26 36

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 12 .4 53 22 89 -5.40 24 .20 .34 .021 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +47.95 +41.61 +18.73 +77.06

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 13 -1.0 51 21 84 -1.83 19 .27 .30 .018 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +48.19 +34.03 +22.88 +69.50

H Good heifer bull with a 77 pound start up weight and nice smooth design from a very good 1st calf heifer.

H One of the lightest birthweight bulls born, with a 69 pound actual weight, who also comes off a beautifully uddered 2 year old.

CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 Birth Date: 1/11/2010  ·  Reg # 16752262 BW: 70   Adj WW: 861   Adj YW: 1443

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V Emulous 8145

G D A R Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 S A V Sky Emulous 2124

C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 PRIDES PITA OF CONANGA 8821 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499

B A R Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy Traveler of Conanga Pretty Pet of Conanga

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 11 -.1 58 24 99 +8.52 29 .49 .98 .140 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +75.00 +56.48 +22.26 +92.92 H Unmatched in his ability to transmit mass and body width with as much visual muscle as you can ask for. H King of the cowmakers, his daughters have perfect udders and raise heavy calves. H A proven Calving Ease sire who does not disappoint in terms of siring muscle and performance--a rare combination! H An excellent mating choice for larger framed cattle who need rib and dimension.

Connealy Capitalist Sire of Lot 24

Lot 24

4M CAPITALIST 616 Birth Date: 1/3/2016  ·  Reg # 18654608

SAV Final Answer 0035......................Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821...........CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 Prides Trav of Conanga 6499

Act. BW 70 Adj. WW 824 Adj. YW 1453

Bonners Up The Limit 7P..................Twin Valley Precision E161 B/F FOREVER LADY 46P 7P 104T Three Trees Everelda 1493 B/F Forever Lady of 1407 46P.........Bon View New Design 1407 SVF Forever Lady 41F

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.30 16.9 .19 .17 39

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 9 1.7 50 33 89 -12.15 31 .38 .88 .044 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +59.10 +54.59 +29.66 +113.16


16 37 49 53 36 63 36 72 33 22 21 75 62 76 60 41 40 31

H The only Capitalist son in the sale but a very, very good bull who will have plenty of friends sale day. From the same dam as Lots 1-3 and 5-7, this bull is super thick across his top and has that extra thickness we all want.

Lot 24 14

4M ANGUS BULLS SANDPOINT PIONEER X700 Birth Date: 9/22/2010  ·  Reg # 16994566 BW: 83   Adj WW: 688   Adj YW: 1418

SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV PIONEER 7301 SAV Blackbird 5297

Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 Boyd New Day 8005 SAV Blackbird 1082

Connealy Onward SANDPOINT RUTHS RONA 6314 Ruths Rona of Conanga

Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 Hoff Hi Flyer SC 7134 Rona Ruth of Conanga

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 3 .8 50 22 99 -5.18 43 .39 .74 .093 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +42.91 +55.71 +19.12 +109.38

Sire of Lot 25

Lot 25

EF PIONEER 5450 Birth Date: 12/3/2015  ·  Reg # 18323760

SAV Pioneer 7301................................SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Blackbird 5297 SANDPOINT PIONEER X700 Sandpoint Ruths Rona 6314...........Connealy Onward Ruths Rona of Conanga

Act. BW 84 Adj. WW 888 Adj. YW 1425

Buford BlueStem 9974......................SAV Net Worth 4200 LCC Erica NG724 EF EVERELDA ENTENSE 2421 EF Everelda Entense 6117................BR Midland HF Everelda Entense 869

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.25 16.3 .46 .14 43

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 1 2.2 51 21 95 +4.19 40 .42 .69 .067 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +48.06 +54.34 +24.24 +114.94

Lot 25


81 82 32 26 54 85 22 61 60 85 57 61 61 23 76 29 92 5

H A bull that came to us as a baby calf on the side of his dam. He has herd sire written all over him. He is long bodied, has a ton of muscle shape, and I guarantee will have many fans on sale day.


4M ANGUS BULLS MOHNEN SOUTH DAKOTA 402 Birth Date: 1/5/2012  ·  Reg # 17250190 BW: 94   Adj WW: 923   Adj YW: 1595

SAV 004 Density 4336 MOHNEN DENSITY 730 Mohnen Jilt 910

SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 7238 Clearwater Paf Seville 1977 Mohnen Jilt 143

TC Aberdeen 759 MOHNEN JILT 539 Mohnen Jilt 787

CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 TC Blackbird 4034 Mohnen Brushpopper 353 Mohnen Jilt 1655

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat -8 3.7 68 25 108 -14.61 37 .54 .33 .085 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +59.41 +70.72 +20.86 +112.63 H Extremely sound with great feet, exceptional depth and loads of natural muscle. H He comes from a very good cow family.

Mohnen South Dakota 402 Sire of Lot 26

Lot 26

4M SOUTH DAKOTA 669 Birth Date: 3/1/2016  ·  Reg # 18641589

Mohnen Density 730.........................SAV 004 Density 4336 MOHNEN SOUTH DAKOTA 402 Mohnen Jilt 910 Mohnen Jilt 539...................................TC Aberdeen 759 Mohnen Jilt 787

Act. BW 86 Adj. WW 714 Adj. YW 1378

SAV Bismarck 5682.............................GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 RIVERBEND BLACKCAP X1272 Riverbend Blackcap T498.................Mytty In Focus Rita 1I98 of 2536 Rito 6I6

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.80 16 .23 .34 37

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat -8 3.1 66 24 109 -15.62 42 .63 .65 .005 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +55.14 +78.75 +38.33 +143.92


83 84 3 9 32 31 6 11 90 50 76 6 7 43 60 49 43 60

H The youngest bull in the sale but a real meat wagon! This is a bull for cows; but take notice of the depth of body and muscle shape in this bull. His Bismarck dam puts a good one out year after year.


4M ANGUS BULLS CCC CONSENSUS 1405 Birth Date: 1/7/2014  ·  Reg # 18051497 BW: 88   Adj WW: 649

Connealy Consensus CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16

KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Blinda of Conanga 004 Woodhill Admiral 77K Blue Cash of Conanga 6020

GAR Grid Maker RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 4301 Riverbend Blackbird 2204

GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 SAF Focus of ER Davis Yr Blackbird 558H

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 4 1.6 64 33 104 -25.05 17 1.02 .89 .040 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +68.05 +67.77 +51.71 +104.56

Sire of Lots 27-28 H Our most recent herd sire from the famed 4301 cow. H This bull’s maternal sisters have put as many bulls in A.I. studs across the United States as any cow family. H Maternal brother to our top cow 4M Blackbird 2004.

Lot 27

4M CONSENSUS 660 Birth Date: 2/17/2016  ·  Reg # 18663365

Connealy Consensus 7229...............Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 CCC CONSENSUS 1405 Riverbend Blackbird 4301................GAR Grid Maker Riverbend Blackbird 2204

Lot 28

Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 746 Adj. YW 1537

4M CONSENSUS 662 Birth Date: 2/19/2016  ·  Reg # 18640467

Connealy Consensus 7229...............Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 CCC CONSENSUS 1405 Riverbend Blackbird 4301................GAR Grid Maker Riverbend Blackbird 2204

SAV Iron Mountain 8066...................TC Gridiron 258 RRR/CCC PROUD FORMERA 121 SAV Madame Pride 3249 MGSA Pow 8002..................................Connealy Onward Pow of Conanga 677

CRA Bextor 872 5205 608.................BAR Ext Traveler 205 CRA Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy 4M BLACKCAP 9001 Bohi Blackcap 6448............................GAR Precision 1680 Coleman Blackcap 211

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.07 16.4 .30 .16 39

Act. BW 85 Adj. WW 700 Adj. YW 1319

% IMF Ribeye Rib Fat Rump Fat Scrotal 3.49 16.8 .21 .18 38

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 6 .9 61 26 107 -19.04 35 .45 .36 .035 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +55.05 +69.15 +26.04 +109.65

CED BW WW Milk YW $EN CW MARB REA Fat 8 1.0 51 30 87 -15.48 19 .31 .51 .006 $W (Weaning) $F (Feedlot) $G (Grid) $B (Beef) +52.11 +39.40 +28.34 +75.73

H This bull exemplifies the growth this cow family produces. Ratioed 105 at weaning and 109 at a year and weighed 1537. I absolutely love this bull for the performance and growth he is going to add to a herd.

H A real cow maker bull. His Bextor dam is a model cow with a very solid production record.



BC1 MR. D611 Birth Date: 1/20/2016  ·  Reg # 3160237  ·  5/8 SM 3/8 AN

MCC Daybreak MCC Daylite 0005.................... AG Miss In Focus 7302 CCR FRONTIER 0053Z HTP/SVF Duracell T52 CCR Ms 4013 Dura 0053X..... CCR Ms P Beef 4013P CNS Dream On L186 BWL Hard Core 6U................... J&C/SS Bernadette WS MS HARD CORE Z34 Bushs Grand Design JBS Miss G Design 310R......... JBS Miss Legacy 011N

Adj. BW 85 Adj. WW 692 Adj. YW 1287 Adj. IMF 2.75 Adj. REA 14.72 Adj. BF 0.50

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 12.5 .5 67.7 101.4 11.6 22.1 55.9 10.4 30.8 -.06 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .30 .041 .78 132.8 70.9 42 H One of the standout bulls all year. Extremely thick, deep bodied bull who should sire some exceptional females. These Frontier sons have excellent dispositions.

Lot 31

Lot 32

BC1 MR. D628 Birth Date: 1/25/2016  ·  Reg # 3160254  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

MCC Daylite 0005.................... MCC Daybreak AG Miss In Focus 7302 CCR FRONTIER 0053Z CCR Ms 4013 Dura 0053X..... HTP/SVF Duracell T52 CCR Ms P Beef 4013P Gonsior Laredos Dream......... NJC Laredo STF Dream Catcher 162L BC1 Y132 EBCC New Queen 724............ Connealy Network TA New Queen 2201

Adj. BW 79 Adj. WW 657 Adj. YW 1298 Adj. IMF 3.27 Adj. REA 19.00 Adj. BF 0.46

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 12.3 -.7 65.3 103.5 9.1 22.5 55.2 9.3 30.6 -.22 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .38 .032 1.18 134.8 74.1 38 H Probably my favorite bull in the sale. Another gentle, high API Frontier son with a 19 in REA and only a 79 pound BW. Ratioed 108 BW, 104 YW, and 117 for REA. Really long, thick, big barreled bull.

Lot 32

BC1 MR. D629 Lot Birth Date: 1/26/2016  ·  Reg # 3160255  ·  1/4 SM 3/8 AN 1/4 CS 1/8 AR Adj. BW 33 84 MCC Daylite 0005.................... MCC Daybreak AG Miss In Focus 7302 CCR FRONTIER 0053Z CCR Ms 4013 Dura 0053X..... HTP/SVF Duracell T52 CCR Ms P Beef 4013P

RRJS Three Sixes 327W........... BHR Three Sixes SA L666E RR Idessa 2291 BC1 A341 BHR Arissa R389........................ DRCC K481 BHR Lotties Design F156E

Adj. WW 659 Adj. YW 1289 Adj. IMF 2.58 Adj. REA 16.81 Adj. BF 0.27

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 10.5 1.1 65.3 101.6 6.5 27.6 60.3 10.2 32.1 -.17 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .24 -.014 .70 115.4 68.3 38 H This Frontier son is probably the deepest, soggiest of them all. Ratioed 103 BW, 100 WW, 103 YW, and 104 REA. These calves will grow without extra frame and should make great females.



BC1 MR. D677 Birth Date: 2/7/2016  ·  Reg # 3160301  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Remington Lock n Load 54U... Remington On Target 2S Bar15 Miss Knight78E-51G W/C LOCK DOWN 206Z GCF Miss New Level R206......... Ironwood New Level MAF Eileen 0113 BR Midland..................................... Twin Valley Precision E161 BR Royal Lass 7036-19 BC1 Y109 GFI Ruby P4114............................ GFI Magnum K52 GFI Ruby K020

Adj. BW 85 Adj. WW 680 Adj. YW 1325 Adj. IMF 3.77 Adj. REA 17.61 Adj. BF 0.23

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 16.1 -1.0 70.1 113.0 7.5 13.9 48.9 10.3 35.8 -.16 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .53 -.031 .57 152.7 80.7 40 H Everyone has found this bull. A red baldy with this much growth and power is hard to find with a set of EPDS like this. Look at the spread from -1.0 BW to 113 YW. Top 10 % API and TI. His dam is our 109 donor who is also a daughter of the 4114 donor who is in 5 bull’s pedigrees in this sale.

Lot 34

Lot 35

BC1 MR. D667 Birth Date: 2/4/2016  ·  Reg # 3160293  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Adj. BW 92 Remington On Target 2S............ Remington Red Label HR Adj. WW 659 REMINGTON LOCK N LOAD 54U Drake Soft Touch 15M Adj. YW SV Charlies Applause Bar15 Miss Knight 78E-51G....... 1289 Bar15 Miss Knights83Y-78E Adj. IMF 4.71 Connealy Network........................ GAR Grid Maker Adj. REA Eligence Plus of Conanga EBCC NEW QUEEN 724 18.36 Adj. BF TA New Queen 2201.................... WK New Design 1151 TA Queen Ann 1963 0.32

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 9.5 1.1 57.5 107.7 8.9 19.3 48.1 9.5 36.8 -.31 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .61 -.030 1.06 133.6 73.9 37 H We had some Lock and Load semen before it went to $350/straw so we bred some of our better cows to it. This bull is really thick and soggy, perfect structured, boned and gentle. One of the best phenotype bulls in the sale, and he ratioed 113 REA and 143 IMF! Not your typical Lock and Load, he does not have a speck of white on him. Maternal brother to dam of Lot 33.

Lot 35

Lot 36

BC1 MR. D617 Birth Date: 1/24/2016  ·  Reg # 3160243  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Connealy Impression.............. Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856........... SAV Final Answer 0035 MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674 Sand Ranch Hand.................... Wheatland Bull 131L Sand Lucky Charmer BC1 Y110 GFI Ruby P4114........................ GFI Magnum K52 GFI Ruby K020

Lot 37

Adj. BW 93 Adj. WW 752 Adj. YW 1402 Adj. IMF 2.35 Adj. REA 15.48 Adj. BF 0.20

BC1 MR. D688 Birth Date: 2/10/2016  ·  Reg # 3160311  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Connealy Product 568........... GAR Retail Product CONNEALY FINAL PRODUCT Pride Fine of Conanga 566 Ebonista of Conanga 471...... Connealy Deep Canyon 454 Ebonisa of Conanga 5469 GFI Magnum K52..................... Ellingson Blackperfector RIV Blk Josie 43B 755G GFI RUBY P4114 GFI Ruby K020........................... BS Mr Arapahoe 811A HF/GFI Ruby Red 33E

Adj. BW 85 Adj. WW 705 Adj. YW 1205 Adj. IMF 4.36 Adj. REA 15.55 Adj. BF 0.21

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 12.8 1.2 83.7 130.1 13.1 21.2 63.0 10.6 48.8 -.18 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .32 -.044 .70 140.3 81.0 42

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 10.5 .0 65.6 98.9 8.1 30.2 63.0 10.3 28.8 -.23 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .57 -.044 .60 137.6 78.3 36

H This Innovation bull is a performance stud. His half brother by Capitalist was our co-high seller in last year’s sale. This bull is a rugged, deep, long individual with a great disposition. Ratioed 115 for WW and 112 for YW. Top 5 % of breed for WW and YW.

H The last natural calf our of our 4114 donor. A full brother was a high seller two years ago to Galaxy Beef in Missouri. Maternal Brother to 4 bull’s dams in this sale including the Lot 34 and the high growth Lot 36.



BC1 MR. D630 Birth Date: 1/26/2016  ·  Reg # 3160256  ·  3/8 SM 5/8 AN

SAV Iron Mountain 8066....... TC Gridiron 258 SAV ANGUS VALLEY 1867 SAV Madame Pride 3249 SAV May 2397............................ SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV May 7238 Gonsior Laredos Dream......... NJC Laredo STF Dream Catcher 162L X032 BCC Ms Direction S605.......... Morgans Direction 111 9901 L70

Adj. BW 80 Adj. WW 709 Adj. YW 1273 Adj. IMF 2.91 Adj. REA 15.41 Adj. BF 0.25

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 17.3 -2.1 65.0 105.4 11.2 21.9 54.4 8.3 29.8 -.20 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .49 -.019 .71 150.8 76.0 38 H Long sided Angus Valley bull out of one of our top Laredo daughters. -2.1 BW to over 100 for YW. Great Spread bull with a top 15% API of 150.

Lot 38

BC1 MR. D6131 Lot Birth Date: 2/23/2016  ·  Reg # 3160351  ·  1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 AR Adj. BW 39 90 GAR-EGL Protege..................... Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 LB 6807 Isabel 339 HOOKS ACHILLES 5A Hooks Patti 3P........................... Hooks Shear Force 38K ESJ4 RRJS Three Sixes 327W........... BHR Three Sixes SA L666E RR Idessa 2291 BC1 Z2138 BHR Arissa R389........................ DRCC K481 BHR Lotties Design F156E

Adj. WW 738 Adj. YW 1390 Adj. IMF 2.79 Adj. REA 17.46 Adj. BF 0.30

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 8.6 1.4 77.8 123.0 6.3 24.3 63.2 10.4 45.1 -.20 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .23 -.024 .87 112.6 74.8 37 H This Achilles bull will really catch your eye. He is thick, square, deep, and awful good. Top 5 % for WW and YW. Ratioed 108 for REA. A bull that is very hard to fault with a very good cow behind him.

Lot 39

Lot 40

BC1 MR. D6107 Birth Date: 2/17/2016  ·  Reg # 3160328  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

GAR-EGL Protege.....................Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 LB 6807 Isabel 339 HOOKS ACHILLES 5A Hooks Patti 3P...........................Hooks Shear Force 38K ESJ4 Connealy Final Product.........Connealy Product 568 Ebonista of Conanga 471 BC1 Z206 GFI Ruby P4114........................GFI Magnum K52 GFI Ruby K020

Adj. BW 86 Adj. WW 719 Adj. YW 1223 Adj. IMF 2.80 Adj. REA 14.67 Adj. BF 0.35

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 11.0 -.7 68.1 104.5 9.1 27.2 61.2 10.4 30.9 -.17 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .31 .003 .80 128.7 73.8 38 H Deep, thick Achilles son who ratioed 110 at weaning. Dam always brings in a good one and is a daughter of the 4114 cow.



BC1 MR. D634 Birth Date: 1/27/2016  ·  Reg # 3160260  ·  3/4 SM 1/4 AN

TNT Tuition U238..................... SAV Final Answer 0035 TNT Miss S68 W/C UNITED 956Y Miss Werning 956W................ SAV Bismarck 5682 Miss Werning 756T WLE Power Stroke.................... Burns Bull X339U Nichols Joliette C75 MISS CHEYENNE S11 Miss Kansas K 11G................... Black Irish Kansas Miss Mick K 48E

Adj. BW 93 Adj. WW 667 Adj. YW 1276 Adj. IMF 3.16 Adj. REA 15.83 Adj. BF 0.34

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 10.5 1.4 76.1 124.9 8.1 11.4 49.5 11.0 46.6 -.11 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .35 .003 .81 127.2 75.7 37 H Top 10% WW and top 4% YW on this really thick, deep United son.

Lot 41

BC1 MR. 28Y Lot Birth Date: 2/14/2016  ·  Registration Pending  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN 42 TNT Tuition U238..................... W/C UNITED 956Y Miss Werning 956W................ SAV Bismarck 5682.................. LHT MS BISMARK 28Y LHT Ms Griffey 73R..................

Adj. BW 82 Adj. WW 639 Adj. YW 1256 Adj. IMF 3.67 Adj. REA 16.33 Adj. BF 0.30

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 11.70 .50 81.25 132.45 9.10 15.85 56.45 8.25 49.50 -.09 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .48 .01 .81 140.7 83.7 38 H This is a partner bull we own with Scott Bonifas. This cow was flushed last year after having three awesome natural sons. A real square, stout United son with a great set of EPDs. Top 2 % WW and YW with a top 25% API.

Lot 42

Lot 43

BC1 MR. D670 Birth Date: 2/4/2016  ·  Reg # 3160296  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

TNT Tuition U238.....................SAV Final Answer 0035 TNT Miss S68 W/C UNITED 956Y Miss Werning 956W................SAV Bismarck 5682 Miss Werning 756T SVF/NJC Mo Better M217......STF Mr Momentum H508 NJC SVF Antoinette K205 X021 WK Annie 7207.........................WK New Design Masterfare Annie

Lot 44

Adj. BW 89 Adj. WW 618 Adj. YW 1186 Adj. IMF 3.17 Adj. REA 14.96 Adj. BF 0.20

BC1 MR. D610 Birth Date: 1/20/2016  ·  Reg # 3160236  ·  5/8 SM 3/8 AN

GW Premium Beef 021TS......GAR US Premium Beef GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y GW Miss Lucky Charm 410P GW Miss Maternal 558P.........GW Mr Maternal 731L GS Miss Red Light 406J BR Midland.................................Twin Valley Precision E161 BR Royal Lass 7036-19 BC1 Y109 GFI Ruby P4114........................GFI Magnum K52 GFI Ruby K020

Adj. BW 85 Adj. WW 569 Adj. YW 1177 Adj. IMF 3.94 Adj. REA 15.82 Adj. BF 0.23

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 7.9 .8 67.1 106.6 5.2 12.6 46.1 8.2 34.7 -.10 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .38 -.030 .40 114.6 71.0 36

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 13.3 .7 63.6 98.3 9.6 22.6 54.4 16.1 29.6 -.18 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .71 -.035 .52 152.2 79.3 37

H Another United son who carries a lot of mass and length. These United sons are all very similar in their kind. Homo Black by pedigree.

H Stout GW Substance son who covers all the bases. Plenty of growth and thickness, good structured, with top 5 % Marbling and top 10% API in the breed. Maternal Brother to lot 34.



BC1 MR. D6130 Birth Date: 2/23/2016  ·  Reg # 3160350  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

GW Premium Beef 021TS...... GAR US Premium Beef GW Miss Lucky Charm 410P GW ROBUST 605Z GW Miss Gprd 123X................ GW Predestined 701T GW Miss Maternal 523P GLS Combination R2............... B/R New Frontier 095 GLS Hostess H16 BC1 Y130 TA New Queen 2201............... WK New Design 1151 TA Queen Ann 1963

Lot 46

Adj. BW 94 Adj. WW 696 Adj. YW 1240 Adj. IMF 3.33 Adj. REA 15.36 Adj. BF 0.19

BC1 MR. D608 Birth Date: 1/19/2016  ·  Reg # 3160234  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

GAR US Premium Beef........... GAR Precision 1680 GW PREMIUM BEEF 021TS GAR Ext 2928 GW Miss Lucky Charm 410P. GW Lucky Charm 665K GW Miss Lucky Strike 242 Connealy Final Solution........ Connealy Answer 71 Este of Conanga 364 BC1 MS B429 BC1 T7040................................... 3C Macho M450 BZ Diamond-D BJ ET15P

Adj. BW 73 Adj. WW 548 Adj. YW 1150 Adj. IMF 2.95 Adj. REA 14.70 Adj. BF 0.30

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 10.9 1.7 71.7 110.6 7.6 22.1 58.0 13.4 38.2 -.31 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .48 -.062 .82 122.6 74.4 39

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 16.3 -3.5 43.9 76.6 7.6 24.4 46.4 13.2 11.2 -.23 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .37 -.007 .67 141.8 65.3 36.5

H Robust sired bull who is sure to add some pounds at weaning. His dam always has big, stout bulls who grow. Ratioed 106 at WW. Homo black by pedigree.

H Calving Ease prospect with with Top 3% of breed BW EPD. Really square, thick bull out of a first calf heifer.

Lot 47

BC1 MR. D647 Birth Date: 1/30/2016  ·  Reg # 3160273  ·  5/8 SM 3/8 AN

Hooks Shear Force 38K..........Nichols Legacy G151 C&D Tracy HOOKS TRINITY 9T Hooks Pearl 22-P......................Bon View New Design 878 ESJ4 Connealy Final Product.........Connealy Product 568 Ebonista of Conanga 471 BC1 MS. B421 BC1 Y177.....................................Gonsior Laredos Dream T735

Adj. BW 83 Adj. WW 620 Adj. YW 1244 Adj. IMF 3.41 Adj. REA 15.38 Adj. BF 0.32

Lot 46

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 17.0 -2.4 63.7 97.7 10.89 23.2 55.1 10.9 24.4 -.20 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .46 .011 .88 157.4 77.7 34 H Trinity sons have been in high demand and this one shows why. Top 10% CE, BW, Stay, API. A more moderate bull but still gained 4.51 on test. This bull will sire some profitable feeder cattle, and his daughters should be awesome.

Lot 48

BC1 MR. D6100 Birth Date: 2/16/2016  ·  Reg # 3160322  ·  3/4 SM 1/4 AN

Hooks Taurus 24T..................... Hooks Shear Force 38K HOOKS YELLOWSTONE 97Y Hooks Peaches 48-P Hooks Sheyenne 77S.............. SRS J914 Preferred Beef Triple C Tears P02C Mytty In Focus........................... SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 BC1 Z214 X022.............................................. TripleC El Poderoso Rey U886

BC1 MR. D6144 Lot 49 Birth Date: 3/3/2016  ·  Reg # 3160364  ·  1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 CS Adj.88BW

Adj. BW 86 Adj. WW 699 Adj. YW 1332 Adj. IMF 3.42 Adj. REA 16.75 Adj. BF 0.26

MCM Top Grade 018X............. Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MCM 513R DMKR TOP PRIZE DMKR Suprise Attack.............. Triple C Invasion R47K CCR Ms Dream On 6026S

Connealy Irish 0204................ Connealy Wrangler Black Crest of Conanga 5640 BC1 A319 BC1 Y106..................................... Gonsior Laredos Dream BC1 R501

Adj. WW 656 Adj. YW 1257 Adj. IMF 4.51 Adj. REA 16.41 Adj. BF 0.19

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 14.4 -.3 71.7 113.2 8.8 22.3 58.2 12.1 36.9 -.17 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .39 -.023 .68 143.8 77.7 39

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 11.3 .3 56.5 90.2 10.2 24.8 53.0 10.7 24.5 -.40 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .72 -.071 .88 147.7 77.1 35

H This Yellowstone son shows why he is so popular. Came easy and ratioed 107 for WW and YW. Very gentle, long, thick bull whose In Focus dam has a perfect udder. Top 20% API and 15% TI.

H This bull’s dam is one of our best young cows. She did a good job with this young bull who ratioed 137 Marbling, 101 YW and REA.



BC1 MR. D691 Birth Date: 2/12/2016  ·  Reg # 3160314  ·  3/4 SM 1/4 AN

SS/PRS High Voltage 244X.... HTP/SVF Duracell T52 Kenco Miley Cottontail LHT MR VOLTAGE 02B LazyH/Adkins Blkstar Z15..... SVF/NJC Built Right N48 CNS Black Star T702 Mytty In Focus........................... SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 BC1 A377 BC1 W932.................................... Sand Ranch Hand Diamond-D BJ ET15P

Lot 51

Adj. BW 89 Adj. WW 624 Adj. YW 1214 Adj. IMF 3.70 Adj. REA 15.39 Adj. BF 0.33

BC1 MR. D655 Birth Date: 1/31/2016  ·  Reg # 3160281 · Purebred

Hook’s Yellowstone 97Y......... Hooks Taurus 24T CLRS AFTER SHOCK 604 A Hooks Sheyenne 775 Hooks Sarita 4S......................... Hooks Shear Force 38K Hooks Pearl 22-P TNT Tuition U238..................... SAV Final Answer 0035 TNT Miss S68 BC1 Z262 Diamond-D BJ ET15P............. PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Diamond-D CBJ P4Z

Adj. BW 89 Adj. WW 711 Adj. YW 1356 Adj. IMF 2.57 Adj. REA 16.09 Adj. BF 0.22

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 13.6 -.6 56.4 82.0 9.6 20.3 48.5 13.2 17.8 -.12 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .45 .005 .51 135.2 69.2 37

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 9.0 .9 71.2 114.3 6.9 21.9 57.5 10.9 39.5 -.24 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .06 -.027 .91 126.4 72.3 37

H A deep, thick, free moving bull bull out of one of our herdsires. Ratioed 112 for Marb, his dam is a beautiful, moderate cow from a great cow family.

H A big, rugged Aftershock son. If you need to add some growth to a set of Angus cows, he will do it. Very free moving, can get out and cover a lot of ground.

Lot 52

BC1 MR. D620 Birth Date: 1/24/2016  ·  Reg # 3160246  ·  5/8 SM 3/8 AN

Ellingson Legacy M229.......... Nichols Legacy G151 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Ellingson Ms Pstock K58 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B............. GLS Mojo M38 GFI Darla M410 Mytty In Focus........................... SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 X017 U824............................................. Blackjack P442 1081

Lot 53

Adj. BW 84 Adj. WW 740 Adj. YW 1312 Adj. IMF 4.02 Adj. REA 15.78 Adj. BF 0.20

BC1 MR. D6111 Birth Date: 2/19/2016  ·  Reg # 3160332  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Ellingson Legacy M229.......... Nichols Legacy G151 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Ellingson Ms Pstock K58 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B............. GLS Mojo M38 GFI Darla M410 Sitz Upward 307R..................... Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M BC1 Z246 EBCC New Queen 724............ Connealy Network TA New Queen 2201

Adj. BW 89 Adj. WW 729 Adj. YW 1333 Adj. IMF 2.51 Adj. REA 17.10 Adj. BF 0.19

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 10.0 .5 74.2 114.0 5.6 22.2 59.3 11.7 38.3 -.31 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .60 -.078 .71 136.4 83.5 37

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 9.1 1.0 79.1 128.9 7.5 23.7 63.2 10.9 48.2 -.33 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .41 -.052 1.08 126.9 81.6 37

H Big, strong Upgrade bull who will put some extra punch in his calves. Top 10% WW and top 5% Terminal Index.

H Deep, thick Upgrade son in the top 4% of breed for WW, YW, and REA. Softer made than most Upgrades with a good disposition. Homo black by pedigree.

Lot 54

BC1 MR. D6125 Birth Date: 2/21/2016  ·  Reg # 3160345  ·  1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Ellingson Legacy M229.......... Nichols Legacy G151 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Ellingson Ms Pstock K58 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B............. GLS Mojo M38 GFI Darla M410 Sitz Upward 307R..................... Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M BC1 A391 GLF Blackbird 2440................. GDAR Scotchcap 055 LF Blackbird 901

BC1 MR. D639 Lot 55 Birth Date: 1/28/2016  ·  Reg # 3160265  ·  5/8 SM 5/16 AN

Adj. BW 86 Adj. WW 698 Adj. YW 1316 Adj. IMF 4.07 Adj. REA 16.13 Adj. BF 0.17

Triple C Singletary S3H.......... Hooks Shear Force 38K CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z Lucas Josie 19K CCR Ms 4045 Time 7322T...... HTP SVF In Dew Time CCR Ms Pretty 4045P WAR Hall of Fame 8023.......... SAF Fame WAR Bando 6143 598 7005 W904 T773.............................................. LHT Mr Power Source 46R N358

Adj. BW 93 Adj. WW 653 Adj. YW 1326 Adj. IMF 3.14 Adj. REA 16.84 Adj. BF 0.20

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 8.9 1.0 70.0 113.6 5.0 22.8 57.8 11.2 39.2 -.31 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .64 -.058 .86 132.1 81.6 40

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 13.7 .0 66.9 100.9 11.9 19.2 52.7 13.0 29.9 -.35 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .34 -.048 .97 140.1 73.4 44

H Rugged made Upgrade who ratioed 106 and 105 for WW and YW and 124 for Marb. Very good bull to add some stretch and carcass quality to his calves. Homo black by pedigree.

H Embryo son of our 904 donor cow who had the high selling bulls in 2014 and 2015. Really balanced EPD proof and high API of 140. A gentle, larger framed bull with added length.


BURKEN CATTLE CO. BULLS BC1 MR. D624 Lot Birth Date: 1/25/2016  ·  Reg # 3160250  ·  5/8 SM 5/16 AN 56 Triple C Singletary S3H.......... Hooks Shear Force 38K CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z Lucas Josie 19K CCR Ms 4045 Time 7322T...... HTP SVF In Dew Time CCR Ms Pretty 4045P

WAR Hall of Fame 8023.......... SAF Fame WAR Bando 6143 598 7005 W904 T773.............................................. LHT Mr Power Source 46R N358

Adj. BW 85 Adj. WW 586 Adj. YW 987 Adj. IMF 3.92 Adj. REA 13.10 Adj. BF 0.20

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 13.7 .0 66.9 100.9 11.9 19.2 52.7 13.0 29.9 -.22 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .50 -.048 .56 148.3 76.7 37 H Really gentle, good phenotype bull. Full brother to Lot 55.

BC1 MR. C5163 Lot Birth Date: 7/30/2015  ·  Reg # 3008899  ·  5/8 SM 5/16 AN 57 HC Power Drive 88H............... WLE Power Stroke TRIPLEC EL PODEROSO REY Kappes Lady Irish F88 JSF Fiesta..................................... DS Black Zinger 141B JSF Fantasia F49 WAR Hall of Fame 8023.......... SAF Fame WAR Bando 6143 598 7005 W904 T773.............................................. LHT Mr Power Source 46R N358

Adj. BW 73 Adj. WW NA Adj. YW NA Adj. IMF 2.46 Adj. REA 16.81 Adj. BF 0.19

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW DOC CW YG 9.7 -1.1 51.7 88.0 11.0 15.7 41.6 9.1 21.4 -.31 MARB BF REA API TI SCROTAL .18 -.030 .87 116.7 60.9 41

Lot 57

H The natural calf out of our 904 donor. The 904 cow has produced two of our past high sellers in 2014 and 2015. She was left open to flush and bred back for a fall. This is a big, rugged baldy bull who will be sure to catch your eye.


- notes -


Quick Reference to ASA EPDs and $ Indexes Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs): EPDs are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetic levels. In using EPDs, the difference between two sires’ EPDs represents the unit difference expected in the performance of their progeny. For example, if sires A and B have EPDs of +10 and –5, a 15-unit difference would be expected in their progeny (moving from -5 to +10 yields 15 units). Key to using EPDs is knowing what units they are expressed in. For example, if the above case referred to weaning weight EPDs, A would be expected to sire 15-pounds more weaning weight than B. If calving ease were the trait, A would be expected to sire 15-percent more unassisted births in first-calf heifers; in other words, if B sired 30 assists in a group of 100 heifers, we’d expect A to require 15 assists. A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s EPDs rank him relative to other bulls in the breed. For percentile rankings or more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes visit www.simmental.org. Listed below are the units ASA EPDs are expressed in: All-Purpose Index (API): Dollars per cow exposed under an all-purpose-sire scenario. (See below for more details.) Back Fat (BF): Inches of backfat. Birth Weight (BW): Pounds of birth weight. Calving Ease (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers. Carcass Weight (CW): Pounds of carcass weight. Maternal Calving Ease (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters. Milk (MLK): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk. Marbling (MRB): Marbling score. Maternal Weaning Weight (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth.

Ribeye Area (REA): Square inches of ribeye. Warner-Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF): Pounds of force required to shear a steak. Stayability (STAY): Percent of daughters remaining in the cowherd at 6 years of age. Terminal Index (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario. (See below for more details.) Weaning Weight (WW): Pounds of weaning weight. Yearling Weight (YW): Pounds of yearling weight. Yield Grade (YG): Yield grade score.

$ Indexes: Though EPDs allow for the comparison of genetic levels for many economically important traits, they only provide a piece of the economic puzzle. That’s where $ indexes come in. Through wellconceived, rigorous mathematical computation, $ indexes blend EPDs and economics to estimate an animal’s overall impact on your bottom line. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used to develop the following $ indexes: All-Purpose Index (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield. Terminal Index (TI): Evaluates sire for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield. Using API and TI: First, determine which index to use; if you’re keeping replacements use API, if not, TI. Then, just as with EPDs, zero in on the unit difference between bulls. (As described above, index units are in dollars per cow exposed.) The difference can be used to determine how much a bull is worth compared to another. Or, put another way, how much you can pay for one bull compared to another. For example, when buying an all-purpose-type sire, you can quickly figure a bull scoring +100 for API is worth an extra $6,000 over a +50 bull if both are exposed to 30 cows over 4 years ($50 diff. x 30 hd. x 4 yr. = $6,000). A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s index value ranks him relative to other bulls in the breed. For percentile rankings or more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes visit www.simmental.org.



Brandon & Kami Meyer 1459 RD AA Blue Hill, NE 68930

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