Head of the Class 2013 Sale

Page 1

11th Annual

3 1 0 2 , 8 2 r e b m Septe ch TM

Sanders Ran M P 0 :0 1 • S K , g r u b is Lou

of the e proud r a I d n a calves/ se cows/ hile . Darrin a r h e c v r e u p le a o largest s offer. W chance t ting our will see and the our breed has to ored-going s o h e b t ill u been rum f the bes ident yo ear we w This y ng and are conf epresent some o re not-as it has cing the size of eri ,I redu we a ich r great off business a bit and eifers wh an in the past, le a h t t k a n c c e a p e b o h t h g nd bred and ing more lots t e are just scalin fter 38 years in g boat a n i h s i f r e y A W ff ily, m load. we are o attle business. my fam our work h e t c i c e u w d h t e e r f m o out ore ti fort to in an ef nding m pride in our herd g forward to spe We take . . n le i t ly t i k a o c m veryone e fa am lo had by e e entire e with th h e t m b i t g n n s a i s c r little le you to b at a good time courage n e so th o t t weekend e wan w le a s s y a d ner e As alw ether a fun fill by a din th followed g o t rry 7 putting sic of La ay the 2 u d i r . m e F c e h n n t a o d in the sten to pection in atten er and li ffee and donuts rp. your ins ll o r T o f g e y r d o c ea ha fG will be r eet the great che th will begin with ng at 1:00 pm s le t t a c e Th e 28 me m beginni ing. (Co turday th auction e h or your t n that even Our sale on Sa e h dvance f Class nd t a a n h ) i c n n u a o lu y Spillm thank d of the ed by a want to g follow 2013 Hea nds, meet I e , h t h c r n o f a mornin isburg old frie nders R u in Lou ime. See some ne at Sa o o y y r e e e v s e f o t half o a great d hope t On be cattle an ing and having r u o n i ble; e event. on com interest le possi enjoy th se plan a a s d le s n i P a h t x . e Sale s, rela ed mak w friend has help t a h t some ne e n o nk every arbour argaret ristol B ke to tha B li M d e o f n i ls a w a ld My Grady I wou Connie, dree Dopps Darrin, pps nd Day Dr. Brian a and Kanyen Do n arse Kodie, K ders an Keylee S nson oh Justin J arb Toller Greg and B ent anagem DP Sales M

Main Street Photography , Cheney, KS

Steve & Margaret Sanders, owners 4255 W. 335th St. • Louisburg, KS 66053

816.225.2000, Steve’s cell 913.377.2200, office




Darrin & Connie Barbour, managers 816.898.8990, Darrin’s cell e-mail: darrin1@fairpoint.net


w w w. s a n d e r s r a n c h l l c . c o m

,I h family . c n a R s r ss Sale e Sande the entir l Head of the Cla t d n a , ly annua regnan y fami yself, m he “unique� 11th ion of the 30 p ime only m f o lf t t a i h ne t On be to invite you to nique is the add n this o e ground. i t u b , u e k le really d for sale efore they hit th would li s this sa ally never offere e k sb a m t ET calve Wha e usu 4 r 1 a 0 2 t a r h u t We have eo ts recipien ers can purchas r Cows. o ost n o d e om ntries m en th u e o b c e s h y t a our cust has alw ee this d around ur ranch g the her nk you will agr e opens o n f i o ld i e u n b h eli t hi The lif f time and effor this catalog I t he youngest of t ave t o d eh a t e m r W lo o r u o s. rf put a pedigree and as y with cow powe d s res, e w k c o c a l t a s i n ent si eat, ing aded lu v prove f lo a n h i ly s t e t s w o o lu m nH bso nt c e breeds n, Packi w as h o sale is a st of the recipie t i s f u o F e , mo own som d, Bettis, Venom the recipient co to even nate to u t r alue dded o rwar f n ovin Fo here we v nitely have an a ill M d also bee , n e u n o i r Goldm ey defi l that w ltage. A such as High Vo u should agree th there are severa d re style n a r e g d little mo re a e Gunslin e donors and yo tout as ever an v a h th ering a as s n heifers much as e are off ifers are w ears ope e y h s e to s w d i e o r h c b T e . The d are saf . n d a e d r e w value. Th me top donors h o t r e eco t more c we have put tog sure to b ark will be a bi s l matron nb so the ta e finest materna the th you take s e ! p s o e h r i I s some of a st last and rs my family h stries be e to the a e g the indu a y p 6 1 t ly s e p r m the fi just sim ks for th ality fro been in the wor usiness, we are ction sale on u q s i e r b The at has We a produ t of the study wh tting ou ontinue to have he last 11 years. e g t o n time to t c re nd will been for et to the desired e. We a been her numbers back a , like there has g s u love to he ber o help cutting t urday of Septem and customers t estions I would at qu ds the 4th S n on our frien have any u o y f a I le . will just cattle for a sale esitate to call! f o th ’ r e n o b d num lease p , u o y h visit wit


Fairfield Inn & Suites, 12010 Blue Valley Parkway, Overland Park, KS (ask for Head of the Class rate) 913.338.3600 Spring Hill & Residence Inn, Overland Park, KS 913.491.0010 Paola Inn & Suites, Paola, KS 913.294.3700


Kansas City International Airport (MCI) served by most major airlines. Airport is located 60 miles from sale facility.

Sale Staff:

Jered Shipman, Auctioneer 806.983.7226 Steve Sellers, EDJE Technologies, Inc. 770.546.1307 Tom Rooney, Midwest Marketer 515.491.6025 TM

Sale Consultants:

DP Sales Management Doug Parke 859.421.6100 Drew Hatmaker 423.506.8844

1 pm (CDT), Saturday, September 28 th Sanders Ranch Sale Facility

4255 W. 335th St. • Louisburg, KS 66053

84 Lots Sell

Donors , Open Heifers, Pregnancies Bred Heifers, Proven Cows, Mini Hereford

Sale Day Phones: 913.377.2200, Office 913.377.2208, Auction Block

JW Brune, Midwest Marketer 785.594.6650 Buddy Robertson 580.747.7000 Bryan Creek 270.725.6467 Greg Walthal 660.525.9921

Justin Johnson 816.200.6516


Brent Williams 812.453.7548 Sam Harroun 319.325.9389 Mark Howard 931.510.9147


Insurance will be available sale day through Jame Secondino, American Livestock, 217.275.3569

Special Guests:

Nathan Smith, ASA Field Representative 620.546.4839 American Simmental Assoc. Trustees Dr. Calvin Drake & Scott Cowger John Irvine, President of Kansas Simmental Assoc. Terry Nicholas, President of Missouri Simmental Assoc.


Announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at his or her own risk, members of the Head of the Class or DP Sales Management will not be responsible for any personal injury while attending this sale.

Sale Registration and Payment:

All buyer numbers will only be issued with a valid ID and payment is due day of sale. DP Sales Management would appreciate timely settlement of receivables within 15 days of date of sale. Cattle will not be transferred until paid for in full. DP Sales accepts Visa & Mastercard.

Terms & Conditions:

“The Class of 2013” Sale Schedule Friday, September 27, 2013 12:00 Noon 6:00 pm

Viewing of cattle all afternoon Pre-Sale Social at Sanders Ranch

Saturday, September 28, 2013

8:00 am Viewing of sale cattle 11:00 am Complementary lunch 1:00 pm 11th Annual Head of the Class sale

All cattle sell under the terms and conditions of the American Simmental Association, American Angus Association and American Hereford Association.


The EPDs reported in this catalog are the Fall 2013 numbers, as reported by the American Simmental Association.

Sale Manager: Doug & Debbie Parke Drew & Holli Hatmaker • 423.506.8844 153 Bourbon Hills • Paris, KY 40361 859.987.5758 • 859.987.0709 fax 859.421.6100 mobile • pleent@aol.com

e ebbie Park • (423) 506-8844 Doug & D maker at H 1 li ol H , KY 4036 Drew & x Hills • Paris fa n 153 Bourbo 58 • (859) 987-0709 l.com ao 57 (859) 987- 00 mobile • pleent@ 61 (859) 421-

everyone that soon g in w o n ith us this s is k ason start will choose to be w se le le sa ll e Class sa s the fa family Head of th involved with e excited a and your e u m th o t y es a k t th a a y s terda that m ation hope th s like yes f the oper be with us on the things isburg, Kansas. I le. It seem olution o u One of o ev sa to L e u ss o th to y la e g C e din the invit about this ng to se will be hea th annual Head of t Sanders thusiasm ore exciti re a en m rg d a en n a ev M 11 t e is and temen t, and it year at th ith Steve same exci their team. r first even t along w share the h I it w in g rr hosted thei Sales Managemen a in ys P Steve or D lways enjoy work not alwa a the sale. D th. If you talk to e w s that are d ic n r a et fo e 8 en r n 2 g o li er se e urcha tionals Septemb top of th nity to p unior Na y unique ing. It is e opportu al’s in Kansas, J th an e m years offer v a d h n will fi il’s ss you region sale you Cottonta of the Cla show calf for the . 13 d m 0 ea 2 ra H g e e ro th p th t t t A y lots a ex n e l. r n a a th r r ea f su u y This g as u lect yo ality o eficial fo th and qu me and se reds are outstandin pealing and ben sed on o ep cu C d . fo e h ed T so er off up eb d ap ities. with a gro show. Th y will fin e possibil r budget any other genetics that man e and study all th ud to work g for or what you ro p y el f m em o in ailer. co tr k es tr o ex g er r a e lo pack on you you are ues howev always makes m d t a n a ti lo h n w to co er att wait influence of the Class sale ed. No m you can’t d ental bre ntinue to Louisburg in g in the Hea ard in the Simm nd will co yone in a h , et le m sa so e rw d r ever ring th moving fo know you will fin itality du e five star event fo the I ous hosp u ci uch about tr ra m a g ss might be, so is h la s C r re e ll fo ca th ca s o f er h o teve w Head e Sand onor to ne like S lly is a h g on Stev his crew make the te eo a o ra re m b n t l s so I y . e ia a v ty ec you ha n a sp ospitali We alw come. Steve and O h en . h g th w 8 t. in 2 z sy es a b to tember r job ea f their t of am for years makes ou long with his gif end of Sep hey offer some o k t I ee . w ce e n th a T a in attend home for rs event. animals to this yea on of his f the Class ed success presentati ch and the Head o ch and their team r continu ing ei th t a th n n a Ra d is e lead Sanders R e Ratcliff understan t on to b to welcom Class Sale done well and wen urchasers such as e th f o we want d p ve Hea ngratulate their success with , cattle ha ers of the few years like to co n the memb o st ld t a u s a p h o th o e w V success g e th ir e U.S. W red heifer and Bla One thin r customers. Over b th s e ss th rm o a cr er F a thei embryos s howev ations , Tingle relies on ing some ng succes er ental oper o., Bailey Wesner ri ff o m w e o b im sh l S C the s. il wil donors in ppreciate nn Cattle il embryo Cottonta arms, Du etics. We always a owner of ery many Cottonta p u o S l Trausch F il en v e Class g ention. B won’t be selling with Head of th o numerous to m n not be . Bill te a it to es h re If you ca ’t s. n te e o ri D th o r. v stories a in r fa elite dono staff listed any s on you out of this nal detail in of the sale io u er o it d y b d t a em is r m ss fo y ber g to a g and call V Auctions or an n Septem to is willin our catalo ng you o ze D lass sale d ei li C la ti se e g u th e to f Study y se b o a e rd self w forwa day, ple the Head We look lli or my r calendar for . o H us on sale yone involved in sk , a w to re D itate tact ver ark you do not hes e Class Sale. Con catalog. E ber to m th . Remem , so please f o ss n d la ca C e ea e w H way d of th nnual at the Hea mber. the 11th a ur needs te 28th for o y ep f S o y in h an turday assist wit fourth Sa e th t, en ev the 2014 ent Managem DP Sales

Guest Consignors: Sunset View Farms

Ratcliff Ranches

Auburn, Kentucky 270.725.6730, Ronnie Creek 270.725.6467, Bryan Creek

Vinita, Oklahoma J.L. Ratcliff, owner Heath Kohler, CEO • Kim Kohler, Marketing Dir. 918.256.5561, office

WW Cattle Co.

Dillon Simmental Farms

Windsor, Missouri 660.525.9921, Greg Walthal

Lexington, Mississippi 601.955.3456, David Dillon


Hattiesburg, Mississippi 601.441.0539, Brad Woods

Prestige Cattle Co.

Overland Park, Kansas 816.200.6516, Justin Johnson


S S/ P RS C otton P uff 042A




BD: 1-21-13

Sanders Ranch, LLC





CE 12 BW -0.6 WW 60 YW 91 MCE 12 GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N MM 30 KenCo Miley Cottontail MWW 60 JM Dice H25 L24 Marb 0.31 • Birth Wt. 74 lbs. REA 1.03 • The Beast from the East! The Best from the West! Depending API 139

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MCM Top Grade 018X MCM 513R

on what direction you live from Kansas, you can call her what you want, but we call her the “complete package”. Perfect structure – check. Massive rib shape-check. Good looking – check. Dream On free pedigree – check. Huge API – check. Legendary proven dam – check. This one is good enough to build a program around for the next decade! Bring your checklist on sale day and see if she if she makes your list. There is only one direction she can take a program- and that’s UP!


SS/PRS Precious Cotton

S S/ P RS P recious C otton




BD: 3-17-13

Sanders Ranch, LLC





CE 12 BW -0.6 WW 60 YW 91 MCE 12 GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N MM 30 KenCo Miley Cottontail MWW 60 JM Dice H25 L24 Marb 0.31 • Birth Wt. 76 lbs. REA 1.03 • Same look as her full sister just 60 days younger! These two API 139

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MCM Top Grade 018X MCM 513R

Top Grades will carry on the legacy of their legendary mother just fine. We invite you to come evaluate these breed – leading females on your own.

Maternal Sibs to Lots 1 – 4A...


CAJS Lost Treasure

SS PRS High Voltage

SS PRS Gunslinger

HS Sweet Gem

SS/PRS Cottontail Z911

S S/ P RS C ottontail Z911




BD: 3-04-12

Sanders Ranch, LLC



Triple C Invasion R47K LMF Movin Forward LMF Godivas Beautystroke



CE 6 BW 2.3 WW 60 YW 27 MCE 8 MM 22 MWW 52 Marb 0.07 REA 0.77 API 112

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N KenCo Miley Cottontail JM Dice H25 L24 • Birth Wt. 82 lbs. • What did you expect? Cottontail proves year in and year out that she’s one of, if not the most consistent cow when producing the country’s finest! Z911 is a full sister to last years top selling open 302Z, purchased by Wesner Livestock Enterprises and campaigned so successfully by the girls! Another full sister was selected by Double Bar D in Canada to become a future donor in their progressive program. The mating flexibility of this Movin Forward x Cottontail is limitless! Donor cow deluxe! • Bred AI on 4-12-13 to GLS New Direction, ASA# 2536539 • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700

Full sister to Z911


KenCo Miley Cottontail


M iley C ottontail x A llegiance

Pregnancy & Embryos Consignor:

Sanders Ranch, LLC & Sloup Simmentals

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 SVF Allegiance Y802 Double R Miss 29G T18

Proj. EPDs CE 10 BW 1.7 WW 68 YW 99 MCE 9 MM 23 MWW 57 Marb 0.17 REA 1.23 API 118

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N KenCo Miley Cottontial JM Dice H25 L24 • Cottontail pregnancy and embryos – words can’t describe the producing power of this cow! I will let all her sons and daughters do that for me! With their purple banners, their semen sales, their production records! Today we are offering you the opportunity to purchase future genetics out of the legendary Cottontail and SVF Allegiance. Allegiance is a perfect blend of extra power, a strong maternal cow family backing him and oh yeah, he’s a baldy to–boot. Sloups purchased half-interest of Cottontail in last years sale for a sizeable amount of money, with obvious pressure to produce, Bill called last week and said her first calf on their farm is even better than they had even hoped for! See that’s what this cow does, she just delivers the goods. We are selling one pregnancy due in January and 3 embryos by SVF Allegiance guaranteeing one pregnancy if work is done by a certified technician. The opportunities to purchase these genetics will be limited so don’t let this one slip you buy!

4 4A SVF Allegiance Y802 - reference sire

Pregnancy •

Due: 1-8-14 • Recipient ID: 5440 Commercial Angus Cow.

3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy if work is done by a certified embryologist.


Triple C Empriss L091

E mpriss L019F x S teel F orce

Pregnancy Consignor:

Sanders Ranch, LLC

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

Leachman Right Time Triple C Empriss L019F 7144

Proj. EPDs CE 10 BW 1.4 WW 66 YW 106 MCE 8 MM 19 MWW 52 Marb 0.20 REA 0.55 API 110

• Here is something special! The Empriss cow has always been one of the strongest cow families our ranch has seen. Her sons and daughters always find themselves to the top each year. This pregnancy by Steel Force is a full sister to SS Temptress, the $17,500 top selling bred a few years back going to Diamond M Cattle Co. Another full to this pregnancy is SS Precious Metal, a top cow in the Sunset View program. Here’s the twist –the cow carrying this pregnancy isn’t your typical recipient cow, she’s a Built Right out of a Goldmine x Queen of Denial cow whose first two calves sell in this sale as lots 22 and 23. Many people ask me why I would put that egg in that cow? My answer has always been “why not”. After calving out the last Steel Force x Empriss calf the owner will have a top producing young cow that has proven she can raise one herself! I can’t see anything wrong with that! You can never have to much of a good thing.


Pregnancy •

Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2629011 • Recipient ID: W83 Built Right x Goldmine x Queen of Denial

S S E mpriss 916 Z




BD: 3-06-12

Sanders Ranch, LLC



CNS Dream On L186 WAGR Dream Catcher 03R 3C Melody M668 BZ



CE 11 BW 1.2 WW 52 YW 87 MCE 9 MM 23 MWW 49 Marb 0.47 REA 0.41 API 120

Leachman Right Time Triple C Empriss L019F 7144 • Birth Wt. 80 lbs. • We only had a few of these Dream Catcher’s by Empriss. This Star faced direct daughter of L091 will carry on the great cow family! Sells safe in calf to Packin Heat for an exciting stylish March calf.

SS Temptress 042U full sib to pregnancy and maternal sister to 916 Z


• Bred AI on 4-12-13 to SS Goldmine L42, ASA# 2106737 • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to SVF HTP Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700. Safe in calf. Due in March.

SS Empriss T091

Remington Secret Weapon - reference sire

SS/PRS Gunslinger - reference sire

E mpriss T091 x G unslinger

E mpriss T091 x S ecret W eapon

3 – Pregnancies Consignor:

Sanders Ranch, LLC

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Remington Secret Weapon 185 Aubreys Blackblaze II 5T

SS Empriss T091

7 7A 7B

HC Power Drive 88H Triple C Empriss L019F


CE 8 BW 2.1 WW 64 YW 95 MCE 5 MM 25 MWW 57 Marb 0.09 REA 0.69 API 94

Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2291118 • Recipient ID: 9707 Registered SimAngus (Liberty x GT Maximum) Pregnancy •

2 – Pregnancies

Proj. EPDs

Due: 1-8-14 • Recipient ID: 624 Commercial Baldy

Sanders Ranch, LLC

STF Shocking Dream SJ14 SS/PRS Gunslinger 824X KenCo Miley Cottontail

SS Empriss T091

HC Power Drive 88H Triple C Empriss L019F

Proj. EPDs CE 12 BW 0.9 WW 64 YW 99 MCE 6 MM 24 MWW 56 Marb 0.15 REA 0.66 API 114


Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2527069 • Recipient ID: 009X Registered 1/2 blood (Steel Force x TC Moonshine)


Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2390436 • Recipient ID: T21 Registered SimAngus (BC Matrix x Lucky Buck)

Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2642483 • Recipient ID: 101X Registered 3/4 Blood (Star Player x Alberda Traveler)

• All the cool kids will love these 5 pregnancies! Out of the ever powerful and now deceased Empriss T091 and two young super sires “Gunslinger” and “Secret Weapon”. Empriss started her life here at the ranch and topped our bred division at $12,000 going to Pine Ridge in GA. In the 600 head dispersion of that cow herd one cow had to rise to the top, and when the dust settled T091 was once again the top selection going to Hudson Pines Farm. Ryan, Bryan and I decided to flush her to these top young bulls because of their combination of style and the great purebred cows in their pedigrees: Cottontail and Aubry’s Black Blaze. Add in Empriss and the immortal Power Drive and you will sure to be at the ”head of the class”. Check out the recipients carrying these pregnancies, 4 of them are registered SimAngus, and they are awesome!! Quality everywhere you turn.


DMN Daisy Mae

JF Milestone 999W - reference sire

D aisy M ae x M ilestone

3 – Pregnancies Consignor:

Sanders Ranch, LLC

TNT Top Gun R244

DMN Daisy Mae

TOF Destiny L15

JF Milestone 999W Ms Maxie Lou M112S

Daisy Mae x Mo Magic

Daisy Mae x Trademark


Daisy Mae x Sharper Image

DMN Black Daisy

Proj. EPDs CE 7 BW 2.9 WW 81 YW 115 MCE 6 MM 12 MWW 52 Marb 0.01 REA 0.45 API 93


Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2466834 • Recipient ID: S683 Foundation Angus Cow (Traveler 004 x Bando 5175)


Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • Recipient ID: 3140 Commercial Angus Cow


Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • Recipient ID: 1103 Commercial Angus Cow

• There is no way getting around it, we have had a love affair with Daisy Mae! We have been fortunate to have been around her since she was young and knew she was an individual that we wanted to help shape and build are herd with. The first chance we got to buy her top son from HTP/SVF we quickly added Packin Heat to our bull battery, and that proved to pay big dividends so far. Next we purchased a flush on her in Denver with Hudson Pines, Ryan and I decided to flush her to two bulls, Milestone and High Voltage. Thus producing the pregnancies and open heifers in this sale. We added a Mo Magic daughter this spring as well. The Milestone mating has already proven itself, just look at lot 10. The S683 cow carrying one of the pregnancies is a purebred Angus cow that wouldn’t surprise me if the new owner added to their donor pen, she is massive Angus cow with a great pedigree, that raised a awesome SimAngus bull calf this summer.

S S/ P RS D aisy D uke 1A




BD: 1-20-13


Sanders Ranch, LLC



CE 7 BW 2.9 WW 81 YW 115 MCE 6 MM 12 MWW 52 Marb 0.01 REA 0.45 API 93

TNT Top Gun R244


JF Milestone 999W Ms Maxie Lou M112S

TOF Destiny L15 DMN Daisy Mae DMN Black Daisy • Birth Wt. 86 lbs. • Daisy Duke 1A, like her counter part in “Dukes of Hazard”, you have to stop and watch when she goes walking by. She is probably been the one most people of different breeds and different philosophies have picked this summer. She is deep, stout and attractive and her pedigree makes people love her even more. Trust me she will be a standout on sale day. We can’t wait to see what you think!

SS/PRS Daisy Duke 1A

S S/ P RS D aisy L ynn 624A

3/4 Blood



BD: 2-14-13


Sanders Ranch, LLC




SS/PRS Daisy Lynn 624A

• Birth Wt. 73 lbs.

S S/ P RS D aisy L ou 21A

3/4 Blood

11 A


BD: 2-15-13


Sanders Ranch, LLC




• Birth Wt. 73 lbs.

HTP/SVF Duracell T52 SS/PRS High Voltage 244X KenCo Miley Cottontail

DMN Daisy Mae

TOF Destiny L15 DMN Black Daisy

CE 10 BW 1.6 WW 62 YW 90 MCE 7 MM 21 MWW 52 Marb 0.09 REA 0.58 API 105

• 624A & 21A – When you put the cow families of Daisy Mae and Cottontail together its not a real surprise that it worked well. 624A is the show heifer of the two, she’s cool necked, soft sided and has her dads great hair. 21A is not as fancy of a show heifer but has all the capacity and pedigree to be a real breeding piece for many, many years! Homozygous polled.

Thank you to Bill Sloup, Sloup Simmentals for their purchase of KenCo Miley Cottontail. The high selling lot in the 2012 Head of the Class sale.


HTP Kiss Me Not

K iss M e N ot x M ake It R ain

Pregnancy Consignor:

Sanders Ranch, LLC

Foundation 724N

HTP Kiss Me Not

OCC Anchor 771A

K-Ler Make It Rain HCC/CSC Beyonce

3C Dakota Kiss H203 B

Proj. EPDs CE 11 BW 0.1 WW 48 YW 71 MCE 7 MM 22 MWW 46 Marb 0.19 REA 0.49 API 110

K-Lear Make It Rain - reference sire • Kiss Me Not is just one of those cows that can’t miss. That’s why she was a staple of our program for years! Whether its bulls or heifers her calves have always been among our favorites, and this years sale the bred heifers are no different. We are selling a pregnancy by Make it Rain due in Jan. This mating should really work well and you should be able to benefit by the consistency of this powerful cow! The Make it Rains have been selling good and will be a home run on this moderate belly dragging cow. Resulting calf will be homozygous black.


Pregnancy •

Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2430816 • Recipient ID: T774 Joker x Full Figures x Nichols Blk Destiny

S S K iss M e K aty Z90 Z

3/4 Blood



BD: 3-19-12

Sanders Ranch, LLC




HC Hummer 12M SVF Stonehenge R95 LF Kandy Kisses

HTP Kiss Me Not • Birth Wt. 79 lbs

SS Goldmine L42 - reference AI sire.

OCC Anchor 771A 3C Dakot aKiss H203 B



CE 11 BW 1.3 WW 52 YW 79 MCE 9 MM 21 MWW 47 Marb 0.25 REA 0.56 API 117

• Bred AI on 4-12-13 to SS Goldmine L42, ASA# 2106737. Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to SVF HTP Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700. • Homozygous black.

S S K iss M e K atelynn Z 901

3/4 Blood



BD: 3-11-12


Sanders Ranch, LLC



CE 11 BW 1.0 WW 53 YW 78 MCE 6 MM 20 MWW 46 Marb 0.14 REA 0.32 API 110

CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette

OCC Anchor 771A HTP Kiss Me Not 3C Dakota Kiss H203 B • Birth Wt. 76 lbs. • Bred AI on 4-12-13 to MCM Top Grade, ASA# 2540315 • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to SVF HTP Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700. Safe in calf.

SS Kiss Me Katelynn Z901

S S K iss M e K ay Z904

3/4 Blood



BD: 3-13-12

Sanders Ranch, LLC



CNS Dream On L186 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette

HTP Kiss Me Not • Birth Wt. 78 lbs.

OCC Anchor 771A 3C Dakota Kiss H203B




CE 11 BW 1.0 WW 53 YW 78 MCE 6 MM 20 MWW 46 Marb 0.14 REA 0.32 API 110

• Bred AI on 4-12-13 to SVF Allegiance, ASA# 2638036. Save in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to SVF HTP Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700.

• Z901 & Z904 – Mating Kiss Me Not to Built Right was about the easiest thing we could have done. With her moderate chunky body style and Built Rights ability to always produce the ultimate sleek females it would have been a crime not to flush her that way. In this sale you can see the results of that work. The Stonehenge female that sells safe in calf to Goldmine is cool as well. All three bred heifers will make awesome cows-they are the front pasture kind-no matter where your front pasture is.

SS Kiss Me Kay Z904


Rew Ms Brenda

FBF1 Combustible - reference sire

W/C United 956Y - reference sire

M s B renda x W/C U nited

M s B renda x FBF1 C ombustible

Pregnancy Consignor:

Sanders Ranch, LLC SVF Steel Force S701

FBF1 Combustible Lazy H Burn Baby Burn R34 Rew Ms Brenda


BC Marathon 7022 TMPF Amazing Grace

2 – Pregnancies

Proj. EPDs


CE 9 BW 2.4 WW 65 YW 98 MCE 7 MM 19 MWW 51 Marb 0.17 REA 0.85 API 104

Pregnancy • Due: 2-16-14 • Recipient ID: 3462 Commercial SimAngus Cow

W/C United 956Y Rew Ms Brenda

18 18 A


Sanders Ranch, LLC TNT Tuition U238 Mss Werning 956W BC Marathon 7022 TMPF Amazing Grace

Proj. EPDs CE 10 BW 2.3 WW 73 YW 116 MCE 6 MM 23 MWW 59 Marb 0.25 REA 0.93 API 109

Pregnancy • Due: 2-16-14 • ASA# 2307057 • Recipient ID: R545 Purebred Simmental (Goldmine x Galvainzer x Applause) Pregnancy

• Due: 2-16-14 • Recipient ID: 434 Commercial SimAngus Cow

• Brenda sold through this very sale as a consignment from our long-time friend and business partner, John Rew. We were partners with John on Brenda’s dam, Amazing Grace. We split the eggs in the dish, we got the bulls and John got Brenda, so we had to buy her, along with our partners Dillon Simmentals and 3M of Mississippi. Brenda had much success dominating the show ring in the south and being named the Supreme All Breed Champion at the Dixie National was sure a highlight to go with her other banners for Abbie Moroeno. You want them deep and cowy then these pregnancies should fit the bill. Selling one pregnancy by Combustable, the baldy Steel Force son produced by Forest Brook Farm and now owned by Griswold in OK. The other two pregnancies are by W/C United, the top selling percentage bull at Wernings last year. Both matings are great fresh genetics by awesome young bulls and a huge bellied, big time donor that has proven to do it all. Don’t forget to check out the recipient, a purebred Goldmine daughter and two smoking good commercial cows.

Dale Banks Promptitude

SS/PRS High Voltage - reference sire

Built Right x 6504

P romptitude x H igh V oltage

Pregnancies Consignor:

Sanders Ranch, LLC

Proj. EPDs

CE 15 BW -0.7 WW 58 YW 92 MCE 9 E&B 1680 Precision 1023 MM 25 Dale Banks Promptitude 6504 MWW 54 Dale Banks Promptituede 4542 Marb 0.51 REA 0.80 API 141

HTP/SVF Duracell T52 SS/PRS High Voltage 244X KenCo Miley Cottontail


Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2427501 • Recipient ID: U1 Purebred Simmental (Shear Force x Freedom)

19 A

Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2494271 • Recipient ID: W2 Half Blood Simmental (Antoinettes Star x Insight)

19 B

Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2249948 • Recipient ID: P121 Registered 1/2 Blood Simmental (Mr MT x Ambush x 6807)

• Every week we get many calls from producers bragging on how well they like their High Voltage calves. The first High Voltage calves that sold this spring in the Shoal Creek sale were very well received and sold hotter than an order of pancakes at the “Corner Café”! The Mating to Dalebanks Promtitude 6504 is sure to be just as hot. 6504 is now a cornerstone donor for the Canada family in Kentucky and is no stranger to producing mouth watering SimAngus cattle. Her Built Right Daughter was a top selling bred in Louisville a few years back at $11,000. Here’s an opportunity to add top proven ET calves to your spring calf crop! All three recipients are registered cows and have taken eggs every year. Study the pedigree’s on the recipients! They are all good enough to produce their own calves after they have those exciting January High Voltage babies!!


WHF Sierra 245S

LMF Movin Forward - reference sire Milestone x WHF Sierra 245S

WHF S ierra x M ovin F orward

Pregnancies Consignor:

Sanders Ranch, LLC

Triple C Invasion R47K LMF Movin Forward LMF Godivas Beautystroke

CNS Dream On L186 WHF Sierra 245S WHF Black Jasmine 240J

Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW 1.6 WW 60 YW 90 MCE 13 MM 21 MWW 51 Marb 0.15 REA 0.77 API 125


Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • Recipient ID: 3880 Commercial Angus Cow

20 A

Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2484511 • Recipient ID: U166 Purebred Simmental (Heartbreaker x Preferred Beef x Mindy)

20 B

Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2338936 • Recipient ID: P427 1/2 Blood Simmental (Top Fuel x N Bar Explosion x GT Maximum)

• We have been around many of the 240J cow family members of Wayward Hills over the years and have been extremely happy with the consistency in which they breed. Sierra 245S is obviously one of the strongest members in this family tree! Her production speaks for itself, with her Daughter WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y topping the Hudson Pines production sale last fall, then months later Ryan and his crew took her through the competition in Denver like a buzz saw on her way to the Grand Champion banner. This mating to the Homo Black and Homo Polled outcross sire Movin Forward is sure to be some of the biggest bellied, stoutest calves of any breeders calf crop this spring. Its not everyday you will have opportunities to purchase multiple pregnancies of this quality, the work is done, the calves will be here soon and then you can take advantage of years and years of proven genetics.


Ebony Mavis

BC Lookout - reference sire

E bony M avis x L ookout

Pregnancies Consignor:

Sanders Ranch, LLC

BC Lookout 7024

OCC Legend 616L Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37

CNS Dream On L186 EBS Ebony Mavis SVF NJC Majestic Ldy M26

Proj. EPDs CE 12 BW 0.4 WW 58 YW 85 MCE 8 MM 19 MWW 48 Marb 0.47 REA 0.75 API 129

• Today’s the day to add multiple January SimAngus ET calves to your program. Its not a secret, BC Lookout works better on Simmental cows than any other Angus bull, and Mavis is no average Simmental cow. Every time we are at Sloups the Mavis cow always stands out as one of our favorites for her shear mass and body. The mating to Lookout is destined for greatness because of the consistency of both Mavis and Lookout. We are selling two pregnancies both due in early January and both in really high quality registered Trademark daughters. We are stacking so much value in these two packages!

21 21 A

Pregnancy • Due: 1-8-14 • ASA# 2354556 • Recipient ID: S69 Registerd Simmental (Trademark x Desperado x Preferred Stock) Pregnancy •

Due: 1-8-14 •

ASA# 2579431 • Recipient ID: X99 3/4 Blood (Trademark x Nobelman)


The “Reciepents”


T21 – Lot 8A

W2 – Lot 19A

9707 – Lot 7

U1 – Lot 19

SS Queen Bee 83A




S S Q ueen B ee 83A •

BD: 1-15-13

Sanders Ranch, LLC



Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Queen W83 Miss CCF P06 • Birth Wt. 78 lbs.


Z27 83A


CE 10 BW 2.7 WW 74 YW 106 MCE 12 MM 25 MWW 62 Marb 0.20 REA 1.11 API 131



BD: 2-03-12

Sanders Ranch, LLC



EXAR Lutton 1831 Oleo Bringing Rain 8008 Garrison 797 Ms 30000 Rita 9F

SVF NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Queen W83 Miss CCF P06 • Birth Wt. 83 lbs. • Bred AI on 4-12-13 to SS/PRS Tail Gater, ASA# 2642951 • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700. Safe in calf. Due mid February.



CE 12 BW 2.0 WW 57 YW 93 MCE 8 MM 23 MWW 51 Marb 0.17 REA 0.40 API 105

• These two maternal sisters have been standouts since birth! 83A is as stout and soggy as you can make one while Z27 is as sleek and clean as you can make one. Whether your raising purebreds, percentages or club calves these two can work in all aspects of the beef business. Just look at how their dam is bred, it reads pretty well for those who love productive cows. Their dam sells as lot 5 and is carrying the last Steel Force x Empriss pregnancy. Look at what this cow can do!



PRS Lady Done Right - reference dam

SS/SVF Shes Just Right 050A

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MCM Top Grade 018X MCM 513R

S S/ SVF S hes J ust R ight 050A Purebred



BD: 3-26-13


Sanders Ranch, LLC



• Birth Wt. 71 lbs.

S S/ SVF R ight O n L ady 115A Purebred

24 A



BD: 3-26-13

Sanders Ranch, LLC

• Birth Wt. 69 lbs.




Welshs Dew It Right 067T PRS Lady Done Right W214 SC Shoal Creek Lady T90



CE 11 BW 0.0 WW 62 YW 94 MCE 15 MM 29 MWW 60 Marb 0.31 REA 0.94 API 131

• 050A & 115A – Catching peoples eyes is no stranger to this cow family. We were first introduced to Lady Done Right when she sold in the Pine Ridge sale in Georgia. She caught enough eyes of the best cattleman in the country and they valued her as the top selling open heifer in a sale of over 600 head, pretty impressive stuff! We weren’t smart enough at the time to buy her but when we had a chance to buy the first flush on her, we weren’t going to make the same mistake twice. When Bryan Creek and I saw her nursing her 30 day bull calf at Sloups it was a done deal. Due to her untimely death last year, there won’t be to many opportunities like the one before you now. They were both born on the same day in March and I called our partners the Creeks and said “we could have something special here”, and I haven’t backed off that statement at all. They have the look, the pedigree and the numbers! Homozygous black and homozygous polled.

SS/SVF Right On Lady 115A

SS Miss Amanda 500A

SS M iss A manda 500A




BD: 4-03-13

Sanders Ranch, LLC



GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N HTP SVF Packin Heat W339 DMN Daisy Mae



CE 11 BW 1.7 WW 62 YW 82 MCE 6 MM 25 MWW 56 Marb 0.07 REA 0.81 API 109

SRS J914 Preferred Beef GCI Amanda R5001 ESN4 • Birth Wt. 69 lbs. • You won’t need to stay on the porch with this one, cause she can run with the big dogs! This super cool, stout, big footed and shapely Packin Heat daughter is it of one of our all time favorite cows we selected at of the Gramm dispersion. Add the fact she is very flexible and sound and she will be one to contend with. You’ll like what you see!




SS S elena 774A BD: 2-02-13

Sanders Ranch, LLC



Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MCM Top Grade 018X MCM 513R



CE 11 BW 0.15 WW 59 YW 92 MCE 12 MM 28 MWW 58 Marb 0.29 REA 0.78 API 126

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 DR Built Like A Dream 1S DR Ms 600U Black Dream • Birth Wt. 72 lbs. • This is a heifer that is definitely going in the right direction. Phenotypically she is soft and sound with a great maternal look. Its not hard to believe when you see who her mother is! This Built Like a Dream daughter might be her best work yet! She has it all, the powerful cow family, the beautiful look and don’t forget the strong set of EPDs.

SS Selena 774A

DR Built Like A Dream - reference dam


HTP SVF Dew The Stroke - reference dam

Miss JRW Streak of Luck A9

M iss J RW S treak of L uck




BD: 1-07-13




Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B


M iss J RW F ancy L ady A8


CE 10 BW 1.5 WW 73 YW 108 MCE 13 MM 22 MWW 59 Marb 0.27 REA 0.90 API 128

WLE Power Stroke HTP SVF Dew The Stroke HTP SVF Honeydew • Birth Wt. 60 lbs. • We all need some luck however this family is predictable and consistent as any. Dew the Stroke is a donor for C&C, Forest Brook and See Farms. Progeny has excelled for those firms plus Hartman Cattle Co, Triple H, JRW, the Todd family, Cheswood Dayspring Farm, Circle M, Prestige and Goff, and of course SVF and HTP. This combination female is complete, stout, big ribbed and sound with stacked EPDs. A9 is homozygous polled and homozygous black.




BD: 1-07-13




Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B


CE 7 BW 2.8 WW 75 YW 107 MCE 10 MM 21 MWW 59 Marb 0.21 REA 0.92 API 115

WSJ Encore JF Lady 865U ESM52 • Birth Wt. 70 lbs. • We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the Head of the Class so naturally we want to offer our best. A8 is a fancy show prospect with loads of rib, a sound structure and that overall completeness to make a top notch bred. We can see why the Janssen donor, JF Lady is so popular. We wish the new owner the best and have fun along the way.

JF Lady 865U - reference dam



Miss JRW Fancy Lady A8

3/4 Blood



S S D anica 379A BD: 3-12-13


Sanders Ranch, LLC

2750672 •



GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N HTP SVF Packin Heat W339 DMN Daisy Mae

CE 10 BW 1.4 WW 54 YW 73 MCE 7 MM 23 MWW 50 Marb 0.03 REA 0.81 API 98

HHF Cross Check PRS Check Mate W379 PRS Penny T7182 • Birth Wt. 70 lbs. • Here’s a little younger heifer by Packin Heat that will catch your eye. She has the same look that Packin Heat puts in all his calves, extra style and pizzazz. This doll would make some junior exhibitor a nice show heifer and a great brood cow for years to come.




SS Danica 379A

S S E milys C harm 2A •

BD: 1-29-13


Sanders Ranch, LLC




• Birth Wt. 70 lbs.

S S E milys D oll 007A


30 A


BD: 1-29-13

Sanders Ranch, LLC




Swain Emily 327N - reference dam 007A

• Birth Wt. 72 lbs.

HTP/SVF Duracell T52 SS/PRS High Voltage 244X KenCo Miley Cottontail

PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Swaim Emily 327N SSS-SCF Mindy 010G

CE 10 BW 0.5 WW 59 YW 88 MCE 10 MM 27 MWW 57 Marb -0.01 REA 0.86 API 119

• These two individuals will make some awesome cows. The Emily’s are always some of top calves and her daughters have gone into many herds over the several years and made money for their new owners. We highly recommend these two for the serious breeder looking to add proven profitable genetic’s to their programs. Homozygous polled.

SS Emilys Doll 007A


W W/ B W P ep R ight 27A



HPF Ms Pep T27 - reference dam


BD: 3-20-13


WW Cattle Co.




CE 13 BW 1.3 WW 58 YW 77 MCE 5 MM 19 MWW 48 Marb 0.08 REA 0.56 API 111

CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette

GWS Ebonsy Trademark 6N HPF Ms Pep T27 Miss Pep 58H • Birth Wt. 74 lbs. • A really sharp red baldy! A 3/4 sister to the Pep Pays heifer that the Walker family has had so much success with! A combination of genetics, balance and style,show ring success and the donor pen are in her future!

P CC/ H OC U nforgetable 1A



PCC/HOC Unforgetable 1A



BD: 2-03-13

Prestige Cattle Co.



CNS Dream On L186 CNS Pays To Dream T759 MLF BL Jessie



CE 11 BW 0.9 WW 59 YW 86 MCE 11 MM 17 MWW 46 Marb 0.28 REA 0.67 API 131

HTP SVF In Dew Time Rubys Unconcious U866 Double R Shes The One K18 • Birth Wt. 74 lbs. • Pays To Dream is quickly making a name for himself for producing the real maternal type of heifers that are in such demand. 1A should sure be in that category, with her flat neck, smooth shoulder and awesome teat size and placement will assure this one will be in production for many years. Her dam is no stranger to the show ring, she is a former Reserve National Champion and American Royal champion as well. This stellar female will sure to have many friends on sale day and after!

SS/SVF Frazzle Z25

S S/ S VF F razzle Z25

5/8 Blood



BD: 12-03-12



Sanders Ranch, LLC & Sunset View Farm

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N HTP SVF Packin Heat W339 DMN Daisy Mae



CE 9 BW 2.0 WW 60 YW 80 MCE 1 MM 20 MWW 50 Marb 0.11 REA 0.93 API 89

BC Marathon 7022 DS-SS Dazzle 264W Dillons K217 Ms Kandy • Birth Wt. 72 lbs. • Every year we have a parade of collegiate livestock judging teams come to the ranch for workouts, take it for what its worth, but this heifer has never got beat! I take it as many different people from many different places have admired what this heifer has brought to the table. She has the killer look and style from her sire, and the huge rib cage and softness of her mother. The Dazzle cow is one of the exciting young SimAngus donors in our long partnership with Sunset View Farms. A maternal sib to Frazzle was the second high selling open in the Family Traditions sale in April. A highlight of the Family Traditions bull sale was also a son of Dazzle, “Smooth Move” was selected by Black Ridge Simmentals and is now a vital member of their progressive program. Come judge her for yourself, but she has already been a favorite of many young cattlemen and cattlewomen all across the country. Homozygous polled.


Fall Opens

R RJS M iss S teel 282Z




BD: 8-20-12


Ratcliff Ranch




CE 11 BW 1.1 WW 59 YW 96 MCE 9 MM 18 MWW 48 Marb 0.30 REA 0.57 API 116

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

955EB • Birth Wt. 74 lbs. • This Steel Force daughter has a lot of potential to win in the show ring. This baldy face female will stand out as a senior yearling because of her length of body and sweet front one third. She carries good rib shape and really sound on the move.

RRJS Miss Steel 282Z

R RJS M iss S teel 272Z




BD: 8-08-12


Ratcliff Ranch




CE 10 BW 1.2 WW 56 YW 90 MCE 8 MM 17 MWW 45 Marb 0.25 REA 0.51 API 109

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901


• Birth Wt. 74 lbs. • A Steel Force daughter that is stout. She is big boned, big footed and for the muscle shape she carries comes in a very complete package. Really sound on the move and has an awesome profile. This one has potential to be successful in the show ring this winter.

RRJS Miss Steel 272Z

R RJS M iss R enegade 301 Z




BD: 9-25-12

Ratcliff Ranch



3C Macho M450 ET WLTR Renegade 40UET J&J Queen 414


CE 8 BW 1.2 WW 67 YW 102 MCE 8 MM 19 MWW 52 Marb 0.16 REA 0.49 API 101

SVF Steel Force S701 RRJS Dianna 123U 5023 • Birth Wt. 61 lbs. • A nice Renegade daughter out of one our half-blood Simmental donors. This heifer has a lot of eye appeal, in addition excels in muscle definition down her top and hip. She has the potential to be a successful show heifer prospect.

RRJS Miss Renegade 301Z



R RJS M iss U pgrade 300 Z




BD: 8-20-12


Ratcliff Ranch




CE 9 BW 1.9 WW 70 YW 109 MCE 11 MM 22 MWW 57 Marb 0.35 REA 0.64 API 121

Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B

N Bar Emulation EXT RR Miss Morrison 0191 RR Miss Morrison 5109 • Birth Wt. 81 lbs. • A super cow prospect, a direct daughter of Upgrade and out of an EXT daughter on the bottom side. She has length and depth from the profile and a great set of numbers to fit into the replacement heifer pen.

RRJS Miss Upgrade 300Z

S S- D S S teel P urple 310 Z

3/4 Blood



BD: 9-16-12




Sanders Ranch, LLC & Dillon Simmentals


• Birth Wt. 71 lbs.

S S- D S S teel H ome 908 Z

3/4 Blood

38 A


BD: 9-05-12




Sanders Ranch, LLC & Dillon Simmentals


SS-DS Steel Purple 310Z

• Birth Wt. 66 lbs.

S S- D S L ady of S teel 918 Z

3/4 Blood

38 B


BD: 9-15-12



Sanders Ranch, LLC & Dillon Simmentals



• Birth Wt. 69 lbs.

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

SVF Dream Master T50 Womack Southern Lady Shady Brook Lady S127

CE 10 BW 1.7 WW 66 YW 102 MCE 9 MM 16 MWW 49 Marb 0.15 REA 0.70 API 109

• - You are in the right spot if your looking to add some awesome percentage Steel Force daughters. This trio of full sibs offer as bout as much quality and versatility as any in the sale. They are soft and cowy, yet have the sleek front third that everyone is chasing. Backed by the great Womack Southern Lady donor you know these dolls were no accident. Take a great opportunity to add some Steel Force percentage females to your program, they will be great cows for the long haul!! Homozygous polled.

SS-DS Lady of Steel 918Z

Womack Southern Lady - reference dam


• 5790, Z052, Z138 & Z910 –These 4 WLE 443 “Sure Fire” daughters all have the same makeup and pattern with each have something different too offer! 3 baldies and 1 solid black. 5790 the solid black is extra deep cow prospect, Z052 the show ring look and balanced make. Z138 is super long with a extra long clean front and 910 a little more compact smaller framed. You make the choice on which fits your breeding program the best!

W W/ B W S urefire 5790




WLE Mr W443

W W/ B W M s S urefire Z052



BD: 9-28-12




WW Cattle Co. & Black Watch Farms

WLE Mr W443

Shawnee Miss 770P

HPRP Erica 052U • Birth Wt. 68 lbs.

3C Macho M450 BZ EXAR Erica 5884

W W M s S urefire Z910

3/4 Blood



BD: 10-21-12

WW Cattle Co.

WLE Mr W443



SVF NJC Built Right N48 Shawnee Miss 770P0

WW 20/20 K102S WW Miss Jewel W910 910 • Birth Wt. 77 lbs.









CE 12 BW 0.6 WW 60 YW 81 MCE 4 MM 18 MWW 48 Marb 0.19 REA 0.25 API 108

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Shawnee Msis 770P

BD: 9-23-12




WW Cattle Co. & Black Watch Farms

WLE Mr W443

U138 • Birth Wt. 71 lbs.

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Shawnee Miss 770P GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N WW-Masterfare Miss 102K


CE 10 BW 2.1 WW 66 YW 89 MCE 4 MM 21 MWW 54 Marb -0.01 REA 0.69 API 111

S S H ot H oney D ew 534 Z


CE 8 BW 2.0 WW 64 YW 89 MCE 4 MM 19 MWW 51 Marb 0.06 REA 0.48 API 102


W W/ B W M s S urefire Z138


CE 9 BW 0.9 WW 60 YW 87 MCE 9 MM 19 MWW 49 Marb 0.21 REA 0.54 API 110

SVF NJC Built Right N48

BD: 10-01-12

5790 • Birth Wt. 69 lbs.

WLE Mr W443 “Surefire” - reference sire

3/4 Blood

WW Cattle Co. & Black Watch Farms




BD: 10-10-12

Sanders Ranch, LLC



Welshs Dew It Right 067T PRS Blazin Hot W192 BF M234 BBF Mabelle K004



CE 10 BW 1.4 WW 67 YW 97 MCE 13 MM 19 MWW 53 Marb 0.14 REA 0.84 API 128

LMF Movin Forward HTP SVF Honeydew X534 HTP/SVF Honeydew T18 • Birth Wt. 87 lbs. • Pedigree buffs take note here, here is one bred a little different but still backed by two great cows like Mabelle and Honey Dew. This baldy fall heifer is high performing and is ready to take home and breed this fall to the bull of your choice. There are many ways to go with this one.

Spring Bred Heifers

EKHCC Red Jewel - reference dam

SS /PRS Jewels Dolly 008Y

S S- PRS J ewels M arkee

S S- PRS J ewels D olly 008 Y




BD: 12-20-11


Sanders Ranch, LLC




• Birth Wt. 86 lbs. • Bred AI on 4-12-13 to RGRS SRG Two Step, ASA# 2655756 Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700


44 B


44 A


BD: 3-10-12

Sanders Ranch, LLC


2668435 •


FB Prime Cut 456L

Flying B Cut Above Dillons Ms Pretty Woman SVF NJC Built Right N48 EKHCC Red Jewel 760 EKHCC Crown Jewl 523





S S- PRS J ewels Q ueen Z 903


• Birth Wt. 81 lbs. • Pasture Exposed from 6-20-13 to 8-01-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193.

BD: 3-10-12

• Birth Wt. 84 lbs. • Pasture Exposed from 6-20-13 to 8-01-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193

S S- PRS J ewels B andit


Sanders Ranch, LLC


44 C


BD: 3-15-12

Sanders Ranch, LLC





• Birth Wt. 85 lbs. • Bred AI on 4-12-13 to SS/PRS Tail Gater, ASA# 2642951 • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700. Safe in calf.

CE 6 BW 3.2 WW 63 YW 87 MCE 6 MM 22 MWW 53 Marb 0.05 REA 0.32 API 98

• 008Y, Z905, Z906 and Z903 – One of our most admired donors we’ve had the opportunity to work with was Red Jewel. We sold her 3 years ago but we still get many calls looking for progeny or embryo’s out of her, well here is your chance. This Cut Above daughters are very striking to the eye and look like they will carry on the maternal dominance of their famed dam. OO8Y is safe to “Two Step” the bull that was hand selected by Ryan Haefner of Hudson Pines Farm to continue the legacy of their powerful cowherd. Z905 and Z906 are both safe to the Homo Black and Homo Polled outcross calving ease son of Cottontail, SS/PRS Kickin Tail. We used him last year on heifers and had excellent reports from our customers. Tie into a family that has proven to add value to the next generation.

SS-PRS Jewels Markee


S S - PRS T ake A C hance



SS-PRS Take A Chance SS/PRS Perfect Chance - reference dam


BD: 3-05-12


Sanders Ranch, LLC




CE 9 BW 2.7 WW 80 YW 119 MCE 10 MM 18 MWW 58 Marb 0.15 REA 0.84 API 120

Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B

SVF NJC Built Right N48 Rew/SS Perfect Chance S32 LF JRG Perfect Change • Birth Wt. 86 lbs. • Wow, did I name this one wrong or what? There is actually very little to chance when you make them this good, especially out of cows that are as good as her mother. She will be knocking down the gate to the donor pen after she calves in the spring! Like her mother she has the huge sweeping rib cage and the power to become a breed leading donor. Matt Hommandburg purchased Chance out of last years sale and boy is he satisfied. We have been known for selling some pretty nice bred heifers over the years and Z908 is definitely in that group. Bred to have a March Packin Heat should be a perfect blend of power and pizzazz! • Bred AI on 4-12-13 to SS Goldmine L42, ASA# 2106737 • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700 . Safe in calf.

S S/ SVF G lory B ee 903 Z




BD: 3-02-12


Sanders Ranch, LLC


Triple C Invasion R47K LMF Movin Forward LMF Godivas Beautystroke

JDJ Charisma 20P SVF FBFS Sheza Glory SVF Sheza Glory N901 • Birth Wt. 70 lbs. • A real nice deep sided easy doing Movin Forward backed by the popular Sheza Glory family. Sells bred to Packin Heat will only add value to a female that has so much already bred in.

HTP/SVF Packin Heat - PE reference sire





CE 4 BW 2.5 WW 58 YW 91 MCE 6 MM 22 MWW 51 Marb 0.11 REA 0.76 API 115

• Bred AI on 4-12-13 to Dikemans Surebet ASA# 2294262 • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700. Safe in calf.

S S C rocus Z 910

SS/PRS Kickn Tail - PE reference sire



BD: 2-26-12

Sanders Ranch, LLC



HTP SVF In Dew Time Welshs Dew It Right 067T SVF/NJC Senerita N29



CE 11 BW 0.8 WW 60 YW 83 MCE 13 MM 21 MWW 51 Marb 0.02 REA 0.44 API 107

G&L Blackfoot 716D ETR Ms Black Crocus L105 JF Crocus J147 • Birth Wt. 83 lbs. • Its females like Z910 that will keep you in the cow business for a long time. Deep sided and smooth made is what you see on the outside and the Longevity and Power of the Crocus donor is what you can’t see on the inside. Her Kickin Tail calf will just add another generation of consistent breeding! • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700. Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 7-02-13 to 8-01-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193.

J MBC B abys B reath 321 Z

3/4 Blood



BD: 4-01-12



Barbour Boyz Cattle Co & Beckett Cattle

SC Mo Magic S47



CE 5 BW 1.7 WW 60 YW 95 MCE 7 MM 21 MWW 50 Marb 0.11 REA 0.59 API 120

SVF NJC Mo Better M127 Akers Ruby 2184

Triple Invasion R47K SS Babys Breath 333U SS Babys Breath P035 • Birth Wt. 79 lbs. • Study your lesson here, this one comes from a long line of consistent donor cows including the great Babys Breath, the top selling Goldmine daughter that now resides at Hillbrands in MN. She sells safe to none other than Pays to Dream, to continue the long list of great genetics in the lineage! This moderate easy keeping female will be profitable for many years to come! Homozygous polled and homozygous black. • Bred AI on 4-12-13 to CNS Pays to Dream, ASA# 2419373, Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700.

SS Babys Breath P035 - reference granddam

S S/ KLD S ammy 914Z




BD: 4-03-12



Sanders Ranch, LLC & Kodie Dopps

Triple C Invasion R47K LMF Movin Forward LMF Godivas Beautystroke



CE 8 BW 2.0 WW 56 YW 85 MCE 10 MM 20 MWW 49 Marb 0.17 REA 0.62 API 119

HTP SVF In Dew Time SVF Sabrina U117 Miss CCF R11 • Birth Wt. 76 lbs. • You’ll love the look and pattern is this young Movin Forward bred heifer! You can already tell she will have a great udder and is deep sided and very balanced. She has a great set of numbers and maternal greats in her past so breeding her to Kickin Tail was a easy choice to start her off in her future of being a great cow. • Pasture Exposed from 6-20-13 to 8-01-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193. Safe in calf.




M iss Z 099

BD: 3-12-12

WW Cattle Co.



CNS Dream On L186 CNS Pays to Dream T759 MLF BL Jessie K336

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N HPF Ms WTW T099 WW Miss WTW D21K • Birth Wt. 81 lbs. • A moderate, functional cow prospect. Pedigree predictability and bred to breed leader Built Right. Z099 is the right kind and the right type!



CE 12 BW 0.7 WW 60 YW 86 MCE 9 MM 18 MWW 48 Marb 0.26 REA 0.83 API 129

CNS Pays to Dream T759 - reference sire

• Bred AI on 6-14-13 to SVF NJC Built Right, ASA# 2225381


R RJS M s S teel F orce 501 Z




BD: 3-03-12


Ratcliff Ranches




CE 10 BW 0.7 WW 55 YW 89 MCE 9 MM 17 MWW 45 Marb 0.27 REA 0.52 API 113

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

C4552 • These Steel Force half bloods are some of the hottest commodities in the beef industry. In this sale you will have the chance to purchase many of these great SimAngus. Here is a solid black Steel Force carrying the service of the immortal calving ease sire Bismarck. This is what the beef industry is all about.

RRJS Ms Steel Force 501Z

• Bred AI on 5-3-12 to SAV Bismarck, ASA# 2492333

R RJS Mis s S teel 503 Z




BD: 3-05-12


Ratcliff Ranches



CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

C3287 • A nice Steel Force cow bred to SAV Bismarck • Bred AI on 5-3-12 to SAV Bismarck, ASA# 2492333


CE 10 BW 0.8 WW 55 YW 88 MCE 8 MM 17 MWW 45 Marb 0.25 REA 0.51 API 111

SAV Bismarck - AI reference sire

R RJS Mis s S teel 207 Z




BD: 4-01-12

Prestige Cattle Co.



CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901



CE 9 BW 0.3 WW 57 YW 84 MCE 6 MM 16 MWW 44 Marb 0.12 REA 0.60 API 100

• This effecient sized Steel Force blaze faced bred heifer is super attractive, deep sided and has a great skeletal make up. She sells bred to the calving ease Cottontail son Kickin Tail. You can’t have to many blaze faced Steel Force daughters in your herd, they are just to good and versatile!

• Pasture Exposed from 6-20-13 to 8-01-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193. Safe in calf.


R RJS Mis s S teel 500 Z





BD: 3-16-12

Ratcliff Ranches



CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901




CE 9 BW 1.8 WW 61 YW 91 MCE 6 MM 18 MWW 48 Marb 0.25 REA 0.48 API 103

• Yet another of these SimAngus sired by Steel Force. Great cows with a great look. • Pasture Exposed to Consensus Sons, EXAR Consensus A2130, AAA# 17286986 and EXAR Consensus 2312B AAA # 17187879. Due late February or early March.

R RJS Mis s S teel 502 Z




BD: 3-05-12


Ratcliff Ranches


CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

D2743 • A blaze-faced, Steel Force daughter with a lot of middle and function. A real good cow prospect bred to SAV Bismarck.



CE 10 BW 0.8 WW 55 YW 87 MCE 8 MM 17 MWW 44 Marb 0.24 REA 0.50 API 110

• Bred AI on 5-3-12 to SAV Bismarck, ASA# 2492333

RRJS Ms Steel 502Z

R RJS Upgrade 310 Z




BD: 3-11-12


Ratcliff Ranches




• Pasture Exposed to Consensus Sons, EXAR Consensus A2130, AAA# 17286986 and EXAR Consensus 2312B AAA # 17187879. Due mid March.

R RJS Upgrade 312 Z


56 A


BD: 3-19-12


Ratcliff Ranches




• Pasture Exposed to Consensus Sons, EXAR Consensus A2130, AAA# 17286986 and EXAR Consensus 2312B AAA # 17187879. Due late March. CE 10 Ellingson Legacy M229 BW 1.1 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 WW 68 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B YW 88 MCE 7 Hero 6267 of RR 2418 MM 24 HA Rachel 1122 MWW 58 HA Rachel 2010 Marb 0.24 • 310Z & 312Z – A pair of Upgrade daughters out of a REA 0.72 API 110 Rolling Rock bred donor cow bred to SAV Bismarck.

WW M s P athfinder Z7002




BD: 4-20-12


WW Cattle Co.



RRJS Upgrde 310Z

RRJS Upgrde 312Z


CE 9 BW 0.9 WW 48 YW 72 MCE 7 MM 19 7002 MWW 43 Marb 0.25 • Sound deep cowy, moderate framed kind of female and a REA 0.32 baldy to boot! Just what everyone’s hunting and the kind that will API 103

CNS Dream On L186 Lazy H Pathfinder R104 Drake Miss P36D

last forever, with minimum input! She’ll be around for years and years! • Bred AI on 7-2-13 to WLE Twang, ASA# 2629649

WLE Twang - reference sire


RRJS Miss Frog 238Y

R RJS Mis s F rog 238Y

3/4 Blood



BD: 9-19-11

Ratcliff Ranch



SVF Steel Froce S701 RRJS Steel Force 134U RR Idessa 7375

HTP SVF In Dew Time LRS Ms In Dew Time 861U LRS Ms Big Country 948J • Birth Wt. 74 lbs.


R RJS Mis s F rog 216Y


CE 11 BW 2.1 WW 64 YW 97 MCE 11 MM 19 MWW 51 Marb 0.20 REA 0.62 API 116

• A 3/4 blood heifer out of Frog and a very productive In Dew Time dam. This heifer is one that is really hard to part with. She’s got a lot of quality and a little different pedigree than we normally have here at RR. We purchased 861U out of the Lassle program and boy she is a good one.




BD: 9-16-11



SVF Steel Force S701 RRJS Steel Force 134U RR Idessa 7375

CNS Dream On L186 RRJS Idessa Dream On 002U RR Idessa 2291 • Birth Wt. 75 lbs. • The Idessa 878 donor is a strong member of our genetics at Ratcliff. Loads of quality in this SimAngus plus its close to bonus time. • Bred AI on 12-17-12 to Connealy Right Answer, ASA# 2517642

• Bred AI on 12-17-12 to Connealy Right Answer, ASA# 2517642


Ratcliff Ranch

RRJS Miss Frog 216Y



CE 13 BW 0.4 WW 57 YW 88 MCE 10 MM 19 MWW 48 Marb 0.23 REA 0.51 API 122

R RJS Mis s U pgrade 801Y




BD: 8-14-11


Ratcliff Ranch




CE 10 BW 0.2 WW 64 YW 99 MCE 10 MM 25 MWW 57 Marb 0.41 REA 0.66 API 125

Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B

861EB • Birth Wt. 72 lbs. • 801Y is stout yet functional. You want have to wait long on 801Y, she will have a coupon at side by the Genex bull, Connealy Right Answer. • Bred AI on 12-17-12 to Connealy Right Answer, ASA# 2517642

Connealy Right Answer - AI reference sire

R RJS Mis s U pgrade 702Y




BD: 10-01-11


Ratcliff Ranch


Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B

N Bar Emulation EXT RR Miss Morrison 8020 RR Miss Morrison 5109 • Birth Wt. 68 lbs. • 702Y is backed by a great producing EXT cow. A female with superior EPDs and will soon be a money maker.


CE 11 BW 0.6 WW 67 YW 105 MCE 11 MM 23 MWW 57 Marb 0.35 REA 0.64 API 126

• Bred AI on 12-17-12 to Connealy Right Answer, ASA# 2517642



BD: 9-23-11


Ratcliff Ranches



beautiful cow. A sister to lot 58. Buy them both.

• Bred AI on 12-17-12 to Connealy Right Answer, ASA# 2517642



BD: 9-10-11


Ratcliff Ranch


SVF Steel Force S701 RRJS Steel Force 134U RR Idessa 7375

CNS Dream On L186 RRJS Escort Dreamon 030U RR Escort 5242 • Birth Wt. 67 lbs. • Frog and Idessa have done the Ratcliiff program well producing superior progeny in large numbers. 231Y goes back to a good EXAR New Look cow. A female with solid stats.


CE 10 BW 2.8 WW 66 YW 99 MCE 11 HTP SVF In Dew Time MM 18 LRS Ms In Dew Time 861U MWW 51 LRS Ms Big Country 948J Marb 0.21 • Birth Wt. 84 lbs. REA 0.63 • 229Y is out of the In Dew Time donor 861U. This one will be a API 115

SVF Steel Force S701 RRJS Steel Force 134U RR Idessa 7375




CE 13 BW 0.2 WW 55 YW 85 MCE 10 MM 19 MWW 46 Marb 0.38 REA 0.67 API 128

• Bred AI on 12-17-12 to Connealy Right Answer, ASA# 2517642

R RJS Mis s F rog 229Y

3/4 Blood

R RJS Mis s F rog 231Y


3/4 Blood



M iss T009Y

BD: 6-07-11

WW Cattle Co.





CE 15 BW -0.5 WW 61 YW 82 MCE 9 HPT SVF In Dew Time MM 13 Miss Miranda T099W MWW 43 HPF Ms WTW T099 Marb 0.28 • Birth Wt. 75 lbs. REA 0.68 • This sharp and fancy bred will calve to the Griswold herd sire, API 133

OCC Legend 616L BF Mr Legend Excal R23 BS Naomi

Wizard. T009Y is backed by the female makers In Dew Time and Legend. • Bred AI on 12-29-12 to GCC Wizard 125W, ASA# 2511023


Triple C Shear Design S03M

T riple C S hear D esign S03M




BD: 3-01-06



Sanders Ranch, LLC & Sunset View Farm

Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracey

Lucas Josie 19K

Ellingson Black Perefector RIV Blk Josie 43B 755G



CE 17 BW -1.3 WW 62 YW 87 MCE 14 MM 27 MWW 57 Marb 0.38 REA 1.09 API 156

• Birth Wt. 70 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 653 lbs. • As much as I know this will go to Doug Parke’s head, we have to give him the credit for Shear Design being in our programs. I got a call a few years back while Doug was at a Triple C production sale, he told us about Shear Design as a heifer calf, I remember him saying that he was snooping around and saw her flush brothers, Bettis, Singletary and L Taylor. He said he believed these bulls were going to be influential to the breed in the coming years and thought Shear Design would be a nice addition to our future donor pen. He was correct in all cases! The sons out of Shear Design have always been in high demand and have always been high sellers due to their combination of breed leading EPDs and their balance, structural correctness and powerful base width. Shear Design averages 8 eggs a flush and sells bred to calve this fall to the exciting Packin Heat bull. Breed leading numbers, phenotype and opportunity all wrapped up in this fall calving donor!! If selling bulls is your thing, Shear Design should be on your short list! Homozygous polled and homozygous black. • Pasture Exposed HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700. Due this fall.

B LL M iss A nchor S186



BLL Miss Anchor S186



BD: 2-03-06



Sanders Ranch, LLC & Sunset View Farm DHD Traveler 6807

OCC Anchor 771A OCC Juanada 709V



CE 9 BW 1.5 WW 52 YW 75 MCE 3 MM 24 MWW 49 Marb 0.24 REA 0.35 API 98

GW Black Alert 030E GW Miss Black Alert 865H GW Miss T 026Z • Birth Wt. 69 lbs. • S186 is one of those cows you just can’t poke a hole in. She looks good in the heat of summer and the coldest days of winter! You will love her added body depth, smooth shoulder and ideal structure. She was most recently flushed to Wheelman and she is currently open and ready to flush. This one is ready to go home and start producing right away. These Anchor sired SimAngus are some of the most prolific beef animals you can find! • Open and ready to flush!

P RS C hyna D ew T7057




BD: 9-23-07


Sanders Ranch, LLC




CE 11 BW 1.9 WW 58 YW 82 MCE 12 MM 13 MWW 42 Marb 0.16 REA 0.58 API 116

CNS Dream On L186 HTTP SVF In Dew Time HTP SVF Honeydew

HC Power Drive 88H Double D Blk Chyna B&B Black Lady • Birth Wt. 80 lbs. • What a way to start off the proven cow division! When your making a recipe for the perfect cow, and the first two ingredients are In Dew Time and Power Drive, your bound to have people begging for seconds. Then the third ingredient is Double D BLK Chyna and you’ll have their mouth watering before you can even taste it! This young cow has beautiful lines and angles, fabulous udder and a great base and structure to carry it all around on. Sells safe to W/C Wide Track, the powerful Genex sire that will complement all this matron has to offer.

PRS Chyna Dew T7057

Double D Blk Chyna reference dam

• Bred AI on 5-08-13 to W/C Wide Track, ASA# 2588250. Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-10-13 to 7-10-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193

S S S palding B lk B ird U8050




BD: 3-07-08


Sanders Ranch, LLC




CE 6 BW 1.7 WW 58 YW 101 MCE 5 MM 13 MWW 41 Marb 0.43 REA 0.44 API 103

STF Mr Momentum H508 SVF/NJC Mo Bettter M217 NJC SVF Antoinette K205

B/R New Frontier 095 SCC Blackbird 5055 North Forkblackbird 0009 • A couple of years ago you might recall we sold 24 Mo Better sired half-blood bred heifers in this sale. Well, here is the 25th, and boy is she a great young cow. The productivity of the females have been well documented for many reasons, you just can’t build a beef animal much better from a genotype and phenotype standpoint. This great young cow sells bred to High Voltage, his semen is not on the market so here is an opportunity that not just everyone will have. This cow is one of our best!! Homozygous black. • Bred AI on 5-8-13 to SS/PRS High Voltage, ASA# 2571740. Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-10-13 to 7-10-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193

C LRWTR P eppered J ewel




BD: 1-03-09


Sanders Ranch, LLC


WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette

Miss Pep 101H • Birth Wt. 78 lbs.

Red Pepper SPC Miss Tailer 47C


SS Spalding Blk Bird U8050

SS/PRS High Voltage reference sire


CE 11 BW 1.0 WW 53 YW 66 MCE 3 MM 24 MWW 50 Marb 0.01 REA 0.72 API 99

• This Trademark daughter has been one of Doug’s favorite’s every time he’s at the ranch, and I think a lot of other people will love her too. She has that great cow family of 47C and Miss Pep behind her and weaned a Packin Heat heifer calf that is on the top in the replacement pen. Her mating to Two Step should result in another huge success. Buy these great young cows with confidence, they are bred right and safe to the country’s hottest bulls! • Bred AI on 5-08-13 to RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ET, ASA# 2655756 Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700.

RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z - reference AI sire


H PF Q ueen S upreme W910




BD: 3-02-09


Sanders Ranch, LLC




CE 7 BW 1.5 JS Sure Bet 4T WW 62 JS Black Magic Woman 13P YW 87 MCE 8 CCF Ameritrade 155J MM 26 Triple C Queens Supreme MWW 56 Tirple C Crazy Queen L98 Marb -0.18 • Birth Wt. 74 lbs. REA 0.81 • I’m sorry for sounding like a broken record about all these young API 109

Triple C Queen Supreme - reference dam

SVF NJC Mo Town M216

cows that are out of these famous high producing cow families but here we have another! This matron has the ever popular and stout Queen Supreme for a mother, her maternal sister includes the Sweepstakes Supreme Champion for Morgan Phillips. We love her look and her Dream On free pedigree. She sells safe to the young HPF herdsire Two Step, with his perfect skeleton and softness, and W910’s power, this calf will be much anticipated. • Bred AI on 5-08-13 to RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ET, ASA# 2655756. Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-10-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 253670.

S VF R ew D ew D rop U15


71 SVF Rew Dew Drop U15

HTP SVF Dew Drop reference dam






CE 9 BW 2.1 WW 60 YW 85 MCE 12 MM 20 MWW 50 Marb 0.19 REA 0.61 API 115

SRS Fortune 500 NLC Fortunate Son 100N NLC G64 Galiz

CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Dew Drop HTP SVF Honeydew • Birth Wt. 81 lbs. • Hey look here another young ET daughter of a top notch cow family. Look at the maternal genetics in U15, Fortune 500 on the top side out of a full sister to In Dew Time, you can’t make a pedigree much better. U15 sells safe to Gunslinger who is proving himself to coast to coast as a must use sire. What a cool package here in this cow, and her Gunslinger should be a home run as well. Homozygous black and homozygous polled. • Bred AI on 5-8-13 to SS/PRS Gunslinger, ASA# 2571741. Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-10-13 to 7-10-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193



BD: 9-17-08


SS Goldilocks Too P028 - reference dam

Sanders Ranch, LLC


T riple F W asilla X4 •

BD: 4-15-10

Sanders Ranch, LLC



CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF In Dew Time HTP SVF Honeydew



CE 12 BW 1.5 WW 59 YW 77 MCE 10 MM 18 MWW 47 Marb 0.24 REA 0.60 API 125

SS Goldmine L42 SS Goldilocks Too P028 GS Miss Perfector K028 • Birth Wt. 75 lbs. • Wasilla combines two of the greatest female producing sires our breed has ever seen. In Dew Time and Goldmine are legends, and they come together quite nicely in X4. We chose to breed her to Kickin Tail to add the Cottontail family to this recipe of greatness along with the addition of Shear Force. X4 is safe to Kickin Tail and is due approximately in late February • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-10-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193.

S hoal C reek L oaded D ice

3/4 Blood



BD: 9-11-08


Sanders Ranch, LLC




CE 10 BW 1.3 WW 66 YW 95 MCE 10 MM 19 MWW 53 Marb 0.29 REA 0.65 API 120

CNS Dream On L186 GLS/GF Brigade 31R Tripel C For Sure N255

GW Lucky Dice 187H Double R Miss Dice M43 GW Angus 1419 • Birth Wt. 75 lbs. • When this cow is nursing a calf there is none better! This young Brigade daughter has done a outstanding job for us. She has a perfect udder and always stays in great shape, her calves are always towards the top at weaning time when they are standing on the scales. She is safe to Kickin Tail and should calve near the middle of February, you will like the results. • Bred AI on 4-18-13 to W/C Wide Track, ASA# 2588250 • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-10-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193. Safe in calf.

GLS/GF Brigade 31R - reference sire

P RS M orning D ew W335




BD: 11-16-09


Sanders Ranch, LLC




CE 7 BW 3.0 WW 66 YW 90 MCE 8 KenCo/MF Powerline 204L MM 17 BF Black Lenin T20 MWW 49 L021 Marb 0.13 • Birth Wt. 72 lbs. REA 0.71 • This young cow is a hard working heavy milking machine that API 97

HTP SVF In Dew Time Welshs Dew It Right 067T SVF/NJC Senerita N29

raised a $5,500 open heifer in last years sale. She has done it once and she will do it again. Sells safe to the Homo Black and Homo Polled Cottontail son by Bettis, Kickin Tail, and is due in March.

• Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-10-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193. Safe in calf.

K enCo G lamorous H2W




BD: 9-01-09

Sanders Ranch, LLC



HC Power Drive 88H Wheatland Bull 468P Wheatland Lady 902J



CE 8 BW 2.0 WW 62 YW 90 MCE 10 MM 28 MWW 59 Marb -0.02 REA 0.99 API 106

SAC Mr MT 73G SAFN Shes Glamorous SAC Miss Jet Top 29G • Birth Wt. 80 lbs. • This sale is stacked with the daughters of the breeds most prolific cows and here we have yet another. An own daughter of Glamorous and the Canadian Power Drive son 468P! This young cow has always been impressive with her stylish look and great udder. We selected to breed her to Heads Up, the blaze faced Upgrade son that produced the exciting young sire Uprising bull produced by Lee Simmentals. Take advantage of all the good bred into this one and keep it going with the calf inside of her because this rare and unique mating won’t come by often! • Bred AI on 5-08-13 to Heads Up, ASA# 2569842 Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-10-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700

KenCo Glamorous H2W

Heads Up reference sire





S VF S abrina U117 BD: 2-24-08




Kodie Dopps & Sanders Ranch, LLC


CE 13 BW -0.3 WW 53 YW 72 MCE 12 MM 18 MWW 44 Marb 0.25 REA 0.51 API 121

CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF In Dew Time HTP SVF Honeydew

Nichols Legacy G151 Miss CCF R11 MCS Too Much • Birth Wt. 84 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 632 lbs. • This was our selection of the Sunset View sale 3 years ago and man has she been impressive! You just can’t have enough of these In Dew Time daughters especially going back to a legend like MCS Too Much. You can see a lot of Too Much in Sabrina, the good udder, hind leg and muscle shape. I thought Milestone would really work on this cow and can’t wait to hear the results from her new owner. Its cows like this that make it fun to be in the beef industry!

SVF Sabrina U117

JF Milestone AI reference sire

• Bred AI on 5-08-13 to JF Milestone, ASA# 2494990. Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-10-13 to 7-01-13 to HTP/SVF Packin Heat, ASA# 2536700

P RS C heck M ate W379




BD: 12-17-09


Sanders Ranch, LLC


KSU Venom 101M

HHF Cross Check KenCo /MF Glamour Girl 11



CE 7 BW 2.0 WW 50 YW 75 MCE 11 MM 24 MWW 49 Marb 0.12 REA 0.47 API 97

3C Macho M450 BZ PRS Penny T7182 Partisover Burgess 104 • Birth Wt. 75 lbs. • The Cross Check females have done a real nice job in production for us at the ranch and W379 is no different. Her this years calf by Packin Heat sells in this sale as lot 29. As you can see she has what it takes! She sells safe to High Voltage so you know the odds of her doing it again are real good! • Bred AI on 5-08-13 to SS/PRS High Voltage, ASA# 2571740. Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-10-13 to 7-01-13 to SS/PRS Cotton Mouth ASA# 2668453.

S S B reathtaker P042



SS Babys Breath P035 full sib to P042



BD: 3-04-04

Sanders Ranch, LLC

SS Goldmine L42



WLE Power Stroke GW Miss Lucky Buck 858G



CE 10 BW 2.0 WW 57 YW 79 MCE 10 MM 27 MWW 55 Marb 0.04 REA 0.80 API 117

LRS Big Country 37E SVF Breath Taker J130 SCF SSS Tabitha 131D • Birth Wt. 78 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 635 lbs. • Just because were getting close to the back of the catalog don’t think we are running out of power. Here is the full sister to SS Babys Breath, separated in the dish at flushing time a few years ago but you can still see the same qualities of the full sisters. The Goldmine feet, legs and udder are very present while the extra rib and performance of Breath Taker can’t help to be seen. She will have a calf by our new Jr. herdsire “Cottonmouth”. We have had a ton of interest in leasing him because of his outcross pedigree (Movin Forward x Cottontail) and of course his dam has had a few good ones here and there. The new owners of P042 I assure you, you will be getting a great Simmental cow! Homozygous black. • Bred AI on 4-08-13 to SS/PRS High Voltage, ASA# 2571740 • Pasture Exposed from 4-10-13 to 7-01-13 to SS/PRS Cotton Mouth ASA# 2668453.

B BSF A utumn B reeze




BD: 9-06-08


Sanders Ranch, LLC



CE 1 BW 2.8 WW 60 YW 94 MCE 6 MM 15 MWW 45 Marb 0.06 REA 0.45 API 94

STF Mr Momentum H508 SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 NJC SVF Antoinette K205

Drake Lilo


G&L Avalanche 149F Drake 82E

• Birth Wt. 85 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 599 lbs. • Breeze is baldy Mo Better daughter that had great success in the show ring. She has a real good udder and raised a really good Sure Bet heifer this year we are keeping. We bred her to the powerful Magnetic Lady son of Sloups “Upscale”. This mating is almost assured to be a baldy and I’m guessing it will grow rapidly!! • Bred AI on 5-08-13 to SS Upscale, ASA# 2586789. Safe in calf. • Pasture Exposed from 5-10-13 to 7-10-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193.

S C V alentine G irl S12




BD: 2-16-06


Sanders Ranch, LLC



Nichosl Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W

SS Upscale - reference sire


CE 13 BW 0.6 WW 57 YW 83 MCE 13 MM 22 MWW 51 Marb 0.19 REA 0.84 API 137

HC Power Drive 88H SFI Miss Valentine M78F SFI 78F • Birth Wt. 76 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 741 lbs. • No matter what time a year it is this Dream On Daughter always looks great. She just weaned a really cool April Packin Heat daughter and is currently bred to Kickin Tail. If you haven’t learned by now we put a lot of emphasis on strong cow families and that’s why this own daughter of Valentine found her way to our program and has not let us down! • Bred AI on 5-08-13 to W/C Wide Track, ASA# 2588250 • Pasture Exposed from 5-01-13 to 7-10-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193. Safe in calf.

SC Valentine Girl S12

R ew/ S S T wisted S ister S101




BD: 12-28-06

Sanders Ranch, LLC



TNT Bruzer K73 COTT-GFI Fullback 0038N DS Ms Red Lite 38K



CE 8 BW 4.4 WW 71 YW 101 MCE 5 MM 27 MWW 62 Marb 0.09 REA 0.78 API 109

WLE Power Stroke TMPF Amazing Grace CNS Sheeza Dream K107W • Birth Wt. 77 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 799 lbs. • It just wouldn’t be a sale if we didn’t offer a daughter out of Amazing Grace. Amazing Grace was just as her name suggests, she has been amazing for us leaving daughters like S101 every time you turn around. This very productive daughter has a unique twist to her pedigree and I think you will find it worked out really well. S101 sells safe to the homozygous black and homozygous polled Kickin Tail for what should be a very exciting early March present. You can’t go wrong adding females like this to any herd! • Bred AI on 5-08-13 to BC Lookout, ASA# 2431243 • Pasture Exposed from 5-10-13 to 7-10-13 to SS/PRS Kickn Tail, ASA# 2617193. Safe in calf.

Rew/SS Twisted Sister S101




SS/PRS Cotton Mouth - reference PE sire



S S M iss D eal P007 •

BD: 3-02-04


Sanders Ranch, LLC


PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker

SS New Deal LL96 FS Black Jackie Dax U2



CE 7 BW 1.9 WW 62 YW 85 MCE 1 MM 26 MWW 57 Marb -0.24 REA 0.65 API 98

3C Pasque 8773 GS Miss Pasque K007 GW Miss Tailor Made 501E • Birth Wt. 80 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 636 lbs. • This cow has been a staple around here for years. I know she is way out matched when you stack her pedigree up to the others in this sale. You probably haven’t herd of her sire and dam like the others in this book. Nobody has drove hundreds of miles to see her, nobody has called the ranch wanting to buy embryo’s out of P007 and nobody has begged us to price her! But I can tell you one thing, this cow has earned every bite of hay, every lick of mineral and every vaccine she has received, this is the cow that had to do it on her own. You see, this cow has EARNED respect, it just wasn’t given to her! She is the epitome that hard work and dedication pays off. She is not just the last cow in this catalog, to us she stands for a lot more! • Bred AI on 4-08-13 to SS Goldmine L42, ASA# 2106737 • Pasture Exposed from 4-15-13 to 7-01-13 to SS/PRS Cotton Mouth ASA# 2668453. Safe in calf.

W W W arsaw 399A

Purebred Bull



BD: 2-14-13

WW Cattle Co.



• Tattoo:


CE 11 BW -0.6 WW 48 YW 66 MCE 9 Lazy H Pathfinder R104 MM 23 Remington Pep 399Y MWW 46 WW Miss Pep 58N Marb -0.02 • Birth Wt. 86 lbs. REA 0.55 • Warsaw has been intriguing since early on, a black baldy with API 120

FBFS Warsaw 068W - reference sire


JS Sure Bet 4T FBFS Warsaw 068W FBFS Slow Melt 089S

a little different pedigree, outcross to many of the most used bulls. Extra deep! Extra sound! With as much performance as any calf we’ve ever raised! Certainly a cow mans sort of bull!

ASA Sale Terms & Conditions ...

2. Withholding information on the existence of frozen embryos at the time of sale would be considered an unethical practice.

BIDDING AND APPLICABLE LAW: All cattle listed in this offering comply with prevailing sale terms and conditions as set forth by the laws of the state wherein the sale is conducted. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, by either the auctioneer or consignor, except as set forth herein, as to the merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose of any animal offered in this sale. The right to bid or the right to reject the final bid, if done before the hammer falls, is reserved for all sellers unless otherwise announced from the sale block or as prohibited by law in the state wherein the sale is being conducted.

HORNED-SCURRED-POLLED: DEFINITIONS: 1. HORNED — An animal with a horn growth affixed to the skull that has or has not been removed. 2. POLLED/SCURRED — An animal with rudimentary horn growth that will not develop into a horn. The rudimentary horn growth may or may not become affixed to the skull at an older age. 3. POLLED — An animal with absence of horn growth. (An animal can have scurs and still be genetically polled.) 4. SMOOTH POLLED — A smooth-polled individual has no scurs and does not develop scurs later in life.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Any change of information other than in the catalog will be announced from the auction block and such announcements shall take precedence over printed material. All statements made from the auction block or those made by the seller (in private treaty) must be documented by seller if requested by the buyer at time of sale. TERMS: Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with the seller previous to the sale of any animal so affected. PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the property of and therefore is also the risk of the purchaser as soon as it is sold; except it shall be the obligation of the seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to purchaser, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of twenty-four (24) hours after the sale, whichever occurs first. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: 1. All cattle entered for sale must meet the health regulations of the state in which they are sold. All other agreements regarding the health of the animal will be between the buyer and seller and should be documented in writing. 2. If sale cattle are returned to the seller for an adjustment, they must meet the health requirements of the state they are returned to. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: Each animal which is catalogued, offered and sold as a registered animal shall have a certificate of registry available at time of sale. When an animal is sold as “eligible for registry” or “registry applied for”, the seller shall be responsible for obtaining the certificate of registry and for the proper transfer of the certificate to the purchaser including full payment of transfer fees. IDENTIFICATION: Each animal at time of sale must have a readable tattoo or brand corresponding to that shown on the certificate of registration. AUTHENTICITY OF PEDIGREE: When an animal, through parental validation, is determined to have an ancestry other than that reported on the registration certificate, the buyer shall be entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. The animal in question, at the buyer’s option, may be exchanged for another animal of equal value, or if agreeable with the buyer, the seller may have the certificate returned to the buyer. Any adjustment provided herein, if selected, shall absolve the seller from further liability for authenticity of pedigree to the buyer. BREEDING GUARANTEES AND DEFINITIONS: 1. Females are guaranteed to be breeders, with the exception of: a) Female calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Females used in ovum transplant after time of sale e) Cows sold with calf at side or a female that calves after sale to a breeding prior to the date of sale 2. Bulls are guaranteed to be breeders (definition as the ability to settle healthy cows by the time the bull is 18 months of age) with the exception of: a) Bull calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Bulls shown competitively after sale 3. Any guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be made by separate agreement between buyer and seller. 4. Safe in calf females are females that have been diagnosed pregnant by a competent veterinarian, and are pregnant at time of sale. 5. A bred female is a female known to have been served by a bull either by natural breeding or artificial insemination, but it does not necessarily mean that the female is safe in calf to that service. 6. A pasture bred female is a female that has been pastured with a designated bull and has been exposed for the time stated, but it does not necessarily mean that this female is safe in calf to that bull. 7. An open female is a non-pregnant animal. 8. Calves sold off their dams (split pairs) shall carry the full breeding guarantee. PRIVILEGE OF PURCHASER TO EXAMINE: The purchaser of a female animal may have her examined within twenty-four (24) hours after the fall of the hammer and prior to removal from sale premises. The pregnancy status of breeding status of an female so examined, when found not to be as represented at the time of sale, is cause for the female to be returned to the seller as unsold. EMBRYO TRANSFER: 1. Sellers should provide upon request a complete history of embryo transfer activity for any female offered for sale.

GUARANTEES: 1. If an animal is sold as polled or polled/scurred and proves to be horned, the seller shall be obligated to refund the purchase price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or may be exchanged for a polled animal of equal value whichever is acceptable to the buyer. The buyer has thirty (30) days from date of sale to notify the seller that an adjustment is in order. 2. If an animal is sold as smooth-polled and proves to be scurred, the seller shall be obligated to refund the price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or at the buyer’s option shall be exchanged for a smooth-polled animal of equal value. 3. If an animal is sold as polled and develops scurs, the seller will not be obligated to make any adjustment as a scurred animal is considered polled. 4. If an animal is sold as polled and has scurs, it shall be so announced at the time of sale that the animal has scurs. If it is not announced and the buyer finds before the animal leaves the sale premises that the animal has scurs, the buyer must notify the seller of the findings. The seller shall then be obligated to refund the purchase price. OPTIONS AND PRIVILEGES OF RETURN OR ADJUSTMENT: The following adjustments do not preclude the right of the buyer and seller to mutually agree upon other terms and conditions for settlement of any dispute. 1. All claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writing either six (6) months from the date of sale or no later than when the animal reaches 24 months of age whichever occurs later, with the exception of claims involving misrepresentation of service sire or as otherwise provided herein. 2. In the event an animal is claimed to be a nonbreeder, the animal may be returned to the farm of the seller, at the buyer’s expense, if in good physical condition, and the return is in compliance with the health requirements of the seller’s state. The seller shall be entitled to a six (6) month trial period following the return of the animal in which to prove the animal is a breeder. If at the end of six (6) months the seller is unable to prove the animal is a breeder, the seller shall, at the option of buyer, replace the animal with another equal value or refund the purchase price. Either option shall be deemed full satisfaction and settlement. 3. If a female is sold as “safe in calf” to a given sire or sires on a specified date or dates and proves not to be as represented, the buyer is entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal and resulting progeny thereof to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. 4. If a female is sold as “open” and proves to be with calf at time of sale and examined pregnant within sixty (60) days after sale, the buyer may return the animal to the farm of the seller prior to calving for a refund of the full purchase price or for another animal of equal value, whichever acceptable to the buyer. It shall be the obligation of the seller to bear any expenses incurred for transportation of the animal in question to the farm of the seller. GENETIC TESTING AND TraitTrac STATUS: Sellers must identify the TraitTrac status and the results of any qualitative genetic testing performed on any animals or genetic material offered for sale. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose the TraitTrac status or qualitative genetic test results of any animal or genetic material. DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL INFORMATION: Sellers must disclose all material information concerning any animal or genetic material offered for sale. For the purposes of these Sale Terms and Conditions, “Material Information” is defined as any information which would be likely to affect the value of the animal or genetic material if the information were known to the public. Material Information includes, but is not limited to, information related to genetic tests, blood tests, ultrasound pregnancy results, disease tests, pregnancy and fertility test results, information related to the sex and age of in utero calves or embryos, and information related to the fertilization status of in utero calves, including whether the calf was conceived via artificial insemination or natural service. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose any Material Information concerning an animal or genetic material offered for sale. LIMITATIONS OF OBLIGATIONS: These sale terms and conditions constitute a binding legal obligation between the buyer and seller of any animal or genetic material sold under these terms and conditions. However, the ASA, its directors, officers, employees and agents do not assume any obligation, legal or otherwise, to enforce the sale terms and conditions agreed to between buyer and seller.


Brian, Daydree, Kodie, Karsen & Kanyen Dopps 1621 W 140th • Milton, KS 67106 Darrin Barbour, manager 816.898.8990, Darrin’s cell Main Street Photograp

hy , Cheney, KS

K LD/ S S D aisy L ynn 203 Z






KAP Lil Kid Quip KAP Fletcher Quip KAP 1/2 Jazzy Arlou ET

CT Sue Lynn


BD: 8-29-12

KLD Properties

KAP Adora Bull James RMS Mis MT Iron 9S11



• The breeding philosophy of the KLD Mini-Hereford program is the same we implemented in the Simmentals. Build around the most prolific cows you can find and breed them to the most proven and functional bulls available. So far this plan has worked out well. Daisy Lynn is living proof of our philosophy, her sire Fletcher Quip, is quickly become known for siring some of the country’s fanciest females, a daughter of his was the Grand Champion Female in Denver. Her mother is a hard working sleek fronted cow that came to us thru the KP production sale two years ago. Daisy Lynn is a really sound, big bodied and good looking heifer that should stand some competition. Whether your a longtime Hereford breeder looking to add a special breeding piece or a first time owner looking for a show prospect this one here should fit the bill!

SS Hallie

2012 American Royal Grand Champion female

SS/KLD Sweeti

2012 North American Livestock Expo Grand Champion female

SS/KLD Sweeti

2013 National Western Stock Show Reserve Champion female


Main Street Photography , Cheney, KS

Our families would like

thank you for taking the time to look through our sale offering! Make plans to joins us for the 12th Annual Head of the Class sale 2014 - the 4th Saturday in September!

Good Cattle + Good Friends = Good Times!


2 0 13 M ia m i C o. G ra nd C ha m pion H er eford fe mal e

2013 Miami Co. Grand Champion Crossbred female

enta l am pion S im m M an y ti m e ch Vohs ir la B r fe mal e fo an d su prem e


Catalog Produced By:



Doug & Debbie Parke 153 Bourbon Hills • Paris, KY 40361 (859) 987-5758 • (859) 987-0709 fax (859) 421-6100 mobile • pleent@aol.com www.parkelivestock.com

Dated Material

First Class


3 1 0 2 , 8 2 r e b m Septe ch Sanders Ran PM Louisburg, KS • 1:00

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