“Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale”
Sat. Feb. 3, 2024 400 BULLS + Bred and Open Commercial Females
at the Ranch, Lloydminster, AB
Pre-Sale Information Flyer See What’s In Store for February 3, 2024.
Read Now!
60 Herefords (45 Horned & 15 Polled Two Year Olds) 100 Red Angus Two Year Olds 70 Black Angus Two Year Olds 80 Charolais (45 Two Year Olds & 35 Yearlings) 70 Red & Black SimAngus Hybrids Two Year Olds 10 Gelbvieh x Red Angus Balancers Two Year Olds Commercial Females (Bred & Open) Give us a call or email today to recieve your 80 page sale catalogue and video! Call Bill the “Bull Guy” or the boys any time - any day!
email: info@hill70quantock.com
to view our video of the bulls on offer
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A Word from Bill, Connor, Ted, Family & Crew... Welcome to the first preview of the bulls and programs that comprise our 54th offering. The sale is a large undertaking that consumes most of our time, thoughts and effort through the year. Our love for the cattle business, and specifically, the bull business is as strong as ever.
The Canadian cowherd can not be replenished overnight, grass can not be established in one year to carry cows and miles of unmaintained fence simply can not be rebuilt soon enough to push the breeding herd back to a level that can match the bunk space available in feedyards across Canada and the USA. The calves being carried in cows this winter will be worth more than their mothers by Fall of 2024 and the market shows no signs of stopping there. Long story short - if you have the cow inventory and are willing to calve them there is a great opportunity for profit.Those who have hung onto the cow’s tail are looking like they will be rewarded for their grit. Please browse through this flyer - it is a preview of the incredible set of high caliber bulls on offer. We have placed emphasis for years on optimum vs maximum. Our goal is to manage our cattle under honest commercial conditions. They must flourish under the same circumstances that our customers expect of their own cattle or they will find their way to town. Equal treatment of our contemporary groups and stacks of records gives us and our customers an accurate genetic assessment. Decisions can then be made on real genetic differences. We avoid man made, non heritable expectations that can’t be replicated in the real world. We have been the choice of professional cow outfits for years and would love to show You why. “Dollars and Cents” operations can find cattle that will simply work for a living to make their new owners profitable. Our cattle do this by coming to you with convenience traits like foot and leg structure, fertility, udders and temperament in check. Longevity and breeding capability has been held paramount to drive down your annual cost of service and add to your bottom line. Make your plans to join us on February 3, 2024 at the Ranch. The bulls are on feed and are easy to tour - the cows can be toured with a little planning as they don’t come home until early April and are spread across a 140 mile radius earning their keep. We would be darn excited if you could make it to the ranch ahead of time. Cow outfits are busy though, and if that is not possible check out our flyer, order your free catalog and enjoy the bull sale preview video which will be available in the new year on our website, www.hill70quantock.com. There is a reason that hard working farm and ranch families have been choosing our bulls for their outfits for 53 years. The welcome mat is always out don’t hesitate to contact us today.
Bill, Sherry and Family
Ted Creech
Connor, Bailey, Rhett and Emily Creech
the Industry’s Premier
Sight Unseen Purchase Program trusted by hundreds of cattlemen just like you!
Your most economical way to access all your bull requirements this year. Especially when combined with our unique 60/40 Finance Plan. In fact we sell hundreds of thousands of dollars of bulls this method annually. All Sight Unseen orders are handled by Bill, Connor and Ted.
● You set the price – the quality plus appraise them to your satisfaction before they are yours. ● We know our cattle – that’s our business – their strengths and weaknesses. We will personally help Give Bill & the you select cattle to improve your bottom line. Boys a call about our Sight Unseen ● Complete data on all bulls – easy to read, easy to Program, they understand, completely documented will be with you no hidden formulas. from the 1st phone call to the ● Free Delivery on All sight unseen purchases in corral. Western Canada. Cost share past that point. We arrange the trucking – the drop off points – you have no worries, the job will be done and done right the first time. ● No Obligation – satisfaction on arrival or we take them home. ● Think about it – folks if I went to your cow herd, you know - the best – the worst and everything in between. I would ask you for your input on your herd. Think on it – it really makes the most sense. ● Leaving an order doesn’t suit you – again this year we have our live phone lines at ringside
Order Early
Sight Unseen Purchase Order Form Name Address
PC Phone Breed of Bull(s) Required No. and Age of Bulls Potential Use: (heifers, cows, breed of cow herd producing replacements)
No. Cows to be Bred
Turnout Time
Bull Specs: BW
WW YW Frame
Maternal Traits
Growth Traits
Budgeted Price Comments
Mail to: Hill 70 Quantock, Bill & Sherry Creech Box 10756, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3A8 Fax 780-875-8332
Order Early
Call Bill the “Bull Guy” or the boys any time - any day!
email: info@hill70quantock.com
60 – Herefords - All Twos - 45 Horned & 15 Polled Bulls
Page 3
Shh... Docility is one of those valuable quiet traits!
Take e of a g a t n a v ad nted docume ed $51 add n return o ired ds Herefor cows mother
...No feet trimmed, we gave that job to the killing plant
Order your Catalogue and Video today
We welcome you to come anytime - anyday to view the bulls prior to the sale “Thanks in large part to the bulls I’ve bought from you, My steers averaged their highest weaning weight ever at 633 lbs” - Jerry Anderson, Alberta
rid ore hyb f the m s d r o o ...Heref ause so much eford c r e e vigor b ry has been H indust free for years
...They are ideal crosses for your exotic and Angus cross cows ...no B.S., our Herefords are not as you might think of Herefords. They are thicker, deeper, wider bodied bulls with added dimension. The moderation and functionality in these bulls are built for the industry today. These are the Herefords that everyone says they can’t find...
There is a reason our Herefords are so popular.
Call or email us anytime, any day or use the on the back page to be sure you recieve your 80 page Sale Catalogue & Video!
Page 4
100 – Red Angus – All Twos g swin t ’ n a d You cat aroun t a c withou here itting h ll! fer bu i e h a
... Birth weights that will easily work with your heifers (70-80 lb. BW) and more than enough performance for your mature cows (80-100 lb. BW)
Use our Red Angus bulls to add performance, maternal traits and convenience to any red, red whiteface or Charolais base cow herd.
r DVD to e rd o r o e n li n o o e d vi ... Watch the bull
…600-700 lb. weaners 3+ lb. gainers on test…
... where the heck are you going to find 100 Red Angus Two Year Old bulls... all in one day and from one outfit? “Real impressed with the three bulls from last year. Excited to see the calves”
70 – Black Angus – All Twos
- Todd Hoberg, Saskatchewan
Many sired by birth weight trait leaders med, ... moderate fra e beefy and “wid .. bodied bulls” . em! truck loads of th
Cowboys, these are stout, deep, two year olds.
Spend your $$$ wisely, quality is what sets us apart from the competition. Don’t buy anywhere until you check out these bulls, at the ranch or on our website.
s the t that “live fi t u o n a ay... ...buy from le business” every d l catt commercia just like you.
...Use our black bulls to put the black color in your calf crop. They’ll add length and top the market. They work exceptionally well on red or black base cows or buckskins, to add performance and convenience. The heifer calves will be the envy of your neighbors.
Call Bill the “Bull Guy” or the boys any time - any day!
email: info@hill70quantock.com
Page 5
10 – Gelbvieh x Red Angus Balancer Bulls
- All Twos
Profitability starts with the cow!
...Gelbvieh sired mother cows will produce in your herd longer than other continental sired females.
...add a touch of Gelbvieh maternal excellence to your program. Documented early sexual maturity plus carcass merit.
d uence l f n i h vie ly …Gelb les are high fema moderately fertile, , and raise d h frame ves in toug cal meaty ironments. env
...more grass economics, less diesel
“Just picked up the bull in Kamloops. Looks good and very quiet - thanks.” - Chris Wilson, British Columbia
80 – Charolais - 45 Twos - 35 yearlings
Bulls designed for commercial trade. Polled bulls, red factor and all beef. Moderate convenience type Charolais bulls bred for easy fleshing, good haired buckskin and silver calves that are born unassisted. Quality and numbers
…Nearly A
ll Polled Bu
d for tans n a m e d e g u ...h s. & silver calve
on offer sets us apart.
Call or email us anytime, any day or use the on the back page to be sure you recieve your 80 page Sale Catalogue & Video!
Page 6
30 – Simmental x Black Angus Hybrid Bulls
– All Twos
...The best of both worlds!
…Angus udders and convenience. Simmental muscle, milk, hair, Polled and Black!
We welcome you to come anytime - anyday to view the bulls prior to the sale
Take advantage of SimmAngus heterosis which results in more lifetime production and added longevity to your herd.
on’t lie. d s e r u t ic p …They say r Bull Video! Watch ou “Pulled bulls last week and they stayed in good rig in some rough country”
- Tate Harris, North Dakota
40 – Simmental x Red Angus Hybrid Bulls – All Twos
THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS The function of cross breeding is to maximize heterosis or hybrid vigor. SimmAngus are a convenient way to capture heterosis and value. SimmAngus have the ideal balance of maternal and carcass traits. No breeds offer more commitment to profitability.
Call Bill the “Bull Guy” or the boys any time - any day!
email: info@hill70quantock.com
Page 7
How to watch our Sale video…
Hill 70 Quantock
Handshake Warranty…
Hill 70 remembers when a handshake meant your word and your word was good enough. So we’d like to extend to you our Handshake Policy: “It’s as easy as that. You have our handshake on it.” Simply put, when you buy a bull from Hill 70 Quantock we guarantee that you will have a bull to breed your cows – no matter what happens. Not just window dressing, one call is all it takes.
All Bulls…
are bred, born and raised right here at Hill 70 Quantock or within our co-operator herds that we have worked with for years!
Delivery… It’s Still Free, So Come In The Car
IF YOU LIVE IN ANY OF THE FOUR WESTERN PROVINCES... OUR TRUCK WILL BE DARN CLOSE TO YOUR DOOR BOTH IN FEBRUARY AND AGAIN IN APRIL. Shortly after the sale we will arrange delivery of all cattle, safely to within a short distance of their new homes. This delivery will be provided to central ranch and stockyards convenient to every buyer, and it’s FREE. Ontario and East, Hill 70 Quantock pays for the delivery to the Manitoba/ Ontario border and we make ALL the arrangements to get them very close to you, no matter how far “Haul yer own” East. Just leave it to us – we’ll get the job done.
Credit on each bull!
Good Neighbor Program
BRING YOUR NEIGHBOR TO THE SALE. If they have not bought bulls in 2022 or 2023 and you both buy bulls, we will send each of you a $200 rebate cheque after the sale. You must register at the office before the sale. (Min. bull purchase per customer of $5,000). If it works for you, it works for us!!
5620-44 Street Lloydminster 780-875-6113 1-800-661-7221
Special Hill 70 Quantock Rate $90 Plus Tax
Please Book Early
As we move away from mailing out DVD`s of our bull video, please use the QR code listed above to watch our video online! If you would still like a hard copy of our video we are more than happy to send you a DVD, please just call or email to request one! 1. Open the camera on your mobile device 2. Hold your phone over top the QR code (barcode above) 3. Wait until the yellow text appears near the code and click on that. 4. This will take you to the Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Website where our video will be displayed on the main page starting in the new year!
We have a block of rooms reserved for the sale.
60/40 Finance…
If it works for you...it works for us!
We have developed a 60/40 finance program with 0% interest. Pay us 60% down sale day, leave a post dated cheque for the 40% due July 1, 2024, O.A.C. plus sign a legal lending agreement. It’s simple... it’s easy and it helps us all. Give us a call “Bill the Bull Guy” or the boys anytime - anyday.
Hill 70 Quantock
Bull Development Program… $125
More Value Than Ever On Yearlings, On Two’s We have established a program to develop these young bulls here at Hill 70 Quantock to better serve our customers. We will keep the bulls at home after the sale and feed them until early April on a total mixed ration to gain about 2-1/2 lbs./day. We will then independently semen test them and deliver them to central points throughout Western Canada. Delivery will be from about early April to early May. The price for this service is $125 for yearlings and $150 for two’s payable at sale time. It’s a real value as it includes 75 days board, independent semen test, and central point delivery. Insurance will be on site to insure all bull purchases. Folks... if you bought bulls It must be a in the 2022 or 2023
Wanted!! Repeat Buyers
. way to go.... Hey..good 93% of the bulls are left on bull development.
Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale
you qualify for a 3% rebate cheque of your total bull purchase at a later date.
Call or email us anytime, any day or use the CLIP & MAIL on the back page to be sure you receive your 80 page Sale Catalogue & Video!
Page 8
e th in e or m en ev th or w be l il w s Th e ca lv es in th es e he if er th in g no do ’ll ey Th ad lo k uc tr a or n pe Fa ll of 20 24 … B uy a bu t m ak e yo u m on ey !
Commercial Females Bred & Open
“Your Heifers have lots of milk and are calving easy”
- Tim Corcoran, Saskatchewan
These heifers are produced by Hill 70 Quantock and Hill 70 Quantock Bull Customers. – REPLY CARD –
Everyone welcome
Name_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
We invite you to come the night before for supper, refreshments and view the bulls in fully lit pens.
Phone_______________________________________________ Fax_________________________________________________ #_________
of Cows
∏ Sight Unseen Purchase Plan ∏ DVD on Sale Bulls ∏ Charolais ∏ Black Angus ∏ Horned and Polled Herefords ∏ Black Angus X Simmental Hybrids ∏ Red Angus X Simmental Hybrids
Remember to bring along your branding iron and leave your mark on the wall. Following the sale on Saturday Feb. 3rd please join us for refreshments and entertainment at the barn! Shuttle to Lloydminster will be available.
∏ Red Angus X Gelbvieh Balancers ∏ Red Angus ∏ Commercial Females - Bred & Open Mail to: Hill 70 Quantock Ranch, Box 10756, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3A8 info@hill70quantock.com www.hill70quantock.com Fax 780-875-8332 CLIP & MAIL FOR YOUR FREE CATALOGUE & DVD
See you all there!