MC 1112 application_AIESEC in Colombia_MCVP MK&C_Randy Steven Puentes Castaño

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Randy Steven Puentes Castano

MCVP Marketing & Communications AIESEC in Colombia - Application Colombian / 24-12-1989 - Pereira / Street 20 # 19-97 La pradera / (+57) 6 3304863 (+57) 311 3319061/ / Skype ID: randy.random / -


Carrer: Industrial Engineering University: Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira Date: From 2007 - Actually

@ eXperience I2A@ Pe/r2e0ir0a8 Sept


2009 lcVp im @ Pereirta Manager r po p Su & on i at c Edu 09-2 NIMT @ Colombia 220 0 1 0 ra ei r LCP @ pe team ia d me al i c so l a n o nati 2 001 2 ir a ch



IM Team @ Pereira Setp-2008


2008 LDC2 - Cali/October/Delegate 2009 LDC - Manizales/March/Delegate NatCo - Medellin/July/Delegate RTC/TTT - Ibague/October/Delegate NPM - Bogota/December/Delegate 2010 ILC - Lima, Peru/March/Delegate LDC - Bucaramanga/March/Delegate NatCo - Barranquilla/July/Delegate RTC - Cali/October/Delegate

Main Xp areas Marketing & Communications

with my Role as National Social Media Chair, I gained lot of experience in develop virtual marketing spaces focused in national campaigns and gorwth in exchanges.

Exchange Management During the last year I have been in charge of the growth and capacity of exchanges at local level, developing international cooperations, strategies based in peaks and general support in ICX and OGX.

Information Management Most of my experience in AIESEC have been in this area, giving lots of tools to increase the improvement and quality knowledge management at local and national level, supporting also the materials for the education of that.

Main Achivements Restructuring and Innovation in Quality @ Xps: since the beginning of 2010, I

implemented radical changes in the structure and processes @ Pereira, so focused on macro. Within which is restructuring of induction and selection process, the formulation of macroprojects with partners, based campaigns implamentacion safe moving experience.

Strategic Plan for Education and Support:

I've created an education plan based on a analysis of needs and knowledge of the LCs in the platform tools, which is based on intensive and continuous work by NIMT. Based in training sessions, challenges for the member in every area(In this kind of challenge they could start to feel the need to use the platform and the connection with them areas), and adapted to the "Approach to Exchange".

Developing a culture of intelligent National Social Media guideline: relations: During the past year looking Pereira For the last semester, I’ve had the AIESEC involvement characterized by strong TN we only takers, but also with organizations that give added value to our experience, in which we have a strong involvement of partners in training , participation in guild events and organizations in the city, positioning virtual media partners and strong support from youth organizations to more coverage.

great opportunity to work with an excellent team from all over Colombia in the direction of the social media strategies for AIESEC Colombia, giving standarized guides for every LC and MC virtual channels, and campaigns focus in the marketing needs.

LEADING AIESEC PEREIRA: This have been the biggest challenge of all my experience, because all this year I have develop all kind of strategies for the growth in exchanges and also the developing of a new generation of leader for my LC. Also the challenge was continue with the excellence all the process that characterized our LC. and it was better with the company of a team that had challenge my role all the year and show me the great talent that we have in Pereira.

position MCVP why mc in colombia? MK&C Since AIESEC get into my life, two years ago, start the biggest challenge of my life. Daily it became my way to go out of my comfort zone, to develop new skills, to increase a vision of a world, and my mainly way to give all the impact that I want in my society. Professionally, it is a turning point in my life where I start to specialize my career field, because I'm about to finish my studies as an industrial engineer, and I found a very strong affinity marketing and organizational direction.

Therefore I believe that now is the time to go further, taking the biggest challenge that I can find in my AIESEC XP, and which indirectly I have prepared me these past two years. Colombia also remains one of the fastest growing countries and higher quality experiences, that would make this experience exceeded my expectations and professional ambition, which has always marked every one of my steps in life.

Propousal for mc 11-12 plan The proposal is based in the transformation from a Push Marketing strategy to a Pull Marketing Strategy, that will help us to not only understand better our market, but also how to make him loyal to our product and cover them needs without losing the essence of the AIESEC product.

Research & Development

Core Activities


Local: TM, OGX, ICX

Local: MK&C

National: MK&C, BD

Market Needs This marketing strategy helps to involve the support areas with core areas, with the understanding of our target market. Also involve completely the MC-LC relation to could complete it successfully. And it's a continue process, that can adapt to the external changes and could related them with our internal cycles (peaks, recruitments, events,...)

Communication with intention

Relevant Marketing

Trigger Virtual Spaces

PRIORITIES-Strategies-Results ·Social media as a trigger and support to get into market trends (ICX-OGX), using it results as a complementary information for external relations. ·Design interactive social media spaces establishing communications channels and loyalty with our stakeholders. ·New IT involvement supporter in the measurement of the impact of our messages.(Indicators, web analysis, SEO,…) ·Virtual Public relations, beyond the virtual interaction One-to-one, and improve it as Organization-Organization. ·NST structure for inclusive social media: National Website and Social Media Management Connected with Content Developers. ·Establishing the information reach by virtual market research as a reliable resource for the making decision process. Virtual Measurement system, that helps to connect the virtual indicators with the organizational goals.

·AIESEC Colombia as a Media community. ·Defined main channels for interaction with every stakeholder. ·Increasing the number of people joining AIESEC ·Increase our positioning between our stakeholders as provider of top young talent. ·Increase the brand perception in virtual channels. ·Networkign between organizations (corporate networking) ·High traffic in our main channels.

·Professionalize marketing tools, using national follow up to the executions of the process involve in the Delivery. ·Inclusion and understanding of the marketing mix as a tool for effective planning. ·Product development, focused on building local portfolio ·BTL marketing, in strategic channels for target students and organizations, with national structured guidelines. ·Inclusive marketing campaigns for LC run by the MC, with clear definition of the 7 parts of brand experience. NST Developing new channels of communication by the market research, and getting into micro segments with the specific characteristics that we need.

·Increase the number of stakeholders and People applying for AIESEC ·Local & National portfolio defined ·New marketing research strategies that connect LCs with specific key markets. ·Engaged Alumni Network. ·Marketing tools with measurement systems connected with organizational goals.

·Engagement by the relevant publishes in National Channels, with intention and relevant information. ·Strategic communication plan, connected with the Local peaks of eXchange, recruitment, commitment, and local events. ·Strength the involvement of the MM with the Organizational Climate Management ·Brand Audit run by LCs, with to understand key improvement points in the presentation of the competitive advantage. ·Smart Newsletter, with specific and relevant information for every kind of stakeholder, with the synergy between Relational Marketing, and Marketing Research.

·Content and material with high impact in strategic markets. ·Excellent brand perception between our target markets whit adequate feedback. ·Effective communication between the MC-LC, for fast growth and operations. Synergy MC-LC Organized and connected national communications channels.


·Strong guides for brand management and Marketing process ·MC Initiatives focused in relevance and Dual XP ·International Cooperation focused in eXchange peaks ·AIESEC in Colombia connection with the global network ·Universities relations at local level. ·Structured and inclusive national education cycle. ·Structured Financial Model. ·“Visitante Temporal” for short eXchanges – DAS tramit ·Local & National smart investment. ·NST with national relevance. ·Structured discount politic(ICX) ·LR discount politics(EP fee) ·National segmentation design and follow up. BoA and National supervisory board.


·LC-LC Synergy ·Exchange Performance = MC sustainability ·Public relations management ·LCs portfolio ·AIESEC Colombia lack leadership skills ·Dual XP focus in the recruitments ·Local Legal Processes management ·Knowledge of Non-corporate market ·Measurement Systems ·Delivery Management. ·Inconsistent Positioning. ·Culture of growth and Development. ·Productivity Rate. ·Knowledge Management ·Understanding and use of


·Web 2.0 as major positioning strategy ·Alumni Relations ·Young Relevance in the labor market ·Non-corporate organizations forums, congress or meetings. ·Virtual Interactive Spaces ·Colombia needs to diversify markets ·Activities with other Young organizations or ONGs ·Asia pacific market. ·Knowledge of international trends

My Strenghts Creativity


a.Giving different vision from issues or opportunities that as a team we could take or live. Also it will make the relations with the team, because the creativity could make softer the work. b.Giving new ideas or original solutions, supporting the connection between areas and the way MK&COMM involve in the MC daily life.

a.I have passion, as it's Meaning, is living intensive Experience, and in my work as a team member not missing this, as would be constantly injecting new energy into our work. b.In my job as MC, sorportaria me to focus my energies for specific purposes, which help maintain a strong focus on results and greater personal effectiveness.

··ICETEX Relation ·Local Government Elections ·The Perspective of Colombia in other countries


Coherence a. As part of the MC team seems essential to maintain a close relationship in all aspects of life, and help also required to maintain excellent relations with others and which are always honest. b. at work as a team, excellence is a factor that would affect my personal working relationship with all persons and entities with which to work in the period, being consistent in this approach to excellence in all.



Non Corporate sector Relations with other student organizations, Events and forums, High impact local government projects, positioning in the ONGs sector, investment from corporate sector or financial sector for social projects. Social Networks and IT relevant New interactive virtual spaces (web 2.0), IT sector as a key TN taker, government support for projects and organizations, BTL marketing, marketing in micro-segments of key market, get loyalty from stakeholder by double via communication. Corporate Sector & External Events Public relations with key events of commerce chambers o councils, Agendas of different economic sectors, corporate social responsibility. New international Markets International cooperation with asian pacific countries, improve the quality for Technical profiles for European and asian markets, Logistic and export markets (proexport), Virtual roles for inclusion of Colombia in other counties market.

P e r s o n a l Effectiveness: Impatient

a. The biggest challenge will be more aware of my role as a support area. This would challenge a lot but my time management, meeting deadlines and quality in my work. b. Help in the search for new alternatives and solutions to the challenges present day, and not let it affected my plan of action, since these results depends on the implementation of a national committee.

a. This will help me challenge my way of working with others, to understand different work rhythms, and well as links to achieve effective results. b. This will help me to be demanding tracking and deadlines to be proposed during the period, and that would encourage people trabajn me to be very effective in their work.

Assertiveness: a. This challenged my way of showing my point of view, to make them more accessible and more effective when communicating without being aggressive or inappropriate use tones with my teammates. b. Help to open my vision of how to approach others and make my argument valid.

My weaknesses

Sustainable capacity

AIESEC in Colombia has been recognized for many years as a training institution with excellent leadership and experience, but has failed to tackle one of the biggest challenges, sustainability, and that at AIESEC as an organization that is constantly changing and where cycles leadership are very intense and short, there hasn’t been a focus on maintaining the local and national capacity over time, not only displayed in the number of members or exchange, but the following points:

Relevant Team XP(focus in Dual XP): The need for growth that has AIESEC in Colombia must not be supplemented by participation or performance of a limited number of people. This growth requires a greater challenge for leaders than for members of the teams, because the scope can have the processes and results of each local authority is limited by the scope are as an organization, but no as it accomplishes each individual. The challenge is to empower the MM and team leaders, rather than the same EB, as this creates future experiences relevant equipment and skills.

Ambitious Execution Processes (Focus in X growth): Currently, AIESEC in Colombia is in the process of learning as the best way to plan with ambition, but really what is required to achieve large numbers of experience, is to evolve our processes, from implementation of a one to one (an agent- a result) to team to project( a team - high number of experiences). Thus, the challenge is not planning large numbers, but to plan activities with great scope and quality.

Talent Management focus in Future Needs (Quality XP): This item is one of the most neglected,we manage the talent only according to current needs, but our product leadership, requires us to think of a complete experience, not a current role. That said, the challenge is proper use of a pipeline for membership, and understand how the current generation is building anddeveloping the next, both locally and nationally. And so it continues to promote the sustainability of talent, and avoid creating only cycles of high leadership and results.

14. cHALLENGES IN THE @XP Unfocused Recruitment Message

MM role

The main message presented in the recruitment process are not connected with living full @XP, and also encourage a gap between been an EP and a member. Initiatives: -Create the OC recruitment with members from TM, MK&C and OGX, to have clear connection between Full @XP and the right message to get into the people we need. -Increase the short term experiences, with the integration between short term LR and international cooperation. -Adjust selection process, to make it more inclusive, practical and short.

we need to increase the relevance of these positions; they are the ones who implement the strategies both, local and national. And are the one that are directly involve with the members and the process. Initiatives: -Design attractive roles for MM with high standards in selection process. -Develop the Local Support Team (Local Middle management), and design special training for them focused in develop soft skills. -Structured Benefits and follow up system for MM, that encourage members to take that opportunities.

@ Colombia as top 1 in IGN and top 5 in the world

H4TF Stage This stage is not used in Colombia and we don't involve people in this stage. Initiatives: -create a task force between F&A and TM, to involve the members in this stage with the external sector, and they can relate with opportunities in them. -H4TF sessions or tracks in conferences. (national & local) -Integration of them with the alumni network. They can support the work of the alumni manager and develop that kind of relations.

14. cHALLENGES IN THE @XP Reintegration & integration It's related with the quality for EPs and Trainees, we need take advantage of the knowledge and energy they have before or during they experience, also encourage other people to live this opportunity. Initiatives: -Create the EP/trainee learning plan, where we can have clear expectations about them experience. - Improve the interaction before the X with the LC host, to know wich opportunities we can offer to the trainee and wich one could take the EP. -create a short term experience manager in TM, who can support the creation of roles and projects for the reintegrated EPs and New trainees.

Elements needed to ensure quality of experiences:

Pool Diversification Our processes need to be inclusive with new kind of pools and how to give specific opportunities for them. -develop focused international cooperation, with new pools that are increasing in Colombia. -Marketing research for new upcoming markets in Colombia for ICX and OGX. -Develop new kind of projects or innovate in our process with the knowledge acquired with the new profiles. reintegrated EPs and New trainees.

·Customizing national education cycle ·Talent review tools that enables to measure the state of development of our people ·Awareness of the importance of the learning plan and the continuos revaluation of them. ·Adequate usage of the GCM in all the roles. ·Inclusive LC structures, for every kind of members. ·MoF for every member in the LC. ·Take advantage of the tools provided by for every stage. ·Integration of the external environment with the membership training.

1. National Org. Market analysis Agroindustrial

Manufacturing and Supplies

Services and Entertainment


Contribution in the National Segmentation





AIESEC Colombia Experience

Very weak Hard Center/West Strong

Strong Reachable National Strong

Weak Hard/Intermediate National Weak

Intermediate/Low Reachable National Weak

Threats with the Entrance of New Competitors





Balance Supply/Demand

Charge in Demand Steady Low

Charge In Supply Strong High

Balanced Weak Intermediate/High

Charge in Supply Strong High

Access to the Market National Coverage Government Support

Gremmies Situation Alumni Participation

Agroindustrial: The strategy in this case should be based in get the knowwledge of the sector, strat to be recognized, we can start using benchmarking process with companies related with them. And get the aproach into this sector by it's events, because they have a lot based on their gremmies and the gubernamental support. Also take advantage of their need of exportation, using our knowledge in marketing and international cooperation.

Manufacuring & Supplies In this sector we have lots of opportunities, because we start to have more interesting approaches and manage our public relations between alumnis and all the gremmies(ANDI)y can give ud important information fo the sector. Also, we need to take advantage of the experience we had in them, showing the Good case practices with companies of this sectors all over Colombia. It's really interesting sector for innovate in TTs related with engineering.

2.the best strategy of publicity Today the approach to the students market is changing, is starting to be challenging, today the young people is a multi-consumer, they are not attracted by traditional publicity, right now we need to get into the “mediamorfosis”, where the consumer is the one that feels is in control of the information that want to have. For that reason we need to start to been interactive, been more than an organization a community. So for me an ideal advertising strategy, and more so during the times of recession, should be one that utilizes the power of traditional communications channels (posters, email, stands, videos, ….) to draw traffic to websites and virtual social networks; the websites and social networks on the other hand, should provide adequate information about the products, easy navigation and interactive spaces to ensure that the visit transforms into a person involve with what is AIESEC and easily get into the dual XP concept The advantages of guide our consumers to get into our social networks and websites, is that it gives them the feeling that they have control, and they can see the content they want, but we are giving them not only the opportunity to be connected with us, but also to give them the message the way we want, could been Videos, Virtual Poster o Flyers, Blogs, almost every virtual tool, to let them get the main idea of AIESEC as a enabler of leadership and exchange experiences.


·We can have measurement systems in the virtual spaces to know the effectiveness of it. ·We can give more information than other media. ·The ROI is bigger, because it cost are lower. ·The percentage of time of young people is bigger in the web, than other massive media channels. ·It allows us to make an specific segmentation of our market, by the virtual social networks. ·We can show more specific information based on the experiences of other members(dual XP) ·Colombia is one the main contries in latinamerica that get into he boom of social Media. ·We don't stop to use the traditional communication channels, just give them a structured connection and a way forward. ·It has viral and interactive nature.

1. National Org. Market analysis (continue...) Services and Entertainment: This sector, have been dfficult for AIESEC in Colombia to approach, because, we don't have lot of experience and also they don't have gremmies and lots of different kinds of subsector, the strategy should be based in positioning and marketing research, because we need to know more about the leader companies in this sector and it's subsectors, because this willgive us an easy approach to them. Also we can take advantage of the develop of clusters of subsector by LCs, because sector like tourism, communications, and construction have bigger impact in determinated regions.

Comerce: In the comcerce sector, we can see the high level of organizations of our National Segmentation, and as we see is competitive sector for every company, so the strategy in this sector most be based in adevertising AIESEC as the best way to they been different from the competence, and get acces to best talent in fields like: Marketing, Communications, selling, strategic management and project management. also we need to be more connected with the gremmies of this sector(FENALCO), because they have lots of information and opportunities to AIESEC get more contact in this kind of market.

4. communication between the MC and Lcs Measure the minimums of Communications provided by the MC:

Also, for improve the communications MC-LC, we need to see the other side, and it is the MC, because as MC , we need to assure the connection with the LC, to give the information effectively and timely, because it not only depends of the LCs, for assure that from MK&C, is to have minimums of communication with the LCs, like the chats, the usage of the team, the integration of virtual spaces in their channels.

The best way to improve the communication between MC and the LCs is based in the right usage of the internal communication channels and the integration of them, for a better understanding is just following three simple points:

Increase the local awareness of national communication channels: A big issue that we can find in the communication between MC-LC, is that the MC could provide lots of information but the LCs are not watching it or providing the necessary attention, that's why from the MK&C area need to implement this awareness, developing tools and guides for how each person in the LC could be connected with the national channels, because is not the same the usage of national communications channels that should have an LCP, a VP, a Coordinator or even an EP. That's why we need to assure minimums as the members subscribed in local and national news, leader using teams to connect the national strategies, LCP or VP getting involved with the national chats and forums.

Integrate with virtual interactive spaces: The idea of the integration, is that virtual spaces that we usually use in our daily activities of the LCs and MC, could be connected in our biggest internal communication channel, that work as the center where all this channels and information flows. Examples are the use of online Flash development studio like for make attractive our news, Wikis and teams; use social media as facebook or twitter to link easily with our platform, in the past years we started the BOOM of all this platforms, but we had never have the awareness and benefits of connect them with our main communication space. We just need to have an organized strategy and guidelines of how to involve this virtual spaces with

3. Trends = Projects

BIG social Projects


Dual XPs

Short term eXperiences

This a marketing trend that is chaging the way we develop products. Tha project based on exchange that can emerge from there is one that is develop in the comercial market and manufacturing sector for the costumer understanding, and offering AIESEC, as the connnection between the IT systems and marketing strategies to approach the costumers and create new products with high involvement of the costumer needs.

This a global tend that could support big amount of exchanges just by the relevance it has inside and outisde AIESEC. The main base of it is offering to Colombian orgnisations the opportunity to connect them markets with the new emerging markets (Asian markets BRIICK, Growth of emerging Including now Indonesia and Kazakhstan and the CIVET). We can Markets take advantage of the strong membership and internationa cooperations we have in those markets and the need of the companies to invest on them. Also we can include facilities for LR to take leading in this kind of project in every county and to take the echange based in a global trend.


We can take advantage of project based on the actual needs of the companies to be connected in the glogal trend of virtual and interactive spaces. First, because we need to increase the TT market knowledge in Colombia, also as global organisation is easy for us to get into this global trend. It cuold include also a national task force focused in undertand more this market in Colombia, and connect our product with it. For this kind of projects, the main idea is the develop of a "Bussiness Node", where the organisations that are inside the project could have information and advice about how to get inside this new trend.

5. MK&C timeline Marketing Research

We need have more information about the rends and the markets we are going to focus, and it's a huge support for planning and recuitment. Mostly is run by the MC, so theres is no problem to be in the time of low LCs activity


is totally connected with the marketing research, and it has to be run directly by LCs, and it is the base for recruitment and the external aproaches of the LC. Is in the strategic date when we need to persuade our target audience, EP/students get into

Advertisement AIESEC and organisations been allies. The point to have in the Recritment and Reased dates is because we need to be focus in the Media brand positioning and brand perception in with the satkeholders. Managament It is totally connected with the Raised and motivations peaks in the LC, and get the Public involvement in the external sector. relations it is focus in the time we need to create long term relations and we are in peaks of Raised realtions and Motivation f the LCs, not only in TN takers, but also in any kind of stakeholder. Market


is for a time when we can see process that have been develop for other entities inside and outside AIESEC, and it's before planning, so is the perfect time to include it in the re-planning.

Design and Management of Communications Channels.

The design of communication channels is based in the need of strat culture of communication, and the perfect time for it is during recruitment and before LIM, also it need to be manage across the year, but the main focus is in the design dates.

Organizational Climate Management

It is in the end dates of each semester to could evaluate the perceptions of the members of the organizational atmosphere and create strategies to improve it, laso is connected with low motivation dates, and how to improve them.

Brand Effectiveness

This process is directly connected with the measurement of the external sector uderstanding of our brand, so it fit prefectly after the Raised peaks and the peaks in the positioning process.

thanks for your time!

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