MCVP ER_Malaysia_Application_Randy Puentes_Answers

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in Malaysia?

Since AIESEC got into my life, three years ago, started the biggest challenge of my life. Daily it became my way to go out of my comfort zone, to develop new skills, to increase a vision of a world, and my mainly way to give all the impact that I want in the world. Professionally, it is a turning point in my life where I'm taking the opportunities to build my future with my own hands. I'm about to finish my studies as an industrial engineer, and I have found a strong focus in management and improving organizational performance. Therefore I believe that now is the time to go further, taking a bigger challenge in my AIESEC XP, for which indirectly I have been preparing myself these past three years. Malaysia also remains one of the fastest growing countries in Asia Pacific that could make this experience exceeded my expectations and professional ambition, which has always marked every one of my steps in life. For me Malaysia is a country full of diversity and a place full of new experiences , and I feel a big connection with the culture around it. Simply is a DREAM COME TRUE.


2. Strenghts Creativity/Innovation This is one of the charateristics that had give shape to my @XP, in every role that I take I always develop new ways to do operations, new projects, and always try to improve the performance through it. Ex. Now as MCVP Marketing I have develop engegament and upselling tools for increase the people taking the ELD programmes.

Impatient It´s related with the Results orientation that I have, because it always have push the people around me to accomplish the deadlines. For example when I was LCVP, always my performance was on time, and disturb me when others didn´t do it.

Need a Dynamic Environment

Integrity This is always taked as a value, because it gives shape to every decision you take and how it affects the other. For me is importan just for the fact that AIESEC works with PEOPLE experiences, not only results.

Results Oriented it can be seen just in the results of my previus roles, to always keep my eyes on the goal. Ex. When I was LCP in AIESEC in Pereira, we grow 100% in OGX, or in my role as Social Media Manager we develop a national congress for external and we get 1000 applicants just by Social media Channels.

I'm always looking for not have a static work environment, and in the MC term It help me to keep a dynamic environment for the team, for we don't fall into monotony and low productivity rate. For example I´m not a big fan of been all the time in the office. Our work is outside.

Forgetful I'm can forgot things in short time, and affect my work in short time, that´s why I always try to be with an agenda, cellphone or Ipad, to keep track of the things I can´t forgot.

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