MUSLIM LEAGUE AT A GLANCE -I Sir Sayed and His Visions Born on 17th October 1817 in Delhi, Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan was the wellknown reformer of 19th century. Whenever we seek the man of this educational and political advancement of Muslims in present India, we no doubt reach at this great personality of the history. That assisted the Muslim minority so as to escape from the depth of ignorance was his splendid visionary. He was called by Mahatma Gandhi as a Prophet of Education. The founder Prime Minister of India Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru (1889- 1964) said “Sir Saiyad was an ardent reformer and he wanted to reconcile modern scientific thought with religion by rationalistic interpretations and not by attacking basic belief. He was anxious to push new education. He was in no way communally separatist. Repeatedly he emphasized that religious differences should have no political and national significance�. As far as Muslims in pre-independent India are concerned, they were waging persistent battles against the British sovereignty. In several part of India they the Muslims restlessly agitated against foreign forces. In Malabar region The Muslims were in severe fighting for about four and half century long term. They the Muslims of Malabar initiated this state of anti-colonial war from the Vasco da Gama (1460-1524) from Portugal and his co-travelers reached at Calicut on May 20, 1498 and continued this situation till the midnight of freedom of mother land from British whip-hand. Written the authentic history at the very first regarding of the advent of Islam to India and the situation of believers under the tremendous colonial assaults, Mr. Shaik Zainudheen Makhdoom II (R) very woefully has explained about colonial barbarities in his book Tuhfat Al Muahidin Fi Bad akhbar al Burtughaliyyin (tribute to the Holy Warriors in respect of a brief account of the Portuguese) In general, the Indian Muslims were in serious struggle against British raj after Sirajuddaula nawab of Bengal was defeated in the Battle of Plassey (23 June 1757) and Bahadur Shah Zafar [1775-1862] the last Mughal king was exiled to Rangoon (now Yangon), Burma (now Myanmar), in 1858 where he lived his last five years and died in 1862 at the age of 87. In addition to this, the Muslims of India potently annunciated due to intensity of aversion towards the foreigners that that learning English is haraam (prohibited) and boycotted English