Raquel López Rodríguez
PROPOSTA DIDÁCTICA 1. TITLE: I LOVE PANCAKES 2. AUTHOR: Raquel López Rodríguez 3. E-MAIL: raquellopezrodriguez@edu.xunta.es 4. JUSTIFICATION In this didactic unit we are going to deal with lexicon related to typical Canadian dishes and recipes, together with the teaching of giving basic instructions as the main situational contexts for their use and understanding. This unit aims at helping the students practice the function of expressing and following instructions to elaborate recipes, one of the basic communicative functions which make them reach communicative competence, being this the main goal for foreign language teaching nowadays. All these components are part of the criteria to follow established by the Official Curriculum, so this unit could be developed in any school of Primary Education. Main legal reference: • Organic Law 8/2013, 9th of December (LOMCE). • Royal decree 126/2014, 28th of February, which establishes the basic curriculum for Primary Education nationwide. • Decree 105/2014, 4th of September, which establishes the curriculum for Primary Education in our Autonomous community.
Raquel López Rodríguez
Furthermore, our learners are required to acquire more oral than written competence, so that we will mainly work listening and speaking skills. 5. LEVEL We have designed this unit for 20 students in the fourth level of Primary Education, whose ages range from 9 to 10. On the one hand, we will make use of games and activities which in turn will be performed in pairs or groups so that pupils can practice language in context. On the other hand, since our students have been learning English for six years at least, it will be easy to motivate them and they show a positive attitude towards the English language and culture. 6. INTERDISCIPLINARITY This unit will carry out in collaboration with the English teacher and will be developed in different areas of the curriculum (since I teach almost all the areas in this class, included Arts and Crafts in English) • Social sciences. We will review how the planet earth is distributed in continents. We will learn more about Canada, its location, its different territories as well as Canadian customs in relation with their mealtimes and typical food. • Arts and Crafts. We will cook the recipe in an arts and crafts session and then, they will elaborate their own pancakes by making use of different recycling materials • Maths. We will work with different ways of measuring ingredients, in such a way they will have to take these concepts already seen in previous year back to their minds • Galician Language. As different concepts have been already worked upon recipes in Galician language in relation to the festivity of “Magosto”, we will try to follow the same pattern to teach Pancakes recipes. • English Language. Students will be working about Canadian food habits, as well as,
Raquel López Rodríguez
specific vocabulary and basic functions related to recipes. 7. MATERIALS According to the ICTs materials we will need to carry out this didactic unit, we will make use of the digital white-board in the classroom to introduce and practise the different contents (geography, recipes lexicon)and computers to practice vocabulary play some games related to the topic that can be found in websites that include material created by Galician teachers 8. KEY COMPETENCIES TO BE WORKED UPON IN THE UNIT • Learn and consolidate vocabulary and functions related to daily routines. • Develop listening, reading, writing, speaking, classifying and memorizing strategies. • Get familiar with digital resources. • Develop non-linguistic resources for communication. • Develop intercultural competence through the comparison of other countries to our own. • Be aware of Peace and Tolerance as well as Moral and Civic Education. • Become aware of the geographical situation of English-speaking countries. 9. GENERAL OBJECTIVES b) Carry out individual and group work, making efforts and being responsible in studies, as well as develop aptitudes related to self-confidence, critical thinking, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in the learning process and enterprising spirit. c) Acquire abilities that help students to prevent and to solve conflicts peacefully and that enable them to grow with autonomy at home and in the social groups they relate to. f) Acquire the communicative competence necessary to express and understand simple
Raquel López Rodríguez
messages and interact in everyday situations in at least one foreign language. 9.1 LINGUISTIC OBJECTIVES • Learn and consolidate vocabulary and functions related to Canadian daily routines and typical Canadian dishes. • Develop
strategies. • Get familiar with digital resources. • Understand and identify vocabulary related to ingredients, instructions to elaborate a pancake recipe. • Write your own pancake recipe. • Develop non-linguistic resources for communication. • Develop intercultural competence through the comparison of other countries (Canada)to our own. 9.2. NON-LINGUISTIC OBJECTIVES • Identify the different continents. • Understand both physical and political maps. • Orient and Situate oneself in space. • Become aware of the geographical situation of Canada and locate Canada and Galicia in the map (by means of a physical world map and through Google Earth) • Reproduce the planet Earth by making use of different materials (balloon, newspaper, glue, temperas…) • Be able to locate and recognise Canada and Galicia and some of their important cities and places in the planet previously made. • Be aware of Peace and Tolerance as well as Moral and Civic Education. • Identify and consolidate vocabulary related to ingredients in a recipe and the necessary units of measure. • Be able to choose the most appropriate unit of measure (pinch, little spoon of,
Raquel López Rodríguez
grams, litres…)and the instruments needed to elaborate the recipe. • Represent their own pancake recipes by making using of materials they have in the class (play dough, different paper craft, cardboard…) • Explore the possibilities of materials, textures, colours, shapes to elaborate creative pancakes. 10. CONTENTS 10.1. LINGUISTIC CONTENTS COMPRENHENSION OF ORAL TEXTS • Understanding of oral messages related to Canadian daily routines expressed by the teacher or coming from different digital or audio-visual means. • Interest in using the foreign language, verbally and non-verbally, with a careful pronunciation. • Use of the foreign language as an instrument for a content and language integrated learning. PRODUCTION OF ORAL TEXTS • Participation in real or simulated communicative situations expressing vocabulary and functions related to typical Canadian meals and recipes. • Critical
communication means. COMPRENHENSION OF WRITTEN TEXTS • Reading and understanding of different meaningful messages related to Canadian daily routines, typical meals and Canadian recipes in the written form, adapted to the students’ communicative competence. • Autonomous use of reading strategies. • Reading of texts within habitual communicative situations of social relationships. • Use of the ICTs to understand texts. PRODUCTION OF WRITTEN TEXTS • Association of graphemes, pronunciation and meaning coming from written and oral
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models. • Autonomous use of writing strategies. • Writing of a special and creative pancake recipe. • Interest in using the ICTs to produce texts. REFLECCTION UPON THE LANGUAGE AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS • Use of strategies such as repetition, imitation, memorisation, observation, classification, use of different multimedia aids, and so on. • Interest in text-reviewing and text-correction. • Reflection upon and activation of the knowledge of the environmental languages in order to favor comprehension of messages in the foreign language. • Comparison of the typical meals in Galicia and in Canada. • Respect and positive attitude towards people that speak different languages with different life-styles. • Knowledge of the geographical situation of Canada. 10.2. NON-LINGUISTIC CONTENTS • Understanding physical and political maps • Location of Canada and Galicia in the map and in the planet Earth made by themselves. • Orientation in space making use of a world map (interactive and printed) • Reviewing and understanding of the main units of measure in relation to recipes. • Choice of the appropriate units of measure according to the ingredients of the recipe (grams, litres…) • Use of different measuring instruments to make a recipe. • Interest in using correctly the instruments and also the spaces in the class to carry out their work. • Feeling of satisfaction by manipulating and exploring the different materials and how they change/transform when mixing with others. • Use of different recycling materials found in the class to elaborate their own pancakes.
Raquel López Rodríguez
• Respect and positive attitude towards others’ works. 11. EDUCATION IN VALUES • Moral and Civic education: Respect everybody’s daily life, food and outcome. • Education for peace and tolerance: Accepting cultural differences. • Healthy Education: the importance of good habits for health. 12. SOCIO CULTURAL ASPECTS • Daily life of Canadian people and Canadian typical dishes. 13. TIME AND SEQUENCING The unit comprises 7 sessions distributed in the different areas in the following way: As I am the tutor teacher of this class, this unit comprises 6 several sessions distributed in different areas and in collaboration with the English teacher: One session in Social Science area will be taken to review the layers of the planet Earth, focusing on the part related to the continents, in such a way that we can explain where Canada is located and also we can analyse the distance from this country to ours, discussing the main geographical differences as well (comparison of the sizes of continents, their location taking into account the hemispheres...) We will make use of Google Earth to travel around the main cities in both countries. After this, in the Arts and Crafts session students will represent the planet Earth and the continents by making use of diverse materials: balloon, newspaper, blank paper, temperas, glue... During the first English session, our students will learn more about Canada together with information related to their daily routines and food habits (intercultural competence). They could see the similarities and differences between the two countries. For this purpose, we
Raquel LĂłpez RodrĂguez
will use different interactive resources Galician teachers have created and that can be found in websites like the following one: https://www.edu.xunta.es/espazoAbalar/sites/espazoAbalar/files/datos/1329481386/conti do/canada2011/canada2011.html The second session of Arts and Crafts will be devoted to the Pancakes. First, we will play a game, just to guess the order of the instructions to cook a pancake. http://www.cookinggames.com/pancake-day.html After this activity we will try to find out the ingredients and the steps to follow and we will write their assumption on the board. Students will also complete this worksheet which includes quantities/portions of the ingredients needed. Once seen the pancake recipe and having all the necessary ingredients, we will start to make our own. The second English session will have to do with recipes and the lexicon and function needed to elaborate one (this function has already seen in the area of Galician Language in which students wrote recipes of chestnut desserts (significant learning) In this sessions students will be asked to write their own pancake recipes. The last two sessions will take place in the Arts and Crafts class in which students will elaborate a pancake craft following the pancake recipe they have already wrote during the English lesson. They can make use of diverse materials they find interesting (they can use materials from the class and they can even bring their own from home) Once they finished their crafts, they will explain to the rest of the class their pancake recipe using their writing as a support. We will upload some digital materials and several links of activities to the class blog in order for our students to feel motivated as they can see what they have done and the goals they have reached.https://trasnosdotomas.blogspot.com.es/2017/12/i-love-pancakes.html
Raquel López Rodríguez
14. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Although groups of learners must be as homogeneous as possible, not all of them learn at the same time, some will finish sooner while others will no be able to finish activities on time, so we will take this into account in the formation of the groups/pairs and also by providing those students that finish sooner other activities related to the topic. In this way, they will be busy practising English while their mates finish or try to finish the activity they had already done. They are ways of attention to diversity. 15. EVALUATION Legal reference: • Decree 105/2014, 4 of September. th
• Order of 23 November 2007 rd
It will be continuous, global, formative and integrating. 15.1 EVALUATION CRITERIA 17.1.1 LINGUISTIC EVALUATION CRITERIA • Learn and consolidate vocabulary and functions related to Canadian daily routines and Canadian typical dishes. • Be aware of the differences between Galician and Canadian daily routines developing in this way intercultural competence. • Be conscious of typical Canadian dishes. • Write a special pancake recipe. • Recognise and use vocabulary related to recipes and their main ingredients. • Make use of the different units of measure when describing their recipe. • Use the correct vocabulary and structures to explain the others the instructions for their recipe. • Get familiar with digital resources. • Become aware of what Peace and Tolerance means as well as Moral and Civic Education.
Raquel López Rodríguez
17.1.2. NON-LINGUISTIC EVALUATION CRITERIA • Become aware of what Peace and Tolerance means as well as Moral and Civic Education. • Participate in the elaboration of a globe with the different continents. • Make use of different materials in the class and recycling materials taking from home to elaborate a pancake craft. • Recognise and use the appropriate units of measure to cook pancakes. • Make use of the correct units of measure when giving instructions to make special pancakes. • Show respect towards other students’ creations. • Shows interest in searching information about Canada, pancakes… through ICTs. 17.2. LEARNING STANDARDS. • Understands and recognises vocabulary and functions from oral and written texts about typical Canadian dishes. • Understands and uses vocabulary of the unit to explain their pancake recipe. • Is able to produce written texts about Canadian recipes. • Is able to interact in a conversation about Canadian daily routines and typical Canadian dishes. • Identifies Canadian daily routines and compares them with his/her own daily routines. • Participates in the creation of a globe and recognises the different continents. • Is able to locate Canada and Galicia in the globe. • Makes use of the different units of measure when describing their recipe. • Recognises the instruments needed to measure the ingredients for a pancake recipe. • Shows interest in using the ICTs to produce oral and written texts to transmit information. • Shows respect and tolerance towards the opinions of his/her classmates. • Is able to describe orally their creation (pancake craft) using their written recipe as a support.
Raquel López Rodríguez
• Is creative when using different recycling materials to elaborate their own pancake craft. 17.3 EVALUATION INSTRUMENTS • Teacher’s diary • Student’s diary • Class weblog • Rubric
Raquel López Rodríguez
1.1 Understands and recognises vocabulary and functions from oral and written texts about recipes. 1.2 Is able to produce written texts about recipes
1.3 Is able to explain his/her recipe orally using the vocabulary learnt in the unit.
Understands and recognises vocabulary and functions from oral and written texts about daily routines without the help of visual support. Is able to produce written texts without following previous models with coherence and cohesion. Explains his/her recipe with a high degree of fluency and autonomy without pauses using the vocabulary learnt in a correct way.
Understands and recognises vocabulary and functions from oral texts about daily routines with the help of visual support.
Understands and recognises all the vocabulary from oral and written texts about daily routines without the help of visual support.
Understands and recognises some vocabulary from oral and written texts about daily routines with the help of visual support.
Is able to produce written texts following previous models with coherence and cohesion.
Is able to produce written texts following previous models with some coherence and cohesion. Explains his/her recipe with certain degree of fluency and autonomy with some pauses, using some of the vocabulary in a correct way.
Is able to produce written texts following previous models with limited coherence and cohesion. Explains his/her recipe with limited fluency and lack of autonomy with many pauses, using few vocabulary learnt.
Explains his/her recipe with considerable fluency and autonomy with few pauses, making use of a lot of vocabulary seen in the unit in a correct way.
Is creative when making the pancake craft and uses different kind of recycling materials
Is creative when making the pancake craft and uses different kind of recycling materials
Identifies and understands some daily routines of English speaking countries.
Identifies some daily routines of English speaking countries.
EVALUATION CRITERIA 3: BECOME AWARE OF WHAT PEACE AND TOLERANCE MEANS AS WELL AS MORAL AND CIVIC EDUCATION. 4.1 Shows respect and tolerance towards the opinions of his/her classmates.
Shows respect and tolerance towards the opinions of his/her classmates.
Shows respect towards the opinions of his/her classmates.
Listens to all his/her classmates showing difficulties to respect their opinions.
Listens to his/her friends, not to all of the classmates.