August 2010

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Volume 5, Issue 3

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INSIDE: • RE BarCamp • REALTOR®Fest 2010 Registration Form Inside

• Leadership • Education Calendars

From the

President Karen Smith

All in the Family For those of you who have been in the real estate business and involved in REALTOR® associations for a while, you know that both the business and associations are often referred to as a “family”. Figuratively speaking, I believe this is true for all of us. When a fellow REALTOR® experiences success, we celebrate; when one of us suffers tragedy, we all mourn the loss and do whatever we can to help the healing. When communities served by REALTORS® experience devastation, REALTORS® and their associations lend support through financial contributions time and time again. They reach out to provide much needed supplies, even old-fashioned elbow grease. As an example, this fall at the National Association of REALTORS® convention in New Orleans, five years after Katrina, we will without hesitation take time out from of our convention duties to once again help build Habitat houses for those in need. For some of us, when we speak of the REALTOR® family, we mean it in quite the literal sense. Some members of RAR entered the REALTOR® ranks when they joined their mother’s, father’s, or even their in-law’s businesses. Some of us are married to REALTORS® and others of us are busy passing the torch to our sons and daughters. In this issue of Listed, we celebrate multiple generations of REALTORS®. We couldn’t tell everyone’s family history, but we’ve tried to chronicle the stories of many. While each family is different, what they all share in common is a desire to help others, a high regard for the honorable profession of real estate, and a sense of obligation to maintain and model the traits of concern, commitment, and integrity that have been passed down to them. In a way, these stories of families bring us all back to what’s really important—why we entered real estate in the first place, why (most of us) love what we do, and why we stick with it. Personally, I’ve been a member of the REALTOR® “family” for 27 years. I’m grateful for each and every relationship I’ve had the pleasure to develop over those years, and I look forward to making many more in the years to come. Happy reading, everybody.

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L I S T ED Volume 5, Issue 3 2010



Listed Magazine is published quarterly


by the Richmond Association of REALTORS , ®

8975 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, VA 23229


Editor-in-Chief Karen J. Treanor Director of Communications and Marketing


Managing Editor


Kate Sterner Communications Coordinator

Generations in Real Estate A Richmond Family Tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Advertising Contact Lisa Garcia (804) 422-5000


Printing & Production

Association News RPAC Celebration, RAR Golf Tournament, REALTOR®Fest . . . . . . . . . .

Proforma Graphic Information Services

4 Graphic Design Sattler Creative

CVR MLS Cautionary Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generational Perspectives Technology and the MLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technology Tip ActiveX Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CVR MLS Training Schedule September - December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 6 7 8

Government Affairs Generational Perspectives Real Estate and Government Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

The publisher does not endorse advertised products unless specifically stated and reserves the right to reject any advertisements at any time. Any questions about advertising policy should be directed to the Managing Editor or the Director of Development. REALTOR® members pay annual dues with a one-year subscription included within their dues. Sponsor and affiliate members receive a subscription to the magazine as part of their member dues. Annual subscription rate

Professional Development

for non-members is $25.

Leadership Among Richmond Real Estate Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


(804) 422-5000

RE BarCamp Richmond’s First Ever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


(804) 422-5088


Education Calendar September - November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


Copyright 2010. Richmond Association of REALTORS .

Meet The Board of Directors Lummie Jones and Nancy Cheely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

All Rights Reserved. Articles of information from the magazine may not be reprinted without the permission of the Richmond Association of REALTORS®. Postmaster: Please send change of address to


Listed Magazine, Richmond Association of REALTORS ,

REALTOR®Fest 2010 Registration and Event Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

8975 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, VA 23229


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2010 RAR Leadership

RPAC Celebration and Recognition Event, October 7, 2010 Plan to join us for RAR’s annual RPAC

Karen Smith

Cheryl Hamm

Don Atkinson

Scott Ruth

2010 President

2010 President-Elect

2010 Immediate Past President

2010 Vice President

Celebration and Recognition event on October 7 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at


CenterStage. Contributions of $99 or more

Richard Bower Nancy Cheely Amy Enoch Tom Innes Earl Jackson Wayne Johnson, Jr.

by September 15, qualify for free admission to the RPAC Recognition reception. Those contributing $250 or more will be invited to attend a private dinner with local and state elected officials following the

Lummie Jones Mark Joyner Jean Longest Cathy Saunders Linda Staples Bill White

reception. Make a contribution today and don’t miss out on this great event. Log in to and look for the

Kathryn Burke at (804) 422-5010 with

the Greater Richmond Convention Center.

RPAC contribution link on the member

the name(s) of player(s), a telephone

This year, REALTOR®Fest will

profile page.

number and method of payment. This

provide Richmond REALTORS® with the

information may also be faxed to

opportunity to “RE Tool, RE Fuel and

RAR Golf Tournament,

804.422.5056. The deadline to make a

October 14, 2010

RE Juvenate.” The event will include

reservation is September 24, 2010.

educational sessions with guest speakers,

Start practicing your swing. The annual

time to mix, mingle and network with

RAR Golf Tournament will return on

other industry professionals and an

Thursday, October 14, 2010 at The

environment that will be conducive to

Crossings Golf Course in Glen Allen.

inspiration. Don’t miss this fun event that

Those who would like to participate in the REALTOR Fest,

Richmond REALTORS® look forward to

through the administration office at RAR.

October 26, 2010

every two years. For information on

The event includes lunch, dinner and

2010 marks the return of RAR’s

obtaining a booth at REALTOR®Fest,

registration for $90 per person or $360 per

REALTOR®Fest, taking place on October

contact Lisa Garcia at 804.422.5009

team. To make a reservation, please contact

26, 2010 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at


Useful URL’s

tournament must make a reservation



RAR Home Page

CVR MLS Rules and Regulations

Bill Pay Site

RAR Government Affairs

RAR Staff Directory

Grassroots Action Center


The Real Estate School


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Virginia Real Estate Board Virginia Association of REALTORS® Local Home Search

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EXAMPLES OF VIOLATION: Invalid Owner Name such as entering Private, Owner, Initials, Vacant or Corporate into the Owner Name Field Explanation: In order to complete an Offer to Purchase a Buyer agent needs the full legal name of the titled Owner(s). Accurate and complete documentation of your listing entry benefits purchasers, sellers and MLS participants.

Examples featured in the MLS Cautionary Tales segment are provided to help administer the quality of the listing data in the system, which is an important aspect of providing MLS services. The Tempo MLS System is checked on a daily basis for listings that are in violation of the CVR MLS Rules & Regulations. Anonymous faxes/emails from members reporting listing violations are extremely valuable sources of quality control. Anonymous tips can be sent through the MLS contact link at the bottom of Agent Reports. Should you have questions regarding proper input procedures, please contact the MLS Department at 804.422.5004.

Governing Rule or Regulation: Section 12.3.1 Inputting Data: Listing input forms must be either delivered to CVRMLS staff for entry into the computer or Broker Loaded in the MLS Database in a timely manner as set forth in SECTION 11.0 of these Rules and Regulations. Listing information contained in the MLS Database shall include all ascertainable data in the fields designated by CVRMLS from time to time, including but not limited to link to tax (if available), Seller(s) or Seller(s) name, school data, correct property type, accurate area designation, map page and coordinates from appropriate map book, and directions. Listings with "other" listed in school field, "use map book" for directions, condo/townhome listed as single family and properties not linked to tax, for example, are considered incomplete Listings and are subject to fines in accordance with these Rules and Regulations. Violations: Violations of this rule are subject to a $250.00 fine as outlined in Section 19.4. Twenty (20) warning letters have been sent over the past month regarding this violation. A fine is incurred if the violation is not corrected within the time frame specified in the warning letter. Anyone receiving more than three warning letters in a thirty day time period is automatically fined $1,000 per the rules and regulations. For reference, a copy of the CVR MLS Rules and Regulations may be obtained online at or w w w. R A R e a l t o r s . c o m

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Generational Perspectives: Technology and the MLS By Karen J. Treanor Director of Communications and Marketing


any things have changed as the modern real estate industry has taken shape, but most noticeable is the impact that technology has had on the multiple listing system and the way that REALTORS® interact with buyers and sellers. Generations of REALTORS® have been challenged with a great deal of technological advancements since the early years of the MLS. “This career requires constant reinvention, at least every 18 months or so, and technology has been a driving force in that requirement,” states Eileen Foster of Long & Foster Real Estate. Bill Eudailey, Sr., believes that the most useful advances made during his career have been to the lockbox and lockbox key. He still recalls the hassle of having to make arrangements to pick up house keys for showings in the 1960s and 1970s. With the modern-day Supra lockboxes and Active and E-Keys, the cooperative aspects of the MLS were made even more efficient. Jackie Atiyeh points out that the contrast is extreme when looking at the industry today as compared to her earlier days in the business. “In the late 1970’s, when I got into the business, we had to go to RAR once a week to pick up sheets that had all the


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new listings for the week. Later on, we had MLS books delivered to the office. We had no email, no fax machines and no cell phones,” she explained. “Those coming into the business today have to have advanced computer skills to compete in today’s world.” Both her children, Wes Atiyeh and Karen Stephens are technologically savvy and use innovations to their advantage. Karen Stephens, having come into the real estate industry from the technology field, specifically recalls her very first encounter with the internet. “I was in IT at the time,” she explained “and I remember thinking about it and giving Jackie a call to tell her that the Internet would be a great platform for MLS.” Earl Jackson recalls with incredulity a time when real estate offices had their own C.B. channels and agents communicated with their offices using C.B. radios. He attributes much of the success in progressive implementation of perpetual technological advancements to the association leadership. “Since about the mid 1990’s, the association has been more proactive than reactive in utilizing technology, which has been a big help in better facilitating transactions in our MLS,” Earl stated. Scott Shaheen, whose family tree extends broadly throughout the Central Virginia real estate industry, appreciates the greater efficiency the Internet and modern MLS have created. He started in the business with his father’s firm when listings were not posted on the Internet as they are today, but printed weekly in a book the size of the Yellow Pages. Contracts were hand delivered, not faxed, and lock boxes contained actual keys. “The Internet has allowed buyers the ability to preview homes inside and out and to determine more quickly which fit their needs. It’s helped to tremendously cut down on the time spent during the house hunting period, and it’s enabled REALTORS® to better pinpoint exactly what a buyer likes and dislikes early on,” says Scott. Blake Eudailey, whose father Bill and brother Billy are also real estate professionals, particularly enjoyed the advancements in cell phone technology. “Going from beepers to mobile phones was huge,” he recalled. “We all went in together and installed car phones in 1987 to the sides of our dashboards. We paid $700 for each phone!” he exclaimed. “Now you can pay less than $50 for a mobile phone AND you’re able to get access to the MLS on it.” Even with the many technological advancements these real estate families have witnessed and experienced over the past several decades, we eagerly anticipate just how the MLS might develop and be seen through the eyes of generations to come. L

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Technology/Tip ActiveX Controls ActiveX is an Internet and web-browsing tool that enables a website to operate with enhanced capability over an Internet connection. Common examples of ActiveX controls include command buttons, list boxes and dialog boxes. With Tempo, Active X controls must be downloaded and installed on every PC used to access the MLS in order for all of the Tempo features to function properly. A large Windows or Internet Explorer update, or the installation of another major software program can alter or reset ActiveX controls. Because updates like this can occur, it is good practice to ensure Active X controls remain setup correctly on

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your PC every once in a while. Checking is very easy to do. Log into Tempo™ and click on My Sidebar on the left side of the browser. Click on the ActiveX link and it will open in a new window. Click on the Install button one time, and then look under the Status column. If you see all red checkmarks, then Active X is installed and updated correctly. If you see any red X’s, then click on the Install button again and follow whatever instructions appear, until all the red X’s have changed to checkmarks. If you have any questions, click on Help (?) on the Tempo™ menu bar in the upper right corner of the browser. A short five minute online webinar on installing ActiveX controls is available by clicking on the Marketlinx logo at the bottom of the Help screen. It is called T5 Initial Setup.

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September - December 2010

Tempo Tip

MLS Training Schedule



iMapp Tax Records



Instanet Forms

1-3 pm


MLS Marketing



Digital Cameras & MLS Photography

1-3 pm


Top 10 Tips



Tempo Jump-Start



Prospecting & Contact Mgt

9-12 pm


CE Part 2-MLS

1-5 pm


CMA-Price It Right

1-4 pm


Instanet Forms



Appraiser Education Day



Report Writer

8:30-12 pm


Commercial RE Workshop



Tempo Jump-Start


MLS for Appraisers

9-12 pm



iMapp Tax Records

1-3 pm


The Wild Wild Web (SVAR)



MLS Rules and Regs (SVAR)

1-3 pm


CE Part 2-MLS

1-5 pm


Top 10 Tips



Instanet Forms

1-3 pm


Digital Cameras & MLS Photography




1-3 pm


e-PRO Workshop

9-10:30 am


Tempo Jump-Start



CE Part 2-MLS

1-5 pm


CMA-Price It Right

9-12 pm


Prospecting & Contact Mmt

9-12 pm


MLS Rules and Regs



iMapp Tax Records

1-3 pm


MLS Marketing



Tempo Jump-Start



To register, call the Education Department at 804-422-5016 or log onto and click on "Education”


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Whose House Is It Anyway? Accurate data in the Tempo™ database is essential in helping professionals serve their customers and clients. The smallest of errors can affect the successful marketing of a listing and potentially create serious consequences. In today’s marketplace, whether property ownership is correctly or incorrectly defined and entered can significantly affect a property’s target market. In the Single Family Condo/Town, Multifamily and Lots/Land property types field named “Owned By,” a number of choices are available to the listing agent. Using each correctly will help ensure that the listing is presented to the best and most appropriate customer. 1. Bank–Owned By Foreclosure: A property where the lender or other financial institution has foreclosed on the property and taken possession. This would include banks, mortgage companies, and similar financial entities. 2. Corporate: A property owned by a corporation or business. This is most commonly referring to, although not limited to, a Relocation Service or company. 3. Estate: A property where the owner is deceased and the property is being sold to execute the will and settle the estate. 4. Government: A property owned by a government entity, whether local, county, state or federal. This would also include military owned property. 5. Individuals: A property owned privately by individuals. 6. Partnership: A property owned by a legally formed partnership or group. 7. Other: Rarely used, but intended for occasional other types of ownership relationships outside of those already mentioned.

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Generational Perspectives: Real Estate and Government Affairs By Kate Loveluck RAR Communications Coordinator


enerations of REALTORS® have experienced many changes in policy and government affairs that have affected their occupations and family businesses. “The biggest policy changes I’ve seen have probably been things like the Chesapeake Bay Act, proffers put into place and restrictions on development,” Tom Innes said. “Some of the best policies affecting REALTOR® generations that have passed have been the tax credits for home buyers and renovation that have helped encourage revitalization. But more importantly sometimes, is the impact that comes from what DOESN’T get passed than what does.” The work of the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) has been a major influence to policy change throughout the generations. Jackie Atiyeh’s agents and all of her family members have been big supporters of the efforts of RPAC over the years. “RPAC has always been a focus for my office,” she said.

RPAC: Protecting the Livelihood of REALTORS® for Generations By giving to RPAC, you are supporting political candidates and public policies that support the real estate industry. State and local housing laws can drastically affect your day-to-day business, whether it’s licensing law, business taxes, or land use and


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“We encourage our agents to be $250 and above donors to RPAC through RAR. Supporters in the office go throughout the company raising awareness of the importance of donating to RPAC. Many issues have come to the forefront over the years and each time RPAC has been there to defend and promote our industry’s interests.” Karen Stephens, Jackie’s daughter, noted, “I support RPAC because when I was in the hotel business, I saw how twice the amount of tax was paid for room amenities. The reason for this is that they did not have a PAC to lobby on their behalf.” Much of Jim Napier’s concerns about government affairs over his career have included policies that affect affordable housing. Jim is the founding chairman of The Partnership for Housing Affordability (PHA), a non-profit founded by RAR in 2004. It was established to raise awareness within the business community and among elected officials about the need to create and maintain an adequate supply of affordable housing. “One of the main obstacles to affordable housing is getting policymakers to allow for different zoning and pricing points in neighborhoods,” Jim said. Both he and his brother, Rich, have opposed zoning decisions that hinder the progress of affordable housing. L

affordable housing. Please remember that candidates make those policy choices and RPAC helps us to elect candidates that are most supportive of our industry. The $99 annual “Fair Share” contribution translates into a little more than $0.25 per day, a small price to pay for protecting your “livelihood.” To view your RPAC statement online please log in to, click on the “RAR Members” button and key in your username and password. You may also make your contribution at the Association offices located at 8975 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, VA 23229. If you contribute $99 by September 15, you will also be admitted FREE to the RPAC Recognition Reception at CenterStage on October 7 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. For those who contribute $250 or more, you will be invited to attend a private dinner following the reception with local and state elected officials. Make your Fair Share contribution today, so you won’t miss out on this great event.

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By Kate Loveluck RAR Communications Coordinator

he real estate industry is one in which individual professionals work together towards common goals, including a continuous quest for industry knowledge, a reputation for exceptional service and the satisfaction of knowing that these services have made dramatic impacts on local communities and people’s lives. When a real estate industry professional loves their career, it seems natural for them to want to pass that legacy of passion, dedication and service on to their children. Throughout the years, the Richmond Association of REALTORS® has seen a large number of families proudly pass down the tradition of earning the REALTOR® pin to their families. “You don’t go into this profession for the money,” noted Ali Lambo Newkirk, daughter of Eileen and Larry Foster, with Long & Foster Realtors. “If you think about that part, it comes out to something like eight cents an hour sometimes. You choose real estate because you enjoy being of service to people. My family shares the philosophy that this isn’t a sales job, it’s a service job.” Ali is one of the several second generation REALTORS® serving the Richmond area and she has enjoyed the experience of both learning from and working with her parents. She recognized early on that she had absorbed much of her knowledge of the business from her parents prior to even entering the business, simply through listening to and observing them on a daily basis. Eileen and Larry recall overhearing one of the first tough phone conversations Ali had with a client. “We were really impressed with how well she handled it,” Eileen said. “We didn’t realize that she was paying such close attention to how we conducted business all those years.” Ali additionally brings her own unique talents into the mix, particularly her eye for staging. REALTOR® Wes Atiyeh, son of Jackie Atiyeh of Long and Foster, acknowledges that working with family has been both the biggest challenge and the greatest reward of working in real estate. “My mother is my hardest critic, but she has also


The Hogg Family


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Woody Hogg

Bradley Boykin

Pam Hogg

Tripp Hogg

Bryan Boykin

Kris Boykin w w w. R A R e a l t o r s . c o m

The Atiyeh Family Jackie Atiyeh

Karen Stephens

Wes Atiyeh

On the Real Estate Then and Now:

The Innes Family Tom Innes

Philip Innes

The Foster Family

Ali Lambo Newkirk, Larry Foster, Eileen Foster

The Eudaily Family

Anne Innes

“If you go back 15 years, the only way to advertise properties was through print ads and placing a sign in the yard. Now, with MLS feeds going to so many sites, it’s almost like free advertising.” -Earl Jackson “We’ve come a long way from reading hotsheets off curled up fax paper. We tease our father because he still subscribes to receive the MLS comp book. The thought of using an MLS book to us is equal to what life was like before the Gutenberg press.” -Blake Eudailey

Billy Eudailey, Bill Eudailey, Blake Eudailey

been my biggest fan over the years,” Wes explained. Working additionally with his sister Karen Stephens as of four years ago he says, “A lot of folks get the wrong impression thinking that it would be easy for the kids to make it just because they have a parent or family member in the business, but actually it is the opposite. Karen and I have had to work harder and smarter to establish our business.” The children and stepchildren of Woody and Pam Hogg, of ERA Woody Hogg & Associates, have faced similar challenges entering their family’s business. “Your children have to prove they can do it on their own,” Woody explained. “We’ve given our agents even more referrals than our family. I think when our children first started in the business they saw us as mom and dad rather than their boss. We showed them some tough love.” Jim Napier of Napier REALTORS® ERA humorously relays a similar sentiment. “My first job was emptying trash cans,” he said. He and his brother, Rich Napier, began working for their father, Oscar, in their early years and were promoted during high school to the maintenance crew, which involved mowing lawns at houses and lots for sale. “Dad was hard, but fair,” Jim said. “It was your responsibility to go out and earn your keep.” next page > w w w. R A R e a l t o r s . c o m

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The Shaheen Family

On the Real Esate Profession: “The biggest reward that comes with being a REALTOR® is that you are able to help people achieve the dream of home ownership.” -Scott Shaheen

Arthur Shaheen

Kimberly Wigg, George Shaheen

Scott Shaheen

Paige Shaheen

Holly Shaheen

Melissa Berling

The Napier Family

“I like the entrepreneurship. Every day you get the opportunity to do something different. You’re not punching a clock.” -Jim Napier “The biggest challenge is the ups and downs of the marketplace. The insecurity of not having a steady pay check can be disconcerting, but is also a challenge to work even harder and smarter.” -Jackie Atiyeh

Oscar Napier, Richard Napier, Jim Napier

The Jackson Family Earl Jackson

Clay Jackson

Win Slater

Earl Jackson of Prudential Slater had the pleasure of witnessing his son, Clay, work in the business and develop into one of the top ten agents for the three years that he practiced. Clay has since moved on to become the Maytag Repairman and brand spokesperson. Each generation of REALTORS ® has certainly benefited from the experience and expertise of the previous generation, but they have also thrived from the unique kind of encouragement that their families have bestowed on them through the years. “It has been great to have our father as our boss,” said Blake Eudailey. “We have been trained by being with and watching him. He has always been there for us to take the extra time to provide explanations. No one will encourage you more than your own family. I also find that your family will hold you to higher standards.” Blake believes that the patience, guidance and high expectations that characterize his family tradition in real estate should also be passed on to the rest of the real estate “family” within their business. “This is the side of the business we try to carry over to our agents as well,” Blake said. “We want them to feel that they are encouraged to be the best they can be.” L


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Leadership Among Richmond Real Estate Families By Karen J. Treanor Director of Communications and Marketing


ver the decades, generations of families have held positions of leadership with the Richmond Association of REALTORS®. Some have since gone on to serve at the state and national level. “I tend to think that family businesses have been the ones to lead the real estate industry,” noted Earl Jackson. “It seems that this is where a lot of our leadership has come from, families deep-rooted in the industry.” In 1984, Earl Jackson succeeded his father-in-law, Win Slater, as president of Prudential Slater James River REALTORS®. Win, the firm’s founder, is a former president of the Richmond Association of REALTORS®, a former Virginia Real Estate Board member, a Life Member of the National Association of REALTORS® and a REALTOR® Emeritus. Another local family that has displayed excellent examples of family leadership is the Napier family. It all began when Oscar Napier founded a real estate company back in 1958. His son, Jim, is now President and Principal Broker of that company, which is now known as Napier REALTORS® ERA. Oscar’s other son, Rich, is President of Napier Signature Homes, which his father also co-founded. Both Jim and Rich have served as president of the Richmond Association of REALTORS®. In 2002, while Jim served as president of RAR, Rich served as president of the Home Builders Association of Richmond and became the first person to serve as president of both associations. The Shaheen family is another great example of family leaders in Richmond real estate. Their family legacy branches out


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widely, including father, son, daughters, cousins and spouses. Each member of the Shaheen family has carved out their own niche in the industry, utilizing individual strengths and backgrounds to their advantage and to the advantage of the clients they serve. Scott Shaheen, Regional Vice President with Long & Foster, served as an RAR Director from 1999 through 2001 and again in 2006, then served as president of RAR in 2009. “My aspirations are to continue to work in the real estate field by growing both professionally and personally and to continue to be involved in all aspects of the business, including involvement with RAR,” Scott said. Jackie Atiyeh has helped pave the way for her children to follow her into an industry of constant progression. “In 1983 Dick Nelms asked me to manage an office on Cary Street Road, which later grew to be the Grove Avenue office and has been the leading office in the company for over 23 years,” Jackie explained. “In 1993 I became a partner in Bowers, Nelms and Fonville and in 1998 I joined Long & Foster to better position our agents in transitioning into a more technology-based industry. “One of the biggest shifts I witnessed in our business was our transition to a buyer agency. From the beginning of the evolution, I was a proponent of buyer agency and encouraged our agents to embrace the change, even though it was a very difficult concept for many to grasp. Now we all acknowledge the wisdom of that move and are more comfortable with the process.” Jackie has held leadership positions on the local, state and national levels, including serving as president of the Richmond Association of REALTORS®, member of the Virginia Association of REALTORS® Policy Board and as a Director at the National Association of REALTORS® representing Long & Foster. While some leadership in the industry has been a family legacy, those showing aptitude as industry leaders are now also being cultivated through a special new program at RAR called the Leadership Development Academy. Tom Innes proudly witnessed his son Philip join the program for its first year and become one of its graduates. “Philip was the youngest person to participate in the Leadership Development Academy,” Tom said. Philip enjoyed the experience of honing his leadership skills, while learning more about the association. “The experience opened my eyes to the immense amount of hard work required in becoming a leader with a successful association,” Philip stated. L

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RAR Hosts Richmond’s First RE BarCamp By Kate Loveluck RAR Communications Coordinator


n June 23, 2010, real estate professionals from across the region gathered at the Richmond Association of REALTORS® to experience what is known as an “RE BarCamp.” This event, referred to by some as an “un-conference” because of the informal manner in which it is structured, was the first of its kind to be held in the Richmond area. The day began as participants, many casually dressed with their BarCamp badges, smiling faces, curiosity and eagerness to learn, congregated in the RAR Atrium for the opening session. Once friendly greetings and other conversational exchanges quieted down, Ben Martin of the Virginia Association of REALTORS®, who served as the event’s emcee, welcomed guests. He asked for a show of hands to determine how many attendees had previously participated in an RE BarCamp. A few hands were seen above the crowd. He then asked who was in attendance that was experiencing RE BarCamp for the first time. As expected, a vast majority of hands appeared in the air. Having a feel for the w w w. R A R e a l t o r s . c o m

make-up of the audience helped to guide the next stage of the event, which was determining the day’s agenda. Post-it pads were handed out among the group and participants were asked to submit topics for discussion. The topics were then read aloud and a show of hands was again requested to indicate interest in each topic. After gauging interest, each topic for discussion was then assigned to a different room in the building. These smaller group discussions are referred to as “breakout sessions” and participation in each session is left solely up to individual attendees. Before releasing everyone from the opening session, Ben volunteered the BarCamp motto, which in essence encourages participants to exercise control over which sessions received their time and attention. “Vote with your feet,” he urged them. “If at any point you get bored or feel like you’re being sold to, get up and go somewhere else.” Barcampers created their personal agendas L I S T ED • 2 0 1 0 I S S U E 3


by jotting down the topics they found most interesting and heading out to the appropriate rooms holding those discussions. In each room, participants who volunteered to lead the various discussions shared their personal expertise with fellow REALTORS® and the fun and learning began. Topics discussed primarily focused on technology and social media, and their applications in the industry. Many tools and applications were introduced during these sessions and there was ample interest, excitement and enthusiasm throughout the various rooms. An early session in the computer room, called “Twitter 101,” taught how to use and create a Twitter account. Those interested in utilizing Twitter accounts were advised on how to integrate listings data into “tweets” in fun and interesting ways, always keeping their audience in mind. Another session that took place in the boardroom, called “Free Google Tools for RE Folks,” recommended the use of some helpful and free tools from Google. Daniel Rothamel, a REALTOR® from Fluvanna, led a social media discussion in the “BarCamp Newbie Track” session urging participants to, “Choose and use just the tools that work best with the way that you work.” Mid-day brought a break for lunch, which was generously provided by Bank of America, and more sessions


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and topics started up in the afternoon. One very popular session focused on real estate industry blogging. The overwhelming question on most attendee’s minds was whether or not a blog was an effective tool in helping to sell real estate. A moderator advised that REALTORS® shouldn’t concentrate their blogs only on real estate information and business related items. “One way to draw clients in,” he suggested, “is to let your character speak for your business by infusing your personality and personal experiences into your blog.” The theory is that these bits of information help create conversations, which eventually help to form relationships that may develop into leads. Once all of the afternoon breakout sessions concluded, barcampers regrouped in the Atrium for a game of “Barcamp Squares,” based loosely on “Hollywood Squares.” Business cards were drawn from a bowl that had been placed at the registration table in the morning and lucky “contestants” were chosen to compete to win valuable prizes such as a flip video camera, a netbook, one free night at Hotel Sierra, and several other giveaways. Each person selected was asked a trivia question based on the topics covered throughout the day and that person had to choose among a seated row of presenters to determine which of the true and false answers provided by them were correct and incorrect. If the correct responder’s answer was selected, the contestant won a prize. At the conclusion of RE BarCamp Richmond, participants met for an “after party” at the local Shackleford’s restaurant, where the conversations and excitement of the day continued into the evening. Few participants are able to walk away from a BarCamp experience and begin using each and every available tool covered in the sessions, but the experience and the educational sessions give participants an overview of some great resources that are out there and how they work. One barcamper summed up their experience as, “An outstanding way to learn new things, rekindle old things and compare notes with our peers.” Another concluded, “From this experience I learned that there are REALTORS® in Virginia that are willing to get together to share information and to assist their fellow REALTORS® in advancing their careers. RE BarCamp Richmond made this possible and I look forward to another!” L

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Meet the Board of Directors

Lummie Jones

Each issue of Listed features profiles of two current members of the Board of Directors.

How did you get involved in real estate? I started as a part time bookkeeper/assistant for a broker, who is now one of my partners at Napier Realtors ERA, and then decided to get my license. I started selling land and lots to builders and representing them and that led me to selling the homes of the buyers.

Firm & Years in Real Estate Napier REALTORSÂŽ ERA, Senior Vice President 27 years in real estate

Favorite Richmond Tradition Floating the James River

Designations ABR and Certified New Home Specialist

Favorite Vacation Spot I love to cruise and visit different areas.

Experience at RAR Served on Grievance, Professional Standards, MLS committee

Hobbies/Activities outside the office Enjoying my grandchildren, reading, entertaining friends and family, and travel

How did you get involved in real estate? I had worked at SunTrust Bank in marketing as the product manager for equity loans, and I wanted a financially rewarding career which used my education/skills and allowed me the flexibility to be home with my children.

Nancy Cheely Firm & Years in Real Estate Joyner Fine Properties, Maple Avenue Office, 19 years in real estate

Favorite Richmond Tradition The Junior League of Richmond's annual Book & Author Dinner, which just celebrated its 65th year!

Designations ABR, CRS, GRI, e-PRO

Favorite Vacation Spot St. Barths Island in the French West Indies. Also, Virginia Beach!

Experience at RAR Distinguished Achiever in 1993 and 1995-2009; two terms on the Grievance Committee, Professional Standards Committee, Leadership Development Academy

Hobbies/Activities outside the office Walking, golf, water aerobics, spending time with my family and friends and volunteering with the Historic Richmond Foundation

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REALTOR®Fest 2010: A Chance to REtool, REfuel, REjuevenate Mark your calendar and get ready for an all-day festival of workshops and educational seminars sure to add zest to your current business strategy. REALTOR®Fest is back this year with a remarkable line-up of speakers who will inspire, motivate, and inform you of the latest market and technology information. In addition to the seminars, you will have an opportunity to network with other real estate professionals and peruse the Trade Show for products and services that can help build your business. This year’s theme is “REtool, REfuel, REjuevenate.” Whether you’re an industry veteran or new to the field, it is always important to keep your sales toolbox fresh. The speakers at REALTOR®Fest are here to help keep you at the top of your game. by staying on top of market trends while earning credits for your participation. There are a variety of topics to suit your educational needs from Short Sales and Foreclosures to Social Media. All seminars will carry one hour of continuing education credit or post licensure credit. Attend one or attend them all. your contact list by networking with other industry professionals. Talking with others who share your passion for real estate can give you new ideas and fresh perspectives. your sales tools and techniques by exploring the Trade Show and mingling with exhibitors who are ready to show off their latest products and services.

Our Sponsors

Thank you to our REALTOR®Fest Sponsors:


Bank of America Home Loans MetLife Home Loans First American Home Buyers Protection Housemaster Inspection Services Loyal Termite & Pest Control Inc. Shaheen & Shaheen Dominion Dental Services Inc. Eagle Construction of VA LLC Optima Health Primary Residential Mortgage Inc Wells Fargo Home Mortgage American Home Shield Keiter Stephens PODS Colonial Farm Credit

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Keynote Speaker: Mike Staver Our keynote speaker will be Mike Staver, CEO of the Staver Group. An engaging and entertaining speaker, he provides consulting, coaching, and training programs for many Fortune 500 and other companies. He has worked with many well-known companies such as AT&T, EB Games, Long Realty Company, Prudential Real Estate and Cisco Systems, Inc. and is also a published author. Mr. Staver received his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and his Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology. For more information on Mr. Staver and his team, visit The Staver Group website at

Exhibitors: REALTOR®Fest is attended by members of the Richmond Association of REALTORS who seek the best solutions to their various business needs. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet face-to-face with REALTORS® and related industry professionals to showcase your latest products and services. If you are interested in reserving a booth at REALTOR®Fest, please contact Lisa Garcia, Marketing Representative for RAR, at 804-422-5009 or email

2-10 Home Buyers Warranty Springhill Suites by Marriott Richmond NW Sommers Enterprises LLC Coates & Davenport Godwin-Jones & Price PC Central VA Society of Home Inspectors Day Title Richmond Magazine Cap Center The Real Estate Book Central Virginia Bank US Inspect Virginia Select Signs by Tomorrow Dementi Studios Richmond Ford Lincoln Mercury Call Federal Credit Union

As of publishing date

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REALTOR®Fest 2010 Event Schedule Tuesday, October 26, 2010 / 8:00 am - 5:30 pm Theme: REtool, REfuel, REjuevenate 8:00-8:45 Registration & Trade Show 8:45-10:30 “Deal With It” Keynote presentation by Mike Staver 10:30-11:00 Trade Show Open (RPAC Dunking Booth Open) All Day Programs - Dick Betts will be running hourly sessions on the most frequently used real estate technology tools including Smartphones, eKey, etc. at the RAR Education Booth. 11:00 - 12:00 Educational Seminars Seminar 1 How to Stay Calm Under Pressure - Mike Staver Seminar 2 School Superintendents Roundtable - Superintendents from Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico & Richmond Seminar 3 You Can Change the Message – The current market brings both challenges and opportunities. NAR’s Surround Sound PR trainers will provide instruction on how to speak with confidence about the market conditions in Central VA. Communicate, Motivate, Sell! 12:15-1:15 Seated Luncheon with Guest Speaker - Gov. McDonnell (tentative) and Bob Sledd (tentative) 1:30-2:45 Educational Seminars Seminar 1– Leading by Enquiry: How to Coach and Mentor for Great Results (Broker Session) Leading by enquiry is the most engaging form of leadership. This session, led by Don Blohowiak, a former manager, certified executive coach and mentoring specialist, focuses on the actual processes you can use to coach and mentor associates effectively. Seminar 2 - So Many Short Sales & Foreclosures – Attorney Tim Freshley will provide insights and tips on how to avoid the most common legal pitfalls associated with shorts sale and foreclosure properties. Seminar 3 - You Can Change the Message – The current market brings both challenges and opportunities. Learn from NAR’s Surround Sound PR trainers how to speak with confidence about the market conditions in Central VA. Communicate, Motivate, Sell! 3:00 - 4:15 Educational Seminars Seminar 1 - Legal Update – The Year in Review – Attorney Michael Lafayette will review the new residential disclosure requirements, Lead Paint and RESPA changes and the new Interpleader process for handling disputed escrow deposits. Seminar 2- Property Management: Top 5 Issues for Residential Agents & Brokers-The demand for property management services is rising. Attorneys Linda Price & Beth Goodwin provide updates on the top 5 issues encountered when leasing single family homes. Seminar 3 - Social Media Risk Management - Ben Martin of the Virginia Association of REALTORS® will demonstrate how to provide consumers with accurate listing information, how to protect client confidentiality, how to stay on the right side of Virginia’s real estate regulations, and how to harness new technologies to improve efficiency. 4:30-5:30 Happy Hour & Door Prize Drawings This includes a visit from Nutzy, the Flying Squirrels’ Mascot, and the RPAC Dunking Booth.

REALTOR®Fest 2010 REGISTRATION FORM Early Bird Registration is available until 5:00 pm on October 8, 2010 = $15.00 per person Registration October 9, 2010 through October 20, 2010 = $25.00 per person Event date is 10.26.10 from 8:00am-5:30pm. Registration forms and payment can be mailed to or dropped off at: Richmond Association of REALTORS® Name: ________________________________________________________ 8975 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, VA 23229 Attn: Lisa Garcia Company: _____________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ _____ Credit Card

MC / Visa / AMEX

_____ Check Enclosed (Pls make check payable to RAR)

__________________________________________________________ Card Number Exp. Date

___________________ CID# (Three Digit Code)

_______________________________________________________ Signature

___________________ Date

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Education Calendar

September - November 2010


Financial Puzzle: Matching Loan Programs to Buyer/Borrowers

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

9 & 10

16-hour Continuing Education

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Broker Law

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


GRI 409: Business Development

8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Broker Continuing Education

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


16-hour Continuing Education, Part 1 - Mandatory Topics

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Effective Contract Writing

9:00 am - 12:00 pm


ABR Core Course

9:00 am - 5:00 pm


ABR Elective: Introduction to Real Estate Auctions

9:00 am - 5:00 pm


16-hour Continuing Education

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Financial Workshop: There is Order to the Chaos

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Broker Finance

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

18 & 19

Property Management Series

8:00 am - 5:00 pm


GRI 410: The Code of Ethics IS Good Business

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

21 & 22

CRS 206: Technologies to Advance Your Business

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


16-hour Continuing Education, Part 1 - Mandatory Topics

8:30 am - 5:00 pm





8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Commercial: Preparing for Tenant Default

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Fair Housing for Property Managers

9:00 am - 12:00 pm


16-hour Continuing Education, Part 1 - Mandatory Topics

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


16-hour Continuing Education, Part 2 - Electives

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Broker Continuing Education

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


PL Ethics, Agency, RE Law

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Principles of Real Estate

6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Introduction to Commercial Transactions

9:00 am - 11:00 am


Broker Appraisal

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


GRI 411: Successful Settlement - Managing the Transaction

8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Fair Housing & the Practice of Real Estate

9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Advanced Contract Writing

9:00 am - 12:00 pm


For more information or to register, please contact: The Real Estate School / Tel: (804) 422-5016 E-mail: or log onto and click “Education”


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What’s Missing?

You. Every year, there are legislative proposals that place the real estate industry at risk. Whether it means increased government regulation of your business, decreased housing opportunities for potential buyers or expanding local governments’ authority to constrain new construction, the threats are real. Only because of past RPAC investments have the REALTORS® been able to successfully fight off these attacks on your livelihood. But we can only fight with your help.

Make your RPAC investment now to ensure our continued success. Go to today!

Now More Than Ever

Richmond Association of REALTORS® 8975 Three Chopt Road • Richmond, Virginia 23229 Ph 804.422.5000 • Fx 804.422.5088

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10% off

The REALTOR® Store

Good towards SALE MERCHANDISE only

The REALTOR® Store, located in the Richmond Association of REALTORS® office at 8975 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, provides a wide variety of products to help real estate professionals in their businesses. The store is open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. The REALTOR® Store carries books, software, yard signs, sign riders and more. Below are a few featured items:

BOOKS Staging to Sell: The Secret to Selling Homes in a Down Market $20.00 Author Barb Schwarz teaches readers how to stage their homes for a successful sale in today's market. Twitter Power $24.95 Joel Comm covers every aspect of the Twitter phenomenon. He explains what Twitter is, how to jump into conversations and build a following, how to make it your ultimate customer help desk, and how to use it to drive traffic to your website. This is Social Media. Tweet, Blog, Link, and Post your Way to Business Success $19.95 A guide to using the whole spectrum of social media in an efficient and measurable way in order to market your business. The Digital Handshake $21.00 Social Media is now an essential component to excellent marketing. Paul Chaney provides a strategic overview and a tactical blueprint to what you need to know for success in the digital world. Social Media for REALTORS: 101 Dos and Don’ts Pkg of 5 Brochures for $20.00 This is an easy- to-understand tool to help real estate professionals use the power of online social media tools to save time, money, and effort with the key dos and don’ts.

SIGN RIDERS The following NEW riders are available in red and white hard plastic with pre-drilled holes. They are printed on recycled and recyclable plastic and measure 6x24. Cost is $6.00 per sign. “On the Internet”, “Virtual Tour”, “”

FLYER BOX Heavy Duty Weather Proof Flyer Box


DVD Get Ready, Get Set, Get Sold: The Secret to Selling Your Home Faster and for More Money $25.00 This video offers a common sense approach on staging to sell homes faster and for more money than the competition. A business card sized “Home Owner Checklist” is also included.


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