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Good for you - Good for the planet

Floramye is a skincare brand incorporating the benefits of CBD

By Neha Suradkar

Floramye—the reincarnated name of a French perfume brand from the 1920s—is now a thoughtfully sourced product line created using ethically grown, certified-organic hemp and essential oils. Allison Tryke lived in Tokyo for a couple of years as a teenager and was inspired by Japanese minimalist design and the rigid recycling practices of the country. She started a reusable water bottle company back in the US in 2008 to reduce single-use plastic.

Allison Tryke

Tryke, the founder of Floramye, first experienced Cannabidiol (CBD) benefits while nursing a neck injury. She had a painful pinched nerve in her neck, and the pharmaceuticals made her feel drowsy. At this time, she experimented with CBD, which treated the pain directly without having to medicate the whole body. She became an instant fan!

Her husband, a former NFL player, used the creme Tryke made and experienced the same instant results. They gave samples to friends and family, and after receiving positive feedback, they decided to produce a larger batch of USDA certified organic products. They started incorporating CBD oil for skincare and general stress support.

Tryke started blending CBD with essential oils for added aromatherapy benefits and healing properties. She gifted them to everyone she knew and got great feedback. She felt that launching a brand could help even more people, so she developed the concept for Floramye and brought it to the world.

Allison Tryke

Floramye was inspired by Tryke’s great grandmother. Hemp was stigmatized when she was a movie star (in the 1920s and 30s.) She was glamorous, so Tryke wanted a brand with enduring style like hers and wasn’t just trendy. Each product under Floramye serves a unique purpose. Tryke believes in making only those products that she has experienced first-hand from.

For example, she loves the bath bliss set. Each of the seven bath balls contains a different natural Chakra stone and a description of what each stone represents and how to use it within your bathing ritual. With 200mg of CBD in each ball that is dusted with natural mica, they are as potent as they are beautiful. She hopes that it makes a difference in people’s lives physically as well as spiritually.

Floramye’s customers have been a part of their journey from the beginning. People use the products consistently to manage pain, discomfort, and skin conditions. Repeat customers and positive customer feedback encourage Tryke and her team to move further. With the opening of their brick and mortar store, Tryke enjoys being around their products and customers during the day.

Sustainability forms the core of Tryke’s personality and Floramye’s values. Tryke believes that something cannot be good for you if it’s not good for the planet. To her, sustainability is about seeing the bigger picture in each action one takes. Every action has an impact, so ensuring that it is positive (or neutral) is essential.

They grow hemp CBD outside in naturally managed soil seeing as greenhouses use a tremendous amount of resources. They work with only a few vendors they can trust and try to be mindful of everything from packaging through delivery. Tryke is constantly assessing what is best for the planet and customers, not just for the bottom line of Floramye. New products are launched after a lot of thought and deliberation. They operate with a modest budget and bring out high-quality products that speak for themselves, making them available to a wide range of consumers.

Tryke works with her small yet mighty team to innovate concepts for products that align with the brand and its values. They are coming up with a new product in September, which utilizes the mind-body connection and is made of natural ingredients. The whole team is quite excited about this.

Tryke loves creating tangible items that are concrete and real. For her, creating products is a labour of love. With the new store, she derives pleasure from being able to witness people interact and appreciate her products in person. They are working with healers in different modalities and are partnering with like-minded brands to build out the experiential nature of the shop.

For Tryke, being a good person is at the core of who she is. Along with her husband, they are doing their best to raise caring and thoughtful children, which she feels is essential for the world.

Read more at https://issuu.com/rareluxuryliving/docs/troora_san_francisco_2021_pages/462

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