Monday Mailing Quote of the Week: “The real work of planetsaving will be small, humble, and humbling, and (insofar as it involves love) pleasing and rewarding. Its jobs will be too many to count, too many to report, too many to be publicly noticed or rewarded, too small to make anyone rich or famous." --Wendell Berry Oregon Fast Fact: Oregon has the only double-sided state flag in the US. On one side is the state’s insignia and on the other is a beaver, the state animal.
Year 22 • Issue 01 14 September 2015 1. Drought Stream Study Spreads Across 6 Western States 2. Earthquake and Tsunami Risks Ignored at Proposed LNG Facility on Oregon Coast 3. Surgeon General’s Prescription for Health: Walkable Communities 4. A Mismatch Between Need and Affluence 5. EPA Releases New Self-Assessment Tool for Rural Communities and Small Towns 6. Google Maps Tours Oregon's Threatened Public Lands 7. NGFN Webinar: Leveraging Healthcare Funding to Build Healthier Communities 8. Advancing Economic Success – Community Foundations Building Family, Community and Regional Prosperity – Presentation and Workshop Materials 9. Resources from Natural Hazards Center 10. The Website That Visualizes Human Activity in Cities Across the World 11. Portland Says Bike Share Coming in 2016, Names Bicycle Supplier 1. Drought Stream Study Spreads Across 6 Western States Federal scientists are conducting a low-flow stream study in six western states in an attempt to gain insights that could help resource managers better allocate scarce water supplies during future droughts. U.S. Geological Survey workers are measuring flows and temperatures through September in nearly 500 streams mostly in upper tributaries in Idaho, California, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington. The report could ultimately be used for everything from deciding how much water to release from dams, how many cattle to allow on grazing allotments, how much water will be available for farmers in irrigation districts and decisions about rivers that contain fish protected under the Endangered Species Act. "If water managers can understand which streams are most vulnerable it helps them target efforts for drought relief," said Chris Konrad, a research hydrologist with the federal agency and the study's project chief. To access the full story, click here. 2. Earthquake and Tsunami Risks Ignored at Proposed LNG Facility on Oregon Coast The most shocking fact about earthquake and tsunami risks on the coast of Oregon is their inevitability. We buy fire insurance—spending good money though our house is unlikely to burn. Meanwhile, the geologic record indicates beyond scientific doubt that a major tremor and Fukushima-style tidal wave is due. And it’s going to be the big one. The really big one— many times greater than the infamous 1906 San Francisco disaster. All credible science indicates that a major event approaching or exceeding
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