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Monday Mailing

Year 24 • Issue 03 25 September 2017 1. Juniper Mill Illustrates ‘New Natural Resource Economy’ 2. Oregon Fire Sparks Changes to Tourism Planning 3. Resource - New Tactical Urbanism Guide Helps Cities do Community-Led Placemaking 4. Resource - Running a Food Hub: A Business Operations Guide 5. Why Oregon’s Beaches Are Open to Everyone 6. America’s Rural Opportunity 7. Study Says New River Management Would Help Economy and Environment 8. Poll Reveals What Americans Don’t Know About Food: A Lot 9. Resource - New Research Resource for Urbanists 10. The Weeds: The Problem With The National Flood Insurance Program 11. Solar is Now So Cheap in The US it Beat Government Goals By Three Years 1. Juniper Mill Illustrates ‘New Natural Resource Economy’ Like much of the high desert landscape across central and Eastern Oregon, the community of Ritter in rural Grant County is dealing with a scourge of unwanted Western juniper trees, crowding out native vegetation for wildlife and livestock. In response, a collaborative group of landowners known as the Ritter Land Management Team recently purchased a small portable sawmill to turn the pesky plants into valuable lumber, while also providing much-needed jobs for the area.

Quote of the Week: "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others" ~Gandhi Oregon Fast Fact: Oregon grows 98 percent of the hazelnuts in the United States. There are more than 3,755,000 hazelnut trees in Oregon, worth $49.5 million, grown on 30,000 acres, mostly in western Oregon.

The first juniper logs were milled at Ritter last week, and the team expects to sell the finished product to Sustainable Northwest Wood, a Portland lumberyard owned by the nonprofit Sustainable Northwest where juniper sales have jumped to 50 percent annually. Patti Hudson, executive director of the Ritter Land Management Team, said harvesting juniper will not only help ranchers keep their land healthy and productive, but may revitalize the local timber industry in a new way. To access the full story, click here. 2. Oregon Fire Sparks Changes to Tourism Planning PORTLAND, Ore. — More than a dozen cars lined the parking lot at the Ramona Falls Trailhead in the Mt. Hood National Forest before 8 a.m. Saturday, just 30 miles or so south of where the Eagle Creek fire continues to burn nearly 50,000 acres of the Columbia Gorge area between Oregon and Washington. Despite the smoke and spreading flames, being outdoors is a way of life for many in the Beaver State. A smoky haze wafted through the crisp morning air as hikers and campers shared updates on the blaze and concern for the area. Similar chatter has woven its way into conversations across the Portland metro area since the Page 1 of 5

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