Monday Mailing
Year 22 • Issue 16 04 January 2016 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Metro’s UGB Decision Will Have Impact On Canby Open House Planned On Jorden Cove, Pipeline Projects The States People Really Want To Move To – And Those They Don’t Farmers Must Disclose Field Locations In GMO Settlement Central Oregon Snowpack Measures Well Above Normal America’s 10 Best New Bike Lanes of 2015 Astoria-Megler Bridge Straddles 4 Miles, Guides Ship Pilots, Withstand Gust: ‘Spanning Oregon’ Drought Is Recurring Theme 2015’s Top Environmental Stories Why Business Retention and Expansion Plans are Important for Downtowns National Main Street Center, Inc. and Project for Public Spaces Bring New Placemaking Training to Five Pilot States 7 Of The Most Interesting Maps Of 2015
1. Metro’s UGB Decision Will Have Impact On Canby It’s a move that opens a window for cities like Canby, which sit just outside the UGB, to at least in the short term absorb some of the rapidly increasing population of the greater Portland metro region, and to attract large employers with its shovel-ready parcels and existing, ready-to-turn-on infrastructure that is in place in the Pioneer Industrial Park.
Quote of the Week: “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” ~Anais Nin
Oregon Fast Fact: In 1905 the largest long cabin in the world was built in Portland to honor the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Those in Canby who follow planning decisions closely say Metro didn’t decide against expanding Portland’s UGB just so the 26 cities inside the boundary could avoid finding solutions to tough questions, like how working-class and middle-class families can afford housing when the cost of a good single-family home in many Portland suburbs starts around $350,000 and the median Oregon household income in 2014 was $51,000, according to the Regional Multiple Listing Service (RMLS) and the U.S. Census. To access the full story, click here. 2. Open House Planned On Jorden Cove, Pipeline Projects The Department of State Lands will hold a meeting in Medford next week to hear public comment about removal-fill permit applications for the Jordan Cove Energy Project and the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline. The meeting will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6, at the Rogue Regency Inn, 2300 Biddle Road, Medford. A similar meeting is planned Jan. 7 in Coos Bay. Jordan Cove Energy Project LP proposes to construct a liquefied natural gas export facility near North Bend capable of exporting up to 6 million metric tons of LNG per year. For more information, click here.
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