Monday Mailing
Year 21 • Issue 44 27 July 2015 1. 4 Big Recycling Myths Tossed Out 2. Keen Footwear Launches Tour to Save 3 Million Acres, Including Oregon's Owyhee 3. Biologists Haul Sockeye on Trucks to Avoid Unusually Warm Northwest Rivers 4. Private Land Logging Buffers Considered by Oregon Forestry Board 5. Quake, Tsunami Experts Advise Nervous Northwesterners on Preparing for The Really Big One 6. Sprawl Kills 7. 2015 Transportation Planning Excellence Award Winners 8. The Obsessively Detailed Map of American Literature’s Most Epic Road Trips 9. Walkonomics: What Makes the Best Route? 10. NADO Research Foundation Launches New Website of Resources for Planning and Economic Development in Rural Regions and Small Towns 11. The Old Suburban Office Park is The New American Ghost Town 1. 4 Big Recycling Myths Tossed Out America's recycling system is in crisis.
Quote of the Week: “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. ~Winnie the Pooh Oregon Fast Fact: The State of Oregon is better off because of the service provide by each of you.
That's the picture the Washington Post recently painted in a damning story on the state of recycling in the United States. First, the mixedmaterial "blue bins," designed to decrease the hassle of sorting, are contaminating the recycling coming into facilities—meaning recyclable materials end up getting chucked into landfills along with trash. Second, thanks to lighter packaging, dwindling demand for newsprint, and low oil prices, the commodity prices for recyclables have decreased—so China, which used to buy most of our recycled materials, no longer has incentive to do so. According to the Post, this means that recycling is no longer profitable for waste management companies, and municipalities are stretching to pick up the cost. To access the full story, click here. 2. Keen Footwear Launches Tour to Save 3 Million Acres, Including Oregon's Owyhee Keen Footwear is going on the road and it won't be their hiking boots they wear out. The miles will be put on a refurbished 1970s-era RV, painted bright yellow, to draw attention to five places the Portland footwear company thinks deserves protection. Oregon's Owyhee Canyonlands is among them. To access the full story, click here.
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