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SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Smart touch screen for easy tracking pumping session soft breast shield optimizes milk flow and easy to assemble with only 5 parts
Lola&Lykke® Smart Electric Breast Pump makes it possible to pump on your own terms ditch the hours spent tethered to a wall or cleaning tubes.

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No tubes. No wires. Pump effortlessly.

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4 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk ALLBAGTHIS Worth5kOver All you have to do to enter is follow us on Instagram @projectbabymagazine and email Lesley@project-baby.co.uk with your babys name and favourite toy, to win this amazing 5K nursery bundle #projectbaby5kgiveaway COMPETITION

project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 5 16 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER20224.5KGIVEAWAY Win all this in two easy steps. 8. PRODUCTS WE LOVE Everything you will need from pregnancy to parenthood. 16. EATING FOR TWO? Don’t mind if I do. 19. 5 TOP TIPS Meet our resident midwife Louise, AKA The Honest Midwife, offering her top tips for a safe pregnancy. 20. MOTHER FIT 5 easy exercises to do whilst pregnant 25. SEX IS A-OK The answers to all your questions. 29. PACKING YOUR HOSPITAL BAG Knowing what to take 30. DOULAS Are they for you? 35. SHOULD YOU TAKE PROBIOTICS IN PREGNANCY? Meet the experts behind Purer Mama to give you the answers. contents 30 8 25 WELCOME

Paul Palmer Webmaster
Lots of you will be just starting out on your pregnancy journey and it can be quiet mind-dazzling, our resident midwife Louise (AKA The Honest Midwife) provides you with her top tips for a safe pregnancy (page 19). In this edition we also explore what Doulas are and if a ‘Doula’ could offer you the right kind of support and guidance through labour (page 30), after all - giving birth is about a lot more than having a baby. It’s about making mothers and growing families. The right support can positively impact the wonderful start to life.
The opinions expressed within Project Baby magazine are not necessarily the views of the publishers, but those of individual writers. project-baby.co.uk
From the EDITOR
Natasha Hewett,
We are super excited to introduce the latest edition of Project Baby! The chances are - you’ve picked this up in a WHSmith or Waitrose, this is a hugely significant development for us and we couldn’t be more proud to be finally going nationwide.
If you’re starting ‘the weaning stage’ like we are with Reginald, then you will want to check out page 42 for our weaning guide and some tasty recipes to try from Oliver Cupboards to get those taste buds tingling.
Rebecca Harding Assistant Editor
We have all heard that saying ‘you’re eating for two’ but is it really true? Do you really need to eat double the amount and what is good for you to eat? Check out the incredible article on ‘eating for two’ and fulfilling all your nutritional needs (page.16), and if like myself, you love to over indulge or you just want to stay active and fit during pregnancy; then Mother Fit is on hand to help keep those glutes nice and toned (page.20)
Natasha Hewett Editor-in-chief

As with all of our editions; we have a huge range of articles written by industry leading experts, shopping guides, various competitions and so much more. To top off the celebrations, we have a whopping £5000 worth of prizes to giveaway on page 4, and if that wasn’t enough we have exclusive competitions every Wednesday & Friday throughout August on our Instagram.
General Enquiries: Email: Lesley@project-baby.co.uk
Lesley Mcdiarmid Sales Consultant
Advertising with us: Email: natasha@project-baby.co.uk Tel: 075957 294 061

6 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Henry Day Copywriter
Gavin Bridle Art Direction
Please do tag us on Instagram with your copy of our very first newsstand edition. We’d love to see everyone getting hold of our latest edition!
So, all that is left for me to do, is let you sit back and read, take half hour to enjoy our latest edition with a cuppa.Happy Reading!
@projectbabymagzine@projectbabymagnatasha@project-baby.co.ukEditor@projectbabymagzine Follow us Instagramon WELCOME

With many thanks to our contributors: Louise The Honest includingOliverPapas,BumpPR,MotherFit,Midwife,Mamas&KathrynMewes,Cupboard,PurerMama,DrGoldstein&allouradvertisers.Nopartofthismagazine,theadvertisementswithin it may be reproduced, without the express permission of the editor. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions.
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 7 contents MORE 37. GIVINGAFTERBIRTH What every new mum wants to know. 42. BABYGUIDEWEANING Make weaning a breeze. 44. RECIPES TO MAKE AT HOME Get those little taste buds sizzling. 48. WITHCOPINGREFLUX 11 steps to help manage reflux. 52. PREGNANT & ULTRA STYLISH The animal print edit. 58. FAMILY TRAVEL Avoid the airport queues and holiday in the UK. 60. HEALTH & BEAUTY Beautiful saviours for beautiful mums. 62. CREATING YOUR DREAM NURSERY Release the inner designer in you. 68. HOW TO GET YOUR KIDS TO REALLY LISTEN 7 steps to success. 70.MEWESKATHRYNQ&A Help your toddler sleep, eat and behave well. 72. TODDLER TROUBLES How to cope with tricky toddlers. 76. READ TO ME DADDY 75% of fathers don’t read to their children. 78.MONEY-EXCLUSIVEOFFVOUCHERS Spread your money further with these offers. 52 60 WELCOME 72

Axkid Minikid 3 Premium is a revolutionary update from the best-seller and award winning Axkid Minikid 2 that allows real extended rear-facing up to 7 years of age. axkid.com
Designed for style-conscious new parents (and little ones who are sure to follow suit!), the Influencer stroller from Leclerc Baby will quickly catch the eye of fellow mums and leclercbaby.comdads

8 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
10 Things
Kick back and relax with the Bababing Hub bababing.comSwing.
Created to help parents on the go, this handy must-have acces sory keeps babies moving and snoozing. Simply attach to a pram or stroller, push the button and adjust the speed to gently rock your baby to dreamland rockitrocker.com

Perfect as a baby playmat, children’s play mat or a grown-up pilates or yoga mat! They are so practical and gorgeous, that you’ll be proud to have them on display in your home. munchkinandbear.co.uk

Beautiful and stylish, designed for modern parents. With our versatile chambers and the ability to add extra attachable side pockets. bagdaddy.com

project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 9
Jaspar the Dreamy Elephant is so much more than a cuddly toy. He’s the first sleep aid designed to help develop the bond between you and your baby - use his voice record function to personalise Jaspar by recording your own loving message, giving your baby comfort and security when they need it thedreamyelephantmost.company.com

Dr Brown’s Options+ bottles offer an easy and comfortable way to feed your little-one, adapting to their needs as they drbrowns.co.ukgrow.

Collagen is a protein which is a component of bone, skin and muscle. Vitamin C supports absorption of collagen and immunity. vitamin D is essential for many functions including mood and bone health. purermama.co.uk

Knowing that mums always have plenty to do, and sitting down to express milk isn’t always convenient. That’s why the ‘Classic’ Pippeta pump makes it possible to pump while on the go as well as dual pippeta.compumping.
9. CRY
10 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
About 1 in every 2,000 babies are born with teeth. These are loose natal teeth and sometimes need to be removed by a doctor.
Facts10About Pregnancy PREGNANCY

Babies can cry in the womb.
Eight — That’s the highest number of babies born alive to a single mother. In 2009, Nadya Suleman delivered her six boys and two girls in a California hospital.
A lot happens during the roughly 40 weeks of pregnancy. You may expect some of the changes that occur during this time, but others may seem fascinating or even surprising.
One of the shortest recorded pregnancies where the infant survived was just 22 weeks. The baby had a number of complications but survived. An even younger baby, born at 21 weeks and 4 days, is now a toddler.
Blood volume in the body during pregnancy increases 40 to 50 percent. This increase helps with the extra oxygen needed to sup port a healthy pregnancy.
Mums-to-be can start producing breast milk just 14 weeks into their pregnancy.
The longest recorded pregnancy was 375 days. According to a 1945 entry in Time Magazine, a woman named Beulah Hunter gave birth in Los Angeles nearly 100 days after the average 280-day pregnancy
The oldest recorded woman to have a baby was 66 years old.
By the third trimester, a developing baby can recognize their mother’s voice from inside the womb.
The uterus can expand greatly during pregnancy. During the first trimester, it’s about the size of an orange. By the third trimester, it expands to the size of a water melon.
4. 40-50% INCREASE

This radical new band is lined with special pads that dissipate stresses and strains, making it difficult for stretch marks to form. Worn during the day, the band also offers much needed under-bump and lower back support. The support Band is best used with the Day Gel and Night Cream.

Price: amazon.co.uk£14.99
The Hypnobirthing Book is a complete antenatal preparation which guides you to achieve the birth you want. Childbirth can be an empowering and positive experience that you treasure for the rest of your life. Katharine Graves.

Scar Saviour is a high-performing skin and scar recovery balm is formulated for C-Section scars and stretch marks. Loaded with powerful plant actives to instantly hydrate and restore the skin, helping to minimise the appearance of all scars. Price: £25.00 nessaorganics.com


Products for BUMP
“Did you know that the 10daysrecordpregnancylongestonwas375(1year&days)” LIFESTYLE
The mama mio Tummy Rub Butter is primarily designed for one thing: increasing skin elasticity. You’re gonna grow, you’re gonna shrink; and no-one tells you your skin doesn’t have to suffer – but it’s a battle and you have to fight! Your secret weapon is the continual and plentiful use of Omega 3, 6 and 9 to help build your skin’s strength and mioskincare.co.ukelasticity.

Price: secretsaviours.com£69.95
Record your pregnancy journey from concep tion to your baby being earth side. This journal features two double page spreads for each week of pregnancy. Price: £25.00 etsy.com
12 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk

Though it is important to source minerals and vitamins from a balanced diet, a Vitamin D supplement may be beneficial for those at risk of deficiency. Vitamin D is naturally made by your body when your skin is exposed to the sun. With many important functions in the body, this essential nutrient is naturally found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, fortified fat spreads and egg yolks.
As well as a dedicated laptop pocket for up to 15” tech, there’s space for a pair of shoes/trainers, gym kit and handbag essentials, all contained in separate pockets, as well as a separate, upright water bottle holder. Anti smell tech, water resistant linings and breathable sections mean this is not your average changing bag. Go hands free. This Charli backpack is loved by mums, gym bunnies and laptop luggers.
Multiple mini slip + zip pockets
Baby mat sold separately.
Price: shopfactandfiction.com£15.00
The Mother & Baby Hamper is designed with new and expectant mothers in mind. It features nine products, including our nourishing Mother Bath & Shower Gel, Baby Bubble Bath, Baby Milky Body Lotion, and body care to offer spa-level goodness at home, through pregnancy and beyond.

Editors Choice
Price: £110.00 cowshed.com
These beautifully soft, squat proof maternity leggings are designed to see you through every stage of your pregnancy and can still be worn postnatally too. The buttery soft fabric feels like a second skin and will stretch as you grow for a totally flattering fit.
Quick clean + wipeable with water resistant linings
Price: johnbellandcroyden.co.uk£11.99
3 separate breathable compartments Bottom compartment for lunchboxesshoes/nappies/

Roses de Chloé is an invitation to tenderness. The rose immediately exudes incredible freshness.


Price: £55.50 johnlewis.com
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 13
Laptop (up to 15”) baby mat sleeve
Productsfor MUM
Patented anti smell tech Upright, spill-proof bottle holder
Price: £55.00 natalactive.com
Dimensions : 37 x 36 x 19 cms
Because two hands are always better than one. These stylish backpacks are super versatile and will take you everywhere you need to go, whether its the gym, a plane, or just to and from work.

The new version of Baby Carrier Harmony is softer, more flexible and has several new features.
Convertible Nursing Chair. This stylish convertible nursing rocking chair will add a relaxing feel to your baby’s room. Price: £499.00 babybirds.co.uk

Baby Carrier Harmony is designed to foster closeness and make everyday routines with small children a little bit easier. With its stylish and timeless design, Baby Carrier Harmony is also part of BABYBJÖRN’sScandinavianscaled-down,look.

Price from: shop.cybex-online.com£719.00
Price: £80.00 harrods.com
.Price: babybjorn.co.uk£139.00
Keeping your Baby Close
Baby Carrier Harmony is a comfortable and versatile baby carrier, crafted with care in every detail. The baby carrier has a wide seat area and adjustable head support, and it is made of cool mesh with soft jersey details. A waist belt, padded back sup port, and padded shoulder straps provide comfort for the babywearer. You can use the baby carrier for newborns (7 lbs/3.2 kg) and up to approximately the age of 3 years
A smartly designed nursing pillow, this DockATot cushion boasts a bright floral print thatwondrously complements the brand’s bohemian collection of home decor pieces.
The Gazelle S features two large shopping baskets and can change into a double stroller when your second child arrives. The stroller grows with your family, supporting over 20 configurations of seat units, cots or any CYBEX infant car seats.

Products for
Editors Choice BABY

14 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
RyRy Compact launches the UK’s first ever toddler compact car seat – the RyRy Scallopthat meets the EUs toughest safety standard R129, ready to take toddlers from the playground to Portugal.

Protect and repair sensitive baby and toddler skin with Dr. Barbara Sturm Baby and Kids Body Cream, a nourishing lotion with jojoba oil, sweet almond.

Price: £45.00 spacenk.com
Movi says, “Let’s Play!” This cool little robot is ready to roll, and get kids moving and learning along with him! With 360 degrees of mobility, Think & Learn Teach ‘n Tag Movi encourages preschoolers to get their minds and bodies moving while teaching them how to follow directions and think critically about the world around them.

Price: £44.99 toysrus.co.uk
Designed for anywhere and everywhere, this ultracompact first-class traveller folds and unfolds like a dream. Carry on your shoulder or push with one hand as you and your little one embark on a global adventure.
Go global with the Ickle Bubba Globe!
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 15
Development Toys 6 months +
Price: £199.99 trendybaby.co.uk
Price: £55.00 mamasandpapas.com

Price: ryrycompact.com£399.99
A gentle nighttime oil rich in natural nutrients to nourish your baby’s skin leaving it silky soft for dreamtime.

Price: childsfarm.com£8.00

Price: £5.50 boots.com
Strawberry & mint shampoo bar is suitable for all hair types with a soap-free formula tion specially developed for the most sensi tive skin. Made with natural origin cleans ing agents to gently clean and detangle, leaving hair feeling soft and smooth Each bar provides up to 60 washes, which is the same as TWO of our 250ml bottles.
BABY SKIN CARE of the Best3
This cute and colourful caterpillar will keep your little one entertained. Suitable for ages 12 months and over, it’s got a gentle rocking base and bright and cheerful colours. And thanks to the hidden crinkle sounds in the feet and rattling antennae, it’s bound to make baby smile.

The RyRy Scallop epitomises the very best in class when it comes to child car seats, designed for toddlers 76cm to 105cm in height (15 months to approx. 4/5 years) with size, safety, style and sustainability in mind.
16 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
As most women with children can attest, pregnancy weight gain can be difficult to lose. Most of us don’t bounce back to our pre-baby weight as easily or as quickly as celebrities seem to manage. In fact most of us don’t bounce back at all. Women tend to retain a proportion of pregnancy weight gain, carrying this into future pregnancies. Studies have shown that pregnant women having their
It’s hard being a woman. Many of us spend much of our adult lives watching our weight, struggling to get enough exercise and disciplining our eating. When we become pregnant it can seem like the perfect opportunity to relax the reins a little; after all, we are eating for two, right? Not quite.

IFMINDDON’TIDO Eating for Two?
first baby tend to be most inclined to eat for two in pregnancy, perhaps reflecting the understanding of more experienced women that the weight gained in pregnancy is not so easy to shift post baby.

The job of growing a baby undoubtedly places additional demands on a pregnant woman’s body and adequate nutrition is critical. In low resource settings or during times of hardship where food is scarce and all members of the community struggle to consume enough food to meet their nutritional needs, it makes sense to privilege pregnant women in the rationing of food. Perhaps this is where the notion of eating for two comes from. While too littlefood is a problem for pregnant women, so too is too much food. In well resourced countries like ours we are much more likely to suffer from too much food rather than too little. Paradoxically, this does not necessarily mean that we are well nourished.
Our maternity services can do more to support women to achieve a healthy weight gain in pregnancy. Many health professionals are uncertain about what to recommend to pregnant women and thus avoid the topic of weight altogether and many are also ill-equipped to speak to women about this sensitive issue. Sadly too, some are judgmental and this is felt keenly by women on the receiving end. While it would be ideal if women attained a normal BMI prior to pregnancy, this is not the reality for many women. In pregnancy however many women are motivated to make positive health and lifestyle changes so it is a good time for health professionals to raise the issue; albeit sensitively.
More than half of the population is overweight or obese and women of child bearing age form an increasing proportion of this group. Overweight and obesity increase the risk of a range of complications in pregnancy (including diabetes and hypertension) and adverse outcomes for the woman and her baby. These risks increase in line with increasing BMI. Excessive weight gain in pregnancy has also been associated with adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes and overweight and obese pregnant women are more likely to gain excessive weight during pregnancy. So, the notion of “eating for two” in pregnancy especially if this means eating twice as much, can be harmful.
Despite the magnificence of pregnancy and the magnitude of the changes that occur within the pregnant body, the body’s energy needs in fact only increase slightly during pregnancy. While this seems unfair, it attests to the incredible efficiency and brilliance of the female form. Women should focus on eating nutrient rich foods across the five food groups in pregnancy with particular attention to calcium, folate and folic acid, iron, iodine, zinc and protein. It is advisable to achieve a healthy weight gain during pregnancy though. The Institute of Medicine (based in the US) recommends that women with a normal BMI gain 11.5-16 kg, that overweight women gain 7-11.5 kg and that obese pregnant women gain 5-9 kg.
Nuts are full of essential minerals like zinc and selenium. Eat them raw and unsalted for maximum benefit.
Extremely high in vitamin C, manganese and fibre, these berries also support blood sugar regulation.
Buy a jar to add to sauces or dips. As it’s made from sesame seeds, it’s a source of protein, fibre and good fats.
It’s easy to become dehydrated when you’re pregnant, especially in a hot climate. You should be aiming for at least two and a half litres of water per day. However, if you’re thirsty, drink more.
This may be an unusual item on your shopping list, but salt-fermented sauerkraut is rich in probiotic bacteria and fibre to ease constipation.
Choose vegetable juices over fruit-based op tions for a drink that’s nutrient dense rather than sugar laden.
Snack on olives or make a tapenade for pasta, as olives are high in antioxidant and antiinflammatory phytonutrients. They also have a good monounsaturated fat content.
You should be eating a minimum of four servings of vegetables a day for a healthy pregnancy. That’s about a half to one cup per serving.
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 17
With ingredients like chickpeas, tahini, olive oil and garlic, this dip makes a fibre-rich, proteinpacked snack that will boost your immune system.
Lentils are a source of folate and fibre. They’re easy to cook and an essential form of plant protein if you’re a vegetarian.
During pregnancy, your heart is working hard to provide nourishment to the foetus, with your body increasing its blood volume by 30 to 50%. Iron helps the blood cells carry oxygen to your body’s tissues, so it’s important to increase your iron intake.
D vitamins
Fish is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fats, which aid your baby’s eye development and brain growth. However, stick to low mercury varieties like hake and yellowtail.
Commonly known as watermelon, it is packed with fluid and believed to help ease morning sickness and heartburn.
When you’re pregnant, many foods can lose their appeal thanks to your hormones. To maintain optimum nutrition, eat small meals often and make sure they are nutrient dense.

The enzymes in papaya may help relieve heartburn and reflux, especially in the third trimester.
Avocados contain an array of phytonutrients as well as monounsaturated fats to help your baby’s brain and tissue growth.
Vitamin D is essential for immune function, healthy cell division and bone health, with studies showing that 4 000iu per day has the greatest benefit. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to pre-eclampsia, so chat to your healthcare provider to ensure you’re getting enough of the vitamin.
Chicken provides protein, but ensure it’s freerange and cooked through.
The high protein and mineral content of quinoa makes it a great prenatal food for those on vegetarian or gluten-free diets.
Red meat such as beef, lamb and venison is high in iron and vitamin B12, both of which are crucial for a healthy pregnancy.
Not only are guavas delicious, they are extremely high in vitamin C, which means they’re a safe way to help with immunity against infections while you’re pregnant.
Eggs are high in choline, which helps your baby’s brain and spinal cord develop properly.
If you’re feeling nauseous during the first trimester, snack on a banana. It is a good source of vitamin B6, potassium and fibre.
High in calcium, yoghurt can be eaten as a snack, for breakfast or added to sauces. Just ensure it’s plain to avoid unnecessary added sugar.
It’s estimated that more than 80% of pregnant women worldwide have inadequate zinc intake. This mineral is essential for cellular division. Beef, lamb, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and nuts all have a good zinc profile.
Our A-Z guide gives you an idea of just some of the foods and nutrients to look out for and add to your shopping list:
Kale has an excellent antioxidant and detoxification profile, making it a power food for pregnancy. However, avoid eating it raw as it can negatively affect thyroid function.
The Final Push is a delicious blend of red raspberry leaves with whole peppermint to create a sweet, refreshing and comforting cuppa. Price: £5.99 hotteamama.com

Price: £17.99 myexpertmidwife.com
How long is a piece of string? In a 1st labour, the time from the start of established labour to being fully di lated is usually 8 to 12 hours. It’s often quicker (around 5 hours), in a 2nd or 3rd pregnancy.

The brand’s Postpartum Essentials Bundle set is a must-have to help aid after-birth recovery of the perineum and a perfect addition to any mum’s hospital bag or for recovery at home.
How long will I be in labour?
Price: £44.00 mumbubhub.co.uk
18 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Instant relief for perineal soreness, bruising and swelling after childbirth. Chances are you’ll be quite sore after childbirth be cause of stretching, bruising and swelling, even if you don’t have a tear or episiotomy.

The Postpartum Essentials Bundle includes some of MBH’s most coveted products such as a mini Postpartum Bath Soak. The herbal blend helps to relieve soreness after childbirth, support ing the body’s natural healing process.

The fluid surrounding your baby is known as amniotic fluid and is 98% water. Add this to the fact that your blood volume increases by around 30% during pregnancy and you can start to see why, staying hydrated is really important. Not drinking enough fluid can result in dehydration which can exacerbate things like pregnancy sickness and constipation. It is recommended that we all drink between 6-8 200ml glasses of fluid per day. Water is obviously the healthiest choice but if you find that hard, adding a little sugar free cordial may help. Every woman is different though so a good guide is keeping an eye on the colour of your urineit should be clear. If you feel dizzy, tired or nauseous you may find having a drink will immediately make you feel better.
Tip 4 Look after your smile

Tip 3 Stay Active
Tip 5 Stay hydrated
5 Book your class today by scanning the QR code

We all know that exercise is a really important part of staying fit and well and can help to reduce stress, improve circulation and help you to get a good nights sleep. These benefits don’t disappear when you are pregnant and, in actual fact, regular movement can really help you to prepare your body for the later stages of pregnancy, labour and birth. As long as your daily exercise routine does not include contact sports such as rugby, kickboxing or squash you are advised to continue with your routine for as long as you feel comfortable.
Giving up anything that we enjoy is never easy, however it is widely accepted that smoking when pregnant is not only harmful to Mum but also to your growing baby. It may be easier if you are able to give up or cut down before you are pregnant as any anxiety at finding out you are growing a tiny human may have you reaching for a cigarette or a glass of wine. On the upside, women often report that they actu ally found cutting both cigarettes and alcohol out of their routine so much easier when they were doing it for their baby. If you are finding it difficult have a chat to your midwife who will be able to signpost you to some really great support services which can help you to make these great lifestyle changes.
Tip 2 Time to give up cigarettes and alcohol
Throughout pregnancy and until your baby is one year of age. During pregnancy, high levels of progesterone and estrogen can soften the tissues and bones that keep your teeth in position. If you find that you have swollen, red and tender gums or that you notice bleeding when brushing your teeth you may have a condition known as Gingivitis. The good thing is that this conditions should go away after pregnancy but it is vitally important that you take extra care when looking after your teeth. Continue to brush your teeth twice a day using a toothpaste that contains fluoride and when finished, spit but don’t rinse.
To reduce the risk of your baby having a neural tube defect such as spina bifida it is recommended that you take a supplement of folic acid, ideally as soon as you are trying for a baby but defiantly from the point you find out you are pregnant. Neural tube defects affect the development of baby’s spinal cord. The recommended dose is usually 400 micrograms per day which you will be able to purchase from your pharmacy. There are some cases where it may be recom mended that you take a larger dose, such as you or a close family member having a neural tube defect, having diabetes or being on anti-epilepsy drugs. If you are unsure what dose you should be taking chat to your doctor or midwife. Once you reach 12 weeks of preg nancy you can stop taking folic acid.
Tip 1 Take your folic acid
For lots of other helpful hints and tips from The Honest Midwife, head over to her instagram page @thehonestmidwife and give her a follow
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 19

Exercises to do in Pregnancy
The glutes are a window into the pelvic floor. Your glutes help with hip positioning and correct hip positioning is needed for pelvic floor function. When the glutes are underactive, the hamstrings will take over. This shoves the femur forward in the socket and creates dysfunction.

Top Tips - Put chair against the wall to stop it moving when performing the exercise. Progress by adding weight across your hips, a band above the knees or advance to single leg.

Top Tips - try not to lean back on the box/chair before returning to standing, don’t lock out the knees and keep your chest open. If you notice any lower ab pouching during exercise. That’s a sign that you are not loading your core correctly.

2. The upper back (lower scapula) should be resting against the edge of the chair. Push out the knees slightly, making sure that you’re moving into straight hip abduction and not external rotation!
1. Start seated on the floor, knees bent, feet slightly wider than hipdistance apart. The toes can be turned out just slightly.
3. Repeat this exercise for 12 repetitions for a total of 3-4 sets. Allow 1-minute rest between sets.
Each of the 5 exercises need to be combined with one of the breathing options above.
Firstly lets coach you through a simple squat:
• Exhale as you go down, inhale as you come back up, this can help if deep hip external rotators want to work instead of your glutes.
• Be sure not to shift your pelvis into an anterior pelvic tilt or posterior pelvic tilt.
4. Repeat this exercise for 12 repetitions for a total of 3-4 sets. Allow 1-minute rest between sets.
3. Maintain the push out as you lift your hips up and down. Don’t hyperextend or arch your back at the top.
Concentrate on keeping your big toes down, weight distributed evenly and ribs stacked over the pelvis.
• Sit back into your hips, maintaining rib cage position over hips (for as long as your pregnancy belly will allow) and tall posture.

Box squats are just squats, down to a box or chair. The lower the plat form the harder it will become. You can do box squats with just your bodyweight or weighted with any type of equipment.
• As you come up, pushing the ground away maintaining rib cage position over your hips.
Glutes, glutes, glutes! These get your glutes! As a starting point I think they are better than glute bridges and women find them easier to master.
• Get in a nice tall posture, feet a little wider than hip width apart
• Lower down into a squat, sitting into your hips.
Secondly lets look at breathing options to engage core and pelvic floor:
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 21
2. Lower yourself down to the box/chair, then return to standing.
1. Get in a nice tall posture, feet a little wider than hip width apart. Sit back into your hips, maintaining rib cage position over hips and tall posture.
• Inhale to prepare, exhale down and up, this can help with extra core support.
• Inhale as you go down, and exhale as you come back up, this can help if you have tightness in your pelvic floor or hips.
• Think about returning to a tall posture and not shoving your femurs forward or leaning back.
Top Tips: Once mastered, making sure your hip flexor is soft and if you can control your pel vis at the top, add a band around your knees to feel maximum burn in your glutes.
Bridges require the same core and glute control as squats but they are just a little easier because your shoulders are on the ground. They are easy but not simple. Try to avoid coming from the lum bar spine instead of the hips and its far too easy to overwork the paraspinals without getting a whole lot of glute activation.
The lower the step the easier it will be. Master a lower level before progressing to a higher level or adding weights.
2. Lift your rib cage up off the floor as if you were in a mini side plank. Tuck your pelvis slightly in a hollow body position to set a good foundation for your femur to move from. Inhale into your back while in this position.
2. Keep this foot on the step and push off through your lead foot, lifting your body up onto the step.
3. Step back down to the floor keeping the same front leg on the box.
8. Repeat this exercise for 12 repetitions for a total of 3-4 sets. Allow 1-minute rest between sets.
7. Maintain neutral pelvis throughout the movement.
1. Lie down on your side and place a towel roll under your head and place your feet flat on a wall with knees up directly in front of your hips.

5. Keep ribs and hip bone connected.
3. Hold a neutral pelvis as you squeeze your glutes to lift up.
Closed chain! Avoid if you have pelvic floor tightness as this exercise can make that worse. Master holding your pelvis stable so that you can work your glutes correctly.
1. Stand with a step in front you and place one foot resting on the step.
4. Drive your knees over your toes to create length in the hip socket.
2. Find a neutral pelvis.
4. Repeat this exercise for 12 repetitions on the right leg im mediately followed by 12 repetitions on the left leg, for a total of 3 sets. Allow 1-minute rest between sets.
1. Lie face up on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
6. Hold your bridged position for a couple of seconds before lowering down by hinging at your hips.
3. Exhale and push the top foot into the wall while you reach your top leg forward from the underneath side of your hip.

Top Tips - Make sure your feet do not slide away, your back does not arch, and your ribs do not thrust. Progress by adding weight across your hips, a band above the knees or advance to single leg.
Top Tips - Position yourself near a wall or rail ing for extra balance or support, if needed. Start the exhale before you leave the ground and land as light and absorptive as possible.

4. While keeping your top knee reaching forward and making sure nothing changes in your pelvis or core posi tion, open your top leg up just a little bit.
5. Rather than doing lots of reps, hold your top leg open and see if you can feel it in your glute.
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Absolutely! Most parents-to-be worry about this, but if you have a normal pregnancy, you can keep doing it right up until your waters break. There are lots of psychological and physical benefits of sex so pregnancy is not a reason to stop. And you may find that being free from worries about conception and contraception, you feel sexier than ever.
Some researchers even think that women who have regular sex during pregnancy may be less likely to give birth prematurely. Having orgasms may also be related to a lower chance of giving birth early.
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 25

If you’re feeling sexy and well enough, then it’s a good thing to keep your sex life going throughout pregnancy. Having satisfying sex during this time is good for your relationship and your sense of wellbeing, both now and after your baby has arrived.

By Baby Centre Medical Advisory Board
Sex is
Can I have sex while pregnant?i’m
You may also be advised to avoid sex during pregnancy if your partner has genital herpes. If you catch genital herpes for the first time during pregnancy there’s a small risk that it could affect your developing baby.
As long as it’s not uncomfortable, you can still have sex if you get a vaginal infection but your partner should wear a condom to ensure he doesn’t become infected too.
Although there isn’t strong evidence that sex will make these conditions worse, many doctors will advise you to avoid sex as a precaution.
• A history of cervical weakness
• A low-lying placenta (placenta praevia), particularly if you have had some bleeding.
During pregnancy many couples find that they feel more pleasure from foreplay, oral sex, sex toys or masturbation than from intercourse. So although you may change the way you have sex during pregnancy, it doesn’t mean you’ll be less satisfied!
• Broken waters
women report that this leaves them with an uncomfortable full feeling after intercourse ends.
UTIs can cause problems in pregnancy. If you suspect you have a UTI, you should see your doctor or midwife as soon as possible to have your urine checked. Washing before and after sex (remembering to wash from front to back), and emptying your bladder after sex will help to reduce the likelihood of infection.
Many women find that their clitoris is slightly less sensitive during pregnancy or that their orgasms are less powerful. It’s also fairly common for women to say they can’t reach orgasm as easily while they’re carrying a baby.
Fear of hurting your baby can be one of the most common reasons to avoid sex during pregnancy. You won’t hurt your baby by making love, even with your partner on top. The thick mucus plug that seals your cervix helps guard against infection. The amniotic sac and the strong muscles of your womb (uterus) also protect your baby.
Frequent sex (more than three times a week) can trigger bladder urinary tract infections (UTIs), particularly if they are something you’re prone Untreatedto.
It depends. It’s better for some women, not as good for Increasedothers.blood flow to your pelvic area during pregnancy can cause your genitals to engorge, and heighten sexual sensation. But some
Your midwife or GP may advise you not to have sex if you have experienced:
• Bleeding
If you orgasm, you may notice your baby moves around more. However, this is because of your pounding heart, not because he knows what’s happening or feels discomfort.
• Abdominal pains or cramps
You may experience abdominal cramps after having an orgasm, as this can set off a wave of contractions. This is particularly noticeable in the third trimester. It can be off-putting, but wait a few minutes and the tightening of your womb will ease, just as with Braxton Hicks contractions.

Some mums-to-be find sex painful during pregnancy. This is particularly the case when penetration is deep. Adopting sexual positions where penetration is shallow or under your control (see below) is the best solution.
Talking to your partner openly about his fears and explaining that sex is not harmful during pregnancy can be helpful.
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 27
• Get on top! This position has been shown to be associated with higher levels of sexual satisfaction in pregnant women. It puts no weight on your abdomen and allows you to control the depth of penetration. Straddle your partner while he’s lying down and sit either facing him or facing the other way. This position also allows him to reach your breasts or stimulate your clitoris to help you orgasm.
It might. It’s not uncommon for men to feel less interested in sex, especially in the third trimester. This doesn’t mean that your partner doesn’t find you attractive any more. Some men are even turned on more by their part ners being pregnant.
Common reasons for lack of desire in dads-to-be include:
• Get on to your hands and knees in the doggy position. This is a good position for later on in your pregnancy when it’s a relief to have weight taken off your back and pelvis. You can also get your partner to reach around and stimulate your clitoris. Penetration can be quite deep in this position. If you find it uncomfortable, ask your partner to thrust less deeply. Getting him to hold a pillow between your bottom and his lower tummy will prevent him pushing too far inside you.
• Sit on a table or counter. With your partner standing in front of you, wrap your legs around his body for a more intimate experience. Pop a cushion under your bottom to make yourself more comfortable. If you’re in your third trimester you may prefer to lean back a little so your growing bump doesn’t get in the way.
• Use the bed as a prop. Lie on your back at the edge of the bed with your knees bent, and your bottom and feet perched at the edge of the mattress. Your partner can either kneel or stand in front of you.
At any stage of pregnancy, though, there are wide variations in how women feel and how sexually active couples are. What’s normal for one person won’t necessarily be the same for you.
• Worries about the health of you and your unborn baby.
• Lie side-by-side in the spoons position. This allows your partner to keep most of his weight off your bump. Rest your top leg over his or place it on a few pillows in front of you. This allows for only shallow penetration so it’s ideal if deep thrusts have become more uncomfortable. If your bump isn’t yet big enough to get in the way, you can also turn around and face your partner in this position.
• Fears that sex can hurt the baby.
As your pregnancy progresses, you may find that the missionary position (man on top) isn’t comfortable any more. Try the following instead:
Not surprisingly, your state of mind is another factor. If you feel positive about your pregnancy and the changes your body is undergoing, you’re likely to feel more sexual. But if you’re not particularly happy about the pregnancy or feel insecure about your growing tummy or other issues, this can have a negative effect.
• Sit on your partner. This is another position that puts no weight on your womb (uterus). Try sitting on your partner’s lap as he sits on a (sturdy) chair. You can control the rate and depth of penetration by standing up more or by squatting down. This position allows for lots of kissing, cuddling and eye contact. You can also take it easy and let your partner do all the moving. Just take a little of your weight off his thighs first.
Even if you enjoyed sex during the first part of your pregnancy your sex drive can wane in the third trimester as birth, labour and your belly loom large. Many mums-to-be simply feel unattractive or worried about whether their partner is satisfied sexually.
You can have satisfying sex when pregnant, and where there’s a will, there’s a way! Keep talking. Communication and openness are the keys to maintaining or improving sexual satisfaction during your pregnancy. If you’re still feeling worried talk to your health professional.
• Have sex standing up. Lean over a low counter or table with your partner standing behind you. This takes the pressure off your back and pelvis and lets your partner reach around and stimulate your clitoris at the same time.
• Feelings of apprehension about the burdens of parenthood.
Mood changes, backache and sore breasts are some of the other reasons for a diminished interest in sex. Hormonal changes can also cause a loss of libido.
If you suffer from gestational diabetes then you may find that you feel like having less sex or don’t enjoy it quite as much.
Yes! The big changes in your body and your life are bound to alter your sex life. Some women are just too tired or feel too nauseous to make love, especially in the first trimester.
• Self-consciousness about making love in the presence of your unborn child.

After childbirth, bruising, swelling and soreness of the perineum and the surrounding area are common. This midwife developed unique duo is a must-have to help aid post birth recovery of the perineum.
Lanolin is the safest, purest nipple cream and completely hypoallergenic. It has been specially developed to help soothe and protect sore, cracked nipples in breastfeeding mothers.100% Lansinoh HPA® Lanolin - the world’s purest Lanolin Nipple Cream.

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28 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk

Infant car seat
• Water spray to cool down and refresh the mum-to-be while she’s in labour
One outfit for the trip home
• Ear plugs (in case you end up on a noisy ward)
• A hair band. If you have long hair, you might want it tied up Pillows Toiletries
• Toiletries
• Your phone/charger
• Towels, hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste
• Something to read or watch
• Your birth plan
• Breast-feeding bras
• Slippers & Socks
OneNappies.pair of socks or booties
• Going home outfit
• Dressing gown
• A change of clothes, toothbrush and deodorant
Packingyourhospitalbag PREGNANCY

• Snacks and drinks
• Lip balm
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 29
• Watch with a second hand to time contractions
• Music to listen to
• Arnica tablets (may help with bruising)
• An old nightdress or T-shirt to wear in labour
BabyHat. vests Baby Muslingrowssquares
• Comfortable shoes - you might be pacing the corridors!
• Swimwear, if you want to join the mum-to-be in the birth pool
• Breast/Maternity pads
Baby blanket (a warm one if weather is cold)
• Disposable knickers
• Nightdress or pyjamas
All-in-one stretchy outfits are best.
• Massage oils or lotions
Doulas are women trained in giving other women professional birth support — they essentially mother the mother. These women have reawakened the ancient tradition of having supportive, knowledgeable women present at births. Doulas generally meet a woman and her partner during pregnancy and support her during the birth and sometimes also in the early postnatal period. Some doulas, however, just do birth care or postnatal care. These women usually attend the birth, whether that be at home, in a birth centre or hospital.
Doulas provide emotional and physical support for the woman and her partner during birth. Renee Adair, director of the Australian Doula

Doulas are not midwives and therefore not trained to provide any clinical advice or examinations. Doulas cannot provide antenatal care, deliver babies or provide the clinical aspects of postnatal care. Midwives work closely with doulas but the roles are very different.
Giving birth is about a lot more than having a baby - it’s about making mothers and growing families. The right support people can help enormously in making sure that the ingredients are there for a wonderful start to life. Some women are turning to doulas for this support.
By Hannah Dahlen
College, says it means being with women and couples in labour and postnatally. “Our job is to listen to the needs and requirements of women and create a positive labour atmosphere that allows parents to feel empowered and positive so that they move into the postnatal period with a newborn well, happy and empowered,” she said. Are doulas the same as midwives?
30 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 31
Doulas will charge anywhere from $400 to $1500 to support women through the birth. The cost will depend on their level of experience, the amount of time they spend with you before and after the birth, as well as any other service they might provide, such as massage, aromatherapy or hypnotherapy.
• Nurturing
How can you choose the best support people if you don’t use a doula? Giving birth is one of life’s most emotional, intimate and instinctive experiences. The people you choose to experience this with need to be respectful of this fact and be able to enhance, not detract, from the experience. Women need to feel safe in order to labour. If you become
During labour this has a negative effect, as it inhibits the production of the most important hormone in labour, oxytocin. When this is inhibited, labour slows down, often leading to interventions in birth.
• Information about classes, such as preparation for parenthood, yoga, etc.
• Care and support during pregnancy, such as massage, making sure you drink, keeping your birth environment peaceful, helping you with birth positions and use of water for pain relief, encouraging you and advocating for you.
frightened and feel unsupported, you begin to secrete adrenaline.
• Access to resources and information about pregnancy, labour and birth.

• Loves you
• Intuitive to your feelings and needs
Where a woman cannot find this sort of person or people in her circle of family and friends, a doula can be invaluable. It is important that if you choose to have a doula at your birth, your partner and other support people meet them and interview them about their practices and philosophies. If you have children and they will be at the birth, then make sure they become familiar with your doula as well. You want to make sure when the big day comes you are a team all going in the same direction — your direction!
• Good attitude to birth, with no personal baggage
• Always positive
Having the right support person can help make the birth a better experience. Research indicates women who receive close support and care throughout labour are less likely to need pain relief or have major interventions such as caesarean section, forceps or a vacuum delivery. They are also more likely to be satisfied with their birth experience. Doulas have been shown to have a similar effect on women’s labours and births. Check out what women say about doulas and if you know someone who has used one, chat to them about how they work.
Hint: Look for calming people when choosing support for your birth.
• Assistance with writing a birth plan.
• Calm in a crisis
• Some postnatal support for you and the baby and the ability to contact lactation consultants and other professional support should you need it.
Jenny said the doula she had for the birth of her first child Jack was wonderful.”I knew Mark [partner] was worried about the birth and I thought I needed some other support, for both our sakes really. Our doula just made us feel relaxed. It was like she knew what we needed next and what would work best, but she never took over.”
If you have a partner who is very anxious about the labour, then a doula may be calming and reassuring to both of you. Partners who really don’t want to be at the birth can be traumatised and also potentially detract from the whole experience.
This service can be of value to women who do not have adequate support and/or can’t access a continuity of care midwifery program, where they get to know one midwife or a couple of midwives.
Women who do not have many friends or family around for support at the birth can also benefit from a doula.
• Makes you feel safe and comfortable
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We start off life by getting our initial seeding of bacteria from our mothers. So, Mothers are the major source of health gut bacteria in the first stages of life. Studies have shown a reduction in eczema, asthma, and allergies in children of mothers who take probiotics.
By now, you have probably seen and heard about probiotics; it’s a supplement which has been shown to have multiple health benefits, but are they important in pregnancy?

project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 33
who use probiotics report less mastitis and breast pain. In postpartum recovery there were fewer reported wound infections after Caesarean section.
Probiotics are ‘good’ bacteria and yeasts that can be found in our food and in supplements. They benefit us by helping us fight harmful bacteria. Probiotics live throughout the entire body, such as your skin, digestive system, ears, nose, eyes, unitary tract vagina.
Taking Probiotics can support your pregnancy and give your baby a good start to life. There are studies to show reduced risk of common infections in pregnancy such as urine infections and Womenthrush.
In pregnancy they are also found in the placenta and your breast milk. Together these good bacteria make the microbiome, a collection of all micro-organisms found in a person. A healthy microbiome has the right balance of good and bad bacteria.
The microbiome is also transferred through skin to skin after birth. Therefore, the early years of life are a critical stage for establishing the microbiome and immune system in babies.

Should you take in pregnancy?
Vaginal delivery of a baby enables the introduction of healthy bacteria from the vaginal microbiome. Studies of babies born by caesarean section show that these babies don’t gain the same diverse healthy flora as vaginal deliveries, however this benefit can be promoted by a mother taking probiotics.
Topping up with probiotic supplements transfers the benefits through to breast milk, Which contains high amounts of probiotics. So breast milk is an important source in helping baby acquire healthy gut flora and thus a stronger immune system.
Dr K Joash Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist MSc MBBS MRCOG
Dr U Nartey Paediatric Consultant. MBchB. BSc. MRCPCH
Gut-friendly foods (particularly fermented are well known) such as yoghurt, kefir, pickles, kombucha, sauerkraut and apple cider vinegar. However, It’s not easy to eat all the right foods in the right amounts and science has shown we need higher amounts than what is available in food, so probiotic supplements are often needed.
34 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Taking probiotics boosts the balance of good bacteria which contributes to the extraction of vital nutrients such as vitamins. For example probiotics are responsible for helping us to make our vitamin D. Probiotics have been found to be as effective as mild antidepressants in studies.
They also affect our brain health by their role in the production of brain chemicals such as serotonin, our happy mood hormone. Simply put our gut health contribute to our mood and is essential for brain health.
It is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. Buy The Purer Vita probiotics Here: purermama.co.uk

BENEFITS: Aids digestion / irritable bowel syndrome/ reduction of constipation Promotes immunity Reduction in mastitis, wound infections, thrush and urinary infections Reduces inflammation and risk of allergy/ eczema in babies Helps with constipation and diarrhoea Reduction in anxiety and depression
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Created with the strains evidenced to be effective in pregnancy contains seven different live strains and a prebiotic called inulin.

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needs a little thought to go along with informed actions. It also takes a while for grandparents to realize that they have children who have become parents (just like them!) and are not solely their children any longer.
These attachment bonds that went on for so long between parent-child are renewing themselves, changing for all parties involved. The realization of change can bring more loving connections or more distant ones, the ties are generally maintained, supportive but can also be
a little strenuous. Explain how you feel to your parents if you can, and find help with a friend when trying to manage other’s requests of you.
Written by Dr Goldstein, Therapist and lecturer in psychology.

Relationships change drastically once you have a baby, your position in the family takes on new meaning. Relatives have different expectations of you now, to be a good parent, to contribute to the education of your baby etc. They want to be involved in family life. This can be demanding, and
Ask your partner for help if you feel snowed under, and convey your intentions, these actions will come a long way.
Intimacy is an important part of your life. Your relationship to your partner is just as important as your relationship to your baby, and if you see it that way, it will allow you to at least value your relationship when there is less time to exclusively focus on it. Intimacy is sometimes hard to maintain when a baby is so dependent and needs you 24-7... How to find time with your partner and engage in loving acts whether physical or thoughtful ones?
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 37
ssues such as your Relationship to work, family, intimacy, responsibility need to be thought through again, processed for new meaning, and value allocated to them in turn. You will often hear that priorities change... that is because they do! How this happens, and the way you (partner, family and friends) handle the process of change is important. Transitions can be daunting, and you need support in making that shift in your mind from whatever was before to what is now: you and family. Below I have described a few things that may support you in this shifting thought process, give you an idea of ‘normal’ thoughts, and help you transition at a time when certain adaptation is required.
Changes after giving birth are inevitable. Family takes on new meaning when having had your first child, and the chances are that the way you thought before having your child does not apply so well anymore; a couple of things need to be re-thought and the chances are you may have to adopt a new way of thinking.
Of course taking care of your baby is taking care of your ‘couple’ and your growth together, but should not come at the expense of your relationship to your partner! The complicit care and love in your couple is what will remain once your child is all grown up, every step of their development children take more steps away from you, so you’ve got to keep it all in perspective... They will leave! Talk with your partner as much as you can and engage in compassion, passion and love.

form of care and love, and includes the action of ‘giving’, how do you give and love yourself at this point in time, and how much are you cared for by your partner... does your partner sometimes feed you in the evenings, or make you a coffee in the mornings? Eating can be thought of as a form of ‘give and take’; you may sometimes need more care from others, and on some other days are more able to feed others and yourself.

Other more specialised services are available such as talk therapy, or support from another mum through a mum’s online network, or foundation that specialises in supporting women and men with postnatal depression. There are also sleep specialists available to help with training baby to sleep well through the night if this is proving to be challenging, and some good books around to support you in understanding your child’s developmental stages, and tracking your baby’s growth.
If you opt for postnatal therapy, you will generally get emotional, practical as well as educational support in various areas to help you through this challenging time (all of the above) - and get the added personal relationship which can be healing in and of itself. Parenthood is a paradox of happiness and - pain, loss, and change, take the time to care for yourself, and you’ll find some beautiful ways to live peacefully with the challenges ahead.

Eating takes a different turn now. You are feeding baby as an ‘extension-of-yourself’, and therefore will be affected; less or more hungry depending on how feeding your baby affects Feedingyou.isa

Your response-ability will now have changed, you will no longer feel responsible for yourself with a neat barrier around your actions thoughts and feelings. They will now extend to your babies actions thoughts and feelings. The physical response-ability you first feel when you have your baby is quite a change, but also so deeply felt that your body finds the ability to carry you through, after that the mind needs to start playing its part.
Life looks so different with another pair of lenses on! Family may become more important, going to the park or taking fresh air might also be on your priority list. Things change and your value of the world does too. Make a note of these changes, small changes of the everyday, and think about the leap of faith and courage you have to muster up to brave the stormy waters.
On a positive note, it is considered a normal reaction to feel down and perhaps depressed when going through times of stress, loss, and change. If it may have been impossible to ask for help earlier in your life, now is the time to seek help and be on the receiving end! You will find empathy in places you hadn’t imagined, and as awareness grows of the difficulties starting a new family can entail, there will be different sources of help available to you. Your health visitor will be there the first few weeks, and here after if you wanted to call on the assisting team for support. Your GP is also generally quite a good source of support if feeling ill, or having concerns with regards to your baby.
Although there are lots of studies that show that it is the love that parents give that is of utmost importance, feeding is part of that love. Take time to eat, feed yourself the right amounts, take time to chew on food and process your day. It’s gratifying to do so.
Time flies once you have a baby. Suddenly there’s no time for doing bits of work at home, cooking or enjoying a nice diner, or calling a friend. Having a baby is time consuming and the way you organised your time before, changes drastically. It takes time to get into the flow or rhythm of time again, this time incorporating childcare.
When you wake up baby has to get dressed and ready for the day – you are not alone anymore! In the early evening, baby has to get ready for bed, bath, story and so onyou may have to cook something once baby is in bed, but generally speaking you will only be able to return to yourself, probably being quite tired once baby is in bed. Keep a diary with a time sheet to get an overview of your busy day, and remember; you deserve a treat too.
Their mind-body connection is at no time so sharply felt! The way you think and feel when having a baby to care for is completely different; the way you see work, outings, friends, and so on and things you previously thought such as ‘being sooo very busy’ can now be thrown out of the window.
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After the check-up is over, check in with yourself about how you feel. Never leave a visit confused. Ask for clarification. Write down specific advice. And always know you can call back if you need to double check. Together we can make your visit a success! mysourthernhealth.com
Check-ups are important visits and you need to avoid distractions. If possible, try to bring only the child scheduled for the appointment. If that is not possible, I often ask parents if I can send siblings out to color or talk with nursing staff. When you are actively engaged, you will get more out of the visit.
I love when patients come with a list of questions or concerns. Write them down because often you will forget. Keep a running list on your phone or in a notebook between appointments. If you are asked to fill out any questionnaires, try to do so before coming to the visit. All of this will make the visit more efficient.
In addition to getting information, you should be giving information. Since your last visit, has your child been to a specialist or had an injury/ hospitalization? Is your child on any new medications or have there been changes in dosing? If you want to discuss a concern without your child present, please tell the staff before so we can meet with you a few minutes before the visit in another room. Also, don’t wait – start with your most important concern. This way, I will be able to look for information regarding your concern during the physical exam.
As soon as possible, let your child communicate. As soon as a child can communicate, I like to talk to them, so do not jump in and answer questions for them. Not only am I learning about them; I am also listening for any language difficulties, temperament issues like shyness or anxiety, and also any concerns they may have themselves. I learn a lot from speaking with the child directly.
5. SHHH!
5 Tips
To get the most from your pediatrician visits

40 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk DEVELOPMENT
Before the visit, discuss what will happen with your child. In our office, we want all patients to be undressed to their underwear and in gowns – it allows for a thorough exam. Let them know this may be the case. Do not tell them that shots won’t hurt , and please do not say, “If you do not behave, the doctor will give you a shot. ” That can undermine the relationship between the doctor and your child.
As a pediatrician for many many years, there are a few things I’ve seen that can make for a more effective visit – I want to share these with you!

• It gets your baby used to eating what you eat, rather than separate “baby food”, and encourages good eating habits.
If you’re feeling daunted by this next stage in your baby’s development, my baby weaning guide and top 5 tips should help to make the process easier.
Check out nomnomskincare.com
• Although there have been huge improvements in commercial baby foods, which are a far cry from the homogeneous, bland mush of yesteryear, your homemade offering will taste much better.
• It will be much cheaper than commercial baby foods, as you are not paying for packaging and marketing. If you are pureeing or batch cooking for the family you can make in bulk which saves money too.
As a nutritional therapist I have been giving weaning talks for over twenty years and have helped many hundreds of parents make the transition to solid foods with their baby. My passion has always been to encourage healthy eating and a love of good food. Whether you’re going for spoon feeding or a baby led approach, my top 5 tips below are a great start. If you want to learn more about weaning your baby you can get my The When,What and How of Healthy Baby Weaning Guide.
• You know exactly what has gone into it and can avoid any ingredients to which you baby is sensitive, without checking ingredients labelling.
• It will be fresher (most baby food is pasteurised and stored for longer periods) and will therefore be more nutritious, retaining heat sensitive vitamins and essential fatty acids.
42 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Ready made baby foods are great for when you’re out and about or short of time but making your baby’s food yourself has many benefits:

Jayne Russell has over twenty years of experience as a pre’ and postnatal massage and nutritional therapist and is the founder of Nom Nom – award winning, certified organic pregnancy and baby skincare.
By Jayne at Nom Nom
It’s better for the environment and also for your baby:
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 43
• Babies eat a larger quantity of food and take in more fluid relative to their size which can lead to greater exposure.
• Babies are exposed to a wider palate and are less likely to be fussy eaters who accept only a limited range of foods.
Lack of sleep and baby brain can make it difficult to remember what you did yesterday, let alone what your baby ate! Keeping a diary can help you stay on track of which foods you have introduced. Include the date, the food tried and make a note of any observations – favourite foods, dislikes and any reactions to foods. If your baby dislikes a food don’t discount it. Research shows that babies (and children) sometimes need repeated exposure to a food to develop a liking for it. After 10 tries 62% accept a new food. I’m not talking force feeding here, just gentle persuasion. The food diary can remind you how many times they’ve tried each food and it also makes a lovely memento of weaning your baby.
If cost or availability is an issue choose organic for those with the high est residues such as apples, berries and salad vegetables. Foods with lower residues tend to have inedible skins such as butternut squash, pumpkin, avocados, bananas, sweetcorn, pineapple and peas.

Try to include different textures as well as tastes. Adding finely grated apple, tiny pasta shapes or amaranth grain to puree can be a great way to introduce uniform texture to babies who tend to spit out lumps.
Introducing your baby to solid foods, also referred to as weaning or complementary feeding, starts when your baby is around 6 months old. Your baby should be introduced to a varied diet, alongside their usual breast milk or first infant formula. Expert NHS advice, helpful videos, tips from other parents, and lots of simple, healthy weaning recipe and meal ideas. www.nhs.uk/start4life/weaning
If you would like more tips and advice (from which foods to include and which to avoid, how to progress with introducing foods and dropping milk feeds, reducing the risk of allergies and intolerances, vegan babies and recommendations for the best weaning books) get my When, What and How of Healthy Baby Weaning Guide when you place an order for any Nom Nom Baby product.
Enjoy the process – weaning is the next exciting milestone and it can be great fun seeing your baby discover the world of food. However, it is much easier having only milk feeds to consider and you may find the thought of weaning daunting. Find out what you can in advance, then take it one day at a time and learn as you go. Be led by your baby, they are all different so go at their pace and remember it is not a competition. Yes, there will be mess! If this bothers you invest in a bowl with suckers, dress your baby in something wipe clean (or naked in hot weather) and put an easy clean mat or newspaper under the highchair at mealtimes. Yes, there will be waste and sometimes refusal to eat your lovingly prepared food. This is a short period of time and the more relaxed you are the more relaxed your baby will be too. Try to share mealtimes where you can, lead by example and never let mealtimes become a battle ground.
• The body tends to store pesticide residues in the fat cells out of harms way. As a babies water to fat ratio is higher than adults, more pesticides can be left to circulate.
From six months, including a large selection of foods is important for several reasons:
• It reduces the development of food sensitivities, by allowing you to rotate food and avoid an over-reliance on frequently eaten foods.
• Products from animals raised organically avoids residues of hormones and antibiotics.
• It ensures a wide range of nutrients are eaten, as a limited diet means certain nutrients may be lacking.
• Some studies show higher nutrient content in foods grown using organic methods.
• Their still developing nervous system and immature detoxification systems mean they are more vulnerable to the potentially toxic effect of pesticides and herbicides.
INGREDIENTS: • Tin Chickpeas boiled, 50 grams • Tomato, 5 pureed • Rice, 50 grams cooked • One boiled and sliced carrots • Cooked Pasta, 50 grams • 1 Onion sauteed • 1 Cooked courgette chopped • Sweet potato 1/2 • Cooked red lentils, 50 grams • Oil teaspoon • 1 clove garlic, minced • Spices, cumin, parsley, mint KOSHARI METHOD Make sure all ingredients are cooked before starting. Fry the onion with a teaspoon of oil, add the garlic. When golden, add all the spices, then add all the other ingredients and mix well. After six minutes, blend with a hand blender. Recipe

INGREDIENTS: • Cooked Salmon fish, cut in chunks, 10 grams • Tomatoes, 2 cups • Onion, half • Sweetcorn, 1 cup BAHIA STEW Recipe • Butternut squash, 1 cup sliced • Coconut milk 2 Oz • Red pepper 1/2 Cup • Spices: coriander and paprika, half teaspoon each METHOD Make sure everything is cooked first, Fry the onion with the spices, when golden add all the ingredients and let it simmer for 7 minutes. then blend the stew with a hand blender for 30 seconds. FOOD & DRINK

Make sure all ingredients are cooked prior to starting. Fry the spices with the onion, then add the chicken, cook untill chicken is well done. Then add the milk, peas, potatoes. Simmer for five minutes and then blend the recipe ready for weaning your baby.

46 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk KORMA Recipe INGREDIENTS: • Chicken boneless cooked, 10 grams • Milk, 2 oz • Rice cooked, 1 cup • Half onion • Peas cooked 1/4 cup • Chopped potatoes 1/2 cup • Spices cumin, coriander, ginger, fenugreek, clove, turmeric, pinch of all the spices

The Pippeta My 1st Spoon & Fork is the perfect way to introduce a little one to cutlery. Perfect for little hands to dip into food and practice pippeta.comself-feeding.

Helps parents with nutritional diversification every day by suggesting step-by-step recipes, perfectly adapted to their baby’s needs.Good healthy meals, home-made, softsteambeaba.comcooked.

Based on a vegetable first approach, the perfect way to develop healthy eating habits and to tackle fussy eating before it begins, you’ll be hand-held through the first 30 days of weaning. Charlottewhsmith.co.ukStirling-reed.
BABY FOOD MADE SQUEEZY: Babies and toddlers love to squish and squeeze objects, and this impulse is a great way to supportamazon.comweaning.
We all know how messy weaning your baby can be! This is why these silicone bibs are just perfect! The front pocket will catch every crumb that your baby doesn’t eat, saving you lots of cleaning time. mamiina.co.uk

project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 47

The Eco Rascals Cup + 2 Straws in a range of colours is a great second stage cup for toddlers and preschoolers who have learnt to drink out of a cup and love to drink out of a straw. Made from organic bamboo, the cup is spill-proof but not leak proof. This means if someone knocks it over, the liquid will be largely contained but will still leak through the ecorascals.comtop.

Once your baby has finished feeding, try not to lay him down for a nap or a nappy change straight away. Keeping him upright for 20 to 30 minutes will give his tummy time to settle. This may mean that your baby is less likely to bring up milk.
11 ways to cope with your baby’s reflux
Most newborns will bring up a little bit of milk after feeding (posseting), but reflux means that this will happen a lot! Caring for a baby with reflux can be messy and stressful for you, but these tips will help you cope.

Feeding with your baby sitting more upright may help to keep the milk in his stomach. You can try feeding your baby in this position whether you are breast or bottle feeding.
If your baby swallows air while he feeds, he may bring up some milk when you burp him. To prevent this, try to burp your baby regularly during each feed. If you’re breastfeeding, you could do it when you change breasts. If you’re bottle-feeding, it’s a good idea to burp your baby every three to five minutes during a feed.
48 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk HEALTH
Encouraging your baby to have shorter feeds means that his tummy won’t get too full. But make sure you breastfeed your baby or give him a bottle often, otherwise he’ll get hungry!
• Poor weight gain.
If you find that you’re getting stressed, talk to your partner, a friend, or your health visitor. Constantly cleaning up after a baby can be frustrating, so make sure that you ask for help if you need it.
• Fighting feeds or refusing to feed.
• Waking very frequently at night.
A baby who brings up milk will get messy very quickly! Try dressing him in vests and sleepsuits. These are easy to clean and are quick to change when they get dirty. Make sure you have plenty so that you always have a steady supply.
You won’t want your baby’s clothes getting damp from brought-up milk. And you won’t want your clothes covered in spills either. To avoid messes on the move, pack some spare clothes for you and your baby in your changing bag. And don’t forget plenty of muslins or bibs to wipe up little spills.
• Crying for long periods and becoming irritable during and after feeds; their crying may sound hoarse.
Reflux is when a baby brings up milk during or shortly after feeding. It’s very common and usually gets better as they get older.
Milk may end up on your furniture, so to minimise damage, stick to a particular chair to feed your baby in. If you want to, you can put a throw or sheet over the chair to protect it from any mishaps.
• A baby arching their back and turning their head.

Many of the common signs of baby reflux can also be signs that a baby is distressed for any number of reasons; for example, they’re hungry, need a cuddle or they’re cold. So it’s good to remember that while there are some recognisable signs of baby reflux, this isn’t necessarily a disease that needs to be medicated. Symptoms of a baby having reflux that does not need medication are:
• Spitting up milk during or after feeds several times a day, which may upset them.
• Hiccups.
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 49
Pro tip: the shoulder flaps on baby vests are specially designed so that you can take them off by pulling them down over your baby’s legs, instead of up over his head.
• Pain or discomfort in your baby’s chest or abdomen.
• Frequent ear infections.
Put washable covers on your pushchair and on your baby’s car seat, if possible. This means that you can easily clean up any accidents. It’s best to have an extra cover so that you have one spare while the other is being washed.
• Symptoms of GORD:
If your baby’s bottle-fed, trying a different bottle may help with wind and reflux. A slower-flow teat will stop him getting too much milk at once. Or you could try an anti-colic bottle that’s designed to minimise the amount of air your baby swallows during a feed.

• Signs of pain or discomfort when feeding.
• Being mildly unsettled, crying or needing to burp after feeds.
• Choking/gagging or coughing during a feed, or seeming to have a sore throat.
If milk regularly ends up on your clothes, switch to wearing white or pale-coloured cotton tops. Pale clothes won’t show up milk stains as much as coloured ones.
The activity gym is free-standing, flexible and adjustable width and height to help your growing baby reach the toys. Use on the floor, in bed or playpen. It’s easy to fold up and transport for nights away.

Includes 5 activities: rattles, mirrors, crinkle sounds, tags, shapes and textures. The 3 toys can be moved between 17 points on the arch or be attached to the mat with the toy links. Use the mat on its own, it folds up and has a practical carry handle.
Black & White Gymini is a 2-in-1 playmat with adjustable arches that provide an adaptable environment for your baby’s continued growth. The newborn play mat has various activities and interactive toys to keep your little one entertained, such as its adorable hedgehog that plays musical tunes and its baby book that encourages tummy time.
This funky yet subtle speckled design comes in this sophisticated dusty pink. This understated pink is a lovely addition to any room. If you are trying to choose which pink: our palest is the blush, then if you like grey/blue undertones you can’t go wrong with this one, but for those who want a warmer, pink closer to peachy, salmon tones check out our peony. The fine dots continues in a soft grey on the reverse.
The Done by Deer award winning Play Gym now comes in the beautiful tiny Tropics range, including a super soft playmat.
50 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
World-leading probiotic supplements for baby and infant

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The carrier or sling should be able to support your baby and be comfortable to wear for you and anyone else who is using it. Even if it states that it is suitable for newborns upwards, make sure your baby meets the minimum weight requirement. Your baby should be able sit upright, with their air passages clear. A newborn baby carrier is designed to support their head, back and developing hips and spine because their joints are soft and flexible.
The baby carrier must hold their legs in the recommended ‘frog leg’ position, with their knees level with or higher than their hips, and the thigh supported to the knee joint. This ensures their hips are not over stretched, and the balls of their hips to sit adequately in their sockets. Slings should support your baby’s back in its natural curved ‘C- shape and the fabric should be snug enough to support your baby.
Are you fed up of using a buggy and fancy a stroll with your baby closer to you? A baby carrier or sling allows you to carry your baby on your front, hip or back, leaving your arms and hands free. This can be a very convenient and practical option, allowing you to get on with other jobs or playing with older children. Some people choose to use them instead of a buggy, due to financial, lifestyle or space constraints, whilst others use them occasionally as an additional piece of kit for times when using a buggy is not practical, such as when travelling.
If you have a newborn at home, you’re likely carrying them for hours on end. That’s totally normal. Newborns want to be near you, on you and held by you. But this need that your baby has can make everyday life a lot trickier. How are you going to text that friend you’ve been wanting to see for so long, if you have a baby in your arms? How about pouring yourself a glass of water or carrying grocery bags? One word: babywearing!
56 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Here are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing your baby carrier or sling for your little one…

Hands-free parenting....
It’s a great buzz-word, but what does it actually mean? As a rule of thumb, this means something which grows with them, so look for a carrier with an adjustable seat, getting wider as they grow to maintain a hip-heathy, seated carrying position. For your comfort, the carrier should have a mechanism for tightening which encompasses both adult and child, allowing the weight to be distributed around your torso.
Modern close baby carriers and slings come in a huge variety of styles and choice to suit all budgets and preferences.
It is important that you fit your sling or carrier correctly and that it fits your body. Follow manufacturing instructions and most will have video instructions on their websites. Always double check clips and fasten ings every time you use your carrier or sling. The British Association of Babywearing Instructors also offers guidelines regarding safety of baby wearing. It recommends to
• Close enough to kiss (your baby’s forehead or head)
Ring slings and pouches: These are worn over one shoulder and consist of two pieces of cloth with two rings sown at one end. The free end is looped through the rings, forming a pouch for the baby. These can be worn on your front, hip or back. Unless they are adjustable, these will need to be exactly the right size for you and cannot be shared.
Some carriers can last your child for years. Look for the upper weight limit, and how many carrying positions the carrier offers. Many can be used on the back as well as the front, and can support even heavy toddlers well, without strain to the carrying adult.
Using a baby carrier keeps them close and happy whilst you get on with the business of life, whether that is looking after older children, or enjoying the great outdoors. All babies have a need to be close - rocking, patting and shushing are instinctive human behaviours. Babies thrive on the reassurance of a solid adult body against theirs, feeling protected and warm - and studies show that babies cry a lot less when they are carried. Using a carrier makes it easier for you to explore and navigate the world together, you can take them wherever your feet will take you. In those early years of parenting, that can be remarkably freeing. But with hundreds of carriers on the market, where do you start?
Some carriers don’t accommodate newborn babies - check the lower weight limits. Some will require extensive adjustment or an extra purchase of a special insert. A carrier for a newborn ideally keeps them upright on your chest, with support underneath right up to the back of each knee. Supporting the head and neck to lie on your body, with their mouth and nose clearly visible, and “close enough to kiss”.
A badly fitting carrier can be uncomfortable for you or your baby, even if on paper it should work for you. If at all possible, try before you buy - it can be a very personal thing, and what fits one person may not fit the other.
• Tight for adequate support
Soft-structured baby carrier: These are like back packs with thick straps that go over the wearers shoulders and a padded waistband, so your baby can be inward or outward-facing and in some cases, on your hip. They offer a mixture of ease, comfort and convenience and can be used on much older children. Some may be unsuitable for babies below a certain weight without the use of an additional infant insert.
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 57
• Supported back so the baby can’t slump and restrict their airway
Here’s what our, Infant Carrying Specialist, Nicola Lawson, had to say.
Wrap sling: Baby slings and wraps are long pieces are fabric, which wrap around you and your baby. These wraps can be spread comfortably across you and worn in a number of different positions, including front, hip and back carries. Learning to get a good fit can be tricky at first but they can be ideal for newborns.
• Keep baby’s chin off their chest to ensure breathing isn’t restricted
BENEFITS BABYWEARING:OF 1 Because sometimes, a pram is a pain 2 Multi-tasking has never been easier 3 Effortless bonding with that special closeness 4 Easier breast feeding 5 Baby’s health benefits 6 Including fathers 7 Babywearing helps you bond with your older kids BABY
This is a “fairy tale” family house, set in the extensive grounds of Pekes Manor House. A wonderful house, which consists of two large (17ft diameter) round towers, that were originally used for drying hops for beer making during the late 19th century. The house also has a delightful “country style” kitchen, with green tiled floor and light oak fitted units either side. At one end stands a stripped pine dresser, which displays the china you use and in the centre is a magnificent light oak table that can seat 12. The house is up a driveway of about 350 yards, which makes it very peaceful and safe for children. Visitors have the use of part of the grounds including a large lawn area, with a badminton court. They also have shared use of the hard macadam style tennis court and exotic swimming pool. groupaccommodation.com
Family Time
No matter what the weather does, fun is paramount at Moonfleet Manor. With indoor and outdoor play areas, a cinema, heated indoor pool, a fabulous crèche, great walks and nearby family attractions – the children will be entertained all day, every day. And for those in need of some grown-up time, parents can have a fabulous evening meal at our Mediterranean-style restaurant, or spend some soothing ‘me-time’ in the relaxing treatment rooms.
change image
Moonfleet Manor, Weymouth, Dorset,

Set in three acres of beautiful woodland and landscaped grounds this historic family house is ideally situated to explore the Kent Coast and Countryside. South East Kent also offers many visitors attractions for families with children and Rippledown is in close proximity to a number of Zoos, Farms and groupaccommodation.comParks..
Family Luxury at MoonfleetManor.
Enjoy a family break in a splendid Georgian manor house overlooking Chesil Beach in West Dorset. Situated in unspoiled countryside, this World Heritage site is simply magical, where the tranquility of the surroundings meets the quirky colonial décor of the homely interior
Chiddingly, East Sussex
Colyton, Devon Deal, Kent
58 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Ripple down
Holiday Rental at Oast House

Historic, secluded, courtyard setting, contemporary barn conversion, vaulted ceilings, beams, with stunning views of Coly Valley from every room. Under floor heating and log burners. Tennis court, games barn, large lawn, patio, fishing in pond and river on farm. 15 minutes from heritage Jurassic Coast groupaccommodation.combeaches.
Farwood Barton
Walton Castle
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 59
Stunning self catering holiday house. Impressive Grade 2 listed folly castle boasting most of its original features, sleeps 12 in the main castle and an extra 4 in the Clock House 50 feet away which is a completely self contained, ideal for an entire family.
A luxury family retreat overlooking the Fowey Estuary, it’s believed that the majestic Fowey Hall inspired Toad Hall in The Wind in the Willows. Author Kenneth Grahame was certainly a frequent visitor to this former family mansion, and it’s the perfect location for messing about on the river like Ratty and his friends.

Just two hours from London, the Ickworth Hotel is enveloped in rolling Suffolk countryside. Here you can sip champagne in the Italianate gardens, follow geo-caching clues around the estate, or free-wheel along the Grand Tour bicycle route. Once you’ve enjoyed a breath of fresh air, relax with the family in elegant hotel surroundings, or hunker down in a private apartment in The ickworthhotel.co.ukLodge.

The Ickworth Hotel
Welcome to this country house hotel, where luxury and family life go hand-in-hand. Climb trees, ride bikes and spot deer in 1,800 acres of parkland, then chill out with delectable cuisine, country views and child-friendly facilities on tap.

With exclusive use on a self catering basis, the Castle is perfect for family gatherings, with its lounge to cosy up in front of the fire whilst reminiscing, or creating family meals in the beautiful octagonal fully fitted kitchen whilst the children play safely groupaccommodation.comoutside.
Trowbridge, Wiltshire
With 8 bedrooms, 8 turrets, an indoor swimming pool, 4 acres of beautiful grounds, a stunning setting, entertainment suites, 2 function rooms, Walton Castle is just perfect for large and small family get togethers.
The Castle has a fully equipped children’s play area, and within walking distance, there are ruins, a large fishing lake, a paddock and someairbnb.comwoodland.
Once you’ve slung your fishing nets in the lobby and been greeted by Bramble the hotel dog, make yourself at home and enjoy the seamless fusion of luxury and family time. Despite the hotel’s grandeur and elegance, the patter of little feet is welcomed throughout –and the crèche, play areas, zip wire and games room ensure there’s plenty of child-friendly activity. However this is a sanctuary for grown-ups too, with opulent bedrooms, peaceful alcoves by roaring fires, spa treatments on tap and sumptuous Cornish cuisine served in the fine-dining restaurant.
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk
Clevedon, Somerset
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk
There is an almost endless list of fun things to do during your stay at Walton Castle, only limited by your imagination.

Fowey Hall Hotel

John Bell Croydon&
60 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk BEAUTY
John Bell & Croyden is a pharmacy located on Wigmore Street, London. The company dates from 1798 and has been based on its current premises since 1912. We have teamed up with John Bell & Croydon to introduce you to the best luxury Mother & Baby pieces. Visit us instore 50-54 Wigmore St, London W1U johnbellcroyden.co.uk2AU

Health& BEAUTY
Bio-Oil Skincare Oil helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone. The clinically proven formulation is a combination of plant extracts and vitamins suspended in an oil base that work together to help improve the skins texture and increase its elasticity.

Midwife developed, Mum approved, the My Expert Midwife’s award winning range provides effective solutions to common pregnancy, birth, new mum and newborn issues, to help you feel like you again.
No Harm Nipple Balm provides fast relief and protection from sore and cracked nipples when breastfeeding. This is 100% naturally derived, intensively moisturising and is a rich but thin serum that glides on easily and doesn’t drag sore nipples.
Nipple Balm

Wrapped in Love Calming face cream

Delivering exceptional dermal protection, our organic-certified face cream combines scientifically validated bio-actives, plant oils and extracts, to deeply nurture and calm.
Specially formulated for use from birth on,* Mustela Baby Shampoo is ideal for cleansing your baby’s fine and delicate hair: Leaves your baby’s hair perfectly clean with ultragentle cleansing action. Respects the delicate balance of your baby’s scalp.

Mens Food Grown Fertility
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 61
Nappy Rash Cream For Babies. This nappy ointment is a must-have for all baby changing bags, and for packing in your hospital bag. Use it to prevent nappy rash or to soothe soreness on your baby’s delicate skin
FOOD-GROWN Fertility for men provides: Selenium which contributes to normal spermatogenesis; Zinc which contributes to normal fertility, reproduction, the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood and plays a role in the process of cell division; Vitamin E which contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

This high-performance, organiccertified body serum assists in restoring elasticity and returns bounce to overstretched or slack skin, whilst leaving a feeling of instant lightness.

No BumHarmBalm
Little Butterfly LotionBody

Mushrooms are definitely having a ‘moment’ in decor and this storage basket is a typically clever and cool-looking OYOY creation.

Price: £123.00 kidly.co.uk
62 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Price: lunaandcash.co.uk£114.00
Great for nursery and playroom interiors, or as decor around the house. They even make for a brilliant night light, and can be hung on the wall, or plugged in to various locations. These fantastic handmade wooden lamps come with LED lights and a touch on/off switch.

Add a touch of playfulness to your little one’s nursery with our Harwell furniture range. With a neutral colour palette, it’ll look the part placed in any modern nursery. And because these pieces feature plenty of adjustable stor age, our Harwell range can grow and change as your baby does.

Price: £479.00 mamasandpapas.com
Price: £190.00 babyknees.co.uk
Beautiful wood and fabric baby rocker made by Charlie Crane of France. It is part of the LEVO range. Charlie Crane makes really stylish nursery furniture.
Price: £420.00 nubie.co.uk
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 63
This beautiful legend toy pedal car is built to last! With a strong metal body, rubber tyres and adjustable pedal positions, this 1920’s legend car is perfect for the young racing car enthusiast! With it’s twenties design, this is a classic that has been loved by many generations and is still popular with children today. Suitable for ages 3-6, this makes a perfect birthday gift. It’s easy to handle and allows your little one’s imagination to run wild with racing laps and time trials!

The Modern white rocking cradle designed by Lil Gaea is the perfect accessory for your new Nursery. It is a lightweight cradle so perfect for moving around the house. The cradle has a rocking feature which can also be fixed to stop rocking. The mattress can also be placed on an angle for babies with colic.

Steiff Leo Riding Lion is made from high quality woven fur in golden blond. Just look at his magnificent mane and a face full of character. Gentle hand airbrushing around his face together with big black eyes - whiskers - a long tail with a bob of hair at the end - all go to make this piece of Steiff very special indeed.
Price: smallkins.com£34.00
A true pearl, this Scandi-style cot bed is a design gem you’ll treasure for years to come, with its warm two-tone colours, smooth spindle detail and angled feet. Crafted from sustainable solid wood, the Perla is designed to withstand the bumps and knocks of family life. All Boori cot beds have the ability to transform into a toddler bed, lasting you from birth to around 5 years.

Everyone aboard. Play the story of Noahs Ark with this beautiful play set.


64 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Price: steiffteddybears.co.uk£475.00
Price: £449.00 boori.com
“Parents will spend more than £5,300 decorating their child’s nursery and bedroom - before they turn 10”
Every nursery or kid’s bedroom needs a Neo Mammoth Rocker; in fact even if you don’t have children, he would still make a lovely furry addition to your home! Neo has a a sturdy wooden base and sleek wooden handles, making for a safe and smooth ride.

source: next.com
Price: £135.00 cuckooland.com

Exclusive wooden dollhouse. Perfect for all your Maileg friends. Personalize with your favorite Maileg furniture. Price: £259.00 scandiborn.co.uk

project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 65
Beautiful wood and fabric baby rocker made by Charlie Crane of France. It is part of the LEVO range. Charlie Crane makes really stylish nursery furniture.

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68 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk 7
“Maybe they didn’t hear me?” you think. So, you ask again nicely. Firmly, but nicely. Nothing. You feel yourself rapidly falling into the familiar cycle of “Repeat. Remind. Repeat. Remind.” And then it happens–the fuse blows. In a moment of utter defeat, you’re left screaming the same demands you had requested calmly just minutes ago. The energy escalates and everyone is left frustrated and discouraged. I get it. So do most parents. I’ve been a parenting educator for 15+ years and can say unequivocally that children “not listening” is the most common frustration I hear from mums and dads.
Here’s the thing though, if you want to get a handle on your child’s unresponsiveness, the first thing you need to do is figure out WHY he is NOT listening. More often than not, his lack of response is a SYMPTOM, not the actual problem.

When you need your child’s attention, make sure you get her atten tion–that means eye contact. When you lower yourself down and look her in the eye, you not only verify she sees and hears you, but you strengthen the communication as well.
This means you might have to step away from the laundry or put down the whisk for a minute and step into the other room. Proximity is key–you’re not talking down to her or barking orders from the other room–you’re speaking with her.
You’ve asked your child to do something. Very calmly. Very rationally. And very deliberately. Instead of action, you get the kid equivalent of crickets. Radio silence.
If you don’t address this issue at its roots, you’re sure to see a simple case of “not listening” blossom into bigger behavior issues such as tantrums, defiance, and backtalk.
Instead of “No we can’t go to the park,” try “The park sounds awe some! Should we go Friday after school or Saturday morning?”
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of “Don’t touch your brother,” try “Use gentle touches when touching your brother” or “Your brother doesn’t want to be touched right now, so please keep your hands folded while we are in the car.”
People, and yes, even children, will usually live up to our expectations if we manage them in a positive way. Letting them know, in advance, that you trust them to do the right thing will cultivate open communication lines and increase the likelihood the task will get completed.
That’s confusing and contradictory. For example, if you say “Don’t touch your brother,” a child has to stop the current behavior AND determine the appropriate alternative behavior–If I can’t touch him, does that mean I can’t hug him? Can we play tag? Can I give him a high five? Can I help him put on his jacket or tie his shoes if mum Insteadasks?
But when “no” is your constant go-to answer, it’s no wonder kids stop listening to YOUR requests! Look for reasons to say yes more often. Your “yes” answers will begin to surprise and delight your child and have them paying more attention when you ask for something!

Remember that “not listening” should always be a wakeup call for us. While it might seem like defiance or inattention on their part–it is more than likely a way to get our attention or express their need for power.
“What is your plan for?” is one of my favorite strategies to avoid power struggles. It’s empowering because it’s assumptive on your part that they have a plan–and gives your child an opportunity to save face and quickly come up with a plan in the moment if they didn’t already have one!
Don’t touch your brother. Don’t run in the hall. Don’t play with your food. Don’t read the next sentence. (See what I did there?)
Instead of “Don’t run in the hall,” try “Please walk in the hall.”
Help your kids make an appropriate choice by taking this leap of faith. Your preemptive “Thank you for hanging up your towel after your shower,” will encourage your kids toward good behavior much more than, “I better not see your towel on the floor again!”
A simple way to ensure your child has heard you and that she under stands is to ask her to repeat back what you said.
Instead of “Don’t leave your toys all over the floor,” try “Please put your toys in the toy bin.”
Source : positiveparentingsolutions.com
1) What does she NOT want me to do?
If you see a task that’s been left undone, don’t dive in with a big rep rimand, just make an OBSERVATION: “I see a jacket on the floor,” or you can ask, “What is your plan for taking care of the trash today?”
When you’re bombarded with requests, it’s difficult to sift through them in a meaningful way, so you just deliver canned responses–“No, not today.” “No, I don’t have time for that.” “No.” “Nope.” “Nada.”
2) What does she want me to do instead?
Think about it for a moment. What is your normal, knee-jerk reaction to the 10,000 requests you get from your child every day? “NO,” right?
Kids and adults alike have a need to be seen and heard. When this need isn’t met, kids will stop listening to us. It may sound counterintuitive, but CLEARLY it works since it’s the number one complaint parents share!
There’s a saying in the sales industry, “never sell with blah-blah what you can sell with blah.” I think it makes sense in parenting too. When trying to get your kid’s attention, be as concise as possible and they won’t even have time to tune you out!
While there will still be situations that require a hard “no,” by offer ing more “yeses” you’ll increase the chances your kid will tune you back in.
Oh boy, I was as guilty of this as anyone. Parents, and especially mums, tend to turn a five-second answer into a five-minute dissertation!
Negative commands, such as “don’t” and “no” require kids to double process. Kids have to answer two questions:
If you have been feeding exclusively from the breast it might be too late for your baby to accept a bottle.
Once your baby is 12 months old, if not before, they can have their formula milk from a beaker.
I suggest you focus on your baby drinking from a beaker. Practice continually through the day with water.
Think positively – your baby has skipped a stage for you. You can be a ‘bottle free’ house!
• Do not stand staring at them or continually asking them if they have finished.
• If you can see that your child needs to shout and rage you need to ensure they are in a safe place and allow them to ‘let off steam’.
A child will continue to perform for longer if they feel they have an audience.
• Once calm and playing you can say to your child “We must remember that Mummy does not like you shouting. Mention the reason for the shouting and state that you don’t think it will happen again because You are my good little girl.’
• LEAVE them to vent their emotions.
• Change the picture from time to time until it eventually isn’t needed.
• Once the shouting calms and quietens simply approach and bend down and make eye contact.
Questions answered by Kathryn Mewes, Author of ‘The 3 Day Nanny’.
We cannot suppress a child’s emotions and ask them not to get cross.
• “All the shouts are out now. All finished. Now let’s go and find some puzzles to look at.” (Think of an activity that would distract your child)
At 8 months old your baby should be eating 3 solid meals a day and having 3 breast-feeds. I suggest the 15.00 milk feed is substituted with a beaker of formula milk and a yoghurt or cheese and cracker afterwards. This milk feed is not essential if your baby has a balanced solid diet.
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• I tend to stick an interesting picture on the ceiling of the bathroom and ask them to look up at it.
• Eventually your daughter will get the concept of tilting her head back without having a visual aid.
• Continue playing and do not mention it anymore.
A guide on how to help your child sleep, eat and behave well
You may well find that you need to continue with the morning and evening breast feed at 07.00 and 18.30 / 19.00 for another 4 months. On the days you cannot give these feeds a beaker of formula can be given. If it is not drunk it will not be a concern.
• Keep asking questions about the picture.
• I ask them questions about the picture and pour water down their back at the same time.
• I then wash the ‘back of their hair’ and move onto the top.
Nanny tochildrenhelpTheconfidencegiverelevantparentsages,differentstep-by-stepinquicklyparentingparentsKathrynextraordinaireMeweshelpssolvecommonchallengesandeasily-andjust3days.WithadviceforissuesandKathrynwillguidethroughthe3-dayplantothemmoreasaparent.3-DayNannywillparentswithaged6months6yearsto: •
• Try new foods and enjoy healthy eating • Transform
Continue to place vegetables on his plate. Two types each day. It is ideal to sit and eat with him but talk about topics that do not involve focusing on food.
A practical 3-day guide to overcoming key parenting challenges from sleeping and eating to potty training and behavioural problems. Sleep through the night negative behaviours and habits Potty train with ease
For further guidance on challenges you are having with your children you can contact Kathryn Mewes through her website bespokenanny.com or contact her direct on 07787 821 525.
3 the
project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 71
At the end of each meal give your son a chopping board and knife and ask him to cut up some fruit. If he nibbles it, the smallest amount, it must be drawn on the chart.
You can start a chart where each fruit or vegetable eaten is drawn on the chart and 3 vegetables tried = a small prize. The prize can be wrapped in foil and hidden somewhere in his bedroom. Do not make the prize sweets.
Kathryn’s 3-day plans work on the basis that it normally takes child days to settle into a new routine. On day helps you to identify the cause of the issue, the right positive bespoke solution and to begin to implement it. On this first day the new routine will feel and unfamiliar to parent and child but on day 2 the new routine will start to be more familiar. By the end of day change will be accepted by the child fresh start will begin to unfold for
Author of The 3 Day Nanny KATHRYNMEWES

For treats you can make smoothies and ice cream together from fresh fruits and cream!
and a
Be inventive with the chart to inspire your son and give him an incentive to try new flavours.
1 she
Between the ages of 2 – 5 years old all children go through the ‘fussy eating’ stage. The key is not to ‘make an issue’ of mealtimes.

72 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Some little ones have a bowel movement right after dinner or right before bed, like clockwork. Others’ poop habits are less predictable. Most of the time it’s not a problem. When to worry? If there are major changes, such as much more frequent pooping, painful stools, blood in the stools, or ongoing diarrhea, check with your doctor.

his nap to wear him out. Most kids this age still need an afternoon nap. Cutting it can make him cranky or too wired at bedtime because he’s overtired.
Many toddlers fight bedtime -- often they just want to be where you
Before imposing a time-out, give a warning in a stern tone of voice (“I’m counting to three, and if you don’t stop, you’re going to time-out. One, two, THREE!”). If she doesn’t listen, take her to the spot you’ve designated for time-outs, and set a timer.
Top Toddler Tips
If your child is ready to use the toilet, it usually takes about 6 weeks from first introducing the potty to the time she’s going on her own and staying dry most of the time.
Even after your child is staying dry during the day, it can be months and even years before your child can make it through the night.
Instead, stick with a consistent, relaxing bedtime routine every night. Give him a comfort object like a blanket or stuffed toy, and read him a book. Does he need extra reassurance? Try a night-light, or leave the door cracked.
“If you’re always saying, ‘No, no, no,’ your child will tune out the no and won’t understand your priorities,”
“If your reaction to a situation keeps changing one day you let your son throw a ball in the house and the next you don’t -- you’ll confuse him with mixed signals.”
Although potty training is a big milestone -- and one much anticipated by parents! -- you’ll want to be sure your toddler is ready. Forcing toilet training on a child who is really resisting can backfire. Instead, try to make potty time fun (read stories, sing songs). Offer nonfood rewards like stickers or trips to the park. And don’t make your child stay on the toilet if she doesn’t want to.
A new little one brings a whole new meaning to your life, and you want to give them the very best. Nuna PIPA™ lite lx’s feather weight design makes it easy to do just that naturally—with its Merino wool and TENCEL™. Be ready in a moment’s notice with its seriously strong and simple install, and a supremely secure design that exceeds American safety standards. Because nothing’s too good for you and baby.
Project Baby Rating:
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Lesley Head of reviews Says: If you’re looking for something that is small but mighty with all those protective features look no further than the Nuna PIPA Lite. Carseats can be heavy lugging in and out of the car 4/5 times a day, the carseat doesn’t need to be heavy to be safe. Complete with its iSofix base the PIPA Lite meets all the UK safety regulations and attaches to your pram with ease. It’s light but mighty.

To have healthy teeth your toddler should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and include calcium and vitamin D in his diet. Vitamin D helps his body to absorb calcium, which he needs to grow strong bones and teeth. Dairy products such as cheese are good sources of calcium. And there’s
You can do a lot to ensure that your toddler’s teeth are strong and will resist decay both now and in the future. Much depends on what he eats, as well as how often he eats it. Try to keep sweets and other sugary snacks between meals to a minimum.
If your toddler won’t drink much milk since being weaned from the breast or bottle, make sure he has dairy products such as yoghurt and cheese instead.
If you give your toddler fruit juice, it should be well-diluted, and given only at mealtimes in a beaker or cup. Or you could encourage him to drink the juice through a straw, which is better for his teeth.
Caring for your TODDLER'S TEETH

vitamin D in milk, oily fish, eggs, and fortified foods such as margarine and breakfast cereals.
If your toddler has lots of sugary snacks, you are continually topping up the levels of acid in his mouth. Water and milk are the best drinks for your toddler between meals. Try not to give your toddler acidic, sugary or fizzy drinks between meals, or juice or squash in a bottle.
This includes dried fruits such as raisins, which are high in sugar and can stick to teeth, as well as chocolate and cakes. When your child eats or drinks sugar, the bacteria in his mouth mix with the sugars to make a mild acid. This acid attacks the hard outer layer of the teeth and over time can cause cavities.
74 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
A vitamin supplement for young children which contains vitamin D may be worth considering. You can buy vitamin drops from NHS child health clinics.
When there is an increased risk of decay, or early signs of decay, your dentist may consider a treatment of fluoride varnish. The dentist paints this varnish on to your child’s teeth to stop the process of decay, or at least delay potential fillings. Talk to your dentist to find out if your child would benefit from this treatment.
Children’s health clinics make visits to the dentist fun for toddlers. If he is rewarded with stickers at the end of the appointment, it may make treatment later on more tolerable for him. These clinics also offer the opportunity for you to ask about anything you’re unsure of.
Try to restrict sweet food and drink to less than four times a day, as part of three meals and one snack. A small slice of cake or a piece of chocolate to finish off a meal is less harmful to his teeth than a lollipop that your toddler sucks all Otherwise,afternoon.encourage your toddler to eat all his sweets in one short session. Give him a small piece of cheese after he has finished any sweets to neutralise the sugars, and make sure that his next teeth-cleaning session is thorough.
Brush using small circular movements. Don't saw from side-to-side, as this may damage his gums, and it won't scrub his teeth. Concentrate on one section of the teeth at a time, and don't forget the backs.
Make sure your toddler can’t get to the toothpaste tube without you knowing. He may be more likely to swallow toothpaste if it has a sweet or fruity flavour. So try a minty or neutral flavour instead.
Persuade, rather than force, your toddler to open his mouth, as he needs to learn to like the idea of brushing. Give him lots of praise and encouragement when he allows you to brush them. Letting him choose his own toothbrush may also make it more fun for him.
If your toddler makes a habit of swallowing too much fluoride toothpaste while his teeth are forming, he may develop fluorosis. Fluorosis can give your toddler’s teeth a mottled look. So encourage your toddler to spit out tooth paste after brushing.
Eating too much toothpaste in one go is more likely to cause a tummy ache than anything more serious. If you suspect your child has eaten a large amount of toothpaste, take your child to your doctor or to your nearest accident and emergency department.
Take your child to the dentist when he’s about a year old. Dentists can help to prevent, as well as cure teeth problems. So don’t wait until you see signs of tooth decay. When you go to the dentist for your own appointment, take your toddler with you. He’ll then get used to the sights, sounds and smells.
Preventive measures are always best. Take control of sweets before your toddler discovers them. If you don’t eat sweets, and your toddler’s friends don’t, he may not meet a sweet until his second birthday. If the rest of your child’s diet is healthy, even this period without sweets will help those first teeth to get a good start.
and stay in the gaps until the next thorough brushing, or sometimes longer.
Don’t assume that you don’t need to take your toddler to the dentist because his first teeth are going to fall out anyway. A damaged baby tooth can cause pain and lead to a serious mouth infection. Most first teeth have nearly a decade of hard work in front of them. Good habits early on will lay the foundations for a lifetime of healthy teeth.
If banning sweets is impossible, you can reduce how much damage is done to the enamel on your toddler’s teeth. The more times a day your toddler eats something sugary, and the longer the sugar stays in his mouth, the more likely it is that damage will occur.
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Cleaning your toddler's teeth should be part of his daily routine, though you may need to be persistent. But you can gradually give him more responsibility for the brushing as time goes on.
Supervise your child while he brushes his teeth until he is at least seven years old. By then he'll have the manual dexterity needed to clean his teeth thoroughly. When he feels ready to try, let him have a go. Show him how to brush in small circular movements, rather than from side-to-side.
Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and helps to resist decay. Some children are particularly prone to tooth decay, and dentists sometimes recommend fluoride supplements as well as fluoride toothpaste. Always ask your dentist for advice before giving your toddler fluoride supplements.
Cakes and other high-sugar foods, even if they’re homemade, can be just as damaging as sugary sweets.
Use a smear of fluoride toothpaste, or a pea-sized amount if your child is three years or older. Under-threes should use a low-fluoride toothpaste containing about 1,000ppm (parts per million) of fluoride.
Tooth-friendly snacks: Cubes or slices of cheese Plain yoghurt Plain FreshPlainBreadstickspopcornricecakesfruitorvegetables
Clean your toddler's teeth twice a day, before breakfast, and after his last drink of the day. As you brush, clear all traces of food from on or between his teeth. Use a small toothbrush with soft, round-ended bristles of differing lengths, and a small, angled head. Change the brush at least every three months, or when the bristles start to spread out.
If he's reluctant to have them cleaned, brush your teeth first and then let him try to copy you. Or see if he'd like to brush your teeth for you.
Don’t wait until you see signs of tooth decay. When you go to the dentist for your own appointment, take your toddler with you.
Raisins, dates and other dried fruits (whether loose or in bars) can cling to and harm teeth, even though they’re a healthier option than sweets. Your toddler should also eat these as part of a meal, rather than as a snack. Chewy sweets are worst of all, as they stick to the teeth
Stories also give my girls their first stepping stones to understanding the world outside our home. We learn about the human condition through stories, and it’s no less true for children. By stealth, stories place them in other people’s shoes, and help them empathise with others – even it’s just a frightened mouse trying to survive the attentions of the Gruffalo!
76 l SEPT-OCT 2022 l project-baby.co.uk
Reading with them is really important to us. Our daughters are four and two years old, and because they’re both into different books, we swap who we read to every night. Martha, four, is currently into Horrid Henry tales. Meanwhile, Edie, two, loves The Tiger Who Came To Tea.
So what do I see as the benefits of reading with my kids? First, after all the playful chaos
Every family has a bedtime routine, and we are no different. At around 6.15pm every night, it begins. Our daughters have their bath, brush their teeth, get their pyjamas on, and then, usually after a number of protests and appeals, they finally agree to settle into bed ready for my wife and I to read them their stories.
As well as teaching them about the wider world, reading to my children has taught them about me, and me about them. Through our nightly routine, I know what my girls find funny or sad. I find out what they don’t know and get the chance to explain words and concepts to them as we go along. You could say reading to them helps me see things through their eyes.
of the day, I find reading with my girls a special, calm time. Because I read with them one-to-one, it’s a rare occasion when they have my full focus, and I have theirs, without any of life’s distractions.
There are so many good reasons for fathers to read with their children. For me, the biggest of all is that it’s made us closer. That’s something that can’t be bought – it comes from the time we spend day in, day out, travelling to magical worlds together.
They don’t know what they’re missing, says Charlie Swinbourne.
Its statistics show that in 25 per cent of cases, this is because fathers work late, and I must confess, the fact that I work from home makes my nightly commitment to telling tales a lot easier. But what about the other 75 per cent? Interviews showed that one of the main reasons some fathers don’t read with their kids is because they see reading as a female – the mother’s – domain. These findings are worrying, because fathers reading with their children has been proven to boost academic success, and leads to improved social and emotional wellbeing. Booktrust is running a campaign called Get Dads Reading as a result.
Because I’ve read with them, I find I can explain other areas of life more easily. When I told them recently about a relative who is moving house to get more room, I only had to reference Julia Donaldson’s book A Squash And A Squeeze to help them understand.
75% of fathers don’t read to their children.
Our evenings have been like this for nearly three years so, until recently, I thought reading to my girls every night was perfectly normal –that all dads do it. But it turns out I am in the minority, because according to Booktrust, only one in eight fathers reads with his children.

project-baby.co.uk l SEPT-OCT 2022 l 77
Yup, the caterpillar’s still hungry! And just like him, when it comes to this book toddlers can’t seem to get enough.

The eighth title in this hugely popular series featuring Lily and her loveable soft toy sees the inseparable duo starting at a new school with surprising results.
David McKee’s stunning illustrations give Elmer lots of toddler appeal and this is a lovely book to read to youngsters to illustrate the message that it’s OK to be different and not just one of the crowd! Elmer offers lots of fun and laughter for readers aged 1+.

The Odd Egg, is eggs-traordinarily good! Babies and toddlers will love the gentle humour as Duck finds an egg and starts to look after it. It’s the most beautiful egg in the world, but the other birds all think it’s an odd one.

By Emma Chichester Clark
Goat Goes to Playgroup is a witty but reassuring read for any nervous preschoolers who don’t know what to expect. Goat’s crazy antics will raise plenty of giggles with youngsters and make this cheery picture book fun to read aloud, again, and again and again!

By Eric Carle
Weaving a journey from lively beginning to a gentle end, this gorgeous novelty board book is perfect for little ones winding down for bedtime.
The story of Little and Big Nutbrown Hare’s efforts to express their love for each other has long been a favourite of ours at the Book People -and with the book selling over 18 million copies worldwide, many generations of readers also love this touching tale.


ByRhiannon Fielding
By Emily Gravett
BySam McBratney
By David McKee
By Julia Donaldson
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We have designed the collection to ensure we offer a variety of size & mat styles to not only cater for different changing requirements but also to help make our product attainable for the mass.
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These luxurious buggy hooks at tach easily to any buggy or stroller. They provide handy extra storage for shopping bags, changing bags and more, offering practicality and the equivalent of a much needed extra pair of hands. We’ve tested these buggy hooks on all the major high street brands, and the top 10 stroller, pram and pushchair lists. If your buggy has a handle, these clips will fit. Either on the foam handle or directly on the frame.
We’ve taken the traditional baby changing mat & combined it with some utterly gorgeous prints, based around interior trends so that they fit seamlessly into your home. Not only do they set the tone for a nursery space & inspire themes, they make incredible photo backdrops - our customers absolutely love taking pictures of their babies on our mats!
You rest assure and take care of your baby while we curate person alised outfits just for you. You can select to receive a Glow Box or Glow Online Edit as you wish.

Beautiful Blankets , the blanket arrives charmingly presented in a satin ribbon with a gift tag that explains to the receiver all about the key features and details. A beauti fully considered and thoughtful gift that will become a cherished family

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