The life of marama

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The Life Of Marama


After Maui fished up the North Island and reeled up the South Island, the sun goes down and it produced a beautiful light. The sunset was over and the sky gets darker. This is the time for Marama, the moon to shine in the sky full of stars. But wait a minute. Where’s the moon?

Every night, Marama would always come out, when the sky gets dark. And Maui always see Marama, the moon, shining her white side every night, so Maui and his brothers can get home after their great adventures.

The only thing that Marama does is the she just lights up in the middle of the night and she has nothing to do. Every night, she cried. “I wish I have something fun to do.�

One minute or later, she saw this beautiful glow, shining above Maui’s village. She went to find the light. It was shining beautiful colours, She found out that it was Matariki who was shining those beautiful colours

So Marama started to hang out with Matariki every night, and she was so happy, she can’t stop smiling and she was the happiest moon in the world.

The End

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