W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space//CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014

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W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014

1st Dec 14 - 20th Dec 14 Ahmedabad, INDIA


contents 01 Introduction 02 Program Overview 03 Stage A: Form Finding 04

Stage B: Form Development

05 Stage C: Fabrication & Assembly 06 Installation & Exhibition 07 Credits

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

01 Introduction “Form follows function. But if not function, what does form follow?” What is the function of form? Questioning modernist views on the role architectural form, a new language of expression evolved towards the end of twentieth century: ’deconstructionism’. Following this in late ‘90s, the spread of telecommunication and technological advancement brought rapid and radial changes in the way of life and our built forms. Advent of digital era has resulted in demand of difference and multiplicity, unpredicted level of complexity and higher performance of built forms. Reflection of this is on design process , construction methods and built environment. Digitalisation offers a seamless flow between design to production. Form and space are directly related in three dimension. Parametric models generate simultaneous resolutions of complex problems. Complex geometry and mass customisation with high precision can be achieved. There is a focus on physical and computational methodologies for exploring form that can be articulated as architectural spaces. By using bottom-up and top-down approach to create component systems and emergent forms, a series of experiments led to design of infill spaces in the university campus that form a part of the final exhibition.

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

02 Program Overview The course module was designed as a non-linear exploration process between physical and digital medium. While there is a strong focus on use of computational methodologies as a part of the workshop, physical experimentation formed the basis of experimentation considering the spectrum of experience and skill set of participants. Theoretical knowledge of computational design, parametric approach, generative & algorithmic methodologies was provided to participants through a series of lectures and presentations that included works of tutors and other necessary references, operating in this domain. Since participants came without any prior knowledge of computation, physical prototyping was implemented as the primary approach for form-finding and evaluation.

Week 1 focussed on elementary form-finding techniques using physical modelling

and experimentation with a range of material mediums.

Week 2 focussed on component aggregation and bottom-up form-finding techniques. Week 3 focussed on prototyping at larger scales using computational techniques

and digital fabrication methodologies such as laser cutting & 3D printing, as well as real-time form-finding methods using digitally fabricated components. The workshop module was culminated as an open-ended experimentation to explore a multitude of methodologies of form-finding, fabrication and assembly through physical and digital mediums.

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

03 Stage A: Form Finding The workshop was initiated with informal talks, presentations & theoretical lectures about form, space & geometry. Through week 1, a variety of mediums were introduced to students for form finding explorations through physical modelling. Students worked individually to explore a variety of forms and spaces that they could comprehend based on their previous architectural knowledge and on-going lectures.

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

04 Stage B: Form Development In this stage, we narrowed down the agenda of form finding and focused on developing a certain number of forms and geometries through a rigorous method of physical prototyping and evaluation. Computation was introduced during this stage to aid development of forms and geometries. Component based aggregation methodologies were introduced as an idea for emergent form finding which were applied to some of the projects as per participants’ interests.

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

04 Stage C: Fabrication & Assembly After a series of physical prototyping explorations in the first half of workshop, we narrowed down the agenda into three projects ( groups) based on common interests. Previous prototyping formed the basis of these projects that run in parallel through the last week of workshop, culminating in an exhibition of works in university space. The 3 projects explored by groups of three participants each were: Magnetism & Field Flows, Origami Form-finding and Tetrahedron Growth.

Magnetism & Field Flows Kushal Jain Shubham Vegda Dhwani Modi

Origami Form-finding Aneesh Devi Harshvee Gandhi Minjin Kim

Tetrahedron Growth Megha Gupta Ridhima Passi Amit Kumar

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

Magnetism & Field Flows Kushal Jain Shubham Vegda Dhwani Modi

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

Origami Form-finding Aneesh Devi Harshvee Gandhi Minjin Kim

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

Tetrahedron Growth Megha Gupta Ridhima Passi Amit Kumar

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

06 Installation & Exhibition

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

07 Credits Tutors

Urvi Sheth //CEPT, Urvi Sheth Architects, TU Delft Sushant Verma //rat[LAB], Arch2O, AA London


Kushal Jain Shubham Vegda Dhwani Modi Aneesh Devi Harshvee Gandhi Minjin Kim Megha Gupta Ridhima Passi Amit Kumar

4th year B.Arch Birla Institute of Technology , Mesra 2nd year B.Arch CEPT University, Ahmedabad 2nd year B.Arch CEPT University, Ahmedabad 2nd year B.Arch Hiray College of Architecture, Mumbai 2nd year B.Arch Hiray College of Architecture, Mumbai 1 year M.Arch CEPT University, Ahmedabad 2nd year B.Arch Hiray College of Architecture, Mumbai 1st year MIAD CEPT University, Ahmedabad 2nd year M.PLAN CEPT University, Ahmedabad

Special Support

A special thanks to Asst. Prof. Aanal Shah and the entire team from CEPT University that organized Winter School 2014. Thanks to Yatinbhai (Wood workshop Technician), Chhaganbhai (Metal Workshop Technician), Savilashbhai and CEPT students who offered help and support during the course of the workshop - Murtaza Dhilawala, Parshish Tadvi, Priya Bhadja, Ketan.


www.rat-lab.org www.cept.ac.in

CEPT WINTER SCHOOL 2014 | W14FA010 - Design Fantasies: emerging forms in space

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