viaEUropa: evaluation report Feasability visit for Youth in Action Programme Costa da Caparica; 22 ~ 26.02.2012
Funding This project was funded by Youth in Action Programme: Portuguese National Agency for Youth in Action Programme @ European Commision @
Partners  The partners of the project were the following: o La Vibria [ES] @ o Intercultura [FR] @ o CCPL [LU] @ o Link [IT] @ o ATDR [RO] @ o Students' Club [SI] @ o Youth against AIDS [LV] @
Local Partnerships  The local partnerships were the following: o CM Seixal o VidaEmprego o Khapaz o Restaurante "o Bispo"
Media Partnerships The media partnerships were the following: o Rádio Baía o Jornal do Seixal o Setúbal na Rede
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For more photos, check out the following link
Final Work – group #1 Group #1 developed the following work: o “Creativity4Work” – a project based on a series of events and meetings organized by young people for young people to empower them to find a job and will consist in 6 events; o “Shoes” – an activity for problem solving, to look at a problem from different perspectives and to find creative solutions; o “Bee hive” – an activity to facilitate the decisionmaking process, to facilitate discussions around different projects and to help an organization to take the best decision about which project to develop; o For more information regarding their work, you can see the description on the online mindmap of the project, the video synopsis, the online presentation and the links for the activies “shoes” and “bee hive”.
Final Work – group #2 Group #2 developed the following work: o “Hiring! ExEVS wanted!”: 8-14 day youth exchange to present the EVS as an alternative method of developing the skill required to get a job and present them as valuable professional experience; o “Oppressed much? Meet the boss?”: project for a youth exchange where the participants experience the process of a job application, preparating a job interview, presenting skills and experience as valuable and learning to express themselves to build self-confidence; o “No skills? Think again!”: is a project for a youth exchange where the participants learn how to write a CV, highlighting the skills in non formal education; o “Movie it!”: project for a youth exchange where the participants will participate in activities with the objective of presenting EVS of Youth in Action programme, mainly with films made by EVS volunteers describing and documenting their experience; o For more information regarding their work, watch the video synopsis and the online mindmap of the project.
Other results Some of the activities were filmed to produce video tutorials [hosted online @ YouTube]of non formal activities: o Deixa cair isso que quero sentar-me @ o Yia Quizzz! @ o Quem sou eu? @ o Bolas a Circular @ o O que é um jovem com menos oportunidades? o As minhas coisas @
All the activities are @
Evaluation – Activity “Deep Space”
Evaluation – Activity “Deep Space” II This activity consists on a proposal to the participants to identify their path during a certain period (in this case during the feasability visit); In a flipchart sheet, there are 4 areas: Earth (tranquility and familiarity), Sun (excitement and activeness), Asteroids (Hard and Difficulty) and Black Hole (Nothingness and meaningless) The participants were asked to draw a line, corresponding to their path in the visit
Evaluation – Activity “Deep Space” III 2
Evaluation – Activity “Deep Space” IV The result is that the area that had more activity 1) Sun (excitement and activeness), and after 2) Earth (tranquility and familiarity) na then there was 3) Asteroids (Hard and Difficulty) and 4) the one with less intensity Black Hole (Nothingness and meaningless) The interpretation of the results is that the global process developed during the visit was positive, active and safe.
Evaluation – General overview The participants said: o “ViaEUropa whas a perfect meeting to discuss about new projects, share impressions about youth unemployment and specially discover new methodologies to apply in our daily job in this topic, as time banking and human library.” o “It had a good idea, but I guess at times it could have been a bit more clear… It was sad we only had three working days, in more time, we could do a lot more and clarify more what we want to do. Maybe I would want a bit more interaction with local organizations, since this is usually the aim of feasibility visits, but due to short time of the project it was understandable we could not to that.” o “It was a great project - very interesting topic, inspiring discussions and all in all a very productive seminar.”
Evaluation – Objectives 
In a scale from 1 ~ 5, the average was the following: o Understand globally the reality of youth unemployment and the processes of exclusion in Europe: 3 o Reflect and exchange experiences about the different tools/activities/networks in this field of youth work: 4 o Create activities, projects and networks for the promotion of European and International activities for young people with less opportunities: 4 5
Understand globally the reality of youth unemployment and the processes of exclusion in Europe
Reflect and exchange experiences about the different tools/activities/networks in this field of youth work
Create activities, projects and networks for the promotion of European and International activities for young people with less opportunities
Evaluation – Methodologies The participants said: o “The used methodology was diversed, dynamic and creative that envolves the cooperation of all the participants and of the organization.” o “Too wide. We should have worked on something more defined at the beginning. Defining and selecting common bases to come up with a shared comprehension is normally a good start on this kind of meeting.” o “It was a great project - very interesting topic, inspiring discussions and all in all a very productive seminar.”
Evaluation – Activities
In a scale from 1 ~ 5, the average was the following: o o o o o o
Presentation of the participants and organisations: 4 Presentation of local social projects developed in the Social Network of Seixal: 4 Visit to the historical centre of Seixal: 5 Youth in Action Programme – An opportunity?: 4 Creation and development of ideas in the field of the promotion of European opportunities for youth in work groups: 4 Presentation of the final results: 4
Presentation of the participants and organisations
Presentation of local social projects developed in the Social Network of Seixal Visit to the historical centre of Seixal
Youth in Action Programme – An opportunity?
Creation and development of ideas in the field of the promotion of European opportunities for youth in work groups Presentation of the final results
Evaluation – Activities’ overview The participants said: o “Most of them were adequate to the group, just the different level of knowledge made difficult some tasks. I really appreciate the way to present the results using livestream, a very innovative way that gives new possibilities of visibility.” o “Not clear... there should have provided us with a common frame to enable us to share more and come up with more valuable tools and knowledge regarding the topic and the target group.” o “I think its a start. A lot has to be done yet, if we want to conclude the project. We had some time to develop activities and ideas, but not enough time. Now it actually depends from the whole group of participants if we will be able to carry on the project and complete it.”
Evaluation – other aspects of the project 
In a scale from 1 ~ 5, the average was the following: o o o o o o
Preparation info : 5 Time Management : 4 Facilities : 4 Accomodation : 4 Food: 4 Freetime activities: 4
4 Preparation info 3
Time Management Facilities Accomodation
Food Freetime activities
Evaluation – Learning outcomes The participants said: o “Besides having practised my english, it was quite rewarding to discuss and elaborate activities that can be put in practice by several partners involved in this project. I have learned with the shared experiences from the group.” o “I also got to know very interesting projects and possibilities during the presentation of local social projects developed in the Social Network of Seixal.” o “I keep in mind some ideas that came up along with some brainstormings, such as living library, non-formal activities CVs and a few more... and try to imagine for now how they can evolve and fit in my local reality.”
Evaluation – Results
The participants said: o “I believe that overall the project has achieved its objective of brainstorming ideas to improve youth unemployment throughout the EU and its member countries. The small number of projects drafted reflects their complexity - a youth initiative spanning over 6 months and an ambitious 14 day youth exchange with a wide range of nonformal learning activities would benefit the communities in all participant countries.” o “Not satisfying for me... I'm sure that with the local NGOs, the other Participants and Rato - we could have come up with much better results. And I do think that "results" should have not been "activities" but a better knowledge about youth unemployement in Europe and youngsters with fewer opportunities... to come up later on with stronger activities or projects but not within the framework of a feasability visit !” o “They are partial. I think we will have to work a bit more to perfect them. But regarding the short period of the project, they are good.”
Evaluation – Final comments The participants said: o "I enjoyed the project very much .This was a first training like this for me and there was a lot of new things to learn. This actually gave me a good insight on how it is to be at this type of environment - international youth workers developing new ideas.” o “Its a good thing if you want to develop new tools, activities on a certain topic. For a future similar project, if there would be one in the future, i would suggest more working days, and more participants to offer the possibility of working in different groups during the project and to realize with what kind of people, how you work best.” o “I would like to thank the project organization and to all the participants.”
Evaluation – internal meeting of Rato – ADCC I
The conclusions of the promoter are the following: 1. The use of online resources was very effective in the process of communication and preparing information mainly with technologies like GoogleDocs and Delicious; 2. The form for the participants enrollment should have had the fields for insertion of the contacts’ information of the participants in order to produce automatically the contact list of the participants; 3. For the objectives and expectations, the project had a very short number of participants; 4. There was also a problem caused with dilemma between the topics “Youth with fewer opportunities” and “Youth unemployment”. The activities should have approached more the topic of “Youth Unemployment” in specific approach; 5. There was a very clear role of every member of the organization team;
Evaluation – internal meeting of Rato – ADCC II
The conclusions of the promoter are the following: 6. There weren’t any situations of conflict between the organization team and the participants; 7. There should have been a more concrete orientation regarding the actual implementation of the results of the project with the partner organizations. Nevertheless, Rato – ADCC is going to integrate some ideas on future Youth in Action projects and activities; 8. The results of the project are according to the objective “Create activities, projects and networks for the promotion of European and International activities for young people with less opportunities”; 9. The online mindmap of the project is very effective for the demonstration of the results of the project; 10. The idea of the video synopsis is effective but the videos produced should have better quality (mainly regarding its sound) and be more creative in order to be more appealing; 11. The final clip was effective regarding the chapter of Visibility.
Evaluation – Tag Cloud
This tag cloud is online @
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Visibility Activities - blog Media Partners o Setúbal na Rede [Website]: o Setúbal na Rede [Facebook Page]: o Jornal do Seixal [Printed version]:
Online Social Networks I
o Facebook: profile of Rato – ADCC [1334 friends] link o Facebook: group “International” [64 members] link o Facebook: group “Associações” [20 members] link o Facebook: group “ Youth Partner Network” [4.566 membros] link o Facebook: group “Youth in Action” [3.832 members] link
Visibility Activities Online Social Networks II o Facebook: group “Exchanges Netwoork” [7.145 members] link o Facebook: group “Salto Youth Resource Centres” [1.145 members] link o Facebook: group “Meetingpoint.evs” [215 members] link o Facebook: group “Link Youth Altamura” [1.002 members] link o Facebook: page “Youth in Action Programme” [764 like it] link
Visibility Activities Online Social Networks III o Facebook: page “Youth in Action” [1.440 like it] link o Facebook: page “Youth in action” [17.509 like it] link o Facebook: page “Portal da Juventude” [4.719 like it] link o Facebook: page “Associazione Link”[1.167 like it] link
Visibility Activities Online Social Networks IV o Twitter: profile “Rato-ADCC” [470 members] link o Facebook: page “” [32 like it] link o Facebook: page “OpenEUropa” [163 like it] link