Concourse Case Study (New Product Development) Objective 1) To create a new product/ brand that uses the current technological and digital tools. 2) To create an integrated marketing campaign to launch this brand.
Brand Tonality
• Cheerful and honest • Addresses its target as a community • Never timid • Not condescending Consumer Four Value Dimension Symbolic: • independence, control, community Relationship: • partners, you/wheelchair, support system Reputation: • assertive, up-to-date, capable
A GPS enabled system that provides people in wheelchairs the fastest, safest and most convenient routes around town.
Experiential: • eliminates uncertainty, fosters spontaneity, convenient
It uses Garmin’s GPS technology to give layouts of different buildings. It also has an option for voice recognition. On the website, you have different tools that help you plan outings, tag favorite places, suggest routes, make comments, plan trips to other cities, etc.
Stages of Grief
We called it Concourse because the word ‘concourse’ means a confluence of people as well as a driveway or boulevard, and what we’re trying to do is not only provide a tool to provide people in wheelchairs with the most convenient routes, but also serve as a social networking website for this closely knit community.
• Sympathy • See the wheelchair • Inability
• Respect • See the person • Difficulty
e Accept-abled We want to talk to people who have reached the acceptance stage in the stages of grief and have decided to resolve and readjust.
Other Insights
e Message
• ey don’t pity themselves. • ey rely on public transportation even though they think
Concourse develops tools that empower people with disabilities by helping them be more independent. It makes people’s disabilities less of a factor when they’re navigating a world that wasn’t built with them in mind.
it’s a significant barrier. • ey are a closely knit community, sharing information online in order to enhance their lives.
Campaign Overview e Challenge
Become part of the community:
To make an authentic entry into this community without seeming condescending.
e Strategic Shift Shift the mindset of how people in wheelchairs are perceived, by themselves and by others.
Political Activism Change of Logo, the Mobilize Movement
Provide Tools Concourse Device Rating System Online Tools
e Concourse Website: Mobilize Movement
One page Ad in the NY Times
Creative To generate buzz about the Mobilize Movement and get people on board, we will run a one page ad in the New York Times followed by a direct mail to this community of people on wheelchairs, as well as general people. Another space that we will utilize for this purpose is special events such as the Abilities Expo, the biggest trade conference for handicapped people as well as other sporting events. Kiosks will be placed strategically at sporting events organized for handicap people as well as at We will also have banner ads on popular handicap websites like
Banner Ad
Direct mail
Widget: is widget will pop up whenever you open any particular building, mall, restaurant’s website and give you its handicap rating.
Measurement: Rating System & Widget:
Website Traffic
e rating system is another feature available online and on the device itself
Kiosk Traffic
which allows users to rate buildings based on handicap accessibility. It’s an
Mobilize Movement Participation
engaging experience which lets you rate, make comments, add buildings, etc.
Widget downloads