D I S E Ñ O G R Á F I C O E I L U S T R A C I> Ó1 N
Sumary LOGOS, brands, bands
companys and others
Branding, stationeries, advertising
and identity
Editorial Design, layout and proportion
Illustration, drawing, inking and killing
Photography, focus and shoot
Hi, My name is Robert Rasic I am a Venezuelan graphic designer and illustrator; I graduated from the Jose Maria Vargas University in Caracas. Ever since my aunt taught me about drawing persons and shapes felt like creating images was what I wanted to do the rest of my life, it could be homework for my classmates at school, or commissioned drawings of aliens, robots etc. I always saw it like the thing i was good at and the area that i shall master in my life. I always found inspiration on horror, I can remember how amazed I was the first time I looked at an iron maiden cover or the pet cemetery make-up, getting ideas from the concept art of my favorite video games and trying to figure out interesting characters from TV shows and cartoons, that was what inspired me as a child and i now see the deep impact it has had on my work. Here is a quick look at my work, going through various areas of graphic design highlighting the areas I have most experience on those being illustration and layout design, you will be able to get a deeper look at the process and completion of certain pieces of my work. Hope you enjoy my work and find it interesting, thank you for taking the time to take a look at it. >3
LOGOS, brands, bands companys and others >4
This is a sample of my work as a logo and corporate identity designer, this projects are a mix of comissions, personal identities i have used in time and comercial pieces for companies, clients etc. >5
Propossed corporate logo for the United Nations proclamation INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF COOPERATIVES 2012
Real State company BEACH HOME concept
Swimsuit brand Dasha swimwear
Band logo Frankenstein V8
Tipographic magazine GUTEMBERG
Liquor store franchise HOME LICOR
Logo proposal for the Olympic games Montego Bay 2016
Band Logo Pepperoni´s Funk Machine
Personal Logo
Computers online store POWER LAPTOPS
Energy drink Quantum
Personal Lettering Raťić!
Dining place emblem TINO Delivery Express
Apparel brand Pin-up Zombies
Personal logo
Sports magazine Tercer Tiempo
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Apparel brand ZAMURO Ropa Callejera
Ilustration magazine Voltaire
> 11
Band logo Los Fratters
Apparel brand VOLTA
Band logo Daidalos
> 12
stationeries, advertising and identity > 13
Here is a look at the stationery and advertising materials for various of the identities shown before, my objective is to take the most of the concept of the company with interesting visuals on all of their pieces. > 14
fig-1 fig-2
Identidad corporativa para propuesta de olimp铆adas Montego Bay 2016 figuras: 1-Carpeta 2-Hoja membretada 3-Sobre carta 4-Carnet 5-Bolsa 6-Tarjetas de presentaci贸n
fig-5 fig-6
> 15
Stationery staff figures: 1-Envelope 2-folder 3-Letter sheet 5-Bill 6- Presentation card
fig-6 www.behance.net/raust http://raustdie.comuf.com/
www.behance.net/raust http://raustdie.comuf.com/
facebook & twitter: RaustDie
facebook & twitter: RaustDie
> 16
Branding and applications United Nations proclamation INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF COOPERATIVES 2012 figures: 1-Brochure 2 & 3-Posters 4-webpage 5-corporate manual 6&7-Aplpications
fig-5 Inicio
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Publicado el 05 de Mayo por Raust
Artículos Gobierno Multimedia Noticias Portafolio Sin categoría Sistemas Todo Web Nullam elementum gravida condimentum. Nulla faucibus lectus quis diam pharetra eget lacinia justo condimentum. Aenean dui purus, porttitor iaculis varius in, porta sed nulla. Aenean congue ligula quis mauris cursus iaculis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur sollicitudin, mi vitae consectetur placerat turpis egestas at mi tincidunt sollicitudin. Nunc eget sapien nec nunc mattis lobortis. Sed congue neque sed nunc posuere non, mauris tortor lobortis metus, ut volutpat felis est eget risus. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed id aliquet mi. In ultricies nunc eget mi porttitor egestas. Vestibulum eget metus t, mauris tortor lobortis metus, ut volutpat felis est eget risus. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas at mi tincidunt sollicitudin. Nunc eget sapien nec nunc mattis lobortis. Sed congue neque sed nunc posuere non suscipit ante posuere.
Aplicación diapo, escala de grises y a
MANUAL DE USOS DEL LOGOTEMA Otros fondos recomendados
> 17
Stationery staff figures: 1-Folder 2-Letter envelope 3-Bill 4-Envelope 5-Letter sheet 6- Presentation card
Número de factura: A0011 Fecha:
Cliente: V-18810483-1
Precio Unit
teléfono: 0412 719 88 88
portfolio online: raustdie.comuf.com behance.net/raust
email: rasicstiborek@gmail.com rrasic@hotmail.com
Diseñador Gráfico e Ilustrador
email: rasicstiborek@gmail.com / rrasic@hotmail.com Total neto:
teléfono: 0412 719 88 88 portfolio online: raustdie.comuf.com / behance.net/raust
Diseñador Gráfico e Ilustrador email: rasicstiborek@gmail.com / rrasic@hotmail.com teléfono: 0412 719 88 88 portfolio online: raustdie.comuf.com / behance.net/raust V-18810483-1
> 18
Editorial Design,
layout and proportion > 19
Here you have
my editorial design work, in this area i mainly focus in the making of the layout trying to make it eye-catching so the content can be easy to read as it is graphically catchy. This is a great part of my current work; i have plenty of experience on this area, so I invite you to take a deeper look at each work by entering on each specified link. > 20
osé Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913) nacióenlacapitaldelestadodeAguas-
calientes en México central. Comenzó a trabajar como maestro de litografía en la ciudad de Aguascalientes hasta los 37 años de edad. Posteriormente se cambió a la capital mexicana donde trabajó como ilustrador de periódicos. Las críticas imágenes, evidencia de la desigualdad e injusticia social existente enlasociedadporfiriana,cuestionabansu
Fue considerado por Diego Rivera como el prototipo del artista del pueblo y su defensor más aguerrido, moralidad y su culto por la modernidad. Describió con originalidad el espíritu del pueblomexicanodesdelosasuntospolíticos, la vida cotidiana, su terror por el fin
de siglo y por el fin del mundo, además
delosdesastresnaturales,lascreenciasreligiosas y la magia. Por su estilo y temática empleados, José Guadalupe Posada, es considerado un ar-
tista “popular”, proveniente del pueblo, que nutrió su obra del imaginario popular mexicano y a quien se dirigió como público. Diego Rivera se autoproclamó como hijo de Posada y de la Catrina en su mural Sueño de una tarde de domingo en la Alameda. También es considerado precursor delmovimientonacionalistamexicanode artes plásticas.
te regalamos un poster eBOY: AIR en este número
Voltaire la revista de ilustración (voltaire illustration magazine) This is a university project where i practiced various layouts in a magazine format, i featured various artists on many articles link: http://issuu.com/ raustdie/docs/voltaire
> 21
La serpiente celeste (serpent in the sky) In this project i made the diagramation for the archeological investigation and egyptology book serpent in the sky by John Anthony West. This was also a university project link: http://issuu.com/raustdie/docs/serpiente
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Gutemberg Another university project where i explored different layouts for each section all reffered to typography and its use, these where tipographyc history, typography importance and typographyc investigation
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Tercer Tiempo (third half) This project was presented as a descriptive magazine specialized in soccer, it has information about the principal leagues worldwide with ranks and tournament resulsts as well as an historic section link: http://issuu.com/raustdie/docs/la_jornada_01
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Mala vida mala muerte libro recopilatorio de historias (bad life bad death story recopilation book) This was the principal piece of my graduation project at college, it accompanied 6 t-shirts for my brand, on the book you could see the stories that inspired each of the 6 design presented as the collections first line of clothing link: http://issuu.com/ raustdie/docs/montaje_libro
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Revista de programaci贸n para la Fundacion Cinemateca Nacional (Programation magazine for the National Cinematheque foundation) I am currently in the making of this programation magazine as a freelance job, in this is explained in detail the different film selections wich make the grid of the projections of the cinematheque. My job consist on the layout and design of the magazine including different anouncements and cover work. the National Cinematheque Foundation has 47 years being one of the oldest film foundations in latin america, the programation magazine is currently on its 263rd number of monthly publication. links: February: http://issuu.com/raustdie/docs/febrero March: http://issuu.com/raustdie/docs/marzo_ color April: http://issuu.com/raustdie/docs/abril_2013_ redux May: http://issuu.com/raustdie/docs/mayo_2013 June: http://issuu.com/raustdie/docs/junio_web July: http://issuu.com/raustdie/docs/julio_2013 September: http://issuu.com/raustdie/docs/ septiembre_2013
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drawing, inking and killing > 28
This is
a sample of my illustrations, you can see here a selection of pieces that i think that specify my style the most. Also you will see different techniques i apply depending on the project and the style i should take. > 29
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focus and shoot > 48
Here you can see
a sample of my illustrations, you can see here a selection of pieces that i think that specify my style the most. Also you will see different techniques i apply depending on the project and the style i should take. > 49
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Me on the web:
Facebook: Robert Rašić Robert Rašić ilustración Twitter: @Robert_Rasic mail: rausto@hotmail.com / rasicstiborek@gmail.com Instagram: ROBERTRASIC pinterest: robertrasic Issuu: raustdie Online portfolios: Behance: robertrasic
Deviant Art: Raust *click on the links to go to each website
This is the end
Thank you for taking the time to check out my work! above you have a list of the social networks i am signed in, so we can keep in touch. Cheers!