6 - Ravalli Republic, Friday, January 31, 2020
Chamber membership has many benefits 1. Display of brochures and business cards in our lobby and at our Information Center in Darby. 2. Rotating business to business referrals. Chamber members like to shop with Chamber members. 3. Listing in the Chamber Membership Directory. Many of our members look in the Membership Directory before the standard phone issue telephone directory. This is an excellent way of networking and shopping local. 4. Chamber sponsored business seminars. The Chamber hosts seminars designed specifically for our Chamber members to better help you operate, manage and expand your business. 5. Ribbon Cuttings. As a new member, you’re entitled to have a ribbon cutting at your place of business when you join the Chamber. You can also have a Ribbon Cutting for a new location or remodel. 6. Attendance to the annual Membership Barbeque. Every year the Chamber hosts a free picnic for our members and their families. 7. Chamber Monthly Luncheons. Every month the Chamber hosts a Community Luncheon up and down the valley. Businesses are invited to attend and bring along a guest. This is an opportunity for you
to let us know what is going on with your business as well as your community. 8. Business Referrals to visitors and phone traffic. Our office staff and volunteers greet thousands of visitors every year and not all of them are tourists. In addition, they field thousands of telephone calls inquiring about businesses in the valley. Chamber members are always referred first. 9. Business After Hours. This is a great way for you to network with other businesses, meet people and hand out business cards. Our Business After Hours Photo MICHELLE MCCONNAHA are hosted by our Ambassadors. The Bitterroot Valley Chamber of Commerce office and visitor center is located at 105 East 10. Free event driven member- Main Street in Hamilton. ship emails. If your business is welcome visitors to our valley ferent types of businesses that hosting an event for the commu- meet every second and fourth and encourage their business. nity or having a grand opening Tuesday of the month. 16. If you are reading this artietc. you will receive a free email 14. Listing in the “Chamber cle then you are receiving one of blast to our entire membership, Recommends” brochure. Since the benefits of being a Chamber listed in our calendar of events we have so many different types member. Our Chamber Banquet and posted on our Facebook of businesses inquiries, we have is held every year to recognize Page. published a few ‘categorized’ and award Chamber Businesses 11.Free Chamber website brochures of our larger categofor their outstanding contribulisting. Our website gets a ries. Real Estate, Contractors/ tion to our valley. tremendous amount of traffic Builders, Restaurants and Lodging are the four we have in every month. As a member you our office. are listed on our website in the These are some of the benefits 15. Hospitality bags. These are of being a Chamber member. membership directory. a favorite among people who are Think about them and realize 12. Committee participation. visiting our valley and are here As a member you are welcome the many opportunities for your for a convention, tournament to attend and be a part of our buiness. There are also effecor other events. The Chamber committees in action. We have tive advertising opportunities helps promote our valley by a listing of various committees that you can purchase to help helping organizations with an where you can participate. enhance your business aware13. Leads Group Participation. assortment of various coupons, brochures or novelty items that This group is made up of difness.