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Vote Nov. 6 Quotes by Governor Mitt Romney

Quotes by President Barack Obama

“The key to successful schools is providing students with excellent teachers. We must recruit teachers from among our brightest students, pay them well, and provide them with excellent mentors. Accountability and school choice matter.”

“We’ve got to make college more affordable for more young people. We can’t put the middle class at a disadvantage. We can’t price out folks who are trying to make sure that they not only succeed for themselves but help the country succeed.” Obama realizes the state of the economy and the toll it takes on the youth of today. Obama will make college more affordable, which will result in more graduates ready to participate in the workforce, and ultimately make the United States more progressive.


“I believe that we do best when the middle class is doing well. And what I want to do is continue the tax rates — the tax cuts that we put into place for small businesses and families.” Tax cuts for the middle class will result in the majority of Americans having more money to spend on consumables. In addition, the tax increase for the wealthy will benefit government run programs for lower income families and the elderly. Obama’s tax plan will stimulate the economy as well as benefit the poor.

“I'm not going to raise taxes on anyone, because when the economy is growing slow like this you shouldn't raise taxes on anyone."


“We've got to boost American energy production, and oil and natural gas production are higher than they've been in years. But I also believe that we've got to look at the energy sources of the future, like wind and solar and biofuels, and make those investments.” These investments in renewable energy sources are crucial in protecting the future. America has a vast potential for domestic, sustainable energy. With investments in solar, wind and hydroelectric power, we can grow these industries and create thousands of new jobs for US citizens.

“After a century of striving, a year of debate, [and] a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land.”

The DREAM Act would encourage youth to be ambitious and embrace those academic challenges with their eyes set on a definite accomplishment: permanent citizenship. A student simply cannot be judged based on his or her status of citizenship and every hard working, meritorious student should have the chance to attend college.

Romney thinks that the United States should utilize its natural energy resources. By tapping into those resources, it creates jobs. By using our energy resources our GDP will grow which makes the United States a stronger economic powerhouse and it will allow us to lower our deficit.

“America's health care is expensive because the incentives are all wrong for the patient, the doctor, the hospital, and the insurer. Health care can't function like a market if it doesn't have incentives like a market. Fixing health care begins with fixing incentives."

Health Care

“It is long past the time that we unleash the promise of all our young people and make the DREAM Act a reality.”

Romney thinks the United States should lower taxes because if a person has more money, he or she can spend more money, which will grow the economy. He doesn’t want to only raise taxes on the wealthy because by doing so, the government is taking away hard earned money from people and it discourages success.

"We face serious competitive challenges globally unless we become serious with getting prices of energy down. It’s a great opportunity for America to develop technology to lead the world in energy efficiency and production.”


Obamacare caters to both ends of the spectrum. Individuals who don’t receive health care through an employer are granted low cost health insurance. For families who receive health care through an employer, there are certain regulations that the insurer has to follow, such as keeping your child on the plan until he or she is 26 years of age or older.

Romney thinks that teachers should get better salary if their students are more successful. Teaching shouldn’t be a job with union interference, but work where students and teachers enjoy what they do.

Romney thinks that medicare is extremely important, but that an induvidual should determine what his or her healthcare plan is. Romney believes that a person should be able to buy his or her own insurance from the private sector.

“Improving our schools is critical to the future and[the] economy. Closing the achievement gap in our schools is the civil rights issue of our time.”


Romney will put funding towards programs to level the playing field of all students, and create a stronger public school system.

Romney commentary by Staff Reporter Paul Kiraly Obama commentary and graphic design by News Editor Anna Dagum

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