Raven Report 2021 - 2022 Issue Cycle 1

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Peril with pests BY MATEO MANGOLINI Staff Reporter As Sequoia High School returns to its regular rhythm of in person learning, the school’s administration continues its endless fight against rats, mice, and other vermin on school grounds. But despite the presence of pests, the administration continues to come up with novel strategies to combat them. It’s no secret that rats, mice, and other small pests have been in close proximity to those on school grounds. In fact, Sequoia has experienced an issue with pests for decades. “Ever since I’ve been here I’ve seen a

problem with rats,” said Cherry Stephens, Sequoia’s plant manager with a tenure of 20 years, and an additional 10 years in other positions at Sequoia. “I think we’ve got a pretty good hold of it now though”. Though the school appears to be past the worst of its war on rodents, when a rat went as far as to create a “nest inside [the] desk” of International Baccalaureate (IB) History teacher Teresa Yeager, staff members found that isolated incidents with them continue to occur. Junior Sarah Hansen reported that she and other students who were in physical contact with the lower floor of gym three observed fleas and flea bites on their bodies and bed

sheets for some months, quite possibly originating from rodents. “We weren’t talking about it at first, but pretty soon we all kind of realized that we all have them, and so everyone changed their [bed] sheets and they mostly went away,” Hansen said. The disappearance of fleas is also due in part to a fumigation effort by Sequoia’s administration, who worked in conjunction with the extermination company Clark Pest Control. Since then, fleas have only made occasional appearances in gym three. Across the state of California, schools have been shut down after rodents and fleas descended upon them, such as the case of

Room 250, where a rat was found decomposing within its walls a month ago. Photo by Mateo Mangolini


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Articles inside

Celebrity criticism, helpful or harmful? ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 40-41

Get hooked on books

pages 42-44

Searching for good music ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 38-39

Ben’s burger stop ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 36-37

Queer dating vs. heterosexual dating ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 32-35

As school starts, so does the anxiety ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 30-31

Is cheerleading a real sport? ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 28-29

Indigenous literature removed from curriculum ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 26-27

The importance of challening one’s perspective ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 24-25

Opening up the conversation ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 21-23

Teachers make it more difficult to steal ideas

page 18

Volleyball setting up the absence rates for seventh period ...................................................................................................................................................

page 19

Student Spotlight: Zoraya King ...................................................................................................................................................

page 20

Reading into the changes of COVID-19 and convenience ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 16-17

Veganism creates community at Sequoia ...................................................................................................................................................

page 12

Following your yellow brick road to education ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 14-15

The SAT is just a number ...................................................................................................................................................

page 13

Impending vaccine mandate stirs discussion ...................................................................................................................................................

page 5

Schedules changed to ease student workload ..................................................................................................................................................

pages 6-7

Peril with pests ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 10-11

Contrast critical thinking in AP vs IB ...................................................................................................................................................

pages 8-9

Ethnic studies enters schedules

page 4
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