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What are your greatest accomplishments in IB or something you are really proud of in IB?
It was especially difficult for me to pass all of my IB classes this year with distance learning, and I’m really proud that I made it through. Marc Abraham
Learning French. my mothers side of the family lived in France, but I never spoke it at home. I’m still not fluent, but know enough to connect with my grandparents in that way. Learning to draw and paint was also always a goal of mine, and through my classes last year and distance learning this year, I was able to improve. Duncan Adams
I’m proud of how my writing skills have developed thanks to my IB classes. Remington Allen
I went into high level Spanish class. Sergio Ambriz
Maintaining a high GPA while doing volunteer hours 5 days a week! Alexia Ambriz Pacheco
Through IB I was able to enhance my knowledge in certain topics, like Spanish. Alexis Arevalo Murillo
Doing projects and working with partners in a way that each time we go together, we grow and grow together and I learned how to work as a group.
Arley Arias Flores
My greatest accomplishment in IB is my IB Art am dog the year exhibit!
Alyssa Avila
I was so proud of myself for balancing and keeping good grades in my IB classes on top of having a job! Dahlia Bahamondes
Being able to do IB classes during distance learning. Kelly Bailon
Being able to balance IB with sports, work, and all parts of life efficiently. Finishing in distance learning senior year was a great personal achievement. Andres Baisch
I am mostly proud of my IB Art final projects (the Process Portfolio, Comparative Study, and Exhibition). Isaac Ball
I am proud of taking college level courses in high school and I am also proud to say that those classes allowed me to express myself given the fact that the assignments where more open minded and creative which pushed me harder to think outside of the box. Abraham Barbosa Puga
I am proud of the work I have done in my art class. Ashley Barraza-Cazares
Passing the class. Dynisty Barreto
Acheiving an understanding of the curiculum within class and mantaining the knowledge. Noah Barron Munguia
ENGLISH: Something I’m really proud of in IB is my CAS progress. I began my journey by taking a risk and didn’t know if I was capable enough to fulfill CAS since I lacked extracurricular activities and hobbies. Despite this, I took it upon myself to not give up and explored my community at school and decided to do some self-exploration to find my interests and passions. Also, I’m proud of myself for getting through IB classes when I doubted my capabilities for a while. I’m most proud of proving myself I can do it and not giving up even when I encountered many challenges. SPANISH: Algo de lo que estoy realmente orgulloso en IB es mi progreso en CAS. Comencé mi camino arriesgándome y no sabía si era lo suficientemente capaz para cumplir CAS, ya que no tenía muchas actividades extracurriculares y pasatiempos. A pesar de esto, tomé la decisión de no rendirme y exploré mi comunidad en la escuela y decidí hacer un poco de autoexploración para encontrar mis intereses y pasiones. También estoy orgulloso de mí mismo por haber superado las clases del IB cuando dudé de mis capacidades durante un tiempo. Estoy muy orgulloso de a ver demostrarme a mí misma que tengo el poder y por no rendirme incluso cuando me encontré con muchos desafíos.” Kimberly Benitez Mancillas
IB has given me the opportunity to grow as a person and learn in new and engaging ways. It allowed me to recognize what I was truly capable of in terms of my academics. Kylie Bennett
One accomplishment that I am proud of is the extended essay. It seemed very daunting at first, but I put a lot of time and effort into it and was ultimately satisfied with the finished product. Olivia Benton
I feel I was able to really improve my writing skills as well as my communicative skills overall.
Heather Benway
Learning more about myself and how I personally benefit from different types of work ethics.
Marisol Berta
All of the difficult tests I studied for, and getting a good understanding of what i’m passionate about as a student. Isabelle Bogan
One of my greatest accomplishments in IB has to be getting a 5 in IB ESS. JP Boyle
I’m proud of my work during distance learning. Pablo Bran
I’m proud i just got through it. Madeleine Brennan
My greatest accomplishment in IB is the grades that I recieved in all of my IB classes. I did well in every IB class I took and I am very proud of that. Jacob Burrill
My greatest accomplishments were earning very good grades in IB classes even as I doubt myself throughout the process of it. Giovany Caballero
Something I am really proud of in IB is how much my way of writing has grown since last year in IB English. I feel like I’ve learned a lot about other cultures and also different ways to interpret writing and art. Lesly Caballero
I am proud that I still pushed through the IB classes because all of them included participation and reaching out to teachers for help, which was a past struggle of mine. Juliette Carbonnet
I’m proud that i passed the class and I did it through a pandemic. Naileah Carreno
I passed all my classes. Cesar Centeno
I am really proud when i did my IO because it was my first time doing something like that. Elizabeth Chavez
I am really proud of how I have worked throughout distance learning. IB courses are very challenging and trying to stay on track of those classes while sitting at home takes a ton of discipline. I am very proud that I pushed through and finished these courses to my best ability. Alexandra Cheatham
I’m most proud of completing all of my major IB assessments and deliverables through distance learning! It was a tough journey, but it’s awesome to be on the other side of all the deadlines now! Logan Chin
My greatest accomplishments in IB is passing the class. Chelsy Chiquete
I am very proud of my Monster Essay in year 1 of IB since I got to write it about one of my favorite films, The Elephant Man (1980) and it also allowed me to analyze and talk about the art of film for school. Michelle Coleman
Managing to pass these classes. Ivan Cornejo
I was really proud about the Macbeth proposal I put a lot of work into my assignment and I enjoyed reading the play. Mayerly Contreras
I am really proud of keeping up with all my classes during distance learning. Karen Cruz Mendoza
I’m extremely proud of my TOK essay. I absolutely loved the Theory of Knowledge class and the discussions we had there among students were some of the most interesting and intellectual ones I’ve heard in a student-lead discussion. Thanks to all the topics we covered and the passion both teachers had for the subjects, I’m extremely proud of my TOK essay and all the work I put into it. Éloïse Delvat
My physics IA about burnouts that I didn’t submit because it wasn’t allowed due to possible danger. Armagan Demir
One of my greatest accomplishments in IB is staying focused and determined through distance learning. I often felt like giving up but I persevered till the end. Maya Devalcheruvu
I’m proud of how my I’ve been able to grow with public speaking. I’m a lot less anxious and nervous about it! Isabella DiGrande
I’m really happy and proud to complete IB Film online which definitely was a challenge completing different IB assessments through a whole another platform but I stuck with it and always asked questions. Jake diTargiani
Mis mayores logros en IB incluyen terminar todas mis Evaluaciones Internas y Ensayo Extendido. Estas asignaciones han sido algunas de las más desafiantes que me han dado. Karen Duarte
Something I am really proud of in IB is completing most works during Distance Learning. Victor William Ebreo
I’m proud that I was able to take two IB classes for 2 years and pass them successfully. Erik Espinoza
My greatest accomplishment was being able to take three IB courses and push myself to better myself. Leonardo Espinoza
I think one thing I am proud of was just expanding my learning with history and math as well as challenging myself. Kelekolio Etu
Learn more, get more, help and teach more. Jasmine Farias
I think my the greatest skill that I struggled with but eventually grew in was my communication. IB has helped me be more open into asking for help since I would often struggle with my classes. I used to be very afraid of even approaching my teachers, so I feel that I have grown since I don’t have any issues with asking for help nowadays. Alex Ferfas
I’m just overall glad and proud that I was able to learn IB Business despite not having to take the smaller or starter classes of Business before. My knowledge on business has expanded so much and I feel like I can now improve on how I run my own businesses. Joan Catherine Fuertes
Im proud of being able to showcase my artwork at the 16th Annual IB Art Show virtually to my family and friends. Veronica Garcia
One major accomplishment was writing the HL Essay entirely during distance learning. Taylor Gayner
I was proud of making it through the 2020-21 school year despite some rough patches.
Charles Gillet
My biggest accomplishment through not only IB, but also high school, is being able to succeed even when doing distanced learning. It was definitely a challenge and I’m so proud of myself and everyone else who was able to persevere through it!
Elle Giorgi
Really happy with my Final IB English Critical Analysis. Ben Gladstone
My semester 1 final essay. Alan Gonzalez Orocio
My greatest accomplishment was fulfilling the whole IB diploma Vanessa González
I am so proud of the hard work I have put into my Internal Assesments. Paul Graf
My greatest accomplishments in IB classes were my essays/papers, I wouldn’t be successful on any of my essays/papers if it wasn’t for the amazing feedback that I have received from my amazing teachers. Brenda Guillen Perez
I am really proud of completing and passing the classes. While I was taking the classes, I was regretting my decision, thinking I wasn’t ready for it or couldn’t pass the classes. Sammy Haslam
My greatest accomplishments would have to be completing IB through distance learning and IOs for English. Isaiah Haunga
I think I performed really well on my English IO, and I really enjoyed the creative writing assignment we did in English Year 1, and when we got to chose a text and analyze its villain. Aidan Hernacki
I’m proud that I never gave up and lost motivation on an IB assignment during distance learning. Fernando Hernandez
My greatest accomplishment was my Dystopian Short Story and IB History IA. Sonia Herrera Barriga
I am proud of every big assignment I did related to IB. Luz Jimenez
Growth of critical thinking skills. Owen Johnson
I am most proud of perusing the IB diploma throughout quarantine. Alessandro Kashap
My greatest accomplishment through IB was completing IAs. Alyssa Knopf
That english was easy. Rocky Knuedler
I am most proud of not giving up on the IB Diploma. Jonathan Kwok
I’m proud of having stuck with my hardest classes, even if I felt like giving up sometimes specifically with IB Math Analysis. Estoy orgullosa de haber permanecido con mis clases más difíciles, incluso cuando me daban ganas de rendirme específicamente con la clase de Análisis Matemático. Janet Lara Alvarez
My greatest accomplishments in IB art is having people see my work throughout the two years. Casandra Ledezma Cruz
I am proud that I was able to keep up my grades while in distanced learning!
Gracyn Langford
Spanish IB.
Naimy Leiva
In my 2 years of IB courses, I definitely grew as a person and a learner not only in a school environment, but in life as well. The copious amount of information IB had taught me to help me future is something I am really proud of. Isael Lopez
Definitely challenging myself during this pandemic to maintain good grades in my IB classes. It was definitely challenging without the presence of my teachers there, but I managed to pull through. Daniela Lopez Berganza
My greatest accomplishment in IB is completing the courses and graduating. Alejandro Luna-Victoria
I made it. Bryan Macias
History IA, IB English y1 essay. Rohma Malik
I am most proud of the continual effort and dedication which I put into my IB classes, whether on a long-term project, assessment, or nightly homework assignment. The Individual Oral exam in English was particularly interesting, given that I had never verbally explained an excerpt or novel in so much detail, but the practice and effort I dedicated towards the exam helped make it more successful. I am also proud of how, between even junior and senior year, the quality of my analysis in writing improved, whether for a History essay or an IA for a class. Finally, I appreciate that I was able to maintain a heavy academic workload, without having to sacrifice being a normal high school student.and while still having the time to participate in all the clubs, sports, and activities I enjoyed. AndrewMancini
Writing my IB Extended Essay was a unique and valuable experience, pairing getting to choose a subject that I was excited about and one very different from anything I had studied in school before with all of the logistical and intellectual challenges of writing a research paper of this size for the first time. Anne Marlow
I am more organized and able to manage my time. I’m also really proud of how driven and motivated I am to succeed. Sharena Martin
I think my greatest accomplishment in IB has been leaning how to manage my time. Creo que mi mayor logro en IB ha sido aprendiendo como administrar mi tiempo. Yoselyn Martinez
I am really proud of my History IA that I wrote during Junior year because I made sure to put the time and effort in to improve it drastically between drafts. Ryan McAfee
I am proud to participate in classes, I am proud of my work in IB. River McCaughey
I’m proud for not dropping out of any IB classes even when I wanted to. Max McLellan
I’m proud of not giving up during distance learning and persevering through it all. Kevin Medrano Flores
My extended essay and IA’s felt really good when completed and I was proud about how formal and professional they looked. Oliver Montclare
I’m proud that I stepped out of my comfort zone. Anthony Montoya
My greatest accomplishment in IB is taking almost all IB classes and maintaining solid grades. Jackson Morey
It’s been a year and half a semester since we’ve been in Distance Learning and I’m still alive so that’s a big accomplishment. Thao Nguyen
I’m proud of my Extended Essay. I really got into it, learning all about a very tragic period of American and Colombian history through various sources from different mediums, time periods and languages. I feel very pleased with the final product, even now, months after having finished it. Javier Nino-Sears
Keeping my grade up is my greatest accomplishment :) Matthew Northen
Something I’m really proud of is that I was able to step out of my comfort zone by taking challenging classes. Hugo Ochoa
I am proud of earning an A on every essay I have written in my IB English and History classes. Henry Ollmann
I am proud of having been able to somehow do the Oral IB Exam Junior year. Sergio Oseguera
The assessment I was most proud of was my IB Business IA. I think I learned a lot about writing research papers from that assignment. Daniel Ottino
I am proud of pushing myself to take the classes in the first place because it was a challenge but they helped me grow. Mia Palacios
Passing my classes. Kyle Parker
Finish distance learning. Matteo Peccei
Persevering and getting through IB French 4 even though I started off the first semester with a bad grade, I pulled it back and kept pushing. Jack Pedrotti
I learned that in IB, you do get more of a challenge. Brandi Plascencia
My greatest accomplishment in IB was honestly just getting through all my IB courses. It was stressful but did give me some skills I can use in college. Sofia Pompen
I grew immensely through CAS by pursuing and reflecting on activities and issues that I care about; I am taking away lessons and skills that I would not have learned if I had merely focused on checking boxes and meeting requirements. Georgia Power
I was pretty proud of my IA for my junior year. Richard Prado
Just pushing through the class. Frida Puga
I was able to take on all the assessments and being able to accomplish my school work during distance learning. Emily Ramos
I’m super proud of my Extended Essay!! It was on a topic that I’m really passionate about and so I think the final product is one of the best things I’ve ever written!
Adrian Reineke
My level of growth in critical writing and deep thinking is something I am extremely proud of and couldn’t have accomplished without IB.
Tess Restaino
One accomplishment is never having below a C in a class in all four years. Gustavo Reyes
I am proud of getting through the diploma and not letting myself give up while still putting in all my effort. It was difficult to reach but I was able to work around all of the obstacles. Leslie Reyes
I think my greatest accomplishments are when I completed essays, IO’s, presentations, and was able to put my own personal thoughts into assignments. Evelynn Reyes Joya
One of my biggest accomplishments is that I started high school as an ELD student and now I am finishing high school as an IB student. Teresita Reyes Koh
Getting through my IB classes. Catherine Reynolds
I would have to say beside me getting through second semester junior year and first semester senior year of high school with my 8 classes, I would say that my biggest accomplishment was completing the big HL essay. Honestly I have to give a big shoutout to Mr. Shelly and Ms.Rutigliano because without them I would have honestly turned in the worst paper ever and almost not even pass TOK. Mia Ricard
Some accomplishments I can say I had is that I stuck through with some classes that were IB. Salvador Rico
I did well my second year in the higher level IB Analysis and Approaches class. This was an accomplishment for me considering that my first semester in the standard level class, I did not do so good. With hard work, lots of studying, and perseverance, I was able to earn a satisfying grade. Sophia Rivera
One of my greatest accomplishment is my IB Biology IA. I was really proud that I came up with an experiment and performed it on my own. Although the experiment itself failed, I succeeded in reflecting on what went wrong while learning the scientific reasoning behind my failure. In general throughout distance learning I am proud to have improved my communicative skills, something that has been very important in my experiences as an IB student. Stephanie Robles
My greatest achievement in IB is knowing when I was gonna fail and fixing the problem. Alan Rodriguez
I definitely grew as a person through IB when surviving distance learning, I kept reminding myself what I had already accomplished in the past 3 years at Sequoia. Monserrat Rodríguez Mendoza
My greatest accomplishments is that I grew as a person as I learned what I was capable of and the strengths and weaknesses I had. Spanish: Mis logros son que pude crecer como una persona. Aprendi que soy capaz de y los virtudes y defectos que tenia. Emmanuel Rodriguez-Morales
I believe that my greatest accomplishment in IB was completing the IB diploma at home. The IB diploma is a rigorous program, and being able to complete it on my “own” at home has been one of my greatest accomplishments. It was difficult trying to figure out what I was going to do with CAS but I was able to complete the diploma and CAS at home!
Isabella Rosales
I am proud of meeting these really great teachers as each and every one showed a sense of passion for the subject.
Jose Ruiz
I am really proud of taking those IB courses because not everyone is capable of doing it but I decided to do it. I am proud of the time I took to study for EKs, I will never forget the stress that those tests put me through, but I am proud that I at least tried. Gabriela Salazar
Something that I am proud of accomplishing in IB was getting a supporting lead in Sequoia’s production of the Addams Family musical. I am also proud of building a gaming table and donating it to a local game store for my CAS project. Josue Sandoval
I feel accomplished on taking in classes and not dropping out early. Tita Sandoval
My greatest accomplishment in the IB program would be having completed several multiple IB courses, while balancing the college application process in a school year that for me was entirely virtual. Melanie Sarmiento
I’m very proud of my Junior Year History IA Emily Schmuckal
My greatest accomplishment in IB was just completing and participating in all the work we had to do, which was a lot. Will Scott
I learned the value of goal setting and how it can motivate me to learn and engage when I would not be otherwise driven to do so! I’m proud of my resilience in Distance Learning. Emma Sharratt
I am very proud about all of the IAs that I completed. I worked extremely hard on them and am very proud of the outcome. Caitlyn Smith
Making it to the end in one piece. Elias Smith
Finishing the extended essay! Mia Solomon
The thing I am most proud of is catching up and recognizing what I need to do and what can wait. I had to put several things on pause or to the side in order to complete what was most important. I also am proud of reflecting on the type learner I am and how to work around the obstacles. Sharon song
Being able to deal with a rigorous course work of 5 ib classes while being a varsity athlete in 2 sports. William Swinnerton
My EE, having gotten through a workload of 8 courses. Carlos Talancon
I am proud of all the IAs I have completed in IB. Mia Terzic
I am proud of completing my IO and other important assessments through Zoom. Daniella Torres
I’m proud of sticking with IB even through online learning. Adam Trujillo
Being able to accomplish my CAS projects and getting a good score on my IA’s. Bianca Vail
I’m proud that I’m surviving IB.
Henry Valente
My greatest accomplishment is not giving up in my IB course.
Raquel Vasquez
My greatest accomplishments in my IB classes, would have to be completing the IA’s as they were difficult and time consuming. Hazel Velasco
I am really proud of staying determined and pushing through these last two years of taking IB. Thanks to IB I have improved academically. Zaira Vazquez
I am proud of myself for pushing through IB challenges in the two years and not giving up even though sometimes it was quite overwhelming. Nhi Vu
Being able to put in maximum effort into my classes during distance learning. Grant Weiner
The accomplishment in IB I’m most proud of is the art exhibition I did! Maya Weissmann
I did not fail an IB class. Oliver Westling
Surviving distanced learning. Dylan Wray
My best accomplishment is getting through IB biology. As someone who is going into the conservation/biology It was very eye opening to get a advanced version of what to expect from biology courses. Naomi Yokoi