18 minute read


aims to develop inquiring,

knowledgeable and caring young

people who help to create a better

and more peaceful world through

intercultural understanding and

respect. To this end,

the organization

works with schools,governments

and international organizations

to develop challenging programmes

of international education and

rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage

students across the world to become

active, compassionate and lifelong

learners who understand that other

people, with their differences,

can also be right.”

What did you learn from the IB INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MISSION STATEMENT Program? (www.ibo.org)



What is one thing you got out of participating in the IB Program or one thing you appreciate about your IB experience?

It made me push myself a lot harder than I was used to doing. —Hudson Acreman

Perfection is overrated. You can get straight A’s in everything but that doesn’t mean you’ll be happy. take time for you time and you’ll still succeed in life. I got into the colleges I wanted that weren’t reach schools, and I had multiple B’s. Academics aren’t everything, its the experiences you have that colleges care more about. —Duncan Adams

My IB classes taught me how to efficiently manage my time. —Remington Allen

To work hard and never give up —Sergio Ambriz

I learned how to multitask and not procrastinate. —Alexia Ambriz Pacheco

I learned to always reflect on my work after doing something, even if it was a small task. —Alexis Arevalo Murillo

How to cope with new challenges and try to get over them as best as I can. —Arley Arias Flores

I learned how to manage my time better. —Alyssa Avila

In IB, I’ve learned hard work, perseverance, and dedication to my work. —Audrey Azadi

Open your mind to all perspectives! —Dahlia Bahamondes

I learned how to push my limits in education. —Kelly Bailon

That you will run out of “tomorrows” sooner or later

—Andres Baisch

I learned the value of working with my peers to get a holistic understanding of a subject.

—Isaac Ball

I learned how to write efficiently given less time to do so. —Abraham Barbosa Puga

I learned how to do a research paper. —Ashley Barraza-Cazares

How to work under pressure —Dynisty Barreto

How to stay organized and prepared —Noah Barron Munguia

Don’t take IB —Arturo Becerril

ENGLISH: Through IB, I grew a lot as a person and as a student. I have learned to be open-minded and a risk-taker when it comes to new things. I pursued activities and classes I wasn’t sure I was capable of doing, but I was able to demonstrate to myself that I am capable of anything I put my mind to which I’m really proud of. SPANISH: A través del IB, crecí mucho como persona y como estudiante. He aprendido a ser una person de mente abierta y a asumir riesgos cuando se trata de cosas nuevas. Intenté actividades y clases que no estaba segura si sería de ser capaz de hacer, pero pude demostrarme a mí misma que soy capaz de cualquier cosa que me proponga que me hace realmente orgullosa. —Kimberly Benitez Mancillas

Through IB, I have learned that persistence and dedication are incredibly important to reach your goals. As long as you continue to take steps towards your goal(s), you will succeed. —Kylie Bennett

Through IB I learned to challenge myself to explore new experiences and areas of study. —Olivia Benton

I’ve learned a lot about balance in my schedule. I’ve also learned a lot of skills in my IB classes that can be applied to other classes and situations. —Heather Benway

Don’t be scared to ask questions. —Marisol Berta

I learned how to manage my time and take on what I can handle as a student. —Isabelle Bogan

I learned about problem solving. —Jarren Brady

To be persistent. —Pablo Bran

That I am not sending my kids through IB. —Madeleine Brennan

Due tomorrow, do tomorrow. —Elizabeth Budde

I learned how to balance school and sports. I also learned how to work and communicate effectively with all different types of people. —Jacob Burrill

What I learned from IB was that anyone can accomplished anything they just have to stay motivated and put effort into it. —Giovany Caballero

Something I learned through IB is to manage my time wisely and to be more creative in my school assignments. —Lesly Caballero

I learned to work better in groups by further developing my communication skills. —Juliette Carbonnet

I learned to challenge myself and learned new ways I can study. —Naileah Carreno

I learned patience.

—Elizabeth Castro

I learned that IB is tougher than a normal class, but I feel it’ll prepare me more for the workload in college.

—Cesar Centeno

I learned how to use my time efficiently. —Elizabeth Chavez

I learned a lot about time management and working through my schedule. I was able to learn how to stay on top of assignments and get work done efficiently. —Alexandra Cheatham

The most important thing that I’ve learned through IB is who I am as a student; I understand my strengths and weaknesses and know exactly what I am capable of. —Logan Chin

Something that I learned through IB is to challenge yourself in order to find your capabilities. —Chelsy Chiquete

I developed and improved my writing. —Michelle Coleman

What I learned in IB is to challenge yourself. —Mayerly Contreras

IB tired me. —Ivan Cornejo

I learned a lot about self management throughout these IB course, they really pushed me to develop my skills not only in school related, but personal times. —Karen Cruz Mendoza

I learned that even if you think you can’t accomplish anything you can and you will. —Wendy de Jesus

Thank to IB, I learned that it’s important not just to be academically successful but also to be well rounded, by helping out in the community, cultivating your creative side and forging relationships. —Éloïse Delvat

I learned to not give up and push through no matter what happens. —Armagan Demir

I learned how to manage my time and stay organized while still having time for myself. I have learned about many new things that are relevant to our lives. —Maya Devalcheruvu

How to manage my time! —Isabella DiGrande

IB has taught me how to open my eyes to the world and use what we’ve learned in class and apply it to the real world which I don’t think any other program will help us with that. —Jake diTargiani

IB me enseñó que no necesito ser perfecta, solo dar lo mejor de mí. —Karen Duarte

IB has taught me a lot about myself as a learner but also how to apply myself and have a “growth mindset”. —Caitlin Dulsky

Something that I learned through IB is the tough love between IB teachers and students. Though the subjects are more complex, they try their best to give knowledge to students for them to be successful. —Victor William Ebreo

I learned that you can push yourself to better yourself. —Erik Espinoza

I learned to become a successful student throughout my years. —Leonardo Espinoza

Some of the things that I have learned through IB is always be prepared, be organized, more responsible and ask questions. —Kelekolio Etu

Hard work pays off. —Jasmine Farias

The importance of communication. —Alex Ferfas

Something i learned through IB was time management, and how to actually think outside the box.

—Alison Flores

Something I learned through IB was that if you feel that something you’re doing is not worth the trouble of going through, it is okay to not go through with it.

—Christopher Fox

I learned about Business & Management. —Joan Catherine Fuertes

Time management. —Xavier Gabet

I learned the importance of having my work organized and keeping track of my schedule. —Veronica Garcia

I learned how to express myself orally, artistically, and in my writing. —Taylor Gayner

Through IB, I learned valuable time management skills and how to be efficient with work. —Charles Gillet

Something I’ve learned from IB is that hard work most definitely pays off! —Elle Giorgi

Managing workload. —Ben Gladstone

I learned to learn in depth and appreciate my education. —Vanessa González

How to work smarter. —Alan Gonzalez Orocio

I learned so many intricacies of the human body through IB Biology. —Paul Graf

In the years that I have taken IB classes, it has taught me how to always push myself into working hard and to strive for challenges as well as to also always manage my time with school, work and extracurricular activities. —Brenda Guillen Perez

I learned how to research topics and write at length on them. —Benjamin Hamilton

In IB, I have learned many different skills that are now helpful in many ways. I have learned great ways to communicate, work well with others, manage time more efficiently when it comes to work, and being more attentive. I learned how to work hard and communicate with other students. —Isaiah Haunga

I think I learned a lot from my history and English classes. Really sort of molded my political philosophical compass. —Aidan Hernacki

Something I learned through IB is to always have an open mind. I learned to basically question anything I was learning to my own self. This expectation challenged me to delve beyond the surface of familiar issues and broaden my perspective. Ultimately, I learned to make surprising connections between subjects and uncover exciting new truths about the world around me. —Fernando Hernandez

I learned that procrastination causes nothing but stress. —Sonia Herrera Barriga

I learned how to work together as a group with all my classmates as well as challenging myself with harder tasks. —Luz Jimenez

I learned how to have proper time management. —Owen Johnson

I learned how to better manage my time and stay on top of my responsibilities. —Paloma Juilland-Johnson

I learned to question how we create knowledge. —Alessandro Kashap

IB taught me the value of self motivation and personal achievement, as well as how to push myself in areas I knew less about to become a more balanced person. —Zoe Kelemen

Through IB I have learned how to think critically, question everything, and have meaningful discussions.

—Alyssa Knopf

The IB program has allowed me to develop skills that I will need in order to tackle the rigorous college. courses.

—Jonathan Kwok

I learned how to work hard, and manage my time! —Gracyn Langford

I learned how interconnected the world is through history and science. Yo aprendí que tan interconectado está el mundo a través de la historia y ciencia. —Janet Lara Alvarez

One thing I learned from IB is to challenge yourself. —Casandra Ledezma Cruz

I’m okay. —Naimy Leiva

Through IB, I learned the importance of time management and having to deal with the rigorous amount of work IB has to offer to prepare me for college. However, there were times where I felt like dropping all IB classes and giving up, but I didn’t so IB also taught me to face the challenges life has to bring with a strong forefront. —Isael Lopez

I learned how to do many things for classes effectively and correctly while still being able to challenge myself. —Alejandro Luna-Victoria

Be open, there’s an entire world to explore. —Bryan Macias

Through IB, I cared about what I was learning rather than simply finishing the work. Doing so gave me a better understanding of my interests and education as whole. —Connor Mackey

Time management, how to be responsible for my own education. —Rohma Malik

Through IB, I developed my ability to think critically about a subject, whether in writing a History essay, approaching a novel from a new literary “lens,” or deriving a formula in math. Theory of Knowledge, in particular, helped introduce me to the idea of learning about how we learn, while also teaching me to be more reflective, which the CAS Program also offered me experiences to grow in. —Andrew Mancini

I learned that I can apply my passions to many different subjects. —Rebecca Marcus

IB has shown me the value of reflection as an effective tool for both academic and personal learning and growth. —Anne Marlow

I have learned how to prioritize tasks, and keep myself organized. —Sharena Martin

Something I learned from IB is how to challenge myself and be more open to trying new things. Algo que aprendí haciendo IB es como desafiarme a mi mismo y probar nuevas cosas. —Yoselyn Martinez

IB taught me how to think critically and how to evaluate multiple different perspectives. —Ryan McAfee

I learned that education is about quality, not quantity. —River McCaughey

Critical thinking and teamwork. —Max McLellan

Through IB I learned to be open minded about things and take risks. —Kevin Medrano Flores

Learned how to push myself through difficult courses. —Oliver Montclare

It is good to challenge yourself.

—Anthony Montoya

One thing I learned from IB is that if you work hard and stay dialed in throughout the whole year then you can get through those tough classes.

—Jackson Morey

I learned how to survive on no sleep. —Thao Nguyen

I learned about the power of reflection, and most importantly, the importance of acting on what you reflected about to improve as a student, leader and human being. —Javier Nino-Sears

I learned how to better remember information and research —Matthew Northen

I learned something really important through IB, which is to always do things that are out of your comfort zone, such as learning a new language, making new friends and taking challenging classes. —Hugo Ochoa

I learned how to manage long term assignments by setting aside a certain amount to do each day or week. —Henry Ollmann

Something I learned through IB was to communicate with the teachers when I wouldn’t get something. —Janet Ortega Ramirez

What I learned through IB is to always write in MLA format. —Sergio Oseguera

I learned a lot about how to research and also how to properly format research papers. —Daniel Ottino

I learned how to survive in a space where I am underrepresented. —Mia Palacios

How to find a slope. —Kyle Parker

Hard work pays off. —Matteo Peccei

I learned the value of hard work, and I felt like I learned more about the world, not just the US. —Jack Pedrotti

I liked IB because it was challenging and beneficial. —Brandi Plascencia

Something I learned from IB was how to write an essay under pressure. I think this will be an important skill to have in college and was really helpful when writing my application essays. —Sofia Pompen

Through the IBDP, I learned the importance of balance and sleep. —Georgia Power

To not procrastinate. —Frida Puga

I learned a lot of past history and I learned to gain stronger writing skills. —Emily Ramos

IB taught me how to balance multiple time-consuming aspects of my life. —Adrian Reineke

I learned how to think deeply and see a topic from a plethora of angles. —Tess Restaino

I learned that if you put your mind to something, you can make it happen. —Gustavo Reyes

I learned that I am able to persevere through tough courses and accomplish what I set my mind to. —Leslie Reyes

I learned that many of our personal stories and opinions are very powerful to one another in each class. Sharing each other’s thoughts in class during an assignment or discussion was very inclusive and beautiful. —Evelynn Reyes Joya

Working hard is the answer to success! - ¡Trabajando duro es la respuesta al éxito! —Teresita Reyes Koh

I learned that IB is not a course to take lightly and that if someone is considering taking it they should mentally prepare themselves for a bigger workload than usual, and for spending a lot of time inside doing work then having more free time as some people may be used to. At the end of the day, it is something that all people should try if they have the opportunity to, because I always believe it is better to try new things out before immediately judging them and it eventually becoming a missed opportunity. —Mia Ricard

The IB Program has taught me great work ethic along with very useful study skills that I will go on to use in college. For two years, I was challenged by rigorous academic work that sometimes meant no sleep but I learned so much and love the IB classes I took which include IB English, IB History, IB Psychology, IB Spanish, and my favorite, IB Analysis and Approaches. —Sophia Rivera

I learned that time management is a skill needed for everyday life. —Salvador Rico

I learned time management skills and how to prioritize work. —Emeline Robbins

Something I learned through IB is to be more open minded and try new things. I learned this through the different perspectives we were exposed to in classes and some of my CAS experiences where I found a passion for things I otherwise would have never tried. —Stephanie Robles

I learned many things one being it take hard work and dedication to being part of IB. —Alan Rodriguez

Through IB I learned to push myself through all the obstacles I faced. —Monserrat Rodríguez Mendoza

I learned to be more responsible and find opportunities in the work I have done. I also learned how to ask for help and be more time efficient

Spanish: Aprendi a hacer mas responsable y buscar oportunidades en el trabajo que hice. También aprendí como poder pedir ayuda y ser mas eficiente con mi tiempo —Emmanuel Rodriguez-Morales

Through IB I was able to become more outgoing. IB also pushed me to try new things. I also believe that IB taught to become more independent by learning how to manage my time and to become less of a procrastinator. —Isabella Rosales

IB courses really challenged me and taught me a lot about myself. Although the courses were rigorous, I loved to learn the new things I was learning. —Jose Ruiz

Something that I learned through IB is that hard work pays off even if it means sacrificing your free time. Algo que aprendi de IB es que el arduo trabajo tiene su recompensa, aunque signifique sacrificar tu tiempo libre. —Gabriela Salazar

I learned how to push my limits and break out of my comfort zone. I also learned that I am a very creative person and how to express my creativity. —Josue Sandoval

Aprendí a ser responsable en mi trabajo escolar y desarrollé un carácter duro para desafiarme a mí mismo a completar hasta el final. —Tita Sandoval

Through the IB program, I learned the importance of practicing self discipline in order to not only excel in my academic classes, but as an individual student as well. —Melanie Sarmiento

How to write two essays in two hours. —Emily Schmuckal

I learned how to deep dive into topics in a way that helps me understand them better. —Eva Schmuckal

I leaned how to manage my time better, which helped me study for my IB classes.

Will Scott

I learned to seek value in your past accomplishments and present endeavors, rather than constantly looking ahead to new challenges.

—Emma Sharratt

I learned how to dive deeper into the topics I was learning about in school to get an overall idea about the subject. —Caitlyn Smith

Most important thing is keeping yourself happy. —Elias Smith

Time management. —Jordan Smith

IB taught me that when I feel like I’m out of my depth, I’m usually not. —Mia Solomon

Something I learned through IB was to really push myself and ask for help. Through IB, I was able to understand the importance of being vulnerable. I learned that I will receive help If I seek it. Being open and honest not only allowed me to complete IB but apply it to other parts of my life. —Sharon Song

I learned that hard work always will pay off and that it’s important to recognize your small accomplishments along with your big ones because it really demonstrates your character and perseverance. —Linnea Strathdee

IB taught me how to be an exemplary student and work hard. The rigorous course work forced me to learn how to multitask as well. —William Swinnerton

I learned that its important to keep on top of things especially when you have a large workload it’s important to stay on time or on track because its very easy to be bogged down with work —Carlos Talancon

The biggest thing I learned though IB is that obstacles are inevitable and that the only way to overcome these challenges is to persist. —Mia Terzic

I learned through hard work and dedication, good things will come. —Adam Trujillo

Through IB I was able to learn how to manage my time wisely, I never knew the importance of time until I had 7 IB courses. —Bianca Vail

You belong and you are smart enough! —Paula Valencia

In IB I learned that fear, more often than not, tends to hold us back. —Henry Valente

I have learned with hard work and dedication something that seemed scary and/or impossible was none of those things and help me maintain a good education. —Raquel Vasquez

I learned the importance of communicating with your teachers and I was also able to learn how manage my time wisely. —Zaira Vazquez

The IB program had thought me many critical thinking skills throughout my time in those classes and even thought me how to utilize the skills on class assignments and projects. —Hazel Velasco

Tu eres el único que le pone límites a tu vida. —Sandro Veliz

IB helps strengthening my critical thinking skills and introduces me to many new lands of knowledge that I never knew about before. —Nhi Vu

I learned how to be resourceful and to think critically.

—Grant Weiner

Through IB I learned to be able to succeed I needed to be a balanced learner.

—Maya Weissmann

I learned how to write long essays. —Oliver Westling

I learned how to stay caught up on a class and/or subject, how to work hard in general, as well as how to better learn among friends with use of their perspectives. —Dylan Wray

IB has taught me the importance of time management. Never procrastinate. —Naomi Yokoi

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