Raven Report Issue 5

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Valentine’s Day: Can you find true love in high school? Page 3

Teacher Feature

Ms. Salvatore returns after having triplets


Girls and boys soccer seasons underway

Page 8

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Raven Report Sequoia High School

Volume IV, Issue 5

1201 Brewster Ave. Redwood City, CA 94062

February 3, 2011

Students’ dreams of sleeping in come true next fall By LAYNE DIENER, REBECCA SAND and SANTIAGO ORTEGA Staff Reporters and Layout Editor All schools in the Sequoia Union High School District are in the process of modifying their respective start times after a study was conducted at Stanford saying that students do better in school when they get up later. The results of the study caused the district to mandate that all four schools must move their start times to at least 30 minutes later for at least

60 percent of the school’s population.Woodside and Menlo-Atherton already went through the process of changing their start times and are currently using their new schedules. Both Sequoia and Carlmont waited to create a schedule that would best fit their needs in terms of parents, students and faculty, and this will go into effect in the 2011-2012 year. “I think it will help, but we won’t know until we try it,” said Principal Bonnie Hansen. “The benefits outweigh the setbacks.”

This decision is dependent on many factors from traffic to transportation to sports and even homework. For example, if we start a half hour earlier, will it really allow students to sleep in? Sophomore Alsace Patrone said, “[The schedule] won’t change anything; students will be tired or tardy either way.” Here are the facts: The Sequoia Site Council looked at the new schedules for Menlo-Atherton and Woodside High School and came up with three options that they

thought would suit Sequoia the best. In order to get an idea of the new schedule that most parents, students and teachers wanted, the staff created an online survey as well as a written survey. Over 700 students took the survey as well as 300 parents. These groups were represented demographically in proportion to Sequoia’s population. The main reasons that the schedule is changing is because the staff believes that if the schedule is Go to SCHEDULE, page 2

10 years later, confusion lingers regarding mascot No problems, no outcries for a change, nothing came up about the mascot for 75 years. Then, in 2000, a We are the Ravens. We are Sequoia English class took their concerns regarding the Cherokees. We are the the mascot to the district Ravokees? board. Soon after the board Although the decision to ban the Cherokee mascot was took action and temporarmade ten years ago by the dis- ily banned selling school trict board, confusion about items with any Indian imour mascot still stirs through- age on it. The Sequoia Union High out Sequoia, mainly at sporting events. Are we allowed to School District board consider ourselves Cherokees ordered Morgan Marchbanks, the principal at the or must we be fully fledged time, to form a “task force” Sequoia Ravens? “When we’re promoting a comprised of students, team, we have evolved to the teachers, parents and Native point where we are now just American representatives to research all saying ‘Go Sequoia,’” “We are the Cherokees. You aspects of the said Leader- can say Cherokees, you can issue, ensure that all sides ship teacher write Cherokees, but you would have Lauren can’t draw Cherokees.” their voices Reibstein. —Lauren Reibstein, teacher heard, and The origin ultimately of the Sequoia Cherokee mascot dates make a decision. The controversy raged back to 1925. Sequoia was on for nearly a year, and on originally named after the giFeb. 21, 2001, the board ant redwood trees in the area. announced it had come to The Sequoia tree itself was given its name after Chief Se- a consensus. The Cheroquoyah, who was a prominent kee mascot and all images and stereotypes associated Cherokee and a well known educator. Thus, the commit- with the Cherokee would tee who chose our team name be banned and removed decided that “the Cherokees” from the school. There would be a great fit. Go to MASCOT, page 7 By NICKIE PUCEL and CONNOR GROSSMAN Staff Reporters

New gym all the buzz at Sequoia By WILLIAM BAKER and MATT BROTHERTON Staff Reporters The fence that once blocked off around 18,000 sq. ft of land near Sequoia’s pool is at last gone. The money used for the constuction of the new gym was allocated from the Measure J School Bond passed in 2008. The addition to the Sequoia campus brings much needed functionality to our students and our community. This gym adds a place

for basketball, volleyball, and badminton to practice and play, and it also creates indoor space for rallies and other school events that demand its 1,400 seat capacity. The gym also houses an area where food can be served at events. The brand new gym will be home to the 2010-2011 basketball boys and girls league games and badminton. The new gym is upgraded from the current one, which sat 950 students, to now seating 1,400 students. However with 1,977 students at Se-

quoia, many people wonder why does the gym only seats 1,400 people. One may question the fact that $10 million was spent on the new gym and it is not able to seat the entire school. In the words of math teacher Michael Feeney, “the principal must be hoping for a lot of kids to be on The No Privileges List.” The basketball court on the gym has some flaws according to those who have played on it. Sophomore JV Basketball captain Try Khov said “Its Go to GYM, page 2



SCHEDULE (from pg 1) moved it will help kids sleep longer and get to school on time. The survey at Stanford said that since teenagers naturally stay up later at night, and get up later, teenagers function better later in the day. So if school starts later, then students will be less tired and have more energy. Junior Laura Posados who attended Woodside High School for part of the 2010 school year says the schedule change was beneficial. “If you don’t have a seventh, you have more time

in the mornings to mentally and physically prepare yourself for the day. I had a seventh, but most of my friends did get more sleep and we all functioned better later in the day.” Science teacher Geoffrey Gaily also believes, “First and second period tend to have very low energy and third and fourth period tend to have lot higher energy. [The teachers] don’t care what the schedule ends up being as long as it benefits the students.” The new gym is bringing new life to Sequoia campus with increased attendance at games. Friday’s winter sports rally was held in the new gym for the first time. Photo by Matt Brotherton.

GYM (from pg 1)

not really what I expected it to be. It’s kinda like the regular gym, just with more bleachers and longer basketball courts.” If you watch a game, you will notice that the players sit on the front row of the same bleachers that the fans sit in. “Its irritating when were that close to the court and the players have to be careful not to fly into the bleach-

affected me or the team yet, but it ers,” said Khov. During games, it would be ideal for players to be com- might.” The arrival of the new gym has pletly focused on the game. Because profoundly increased attendance the bleachers are so close to the court, to school basketball it gives players an obstacle that “I don’t think [the bleachers] games. “People want to they have to worry affected me or the team yet, come see the new gym,” said Khov. “Basketball about during the but it might.” game. However, so —Junior Matt Elliot games are a great way for people to see it.” far it hasn’t been The new gym will be to much of a great for purposes other than sports, problem. too. For rallies, kids will flood into Junior Matt Elliot, captain of the the gym and watch grade level activiVarsity team said, “I don’t think its

ties and cheer wildly. Sophmore Lilly Nelson said, “I haven’t been in the new gym yet, and I’m excited to see it during the rally.” Principal Bonnie Hansen said to Redwood City Patch, “It really kills the buzz when you have to have a rally in the rain,” Hansen laughed. “And you don’t have to worry about sound getting swept away by the wind.” The new gym is a great benefit to Sequoia, and many future generations will get to enjoy it.

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Sure, credit cards can be a great way to have a financial safety buffer in your pocket, and they can help you build credit pretty quick, too. But everybody has heard of dangers that can come with credit cards if you’re not careful, as well as the horrific statistics: • The average college senior has about 4 credit cards, but only 50% of those stu dents have a job.* • The average balance on these cards is $2,864.* • The number of 18 to 24-year-olds declaring bankruptcy has increased 96% in 10 years.* So, you decide to give a debit card a try. Loving the idea of safety! With a debit card, you are spending your own cash. When you’re out of money, you don’t spend, period. Debit cards don’t put you in debt unless you overdraw your debit card. Of course, that’s easy to do. How? You use the card without knowing your balance. Or you trust a money machine to tell you your balance. But the money machine balance doesn’t show monthly fees that may be deducted soon and doesn’t show upcoming automatic payments. Here’s what can happen: a money machine shows you have 50 bucks, so you draw out forty. That night, a monthly payment of fifteen bucks hits your account. Bingo, you’re overdrawn. Well, what about using prepaid debit cards with a set balance? Let’s say you grab a $100 prepaid debit card from a rack of prepaid debit cards. You’re ready to go! But hold on. Many prepaid debit cards are a ripoff. Some charge ten bucks just to activate your card! On that $100 card, you’re down to $90 before you spend a dime. Others charge weird and unnecessary fees like these: • They charge you for any withdrawal—and this is above the charge the bank providing the ATM machine may charge. • $4 monthly maintenance fees. Even if you don’t use the card, they charge you. Because prepaid debit and gift cards are not closely regulated, many card com panies are making up their own rules about fees—and the rules are designed to help the company, not you. So what should you do? Get a regular debit card at the credit union! It’s as simple as that. No hidden fees, and guaranteed good service.



Valentine’s Day The Raven Report investigated Sequoia’s take on Valentine’s Day and high school relationships through a survey and interviews.

Are you currently in a relationship with someone at Sequoia?

By CAROLINE LEMPERT and SAMI MAST Staff Reporter and Feature Editor Valentine’ Day is not just about expressing your love for a boyfriend or girlfriend, its a day for making yourself and everyone around you feel special. In a poll of 100 Sequoia students, 67 percent said they were single. When spending the day of love without a lover, you can either sulk or embrace it. A unique approach to Valentine’s Day is to celebrate a different kind of love, and treasure the relationships you do have. Seventy nine percent of surveyed students said that they miss the candy and valentines passed out in elementary school. But who says it has to stop as you get older? “I always make cookies and cards for my friends,” said freshman Mary Hodges. “My friends and I trade Valentines, and even though none of us are in a relationship, we definitely make the day special,” said Hodges. Originally a day to celebrate the ones you love, Feb. 14 has warped into a superficial day of over-priced roses, pitying yourself for being single, basing your self esteem on how many secret

My boyfriend/ girlfriend goes somewhere else

How long has your longest relationship lasted?

admirers you have, and how many valentines you get. “I think it’s a distraction from what a relationship should be” said freshman Matt Jenkins. Although it’s the “day of love”, it’s undeniable that Valentine’s

Do you think love can exist in a high school relationship? Yes, I’m currently in loveYes you can be, but I’m notYes you can be, and I want to beNo, you can’t beLove doesn’t exist-

Do you miss the candy and cards passed out in elementary school?

Day has gone over the top. With drug stores and television throwing red and pink candy at your face, it’s easy to get sucked in with the hype of the holiday. “It’s definitely become over-

commercialized,” said Glenda OrtezGalan, Sequoia’s head Guidance Counselor. “It’s not what it should be anymore.” Though the price of showing someone you love them rises, couples continue to purchase expensive gifts for their significant others. Expressing your love on Valentine’s Day, in recent years, comes down to the amount of dollars you spend on them. Despite the negativity and superficial gift giving, there are still many Sequoia couples who treasure Valentine’s Day as a celebration of their love. With romantic dinners, thoughtful gifts, and time to just enjoy each other’s company, the real meaning behind Valentine’s Day is still present in some relationships. Regardless of your relationship status, Valentine’s Day should be a day to make the people you love feel special, no matter what kind of “love” it is. If you’re single, throw out the ice cream and tissue boxes, and throw a party instead. If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, make sure they know you don’t take them for granted-- but make sure the spotlight is on your relationship, not how much you spent on their gift and dinner.

Sequoia Spotlight: Steven Wong

Sequoia math teacher found ‘Wong’ lasting love back in high school Have you ever wondered where time, but it can still find true love while in high school.” you and your high school sweetFor all the pessimists who heart will be in 20 years? complain about the overcommerHas anyone ever told you you’re cialization “too young to be of Valenin love?” tine’s Day, Wong is Wong’s stoconfident that ry perfectly love can exist exemplifies in high school. how the Wong speaks original from experience; purpose he fell in love of Valenwith his wife Steven Wong and high school sweettine’s Day in high school. heart Sheva Hu with their child. is still After seven years alive and of dating, he well. proposed to her “It’s the day for lovers, and it on Valentine’s Day. should be celebrated between lov“I think high school students ers. It’s not overrated.” can definitely be in love,” said —Caroline Lempert Wong. and Sami Mast “Their love may mature over



Cooking class adds spice to Sequoia hallways By ANNA DAGUM and LAUREL DEARBORN Staff Reporters It’s 8:20 AM on a Monday morning, the halls are empty, and the only sound to be heard is the low hum of a copying machine printing handouts somewhere in the distance. The students are asleep in their classrooms-mentally at least -- and the teachers are bustling about trying to engage these overworked students as best they can. Then, as if some unknown force is compelling them- 31 droopy eyed teenagers lift their heads in unison, sniffing the air as if they are wild Students enrolled in Culinary Arts whip up tantalizing dishes every day. animals trying to pick up on a trail. It’s 8:20 AM on a Monday morning, Photo by Anna Dagum. and the cooking class is hard at work cook that day. First semester we made at home and share with family and stirring up tantalizing dishes whose appetizers, side dishes, and holiday friends. pungent scents meals. Second These students are in Food II; a waft through the semester were class that focuses more on the recipes halls and linger “In learning how to cook you learn focusing more of making a dish, whereas Food I is straight into the how to eat.” on entrees and geared towards learning measureclassrooms. —Culinary Arts Teacher Lindsay main dishes,” ments and chopping skills. Com“I love cookWashington said Washingprised of juniors and seniors, this ing, baking and ton. advanced class manages to cook up teaching, that’s “My favorite something sweet or savory almost the simple answer,” said Lindsay dish so far is definitely the macaroni,” everyday. Washington whose culinary arts said senior Lizeth Cuevas. “We cook a large variety of food, class in room 13 has the privilege of “Three cheese macaroni, Delisome desserts and some dinners,” said cooking (and eating) their own tasty cious,” agreed senior Taylor Lamantia. Cuevas, “but they’re all delicious.” creations every day. While others envy and drool, the The laid back atmosphere of the “Typically we start off with a students continue to be challenged class creates the prime cooking envidemo of whatever we’re going to by new recipes that they can carry on ronment for the students.

“Everyone is really chill here, they’re all easy going and talkative,” Cuevas said. “The people are great,” Lamantia agreed. “We have a fun time.” Learning how to cook is an important skill, and it simply cannot be put off for the last minute. “I’ve always had a passion for baking,” Lamantia said. “And since I’ll be moving out soon I really need to learn how to cook.” High school is the perfect time to find balance between going out and eating with your friends, and staying home and cooking for your friends. “In college I would cook to stay sane from my major. i cooked for my neighbors, lots of taco bars, and lots of midnight baking,” said Washington This class gives students more than just a free snack, it teaches them how to choose to eat healthy and provide for themselves. “In learning how to cook you learn how to eat, and what to eat,” Washington said. “You learn how to make food and choose not to just eat at fast food restaurants.” So when the seasoned aroma of freshly baked feasts drifts into your 1st period classroom, don’t reject it for mocking your hunger. instead, accept the scent as a messenger, and heed its presence as a suggestion for a great elective.

Sequoia High School

Raven Report 2010-2011 Layout Editor Editor-in-Chief Santiago Ortega Sarina Kocher

News Editors Zeenat Ali and Alex Deas

Freshman Sydney Cohn, enrolled in Art I, uses her talent to finger paint a self portrait. Photo by Zeenat Ali.

Art electives help students relax and find creative outlets and man have created.”

By ZEENAT ALI News Editor

You are following the beat of music, your hands are dirty and now your thinking what you should create next. This is how a typical day starts in ceramics class. Sequoia’s elective art classes provide students the opportunity to show their creative side while getting time to relax during the school hours. Art is a significant part of everyday living,” said Ceramics teacher Lindsey Becker, people who do not appreciate art are “missing out on all the natural cues that Mother Nature

Art “helps us connect to ourselves, to the earth and to other people. It lets us express ourselves in the ways we are not able to describe in words,”Art Teacher Mozy DaCosta said. The presence of art has been around for centuries and has always been a big influence on all of us. Anyone who has painted a picture, written a poem, taken dance, or even played with clay, has connected with their “artsy side”. There are a number of classes here at Sequoia that let students express See ARTS, page 5

Feature Editor Sami Mast

Sports Editor Daniel Jude

Staff Reporters William Baker Matt Brotherton Anna Dagum Laurel Dearborn Layne Diener Connor Grossman Will James Caroline Lempert Nickie Pucel Rebecca Sand Jacob Warren Josh Pitkofsky Faculty adviser Kim Vinh Mission Statement The Raven Report strives to provide Sequoia High School with informative, engaging and relevant news. The staff will exercise integrity and adaptability while promoting justice and transparency through professional reporting about the school, the community, and the world. Letters to the Editor The Raven Report welcomes letters to the editor from students, parents, or community members, sent to Room 308 or by email to ravenreport09@gmail.com. Letters must include the writer’s full name and ID number, and the staff reserves the right to edit for space and style.



(from pg. 4) themselves and have a good time. Sequoia offers Art I, Draw/Paint , Ceramics , Photography, Stage Craft, Journalism, Yearbook, Clothing, Foods, Woods and many more. A day in Ceramics class is different from a day in any other regular academic class. The ceramics class, also known as the Ceramics Palace, is like no other class. This building was specially built for ceramics. As you walk in you pick up an apron and you take a seat. The teacher begins her lesson. After, you get up to get your clay and the tunes start to play. That’s when the art in you begins to be expressed. Senior Bianca Maldonado said that when she is in ceramics she feels that it’s “fun, relaxing and creative even though it’s challenging...in a way.” “You learn but you don’t get bored. It’s never a boring assignment where everyone has to have it all the same. It’s an individual project that always comes out how you want it not the way the teacher wants it, “ said Photography senior Abby Vargas. Taking these classes can help students discover new skills that they might not have known before. Feeling the satisfaction of creating something of your own is the ultimate benefit of taking a Sequoia art class. You have no limit in what you can do, and also if you have an idea in in your mind, you have endless resources to create it,” said Vargas.

Junior Rigo Vallejo and senior Manny Pintor work on finger painting their self potraits. Photo by Zeenat Ali.

5 Left: Sequoia students (from left to right) Simon Ferry, Michal Walichiewicz, Vinoj Govinthasamy, Austin Mier, and Connor Reiss examine their newly constructed robot. Below: Sequoia robot battles for field position in FTC 2010. Photos by Sequoia Robotics club.

Robotics Club: Not all nerds and math By LIAM O’HARA Staff Reporter The “Purple Reign” robotics team has placed 21st out of 28 spots in its first ever First Tech Challenge (FTC), and aims to repeat its Team 100 trip to nationals in Atlanta later this year. The team headed by juniors Vinoj Govinthsamy, Connor Wake, and Connor Reiss was flattered with two awards at FTC, the design award, and judges awarded for most spirited. The team is now preparing for its Team 100 Challenge that will take place in March and April. The team is comprised of students from Woodside, Carlmont, and Sequoia, and has six weeks to design and build a robot no bigger than five feet when entering the ring, but can expand. The team during this six week period works on a rigorous schedule to get everything done working on weekends from 9a.m-6p.m and on some weekdays from

3p.m-6p.m, as six weeks is not nearly enough time to build a robot according to Wake. The team also has mentors that “make sure we don’t kill anyone” according to head programmer Connor Wake. Contrary to common belief the team is not all about math or quantum physics the team is all about doing “cool stuff ” such as making “five foot tall killer robots,” said Wake. The team also uses Tech Shop, a workshop in Palo Alto dedicated to using professional equipment such as 3D printers, and plasma welders to construct their machines. The Robotics club according to advisor Laura Larkin is mainly comprised of students that “played with a lot of legos and blocks,” and to join the club no prior knowledge is necessary, only that the students come in with an open mind, and a lot of energy as well as a need to wear cool hats, dress up. The team is looking for students interested in web design and marketing.



Twins and triplets share more than genes Sophomore twins Aubry and Hannah Westerlind have a very strong relationship, and are practically best friends. They have almost almost all the same classes, yet like the Bliss twins, have decided that they will hopefully go to different colleges. “It’s nice to have a person that you can tell everything to, we have lots of inside jokes,” said Hannah. “Sometimes we will look at each other and start laughing,” Aubry added. Like the Westerlind twins, sophomore fraternal twins Jerod and Alaina Woo are in sync with one another. “We are very supportive and share friends,” said Alaina. Nevertheless, the twins still compete over things like grades and sports; and like most siblings, they have their disagreements. “I’m older, its a sign of maturity,” said Jerod. Although it is a common stereotype that the oldest twin or triplet is more mature than their siblings, there is no scientific evidence that proves this. The Westerlind twins agree that the most common question that they are asked is “Do you guys have twin telepathy?”. The Bliss sisters are also frequently asked the same question. Although they say that they do not have ‘twin telepathy’, the Bliss sisters are able to know what one another is thinking just by looking at each other. They claim that this is because they are almost always together and are each others’ best friends.

By JOSH PITKOFSKY and SARINA KOCHER GROSS Staff Reporter and Editor-in-Chief

On your way to class, you see many faces that all blur together. With hundreds of students rushing through Sequoia’s halls, sometimes students Sophomores Jerod and Alaina Woo Freshmen Samantha and Emma Peyton might think that they are seeing double. Clones? Sleep deprivation? No, it is probably one of the many pairs of twins and triplets here at Sequoia. Sophomores Hannah and According to a study done by the Aubry Westerlind Sophomores Alyssa and Alex Bliss National Center for Health Statistics, 3 out of every 100 births are twins. The chance of having triplets is even lower, with about 1 in ever 8,100 births result in triplets. Despite their rarity, Spanish teacher Edith Salvatore recently returned from her maternity leave this semester after the birth of her triplets, named Max, Daniel, and Caroline. The buzz about her baby triplets led the Raven Report to explore the relationships between multiples and how they are treated at school. “The first day I got back, I made my students watch a slide show of baby pictures,” said Salvatore. Salvatore has a lot on her hands with three new babies at home while teaching and also moving houses. “Things are crazy now, but what I’m most worried about is when they learn how to run... now that will Spanish teacher Edith Salvatore’s four-month-old triplets: Max, Daniel, and be difficult,” said Salvatore. Having Caroline (left to right) may look similar, but they already have very different twin or triplet siblings proves to be personalities. Photo courtesy of Edith Salvatore. a blessing and also a challenge. The Salvatore family is adjusting to their Visit D Bliss sisters find that many of their new life, while embracing the new rivers Ed.com peers treat them and associate them experience of parenthood. and e during nter d t iscoun h e o Ms. Salvatore has encounted twins as one person. “It’s annoying when nline t* cod paym e CAH e nt pro S3 people tell us, ‘you’re like the same and triplets in her classroom before. cess. She had the Bliss twins in their Fresh- person’, because we’re not,” said Alyssa. man year. Similarly, freshman twins Saman“Alex and Alyssa got mad at me because I couldn’t tell them apart, but tha and Emma Peyton also said that many people do not see them as inthey talk the same, dress the same, and finish each others sentences,” said dividuals and think of them as being the same person. “We are definitely Salvatore. different people,” said Samantha. Sophomore identical twins Alex Being twins brings a lot of and Alyssa Bliss have been in all attention and many frequently asked of the same classes together since Online Drivers Ed questions about what kindergarten. “Sometimes I wish that I • Fun, flexible lessons so you it is like to have a Sometimes even pass your permit test their close friends could be more of an individual ‘double’. • California DMV-approved “We pretty much have trouble telling because then it wouldn’t be so • 50 free online permit practice tests hard to be apart [from each get the same questions them apart. In Driving Lessons in Your Area addition to having other]. It’s nice to always have everyday: how do your someone be with you.” • Practice driving in brand-new MINI Coopers! parents tell you apart? classes together, • Free driving-lesson pick-up and drop-off — sophomore Alyssa Bliss Which one is the good the Bliss twins are • Licensed instructors teach you to drive twin and the bad twin? also on the same Questions? Call us at 1-888-651-AUTO. Do you guys have twin team for soccer and track as well as having the same group telepathy?” said Alex. “Or when we’re standing next to each other, people of friends. They spend most of their will ask, ‘Are you guys twins?!’ It time together and feel strange when gets old,” added Alyssa, finishing her they are not with one another. sister’s sentence. “Sometimes I wish that I could be The Peyton sisters agree that the more of an individual because then it wouldn’t be so hard to be apart [from strangest question that they are asked is “Are you identical twins?” when each other]. It’s nice to always have they are standing right next to each someone be with you,” said Alyssa. other, Samantha being about a foot Since they are usually together, the taller.

Seeing double?

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7 Gym construction revives teams’ spirits Sports

Upcoming games Varsity Girls:

•Tuesday, Feb. 8 vs. Capuchino 6:00 p.m. •Friday, Feb. 11 vs. Hillsdale 6:15 p.m.

JV Girls:

•Tuesday, Feb. 8 vs. Capuchino 4:30 p.m. •Friday, Feb. 11 vs. Hillsdale 3:15 p.m.

Varsity Boys:

•Wednesday, Feb. 2 @Westmoore 6:00 p.m. •Wednesday, Feb. 9 vs. Capuchino 6:00 p.m. •Friday, Feb. 11 vs. Oceana 7:45 p.m.

JV Boys:

•Wednesday, Feb. 2 @Westmoore 4:30 p.m. •Wednesday, Feb. 9 vs. Capuchino 4:30 p.m. •Friday, Feb. 11 vs. Oceana 6:00 p.m.

Sophomore Julian Bertero shoots over a defender in the first game in the new gym.

By ALEX DEAS Staff Reporter The new gym hosted two exciting first games at its debut: the varsity boys won 54-45 against Westmoor, while the girls varsity won 41-30 against Woodside. The 2011 season is bringing big hopes to Sequoia basketball this school year. “We played really hard. It was nice to get our first league win,” said junior Matt Elliot, captain of the boys varsity team. The games were both close until the fourth quarter, but both teams were able to pull through and ensure their win. “All of our games so far have been really close, so we’re now in competition with the entire league,” said varsity girls senior captain Nicole Serrano. This year,the boys have a freshman team and a junior varsity team in addition to varsity. The junior varsity boys and girls teams both faced defeat against Woodside and Westmoor on Jan. 14, though both games were close. But prospects for the rest of the season are still very high. Last Friday’s game, which the rally led into, proved this to be true. The girls faced the challenge of playing an inner league rival, but were able to come through for the win. “[Sophomore] Alaina Woo was on fire during the first half. She scored 17 points overall in the game,” said varsity teammate senior Elizabeth Schaffernoth. “Our bigger guys, junior James Beekley and sophomore Julian Bertero played really tough on defense. We had some clutch shots from Josh [Lauese] and Jerod [Woo],” said Elliott. Friday’s games had everything a school needs to pump up its spirit and ensure a strong fan base for this season. The win brought together students and faculty to cheer on their teams against a much rivaled school. “Everyone has really shown they can stay focused. We’re able to feed off the crowd’s energy. It feels good to know we have a lot of support”, said

MASCOT (from page 1) was also much discussion over wheth- said, “I cannot believe some wants to er or not we should retain the Chero- change the name Sequoia Cherokee. kee name, and, after much debate, the MY VOTE IS NO, NO WAY, NOT board decided to let Sequoia keep it. EVEN, NEVER.” As a result, there are different rules Mary Kinnick, class of 1960, was which specify when we can or can’t part of the 1 percent of alumni who use Cherokees. supported the ban. “We are the Cherokees. You can In another e-mail from 2000, she say Cherokees, you can write Cherosaid, “Racism runs deep and is so kees, but you can’t embedded in our draw Cherokees, and “We could do a good job of historical symbols you can’t depict a that we just don’t ‘see’ portraying the Cherokees Cherokee visually,” well and doing research so we them.” said Reibstein. The voices of the wouldn’t offend them, but With the Chero- instead give them pride.” alumni were heard, kee having repre—Sophomore Jeremy Smith but to no avail. sented Sequoia for Quickly afterwards, 75 years, it was inevitable that the all efforts turned to selecting a new decision made by the board would be mascot. Suggestions were welcome met with strong opposition. from anyone in the community, and ”Many people hold the tradition Sequoia Leadership gathered ideas near and dear to their hearts.” said proposed by students, teachers and Reibstein. others. Students and teachers voted In a survey taken by the Sequoia on the different ideas, and on April Alumni Association during the pro26, 2002, the raven was selected as cess, 99 percent of all alumni voted Sequoia’s mascot. From that point that they wanted to keep the Cheroon, Sequoia was to be represented by kee mascot. Rooty the Raven, but he isn’t perfect. In an e-mail sent in 2000 about the “We can promote Rooty the Raven mascot change, Lora Mortenson, a as our mascot, but we shouldn’t really member of the 1976 graduating class, depict a raven visually either,” said

Sophomore Alaina Woo, left, goes up to block an opponent’s shot. Photos by Madel Duval. Elliott. Even with new teammates and a new gym which sparked up controversy at the start, the teams seem to have adapted well. “We are really excited for this season. We’re working really hard to get to playoffs. Thats our goal, as a team”, said Schaffernoth. “The team has changed a lot, but the loss has caused a lot of players to gain more responsibility on the court and improve their skills”, said Elliott. This season is shaping up to be an exciting one. Seeing how great the players have played on Friday and in the past years when given the support of loving fans, should inspire us all to come out and support our basketball team. The next quad games are on Febuary 11. Come out and support our girls against Hillsdale and our boys against Oceana.

Reibstein. “This happened during a time “[The Raven costume] smells bad where people started to become sensiand I saw a guy in it, he was really tive towards this kind of thing,” said sweaty and he almost fainted,” said Principal’s Secretary Dottress Rollin, Leadership student Jeremy Smith. who assisted Marchbanks throughout In general, the raven has symbolthe controversy. “Not once was there ized love, wisdom, any intent to disrespect and hope. And, a nation or group of since our mascot people. While I don’t could no longer be necessarily agree with the Cherokees, the the outcome, I believe raven seemed to be it was handled very the next best option, well by Mrs. Marchfor it has specific banks.” ties with the CheroSmith wants us to kee people: its name change back to the signifies good forCherokees. tune and symbolizes “I think we could do one who has special a good job of portraypowers. ing the Cherokees well Rooty the Raven has repreFor Sequoia, the sented Sequoia since 2002. and doing research so raven has been a mat- Photo by Raven Report staff. we wouldn’t offend ter of controversy them, but instead give and debate. One side agrees with them pride,” he said. this decision, for they believe that Despite the disagreements and the Cherokee mascot was offensive, arguments that occurred, Reibstein and that Native Americans wouldn’t doesn’t foresee any change coming. be able to take themselves seriously “Everyone understands that if they if they saw themselves as a school open it up it’s like Pandora’s Box, it mascot. The other side disagrees, and will explode again,” she said. they argue that the Cherokee mascot So for now, good old smelly Rooty was not demeaning, but that it was a will remain as Sequoia’s mascot. We gesture of respect to the great Chero- are proud to be the Cherokees, and kee Chief Sequoyah. proud to be represented by a raven.



Soccer teams shoot for high goals going into new season Boys and girls, varsity and junior varsity, all looking to improve on recent success

By WILL JAMES AND DANIEL JUDE Staff Reporter and Sports Editor Sequoia soccer season has begun as both the girls and boys teams take another shot at the league title. Last year the boys JV and Varsity won the Bay division, but the varsity team was ousted from CCS by Willow Glen. The girls team, newly in the Bay division last year, dropped back down to Ocean where they look to repeat the success of the 08-09 year. The girls JV team has adjusted phenomenally to the new division, as they are vying for a title. “We are working really well as a team and practicing the things we need to work on after each game. We don’t let our record distract us or change the way we approach the game,” said sophomore Mariah #15 takes a free kick as Sequoia Alums play local semi-pro team Mezcala in an exhibition game. Photo by Eileen Bray Driver. With new coach Lee Mitchell, they the players. “She’s always positive, each season has had special moments. their sights set on CCS. are “crazy good,” said varsity coach encouraging us and wanting us to do “The best moment of this season “I think w can make CCS if we Melissa Schmidt. “They are definitely our best,” said junior Sarah Singh, a was beating Hillsdale 2-1. (Hillsdale put in all our strength and work our favorites to win the division.” new addition to the varsity team. was first in the division) We really hardest,” said team manager Marcial “The varsity team are contenders,” Captains Paige Gillooley and pulled through as a team,” said sopho- Barron. adds Schmidt. “We can make a run at Kinsey Dittmar make sure the team more Nick Polati, a captain of the JV Second year coach Julio Calles the top.” can work together, especially with team. agreed, “I truly believe if we work “I love watching [the girls] learn, the influx of new players. The team Polati played for the JV team last harder, it won’t be easy, but I know we work hard, and grow.” said Schmidt. has five freshmen and 10 sophomores year, but this year he sets the example can get back to CCS and do better.” “The best part this year, with of a good Sequoia soccer player. The always-inspiring Calles has about playing for only two seniors. “He has to think for himself, listen, been instrumental in putting this Upcoming Games: Sequoia is the “The captains and know what to do with the ball team together, motivating the players Boys friendships you • vs. Menlo-Atherton - 2/2 relate to the girls when it comes to him,” said JV coach to keep grades up and go to college. “I make with other • vs. Burlingame - 2/4 well, and keep Larry Pedicord. use my experience, I tell them I went girls,” said Savannah • @ Terra Nova - 2/9 us wanting to do Pedicord, beloved by both the var- to college because of soccer, they can Rae, an 11th grader • @ Westmoor - 2/11 better by examsity and JV team, has been coaching do it too.” and former Sequoia • vs. Woodside - 2/14 ple,” Singh said. the Sequoia JV team for over 20 years. “I think our team has lots of good • vs. Carlmont - 2/16 player. “You end With leading “I like to meet the new kids, teach controlled, passing technique,” said up meeting people Girls scorers sophothem and get to know them,” he said. senior Anibal Campos. “We need to • vs. Mills - 2/3 that you wouldn’t mores Mariana Fredy Ramirez, a Sequoia graduate, focus and keep a positive attitude [to • @ Capuchino - 2/8 normally talk to.” Frey and Shelby is partnering with Pedicord this year. get to CCS].” • vs. Half Moon Bay - 2/10 With bondEscobedo, who This is his first year coaching the team The focus will be on what the • @ El Camino - 2/15 ing activities like have four goals and he said, “I like this level, doing teams have excelled at so far this year, • @ Westmoor - 2/17 team dinners and a each, the team new stuff with the young kids.” and how to finish their seasons with game-bear, which is will do their best Ramirez’s brother, Jorge, is playing success. All four Sequoia soccer teams a stuffed teddy bear given to the best to get back on top of the division. for Sequoia’s varsity team, who have a want to be great this year. Whether player of a specific game and then In the Bay division, the boys 2-3-2 record, incuding victories over that means simply playing as one unit at the end of the season to the most teams look to continue their success. Serra and Monte Vista. Like always, or going deep into CCS, every player deserving teammate. Sequoia’s boys soccer team has been the varsity team has high aspirations and coach shows their dedication These fun motivational tactics help in the Bay division for 23 years, and for this year, and the players have every time they step onto the field.

New coach helps wrestlers pin medals With help of first girl, wrestlers find success in Albany By LIAM OHARA Staff Reporter New wrestling coach John Peavler, and the wrestling team have enjoyed mixed success this season following a coaching change and 6 new wrestlers. The team’s goal was simply to have a good time and to improve over the coarse of the season, but as team leaders emerged, many individual achievments insued as first year female wrestler Francesca Lampert placed fourth in her first tournament in Albany. Lampert said she enjoyed becoming Sequoia’s “first competitive female wrestler” and the support of fellow wrestler Elise Levin-Guracar. Lampert wasn’t the only one who enjoyed success this season. Also finishing with medals in

Albany were Nestor Martinez and Luis Gonzalez who placed in third. The team’s next meet will be on Thursday Feb.3 and will feature both the varsity and junior varsity teams in a dual meet at Sequoia High School. Upcoming Meets and Tournaments • Burlingame HS Dual Meet - 2/3 at Sequoia • Colt Invitational Tournament - 2/5 at South City HS • PAL Championships - 2/11 at Burlingame • CCS Championships - 2/25-26 at San Jose

Winter Sports on the way out • • • • •

Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Boys Soccer Girls Soccer Wrestling

Spring Sports about to start • • • • • • •

Boys Tennis Baseball Softball Badminton Golf Swimming Track

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