Raven Report 2023-2024 Issue Cycle 4

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RAVEN REPORT | JUNE 2024 3 34 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE RECORD MAN: A MUSIC TREASURE TROVE By Matthew Caesar 34 40 38 Front cover by Christine Chang & Allison Wang Back cover by Sasha Efimchik & Haylee Huynh 46 GETTING A SUMMER JOB / CONSEGUIR UN TRABAJO DE VERANO By Arely Brizuela Calles, Lucie Archambault & Sofia Ferrante 30 SEQUOIA’S SPICY DEBATE/EL DEBATE PICANTE DE SEQUOIA By Cameron Reynolds 38 THE GROOVY GOOSE: A PERFECT STOP FOR COFFEE LOVERS By Gianna Federighi 40 SPORTS RECAP 2023-2024 By Natalie Ewing & Nate Gotelli 43 CLASS OF ‘24 MEMORIES By Stan Hamelin & David Raymond 46

letters from the EDITORS

Although writing articles at 8 a.m. every Mon day for three years may seem tedious to others, the people at the Raven Report made it fun. Over my time as part of the staff, I have learned about what it means to contribute to a newsroom. I have become a better writer, I have learned how to produce videos and how to work on a deadline. I have met many awesome journalists, both from Sequoia and other journalism programs across the country, who we met at the National Conventions we went to, in St. Louis, Missouri, and Los Angeles. I will always respect the work journalists do, because I understand how challenging it is.

The student-run nature of journalism gave me a much greater sense of independence than in any of my other classes. With the opportunities and flexibility offered by high school journalism, I got to experiment with digital art, graphic design, photography, interviewing and writing different types of articles. Along with the more technical skills, my classmates taught me how to better in- teract with my community and manage people. I loved being part of a student group that was so considerate of their community, and I met many of my favorite people at Sequoia in journalism. I’m so grateful for what journalism added to my high school experience, and I’ll obviously miss the production nights, conventions and everyone in the class :)


My time on the Raven Report has been my favorite part of high school. I first joined the class in 2020 and had to navigate the infamously confusing program InDesign while being too scared to talk to the intim- idating, talented seniors. My passion for writing led me to give the class another shot in my junior year, and every day, I’m grateful that I did! I’ve never been in such a hard-working, challenging, but fun environ- ment. I not only learned skills like researching and editing that helped me in my other classes, but during my time as News Editor, I found I became more in touch with my school and communities I otherwise wouldn’t have known anything about. In the past two years, I’ve made so many friends through journalism and gotten to know two incredible advisors who pushed me to produce the best pieces of writing I’ve ever written. This class has inspired me to pursue a career in journalism and continue to study it for the next four years. I will forever be grateful for my time on the Raven Report and all the amazing editors and writers who made the class supportive and fun.

When I was younger, I dreamed of having my name in the paper; picturing myself singing at sold-out stadium concerts like Lady Gaga, idolizing Barbie:The Princess & the Popstar. Stepping into high school, that dream took a turn. Joining the Raven Report sophomore year, I was met with talented reporters and artists who guided me to find my writer’s voice. Through my roles as Multimedia Manager, Opinion and Feature Editor, I discovered my drive for leadership and cultivating intellectual curiosity in youth. Journalism became my passion: a career where I could learn something new every day and be an advocate for underrepresented individuals, a perfect blend of entertainment and activism. I will forever be grateful for all the talented, life-long friends I made throughout my time in this class. All of you shaped me into the person I am today and the journalist hope to become. Though different than I expected, my dreams ultimately came true: my name in the paper. Albeit, the byline instead of the headline, though this change felt more right, more me. Instead of my goal of being in front of an audience, journalism allows me to step off the stage and be the director. Print isn’t dead!!!


Co-Feature Editor

Alex Parker-Rogers Zoraya

My years in the Raven Report have given me some of the most rewarding and fun experiences throughout my time in high school. Getting to improve my writing, photography and interviewing skills has helped me feel more confident in the work I create. Being able to help others’ articles as an editor is a very gratifying process.The class trip to St. Louis in 2022 was one of my favorite memories in high school and was the furthest I’d ever been from California. I hope those of you considering this class take the opportunity, the class is fairly laid-back and a great way to improve your writing.


My time at the Raven Report has been a bitter- sweet experience but an experience I wouldn’t change for the world. I joined the Raven Report as a freshman and published my first article. I still remember the excitement when I saw my name in print above the article I had written. In my sophomore year, I became an editor and took on editor responsibilities. It was a long and arduous process, but I got down with the help of my then-editors in chief. The team of editors we built during my junior and senior years was by far the most unified and goal-focused team I had ever worked with and been a part of. Every class was like hanging out with your friends but working simultaneously. I’m sad to be leaving the group of people we built so many fantastic news magazines with. It will forever be a memorable part of my high school experience.

THE RAVEN REPORT IS A SEQUOIA HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PUBLICATION PRODUCED IN THE JOURNALISM CLASS through the efforts and decisions of the staff and the publication’s editors and advisor. The Raven Report is a public forum for students, staff, and community.

THE RAVEN REPORT STRIVES TO PROVIDE SEQUOIA HIGH SCHOOL WITH INFORMATIVE, ENGAGING AND RELEVANT NEWS. The staff will exercise integrity and accountability while promoting justice and transparency through professional reporting about our school, community and the world.

Abigail Aguayo Graphics Manager

Stepping into room 245 on the first day of school in sophomore year, I had no idea what to expect in a journalism class. Over the past few years, from being a staff reporter to staying up late doing copy edits as a copy editor and editor in chief, I couldn’t have asked for anything better. It has been immensely rewarding seeing my own growth as a reporter and graphic designer, but I am even more proud and thankful for every sin- gle reporter who was part of the Raven Report during my time on staff. Journalism has allowed me to cultivate connections with classmates who have now become my best friends, and also the Sequoia community at large. Forever thankful to the two journalism advisors for their mentorship and guidance, without them, none of this would have been possible <3

My time in journalism has been such a core part of my life, and encapsulating the past three years of this experience in just a few sentences is difficult. In freshman year, I tried to convince myself that I liked online learning: no commuting to school, no cafeteria lunches, no socialization. It was a dream for a 14-year-old introvert like me.

But after I joined journalism in sophomore year, I could not imagine a world without the community that we built at the Raven Report. Every editor, staff reporter and advisor that has come and gone has impacted me in indescribable ways, and I am going to miss them all so much. Despite this, I am excited for the next chapter of my life in college, and am confident that the future editor team will make us all proud with the future issues they publish. So, without further ado,Allison and I present this year’s last official issue of the Raven Report.




Allison Wang

Editor in Chief

Haylee Huynh

Editor in Chief

Haylee Huynh Allison Wang
King Alex Parker-Rogers OPINION EDITORS Sasha Efimchik Vivian Krevor A&E EDITOR Matthew Caesar COPY EDITOR Sarina Sanghvi NEWS EDITOR David Raymond GRAPHICS MANAGER
Ansnes Kyle Appleby Lucie Archambault Arely Brizuela Alex Corpos Natalie Ewing Gianna Federighi Sofia Ferrante Nathaniel Gotelli Collin Liou Jaime Perez Molina Emma Nardini Rocco Piazza Viviana Castro Ramos Cameron Reynolds Aden Richman Caroline Seiling Reese Silva Idania Quevedo Yamir Ventura ADVISOR Mary Diepenbrock

A few decades ago, students with disabilities were excluded from many of the educational opportunities that were afforded to their peers.While this is still a prevalent issue, students with disabilities have received an increased amount of attentivity to their needs. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, nearly 15% of students in the US have a disability. Only a few decades ago, a disability prevented a student from graduating high school. This student, Ed Roberts, is considered the father of the disability movement. One of his first battles was fighting to graduate from high school because he couldn’t fulfill the P.E. and driver’s education requirements, on account of being paralyzed and requiring the use of a ventilator. In 1962, he was the first severely disabled person to attend UC Berkeley. Robert helped create the first Center of Independent Living at Berkeley, allowing people with disabilities to take care of themselves. He inspired other people with disabilities to challenge these limitations.

against people with a disability. ADA prohibits discrimination in employment, transportation and requires buildings to be physically accessible to those with disabilities. This law started because parents didn’t want their children to be segregated in the school system as a result of their disabilities.


include fidgeting, talking a lot and grabbing things from people.

The average age of being diagnosed with ADHD is seven years old, though many people find out they have the disability later in life. Senior Natalie Ward was diagnosed with ADHD right before her junior year at the age of 16.

Sofia Rava, senior “

To ensure civil rights for people with disabilities, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990, which forbids discrimination

In order to better understand the challenges faced by students with disabilities at Sequoia, two students shared their experiences with mental and physical disabilities. Senior Natalie Ward discusses her journey with ADHD and senior Sofia Rava describes how Complex Regional Pain Syndrome has impacted her. Mental Disability: ADHD

I’m constantly feeling invalidated simply because my disability is not kept in mind.
Natalie Ward, senior “

feel like people think of ADHD as a kid who is super hyper, it often is, but there’s so much more to it and it can really take a toll on mental health.

“I had a lot of mixed emotions about it because I was happy to get the diagnosis and figure out, ‘Oh this is why I have these issues.’ But I was also upset and angry because I had gone most of my life in school without that acknowledgment and help for that,” Ward said.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a person’s behavior and ability to concentrate. According to Forbes Health, it is estimated around 129 million young people (5 to 19 years old) have ADHD.

One of the symptoms of ADHD is inattentiveness, meaning it is hard for a person to finish a task and pay attention to details, or follow instructions. For those who are predominantly hyperactive, symptoms

In addition to ADHD, Ward also has anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which she was diagnosed with at the age of 10 and 12; these disorders manifest in uneasy feelings of stress, uncontrollable thoughts and needing things to be orderly in fear of extreme consequences. ADHD also can impact academic performance.

“I think it’s really important to always get diagnosed because, for me, I was concerned that I had dyslexia because I had trouble reading even though I have always been a super fast reader. I got tested and it wasn’t dyslexia, but my ADHD doesn’t let the processing part go into my brain properly, so I can’t follow the words as well,” Ward said.

She shared that this causes an additional struggle because, “It’s hard to say,


‘I have trouble with reading but then read perfectly fine.’”

Physical Disability: CRPS

Senior Sofia Rava has Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), which manifests as chronic pain that is usually concentrated in arms, hands, legs or feet and often develops after a patient undergoes surgery, a stroke or a heart attack. Rava began suffering from CRPS when she was 15 with intense pain in her right leg.

Rava went to many doctors and underwent multiple X- rays and MRIs until a doctor diagnosed her with a bone deformity. After undergoing surgery on her ankle and foot bones, she still had pain. After meeting with more doctors, specialists and therapists, she was diagnosed with CRPS in 2020. Rava experiences constant chronic pain and has a peripheral nerve stimulator implant to lessen the pain.

“I felt mostly relieved, I had waited for months for a diagnosis, and finally having a word to assign to my pain was extremely validating. I was also scared because when I researched my condition, everything I saw online was really scary,” Rava said.

In theater class, she has to adapt the dances and movements.

“There were also some simple class activities for ‘team building’ that I would have to step out of because of my disability,” Rava said.

Students with disabilities face challenges that many of their classmates do not have to deal with, so it is important for students to realize that nearly 15% of the student body population faces a number of additional challenges.

What can we do?

Over the years, there have been improvements in education for people with disabilities. From support to accommodations educators are seeking to aid students to reach success. This has positively influenced students’ education because even though they can’t participate in certain activities, they still have the feeling of being involved, overall creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.


TikTok’s ticking time bomb: the US ban dilemma

TikTok, the app that over half of American teens use, may be banned in nine months in the United States if it does not find a new owner. Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives agreed on a 352-65 vote to ban Tik Tok in the US or force Chinese owned ByteDance, Tik Tok’s parent company, to sell the company to a more US-friendly owner. This bill then passed in the Senate with a vote of 79-18 and was signed into law by President Joe Biden on April 24, 2024.

According to the New York Times, the reasoning for the ban is that lawmakers believe that the Chinese government has huge control over TikTok and this is a national security risk; TikTok collects users’ information in many forms, such as direct messages, country location, internet address and device type. When individuals consent, the platform can also collect users’ exact location, contacts, age and phone numbers. When companies gather a lot of data about its users, there are consequences, like potential data breaches that could expose private information.

on their TikTok feeds, something that is especially alarming in an election year.

“We are united in our con cern about the national security threat posed by TikTok — a plat form with enormous power to influence and divide Americans whose parent company ByteD ance remains legally required to do the bidding of the Chinese Com munist Party,”

Senator Mark Warner, Demo crat, and Sena tor Marco Rubio, Republican, said in a joint statement.

I do

not agree [with the ban] because I think that Tik Tok is for everyone to connect.

The US govern ment believes that selling TikTok to a US com pany is a matter of protect ing national security. In addition to surveillance concerns, another concern of the US is that the Chinese government can influence what users see

Although TikTok may have its dangers, many people rely on it as a job or as a form of promotion for their businessquoiaomore Lucasmakers posts videos of himself playing guitar on Tik Tok and says it gives him a better opportunity to get his name and music out there compared to other apps.

“I like TikTok for the promoting aspect of it […] I feel like I have a chance to

reach an audience and you can blow up easier than any other social media plat-

According to the Washington Post, Tik Tok brought $14 billion dollars to small businesses last year. It has almost 150 million users in the US (according to Statista), which makes it great for promoting businesses and products. Since there are so many users and most of the videos are less than a minute, the app allows for a lot of exposure for businesses, artists and influencers.

While the US government is concerned that Tik Tok/ByteDance is violating the privacy of its users, some young people are indifferent about their data being tracked by the app and shared with the Chinese government.

“[Tiktok] might be recording our information but I’m sure many other apps do it too, it’s not only TikTok,” junior Ava Hiss said.

While the US government has concerns about TikTok, many Americans oppose the prospect of banning the app, as it is a way for people to express themselves and for many it can be used positively. It provides entertainment and serves as a creative outlet that many students don’t want to say goodbye to.

“I do not agree [with the ban] because I think that Tik Tok is for everyone to connect. If they ban it, everyone’s going to be using different apps where there won’t be that connection and sense of community anymore,” senior Natalia Sweet said.

Natalia Sweet, senior

Increase in pay, increase in prices

The impact of the new minimum wage for fast food workers

Higher pay for fast food workers, the new state bill, AB1228, increased the minimum wage in California for most fast food workers, bringing both financial relief and backlash from consumers. The minimum wage for fast food workers increased from $16 an hour to $20 for restaurants that have 60 or more locations globally. However, this pay hike is also causing fast food prices to climb.

The downside to the salary increase is that the owners of many fast-food franchises are raising prices. In order to afford the pay increase, store managers are reducing worker hours or laying off employees altogether. Kalinowski Equity Research, an independent research company that specializes in the restaurant industry, reported that menu prices have increased by 10% in some restaurants.

Economics teacher Jesse Bustos, teaches his students about the laws of supply and demand in order to provide an understanding of the inner workings of American capitalism.

“What makes it complicated with minimum wage is this idea that’s going to make the prices go up more, and it’s going to make people want less,” Bustos said.

“According to The Wall Street Journal, pizzerias are making the most job cuts; two Pizza Hut franchise owners cut 1000 delivery driver jobs and replaced them with gig employees from companies such as Uber and Doordash. These gig employees aren’t employed by the restaurants they work for, so they are not eligible for the minimum wage increase.

imum wage increase will help many who work in the fast food industry better sustain themselves.

According to an article in Forbes Magazine, “The Impact of Wages on Employee Productivity,” wage increases may also improve worker productivity in fast food restaurants since many employees will be more motivated to work harder and help with workplace productivity and efficiency.

What makes it complicated with minimum wage is this idea that’s going to make the prices go up more, and it’s going to make people want less.

Jesse Bustos, Economics teacher

Many fast-food restaurants plan to use automated devices, such as selfserve kiosks, as a cheaper alternative to paying an employee.

The minimum wage increase will benefit about nine hundred thousand Californians. The benefits of the min-

Junior Alonzo Buenrostro who works at Jeffreys Burgers favors the increase in pay.

“The pay increase will help many who need [it] as well as [helping] workers be more motivated,” Buenrostro said.

Although the pay increase is a great way to put more money in the pockets of low-income earners, this wage hike will cause an increase in fast food prices causing customers to pay more and change their eating habits.

Artwork by Abigail Aguayo

The senior class, at a glance


Editor in Chief, Co-Feature Editors & Staff Reporters



What are your plans after graduation?

“My plans after high school are to attend a two year communi ty college, specifically, Skyline College. And after the two year community college I am thinking of attending university.”

What do you enjoy about your post-secondary path?

“I really enjoyed psychology class and the experiments we were doing.There was a memory unit and other cognitive based units that I really found interesting.”

What will you miss most about Sequoia?

“I’m definitely most sad about leaving my friends. We’re all going our separate ways to pursue what we want. It’s sad because high school is something you’re gonna remember for the rest of your life and having to leave the friends you made in high school is

What advice do you have to incoming seniors?

“Don’t ever stop trying. You will not regret it at all. And that’s going to be very helpful for who you’re

What college are you attending next year?

“I’m going to Pomona College. The defining characteristic of this [university] and the thing that attracted me most [...] was that it’s a liberal arts college, which means that it’s smaller so I can have smaller class sizes and a closer community within the college. But, I can also pursue a really wide range of subjects, and those studies are very interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary.”

Over the past four years, how have you grown as a person and student?

“One thing I’m really proud of for myself is knowing my own value and knowing what I bring to a community. [As a] freshman, I would have never wanted to be part of a board in a club or be kind of a leader in my musical communities. A lot of that [insecurity] is rooted in me not thinking that I’m good enough or not confident enough or capable enough to have those leadership roles. [...] Here at Sequoia, having teachers and resources that I can rely on was really important for me to succeed in so many things. I’ve been willing to be vulnerable and talk to a lot of people and I think that’s part of the reason why at Pomona I think I’ll really benefit from the smaller community and having better connections with people


What is the biggest thing you’ve learned while being

“I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is definitely patience. Patience of trying to get through the class just because some days you don’t want to be here.”

What is your biggest piece of advice to incoming se-

“Don’t take everything to heart. It’s not the end of the world. I’ve tried to cruise through most of my education at Sequoia and it’s worked out fine. I see people who stress too much about school, being the best, and their grades and everything. And I think that’s just too stressful for the limited time you have here.”

“I’m really interested in anthropology. Specifically the intersection between anthropology, environmental studies and design. I’ve always been

What hobbies, clubs, or groups were you a part of in high school?

“I honestly didn’t do a lot of clubs, but I did participate in dance, band, and advanced art. Outside of school I did kickboxing, dance, cooking, and I volunteered for different environmental programs. I also love hiking and traveling and hanging out with my friends.”

How did you figure out what you wanted to do after high school?

“I’m so happy that my parents helped me in the process of figuring out what I wanted to do. They know me and helped me translate my interests into majors I might pursue. I would tell them I love studying the environment, culture, people, art and they would say, ‘Oh, you know, there’s these kind of majors.’”

What are you proudest of accomplishing during high school?

“I’ve done all these different IB classes that were challenging and the IB Diploma Program has really pushed me academically.”


Tell me a bit about that process when thinking about life after high school.

“I decided to take a gap year to take a slow and see what’s out there for me. So I don’t rush into something and just take my time with my life after high school. My boys and I all chose to become electricians. One of my friends is doing trade school and I decided to get into an apprenticeship just right here in San Carlos. I’m still thinking about what I’m going do now because it’s not a set decision that I’m going to be an electrician. It’s just a thought. That’s why I’m taking my gap year to really find what I’m going to do, find what I’m passionate about. So I can know that I’m going to commit to something I’m actually going to love.”

What is an accomplishment you’ve made while at Sequoia that you are most proud of?

“A big accomplishment is graduating. At first, I didn’t really take

What brings you joy?

“I like to hang out with friends, listen to music, and go to work. I work at The Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula. I just work with teens and it’s honestly kind of fun seeing them every day, knowing new people, getting to meet new people and making friends. I also just like sleeping and play ing with my pets.”

What career path are you pursuing after high school?

“I found out what I wanted to do because of the Health Careers Academy (HCA) this year. I know I want to major in something health-related and give back to the community, and maybe in the future, make a nonprofit so I can spread the word about community careers and hopefully help chil dren like me.”

What advice would you give to a rising senior?

“Connect with your teachers and ask for help. Go to office hours if you need it. Raise your hand, don’t be afraid. Make a good community within your class, especially if you know you’re not strong in that [subject]. Your [grades] aren’t so im portant, what matters [is] who you connect with and those relationships that you build.”


Are you excited to leave Sequoia? What will you miss most?

“I feel like it’s a mix of both. Right now especially with senioritis just getting in the way, I feel like I’m ready to leave. But I feel like when it’s time to actually graduate I’m going to be a little bit sad, especially because I’m gonna miss my friends and just having that time with them. [...] I am excited for the new journey that I’m about to go into after high school because I feel like I’m going to get to learn so much more and have more free time and actually discover who I am.”

What is your favorite memory from Sequoia?

“Since I moved during my sophomore year, it was like a whole different transition, especially coming from like a different school and then just having to adjust to this school. I feel like it was very difficult. [...] But during the summer before going into junior year, that’s when I started getting more involved at school, and I joined the Dream Club during my junior year and I’ve been doing a lot of community service activities. I feel like the Dream Club has opened those doors for me to just get involved and socialize more too, because before I used to be very shy and now I’m a little bit more open.”

What was the process of planning your post-secondary plans like?

“First, I’m not gonna lie, I feel like I had no clue what I was going to do. I was just like, ‘Oh, I’m not sure.’ I didn’t even know the process of applying to college. Coming from an immigrant family, I didn’t know anything about that. So I had to push myself to learn about it, and just access the resources that Sequoia offers us. I got to learn more about college, and since I don’t want to go away from my family, because I help my mom with my younger siblings, community college was the best option for me.

What are your plans after high school?

“I only applied to two colleges. I was just looking for a school that had a good program for my major, and I found two here in California. I didn’t think it was worth applying to schools I

What extracurriculars and hobbied did you par ticiapte in at Sequoia?

“There are many clubs and sports I’ve been a part of. I did Ro botics Club, which required a lot of work outside of school, and Key Club, which I volunteered for a lot. I also played golf and volleyball for Sequoia, and I had a great time.”

What advice would you give to a rising senior?

“Be friends with everyone, make connections. It’s so much better to do things with people than by yourself. For rising seniors, I’d say just keep your grades good and have fun. It’s your last year of high school, so have fun with it.”

What are your plans after high school?

“To go to Cañada College. My mom inspired me because she couldn’t continue studying. As well as my teachers, they’ve helped me to continue studying psychology in college.”

What is your favorite memory from Sequoia?

“One of my memories is the ELD graduation that we do ev ery year, it’s a special event. We have food and it’s really cool. I went last year and remembered that. I’m one of the main ones who’s in charge of helping plan for this year.”

Who helped you throughout the process of ap plying for community college?

“Mr. Duran in Government/Economics, Ms. Yeager, and Ms. Slater all helped me. I’m excited to leave because this is a new step for me. I will miss my teachers and my classmates, they have helped me when I didn’t feel one hundred percent.”

What are you most proud of yourself for ac complishing in high school?

“I am proud of myself because I arrived without knowing English and this school has given me the support and opportunities to learn

What are your plans after high school?

“I’m planning to major in computer science to eventually become a software engineer. I was inspired to do this because my parents always told me that it was good to have a career or one that involved college because they didn’t have the experience of college. And I personally really had a deep connection with computer science just because I did it in elementary school, so I wanted to continue that. I’m going to Cal Poly San Luis

What are you most proud of yourself for accomplishing in high school?

“My project for Humanity For All. It was originally meant to be a part of AVID but my friends and I took it to a larger scale. We partnered with the organization Life Moves to create homeless kits where we gave essential items to the homeless population. That was definitely like one of the biggest things I’ve done throughout high school.”

Any advice for incoming seniors?

“Really know what you want. Senior year is going to be definitely difficult but in a different way from junior year. College applications are not something to push aside because the deadlines do come up very quickly. Taking the first half of your senior year to learn exactly what you want to do in life can really set you up for college, and also maybe you figure out that you don’t want to go to college and that’s okay.”


What was your favorite memory from

“It was opening night [for Beauty and the Beast], and there was a basket of weapons for one scene. [My tech friends and I] took a bunch of the weapons and we had a fight on the stage. Some people had swords, some people had clubs and I had an axe. [...] It was so much fun, we got to go crazy.”

What are you excited about after graduation?

“It’s going to be really cool to find out more

How have you grown as a person at Sequoia?

“Learning to be more extroverted. And this is important because in sophomore year, when I came back after COVID, I just didn’t have any friends for a year and a half. And then junior year, at the end of the year, I made friends in Chess Club. I’m friends with those same people now and that’s amazing to me because if you don’t put yourself out there, you don’t really make any friends.”

What’s a hobby you have outside of school?

“I make rap music and I make the beats. I’ve been doing it since I was seven years old on GarageBand. And then I got Ableton in 2014 which is another music software. After that, I started posting beats on YouTube and sending them to other people.”

What advice would you give to those applying to college next fall?

“When colleges come to Sequoia, you should probably go to those meetings because it’s useful to learn about what each individual school has over other colleges and what you might like more. But the other thing is that you have to stay on top of work, especially if you don’t have a counselor. There’s a lot of important dates and you don’t want to miss the deadlines.”


What advice do you have for current drama

“Commit a lot. I see a lot of people get roles where you have to commit, and they don’t work out. And, take notes.You’re not the greatest performer of all time. You’re here to get better, so take the notes that your teacher gives you. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the teacher privately, but those notes are usually helpful, so take them.”

What are your plans after Sequoia?

“[In my gap year], I’ll be in New York for [the fall], then I’ll probably be going to Taiwan for a bit, [then] London and Austria. [...] I want to better understand different cultures, I’m really interested in that.”

What would you say is your biggest accomplishment of the past 4 years?

“I went through a pretty hard time freshman year of being online and [struggling with] depression. [I’ve] struggled with eating disorders and anxiety too. [Over time], I learned to create balance in my life [and] just let me be myself. Understanding how to properly take care of my body and eating what makes me happy [...] has been my biggest accomplishment.”

What advice would you give to your younger

“It’s hard when you’re in high school, but just be yourself and surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you. [Don’t] change yourself to fit in.”

What are your plans after high school?

“I am attending the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. The application process was pretty similar to the United States, but you figure most of it out once you’re admitted. Then it’s about getting your visa and figuring out a data plan. Auditions involved a pre-screen, then two in-person auditions in New York.”

What will you miss most about Sequoia?

“My friends, for sure. If there’s one thing I learned the last four years, it’s that its in my best interest to keep my friend group small. It allowed me to discover more about myself. There are also a bunch of teachers I’m going to miss. I’m nervous to take this next step in my life, and there’s so much to it, but I’m also really excited at the same time.”


What are your plans after high school?

“After high school I plan to go to a 4-year college, specifically the University of San Francisco California. My family inspired me to pursue this pathway because they have always wanted me to pursue a higher education, especially my mom, she has always pushed me to do my best.”

Describe your process when deciding your

“I plan to major in Business Finance and minor in Creative Writing. So what I did first was figure out what I wanted to study/what I wanted to do in the future, then I looked for colleges that had that major. I then sorted through my colleges and chose the ones I liked the most and ap-

What are your hobbies/interests?

“I really like boxing, reading and hanging out with friends. I wasn’t in any clubs at school, but I was and am a part of the Menlo Park Fire Explorer program. For my future career, what I am interested in is being a financial manager, which is to perform data and advise senior man agers on ideas that could maximize profit.”

What will you miss most about Sequoia?

What college are you attending after Sequoia?

“After high school, I’ll attend Arizona State. [I was drawn to ASU] because it has a really good program for my major, interior design. My mom’s an interior designer, so I’ve been working with her for a couple of months now and I really like it and I can see myself in that [workforce].”

What are you most proud of throughout your time in high school?

“I’m most proud of like my lacrosse career, I’ve spent a lot of time on that. I got Offensive Player of the Year last year. I got nominated [to play in] an All-Stars team where all these lacrosse players around Northern California [compete in a game]. It’s for the best of your high school’s [players]. I’m excited for that but kind of scared because they’re going to be really good!”

“Something I will miss most about Sequoia is that I am going to miss the community, although I am excited to


How was your process planning for life after high school?


Oh, the places Sequoia

will go!

Layo u t b y AllisonWang


Disclaimer: This college map is not fully representative of all Sequoia seniors


Job: 2 Military: 1

University of British Columbia (2) Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama (1)

Sciences Po in France (1)

5 year veterinary doctorate program (1)

Other Trade School: 6

Gap Year: 4 Not sure: 8

I n ternational Desti n ations

California close-up


Blossoming in the Bay

Fast food, field trips and fun!

Friends for Youth, supporting students in different aspects of their lives

Friends for Youth is a program founded in 1979 that helps kids who have a troubled background by supporting them academically and assisting them in other areas of their lives. Nearly 100% of the participants in Friends for Youth are living in poverty, 90% have been affected by abuse and 20% have an incarcerated parent.

At Sequoia, Friends for Youth offers one-on-one time with mentors specially selected for their hobbies, interests and skill sets to best match the students and their needs. These mentors show passion for helping program members improve their lives by giving them someone to look up to. This organization also gives students a trusted adult to talk to because 81% of the students in Friends for Youth do not have one in their lives.

The Friends for Youth program at Sequoia meets in the MPR (multi-purpose room) on Thursday Flex; it begins with a 15-minute talk, and then students head to the quad to eat fast food like In-N-Out and burritos fromTaqueria El Rincon and socialize with friends and mentors.

Jasmine E. Cardenas, Associate Program Coordinator, has worked for Friends for Youth for the past six years and has a great passion for the program.

“I fell in love with the work that Friends for Youth offered, being able to create safe spaces for students at school so they can be themselves and feel supported without judgment. I’m grateful to pay it forward and offer this opportunity to students in my own community,” Cardenas said.

“have overcome adversity, discovered their strengths and passions, and gone on to pursue higher education and become positive contributors to their communities by now serving the unsheltered,” Alverez said.

Alejandro Rodriguez-Sandoval, sophomore, and a Friends for Youth participant, has enjoyed participating in the program.

I fell in love with the work that Friends for Youth offered, being able to create safe spaces for students at school.

One of the reasons this program is so successful is because the Friends for Youth staff are passionate about helping students grow and ensuring their happiness and well-being.

Friends for Youth Participant Manager Roberto “Tito” Alvarez reflected on his experiences with the program.

“Through my work, I have witnessed numerous young individuals challenge themselves to practice self-love and empowerment. Many of these youth

“They brought out food yesterday, they had a field trip to Alcatraz, you just hang out every Thursday,” Rodriguez-Sandoval said.

Rodriguez-Sandoval recommends joining Friends for Youth.

“It’s better than normal flex because you get to eat and hang out with friends instead of just sitting in class,” Rodriguez-Sandoval said.

At the end of the day, Friends for youth is fun for the students involved and it helps them grow up to have better lives.

From Friends for Youth

Scan me for more information!

ELD Events: Joseph D. Grant Park camping trip

Sierra Club Inspiring Connections Outdoors volunteers, Ms. Wenzel and Mr. Ortiz gave us the opportunity to have a new experience, camping. It was wonderful to share with some of our classmates, volunteers, teachers and Teo, the son of Ms. Wenzel. We got to know them better and know what they like it.

On the way to camp we asked questions to the volunteers to get to know them better, when we ar rived at the camp, we played and had a picnic. It was so fun because some classmates were playing UNO, and others classmates were playing Lote ria. Afterwards, we went for a walk in the mountains and saw a lake where we could fish. Crossing the lake was a lot of fun. Then, we went to put up our tents and also prepared everything

for dinner. Dinner was delicious, and the best thing was eating with everyone, like a family.

As night fell, we made a bonfire and ate marshmallows. Some people played


The next morning we got up for breakfast and helped the volunteers put everything else way.

Next, we took a short walk to get to know nature better. After that, we went to an observatory and a guy gave a small explanation of what everything was like before at the observatory, and it was incredible because we also saw ancient objects.

The trip was so incredible and without a doubt it is an experience that we would like to repeat again. All this was possible thanks to the volunteers, Ms. Wenzel and Mr. Ortiz.

Thank you for this unforgettable experience.

ELD students playing Loteria at the campsite and enjoying dinner.

Eventos ELD: Joseph D. Grant Park viaje de campamento

Voluntarios de Sierra Club Inspiring Connections Outdoors, Ms. Wenzel and Mr. Ortiz nos dieron la oportunidad de tener una nueva experiencia cómo fue acampar, fue maravilloso compartir con algunos de nuestros compañeros de la escuela y Teo, el hijo de Ms. Wenzel, conocerlos más y saber

Camino al campamento hicimos preguntas a los voluntarios para conocerlos mejor, cuando llegamos al campamento, jugamos y tuvimos un picnic, fue muy divertido porque algunos compañeros estaban jugando Uno y otros compañeros estaban jugando loteria. Después fuimos a caminar por la montaña y vimos un lago donde se podía pescar. Cruzar el lago fue muy divertido. Luego, fuimos a preparar nuestras casitas de acampar y también preparamos todo para la cena. La cena estuvo deliciosa y lo mejor fue comer con todos, como en familia.

Al caer la noche hicimos

una fogata y comimos malvaviscos, unos chicos tocaban la guitarra, otros chicos contaron historias de terror y algunos chicos también vieron la luna en un telescopio.

A la mañana siguiente nos levantamos a desayunar y ayudamos a guardar todo lo demás a los voluntarios. Después dimos una caminata pequena para conocer mejor la naturaleza. Después fuimos un observatorio y un chico dio una pequeña explicacion de como fue todo antes en el observatorio, y estuvo increíble porque también vimos objetos antiguos .

Estuvo tan increible el viaje y sin duda es una experiencia que nos gustaría volver a repetir, todo esto fue posible gracias a los voluntarios, Ms. Wenzel y Mr. Ortiz.

Gracias por esta experiencia inolvidable.

Photos by Stacy Wenzel Layout by Allison Wang

Why you should get a summer job

With summer break coming up soon, students are ready for relaxation and summer activities. Summer jobs are part of that long list of activities. But what are the benefits of working during summer break?

Having a job during summer is a great opportunity to gain experience for yourself and your future.

“You’re doing something fulfilling, you’re working, you’re getting job experience for future things like college or your resume for future jobs,” senior Eliza Ghilzai said.

Summer jobs provide the experience that teenagers need to later on be in the workforce. Many full-time jobs require previous experience. They also provide needed lessons. Summer jobs are a great way to learn about financial literacy and money management, which are skills not necessarily taught in high school.

“I feel like it taught me to be more responsible and aware of my money,” freshman Samantha Segura said.

Getting a job during the summer is also a good way to

earn money. According to the County of San Mateo, the minimum wage in San Mateo County is $17.06 per hour. Sequoia’s summer break is about 10 weeks (2 months and 9 days). Working 20 hours a week at a minimum wage job equates to $341.20.

“The job was a great way for me to earn some extra cash.” Segura said.

Even though summer jobs are a great way to earn money and gain opportunities, they are also a way to have fun during summer break. It makes it so easy to meet new people and make memories with others.

“Some highlights are definitely making memories with co-workers,” Ghilzai said.

Summer jobs are a great way to spend your summer break.

“You’re filling your summers with stuff to do and you’re actively participating in your community while still getting money,” Ghilzai said.

Artwork by Abigail Aguayo


Porque deberias consegir un trabajo de verano

Con las próximas vacaciones de verano, los estudiantes están listos para la relajación y las actividades de verano. Los trabajos de verano son parte de esa larga lista de actividades. Pero ¿cuáles son los beneficios de trabajar durante las vacaciones de verano?

Tener un trabajo durante el verano es una gran oportunidad de adquirir experiencia para ti y tu futuro.

“Estás haciendo algo gratificante, estás trabajando, estás obteniendo experiencia laboral para cosas futuras como la universidad o tu currículum para futuros trabajos”, dijo Eliza Ghilzai, estudiante del 12vo año.

Los trabajos de verano brindan la experiencia que los adolescentes necesitan para luego incorporarse a la fuerza laboral. Muchos trabajos de tiempo completo requieren experiencia previa. También proporcionan lecciones necesarias. Los trabajos de verano son una excelente manera de aprender sobre educación financiera y administración del dinero, que son habilidades que no necesariamente se enseñan en la escuela secundaria.

“Siento que me enseñó a ser más responsable y con-

sciente de mi dinero”, dijo la estudiante del 9no grado Samantha Segura.

Conseguir trabajo durante el verano también es una buena forma de ganar dinero. Según el condado de San Mateo, el salario mínimo en el condado de San Mateo es de $17,06 por hora. Las vacaciones de verano de Sequoia son de aproximadamente 10 semanas (2 meses y 9 días). Trabajar 20 horas a la semana con un salario mínimo equivale a 341,20 dólares. “El trabajo fue una excelente manera para mí de ganar algo de dinero extra”, Dijo Segura.

Aunque los trabajos de verano son una excelente manera de ganar dinero y obtener oportunidades, también son una forma de divertirse durante las vacaciones de verano. Hace que sea muy fácil conocer gente nueva y crear recuerdos con otros.

“Algunos aspectos destacados definitivamente crean recuerdos con los compañeros de trabajo”, dijo Ghilzai. Los trabajos de verano son una excelente manera de pasar las vacaciones de verano.

“Estás llenando tus veranos con cosas que hacer y participas activamente en tu comunidad mientras sigues ganando dinero”, dijo Ghilzai.


Summer reading recommendations

You can discover things to read that other Sequoia students have made during the summer. There is a wide range of topics to sift through, all in different forms of media, like infographics. The use of Wakelet, a website that allows people to create collections, including articles, videos, and more on a topic of interest.

This website allows you to browse a collection of classic books available such as 1984 by George Orwell and practice typing at the same time! You can choose whichever book and type along the story, while allowing you to see your word count accuracy. However, typing practice is not a necessity since it also has a “Reading Mode ‘’ if you just want to enjoy the story as it is.

A particular part of the Media Center website that allows you to engage with fun ideas of what to do during the summer, including an entire list of challenging reading material.

There are many options, lists, and recommendations you can browse in order to find the perfect book. There are many different genres to choose from, and you can create an account to access certain features. These features allow you to contribute to creating your own lists and reviews on stories you’ve read.

This is a great opportunity to find good reading material that isn’t just books. You can find useful resources by clicking through the links that can lead you to discover new things.

This website allows you to have access to eBooks and audiobooks you can borrow. With over hundreds of options across many different genres, you can also glance at previews of any book you may be interested in borrowing, along with a brief summary.

Book Bracket Winner

THE MEDIA CENTER SUMMER SESH Typelit SUMMER LITERACY EXPERIENCE (2023) Goodreads SORA Websites that will help you find the perfect book for the summer

The Fall Guy : a must watch

Movies are huge artistic undertakings where hundreds or thousands of individuals cooperate to recount a story. Numerous production assistants, stagehands and stunt performers go unnoticed, while a small number of stars and working actors are given credit. Every movie you’ve seen, every overturned car or explosion, was the work of an unknown stunt person who risked their life for your entertainment. David Leitch’s The Fall Guy tells the story not of the movie stars on the posters, of the stunt people who put them there.

Loose ly based on the ABC television se ries in the early ‘80s, the 2024 American ac tion comedy film, The Fall Guy is bringing the story to the big screen. In the television series, Colt Seavers, a stuntman played by Lee Majors, collects extra cash by using the skills he learned on sets to catch criminals. He does this with the help of his cousin, Howie Munson, played by Douglas Barr, and stunt colleague, Jody Banks, played by Heather Thomas. It is clear to viewers that throughout the series, Seavers always catches the bad guy but never the girl. The show premiered in November 1981 and ran for five seasons before ending in May 1986.

a director. Seavers gets a gig running stunts on the set of his ex-girlfriend, Jody’s new blockbuster movie. He is fresh off an almost career-ending accident when Tom Ryder, played by Aaron Tay lor-John son, goes missing. Fueled by the idea of winning Jody back, Seavers and decides to play hero instead of

Before going into the theater, we watched the trailer. Due to this, we expected this action-heavy rom-com to be confusing and boring. We assumed the casting team spent all their money on picking big actors and left a small sum for writing and sets.

the “serious” scenes.

However, we think the best part of the movie was its focus on the unrecognized stunt community. The movie opened with David Leitch and Ryan Gosling giving a huge thank you to every stunt double out there and closed with footage of the actors on set with their stunt doubles. According to the Associated Press, since 1990, about 43 stunt performers have died on sets in the United States and over 150 have been left with life-altering injuries. In addition, AP found that when actors such as Dylan O’brien’s concussion and facial injuries on the set of “Maze Runner The Death Cure” and Harrison Ford’s broken leg on the set of the seventh “Star Wars’’ film got worldwide coverage but stunt performers do not get the same treatment and recongnition.

It also created some nostalgia for the diehard fans of the television series when the two officers featured in the end credits are played by Lee Majors and Heather Thomas, the show’s very own Colt and Jody.

On the other hand, the film features Ryan Gosling as Colt Seavers, a stuntman, and Emily Blunt as Jody Moreno,

Despite our expectations, we would watch it again.While we have seen other directors produce a movie within a movie, we have never seen one so unique. There was a perfect amount of action and the fight scenes themselves didn’t drag on and bore us. In addition, the romance aspect was fun and full of the witty banter we saw in the trailer. Such as when Jody says to Colt “You look terrible” and he replies with “you look amazing”. This movie had us laughing the entire time even during

This movie combines thrilling action sequences with comedic and romantic moments that kept us engaged from start to finish. The stunts are impressive and the cast delivers beautiful performances. Overall, it’s a fun and entertaining movie that we think is definitely worth watching.

“It [the movie] is sort of a love letter to the stunt community,” Director David Leitch said.

[The movie] is sort of a love letter to the stunt comunity. David Leitch, Director of “The Fall Guy”

The Record Man: a music treasure trove

Even if you’ve never been to The Record Man, you’ve almost definitely seen it. The shop is only four blocks down El Camino from Sequoia, sporting a mural of characters from the “Street Fighter” series on the side of the building. For those unfamiliar with the store, if you’re someone who loves collecting music, The Record Man offers what feels like an endless library of records and CDs that a shopper could search through for hours.

Established in 1988 and owned by Gary and Angela Saxon, The Record Man offers a wide variety of music from all genres, like rock, pop and jazz. The store boasts thousands of records from many different eras including different record formats such as 78’s, 45’s and 12’s.The exact amount is unknown, but the store has held over a million records throughout its over-35-year lifespan, according to co-owner and titular record man, Gary Saxon.

“Since 1988 when I started my business, it has become clear to me that in many ways The Record Man is more than just a business… it is a vast record library and a great musical archive,” Saxon says on his website, The Record Man.

The building is undoubtedly quaint, with a very classic, mom-and-pop atmosphere which I find very welcoming. You’re immediately greeted with an almost intimidating amount of records aligning the walls, inviting you to look through them. The first room, of 10, features the most modern music and is without a doubt the smallest collection. This may be disappointing for some who are only interested in recent releases, but for those who are interested in finding older records they’ve likely never heard, the rest of the shop is a treasure trove.

Many of the records are used, though in working condition. There is a possibility that you could get a scratched record, but, fortunately, you can play your

record on store-provided players to check for any clear issues before your purchase.

Tragically, The Record Man faced a structural fire in 2021. While most of the damage was to the outside of the building, smoke damage claimed records from most of the gospel, international, rat pack, and WWII radio sections, laying waste to over 85,000 records. Those looking for such categories of records may find themselves disappointed in the lack thereof.

The future of The Record Man is currently uncertain, as the owners of the land the building sits on, Premier Properties, are planning to eventually build housing there sometime in the coming years, which would result in the closing of the shop. If exploring through a seemingly unending library of music is something that appeals to you, I strongly suggest you visit The Record Man for as long as you still can.


Au revoir Cafe La Tartine,

hallo Das Bierhauz

After over 15 years of operation, downtown Redwood City’s Cafe La Tartine closed its doors on May 6, 2024. The Theatre Way cafe will be replaced with German restaurant Das Bierhauz.

Though the business wasn’t on its last legs, owner Patricia Anagnoustou felt it was an appropriate time to make way for a new restaurant.

“[I’ve] been doing it for so long. And

I’m thinking, ‘Oh, maybe I should just retire because I’m in that age bracket,’ so [when] the new people approached me I said, ‘Sure, maybe this is time,’” Anagnoustou said.

Many of the restaurant’s frequenters have fond memories of their time spent there.

“I used to meet colleagues there and we would grade papers together while having some food [or] having some tea. It was a nice place where you could sit for a long amount of time,” psychology teacher Erin Cespedes said.

The restaurant would frequently hire high school students, including those from Sequoia.

“I really loved [working there]. It was a perfect high school job. Overall, [it was] a nice environment to work in during stressful times,” senior and La Tartine employee Rubi Ochoa said.

Das Bierhauz plans to open this

new location to the public some time in June, offering pretzels, schnitzels, bratwurst and more. The owners are focused on creating a communal atmosphere for the restaurant.

“Redwood City is a community town. People don’t just go [to] eat and drink. People do actually spend time in the downtown,” Das Bierhauz owner Mehmet Vural said. “We want people to spend more than one or two hours so they can enjoy the ambience.”

Though La Tartine is leaving, it will continue to have a positive impact on the community.

“A lot of high schoolers, they come and work, right? Sometimes all the way until they graduate. Then some go off to college and come back. [That’s] been great,” Anagnoustou said. “[Sequoia] would come in twice a year with its French class. And they would come and get discounts on their croissants and everything while they did their French studies. So that was cool, I liked that.”

Photos by Sasha Efimchik

Dim sum delight

I’ve grown up eating at dim sum and dumpling restaurants with my friends and family. Whether it’s for a family reunion or just a regular weekend with my immediate family, dim sum is one of my favorite cuisines to eat. There are many dim sum and dumpling restaurants in the Bay Area, but these are just three of my favorites.

Din Tai Fung is an upscale dim sum restaurant chain whose closest location sits in the Westfield Mall in San Jose. Compared to the other restaurants in this list, Din Tai Fung is the farthest from Sequoia by a large margin; however, the food easily makes it worth the drive. All of the dishes at Din Tai Fung are among the best in the world, which is why I’ll be using it as a baseline to compare the other restaurants to.

Din Tai Fung is famous for making the world’s best soup dumplings, called xiaolongbao. These dumplings are characterized by their pork and soup filling enclosed in a thin shell of dough. With the thinnest skin of dough in the world,

soup dumplings at Din Tai Fung are some of the best in the world. The authentic pork flavor really comes through in the broth filling, and the dumplings are rarely broken or leaking soup when they are served to you.

Unfortunately, the quality of these dumplings comes at a much higher price compared to the other restaurants, at $16.50 for a bamboo steamer containing 10 xiaolongbao. In addition, they must be ordered in batches of 10 dumplings, meaning you may end up with either too few or too many dumplings if you come with a small group.

beef flavor is the spotlight of this dish, making it the best noodle soup on this list. One bowl is enough to split between three to four people, but it costs $18.50.

The other dishes at Din Tai Fung follow a similar pattern as their soup dumplings: tasty and high quality but at a high price. Their braised beef noodle soup is slightly spicy with tender beef and egg noodles. Again, the authentic

Other than the xiaolongbao and the braised beef noodle soup, I would highly recommend trying the shrimp and kurobuta pork potstickers. With a pork, shrimp, and soup filling, these potstickers also have a thin, crispy (almost cracker-like) base that adds a unique texture compared to other potstickers.

Sitting at the corner of Broadway and El Camino, I Dumpling is a cozy and authentic hole-in-the-wall dumpling restaurant that is across the street from Sequoia. My family frequently converges here on ordinary weekends and whenever extended family visits.

At just over $6 for six soup dumplings, I Dumpling’s xiaolongbao is significantly cheaper than Din Tai Fung’s and almost just as tasty. Although the dough skin is thicker and is sometimes served broken or leaking, I Dumpling’s soup dumplings are still a staple of my family’s go-to order.

Some of our favorite dishes at I

Shrimp and kurobota pork potstickers (upside-down) from Din Tai Fung Kurobota pork soup dumplings from Din Tai Fung Din Tai Fung I Dumpling

Dumpling are the beef noodle soups. The beef tendon noodle soup and beef stew noodle soup both cost $13.95, but I would recommend asking them if they can make a noodle soup with half beef and half tendon. Neither of the other restaurants on this list have tendon, and it adds a unique jelly-like texture to your noodle soup.

My favorite item on I Dumpling’s menu is their green onion pancake. Paper-thin, crispy and gooey, I’ve never come across a restaurant with better green onion pancakes, and my dad— who used to live in Hong Kong— agrees.

If you need more recommendations, my family’s go-to order also consists of the tree ear mushrooms with cucumbers and sesame balls for dessert. We also order bags of frozen pork dumplings with napa cabbage to bring home and boil for dinner when needed.

Zone also happens to be the most unique on this list: the Q-BAO, a panfried pork bun. If you have ever thought of a cross between a soup dumpling, a pork bun and a pan-fried potsticker, this is it. Pan-fried to a perfect golden brown crisp, the Q-BAO has a slightly thicker layer of soft dough than traditional xiaolongbao encasing a tasty pork and soup filling. If you ever stop by Dough Zone, the Q-BAO is a musttry.

slightly tastier with thinner skin than those at I Dumpling.

The beef stew noodle soup, priced at just $9.95, is second to Din Tai Fung in terms of flavor and just slightly over half the cost. However, Dough Zone unfortunately does not offer tendon with their noodle soup.

Dough Zone also serves pork and shrimp potstickers in the same style as Din Tai Fung, with the crispy, cracker-like base.

However, my favorite dish at Dough

In terms of overall food quality, Din Tai Fung asserts itself as the best dim sum restaurant in the area, but a meal here comes at a high cost in addition to being a long drive to get to. Dough Zone ranks as a close second in terms of food quality and is also the cheapest restaurant on this list, making it a great alternative to Din Tai Fung. Its location in San Mateo’s downtown is a lot closer but still somewhat of a drive. Although I Dumpling ranks third on this list, the food is still amazing and authentic. Just across the street from Sequoia, it is a great option for people who enjoy dim sum as well as anyone who wants to try a new cuisine.

Stepping into Dough Zone in downtown San Mateo feels like a more upscale version of I Dumpling. With the cheapest prices among the restaurants on this list, the food quality is still nearly on par with Din Tai Fung.

Xiaolongbao cost $8.95 for a bamboo steamer with eight soup dumplings. Though not as good as Din Tai Fung, my family agrees that they are

Half beef and half tendon noodle soup from I Dumpling. Green onion pancakes from I Dumpling. Photos by Collin Liou Dough Zone Overall

Sequoia’s spicy debate:

Which El Grullense is your favorite?

With over five locations found in the heart of Redwood City, this family-owned Mexican restaurant is a big hit for many students and staff. El Grullense has been around for over 30 years, serving a variety of Mexican cuisine ever since. While there are several locations, there is a hefty debate on which one is the best to go to.

The most popular location amongst students seems to be the one right here on El Camino, off of Jefferson Ave. This location makes it convenient for many to stop by for a quick bite to eat after school, but also advantageous for students living in the area.

“The tacos are good, considering the meat at other places is kind of dry. They definitely have a lot of flavor [to them],” freshman Armando Pantoja Hernandez said.

the] carnitas and all the toppings,” junior James Lundell said.

While Lundell enjoys the Meaty Fries like many others, he prefers the loca tion off of Middlefield Road, across from the Redwood City Li brary.

“The outdoor seating and downtown environ ment make it a good place,” Lundell said.

Some, like senior Gabrielle Vella, ar gue that the location across from Costco is the best. Vella has been to several in the area and enjoys going with her parents.

“They have this quesadilla that you can get meat in it, and then it has sour cream, lettuce and tomato on the top, and it just tastes better from there than anywhere else,” Vella said.

Just the whole design of the place, it has more tables, more decorations. They bring in mariachi bands every single day.

With a wide menu from breakfast to dinner, the Meaty Fries is a dish that stands out the most.

Ricky Delgado, freshman

Campus security aid Mary Gil enjoys this location as well and believes their green sauce makes it stand out from the others.

it has more tables, more decorations. They bring in mariachi bands every single day,” Delgado said.

He says that due to the lack of space at other restaurants, they aren’t able to do mariachi bands as often. Delgado goes around twice a week with family, and just like Pantoja Hernandez, he loves the tacos.

“I get al pastor. It’s pork meat with pineapple chunks,” Delgado said.

In the end, it’s pretty difficult to conclude which really is the best El Grullense location, given the various viewpoints and opinions. While they might have some differences, they all seem to have one thing in common: amazing, authentic Mexican food.

“There’s your choice of meat, sour cream, avocado, cilantro onion and a bunch of others. It’s just really filling,” sophomore Jayden Russi said, who also finds this El Camino location the best.

There are a total of eleven meat options, some of them including asada, carnitas, pollo asado, pollo cocido and lengua, which is beef tongue. Additionally, you can get pescado, camarón, cabrito or chorizo with the tacos along with the variety of these other meats.

“I usually get the [Meaty Fries with

“The other El Grullenses I’ve been to, their green sauce isn’t spicy,” Gil said.

Just south of this El Grullense location is another one off of El Camino near Target, nestled in a small shopping strip with stores like GameStop and Chuck E. Cheese. While this place might not look as spacious from the outside, freshman Ricky Delgado claims it to be the best and pretty roomy on the inside.

“Just the whole design of the place,

Art by Abigail Aguayo Photo by Cameron Reynolds

El debate picante de Sequoia:

Con más de cinco ubicaciones en el corazón de Redwood City, este restaurante mexicano de propiedad familiar es un gran éxito para muchos estudiantes y personal. El Grullense ha existido por más de 30 años, sirviendo una variedad de cocina mexicana desde entonces. Si bien hay varios lugares, hay un fuerte debate sobre cuál es el mejor para ir.

La ubicación más popular entre los estudiantes parece ser la que está aquí en El Camino, cerca de Jefferson Ave. Esta ubicación hace que sea conveniente para muchos para pasar por un bocado rápido para comer después de la escuela, pero también es ventajoso para los estudiantes que viven en la zona.

“Los tacos son buenos, teniendo en cuenta que la carne en otros lugares es un poco seca. Definitivamente tienen

mucho sabor [para ellos]”, dijo el estudiante del 9no grado Armando Pantoja Hernández.

Con un amplio menú desde el desayuno hasta la cena, las papas fritas carnosas es el plato que más destaca.

“Hay tu elección de carne, crema agria, aguacate, cebolla, cilantro y un montón de otros. Es realmente llenador”, dijo el estudiante del 10mo grado Jayden Russi, quien también encuentra que esta ubicación de El Camino es la mejor.

Hay un total de once opciones de carne, algunas de ellas incluyendo asada, carnitas, pollo asado, pollo cocido y lengua, que es lengua de res. Además, puedes conseguir pescado, camarón, cabrito o chorizo con los tacos junto con la variedad de estas otras carnes.

¿Cual El Grullense es tu favorito?

mejor a partir de ahí que en cualquier otro lugar”, dijo Vella.

La ayuda de seguridad del campus Mary Gil también disfruta de esta ubicación y cree que su salsa verde lo hace destacar de los demás.

“Los otros El Grullenses en los que he estado, su salsa verde no es picante”, dijo Gil.

Solo todo el diseño del lugar, tiene más mesas, más decoraciones. Traen bandas de mariachi todos los días.

Ricky Delgado, el estudiante del 9no grado

Justo al sur de esta ubicación de El Grullense hay otra fuera de El Camino cerca de Target, ubicado en una pequeña franja comercial con tiendas como GameStop y Chuck E. Cheese. Si bien este lugar puede no parecer tan espacioso desde el exterior, el estudiante de 9no grado Ricky Delgado afirma que es el mejor y bonito espacio en el interior.

“Por lo general, recibo [las patatas fritas carnosas con] carnitas y todos los ingredientes”, dijo el estudiante del 11mo grado James Lundell.

Mientras Lundell disfruta de las patatas fritas carnosas, prefiere la ubicación fuera de Middlefield Road, frente a la Biblioteca de Redwood City.

“Los asientos al aire libre y el ambiente del centro lo convierten en un buen lugar”, dijo Lundell.

Algunos, como la estudiante del 12mo grado Gabrielle Vella, sostienen que la ubicación frente a Costco es la mejor. Vella ha estado en varios en la zona y disfruta de ir con sus padres.

“Tienen esta quesadilla de la que se puede conseguir carne, y luego tiene crema agria, lechuga y tomate en la parte superior, y simplemente sabe

“Solo todo el diseño del lugar, tiene más mesas, más decoraciones. Traen bandas de mariachi todos los días”, dijo Delgado.

Él dice que debido a la falta de espacio en otros restaurantes, no son capaces de hacer bandas de mariachi con tanta frecuencia. Delgado va alrededor dos veces por semana con la familia, y al igual que Pantoja Hernández, le encantan los tacos.

“Obtengo al pastor. Es carne de cerdo con trozos de piña”, dijo Delgado. Al final, es bastante difícil concluir cuál es realmente la mejor ubicación de El Grullense, dados los diversos miradores y opiniones. Aunque pueden tener algunas diferencias, todos parecen tener una cosa en común: Increíble y auténtica comida mexicana.


The Groovy Goose: a perfect stop for coffee lovers

Groovy Goose has become a popu lar pit stop for the local community of San Carlos. If you need a quick place to grab some fresh coffee and a snack on your way to work or school, Groovy Goose is the perfect stop right in the heart of San Carlos.

The owners, Nathan and Siera Conte, were looking for a cool place to share their passion for coffee with their hometown community. The Groovy Goose opened in late summer of 2023 and it is a must-visit with a line constantly out the door!

The unique name was inspired by their son’s nickname, Goose, with the owners hoping for the coffee shop to be an extension of their family. The environment is warm and welcoming with a disco ball in the center of the shop and fun designs on the wall, the extravagant colors on the inside seem to reel in more customers each day.

“The ambiance and environment is really nice and I think [the owners] did a great job. It’s always nice to sit and enjoy some coffee,” junior Elizabeth Brockman said.

The menu contains a wide range of options for everyone: coffee, matcha, smoothies and even pastries. Depending on your order, the coffee is a bit overpriced compared to other coffee

places such as Starbucks. For example, an iced vanilla latte at Starbucks is $6.95. At Groovy Goose this same coffee is $8.34. Along with the coffee, the pastries are locally made and freshly baked each morning with options like croissants, egg sandwiches and a variety of toasts.

“The green smoothie is my favorite. It’s super healthy and delicious, very refreshing for an after or before school snack,” junior Elisa Flores said.

Groovy Goose doesn’t just have delicious coffee but it is also eco-friendly. They make sure the coffee is farmed sustainably, which not only improves the quality of the coffee, but it also supports the ecosystems around us. Coffee farming often leads to deforestation, which harms local ecosystems and contributes to climate change. The journey from bean to cup involves transportation, roasting and brewing, all of which consume a lot of

energy and release carbon dioxide. By choosing sustainable coffee practices, people can reduce their environmental footprint while enjoying a delicious cup of coffee.

Groovy Goose is the perfect place to go because it is majorly beneficial to choose these local roasters who prioritize environmental friendliness and want to find ways to keep our planet and the community happy.

Stop by anytime from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. to try some local coffee on 1221 San Carlos Avenue.

Groovy Goose Coffee Roasters. Photo by Gianna Federighi

Staff Reporters

Cross Country

Boys Cross Country finished the season third in the PAL, while girls finished 7th. Boys and girls cross country had a successful fall season. Senior Rowan Henige set a new Crystal Springs school record with a time of 15:52 for the 2.95 mile course.

“Both our boys and girls teams qualified for CCS,” senior team captain Mira Goodwin said.

Girls Tennis

Girls Tennis finished with a league record of 5-9 in the PAL Bay division.

“The highlight of the season was navigating as a team the challenges of moving up a league. We played really difficult opponents such as Menlo-Atherton and Carlmont, who have great women’s tennis programs,” senior captain Ella Satterwhite said.

Boys Water Polo

Varsity Boys Water Polo had another strong season finishing 4th in the PAL Bay division with a record of 7-5. Standout players were Derek Hymer with 91 goals, Drew Ostrander with 48 assists and Adam Trinklein with 179 saves.

“My favorite part of the season was probably giving the freshman and sophmores haircuts at the end of the season to keep the team tradition going. It was my first year that I was able to give someone a haircut so I gave one of my teammates a pretty good mullet in my opinion,” junior Drew Ostrander said.


Boys Varsity Football took a trip to Hawaii for the first game and came out with a win. They ended the season with a record of 2-3 in the PAL Ocean division. The team was able to beat Carlmont 22-17.

“I wanted to help send out our seniors the right way and we knew that we needed to win the Teremere trophy,” junior Jordan Crockett said.

Girls Golf

Girls golf finished with a league record of 4-6 in the PAL.

“My favorite part of the season is the amount of fun we experience when we are out on the course and everyone getting the opportunity to play out in the matches,” junior Elisa Flores said.

Flag Football

This was the first year of flag football at Sequoia, the flag football team put up a record of 1-7 in league.With more to come next year the team expects to have a strong season.

“My favorite part was learning a new sport with an amazing group of girls and just having fun no matter what the final score was,” junior Hailey Ponce said.

Sideline Cheer

The Varsity and JV Sideline Cheer Team were essential to keeping spirits high during football and basketball season.

“A highlight of the season was when we got the opportunity to be in the holiday parade at Disneyland. That was super cool for us not only to be in the parade and get to perform in front of so many people, but also because we got to be in Disneyland as a whole team,” junior Katie Lindsay said.

Girls Water Polo

Girls Water Polo had a very good season this year with a record of 3-0 in the PAL Ocean Division.

“My favorite part of waterpolo was senior night and spending time with them before they graduate,” junior Callie Hogrefe said.

Girls Volleyball

Girls Volleyball finished their season with a record of 3-11 in the PAL Bay Division. With a rough season behind them the team has hopes of a strong season next year.


Boys Basketball

Coming off a rough season last year, the Varsity Boys Basketball Team has completely turned it around this year having a record of 6-2 in the PAL Lake Division.

“The highlight of this season was winning on senior night because it was awesome to finish out the season with a win, especially for the seniors who had worked hard all year,” junior Sam Van Wert said.

Girls Basketball

Varsity Girls Basketball had a suc-

Boys Soccer

Varsity Boys Soccer finished 5th this year with a record of 2-6-2 in the PAL

Coed Wrestling

Coed wrestling had a record of 5-1 in the Ocean Division. Along with the team success the team had individ ual successes, which included Marco Baisch qualifying for CCS finals. As well as freshmen Francesca Dimick and Bella Dimick both finishing top three in PAL.

“My favorite part of the season was being able to meet and become closer to the amazing girls on our team and on other teams too,” Francesca Dimick said.

“The highlight of the season was for sure beating MA at home 2-1. It was a crazy back-and-forth game with plenty of action, and I even scored the winning goal with 10 minutes left to play,” junior Aaron Villafuerte Cervantes said.

Girls Varsity soccer finished their season with no league losses and a final league record of 6-0-4 in the PAL Bay Division.

“The highlight of the season was winning league. Even though we tied with Burlingame, I do believe that we achieved our goal that we set before the season started, which was to win league. Everyone worked so hard and to accomplish something we set out to do was such a confidence booster going forward,” senior team captain Addison Haws said.

Addison is committed to Arizona State University to continue her soccer career.

Art by Natalie Ewing


Coed Badminton ended their season 2-12.

“My favorite part of the season was the PAL tournaments, it was really exciting to be there with all the other schools at once, and it was a challenge to play more than one full game in a day. Everyone there was super nice, from the players from the other teams and all the coaches,” junior Audra Kinser said.

Boys Lacrosse

Boys Varsity Lacrosse finished the season with a record of 5-5 in the PAL Ocean Division.

“Though we had a rough start at the beginning of the year, the highlight has been how we’ve perservered and won some tough games in the later half of our season,” senior team captain Sam Swanson said.


Boys Swimming finished 0-7 with many individual swimmers finding success this year. Girls Swimming finished 1-7 this season.

“A highlight was having a strong 200 yard relay. The PAL meet was fun because the weather was nice and it was a great end to the season,” senior team captain Olivia Murman said.

“We saw a lot of growth for Sequoia’s new swimmers this season. Many kids who had never been on a high school swim team before set PRs and several even finaled in the PALs,” senior team leader Adam Trinklein said.


Varsity Softball had a rough season this year but expect to have a strong season next year. After saying goodbye to their seniors the team is ready for a fresh start in the 2025 season.

Boys Tennis

Finishing 6-3 in the PAL Ocean Division, Boys Varsity Tennis had a strong season this year, with standout player Luke Kwa finishing second in league as a freshman. With next year around the corner the team has high hopes for the 2025 season.

Boys Volleyball

Varsity Boys Volleyball had a strong season this year. Finishing second in the PAL Ocean Division with a record of 6-2 they were able to make league playoffs this year.

“The highlight of the season was beating our long-standing rivals, Mills, in four sets. We have had a very ‘chirpy’ relationship with them, and it was one of our better games,” junior Cade Miller said.

Girls Lacrosse

Varsity Girls Lacrosse had a very successful season this year, placing second in the WBAL Skyline Division. With a 7-3 league record, the team was able to make it to CCS finals, placing 2nd. Varsity Girls Lacrosse was also able to raise money to take a team trip to Santa Barbara where they played against Cate School and won.

“My favorite part of the season was how close we all got as a team. We were able to gain trust in each other which led us to go on an amazing winning streak.” senior Siena Nestal said.

Nestal was a top attacker, scoring 73 goals during the season.

Boys Golf

The Boys Golf Team this year set a school record for most qualifiers for the PAL tournament at the end of the year. Ian Bamford, Kieran Sarrail and Shawn Royer all made the second day of the tournament.

“A highlight was for sure playing extra golf with the guys on the team after matches. This season and team has been the best and most enjoyable year of Sequoia golf that I have played,” junior Shawn Royer said.

Track and Field

Sequoia’s Track and Field Team has had many successes. While their record of 1-6 (boys) and 0-7 (girls) in the PAL Bay Division may not reflect it, the team had many great individual performances. Senior and pole vault league champion Abigail Goetz set a new pole vault school record of 12 feet as well as finishing 9th overall at the CIF State Meet. Goetz is committed to compete in Track and Field at Appalachian State University. Junior Desire Huffer won two events at the PAL championships. Rowan Henige set a new 3200 school record with a time of 9:38, “My favorite part of the season was when David Raymond and I competed at CCS Top 8,” Henige said. Rowan is off to San Jose State where he will continue his Track and Field career.


Varsity Baseball has faced injuries throughout the season, after a three game sweep of Carlmont they were defeated in the second round of CCS. The team finished 15-14 in the bay division.

“My favorite memory is anytime we go out to eat together, like the Dutch Goose,” senior Ian Holt said. Holt will be going to Pepperdine University to continue his baseball career.


Working out ver summer

Sports communities and athletics are held together throughout the school year through practices, but how do athletes maintain their physique when summer hits?

Most fall sports have summer training to keep teams together over the break. Summer allows teams to break down their training and hone in on specific aspects of form and technical training.

for their training outside of sports practice.

“I work out with my friend Justin and my little brother, and they keep me going. [They’ll tell me] ‘Why weren’t you here today’ or ‘Come on let’s go,’” ju nior James Lundell said.

Working out with others can help keep athletes ac countable, although some find their mo tivation through long-term goals.

I ’ve heard from so many parents that most kids have a bit of anxiety about [entering] high school. If they come out to summer conditioning, they’ve already got their support group established.

Track and Cross Country Coach Mike McRae

“[During] the season, athletes are balancing preparing for meets while at the same time working on conditioning and technique work. These demands often limit the amount of conditioning work, whereas in summer we have months to build a strong base of conditioning. Summer also provides a great opportunity to devote to strengthen ing an area that needs improvement, such as specific technique work, speed or ef ficiency,” Track and Cross Coun try Coach Mike McRae said.

Maintaining a work out routine over the break can be diffi cult due to procras tination. There are many different ways athletes keep them selves accountable

“Since I’ve been playing [softball] for so long, it’s a dream for me to go play in college. That’s my main goal that I’m working [to wards], [and] I know I have to do the work to get there,” sopho more Jamie Elkington said.

For some, the athletic aspect is simply a perk, instead the friendships built through sports is the major pull. Summer training serves as an introduc tion to a team for many athletes and can help maintain a tight community for others.

gives new incoming students a space where they feel safe and supported,” McRae said.

“[Community building] is one of the huge benefits for incoming freshmen. I’ve heard from so many parents that most kids have a bit of anxiety about [entering] high school. If they come out to summer conditioning, they’ve already got their support group established. In my experience, [cross country is] an incredibly supportive group. [...] I think [summer training] just

At the end of the season, athletes and alike can reflect on the of training together and the team it helped

“At the end of any season I ask athletes to reflect on the months of training we put in and how they feel about being a part of the track or cross country team. When the team puts in hard work

together, of- ten in challenging weather conditions, the team members build a strong bond and a very supportive culture. And that is one of the most important aspects of being a part of any athletic team,” McRae said.

Photo by www.JulieRussiPhoto.com Track photos by Christine Chang
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RavenGuidesmeetingbefore Freshman Orientation
Seniors getting coffee during Senior Sunrise
Gender-Sexuality Alliance leaders at their table during Club Day Follow us @RavenReporton Instagramtokeep upwithwhatwe post! Sequoia cheerleaders welcoming the student body back to campus at the first home football game of the season V Visitourwebsite RavenReport.org toreadourweekly newsarticles! RAVEN REPORT | JUNE 2024 47
Sequoia Ravens play Woodside Wildcats during the Annual Redwood Rumble


4. Future attendee of Cal Poly SLO

5. Someone who makes rap music and beats

7. Someone who plans to study anthropology in college

9. Someone who applied to only two colleges

11. Someone who wants to major in something health-related

13. Someone who received the Youth of the Year Award from The Boys and Girls Club


15. Future attendee of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

17. Future attendee of Skyline College

18. Someone who plans to travel to Taiwan, London and Austria during their gap year


1. Someone who got a 7 on their IB Business exam despite having a concussion

2. Future attendee of University of San Francisco

3. Someone whose favorite memory from high school was fighting with prop weapons on stage

6. Future attendee of Pomona College

8. Someone who became more open after joining Dream Club

10. Future attendee of Appalachian State University

12. One of the main planners of the ELD graduation this year

14. Future attendee of Arizona State University

16. Someone who plans to pursue being an electrician

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