Get opportunities for adult learners methodologies with ravinder tulsiani

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Top 3 Adult Learning Methodologies By Ravinder Tulsiani Teaching and learning has always been a important part of the human experience often through essential as much as desire. Some useful principles for guiding and facilitating adult learning in specific have emerged over the past 39 years. Drawn from the experience work of Malcolm Knowles, Stephen D. Brookfield, and many others, these core principles, along with consequence and suggestions for the learning and teaching environment Adult Learning Principle 1. Adults bring life maturity or experience and knowledge to the learning environment. This experience and knowledge includes both work related, family, and community events and circumstances. Adults learn best when they can relate or give new knowledge and information with previously or past learned knowledge, information, and experiences. Provide many opportunities for learners to reflect upon and share their existing fully knowledge and experience. Create interesting learning activities that involve the use of previously or past experience or knowledge. Ask learners to identify the sameness and differences between what they are learning and what they already know. 2. Adults move to prefer self-directed, autonomous learning? but this is often not an expectation of educational institutions and society. Design training around participants needs and your goals. Ask every participants what they want to learn. Learners learn best when they initiate a specific learning objective or goal/needs for themselves. Provide every learner action planning tools and templates to help develop and focus their self directed efforts and facilitate learning. Provide opportunities for learners to direct their own learning through guided inquiry and self-facilitated small group discussions. 3. Adults have self pride and desire respect. They need their more experience, beliefs, knowledge, questions, and ideas acknowledged as important. Because learning involves risk and the possibility of failure, design training to minimize each learners risk and embarrassment. Provide opportunities for learners to share ideas, questions, opinions, experiences, concerns, etc. and to create an environment that honors and respects everything that is appropriately shared. Create flexible training programs that honor participants by accommodating their contributions and questions as much as possible. Make it safe for learners to express their confusion, anxieties, doubts, and fears. Provide opportunities for "small wins" and little victories in the learning process - to build competencies incrementally.

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