d i f f e r e n t k i n d o f
different kind of
t h i s t h e
4 | different
kind of
b e g
o n l y i n n i n g
different kind of
6 | different
kind of
w i
h t
e a
s t a r t s
I should probably start from the beginning. From the moment I decided to change my life, quit my job, leave my apar tment in Tel Aviv and start all over again in San Francisco.
At some point I’ve had enough. It was now or never. It was the time to make the decision. It was time to leave. It was time to start my new life.
The race after money had started. At first I was excited, than I had I called ever yone. Asked ever y no idea what the hell I was think- organization, private people, send ing to myself. I had just turned ema ils to people I have never 31 birthday and was wondering spoken to before. I was out of my if this is a ll I can do in life. I mind. I have decided to do whatwas unsatisfied, to say the least. ever it takes to make my dream I wanted more. Knew I can get come true. I got a lot of no’s in more. Be more. the process. Too many than what I could handle. I felt naive. Stupid. I was ready to start something new, fresh. I kept postponing this move, I have decided nothing and no one “I’ll just get some experience, fin- will stand in my way in getting ish this year in my apt, see how it what I want. I was quite simple to goes with this guy, or that guy”.. be honest. I just wanted one thing. aahhhh, so many excuses! the beginning
i w a
n t
8 | where it all starts
the beginning
After speaking to so many people for so long, I started to feel it will never happen. I was exhausted. I didn’t want to do anything. It was burning inside of me. I had to make it happen somehow. Then it dawned on me. My dad, up that moment, had saved so much money. It was saved for his pension. Some say it is horrible of me to speak with him about it. After all, this is my dream and I need to make it happen by myself. I have decided to speak with him anyway. Nothing wrong in asking, right?
10 | different
kind of
m a t t e r o
. the beginning | 11
e w
s i m
p l e
t h e o f
14 | different
kind of
n e m y
x t
s t e p
j o u r n e y
different kind of
| 15
i f e l t l i
16 | different
kind of
e different the journey kind of
| 17
18 | different
kind of
w i n d o w o f o p p o r
t u n i t i e s A change was coming. I was surprisingly taking it really well. I was looking forward to this my entire life and it was finally happening.
In a few short weeks I have sold ever ything that I own. My precious bicycle, my roller blades, furniture, threw away shoes, gave away clothes. Everything was going I started thinking of the next step. and quickly. I was ready to leave. Where to live. What to take with me. What to sell. How much I Packed one luggage to carry with can make from it. What I’ll give me, prepared two boxes to send to whom and when. I have accu- over a nd t hat’s it. A ll my life. mulated so much throughout the Starting over. Fresh. years, I felt I could never be able to get rid of everything. When I actually started packing everything, it came down to six boxes. Six boxes that represent my 31 years of living. Six boxes where I needed only two. It’s truly amazing how little can make you feel so happy and so full. I never felt like anything was missing. Six boxes and I had everything that I needed. the journey
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20 | different
kind of
different kind of
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h o w
s h o u
y l d
l i f e b e
different kind of
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24 | different
kind of
t h e p a r t t
w a
r b
different kind of
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26 | different
kind of
w h e n i f e l t l
m a r i
I dated whom ever I wanted, when ever I wanted, with how many I wanted. Did whatever came to mind. Everything was so available, so easy. I forgot for a moment who I really am. It was so easy to forget. Everything is so big. I had so many opportunities for everything.
broken. You need to fall in life, to get up and know what you want and where you want to be in life. It took some hard falls to discover myself again and to know what’s important to me and where I want to be. I’m not there yet, however I am definitely on the right track.
When it came to rea l moment where I wa nted more, t h i ngs started slipping away. I was heart life should be
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l o o
m y 28 | different
kind of
k i n g f o r
different kind of
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30 | different
kind of
n o t
e v e r y
t h i n g
i w a n t You definitely do not get ever ything you want in life. At least I don’t. I have been slapped so many times, it’s amazing I’m still standing. We all get those moments in life, where you pause for a second and rea lize t hings don’t rea lly always go your way.
you these challenges and obstacles and teaches you how to deal with things you normally wouldn’t need to. I wanted to start fresh, and I got exactly what I wished for. I could do whatever I want, be whomever I wanted. I truly accept anything life has to give me.
I once read that people who are fluI know that I can take it. (Till the ent in two languages have different moment I will get my heart broken personalities in each language. again and I will hate everyone and I find it to be so true. On the other everything). side, I did want to re invent myself here in the states. I wanted to be someone else. Something different. However, destiny has some other plans for me. My only luggage I came with to the states was stolen at the airport. It’s amazing how the universe send life should be
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w h e n y o u
32 | different
kind of
l i l
f e
g i v e s
e m o n s
different kind of
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d i f f e r e n t
k i n d
o f
Ravit Ben Zion | GR613 Type Experiments | SP16 | Stanley Zienka