The Growth Issue / Issue 5

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Issue 5 Fall Two Thousand Eighteen





FALL 2018

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Editor-in-Chief Rachael Thomas Creative Director Nick Sullivan Editorial Director Suzannah Koop Photo Director Daniel Square Advertising Director Elise Miller Social Media Directors Alexandra London Ashlyn Delaney

Event Managers India Ambrose Kiley Tippman

Advertising Team Alexis Jones Elise Miller Kate Sakoski Riley Reich

Graphic Designers Emily Alspaugh Kate Montgomery





Photographers Ashlyn Delaney Autumn Pinkley Emily Crombez Haley Ayotte Kate Montgomery Mackenna Kelly Megan Doyle Nick Sullivan Rickey Portis Taylor Tremblay

Stylist Brynna Gani Videographer Alexis Thompson THERAWMAG.COM Facebook: The RAW Magazine Instagram & Twitter: @rawmagcmu Founders Jordan Moorhead Kaitlyn Lauer Alexis Kelly

Writers India Ambrose Kylie Tharp Mika Brust MJ Maldonado Rachael Thomas Taylor Tremblay

from the


he theme for our fifth issue came at the perfect time. Our presence on Central Michigan University’s campus and the Mount Pleasant community has grown during our close to three years of existence. Each issue brings new readers from near and far that we welcome with open arms to our diverse community. Our staff has grown; to think that the first issue released in April 2016 was created with a staff of just barely over 10 people - now we have close to 30. Not only has the quantity of the content we produced increased, but the quality has improved over time. We always strive to live up to our publication name, presenting fresh material Photo by Olivia Seyfarth on various topics in fashion and lifestyle from different perspectives. Whether it be through written word or a visual photo story, we want to enlighten, challenge and engage you. I, myself can testify to this period of growth through RAW. From starting off as a writer in the first issue my freshman year to now serving as the editor-in-chief during my senior year, I can wholeheartedly say I have grown


personally and professionally through the people I’ve connected and worked with, and the stories I have contributed. Because of this magazine I have found a love for editorial work; for participating in a shared space of ideas and talents and creating a beautiful product for the world. Growth takes on many forms; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. No two experiences are alike. Check out “Spiritual Awakening” on page 40 to learn about different students’ experiences with faith, religion and spirituality in college. “Raw Bodies,” on page 48 explores the stereotypes perpetuated on men in society. “Primary” on page 77 encourages an interesting conceptualization of growth through color. As the publication and staff itself continues to evolve, we encourage you in your own season of growth. Keep flourishing!

Rachael Thomas Editor-in-Chief

CONTENTS Lifestyle Anxiety.................................................................7 Pure Bliss............................................................12 My Body is Not a Political Playground..............17 Colorism............................................................22 Influences in Music............................................28 Wonderland.......................................................33 Lessons Learned................................................36 Spiritual Awakening...........................................39 Raw Bodies........................................................45 Passion for Pastries.............................................49 Beauty Their Lives Aren’t Worth Your Products...........54 Style Fall Lookbook....................................................63 No Going Back..................................................68 Primary..............................................................74 Not So Pure.......................................................78 Staple.................................................................82 Golden Hour......................................................86 Horses................................................................88






Photo Story “Anxiety” Photographed by Haley Ayotte Models: Suzannah Koop, Nick Sullivan, Kathryn Montgomery Styled by Haley Ayotte





Pure Bliss


Photo Story “Pure Bliss” Photographed by Ashlyn Delaney Styled by Brynna Gani & Ashlyn Delaney Models: Georgia Freeman, Rachel Fritti, Catie Carnaghi, Alexis Copeland


needs a space to find who they are, knowing they have a community on campus that loves and cares about them.”

Left to right: Samantha Shriber (General Member), Ren Crudele (Treasurer), Francesca Farzalo (Activist Chair), Emily Jones (President), Taylor Payne (Vice President), Paige Hall (Social Chair), Emily Seybold (General Member)

“My Body is Not a Political Playground” by Rachael Thomas & Kylie Tharp Style by Brynna Gani Photographed by Nick Sullivan

In July 2018, model Samirah Raheem took the Internet by storm in a viral video of her interview with conservative minister and media personality Jesse Peterson at the 2017 SlutWalk in Los Angeles. Raheem gave us confidence and witty word play as she asserted her body, sexuality, and religious beliefs. She proudly called herself a “slut,” stating the word is what she and anyone else chooses to make it, not what Peterson and his “fellow penises” intended it to be. The video was met with both praise and backlash. It is no new concept that women are persecuted, victimized and abused in many aspects of their lives. Their sexual orien-

tation, line of work, level of financial stability and their desire for and capability of having children are consistently criticized in the media. Support for and amongst women is needed now more than ever. The Organization for Women Leaders (OWLs) aims to provide that safe space for all women on Central Michigan University’s campus. Having been active on campus over 20 years, OWLs is an intersectional feminist organization promoting activism, education, inclusivity, service and sisterhood. Meetings are held every Wednesday, with an open meeting held once a month for those who aren’t members of the organization but who still want to join the conversation. “We support you no matter where you are, no matter what you decide to do with any aspect of your life,” Emily Jones, the current president of the organization says. “OWLS is there for any student that

Top Left: Ren Crudele, Top Right: Emily Jones, Bottom: Francesca Farzalo

OWLs adds to the international conversation on women’s bodies in their own version of the SlutWalk. Hosted every year in April, OWLs members, students and allies march around campus and downtown Mount Pleasant. Participants make their voices heard with every step, protesting against sexual assault, victim blaming and rape culture. Individuals are also welcome to share their own stories, poetry, art and more. The organization’s first SlutWalk on campus was in 2013, and the event was revived in 2016 after a two-year absence. That year over 250 individuals participated. “When we think of the word ‘slut,’ we think of terrible things and negative connotations,” Taylor Payne, vice president of OWLs says. Raised in a conservative household herself, Payne had her own negative ideas of feminism prior to becoming involved in OWLs. “Being a slut is, oh, ‘somebody who has sex a lot or who wears provocative clothing.’ But I know people who have never had sex before but are called sluts anyway. In essence, [SlutWalk] is like activism, and we’re telling campus, ‘Hey, we’re not standing for this.’”

ends with an open mic fundraiser, this year it will be at Ponder Coffee Co. in Mount Pleasant. A potential fashion show collaboration is in the works with Phenomenal Brown Girls, a multicultural student organization celebrating women on campus.

Women’s Empowerment Week, is another platform OWLs provides encouraging women to embrace and reclaim their bodies. Held every November, the organization hosts different panels discussing intersectional feminism, along with trivia, food, games, tabling events and a body positivity campaign. The week always

This is why progressive politics is a major focus for OWLs, in addition to intersectionality. In what Jones considers a new launch of OWLs, the organization wants to get its members talking more about politics involving economic and social prosperity, gender oppression, and

“It’s such a hard conversation to have because, you know, there are images out there [in the media] that are just not okay,” Jones says. And there they show women in so many terrible lights, the way that women’s bodies are exploited and misrepresented.”




current policies that are affecting women. At every meeting, members spend the first 10-15 minutes participating in an “issue ed,” an educational presentation on a topic of the presenter’s choice followed by discussion questions.

edging that the majority of OWLs’ current members are white. “We need to make sure we’re looking at all different perspectives of the issue, and our members are politically active and educated on what policies are going to help women.”

OWLs has done issue eds on women’s education in Afghanistan, female genital mutilation, microaggressions, and on Brett Kavanaugh - who was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice in early October, despite allegations of sexual assault publicly shared by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and several other women.

With over 70 members this school year OWLs can continue to affect change. The organization recently sent out a call to other registered student organizations on campus to collaborate in an open letter to CMU’s President Robert Davies. The letter will address concerns on making students feel safer and more welcome on campus. Each organization involved will also write a collective letter with their expectations for him as CMU’s new president.

RAW Mag: Why do you like to get involved with events like the SlutWalk, and other movements? Emma: “I like getting involved in these kinds of events because it is so important and close my heart. When participating in these events it is so whelmingingly powerful and you feel like you are actively trying to make a change for issues that are so relevant. It is such an emotional experience, but it is also life changing because you are surrounded by so many beautiful people who fighting for the same things you are.”

“I really want to make sure the foundation is there for us to make some real change whether that’s on our campus or the state,” Jones says. “We can talk about feminism all day, but if we’re not actually doing something to change those circumstances, then what are we having a conversation about?”

RAW Mag: What do you find empowering today? Emma: “I find it incredibly empowering seeing people stand up and use their voices more. People, women especially, are refusing to let their voices be silenced and use it to fight for change. It inspires me to go out have conversations and use my voice to fight for what I believe in.”

“We make sure that any conversation we’re having is intersectional, and we’re not just looking at it from a white feminist lens. We know that’s a problem in today’s feminism,” Jones says, acknowl-

The Women Behind the Movement

Left to Right: Taylor Payne, Paige Hall, Emily Seybold, Samantha Shriber

There are many leaders on our campus promoting change in the constant battle of equality. All of those that have been interviewed have been a part of liberating movements on campus and off. They are all extremely passionate about what they believe and are promoting real change on campus and off.

Emma Mills, Junior Jackson, MI

RAW Mag: What aspect of feminism do you think more people need to be informed about? Or what do you feel is a really important topic in feminism today? Emma: “An issue that is very prevalent today’s society is sexual assault. Every day you hear about a new case of sexual assault in the media and it can be really stressful and frustrating for survivors. It is so importing to understand these issues because I have been seeing and hearing some really horrendous comments about sexual assault, which makes survivors feel silenced and uncomfortable around their peers that are actively sharing and talking about these cases.”

Emma Mills, Public Relations Chair

Emily Seybold, Senior Cary, Illinois RAW Mag: Why do you like to get involved with events like the SlutWalk, and other movements? Emily: “I like getting involved in events like SlutWalk because it makes me feel like I’m not only doing something to help give a voice to other women, but with the current administration, it’s also nice to feel like you’re using your voice for something positive. I really believe that participating in movements like this bring awareness to causes dear to my heart, like sexual violence, victim blaming, and slut shaming.” RAW Mag: What do you find empowering today? Emily: “I find it really empowering to be a part of movements and organizations on campus that encourage women to speak up and fight for what they believe in. Currently, I’m the president of an RSO on campus called Voices for Planned Parenthood where we fight for comprehensive sex education, birth control, reproductive rights, and of course, Planned Parenthood.” Emily Seybold, General Member

colo rism LIFESTYLE

Samantha Shriber, Junior St. Clair Shores, MI

Samantha Shriber, General Member

RAW Mag: What aspect of feminism do you think more people need to be informed about? Or what do you feel is a really important topic in feminism today? Emily: “I think that due to the new member of the Supreme Court and the shift in the ideology of the Supreme Court, the two most important topics in feminism are sexual assault and reproductive rights. With several justices on the Supreme Court be accused of sexual harassment, it is vitally important to remind people that this should not be the norm. Sexual violence and harassment is never okay and survivors should be believed. And Roe v. Wade is now of course in jeopardy because of the newest justices, so it is exceptionally important for people to speak up and fight for women’s right to choose, now more than ever.”

Emily Seybold, General Member

RAW Mag: Why do you like to get involved with events like the SlutWalk, and other movements? Samantha: “I have been the SlutWalk Energy Team Leader since Spring 2017. This event is one of my absolute favorites because it provides an opportunity for students to stand together and be empowered by one another. During SlutWalk, survivors are no longer labeled as ‘broken’ or ‘disabled,’ but are celebrated as gods and goddesses that are worth so much more than their experience. It provides a narrative for us to take back the word the patriarchy designed to break us and to flourish as a supernova of undeniable power, glory and endless love.” RAW Mag: What do you find empowering today? Samantha: “Today I am empowered by the beautiful people in my life, both male and female. I am blessed with a life full of dazzling individuals with exciting minds and immense hope for a better future. They continue to lift me up and inspire me, and have saved me in so many ways.” RAW Mag: What aspect of feminism do you think more people need to be informed about? Or what do you feel is a really important topic in feminism today? Samantha: “For me, feminism is all about unity. Too often, people and even women are placed in opposition to one another. As opposed to supporting one another, society wants us to be in competition for superior status. My greatest hope for the universe is that someday we can stand together, love with open hearts and fight against an evil bigger than ourselves.”


Photo Story “Colorism” Photographed by Daniel Square, Mackenna Kelly, and Ashlyn Delaney Models: Rachel Fritti, Mika Brust, Torey Ware, Gabby Beauvais, Kate Sakoski, Annie Yost Styled by Brynna Gani






Influencers in Music Written by Kylie Tharp Photographed by Megan Doyle Models: Deana Lalonde, MJ Maldonado, Kylie Tharp

Florence + The Machine High as Hope Genre: Alternative/ Indie Released: June 2018 Popular Songs on the Album: “Hunger,” “Big God,” “South London Forever” Growth in Artist’s Music: This album is different for the band because it takes an even more mature outlook than before. The band always had an aged and classic sound, but the lyrics on this album really brings the band to a whole different level. Florence and the Machine gained popularity with “Dog Days are Over,” but in songs like “Sky Full of Song,” and “No Choir,” are more lyrically mastered. This brings the band to a wider audience and drives

home the maturity of the lyrics. Purpose: In this new album, the band takes on an honest, storyteller point of view. Florence and the Machine tells the story of life through this album; “100 years” simultaneously evokes a feeling of looking back at memories, and what there is to come in the future. Listeners feel a sense of nostalgia, peace, hope and gratitude for life. Wisdom and Whimsical: The band indulges the listeners ability to dream and live in a fairytale that seems realistic. This album expresses wisdom in a whimsical way that creates a version of reality for listeners within their own lives.








Bea Miller Aurora Genre: Pop Release: February 2018 Popular Songs on the Album: “like that,” “S.L.U.T.,” “song like you” Growth in Artist’s Music: Bea Miller has evolved in her music with this album. Her youthfulness takes a new light with a modern feel. Purpose: Bea understands what it’s like to be a young woman these days and shows that through her music. Through honesty and expression, she evolves from her days of youthfulness into a more developed outlook as she continues to grow herself. In “motherlove” she dives into the idea of loving herself enough to realize that love from someone else does not ultimately give her worth. She shares about finding her way in her song “crash&burn,” as she reflects over the lessons she has learned from the mistakes she has made. Liberation and Self Awareness: Bea created a masterpiece. This underrated album, celebrates owning your body and living your life to the fullest, not caring about what others think. Through the songs “buy me diamonds” and “like that,” Bea creates a sense of liberation and owning her own sexuality, not caring what other people may think or speculate about her.

Ariana Grande Sweetener

Genre: Pop/ R&B

Released: August 2018 Popular Songs on the Album: “God is a woman,” “breathin,” “no tears left to cry” Growth in Artist’s Music: In the past, Ariana’s music really took a pop music approach, but this new album is a big stepping stone for Grande into a more R&B feel. Purpose: In this album, Grande is extremely honest about her life and is so relatable. She dives into her successes and failures within relationships and finding herself along the way through those mistakes. In her song “everytime”, she talks about going back to an unhealthy relationship. “pete davidson” is about her finally finding love and happiness. Living and Learning: Ariana dives into her own heartbreak and finding the type of love she deserves through her failed attempts at love. This album shows the ups and downs of finding love and how lessons can be learned. Also, how Ariana ultimately found the person she wants to be with at the time, and how liberating that is.


Photo Story “Wonderland” Photographed by Autumn Pinkley Model: Alexis Copeland




Lessons Learned Written by: Mika Brust Illustrated by: Emily Alspaugh

’ve always been open to change. I accept it, I welcome it, and I even look forward to it. It’s a part of life that drives people forward and allows them to grow and flourish. I have experienced a great deal of change in the past few years throughout my college career. Not only has it changed me as a person, it has allowed me to look at where I was in life and where I want to be. Growing up in a college town in southeast Michigan, I knew I didn’t want to attend school near home. Everyone from my high school either went to University of Michigan or Michigan State; for me, those schools were unappealing because I wanted to get away from the people I had grown up with and meet new ones. I was one of the only people in my graduating class to attend a school out of state. It was scary, challenging, and exhilarating. Not only did I not know anyone at my school, Indiana University- Bloomington, but it was

also a large school with nearly 50,000 students. It was exceedingly easy to get lost in the mix. My first year of college as a freshman was like many- fun, new, and emotional. I met a new group of friends, experienced the trials of living in a dorm, and felt the occasional homesickness. I knew going out of state was the best choice I made for myself. I would see people from my high school who went to the same college and never met anyone outside of their same circle. It made me realize that choosing to throw myself into a new crowd where I virtually new no one was life-changing. My second year of school was much different than my first. I had an amazing first semester and felt the excitement of getting back to school and having a busy social calendar, but a lot changed for me in the second semester. I became overwhelmed with school, fell behind, and was less social. I felt like I had to go home every other weekend, even with the drive





being nearly six hours. I was withdrawn and didn’t feel like engaging in anything most of the time; even going to class felt taxing. On top of that, I was always worrying about money. My school was immensely expensive and I didn’t receive any scholarships or financial aid. All of these concerns piled up and I realized I couldn’t continue at the school I had loved so much for the sake of my own health.

People often look down upon transfer students. They make judgements and assumptions about why people transfer schools, when it actually happens all the time. I learned so much from choosing to attend school out of state, and then coming back in state and transferring to Central Michigan University. I don’t regret transferring, nor do I regret choosing a school that didn’t work out for me in the long run. Going from a sizable, well-known school to a smaller school in the middle of nowhere was one of the best decisions I made. Many people have questioned why I switched schools and what made me go from a big college town to a small one. Already, I have made so many new friends, experienced the bliss of becoming a part of greek life, and have been able to see my family more. The transition from a Big 10 school to a smaller university was easy due to the accessible campus and connections I was able to make. My walk from one class to another was no longer 30 minutes, it became 5. My motivation to go to class at my previous school waned, but here, my classes are enjoyable and major-based. It never dawned on me to look into a school like CMU because I had always want-

ed the feel of a large school. However, when I found out that CMU had such an outstanding program for my major, I ended up looking into it and it turned out to be the best decision for me. The experience of transferring schools has been like no other. In the past three years, I have had the most momentous whirlwind of experiences that I would never want to change. It’s important to throw yourself into things, even when you’re unsure of them. I can wholeheartedly say that my transfer experience has changed me for the better, as cliché as it sounds. I have grown tremendously in just the past year of my life; because of my experiences, I am prepared for whatever is thrown at me in my last years as a college student and beyond that. Never feel like you can’t do something because you’re afraid of the outcome or that you might fail. Being unsure of yourself is one of the best things you can do because you won’t live with regret, wondering what could’ve been. Jump into things 100 percent and you will live a life that you’re proud and content of.




Spiritual Awakening


College can be one of the most tumultuous times in one’s life. Many people think that drinking, partying, and having fun is the only thing that we as college students experience, yet there is much more than meets the eye. Students are going through changes. These changes can be either emotional, physical, or spiritual. We talked to three CMU students who have been on a spiritual journey during their time here, and they spoke candidly about their experiences.

As told to: India Ambrose Photographed by: Daniel Square Styled by: India Ambrose, Myles Baker, Ny’Ea Reynolds, and Rahaf Azzam





Myles Baker: “I am a non-denominational Christian.I have been a Christian my whole life as I was raised as such. There was a big family influence since my dad not only pastors his own church, but has been a Christian for over 30 years. My faith actually means the world to me and I take it very seriously. I feel like if even if nobody here on Earth has my back, God always does. The adaptation to college while being a Christian has actually been a struggle. I’m still working on finding the perfect balance between my social life and my religion. But like everything, in order to become successful you must have the proper patience. I think college actually strengthened my faith a lot because of all the obstacles that come with it. College forced me to lean more on God because with so many things going on at once, I knew I was not going to be able to complete them all in my own strength. My faith has helped me get through every problem and obstacle in college. I believe that prayer does work and I usually pray daily not only for

myself, but for my friends and family, no matter if things are going good or bad. I wouldn’t say something in my past caused me to start finding my faith, but I think past situations definitely led me to start to take my faith more serious because I knew I needed God’s help. Faith to me means trust. I think a large part of my faith is actually trusting God and his word because it can often be challenging trying to follow someone or something that you cannot physically see.”

Ny’Ea Reynolds: “My faith has carried me through my darkest hours when I didn’t know where else to turn. My mother has always been my shoulder to lean on but I also had to learn the powers God has over my life as well. As a Christian it’s important to have blind faith. You have to be able to believe in the things you can’t see in order to establish a true relationship with the Lord. My faith truly blossomed once I came to college for a few reasons. Not only did I have to foster my own relationship with God but I also joined orgs such as Christ Central Choir and Pinky Promise. Although I’m no longer a part of the choir, I still have heavy involvement with Pinky Promise. I’m currently the president and plan to do major things with the org. Being a part of a Christian sisterhood group has taught me to be accountable for my actions and to mentor other women. God has given me a greater purpose than ever before. He expects me to be a role model and disciple for the ladies who may be struggling to draw near to the Lord.”





Rahaf Azzam: I was born and raised Muslim. All my life, my faith has had a big influence on me and everyone who meets me knows just how much it means to me. I may have been born into a Muslim family, but I have done my own research as well and wholeheartedly believe in my faith. For me, Islam isn’t just a religion I follow, it is a way of life. It is my personal guide to a better, happier, and peaceful existence. Without my faith, I honestly don’t know where I’d be today. It gives me purpose. As cheesy as it sounds, everyday I wake up no matter how hard of a time I might be having, and my faith reminds me that everything will be okay.

At the core of my faith is the acceptance of God’s existence and His presence in my daily life. My relationship with God is direct and encompasses my private and public life. Coming to university here in Mount Pleasant of all places was honestly an adjustment at first. It doesn’t necessarily bother me at all that there isn’t a lot of Muslims around me but it can be a slightly difficult at times. Moreover as someone who adopts modest fashion and wears the hijab I am more “visibly” Muslim. When I wear hijab I am reminded of my faith constantly. It reminds me to be kind, gentle, polite, understanding, accepting, and respectful. Although it may be hard some days, I am a walking ambassador of my faith at all times. When someone meets me they start thinking about my faith before they even know my name. By covering my body, I expose my inner self. Expose my heart, my soul and my faith. I don’t know if my faith has necessarily “strengthened” or “weakened” ever since I got to college per say, however, if I’m going to choose one I’d like to think it has strengthened. Living away from home and not having that constant reminder around me from my friends and family really made me evaluate myself at an even deeper level when it came to my spirituality. I get up to pray 5 times a day alone and I have to be my own push. Nobody around me but myself is going to keep me in check. My faith helps me when I’m feeling overwhelmed by the loads of college life. Prayer itself

for me is a daily dose of reflecting, meditation, and discipline. It helps me just stop and breathe sometimes. Again as someone who was born and raised Muslim, nothing in my past were triggers to me truly finding faith. However there are times in my life where if I fell short, just like any human falls, my faith was usually my reason to get back up and on the straight path. Faith in Arabic translates to the word “Iman.” A Muslim who has iman does not merely believe in God, he or she commits to follow the commands of God in every aspect of life. The result of iman is “aman.” Aman is Arabic for safety, protection, and peace. Having iman leads a person towards peace in life. You don’t just talk the talk, you walk the walk. That is faith to me.



Raw Bodies

Written & styled by MJ Maldonado Photographed by Nick Sullivan

RAW Mag: How does the phrase “manly man” make you feel? Have you felt pressured to match that stereotype?

Women face a lot of criticism every

day for their bodies. Whether they are models, actresses, waitresses, you name it--someone always has something to say about women. A lot of people put emphasis on spreading awareness for women to love themselves for who they are. But, does anyone really do this for men?

Caeleb: The term “manly man” to me makes me feel conflicted. Some see it as the lumberjack who punches bears and trees and lives off the fat of the land. Some see it as being a promiscuous party boy who can shotgun a beer. I see it as a man who has high morals, is firm in his beliefs, but is also a loving family man and a hard worker.

I took the time to ask three different men on our campus how they feel about the pressures of being a man in society, and how they have learned to love themselves. These men are juniors Caeleb Albarran, 20, from Bronson, MI; Tyrek Brown, 20, from Saginaw, MI; and Kendal Shorter, 20, from Detroit, MI.

Tyrek Brown, Sophomore

to cry or show emotions. For me personally, while growing up I would always hear certain family members say to me that men did not cry or show emotion. So as I got older, this was a trait I programmed myself to believe. Before, I did feel like I had to live up to a certain masculine standard whenever I had to be vulnerable or show some type of emotion. How have you tried to break stereotypes society has put on you as a male, regardless of sexual orientation and race?

Caeleb: Society has a Tyrek: Personally, I don’t stereotype of men befeel any kind of way ing promiscuous and when I hear that term. a man who can sleep However, I see the term with a large amount as something that people of women is held at a use to describe the stehigh value. That for reotypical tough guy who me isn’t right, I try to never expresses his feelnot be promiscuous ings and ‘gets shit done’. and be celibate beI’ve never been pressured cause that’s something to match that stereoI believe should be type, but I’ve definitely held in high value. been harassed by people Society celebrates Kendal Shorter, Junior (left), Tyrek Brown, Sophomore (right), Caeleb Albarran, Junior (top) because I don’t match men who can party it. The people involved a lot. Going against have ranged from close family members to that in a college campus is hard. You look complete strangers, so sometimes the things at all the movies, shows, or media in general people say are easier to brush off than others. that have college men in it and they always celebrate the guy who can drink the most. Kendal: “Manly man” is a term I feel is Personally, I’ve never drank. I think a man overused in today’s society when describing a should know what limits are, know what stereotypical male. Meaning that people look moderation is, be able to control himself. A at men to hide any kind of weakness, never lot of this too is rooted in my faith.





Tyrek: I try by watching the decisions I make, the things I say, and the things I do. Everything I do is me. There are other reasons why I live the way I do, but I try to be the most me that I can be. I don’t want to be seen as a man, or a black guy, or a nerd. I want to be identified as me, Tyrek. I want to be recognized as that and the things that I accomplish in my life. To me, the best way to break stereotypes is to be an individual and live your life for yourself just being you. Kendal: Simply by being my true authentic self, and staying true to my personal values, regardless of what people think. Are there any certain stereotypes you feel more pressure to meet than others? Caeleb: I don’t feel more pressured to meet one more than another, but I feel pressured to meet all of them. Tyrek: I don’t feel pressure to meet the stereotypes, but I do feel pressure because I don’t meet them. Kendal: If you would’ve ask me this same question a few years back, I probably would have said yes. The stereotype I would have [felt] pressure to meet would have been how I should be the stereotypical masculine man that society says we as men have to become. Do you feel that society values male bodies or brains more? Caeleb: I feel as though society values male bodies more. Look around and notice our ads. All of them are of these guys built like

brick houses; yet few to none put the value of our brains on display. Tyrek: I feel like society likes to play on both equally. It focuses on males being better than women to suppress women. However, through doing that, nobody really cares about the mental or physical well-being of men anymore. Kendal: I personally think that society values both a male physical and mental stability. Based on our society, men have been seen as great leaders who are known to do great things with their intellect. But when it comes to ads presented in the media, their bodies are often projected in a different manner to sometimes promote sex amongst other things. Kendal Shorter, Junior

How has breaking stereotypes been beneficial to your personal development? Caeleb: It has helped me grow into a man that I want to be--not who society wants me to be. It’s also helped me stay firm to my faith and share it with others. I’ve learned how to stand my ground, how to value others and respect them, and self-control and moderation. Tyrek: It’s helped me focus on myself. I haven’t really spent a lot of time creating relationships with people. I have a few really close friends, but outside of that I tend to focus on bettering myself. Having stereotypes, well… exist. [They have] given me a frame of reference for things that people expect of me and whether or not I’m okay with that. It’s given me an additional guide in trying to figure out who I want to be. Kendal: It has taught me how to not be confined to a certain label that someone says you have to be. This way of thinking has inspired me to help others find who they truly are, regardless of labels that are given by society. What has been your biggest obstacle learning to love yourself for you? Caeleb: “I was raised in a household where if we weren’t perfect kids, we would get reprimanded. So whenever I tried to be myself I’d always get yelled at and told, “That’s weird, stop,” or “that’s not how you should act.” I was forced to act in a way that was not what I wanted.The hardest part about loving myself is getting past those mental barriers as well as finding my identity for who I am supposed to

be, not what others want me to be. Tyrek: Validation. Knowing that I have reason to love myself. That there is something worth loving about me. Over the years I’ve realized that the only person that will truly care for you is yourself. I’ve been trying to live my life with the goal of simply being happy. In Caeleb Albarran, Junior doing things because I want to and not because others expect them or because they think they know what the right choice is. I have to discover what I love about myself by making myself happy while I exist on this planet. I don’t really see any better way of going about it. Kendal: My biggest obstacles are not worrying and letting go of what everyone else thinks of me, and simply living for myself. Learning those simple things took me a while to grasp, but once I had realized that people will truly respect you more for being your authentic self. I stopped looking for validation and acceptance from others.





Passion for Pastries By: India Ambrose Photographed by Autumn Pinkley

Tyjai Gribble is a student on campus with purpose; she wanted to find something that would set her apart while also putting her stamp on the campus. That came by way of baked goods, and Sugared Up Treat Bar was born. Established in August 2017 after Gribble’s freshman year, Sugared Up Treat Bar is baking business where she sells affordable and homemade baked goods to students on campus. Gribble shares her passion for pastries and how she is able to work her side job into her campus life. What items do you sell? Top sellers? The main items that I sell are cupcakes, cakes, cheesecake cups, chocolate-covered strawberries, and banana pudding. I also make things like peach cobbler, sweet potato pie, cake pops, etc. I tell everyone that if they don’t see something listed on my menu, just ask me about it because I may be able to make it! Most of the recipes I use are from my mother that were passed down to her. The others I find online or in cookbooks that I tweak to make my own. My top sellers are cheesecake cups and cupcakes. Aside from making treats, I am also able to put together really nice candy tables. What inspired you to do so? I went back home to Detroit for the summer and got a job at a call center Troy, MI. I hated the job so much! I decided to quit. After I thought about it, I felt kind of stupid because I didn’t have anything to fall back on so I sat in my grandparents’ house bored everyday until I talked to my mom one day who lives in Arizona, along with my dad and siblings. She told me that if I stayed the rest of the summer in Arizona, she would buy my plane ticket, so I went because why not? I didn’t really care to get a job for the month that I was in Arizona but I knew I needed some type of income. I thought about baking. Growing up, my mother was always in the kitchen whether it was to cook food or make desserts. I was all for helping her bake because I loved

sweets. I also thought about the fact that it would be easy to make a profit from baking because ingredients do not cost much and people would be paying for my time and labor on top of the actual treat(s). So, I went for it. I started thinking of a name, gathering recipes, looking up the costs for all of the equipment & ingredients I needed and finally, pricing everything. I was so excited because who wouldn’t want to make money while doing something they love? Who helped you start this up? My family and friends all helped me tremendously. If it were not for them, there would be no Treat Bar! Since I was initially in Arizona when I started the Treat Bar, I was able to use all of my mother’s equipment so her and my father just gave me money to go buy ingredients. When I got back home to Detroit though, I was back at square one. I had to start all the way over. My family and friends were very happy to see me trying to start a business and supported me more than I could ever ask for in whether it was monetarily or promoting the Treat Bar. Since starting The Treat Bar, how has you business changed? I have changed my name and logo, and I am much more organized. I also have a separate phone where I keep all of my orders, social media accounts, Cash App, etc. Before I got a separate phone, it was very hard to keep my personal life and business life separate. I record all of my orders in a notebook so I can keep track of what people order, when they want their order, and whether or not they paid. I want to continue tweaking my menu so that it caters to what my customers want more, finding more innovative ways to

help things run smoother and I also want to continue to improve on organization. What events have you contributed to with your treats? So far, I have contributed to two Brown Girl Expos, Phenomenal Twist, The Coleman Christmas Party, as well as a gender reveal back in Detroit, and two birthday parties for my little sister and aunt. The expos were on campus along with Phenomenal Twist and the Coleman Christmas party which I put on for the Deltas [CMU’s Theta Theta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc,] and Ques, [CMU’s Omicron Beta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.]. Plans for the future? The Treat Bar was started as a hustle; I didn’t take any of the proper business startup steps. In the future I plan on getting all of the licences I need to call Sugared Up Treat Bar a legit business, and eventually open up a store front!


Growing Passion Into Business:

Leave your worries outside when you walk into Painted Turtle. Michelle tries to create an environment where customers feel at home and are in a place where they can relax and unplug from their daily lives.

The Painted Turtle Pottery Studio


wner Michelle Klingensmith is a one-woman show when it comes to running her own business. Michelle turned her passion into a business where she can utilize her gift of reaching out to the community through art and creativity. Over the years, Painted Turtle has become a place where the community can come and express their own unique creativity and style in a judgement-free environment. Painted Turtle has been a part of the Mount Pleasant community since fall of 2012. Michelle, who is a mother of three, got the inspiration to open her store after finding creative therapy as a positive outlet for her daughter. What has been truly fulfilling for Michelle and has kept her going is being able to see customers unplug and enjoy themselves with their families and friends. Painted Turtle offers a variety of options for customers to dig in and let their creativity run free. This includes: paint your own pottery, wooden signs, canvases, and Painted Turtle also offers paint and pour canvas parties for friends and families to enjoy together.

Follow us on Facebook @PaintedTurtle, and Instagram @paintedturtle.mtp for a 10% discount on your purchase within 30 days of liking our social media accounts! Location: 209 West Broadway Street, Downtown Mount Pleasant Telephone: 989-317-8008




Written, Styled & Photographed by Taylor Tremblay Models: Alexis Jones & Jenna Sturdevant



egetarianism, veganism, and animal rights activism has been a recent movement across the country. This movement has changed the way some eat, dress themselves, and even the way


they do their daily makeup routine. With this wave comes cruelty-free and vegan beauty products. Shampoos, mascaras, makeup brushes, and anything else you use in your day-to-day routine is now available harm-free to animals. There is a difference between vegan and cruelty-free products. Cruelty-free means the product was not tested on animals, while vegan means the product does not contain any ingredients that is derived from an animal. A product can be one or both; here is how to tell:

1. Organizations: Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC), and British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV)

1. | Courtesy photo: Seventh Generation

2. Logo: Caring Consumer Organization: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)


3. Logo: CCF Rabbit logo Organization: Choose Cruelty Free

4. | Courtesy Photo: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals | Courtesy photo: Choose Cruelty Free

4. Logo: Certified Vegan Logo Organization: Vegan Awareness Foundation | Courtesy photo: Vegan Awareness Foundation





The first three logos are specifically for cruelty-free items. According to Cruelty-Free Kitty’s website, these are the most trusted certifications to ensure the product you are purchasing is legitimately cruelty-free. The last logo is a seal of veganism, meaning that the product is vegan. Unfortunately, many brands are faking the change of becoming cruelty-free and/or vegan. Some labels will read “100% Vegan” or “Cruelty-Free” or carry a fake logo implying they are cruelty-free or vegan, when in fact, they’re not. This is not yet illegal in the U.S. To make sure the product you plan on purchasing is harmless to animals, check to see if there is one of these logos or look for these ingredients: squalene, guanine, lanolin, stearic acid, collagen/elastin, tallow, placenta, estradiol, gelatin, and cholesterol. These are all ingredients derived from animals, ranging from pregnant horse urine to muscle tissue. Recently, some areas have even passed laws against animal testing. In the summer of 2018, Canada passed the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act (Bill S-214), making testing beauty products on animals illegal. In September 2018, The Huffington Post also wrote a story on California’s Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act. This act will prohibit selling beauty products that were tested on animals, which will take effect in 2020.

If you are considering joining this movement, there are options right here in Mount Pleasant. Target, Walmart, Meijer, TJ Maxx, and Kohl’s are all affordable stores that sell cruelty-free and vegan beauty products. Some of the animal friendly brands that are sold are:

To find out more cruelty-free Animal Friendly Brands (you can find locally): BareMinerals (Shiseido) theBalm* Ecotools e.l.f. Flower* Hard Candy* Kat Von D Milani* NYX (L’Oreal) Pacifica Physicians Formula Too Faced* (Estee Lauder) Wet N Wild* YesTo * = not all products in brand are both cruelty-free and vegan, check the company’s website to find out which are or aren’t Brand in parenthesis means the brand is owned by a company that is not completely cruelty-free or vegan.

or vegan products, Ethical Elephant’s website provides a list that is often updated. This new wave of animal rights activism has the consumer thinking more on the ethical side of what goes into their products. When you are buying cosmetics, it is supporting that company and all it represents. The small things each individual does for a cause, such as buying cruelty-free and/or vegan cosmetics, makes a difference in the larger picture. Changing your vanity could save many innocent animal lives.


Specializing in Cupcakes, Cheesecake Cups, Candy Tables and More!

To Place an Order, Contact TyJai!

Phone : 248 - 974 -3012 Email : @sugareduptb (Pick-up & Delivery Available)

All forms of payment accepted




Lexington Ridge 3700 E Deerfield Rd

Living the Dream




Fall Lookbook Photographed by Emily Crombez Model: Chantel Frank Styled By Brynna Gani and Emily Crombez




ed is on the runway, so stand out among the dull fall jackets by sporting a bold red statement coat with a fun geometric print. If you want to play up your warm basics, go for a “power neutral� by pairing black with a lighter neutral-toned sweater for a classic, cleancut, minimalistic look.



No Going Back Photo Story “No Going Back” Photographed by Nick Sullivan Model: Haley Ayotte Styled by Brynna Gani







Photo Story “Primary” Photographed by Haley Ayotte Models: Aaron Turner, Kathryn Montgomery, Katherine Tyson, Maya Braithwaite Styled by Haley Ayotte


Not So Pure

Photo Story “Not So Pure” Photographed by Kate Montgomery Model: Haley Ayotte Styled by Kate Montgomery






Photo Story “Staple” Photographed by Rickey Portis Models: Torey Ware, Emily Crombez, Corrine Bass, Tiffany Nguyen




Golden Hour




Photo Story “Golden Hour” Photographed by Megan Doyle Styled by Brynna Gani Model: Jenna Sturdevant




Photo Story “Equus” Photographed by Mackenna Kelly, and Daniel Square Model: Ajane Craig Styled by Brynna Gani






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