Raw Pet Digest October/November 2017

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RAWPETDIGEST Feed raw ... without goingbroke We'll showyouhow! Jumpi ng on th e f asti ng w agon:

Newwaysto thinkabout this healthypractice

Compl ete and bal anced? Thevitaminsandminerals your dogneeds...and wheretofindthem Superi or suppl ements:

the4best choices for your pet October/November 2017

Raw Pet Digest Editor-in-chief: Kristin Clark

Subscribe at www.rawpet digest .com For advert ising inf ormat ion, cont act krist in@rawpet digest .com All emails and letters become the property of Raw Pet Digest and may be reprinted in future issues.

Our mission at Raw Pet Digest is to share information that supports natural health with a broad audience to help improve the lives of our carnivore pets. We believe that only the body is capable of achieving and maintaining true health, but we also believe that there are many things that we can do to help support the body in its quest to maintain balance (health). Raw Pet Digest aims to help educate and inform you about those things so that you can help your pet live a long life and thrive naturally.

DISCLAIMER: All information contained in Raw Pet Digest is intended for educational purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or pets, and the author(s), publisher, and contributors accept no responsibility for such use. Anyone or their pets suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with their physician or veterinarian. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Additionally, all views expressed herein by those being interviewed or featured are their own views and do not necessarily represent the views of Raw Pet Digest. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the author(s) and Editor-in-Chief. The articles herein are for educational purposes only. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of the reader.

On our cover: Wil l ys, an AKC Champion Great Dane. Phot o credit : Cryst al Hannah

Copyright Vvvita

FEATURES 5 How to Make Your Dog's Meals Complete and Balanced 25 How to Fast Your Dog By Being Mindful 40 The Best Supplements for Raw Pet Food 47 Is Freeze-Dried Raw a Good Choice for My Pet?

COLUMNS 4 Letter from the Editor 12 Raw Pets Thrive! Puzzle 14 The Beginner's Corner: 5 Ways to Feed Raw Without Going Broke 31 Spotlight on Health: Vital Essentials

Great Danes in front of a beautiful sunset. Photo credit Deb McMurdie

Letter fromtheEditor Happy Fall, everyone! I have an exciting announcement about Raw Pet Digest! Raw Pet Digest is moving t o a new host ing pl at f orm As you know, our goal here at Raw Pet Digest is to be the premier magazine for empowering you to help your best (furry) friend stay healthy, vibrant, and thriving. And that means making sure your experience with the magazine is the best it can possibly be. To further that goal, we will be migrating to Joomag, our new hosting platform. Why is Raw Pet Digest moving? -




We?ll be able to include fun new features, such as video, audio, music, and more! This will let us make the magazine even richer and more interesting for you? and we?re super excited about that. This move will help ensure you always receive notifications of new issues, seamlessly and efficiently. You will also have the option to order printed versions of each issue if you prefer to read the magazine in print instead of online. With this transition, you will soon be able to access Raw Pet Digest through our upcoming app, even if you?re not connected to the internet. And, this app will be available for free as part of your subscription.

Kristin with Cleo, Motley, Elle, and Barkley. Photo credit: Adam Gilbert

What does t his move mean f or you? After the transition is completed, the old links will no longer work to access Raw Pet Digest. Once the move is completed, you?ll get an email with the new links, as well as info on how to access the issues in the new site. We?ve made every effort to make this move as smooth as possible. However, we also know that sometimes things happen. So, if you run into any difficulties or have any questions, we will be here to help. You can email me directly at kristin@rawpetdigest.com, and we?ll get it fixed. I?m so excited about all the great things this move will bring! As always, if there?s anything I can do to make your experience with Raw Pet Digest even better, please feel free to reach out to me. As always, enjoy the issue, and thank you for being part of the Raw Pet Digest family!

Kr ist in Clar k Edit or -in-Chief


A woman at home with her pet dog. Copyright Sepy67

After a long day at work, you finally get home. Walking through the door, you see deep brown eyes looking up at you. A tail wags frantically, happily. A doggy mouth smiles a greeting at you. You feel the stresses of the day lift. Bending down, you caress her velvety-soft ears, give her a quick kiss on her nose. She whines, just a little, and lifts her foot in that adorable way she has. You smile, and putting your stuff down, you move towards the refrigerator, where her food is ready and waiting. You pull out her dinner: tonight whole prey rabbit is on the menu, and she thumps her tail in recognition and excitement. Putting the rabbit in her food dish, you take the bowl outside. She?s

spinning around, dashing forward and then back to you, eyes twinkling all the while. She?s overjoyed? you?re home, her food is here, and all is well with the world again! You put the bowl down, and with one last little bounce, she sets herself to the business of eating. Settling down to watch her eat, you wonder whether she?s getting all the vitamins and minerals she needs. You know what?s important is balance over time, but you have to ask yourself: is her nutritional intake complete and balanced? Does she get everything she needs? You feed her a variety of proteins, but sometimes you read things that say homemade diets are lacking in vital nutrients. Your dog is your baby, your best friend, your world, and you want

Adver t isement s


her to have everything she needs. She?s sleek, soft, beautiful? no outward sign that anything is wrong, but still, you wonder.

diet consists of pasture-raised, hormoneand antibiotic-free meat), chances are pretty good you?re giving your dog all the vitamins and minerals her body requires.

Wonder no more, my friend. While it?s true that we don?t actually know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, how much of every single trace nutrient our beloved dogs need, we do have a good understanding of what vitamins and minerals they should be getting and what those nutrients do. And as you?ll see, if you?re feeding a balanced raw diet rich in variety (especially if that

On the next few pages, we'll show you what vitamins and minerals your dog needs, along with what whole foods you can find them in. I hope, after you review them, you'll feel more confident in making sure your best buddy is getting a complete, balanced nutrient profile, and that you're giving her everything she needs to thrive.

The whole gang. Photo credit: Deb McMurdie

-By Kristin Clark




Siamese cat playing with a puzzle. Copyright Agata Kowalczyk

If you?re like me, the idea of testing your knowledge and solving fun puzzles and challenges can certainly pique your interest. To make it more fun, if you complete the puzzle correctly, you may get your name printed in the next issue, and you?ll also receive a prize. To participate, simply print out the page, fill in your answers legibly, then scan and email it to kristin@rawpetdigest.com. To enter, you must submit the puzzle by October 15, 2017. Make sure to use the subject line ?October/ November puzzle entry?. Include your name and, if you?d like, your pet?s name(s) in your email. Good luck, and have fun! 12



5waystofeedrawwithout goingbroke Here at Raw Pet Digest, we aim to bring you information that will help you support your dog or cat in living the best life possible. We know that each of our readers is in a different stage on the journey of exploring and implementing a more natural approach to health care for their pets. In light of this, we have a regular feature we call the Beginner?s Corner. This series includes a wide variety of topics ranging from feeding to fasting, from basic first-aid care to natural healing modalities. If you are a long-time reader of Raw Pet Digest, or if you've been involved in natural health care for your pet for a long time, you may already be familiar with the information we present in the Beginner?s Corner. We hope that, by including it in its own series, we will help those who are new to these concepts understand them in more depth, while at the same time making it easy for those who are already knowledgeable about these topics to quickly decide if they want to review them.

Onyx, a German Shepherd. Photo credit: Erin O'Connor

Maybe you?ve watched Pet Fooled. Maybe you?ve seen Rodney Habib or Dr. Karen Becker talking about the importance of fresh food. Maybe you?ve been reading Raw Pet Digest and thinking to yourself that it?s really time to start feeding raw. But something stops you. Something that, if we?re honest, most of us have struggled with at some point in our raw feeding journey. And that something, my friends, is the cost of feeding raw. While the number of raw feeders is (thankfully) on the rise, there are still lots of people? the majority of pet parents, actually? that don?t yet feed raw. And often, it?s because they just aren?t sure if they can afford it. And I get it. I really do. Raw feeding can be an expensive way to go. But, here?s the good news: there are ways to feed raw without going broke. And in this article, we're going to explore some of them. Before we dive in, a caveat: most of the methods I?m going to share may take some work, at least initially. Nothing crazy? I promise!? but you?ll have to do a bit of digging. The good news is once you have some affordable sources lined up, you won?t have to do any more work than you would if you were using more expensive sources. So, grab a cup of coffee (or maybe a glass of wine!), turn on some music, and let?s figure out how to make raw affordable for you.


Af for dable Raw Way #1: Co-ops One of the most recommended (but unfortunately, not always practical) ways to feed raw affordably is by finding a local raw feeding co-op. Because co-ops can buy large quantities of food at one time, they can get volume discounts. This results in significant savings for you.

Pros: -



Co-ops are crazy affordable. Case in point: my local co-op offers beef for around $3/ pound, lamb for about $3.25/ pound (sometimes less!), and chicken for about $0.80/ pound. Like I said: crazy affordable. They offer variety. For example, my local co-op offers beef, chicken, duck, pork, turkey, fish, lamb, rabbit, Cornish game hen, and more. They also offer various organs, along with supplements. Because they?re local, you don?t have to pay for shipping (which is one of the things that can make raw food so expensive).

Cons: -


Co-ops don?t exist everywhere. If you don?t have one close to you, you won?t be able to take advantage. And finding them can be tough. I recommend Googling ?raw feeding co-ops in <your city, state>? and seeing what comes up. Often, they have limited ordering timeframes and pickup days each month (remember, they rely on being


able to place large orders to get volume discounts, so they need everyone to order at the same time to take advantage of this). If you run low on food, or if you?re not available on the pickup days, it can be hard to order and/ or pick up when it?s convenient. Depending on the co-op?s supplier, the meat may not be pasture-raised/ hormone-free/ antibiotic-free.

Bot t om l ine: If you have a co-op within driving distance, it?s worth checking them out. You may save a ton of money while still getting the variety and quality your pet deserves.


Co-ops ar e one of t he most af for dable ways t o feed r aw. If you have one w it hin dr iving dist ance, it 's wor t h check ing t hem out .

Ph ot o cr edit : Deb M cM u r die

Af for dable Raw Way #2: Hunt er s If you know a hunter, you might be able to get wild-caught game. If you don?t know a hunter, don?t let that stop you: I?ve known people who?ve had a lot of success putting up Craigslist ads before hunting season asking for frozen meat. More people than you might realize have to clear out their freezers to make room for whatever their latest catch is, and let?s be honest? our pets don?t mind freezer-burned meat. If you aren?t comfortable placing a Craigslist ad, you still might be able to connect with a hunter by contacting a local hunting club (one club to check is the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association, at http:/ / www.navhda.us/ chapterinfo.aspx).

Dog ch asin g du ck s. Copyr igh t Pr en t iss40

Pros: -



Wild-caught game is the best option to feed your pet, because it?s the closest thing possible to what they were designed to eat. Wild-caught game is free of any weird antibiotics, hormones, or other toxins, and it grew up in ideal natural conditions. You can vary what you feed based on what?s open for hunting at the time, which will increase variety and ensure your pet is getting a good assortment of red meat, white meat, and different nutrient profiles. It can be a great way to feed whole prey: if you?re comfortable with it, leave the fur or feathers on and let your dog eat those too. It?s how wild canids and felids get their fiber in the wild, and it?s great for your pet too.



It can be a great way to get meat scraps for free (or very cheap): ask the hunters to give you whatever they don?t want for themselves. This often includes various organs and scrap meat. This is especially true for large animals like elk or deer (both of which are amazingly nutritious for our dogs in particular). If you find a hunting club, you may be able to get birds for free. Often hunting clubs throw the birds away after they?ve shot them; you may be able to take them for food for your pet. Added benefit: the bird?s life doesn?t go to waste.

Af f ordabl e Raw Way # 3: Meat Processors Companies that process whole animals usually have to pay to get rid of the unwanted parts, like meat scraps, bones, fat, and organs. While it may seem kind of gross to some people, for a savvy raw feeder, it can be a great way to get meat for cheap.

Pros: -


Cons: -



You may have to do some digging to find a hunter/ hunting club. It can take some time, but I think it?s worth it in the long run. If it hasn?t already been done, you?ll need to remove the shot or bullet from the animal before you feed it. Because you don?t always know how much meat you?ll get from a hunter, or when, you may have to use this to supplement your other meat suppliers. Unless you or someone you know hunts consistently, chances are hunting won?t be the primary way you get meat for your pet.

Bot t om l ine: Hunters and wild-caught game are a great option if you can find them. Not only is the meat affordable, but it?s often some of the healthiest and best food you can give your pet.


Often you can pick up the meat and other parts they don?t want for free (or a nominal fee) As you develop a relationship with the company, they may be willing to separate out certain items for you for a small fee. Because these companies generally process more than one kind of animal, you might be able to get a lot of variety from them.

Cons: -



You?ll have to do a Google search to find companies that process meat locally to you, then call them to see if they?re willing to let you take the unwanted meat. They usually store their meat scraps, etc. in barrels or large bins. You?ll have to go down there and dig out what you want, which can be a time investment (and can be messy as well). You'll need to check with them to make sure their meat is antibioticand hormone-free. 19

Adver t isement


Bot t om l ine: Meat processors may take some work, but they?re a great way to find affordable meat if you?re willing to put in a little effort.

Af for dable Raw Way #4: Far mer s I had no idea there were so many farmers and ranchers within driving distance of me (I live in the suburbs of Southern California), but thankfully, there are. Chances are there may be some by you too! And if so, they may become one of your greatest resources in your quest to feed raw economically.


market: if people are selling eggs, ask them what they do with the old hens. If people are selling goat?s milk, ask them what they do with stillborn babies or culled goats. And so on. You'll have to do a bit of sleuthing to make sure they don?t give their animals antibiotics or hormones.

Bot t om l ine: While it may take some work, farmers are? in my opinion? one of the best places to find raw meat at reasonable prices. And what?s even better is that often when you meet one

Pros: -


Many small local farmers raise meat for their own table, and they don?t pump that meat full of antibiotics and hormones. They're often willing to let you take stillborns, animals that were injured, and unwanted parts from animals they butchered for free. After all, it saves them having to pay to have the animal or the parts hauled away. And, because they know their stock so intimately, they can tell you how the animal died, so you can decide if you?re comfortable taking it or not.

Cons: -

Like all the other options listed here, you?ll have to do some legwork to find farmers. A good place to start is your local farmer?s

Farmer feeding a baby cow. Copyright Gustavo Andrade


farmer, they may introduce you to other farmers. The network can grow organically and quickly? which means inexpensive (or maybe even free!) quality raw food for your four-legged friend.

Af for dable Raw Way #5: Et hnic gr ocer y st or es I've heard from lots of raw feeders that they turn to ethnic grocery stores to find affordable meat. We buy sardines for our dogs at our local Asian market, and there are tons of other meats there that are inexpensive as well.

Pros: -


Ethnic grocery stores often carry a wide variety of meat (both various types and various cuts). They're generally much cheaper than larger, more mainstream grocery stores.

Cons: -

antibiotics. You also need to make sure the meat isn?t enhanced (high in sodium), marinated, or otherwise processed. Bot t om l ine: Ethnic grocery stores can be one of the most affordable ways to feed raw. Just make sure to do your homework to make sure the meat is suitable for your dog or cat.

You have to pay attention to the meat you buy and make sure it doesn?t contain hormones or

You can feed your dog or cat raw affordably. It just takes a bit of digging. But once you get there, you can ditch the kibble forever without breaking the bank. 23

Bonus! Af for dable Raw Way #6: Local but cher s Yep, it?s true: I?ve got a bonus idea for you! Speaking from personal experience, you may find that some butchers are more than happy to work with you in getting inexpensive meat for your pet. I?ve had some really positive experiences, and while it can take some legwork to find someone who?s willing to work with you, it?s worth it. My best advice when trying to find a local butcher you can work with? Appreciate the ones who help you, and let the other ones roll off your back.

Pros: -


Often you can get meat at a substantial discount from your local butcher if it?s close to expiration, was a custom order that didn?t get picked up, or was a mistake in the meat cutting. Often you can talk with them and get on a ?list? (or just have them keep you in mind) to be notified when they have excess, close-to-expired, or mistakes


that you can get at a reduced price. They often have ground and whole options, and they may have everything from beef to chicken to turkey and more.

Cons: -


You?ve probably guessed it by now: it can take some research and digging to find local butchers willing to offer you meat at a discount. You?ll need to check and make sure the meat is hormone- and antibiotic-free.

Conclusion If you take a bit of time to implement some (or all!) of these suggestions, you?ll find that feeding raw is financially doable. Take your time, do some research, and then sit back and enjoy the ride. After all, you?re feeding your pet in a way that helps them live their optimal lives, and you?re doing it affordably. And my guess is that?ll definitely keep you, your four-legged friend, and your bank account thriving. -By Kristin Clark



Nik k i Wh it e ou t f or a h ik e w it h h er beau t if u l r aw -f ed dogs. Ph ot o cr edit Nik k i Wh it e

Fasting is one of those tricky subjects. For us humans, it evokes memories of social rights activists not eating out of protest, organized religion, or feelings of plain old ?hangry?. We attach a lot of meaning to food. For some, it?s comfort after a tough day, for others it?s a sign of love. And we unknowingly, but lovingly, impart those meanings on to our dogs.

" M i ndf ul Feedi ng i s a w ay to detach our h uman meani ngs to f ood and mi mi c th ei r body's natural ev ol uti onary tendenci es." One common ?reason? I hear from lots of pet parents about why they couldn't fast their dog is, ?My dog could never do that.? Or the humans display some form of guilt around food, about feeling bad not feeding their dogs at their regularly scheduled feeding time (guilty of the guilt right here!). For our dogs, fasting doesn?t come with all that baggage. Dogs have adapted and evolved to intermittently fast, meaning when our sweater-wearing fuzz butts were once wolves in the wild, they naturally fasted. They would make a big kill, gorge on the entire prey, and then they did not eat again for several days. It was self-imposed intermittent fasting, not self-starving! That?s why I believe true purposeful fasting is healthy and actually needed for longevity. What I like to call ?Mindful Feeding? is the determined choice of

when and how to feed your dog. So why all the fasting fuss?

Time for a Lit t le Int r ospect ion When dogs were wild, they self-regulated. But since dogs are now under our care, they are at the mercy of the choices we make. Mindful Feeding is a way for us to detach our human meanings to food and to mimic their body?s natural evolutionary tendencies, by choosing to feed them occasionally. For this we need to do a little digging. We need to dig up and digest (pun intended) what meanings we attach to food and take a good look at them. If you show love by feeding treats and gourmet meals, that?s okay. But you want to ask yourself, ?Is my personal food story getting in the way of my dog?s wellbeing?? or ?Is there another way I can show my love, that can provide me the space to choose to mindfully feed him or her??. I would offer that you look at your reasons and honestly ask yourself if that is your story about food, or is it your dog?s truth? Here are a couple of questions to think about to help open up the awareness gates into mindfulness as it relates to feeding your dog:

- W hat meanings do I attach to food? - W hat feelings do I surround food with?(guilt, fear, love, being needed) - Does that meaning cross over into the way I feed my dog?i.e. do I impart my attachments on to them? - Are those attachments turning into a story I am living out, and if so, if I stop telling that story, am I afraid of who I will be if that doesn?t exist?

I know how it is. I am an Italian woman and no stranger to ?food-for-love?. I know a lot of Italian women who would be massively disoriented if they could not feed their people or animals. The biggest reason for this is that they would be completely leaving their culture, A.K.A. their identity, behind. The important part here is to know that this is all completely okay. None of these realizations are bad. A main point of being mindful is to not judge what comes up for you. It is just a tool to recognize your truth and become aware of it. You don?t even need to stop being those truths, but the fact that you are aware of them can make a world of difference for making conscious choices instead of living on autopilot.

Once you are in a place where you know your truth surrounding food, you can much more easily withhold food from your dog in order to give his or her body a break from the constant barrage of guilt/ love/ reward treats in their digestive system. Not only will fasting give them a break, but it will align all their systems back into a state of natural flow in their bodies and increase their longevity. It will lovingly give their body rest. It will relieve their arthritis and type II diabetes. Not only that, but calorie reduction reduces inflammation, which in turn reduces cancer prevalence. All good things. And the great news is, there is more than one way to mindfully feed your dog. And I really think you?ll feel more comfortable fasting by starting with the less extreme

forms and moving on as you continue the Mindful Feeding journey.

3. Feed On ly Bet w een 8AM -4PM : by

5 Easy Ways You Can Mindf ully

dog for 16 hours (and everyone is none the wiser!)

Feed Your Dog 1. Redu ce

doing this, you inadvertently fast your

4. Feed Ever y Ot h er Day: This one can

Over all

Calor ies:


be hard for a lot of us, but hopefully

means to feed your dog regularly,

by reading the introspection section

but feed them less at each mealtime.

above, you can eventually play in this

Science says less food=more life. Go

dog park.

with that. 2. Feed


5. Feed Respon sively: This means to be Car bs:



aware of how your day is going. If it is

everyone, you are killing it on this

a lazy Sunday on the sofa, use those

one! So this tip is for all your

days as fasting days. It?s easier to

non-raw feeder friends, who need a

grasp fasting if you are confident your

stepping stone.

dog is not starving. And if they are sleeping all day, they are not starving.

Conversely, if it is a hiking or beach day, those are your meal days.

Fasting is not starving, and most of the fasting issues lie with us. It is not the meanings we place on it, rather it is a powerful way to mimic how our dogs would have eaten in the wild. And knowing that you are reading a whole prey magazine right now means you are 99% there already! A simple mind reframe using the tricks above can help us overcome our fasting issues via Mindful Feeding. Overall, mindfulness can be a scary word? but it doesn?t have to be once you know its meaning. Just become aware of your fears surrounding fasting, and you are much

better positioned to overcome them for the betterment of your dog?s health. Healthy people are healthy dogs. -By Nikki White Nikki White is the founder of the blog www.pupsandpeople.com and the Mindful Pet Parent movement. Her passion is to empower other Pup Parents to become mindful in the mind, body, and spirit aspects of life, to help you learn to make conscious decisions in your pup's best interest. Sign up on her site to stay tuned for her new free eCourse "What to Do When Your Dog Gets Cancer " this fall. You can also follow her in her





@pups_and_people & @lifewithlaker

Barkley, an English Shepherd, is regularly fasted, and he thrives on it.



SPOTLIGHTONHEALTH:VITALESSENTIALS Editor?s note: This issue, we're highlighting Vital Essentials in our regular Spotlight on Health series. They produce what I consider to be some of the best commercial raw around. If you feed a commercial raw diet, check them out. You can find them online at www.vitalessentialsraw.com. They offer frozen raw, freeze-dried raw, and treats for both dogs and cats. I think you'll find the interview helpful in learning more about this great company and why you might want to add them to your rotation. Full disclaimer: I don't receive any monetary compensation for publishing this

Bengal cats. Photo credit Jamie and Allen Reitz

interview; I bring it to you because I think they're a high-quality company that is truly helping our pets thrive. Enjoy the interview!

How did t he company get st ar t ed? What made




pr ovide


commer cial r aw diet for dogs and cat s? The diet philosophy of Vital EssentialsÂŽ and Vital Cat? RAW frozen and freeze-dried food is based on the ALPHA Prey-Model, which can be traced back nearly 50 years when first introduced in 1968 by a butcher from Amarillo, Texas: Gerry Nash. Although there were a number

Onyx. Photo credit Erin O'Connor


of products developed by the founder of this diet, none were successful until the Vital Essentials® brand was launched in 2009. This innovation was led by Lanny Viegut, current owner of Carnivore Meat Company, the producer of Vital Essentials® and Vital Cat? brands. Lanny joined Nash in 2008 to help develop and cultivate RAW frozen and freeze-dried foods for dogs and cats. When the Vital Essentials® line was introduced and hailed as one of the most innovative products of its time, Lanny, who has a Bachelor?s Degree in Food Science and Technology, saw the potential of the RAW pet food category and purchased the assets of the company with his wife Cheryl in 2012, establishing Carnivore Meat Company.

for Dogs in 2014, the rollout of Vital Cat? branded freeze-dried treats in 2014, an addition of Vital Cat? freeze-dried and frozen entrees for cats, and the launch of its award-winning VE RAW BAR in 2016.

I love your concept of t he Alpha diet . Can you descr ibe it in det ail and shar e why you decided t o for mulat e your food t o follow t hat model? At Vital Essentials, we recognize that dogs and cats are natural carnivores; the essential nutrients they thrive on come from other animals. All Vital Essentials® and Vital Cat? foods are developed based on the natural diet of the ALPHA wherein the strongest male and female always eat first, consuming the most nutritious meat,

Quickly following the acquisition, the company acquired its USDA Certification and is one of very few inspected and certified pet food facilities in the United States today. Other certifications include the GFSI-FSSC 22000 (ISO) Certification acquired in 2015 and the EU Certification received in 2016, making the company the ONLY pet food manufacturer to hold three quality certifications in the industry. New product launches also moved at a tremendous pace with the introduction of Vital Essentials® RAW frozen chubs for dogs and freeze-dried Vital Treats Kara. Photo credit Angela Turnpaugh


organs, and bone. Vital EssentialsÂŽ diets are scientifically formulated with the help of world renowned Animal Nutritionist, Dr. Richard Patton. Vital EssentialsÂŽ and Vital Cat? are high in protein and natural nutrients, providing a balanced ratio of protein, fat, bones, organs, and natural vitamins for optimum health. We do not rely on synthetic vitamins or minerals as supplements to meet the complete and balanced diet requirements; we do not include carbohydrates, fruits, or vegetables as fillers.

Why do you t hink t hat t her e is a common myt h t hat dogs ar e omnivor es and should be fed f r uit s, veget ables, and gr ains? Dogs and cats have become family members. It?s natural for us to humanize them, which extends to what we feed them. Many pet parents have the mindset if grains, fruits, and vegetables are good for us, then they must be good for our pets, which is simply not the case. Our goal is to mimic the ALPHA?s diet as thoroughly as possible and their diet does not include fruits, vegetables, or plant matter. Although well documented, it is less known that canines have an affinity

Cat r u n n in g t h r ou gh a f ield. Copyr igh t Nat alia Bach kova

toward the tripe (stomach) of their prey (typically herbivores), and at the same time, have no interest in the stomach contents. Before consuming the tripe, canines will puncture and violently shake the stomach to remove unwanted contents. This instinct is visible in our domesticated pets when they playfully shake a toy with their mouth.

Lot s of people in t he r aw food movement and t he indust r y it self have not ed t he FDA is cr ack ing dow n har der on commer cial r aw food k ibble

manufact ur er s t han and


on food

companies. Do you t hink t her e is t r ut h t o t his, and if so, why? What

pathogens. We?ve chosen to implement safety and sanitation standards in our facility that go above and beyond what is common in the industry. The company owns the facility we manufacture our products in, so we are hands-on and control everything. We are a USDA certified and inspected pet food facility and as such have daily voluntary on-site USDA inspection. We have a HACCP USDA approved food safety program, we are GFSI Certified ?FSSC 22000, and we are EU certified. We are the only pet food company in the world to obtain all three of these certifications! We also employ a source verification program, have lot traceability, and are an FDA-registered and inspected facility.


We believe this is in keeping with our mission to provide the highest quality and nutritionally complete Alpha Prey Model diet as well as our snacks and treats to pet parents.

AAFCO, while at t he same t ime

What is t he biggest r eason t hat you

r emaining

t hink

st eps do you t ake t o ensur e t hat your foods sat isf y t he FDA and ot her

or ganizat ions, t r ue



pr oviding


par ent s choose Vit al

qualit y nut r it ion for pet s?

Essent ials

Yes, it?s fair to say raw food manufacturers are scrutinized at a higher level than other pet food manufacturers. There is a false assumption that kibble and canned foods are inherently safer because they?ve undergone high heat processing that?s intended to destroy

manufact ur er s?


ot her



Quality. Variety. Innovation. Vital Essentials? replicates a carnivore?s natural diet without adding any synthetic vitamins, minerals, artificial preservatives, coloring or rendered by-products or ?junk-food ingredients? (corn, potatoes, rice). All our products

Adver t isement


are gluten free, grain free, and guilt free and sourced, made, and packaged in the USA.

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hor mone-f r ee? Our raw materials are sourced, harvested, and manufactured in the USA. We only use sustainable sources of raw materials from approved USDA harvest facilities. Our beef is pasture-fed, our poultry is free-run and our fish is wild-caught. There are no added hormones or antibiotics in the raw materials used to create our foods or treats.

We explain our ALPHA Prey-Model philosophy for feeding dogs and cats. We educate them and encourage them to try the foods and treats; nothing reinforces their decision to switch to Vital EssentialsÂŽ or Vital Cat? like watching a pet get excited to eat every meal and seeing them thrive. Any digestive issues their pet may be experiencing go away, skin and coat problems disappear in weeks, and they lose that extra weight and are trim and have more energy than before. We have found that, as pet parents become more experienced with feeding raw and after seeing the benefits, the inclusion of raw in the diet increases over time. We hear from a lot of pet parents that their dog is like a puppy again, playful and more engaged in the world around them. It makes you smile

What is t he t op quest ion you get f r om people who ar e int er est ed in sw it ching t heir pet s over t o your food? What is your r esponse t o t hat quest ion? It?s hard to pinpoint the top question, but one that?s right up there is ?I want to feed raw, but I don?t have the resources to feed it 100% . Can I use raw to supplement the food that I?m currently feeding?? The answer is absolutely yes! In fact, we encourage pet parents to transition into raw at their own pace, dependent on their financial resources, lifestyle, and experience with raw foods. English Mastiff. Copyright Adogslifephoto


to hear that kind of testimonial from people. For those pet parents who are interested, but not certain their pet will like our products, all Vital EssentialsÂŽ and Vital Cat? foods come with a 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee for a risk-free trial experience. If for any reason a pet has a hard time switching or simply doesn?t like a certain food, pet parents can return the product for a full refund.

carnivorous pets. Dogs and cats are carnivores, and they cannot get appropriate nutrition from a plant-based diet. Their bodies aren?t going to utilize plant-based proteins and amino acids. And, since most supplements are synthetic or plant-based, providing pets with these substitutes does very little. Cats are obligate carnivores; they require meat to survive. A vegan/ vegetarian diet is not species-appropriate and could lead to extreme malnourishment for both dogs and cats.

I r ecent ly r ead an ar t icle f r om vet

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chemicals found in soil t hat f ind t heir way int o gr asses and ot her plant s consumed by her bivor es. These her bivor es consume t he chemicals and pass t hem on t o t he car nivor es t hat eat t hem. The vet went on t o say t hat because of t his, we should feed our



cat s


vegan/veget ar ian diet . What is your r esponse t o t his? We classify dogs and cats as carnivores. We consider an article, such as the one you referred to, as extreme and borderline malpractice to suggest a vegan diet to A wolf with a piece of meat. Copyright Kewuwu 37

I've had many dif fer ent people

ever have cust omer s ask for br eed-specif ic

t ell me t heir vet s said t heir

pr oduct s? What do you say?

specif ic br eed of dog couldn't

Sorry, we have not heard this comment, nor have we seen literature supporting it. It?s been our experience that most individual animals have digestive issues as a result of being fed a biologically inappropriate diet. Traditional dog food brands have long made the inappropriate claims that dogs require a breed-specific diet, misleading pet parents for years.

digest meat and pr ot eins as well as ot her br eeds, and so t hey should focus on feeding f r uit s and veget ables. I also r ecent ly saw


commer cial

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well-k now n pr ocessed pet food company

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br eed-specif ic nut r it ion. Do you

Photo credit Deb McMurdie


What ar e your most popular foods? Beef is our top selling protein for dogs; however, we also offer chicken and turkey, along with a few exotic proteins, such as duck, fish, rabbit, and wild boar. Vital Cat? Entrees were released last year and are picking up steam. Right now chicken is the most popular protein for cats, but the line also offers turkey, duck, and rabbit.

Many people ask me for infor mat ion

assure a smooth transition. This way the pet parent can make adjustments or switch proteins if something isn?t working out. We offer freeze-dried entrees in beef, chicken, turkey, and duck for dogs along with chicken, turkey, duck and rabbit for cats, and our products are available in mini nibs, nibblets, mini patties, and patties. -Interview with Kevin Malnor Kevin Malnor is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Vital EssentialsÂŽ branded RAW

about convenient r aw foods t o feed

freeze-dried and frozen pet foods since 2015.

t heir pet s when t hey?r e on vacat ion

Kevin oversees brand growth strategies, trade

and can?t do homemade r aw. In






gener al, can pet s sw it ch bet ween balanced,

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species-appr opr iat e r aw diet s and your

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any gast r ic

dif f icult y? We suggest that pet parents transition to our freeze-dried entrees a few weeks before going on vacation to

Feeding your dog or cat as closely as possible to what their wild cousins eat is one of the best ways to ensure they thrive throughout their entire lives. Copyright Elenazarubina 39


FORRAWPETFOOD Sar din es ar e f u ll of om ega-3s, on e of t h e m ost im por t an t su pplem en t s t o give you r dog. Copyr igh t Sick yick y

No matter what you feed your dog, you probably wonder if there are any supplements you should be giving to help them be as healthy as possible. It?s a tough question, and probably one of the ones I hear most frequently. And it?s no wonder? there?s so much conflicting information out there? and even more than that, there?s just so much information floating around! Some people swear by this supplement, others by that supplement. Some people say you shouldn?t supplement at all, and others say every dog needs supplementation throughout their whole lives. It can be enough to make your head spin (it sure has mine!).

While it?s next to impossible to put together a universal supplement list that works for every dog in every situation, I did think it would be helpful to put together a list of some of the supplements I recommend most frequently to pet parents. Plus, I thought it would be a good idea to break down why I recommend that supplement (and when), so you can decide for yourself if it?s something you might want to give. To make things even easier, I also want to share which supplements I?ve had success with or heard positive things about. I don?t get any financial benefit from you buying the products I mention here, but I do think they?re quality products, and they're all ones I?ve given my own dogs (or would, if the need arose). Ready to demystify supplements? Let?s get started!


Pr obiot ics If you?re transitioning your pet from a processed food diet to a balanced, varied, raw diet; if your dog has been on antibiotics; or if your pet shows signs of an imbalance (for example, excessively gooey or waxy ears, skin issues, UTIs, diarrhea or vomiting, rashes, and so on), supplementing their food with probiotics is a really good idea. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that, along with other amazing benefits, promote and support overall health and the efficient functioning of the digestive system. If you feed a species-appropriate raw food diet, particularly a well-balanced prey model or whole prey diet, your pet is already getting probiotics in their meals. They?re found in liver, spleen, and other organs. Another great source of probiotics is green tripe (if it?s organic

and pasture-raised, like the tripe from www.greentripe.com? if it?s not, you run the risk that it doesn?t have many probiotics at all). I give my dogs green tripe once or twice a week (for all the benefits it contains, not just probiotics). However, even if your pet gets probiotics through their raw meals, if you transitioned them to a raw diet within the last 6 months, if you?ve given them antibiotics, or if they have an issue that would suggest an imbalance in their gut flora, you should consider supplementing the probiotics they?re getting in their food with an additional high-quality probiotic, preferably for at least 6-9 months (and, if possible, even longer? it takes a long time to build the gut flora back up!). I personally like Pet Flora Vitality Science (for smaller dogs, and they make one for cats too) and Prescript-Assist (marketed for humans, but fine for dogs, and more affordable than

Midge, a Redbone Coonhound, enjoying a whole prey meal. Photo credit Bre Altherr


Pet Flora Vitality Science when it comes to large or giant-breed dogs). But these aren?t the only options out there, so pick one that works for you. I would look for a supplement with a minimum of 10-12 strains of ?good? bacteria and 20-40 million (or more!) beneficial bacteria per serving.

Tur mer ic past e

Enzymes Enzymes are another vital supplement to give, particularly if your dog is coming off kibble or canned food. Enzymes are responsible for thousands of vital functions in the body, including detoxification, healing, digestion, and absorption of nutrients. If your pet?s body doesn?t have enough enzymes, they will die. In the wild, carnivores naturally get enzymes from the meat and bones of their prey. If your pet has been on a kibble-based diet, her enzyme levels are undoubtedly very low, because the process of cooking and processing the kibble kills all the live enzymes that were in the meat. With each raw meal your pet eats, they?ll gain vital live digestive enzymes. If you want to kick up their enzyme level (which is a good idea, if you?re transitioning from kibble), green tripe is a great option? it?s packed with digestive enzymes and tons of other nutrients.

Turmeric is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. And, since cancer and other diseases start with inflammation, it?s important that we as pet parents do everything we can to decrease and prevent inflammation. Turmeric paste (also called golden paste) is a great supplement to add to your dog or cat?s meals. To make turmeric paste, follow this easy recipe (widely available on the web, but I got this version from the great folks at Vibrant K9):

Turmeric paste recipe Ingredients: -

1/ 2 cup organic turmeric powder 1 cup water 1/ 3 cup raw (unrefined) organic cold pressed coconut oil 2 tsps. freshly ground organic black pepper Organic ginger powder (optional) Organic cinnamon powder (optional)

Bring the water and turmeric to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer 7-9 minutes (until you have a thick paste). If you need to add additional water to achieve the right consistency, do so.


When you have a thick paste, cool the paste until it?s warm. Add the freshly ground pepper and oil (and the cinnamon and ginger, if using) and stir well. Let the mixture cool. Note: very rarely, pets that are fed this paste will start to smell like a litterbox. The ginger and/or cinnamon may help this, so if your pet gets stinky, try adding them in. Otherwise, there?s really no need to add the ginger or the cinnamon to your recipe. Yield: ~2 cups Store in glass mason jars (this recipe fills four ½ -cup mason jars). You can freeze 3 of the filled mason jars and keep the 4th in the fridge. It will keep for about 2 weeks when refrigerated. Krista Powell of Vibrant K9 says that when the turmeric starts to turn, it starts to smell metallic. While this doesn?t mean it?s gone bad, it does mean it?s lost its potency. She also said that when turmeric is given in this paste form, it?s about 2,000% more viable than when it?s taken as a pill. Pretty cool, since people can consume this turmeric paste too!

Fish oil Our pets need omega-3 essential fatty acids: they support skin and coat health, joint health, help control inflammation, reduce allergies, and more. Essential fatty acids (which are fatty acids that your pet can?t produce himself) must be obtained through diet. If you?re feeding a balanced, varied species-appropriate raw diet already, adding wild-caught whole raw sardines (frozen, thawed, or semi-thawed) every week is a great way to help your pet get their omega-3s. I often recommend pet parents feed whole raw sardines instead of supplementing with fish oil. We get wild-caught frozen sardines at the local Asian market. If your pet needs some additional supplementation beyond what the sardines provide, krill oil is a great choice (Dr. Mercola Krill Oil for Pets is one option).

You can give the paste with every meal. Start out with 1/ 8 tsp. and gradually build up (to a heaping tablespoon). Giving too much too quickly can give your pet diarrhea, so take it slow. And be careful when you?re cooking it? the paste will stain!


There are less pollutants and contaminants in krill than in fish (because they?re at the bottom of the food chain). Krill oil doesn?t contain heavy metals (while fish oil has to be tested to make sure mercury levels aren?t too high), dogs tend to absorb it better than fish oil, and it has more of the omega-3 fatty acids that we?re going for. Krill oil is often more expensive than fish oil, though, so if you decide to go with fish oil (instead of the sardines or the krill oil), make sure it doesn?t contain soy or other ingredients that might harm your pet. One option you might consider is Bonnie & Clyde Wild Omega-3 fish oil.

Conclusion At the end of the day, you all know that I?m a firm believer that it?s better to feed a balanced, varied raw diet to our carnivore friends than feed a processed-food, biologically inappropriate food and load it with supplements. However, no matter what you feed, there are some supplements, like the ones listed here, that your pet might benefit from, at least for a while. -By Kristin Clark




If you?re a long-term reader of Raw Pet Digest, you?ll know that we advocate a raw diet for our dogs and cats. There are DIY options, as well as premade commercial raw options, and in past issues we?ve looked at both. I feed my dogs a combination of prey model and whole prey, but I started 2 of the 3 out on a commercial raw diet. I got my feet wet and built my confidence up before I decided to start preparing and balancing their food myself. At this point, it?s easy for me, but I?ll admit it wasn?t always like this. So, in case you?re looking for another option to help wean your pet off kibble, let?s talk about freeze-dried raw.

The spect r um of diet s I tend to think of the food options we have for our dogs and cats on a spectrum. At one end, there?s kibble. And at the other, there are wild animals our pets have caught themselves. While most pet owners feed kibble, luckily more and more are moving along the spectrum and starting to feed some form of raw. Below, you can see my version of the spectrum of ideal food for our dogs and cats. The further right you move on the spectrum, the more ideal the food is.

Many of us, myself included, feed some combination of the spectrum (as I?ve mentioned, I feed a combination of prey model and whole prey to my dogs, and I feed commercial raw and prey model to my cat). And as you can see, I think (for lots of reasons) that the commercial raw, prey model, and whole prey diets are some of the most ideal for our cats and dogs. However, freeze-dried raw is another great option to consider, particularly in certain situations.

What is f r eeze-dr ied r aw ? When a food is described as freeze-dried raw, it means that it started out raw and then had its moisture removed through a process of freezing and then drying (in low heat). Freeze-dried is different from dehydrated (which, as you can see, is less ideal of a food than freeze-dried), because dehydrating typically uses high heat to remove the food?s moisture. When a food is freeze-dried, it should be reconstituted with water (either hot or cold is fine) before feeding.


So why, if freeze-dried raw uses low heat, is it considered less ideal than fresh or frozen raw? Mostly, it?s because some of the nutrients in raw food are destroyed in the drying process, even though that process uses low heat. Even though freeze-dried raw retains more nutrients than dehydrated food, it doesn?t retain all of them, making it a less ideal option than the other types of raw.

Fr eeze-dr ied r aw benef it s Despite this, freeze-dried raw may still be worth considering, particularly for pet parents in certain situations. Situation 1: You?re hesitant to feed fresh raw If you?re currently feeding kibble or canned, want to switch to something

better, but don?t feel comfortable feeding a fresh (or frozen) raw diet, freeze-dried raw is a great choice. It?s miles better than either kibble or canned; your dog or cat will get significantly more nutrients and benefits out of their food, without as much harm being done to their bodies, if you feed freeze-dried raw rather than a processed food like kibble or canned. And, it may help you get used to the idea of feeding raw, until eventually you begin experimenting with feeding commercial raw, prey model, or even whole prey. Situation 2: You?re traveling Because freeze-dried raw doesn?t need to be kept frozen, doesn?t take up much space, and is super light (it?s lighter than both kibble and fresh raw), it?s a great

option for when you?re traveling with your pet. Generally, you can keep it at room temperature, reconstitute it with water when it?s time to feed, and you?re ready to go. So, whether you?re taking a road trip, camping, or doing some other type of travel with your four-legged friend, freeze-dried raw can be a lifesaver. And, the same benefits that make it great for traveling also make it a great option for inclusion in an emergency preparedness kit. Situation 3: You don?t have much space If you don?t have a lot of freezer room, it may be difficult to feed a raw diet effectively. Because freeze-dried takes up relatively little space (compared to both kibble and raw), it can be an awesome choice if you need to save space. In any of these situations, freeze-dried raw might be a great choice for you. It?s becoming more and more widely available, making it easier than ever to come by. And in many instances, the commercial freeze-dried raw food that is available is extremely high quality. In fact, one of my favorite freeze-dried raw brands, Vital Essentials, is covered in this issue?s Spotlight on Health. Because it has a long shelf life (until it's been reconstituted), is less messy to feed than fresh raw, and is still relatively nutritious compared to kibble, canned, and even dehydrated, freeze-dried raw is worth considering.

Ar e t her e any dow nsides t o f r eeze-dr ied r aw ? While freeze-dried raw can be a great option, there are some potential downsides to consider. It?s not as nutritious as other types of raw Like I?ve said, freeze-dried raw is more processed than other types of raw, and there are some nutrients that are delicate enough to be destroyed in the preparation process. However, it doesn?t use chemicals or high heat, which makes it a better option than kibble, canned, or dehydrated. If you?re already feeding commercial raw, prey model, and/ or whole prey, best to stick to those. However, you may want to keep some freeze-dried raw on hand for emergency situations, or for when you?re traveling with your pet. It can be expensive Depending on what type of freeze-dried raw you get, you might find it to be expensive. If you are looking to switch to raw and you?re discouraged by how expensive it seems, you might want to forego the freeze-dried option and get right into doing it yourself. Check out our article 5 ways to feed raw without going broke in this issue for tips on how to make it more affordable. 50

Some pets don?t like the taste and/ or texture Because freeze-dried raw must be reconstituted, it?s a different texture than either raw food or kibble. And, the process of removing the moisture can also affect taste. You might have to experiment a bit to find a freeze-dried raw that your pet will eat. If you?re going to go this route, be patient and persistent. Eventually, you should be able to find some that your dog or cat will eat. Some freeze-dried raw takes a long time to reconstitute Check the packaging, because while some brands of freeze-dried can be reconstituted in just a few minutes, others can take longer. If you?re in a bit

of a hurry, you can break the food into smaller chunks to help speed up the rehydrating time. Just make sure to plan ahead and know how much time you need, so you aren?t caught off-guard when dinnertime rolls around!

Conclusion Freeze-dried raw can be a great choice for your furry family member. While maybe not as ideal as other types of raw, it has a lot of benefits, and it?s way better than kibble or canned. If you?re looking for something that?s convenient, or easy to take when you travel, or even less messy than raw, freeze-dried may just be your answer. -By Kristin Clark 51

Raw Pet Digest Rhodesian Ridgeback. Copyright Nancy Dressel

Oct ober/ November 2017

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