Raw Pet Digest April/May 2018

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Empowering you to help your pet thrive!

Get anexpert'sadvice about rawfeeding (Surprise! It'sprobably not what youthink)

Got tooth problems?No problem!We showyouwhat todo Helpyour pet fight inflammationwithone important supplement

I t's al l ergy season... Is your pet r eady? What to do about ear infections Finding a safer antibiotic for your pet

Raw Pet Digest Editor-in-chief: Kristin Clark

Subscribe at www.rawpet digest .com For advert ising inf ormat ion, cont act krist in@rawpet digest .com All emails and letters become the property of Raw Pet Digest and may be reprinted in future issues.

Our mission at Raw Pet Digest is to share information that supports natural health with a broad audience to help improve the lives of our carnivore pets. We believe that only the body is capable of achieving and maintaining true health, but we also believe that there are many things that we can do to help support the body in its quest to maintain balance (health). Raw Pet Digest aims to help educate and inform you about those things so that you can help your pet live a long life and thrive naturally.

DISCLAIMER: All information contained in Raw Pet Digest is intended for educational purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or pets, and the author(s), publisher, and contributors accept no responsibility for such use. Anyone or their pets suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with their physician or veterinarian. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Additionally, all views expressed herein by those being interviewed or featured are their own views and do not necessarily represent the views of Raw Pet Digest. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the author(s) and Editor-in-Chief. The articles herein are for educational purposes only. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of the reader.

On our cover: A puppy and kit t en t oget her in a f iel d. Copyright Phot odet i On t h e back : M ot ley, a Por t u gu ese Poden go Pequ en o. Ph ot o cr edit Kr ist in Clar k

FEATURES 6 How to Beat Springtime Allergies

COLUMNS 4 Letter from the Editor

11 Simple Switches, Big Results 12 Nature's Antibiotic: Colloidal Silver's Benefits and Uses 16 A Simple Guide to Essential Oils 21 The Perfect Healthy Treat

5 Contributors 19 Sound Bites 22 Raw Pets Thrive! Puzzle 25 The Beginner's Corner

30 The Power of Flower Essences 34 Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Ear Infections

49 Spotlight on Health 66 The Raw-Pawthecary

38 How to Keep Your Pet's Teeth Healthy

68 Raw Pets Thrive! Puzzle

41 The Hidden Dangers of Antibiotics

Answer Key

58 Rabies Miasm: The Reality, and the "Cure"

Letter fromtheEditor This issue marks Raw Pet Digest?s 3rd anniversary. Looking back, I can?t believe it?s already been that long since I first put together our inaugural issue. I, and the magazine, have come a long way since then, but my core passion, and the very reason for the magazine? empowering pet parents to keep their dogs and cats thriving? remains the same. We still focus on all things raw, and we still follow the core belief that getting and keeping pets healthy is a journey, and everybody moves along that journey in different ways and at different rates. This issue, we honor the journey that all pet parents take with a new column, ?Sound Bites.?This column will bring you raw feeding advice from experts throughout the industry, with one useful twist? we ask them to bring you just one piece of advice about raw feeding that they were given, or they wish they?d been given, to make raw feeding easier. The sheer amount of information about raw feeding that?s available can be overwhelming, so what better way to break it down and make it easier than getting one simple tip from someone who?s been there already? This issue, your Sound Bites expert is Krista Powell, who owns Vibrant K9. I loved her advice, and I think when you read it, you?ll love it too.

Kristin with Cleo, Motley, Elle, and Barkley. Photo credit Adam Gilbert

In this issue, we also focus on two of the most common reasons pet parents take their pets to the vet: ear infections and periodontal/ tooth problems. If you have a pet that experiences these issues, we tell you how to break the cycle and get them thriving again. And if your dog or cat doesn?t have these issues currently, there?s a good chance they won?t develop these issues at all if you follow the guidelines in the articles. And, because springtime is finally here (and with spring, for many pets, comes allergies), we share one expert?s tips on how to overcome those springtime allergies using natural modalities. These easy-to-follow guidelines will help you and your pet enjoy these beautiful spring days, instead of experiencing the misery that can come with the incessant itching, licking, and paw biting that are the hallmarks of springtime allergy symptoms. We don?t stop there, of course? this issue is packed with tons of great tips to help you keep your pet vital, vibrant, and thriving. We hope you enjoy reading the issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Happy Springtime, and enjoy the issue! Kristin Kristin Clark Editor-in-Chief 4

CONTRIBUTORS Kait Leonard is a writer and behavior analyst living and working in Los Angeles, California. A professional homeopath, Kait shares great tips about dealing with springtime allergies in her article beginning on page 6. In addition to writing about homeopathy, Kait also writes about psychology, holistic wellness for both people and animals, animal rights, and veganism. She has more than thirty years of experience raising pets and providing them with the healthiest and most natural care possible. Kait Leonard is a certified behaviorist who works helping people shape their own behaviors as well as the behaviors of their pets. She holds national certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, a Master?s degree in psychology, and a Ph.D. in English. In January 2018, she launched BoomBoomNow.com, a lifestyle blog for baby boomers.

Kait Leonard. Photo credit Milton Clark

Paula Vandervoort, a Veteran Dog Breeder of show, service, and performance Boxers for over 40 years, is an AKC Breeder of Merit, a mentor to numerous breeders, and a member in good standing of the Houston Boxer Club, the American Boxer Club, the Natural Rearing Breeders Association, the Vital Animals Breeder Director, and the Natural Rearing Breeders Director. Paula is also the founder and owner of The Dog Breeder Store/Holistic Healing Store. She blogs and educates breeders and pet owners about essential oils, green living, and epigenetics, as well as carnivore nutrition. Additionally, Paula holds many certifications related to natural healing modalities. Paula is the subject of this issue's "Spotlight on Health" (beginning on page 49), and she also shares her experience with rabies miasm with us starting on page 58. You can find her at www.gentryboxers.com/. 5


Spring is in the air, and so is pollen! It?s seasonal allergy time for our furry friends. You know the symptoms: -

Incessant scratching Red, sometimes bleeding skin Goopy ears

Nothing seems to help. But there is hope. Starting natural treatments early might save your pet from the vet?s office and the potentially toxic options waiting there. Unlike humans, who tend to experience dry eyes, runny noses, and sneezing, our animal companions take the assault primarily on their skin. The main symptom in allergyprone dogs and cats is itchiness. The constant scratching can lead to fur loss, minor

abrasions, and even tissue damage so extreme that infections develop. Ear infections are also common (Editor?s note: For more information about dealing with ear infections, please see the article ?Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Ear Infections?on page34 of thisissue). ?Put simply, allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to something it recognizes as harmful,? explains Dr. McGee Leonard, a veterinary specialist with a degree in immunology. ?We treat seasonal allergies with antihistamines, antibiotics, and corticosteroids,? she adds. And sometimes, animal lovers committed to providing natural care sometimes accept these options because they feel the symptoms have become too serious to try alternative therapies, which can take time to work. Getting a jump on allergies gives pet parents the best chance of success, both of keeping their pets allergy-free and avoiding the potentially toxic side-effects of conventional treatments. Build your anti-allergy arsenal early, and begin treatment at the first sign of itchiness. St art on t he out side The following three tips will help your pet fight allergies by not allowing the villainous particles time to irritate the skin. 1. Shampoo your pet once or twice a week with a natural hypoallergenic shampoo. This keeps fur and skin free of the

particles that set off the allergic response. Be sure to use a hypoallergenic, soap-free, gentle shampoo to prevent drying effects. 2. Clean ears regularly, especially if you have a drop-eared dog. Ear canals are perfect receptacles for all the nasties flying around. In addition, irrigate the canal after water activities. Extra moisture trapped in ears makes them even better breeding grounds for bacteria, yeast, and mites. Several natural DIY recipes can be found online, but a safe choice is one part apple cider vinegar mixed with two parts lukewarm water. Clean ears with a solution-soaked cotton ball and dry well. 3. If your pet?s eyes are goopy, use a homeopathic eye rinse to clear out pollutants. Safe products can be found online, in health food stores, and even in well-stocked drug stores.

Herbal t reat ment s If symptoms progress, these herbal options should help. 1. The gel from the leaves of the aloe plant contains enzymes that are soothing. Apply liberally and often to the affected areas. 2. A solution made from a tincture of calendula diluted with five to ten parts distilled water and applied directly to the itchy bits can stop inflammation, heal skin, and prevent hot spots from starting. Tincture of calendula can be found online and in most health food stores. 3. Both nettle and licorice have been used to address the symptoms of seasonal allergies in cats and dogs. They are available in tea and tincture forms. The dosage can vary widely depending on which form you choose, as well as on the weight of your pet. Do your homework, or better still, consult a holistic veterinarian or certified animal naturopath before administering. Homeopat hic remedies Homeopathic remedies provide safe, effective treatment for allergy symptoms. Choose a 30C potency and place one or two pellets between your fur-pal?s cheek and gums every two to three hours. If you don't see improvement within approximately 24 hours, try your second-choice remedy. Here are the top remedies to consider. 1. Sulphur: If your buddy always wants to be the center of attention, consider Sulphur. Also, go straight to this remedy if your pet gets worse from bathing. The more these animals scratch, the more they need to scratch. Symptoms tend

Photo credit Deb McMurdie


Adver t isement s


to get worse at night and when the pet is in a warm bed. 2. Apis Mellifica: Unlike a Sulphur-type, Apis pets tend to do better with bathing, so try an anti-allergy bath, and if it helps, consider this remedy. Apis itching usually has a wet rash that gets worse with heat. These individuals are often better in open air and with cold applications. They tend not to be thirsty, so keep an eye on the water bowl. 3. Urtica Urens: This remedy is good for pets with oozy pustules that get worse with warmth. Think of Urtica if Apis doesn?t work. Also consider it if it seems like your pet has fleas when you know he doesn?t. Urtica-types feel like they have bugs crawling on them, and you might notice your dog or cat nibbling after invisible beasties. If baths make itching worse, and Sulphur doesn?t work, try this remedy next. 4. Psorinum: This is your go-to remedy for allergy symptoms that occur mostly around joints and in folds of skin. Affected areas will

Th e beau t if u l r aw -f ed Siber ian sh ow cat , Zu ko. Ph ot o cr edit Jan a Lem bke

be raw and may bleed from the continuous scratching. These furry friends might seem depressed, so don?t worry too much if your usually happy pal isn?t himself. The mood will improve as the remedy does its job. These animals may seek warmth. 5. Graphites: Like Psorinum, this remedy prefers folds of skin, but your pet will seek open air. The rash will likely be dry and crack. If eruptions are present, they will form a crust quickly. 6. Natrum Muriaticum: The rash associated with Natrum will usually be clear and watery, but the fur and skin will be greasy and look dirty. There may be large red blotches. These animals benefit from staying cool and having cool baths. Your dog or cat may seem a bit aloof and will be thirsty. 7. Arsenicum Album: The itching of Arsenicum is intense. This remedy is often indicated when topical treatments have made the visible signs of rash disappear, but the itching continues. These fur-friends will usually scratch until they bleed and will be restless and agitated. Spring is in the air, but don?t let that scare you! Stock up on healthy treatments so you?re ready to fight when pollen attacks. W ith some preparation, seasonal allergies shouldn?t have to stop you from taking your pup to the park or throwing open the (screened) windows for your kitty. -By Kait Leonard

SIMPLESWITCHES,BIGRESULTS Let's face it: we're all busy. So it's a pretty safe bet that we all want to know what simple, easy, inexpensive things we can do to keep our pets as healthy and happy as possible.

Well, we completely understand that! So from time to time, we'll bring you videos (here and on our Facebook page) about simple things you can do that will have a big impact. Check out these two videos for the first round of tips!



Antibiotics and other conventional medical treatments for the injuries and illnesses that our dogs and cats encounter are frequently more detrimental to their health than the injuries and illnesses themselves. But when your dog or cat is injured or not feeling well, it can be difficult to find an alternative. Oftentimes, we resort to conventional medications because we feel we should do ?something.? But, when we employ conventional methods, sometimes we do more damage to our pet than if we had done nothing at all. Because the conventional approach is often harmful to the pet?s immune system, we make it even harder for their bodies to fight off infection and maintain a strong and healthy immune system. But you can find safe and effective modalities to help your pet. One great option? Colloidal silver.

stay together in the digestive system. Chelation improves absorption.

W hat is colloidal silver?

Because of the way silver is structured on a chemical basis, it doesn?t build up as a heavy metal in the body, nor is it toxic. Colloidal silver is frequently called a ?natural antibiotic,? but unlike a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which wipes out all the bacteria, colloidal silver inhibits enzyme production in pathogens (the so-called bad bacteria) instead of killing everything. Part of the problem with traditional antibiotics is they disrupt the balance of beneficial and non-beneficial bacteria in the digestive system; because the non-beneficial bacteria tend to come back much more quickly, this can have a strong and ongoing impact on the health of the immune system (for more about antibiotics, please see the article 'The Hidden Dangers of Antibiotics' starting on page 41). Colloidal silver, however, works with the body to support the immune system.

Colloidal silver is made when silver particles are suspended in clean, demineralized water and then combined with the water via an electric current. A colloid is a substance in which one substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended throughout another substance, hence the name ?colloidal silver.? The silver particles, which are very fine, remain suspended in the water. Some colloidal silvers are ?chelated,?which means they?re firmly attached, often to an amino acid (or some other organic component), so they

W hile it can still reduce beneficial flora somewhat if taken long-term, colloidal silver is often a much safer alternative than a broad-spectrum, conventional antibiotic. And, another benefit to colloidal silver (especially compared to traditional antibiotics) is that microbes don?t build up a resistance to colloidal silver as they do with pharmaceutical antibiotics, because of silver?s ability to work in a multi-faceted manner (through catalytic oxidation, reaction with cell membranes, and binding with the DNA of the disease organism to prevent them from replicating). Because the silver has

multiple ways to attack pathogens, they can?t develop a resistance to it. Many people describe colloidal silver as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-microbial, but I don't think of it as ?anti? anything. Instead, it's a natural way to support the immune system in a variety of ways. How t o use colloidal silver One of the best things about colloidal silver, in my opinion, is that it doesn?t sting. That means it can be applied directly to wounds without the pain or stinging that many topical wound sprays, and even things like hydrogen peroxide, cause. For example, one of our dogs, Motley, ripped one of his back claws completely off. I was able to spray

colloidal silver directly on the wound several times per day to keep it free of infection. Once the nub of his nail grew back and there was no longer an open wound that could get infected, I stopped applying colloidal silver. I could also have applied it topically with a cotton swab if I had preferred. And, if he had a skin infection or a burn, or even a larger wound, I could have sprayed it directly on the affected area or applied it with a compress. Because it isn't painful, and because it helps support the body in repairing tissue damage, colloidal silver is very valuable in treating skin issues and wounds topically. Colloidal silver is good for more than just treating skin issues, though. As you might guess from something that's known as a natural antibiotic, it?s great at assisting the body in dealing with infections and diseases,


whether the issue is bacterial, fungal (think yeast infections), or viral. And, rather than spraying bleach or using harsh chemicals, you can use colloidal silver as a preventative when your pet is exposed to potentially sick animals. Remember, pathogens don?t build up a resistance to it, which also makes it very useful as a regular household disinfectant. Another great way to use colloidal silver is as a support for pets that are experiencing eye problems. Because colloidal silver doesn?t sting, you can actually spray it directly into your pet?s eyes if they are experiencing infections, allergies, inflammation, or even tear staining. For instance, my dog Barkley recently had some irritation in his left eye. He was holding his nictating membrane, or third eyelid, over his eye as though it had been scratched or had some irritant in it. W hile it wasn?t bad, and I

couldn?t find anything in his eye, it didn?t go away after an hour or two, so I sprayed a bit of colloidal silver in his eye to help support his body in case he had a little eye infection. It didn't cause him any distress, and after a day or so his eye issue cleared up. W hile chances are good it would have been fine without the colloidal silver, I wanted to give his body an extra bit of support while it dealt with whatever was going on. There is also evidence to support the use of colloidal silver in addressing things like colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, and other respiratory issues. You and/ or your pet can inhale it as a mist; breathing it in this way could help support your lungs or your pet?s lungs if there is a respiratory problem. Finally, you can also administer colloidal silvery orally. Often, it is a good idea to support your pet?s body and immune system by administering colloidal silver both orally and topically. Read the guidelines and do your research to determine the correct amount to administer orally. Because colloidal silver essentially tastes like water, it is very easy to get pets to take it. As you can see, colloidal silver has a plethora of uses, and it's incredibly easy to use. Do your research when buying colloidal silver to ensure it?s a reputable brand. Overall, it?s a great item to have in your natural alternative treatment kit. -By Kristin Clark

ASIMPLEGUIDETOESSENTIALOILS According to Dr. Peter Minke, plants use essential oils to help maintain homeostasis in the face of various threats to their survival, such as predation and temperature variations. Essential oils are part of a plant?s adaptive response to its environment. Therefore, on a physiological and cellular level, essential oils provide antioxidants to the plants and protect their DNA and membranes from damage. And, they work the same way for our pets. Essentially, their tissue reacts the same way to essential oils as plant tissue does, because of the shared chemistry of all carbon-based lifeforms.

This means that, just like with plants, they benefit from the properties of essential oils?for example, these oils have been found over and over to contain antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, and immune-stimulating properties. They have also been shown to aid in oxygenating tissue, elevating mood, and balancing brain chemistry. But, it goes beyond that. Essential oils can actually help increase their frequencies, which increases health and vitality.


Everything?from our pets to us to the earth itself?resonates at a particular frequency. The frequency can of course change, but everything is in vibration and therefore resonance. Cells, tissues, and organs possess certain frequencies that are unique to them. This electrical frequency is measured in MHz, and researchers have found that an organism?s health can be determined by the frequency of the body. In general, a healthy body resonates between 62-72 MHz. If the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised, and illnesses can gain a foothold. For example,

if the frequency drops to 58 MHz, cold and flu symptoms can appear. At 55 MHz, candida will begin to overgrow. At 52 MHz, autoimmune disorders begin to appear. At 42 MHz, cancers develop. And, when the death process begins, the body has been found to be at 20 MHz. To boost frequency and promote health, we can turn first to providing the proper diet. But sometimes so much damage has been done to our pets (through poor diet, poor breeding, toxins, and more) that it takes more than just fixing the diet to raise the frequency; in those instances, essential oils can play a huge part in

helping to boost the frequency. Some researchers have found essential oils go as high as 320 MHz (rose oil); using essential oils can increase the body?s frequency and therefore help to balance and strengthen the immune system so that disease doesn't appear. Think of essential oils as tuning forks; just like tuning forks, they create a resonance or vibration of healing, although they do it inside the body. Let?s say, for example, that your dog is exhibiting signs that their pancreas is unhealthy. There are certain oils that vibrate at the same frequency as the pancreas, and so they will help that organ?s frequency to rise and therefore help that organ to heal itself. However, if an oil is used that does not have the same frequency as the pancreas, that oil will still

transfer its frequency and therefore healing energy to the body and raise the frequency. You really can?t go wrong with essential oils, although there may be certain oils that are better for certain situations than others. Essential oils also help to raise the emotional and mental frequency of the body. For example, lavender oil can help to relive stress and anxiety. This is true of many oils, and it is easy to see this for yourself: sniff some lavender oil, or smell a bright citrus oil or the amazing scent of Frankincense, and you will immediately feel your spirits lift. The same holds true for our animals: diffusing oils or letting them breathe them can do wonders to relieve anxiety (keep in mind that certain oils should not be used on or around cats). This is not to say, of course, that essential oils heal the body by themselves?they don?t. But, used in conjunction with other natural modalities; a balanced, varied, speciesappropriate raw diet; the elimination of toxins; and more, they can be a powerful way to help support the body as it works to restore itself to optimal balance and wellness. -By Kristin Clark


SOUNDBITES Welcome to our new column, Sound Bites. This column will feature simple advice from experts in the industry about raw feeding. There are so many conflicting pieces of information about raw feeding out there, and sometimes it can seem so, well, complicated. Sound Bites will help cut through some of that confusion by offering a short piece of advice from a raw feeding expert that either helped them when they first started raw feeding, or that they wish they had known when they first started. We?ll share that advice here with you, to help make your journey simpler. We?d love to hear from you too! Send us your favorite piece of advice about raw feeding: it may be published in a future issue. Email us at kristin@rawpetdigest.com. This issue?s Sound Bite comes from Krista Powell, owner of the raw dog food company Vibrant K9 (www.vibrantk9.com). Krista started Vibrant K9 in 2014. Vibrant K9 was recently named to Truth About Pet Food?s 2018 best raw foods list and Keep The Tail W agging?s top 2018 food picks (it?s seriously great food for your dog!). Krista is especially passionate about helping dogs who have cancer and other chronic diseases, and she is continually researching how to better help dogs live longer, healthier, happier lives. Krista first turned to raw feeding as a result of her own dog getting cancer. Determined

Murphy, one of Krista Powell's English Mastiffs. Photo credit Krista Powell

to help her other dogs live the best lives possible, she began doing research, and like so many other people, she got overwhelmed. Her advice speaks to that very topic: how to get started in the face of overwhelming, conflicting, confusing information. Here's what Krista has to say: ?I almost gave up in the beginning because there were so many opinions. So my advice is: Pick an approach to feeding and start with that. You can do your research later. Honestly, everybody was

contradicting each other. Finally, my husband said to me ?Just pick something, and we?ll figure it out later.? And I did? I picked an 80/ 10/ 10. I really did have to just pick something? otherwise, it was too overwhelming. Once you?ve started, then start researching and modifying. People get so overwhelmed with opinions and adding in all this stuff? oysters, beets, and a million other things? and it?s too overwhelming. You can even keep it really simple and start with a premade, and then learn how to do it on your own.

I always tell my customers, ?Go back to nature. W hat do coyotes and wolves eat?? We have coyotes where I live, and we don?t have naturally occurring vegetation. So how much vegetation do they really need? W hen one of my dogs caught a rabbit recently, I saw about a teaspoon of fermented grass in its stomach. That?s it. And that?s all the coyotes are getting, and they?re still thriving. So keep it simple, and go back to nature. Remember, you don?t need 73 different proteins in a single meal! Pick something simple to get started, stick with it, and modify as needed later.?

The gorgeous Murphy, Oliver (Bassett Hound), and Jeff (English Mastiff). Photo credit Krista Powell 20

THEPERFECTHEALTHYTREAT Looking for an inexpensive, healthy, but still-tasty treat for your dog? Check out the video below for one of our top picks for the perfect treat!


Siamese cat playing with a puzzle. Copyright Agata Kowalczyk

If you?re like me, the idea of testing your knowledge and solving fun puzzles and challenges can certainly pique your interest. We hope you enjoy the W ord Search on the following page. The words are printed forwards, backwards, diagonally, up, and down. Each of the words relates to something in this issue. To make it more fun, if you complete the puzzle correctly, you may get your name printed in a future puzzle. To participate, simply print out the page, fill in your answers legibly, then scan and email it to kristin@rawpetdigest.com. To enter, you must submit the puzzle by May 15, 2018. Make sure to use the subject line ?April/ May 2018 puzzle entry?. Include your name and, if you?d like, your pet?s name(s) in your email. Good luck, and have fun!


Word list Allergies





Coconut oil



Essential oils

Flower essences




Peggy Clark






Turmeric 23

Adver t isement s


Ph ot o cr edit Can dice Elk in s

Here at Raw Pet Digest, we aim to bring you information that will help you support your dog or cat in living the best life possible. We know that each of our readers is in a different stage on the journey of exploring and implementing a more natural approach to health care for their pets. In light of this, we have a regular column we call the Beginner?s Corner. This series includes a wide variety of topics ranging from feeding to fasting, from basic first-aid care to introductions to natural healing modalities. If you are a long-time reader of Raw Pet Digest, or if you have been involved in natural health care for your pet for a long time, you may already be familiar with the information wepresent in the Beginner?s Corner. We hope that, by including it in itsown series, we will help those who are new to these concepts understand them in more depth, while at the same time making it easy for those who are already knowledgeable about these topics to quickly decide if they want toreview them.

Tur mer ic paste Turmeric is well-known for its antiinflammatory properties. And, since cancer and other diseases start with inflammation, it?s important that we as pet parents do everything we can to decrease and prevent inflammation. Turmeric paste (also called golden paste) is a great supplement to add to your dog or cat?s meals. To make turmeric paste, follow this easy recipe (widely available on the web, but I got this version from the great folks at Vibrant K9).

Turmericpasterecipe(Yield ~2 cups) Ingredients: -

1/ 2 cup organic turmeric powder 1 cup water 1/ 3 cup raw (unrefined) organic cold pressed coconut oil 2 tsps. freshly ground organic black pepper Organic ginger powder (optional) Organic cinnamon powder (optional)

Bring the water and turmeric to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer 7-9 minutes (until you have a thick paste). If you need to add additional water to achieve the right consistency, do so. W hen you have a thick paste, cool the paste until it?s warm. Add the freshly ground pepper and oil (and the cinnamon and ginger, if using) and stir well. Let the mixture cool. Note: very rarely, pets that are fed this paste will start to smell like a litterbox. The ginger and/ or cinnamon may help this, soif your pet getsstinky, try adding them in. Otherwise, there?s really no need to add the ginger or the cinnamon to your recipe.

Turmeric is well-known for its anti- inflammatory properties. And, since cancer and other diseases start with inflammation, it?s important that we as pet parents do everything we can to decrease and prevent inflammation.

Jar s of t u r m er ic past e. Ph ot o cr edit Kr ist a Pow ell

Store in glass mason jars (this recipe fills four ½-cup mason jars). You can freeze 3 of the filled mason jars and keep the 4th in the fridge. It will keep for about 2 weeks when refrigerated. Vibrant K9's Krista Powell says that when the turmeric starts to turn, it starts to smell metallic. W hile this doesn?t mean it?s gone bad, it does mean it?s lost its potency. She also said that when turmeric is given in this paste form, it?s about 2,000% more viable than when it?s taken as a pill. Pretty cool, since people can consume this turmeric paste too!

You can give the paste with every meal. Start out with 1/ 8 tsp and gradually build up (to a heaping tablespoon). Giving too much too quickly can give your pet diarrhea, so take it slow. And be careful when you?re cooking it? the paste will stain!


Adver t isement




Ph ot o cr edit Nik k i Wh it e

There are so many amazing natural healing modalities out there. Essential oils, animal chiropractic, herbs, homeopathy, massage, and TTouch are some of the most well-known ones. But they aren?t the only ones, by a long shot. One amazing natural modality that I myself have used to great effect with my own dogs is flower essences.

According to this theory, when you restore the energy system, you restore true health.


If you?re interested in trying flower essences for your pet, bear in mind that animals generally take the same dosage as humans, and they can take the same flower essence remedies. One example of a flower essence that many people may find useful for their pets is Mimulus, which addresses the Flower essences, unlike essential oils, are fear of known things, such as thunderstorms or created from within the flower petals fireworks. Another great one is Vine, which themselves. The theory is that each plant remedies dominance, bullying, and territoriality. has a certain purpose for being on the earth, Generally, 4 drops of each flower essence or and the essence of that purpose is distilled in formula are given by mouth up to 4 times daily. the plant?s petals and blossoms. The flower You can also put the essence(s) in water or on a essences contain that purpose, so once you clean spoon and let the animal lick it off. Giving understand the purpose, you can use the extra drops neither harms nor helps? actually, it essences to help you or your pet work has no real effect. One great analogy is to think of through issues related to that plant?s purpose. Essentially, when you give your pet a flower essence, you are reintroducing a pattern into their system that you want to change back to a normal healthy pattern, or you are introducing a new pattern to their system. Flower essences are generally administered orally, although they can be given topically. They can safely and effectively help the body repair its electrical system and restore its original patterns. Practitioners who work with flower essences believe that when a disease process presents, the best place to begin to address it is in the electrical system itself, since all of the body?s functions come from and are affected by whatever happens on an energetic level. They believe all disease processes originate in the energy body and then become manifest through the physical, mental, emotional, and/ or spiritual systems.

Nama, an American Pit Bull Terrier, enjoying the flowers. Photo credit Nikki White

a power cord. Adding length to the cord itself neither increases or decreases the amount of power the cord conveys. It?s the same with flower essences: adding more drops is like adding length to the power cord. It won?t decrease the power, but it won?t increase it either. To determine which flower essences I wanted to use for my own dogs, I took what I knew about their character types, moods, problems/ challenges, behavior, their relationships with each other (and their relationships with us), and several other factors, and found remedies that would support them in restoring balance and overcoming destructive patterns. (Note: While it is not always clear-cut which remediesto use, if you?re interested in learning more about flower essences, you may find the book Bach Flower Remedies for Animals by

Helen Graham and Gregory Vlamis very helpful). For example, when we first brought Motley home, he and Barkley had some difficulty adjusting to each other, because Motley was very domineering, bossy, and insecure, and Barkley was also sometimes a dominant, reactive, but also insecure dog. They were impatient with each other, and sometimes they got into disagreements that could become fights. I put together a set of remedies for Barkley and a set of remedies for Motley, which I?ll share in a moment. I also knew that Elle sometimes exhibited nervousness or fear of certain objects, so I found a great remedy for her: Mimulus. For the boys, I used the following flower remedies: Barkley: -

Beech (helps with lack of tolerance; assists with tolerance and flexibility) Cerato (helps with lack of confidence and approval seeking) Holly (helps with suspiciousness and revenge; assists with tolerance) Mimulus (helps restore courage) Rock water (helps overcome rigidity, tightness, and repression) Vine (helps restore positive leadership qualities and overcome dominance)

Mot ley: -

Beech Chicory (helps overcome possessiveness, clinginess, and attention seeking)



Heather (helps with noisy attention seeking) Holly Impatiens (helps in restoring patience and calm in an impatient, irritable animal) Rock water Vine

The results were quite impressive: Elle was bolder, and the boys were noticeably better with each other. I used the flower essences in conjunction with other modalities, but I strongly believe they had a positive effect because I added them after using the other modalities for a while, and I saw a big difference. The bottom line is flower essences can be exceptionally powerful at supporting an animal who is out of balance in some way. They can be used by themselves or in conjunction with other natural healing modalities, and the fact that they are safe means you can use them without worrying about harmful side effects. If you have a pet that needs some additional support, you might consider using giving them a try. Ot her flower essences you might find helpful (t his is not an exhaust ive list ): -


Agrimony: Helps overcome concealed distress and assists with inner peace Aspen: Helps to restore courage in the face of unknown things





Cherry Plum: Restores control to animals who exhibit uncontrollable behavior and compulsiveness Chestnut Bud: Helps overcome inability to learn from experience Elm: Helps to overcome inadequacy and restore competence Gorse: Helps restore endurance and overcome hopelessness Heather: Assists with loneliness by helping to restore composure Honeysuckle: Helps animals adjust to their present circumstances if they are homesick Hornbeam: Helps with restoring vitality when animals exhibit weakness Oak: Helps normally strong animals that are demonstrating a lack of resilience Olive: Helps with mental and physical exhaustion by restoring strength Red Chestnut: Helps balance overprotective animals Vervain: Helps overenthusiastic, impulsive animals gain restraint W alnut: Helps animals who have difficulty adapting to new circumstances -By Kristin Clark



Ear infections (the medical term for them is otitisexterna) were the number 2 reason pet parents took their dogs to the vet last year. If your dog has an ear infection, or gets them regularly, it?s a sign that something is out of balance. And, just like skin allergies, when conventional approaches are used to ?treat? ear infections, they tend to come back over and over again. For example, many conventional vets recommend antibiotics for them. But antibiotics, which are broad-spectrum (meaning they kill everything, not just ?bad? bacteria) can cause an imbalance in ?good? vs. ?bad? bacteria that can lead to more ear infections in the future.

Ear infections can be caused by bacterial imbalances, yeast, allergies, or hormone imbalances. In all of these cases, they?re a sign something is out of balance; once it?s brought back into balance (in other words, once you address the root cause), the ear infections will stop. If you?re noticing chronic ear infections, there are a few things you can do to help break the cycle:

1. Address the diet . Switch your dog to a species-appropriate raw diet. This can be a good commercial raw diet, a prey model or

If you?re wondering if your dog has an ear infection, there are some symptoms to watch for: -


Tilting or shaking the head Brown or reddish discharge inside the ear Ear odor Redness or swelling in the ear Scabs or crusty areas in the ear

Note: If you notice your dog exhibiting symptoms like unusual eye movements, walking in circles, or having trouble with balance, take them to a holisticveterinarian right away to be checked for a more serious infection.


?frankenprey? diet, a whole prey diet, or any combination thereof.

2. Eliminate toxins. This includes antibiotics (remember, they destroy ?good? bacteria and cause imbalances that can lead to more ear infections), steroids (which suppress the immune system), and over-the-counter parasite treatments (they?re poisons). If your dog has an ear infection, there are some non-toxic things you can do to give him relief quickly, while you change his diet and lifestyle to stop the chronic ear infections. These include: 1. Apple cider vinegar. One caveat to this one: if your dog?s ears are inflamed, don?t use apple cider vinegar (it will be too painful for them). However, if they aren?t red and inflamed, the apple cider vinegar won?t hurt them, so mix apple cider vinegar with equal parts distilled water. Soak a cotton ball in the solution, then use it to gently clean your dog?s ear. Don?t

push the cotton ball deeply into the ear canal, or use a Q-tip in the canal. At best, you?ll push dirt and bacteria deeper into the ear. At worst, you?ll rupture your dog?s eardrum. 2. Calendula. Calendula is an amazing herb that can be used for lots of things, including ear problems. You can get a pre-made infusion, soak a cotton ball with it, and gently apply it to your dog?s ear flap. 3. Coconut oil. Ah, coconut oil. Antibacterial, anti-fungal, and all-around amazing. W ith this one, try simmering a couple tablespoons in a saucepan (on low heat). You can add in one or two fresh garlic cloves (they?re also anti-bacterial). Once the oil is liquid, let it cool enough so it won?t burn your dog?s ears but not so much it?s no longer liquid, then dip a cotton ball in the mixture and gently apply to your dog?s ear. 4. Essential oils. Dilute your chosen oil with equal part olive oil or fractionated coconut oil. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and gently apply it to your dog?s ear flap. Some good oils to try are Myrrh, Thyme, W intergreen, Helichrysum, Mountain Savory, Basil, ImmuPower, Melrose, Purification, Thieves, and Exodus II. Note I only use Young Living oils for my dogs, myself, and my family. It?s best to apply any of the above ideas 2 or 3 times per day for about a week. If you don?t see any improvement, see a holistic veterinarian or a certified animal naturopath. -By Kristin Clark

Adver t isement

Raw Feeding Made Simple! New to raw feeding? Have a dog with chronic health issues, and you don't know how to handle it? Then these books are for you! Both Let Food Be Their Medicine and Raw and Thriving are easy-to-read, informative books that cover all things raw. W ith a focus on DIY raw, Let Food Be Their Medicine is a great choice for anyone who wants an easy primer on how to make homemade raw meals for their dog. Raw and Thriving discusses DIY diets, but it also talks about commercial raw diets, provides some sample recipes, and even gives you a sample meal plan. Plus, it devotes an entire section to some of the most common chronic health problems in pet dogs today, and how to address them using a holistic, natural, but still effective approach.

Both books are available now from Amazon!


Elle sh ow in g of f h er pear ly w h it es. Ph ot o cr edit Kr ist in Clar k

I?ve talked to a lot of pet parents since I first started my journey into raw feeding (and helping other people learn to feed raw, through consultations, this magazine, and two books). And one of the things I?ve heard a lot of people say is that they think that feeding a dry kibble helps keep their dog or cat?s teeth clean. Unfortunately, that just isn?t the case. In fact, kibble may actually contribute to dental disease.

Unlike us, dogs and cats can?t move their jaws side to side, so they can?t chew their food or get rid of food stuck in the back of their mouth like we can. Unlike speciesappropriate raw food diets, processed pet food tends to contribute to plaque and tartar because it gets stuck on the teeth or in the gum line And kibble contains a lot of carbohydrates (even the ?grain-free? kibbles), which break down into sugar. Sugar increases plaque, and it also feeds the ?bad? bacteria that live in your pet?s mouth. Plaque, of course, leads to tartar, gingivitis, and periodontal problems. Bad oral health is becoming a problem of epidemic proportions for our pets: tooth problems and periodontal disease are one of the top reasons pet parents take their pets to the vet, and the American Veterinary Dental Society says that over 80% of pets have ?significant periodontal disease by age 3.?

By following the steps described in this article, you can keep

Many pet owners notice their pet?s teeth have lots of tartar and plaque, and their gums are red and inflamed. They also notice their dogs have bad breath. Some people brush their pet?s teeth, some people get their teeth professionally cleaned (which also generally means they have to be put under, which can be dangerous and expensive), some buy them dental chews, and some just ignore the issue until it gets so bad the dog needs serious dental attention. W hile poor oral health is not always because of a processed-food diet, oftentimes it is. A species-appropriate raw diet, particularly one that includes raw meaty

your pet's teeth and gums healthy and strong. Photo credit Bre Altherr


bones, however, scrapes the teeth clean, and it doesn?t leave any nasty residue on the teeth. Many dogs that are fed a

species-appropriate raw diet have sparkling white teeth, healthy gums, good breath, and healthy jaws. And the best news is that a species-appropriate raw food diet can help your pet?s oral health, no matter what age they are. By feeding your pet what nature designed them to eat, you?ll help keep their teeth and gums? actually, all their systems!? healthy inside and out. -By Kristin Clark




Sometimes, we feel like we have to give our beloved pets antibiotics to clear up an infection. Actually, this is a regular occurrence: as Stephen Buhner shares with us in his book Herbal Antibiotics: ?In 1942, the world?s entire supply of penicillin was a mere 32 liters (its weight? About 64 pounds). By 1949, 156,000 pounds a year of penicillin and a new antibiotic, streptomycin (isolated from common soil fungi), were being produced. By 1999? in theUnited Statesalone? this figure had grown to an incredible 40 million pounds a year of scores of antibiotics for people, livestock, research, and agricultural plants. Ten years later some 60 million pounds per year of antibiotics were being used in the United States and scores of millions of pounds more by other countries around the world. Nearly 30 million pounds were being used in the United States solely on animals raised for human consumption. And those figures? That is per year. Year in, year out.?

Just as with so many things, we have been taught antibiotics are necessary to get rid of infections and keep the body healthy. Livestock are often given antibiotics as a matter of course? a preventive, if you will? and it has become routine to prescribe antibiotics whenever your pet has injured itself, no matter how minor that injury is. But, in order to start to really empower ourselves in taking personal responsibility and accountability for the health of our pets, it is important to educate ourselves about antibiotics? how they work, what they do, and what their intended use really is. Then, we can begin to examine more natural alternatives to antibiotics.

Before we really dive into antibiotics and how they work, I want to share a story with you. A few years ago, I talked to a woman who had a dog that had fractured her tooth. The woman took the dog to the vet to have the tooth removed. However, she was very clear with the vet that she did not want the dog given any antibiotics or traditional pain killers. Instead, they used cold These statistics are mind-boggling. And as a laser therapy and other supplemental modalities perhaps not-surprising result of our to support the dog through the healing process. profligate use of antibiotics, many bacteria The result was that the tooth was fixed, and the have become what we now call ?superbugs.? dog?s immune system was able to handle, much They are resistant to antibiotics, although more effectively than it might otherwise, the doctors and veterinarians continue to prescribe antibiotics in staggering amounts. But is there another way to naturally achieve what antibiotics are supposed to do? Is there a better way to protect against the ?bad? bacteria and support the immune system in maintaining balance and therefore health? Let me cut to the chase right now and say that yes, there absolutely is, and it?s simpler than you might think.

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surgery and healing process. I share this story with you for several reasons. First, and perhaps most importantly, I want you to realize that, just like this woman, you have the power over and the responsibility for your pet?s health. If you decide you don?t want to use antibiotics, your vet should respect that. If they don?t, find another vet. I also share it so you can see there are natural alternatives to antibiotics, and not using them does not necessarily lead to infection (or worse, as we so often believe). And lastly, I share it as a way to empower you to realize others are making the choice, every day, to support their pets naturally, and those pets are thriving. So how do antibiotics work? In a nutshell, antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria. Here?s the kicker though? they are generally ?broad spectrum,? which means they kill everything indiscriminately, and

that means the ?good? bacteria is wiped out along with the ?bad.?And, once the antibiotic use is stopped, the ?bad? bacteria grow back faster than the ?good,? which leads to a serious imbalance. This is why probiotics are so often recommended if you do choose to use antibiotics? they help the ?good? bacteria regain their foothold. But, wouldn?t it be better not to wipe the beneficial stuff out in the first place? Antibiotics invariably wreak havoc on the immune system. They suppress it because they decrease the number of circulating white blood cells. W hen this happens? when the immune system is suppressed? the body has a harder time fighting off infection. The immune system is out of balance and can?t mount an appropriate defense to foreign invaders. And generally, when this happens, illness and disease symptoms begin to occur.

Adver t isement

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The ?good? bacteria in the gut help support the body in a variety of ways. Among other things, they protect the animal from yeast infections (by controlling the numbers of the fungus Candida albicans and keeping them in balance), assist in lowering high cholesterol, improve digestion, and some of them even manufacture B vitamins and natural antibiotics. The ?bad? bugs, such as Candida albicans, are also present in a healthy gut, but they are kept in check by the ?good? bacteria. Note that I have been putting ?bad? and ?good? in quotes because, really, there are no ?bad?or ?good?as long as everything is kept in balance. However, as I mentioned, using antibiotics results in a prevalence of ?bad? bacteria, which leads to imbalance and sickness. For example, Candida albicans occurs naturally on the body?s mucous membranes (such as the digestive tract, mouth, and sinuses). It poses no threat as long as it?s in balance. But, when antibiotics are used, they kill everything, and the Candida albicans recovers more quickly than many other bacteria, so ultimately it flourishes. Feeding an inappropriate diet and/ or giving drugs and other chemical medications (such as vaccines and flea/ tick/ heartworm preventatives) adds to that imbalance. And, this imbalance can show up in a myriad of ways, including (but certainly not limited to): -

Gunky waxy debris in the ears Excessive shaking of the head Skin disorders


Rashes Bladder and urinary tract infections Hot spots Excessive scratching Genital rashes and anal itching Excessive licking/ chewing Lethargy Anxiety Diarrhea or vomiting Hyperactivity Arthritis Overly hungry and overweight Bowel disorders Thyroid imbalance Dull, dry or greasy coat Strong odor

The effects of antibiotics don?t stop there. Because they knock out all the ?good? bacteria, they also inhibit the availability of many crucial nutrients, including some of the B vitamins, folic acid, zinc, magnesium, and so on. And, if the antibiotics cause diarrhea (which they frequently do), the body has to struggle even more to regain balance because it can?t access these crucial nutrients the way it should. As you know, the best thing you can do for your pet on their journey to achieving and maintaining health naturally is to help make their immune systems as strong and balanced as they can be. Nutrition, of course, is the foundation for this? feeding a speciesappropriate raw diet goes a long way towards building up the immune system and making sure your pet?s ?terrain? (internal environment) is strong and balanced, ready to

tackle any challenges that come along. Once you have the diet right, there are a few other things you have to do to keep your pet balanced and thriving: ensure adequate and proper exercise; make sure your pet has access to clean, pure water; give them a chance to get sunshine and fresh air every day; provide proper supplementation (when necessary); and allow for proper rest. You should also avoid loading their bodies down with chemical toxins, either from things that you apply directly to them (heartworm meds, flea/ tick preventatives, and so on), or from using toxic products in and around your house. Following these guidelines will help ensure that your pet?s immune system is strong, balanced, and as healthy as it can be.

If you have given antibiotics, or if your pet is showing signs of an imbalance (that is, showing any of the symptoms I listed above), you might want to consider supporting their immune health with probiotics. Probiotics are a class of beneficial bacteria that promote and support health, balance, and efficient functioning of the digestive system. Probiotics inhabit a healthy gut and help the body in various ways, including allowing it to absorb and use the nutrients from foods. They prevent or limit the proliferation of ?bad?bacteria, such as salmonella, E. coli, and Candida albicans. They also contribute to a healthy internal environment through a process known as ?competitive exclusion.? Through this process, the probiotics, or ?good? bacteria, take up positions known as enteric sites and thereby prevent the ?bad?

strains to promote optimal health. That?s because there are many different kinds (or strains) of ?good? bacteria, so choosing a probiotic with a broad range of strains will help build up a variety of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

bacteria from establishing themselves. This in turn ensures they can?t proliferate, which means everything stays in balance. If you are feeding a species-appropriate raw food diet, your pet is already getting probiotics. They are found in liver, spleen, and other organs. Another great source of probiotics is green tripe (my dogs get green tripe once or twice a week for all its benefits). But, if your pet has been given antibiotics, or if you are in the process of switching them over to a speciesappropriate raw diet, you may want to provide them with an additional probiotic supplement. If you do this, there are a few things to keep in mind to help you choose the best probiotic supplement for your pet (trust me, they are not all created equal!). The first thing to look for when you are choosing a probiotic supplement for your pet is the number of strains of ?good? bacteria in the supplement. You want a supplement with a minimum of 10-12

Next, take a look at how many beneficial bacteria there are per serving? in other words, how potent the probiotic supplement is. Ideally, look for a probiotic supplement that has 20-40 million or more beneficial bacteria per serving. In order to help ensure the probiotic supplement you are choosing is viable, potent, and pure, look for one that's manufactured in a facility that is certified to meet or exceed Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements. GMP regulations require a manufacturer to proactively work to ensure the product is safe, potent, and pure, and that their manufacturing process allows them to avoid contamination and errors. Sometimes, manufacturers don?t list this on the label, so

Motley, a Portuguese Podengo Pequeno. Photo credit Kristin Clark

you will need to do your homework to find a probiotic supplement that meets all the requirements. W hile I know it's very common to believe we need to use antibiotics, given the fact that so many of bacteria have developed resistances to them, it behooves us to find different ways to keep our animals healthy and thriving. And, if we do give our animals antibiotics? for any reason? it?s vital we help restore their ?good? gut flora as quickly as possible. Using probiotics, feeding them whole, fresh, raw, and varied species-appropriate foods, and supporting their immune systems in every way possible will help do that. And doesn?t your pet deserve that? -By Kristin Clark Barkley, a healthy, thriving English Shepherd, at the beach. Photo credit Milton Clark


SPOTLIGHTONHEALTH:GENTRYBOXERS Editor?s note: Here at Raw Pet Digest, we?re always looking for people and companies that are devoted to helping your dog and/ or cat be as healthy as possible. And this issue, we?re spotlighting Paula Vandervoort, who breeds and raises Naturally Reared (NR) Boxers. Paula also has an online store devoted to natural healing modalities and other products. Visit her store at https:/ / gentryboxers.3dcartstores.com/ . Visit Gentry Boxers: http:/ / www.gentryboxers.com/ .

1. I know you?re passionate about naturopathy, natural health, and natural dog rearing. How did you f irst f ind out about natural f eeding/ healthcareandnatural rearingof dogs?What drew youtothem? I bought a boxer puppy in 2010 from a breeder who suggested I feed him raw meat once I brought him home. At the time, I didn?t know anything about that. I thought kibble was the only thing available for puppies. I agreed and started investigating what to buy and how to feed a balanced diet with raw food. I had been

Some of Gentry Boxers' NR puppies. Photo credit Paula Vandervoort

through a personal health crisis that had been helped immensely by shifting to a natural lifestyle and unprocessed organic whole foods, so it made sense to me a dog shouldn?t eat processed food either. But up until then, I had never heard of raw feeding (I?d been feeding what I thought was ?high-end? kibble). I just fell into raw feeding and all that went along with it, but once I opened that door, I realized there was so much more to raising healthy dogs than just paying attention to pedigrees and health screenings. 2. You havean online store. Tell mea littlebit about it: what inspired it? What sort of productsdoyoucarry? I hate to admit this, being a natural rearing dog breeder, but to be quite honest, I started my store because I raise a breed (Boxers) that require a docked tail in the show ring. In some countries natural tails are allowed, but not in the U.S. I was looking for less traumatic ways to dock tails. I came across a method that was extremely easy on the puppy and very effective. I believe if a cosmetic procedure is to be done, a breeder should do everything in his or her power to keep trauma to a minimum. I wanted the method to be available to others, so I put together a kit. I thought I would sell 5 or 10 of them, but to date I?ve sold thousands.

My store has given me the opportunity to discuss natural rearing with breeders all over the world. It?s also given me a platform to offer some cool products for early development and support for dog breeders. Over the years, my store has become a place to find natural modalities and supports. As I?ve learned more as a breeder, I?ve added products to my store that I either make myself or have found incredibly useful in raising more vital and healthy puppies. One example of a product like this is an Early Development Puppy Gym, which is one of my top-selling products. Breeders use it in the nursery to engage the minds and bodies of puppies as young as 3?4 weeks, and many puppy buyers have bought it to provide mental and physical stimulation for their youngsters (through about 18 months of age) once they bring their babies into their new homes. I also offer tinctures and remedies to help support puppies who aren?t thriving, natural flea/ tick control, heartworm prevention, homeopathic remedies for dogs, and even help for dogs who might be vaccinedamaged. I also have some wonderful books to offer to those interested in natural rearing. I also offer animal communication and wellness coaching sessions through my online store. If you?ve never experienced animal communication, it?s well worth the investment to hear what your animal has to say to you! 51

3. I know you raise Naturally Reared (NR) boxers. What drew you to the breed? How long have you been breeding?Why did you decidetof ollowNR protocols? That?s a sad but interesting story. W hen I was quite young, a mixed-breed boxer attacked someone who was trying to hurt me. She belonged to the perpetrator, which caused the bad guy to turn on her. She saved me from harm but gave her own life in the process. That terrible experience taught me boxers have the most amazing hearts of any breed I?ve ever been around. To be willing to give your own life to save someone else is something I will never be able to repay. I knew I wanted to be a dog breeder, so I started with a boxer. I lucked into purchasing a show bitch from one of the top breeders who was willing to mentor me. I didn?t even know what I had at the time, but she produced my first champion. I was hooked. Boxers are also hysterically funny. I?ve learned a lot about how to ?capture? behaviors that dogs naturally exhibit when doing clicker training. Boxers offer some funny behaviors such as twirling, standing on hind legs to look on top of counters, doing what we call ?the pretzel? and even doing somersaults. They are such a fun breed to live with. They are kind, loyal to a fault, and easy to train.

Ph ot o cr edit Pau la Van der voor t

I?ve been breeding show/ performance and service boxers for over 40 years and have been thrilled to find dogs born in my nursery earning top awards in conformation, service, obedience, performance, and even trick dog titles. I came across natural rearing after many years of breeding boxers. I knew there had to be a better way to raise dogs. Chronic illness was at an all-time high, and I was seeing their lifespans shorten. In my decades as a breeder, I was seeing dogs die at very young ages from things they didn?t die from when I first started. I became a voracious student, researching everything I could find about how to help them thrive and stay vital. Having recovered from a ?permanently disabling disease? by making careful choices about what I put into and onto my own body, it made sense we could potentially improve our dogs? lives by living more mindfully. I knew it started with the food we offer to them, but what about the antibiotics, steroids, chemical wormers, toxic cleaners and injectable vaccines full of heavy metals? 52

Exploring these things opened the world of natural rearing to me, and I was able to help my own (very sick) dog Ginger completely with NR protocols. She wouldn?t be here today if I had continued doing what I was doing. She was extremely ill at the age of 3 ½ due to vaccine side effects. She is now 11 and has outlived all 9 of her siblings. She recently earned her advanced lure coursing title, which is quite something for a boxer who has already lived past the normal lifespan of our breed.

Dogs are carnivores: they are meant to eat prey. Therefore, feeding a prey model diet is mandatory. I feed something commonly called ?frankenprey?. This is feeding a variety of whole animal parts that, over time, simulate a wild prey diet.

4. I have seen some debate lately about what NR protocolsexactly entail?Can you f ill usin a bit on what, specif ically, being an NR breeder meanstoyou?

I also think many conventional breeders are using a lot of toxic chemicals they don?t even realize are harmful to their dogs. I used to think if the cleaner didn?t smell like Lysol or burn my eyes, it wasn?t doing a good job. I was wrong. There are non-toxic ways to disinfect kennels and keep animal areas clean without damaging the dogs.

Natural rearing is like a pyramid. W ithout the wide base at the bottom, you?ll always have a fragile piece of architecture. That wide base is diet. I always say, ?You can?t out-supplement a poor diet.?

Pu ppies! Ph ot o cr edit Pau la Van der voor t

Most people, especially breeders, have heard about dogs becoming seriously ill or dying from systemic worming medications like Trifexis. These types of things have no place in an NR program. There are many easy ways to control parasites without poisoning the dog in the process.

Anyone breeding dogs needs to have a basic understanding of genetics. Beyond that, however, I believe anyone who wants to get the most out of an NR program should study epigenetics and apply that science to their breeding program. The most controversial part of natural rearing is the complete elimination of injectable vaccines. Most

traditional breeders are simply afraid that their dogs will get sick if they don?t vaccinate. W hat they don?t realize is their dogs are getting sick because they vaccinate. There is excellent information available now from sources like Dr. Ron Schultz and Dr. Jean Dodds about the harm vaccines can do. They can save lives in certain situations like shelters, but they have no place in an NR breeding program. Vaccine damage can be inherited, and it is extremely difficult to turn around. I know; I have dealt with it many times. In summary, the highlights of an NR program are: -


Feeding a high-quality raw diet Maintaining a solid understanding of genetics and epigenetic influences Providing the appropriate anti-




oxidants, trace minerals, and whole food supplements Using natural heartworm and parasite deterrents, along with natural antibiotics Employing homeopathic remedies, flower essences, and essential oils where appropriate Only using non-toxic household products and cleaners

5. What sort of dif f erences do you see between naturally reared dogs and conventionally reared dogs? I doubt I have enough space to answer that question fully, and my NR program hasn?t been through enough generations yet for me to know what the full effect will be over time. However, some of the immediate and profound changes are in coat, teeth, breath, and stools. Just a few weeks of a quality raw diet can turn a dry, prickly coat into a soft, deep color that you want to pet all the time. I?ve seen dental problems resolve, gingival hyperplasia reverse, eyes brighten, and behaviors soften. But what is invisible is the changes that occur on the inside. I believe my dogs are as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside now. I run many health screens on my dogs, including echos, x-rays,

Ph ot o cr edit Pau la Van der voor t

Adver t isement


DNA tests, and blood screens. I have seen a big improvement in those screens, especially on an individual basis. So, I hope to see that improvement over generations as well. 6. Do you consistently find that later generations of naturally reared dogs live longer, healthier livesthan others? Yes, definitely. I know NR breeders in other breeds who have been doing this much longer than I have who report lifespans up to double the normal for their breeds. Mine are definitely much healthier. They can be exposed to parasites and don?t get a disease-causing population. Breeders are way too afraid of parasites in my opinion. The wild wolf populations aren?t dying of heartworm even though they test positive. Because they have excellent immune systems, parasites aren?t an issue. Mine also rarely get sick, and if they do, it?s minor. One of my NR dogs went to the American Boxer Club Nationals a few years back, and we roomed with a dog who was deathly ill with kennel cough that progressed into pneumonia. My boxer laid next to her to comfort her. That dog had to be taken to the ER, but my dog never even had a sniffle or a hack. 7. What sort of advice do you give to people whoarelookingf or a puppy? -

Look for an experienced breeder who knows the standard and does all the recommended health screens. That?s not negotiable.





Go to the Natural Rearing Breeders Association for a referral to a breeder who has been certified as an NR breeder. If you?re getting a puppy from a traditional breeder, ask them to forgo vaccinations and worming medicines and to use natural alternatives. Ask them to offer raw meat in the diet. Look for breeders who do a lot of early development work (for example, BioSensor and Puppy Culture). That makes a huge difference in how puppies behave as they transition into a new home and throughout their lives. Get informed about how to raise your puppy naturally by reading books like Natural Rearing by Dr. Jeannie Thomason ND, Natural Immunity by Pat McKay, and your book (Let Food Be Their Medicine: Using Nature's Principles to Help Your Dog Thrive).

8. Do you have any specif ic ideas on why diseases like cancer are appearing in our dogs at younger andyounger ages? I do. And it?s based on research and experience. In the 1970s, approximately 1 in 10 dogs were diagnosed with cancer. It was a disease of the old as well. Now dogs as young as 12 weeks are being diagnosed with cancer, and 70% of dogs will be diagnosed with cancer at some stage in life. Since the 1970s, our environment has become much more toxic and our processed foods have become less and less nutritious. We?re exposing our dogs to toxins, including cleaning 56

chemicals, yard chemicals, toxic personal care products, systemic worming insecticides, and even vaccines laden with heavy metals. Our dogs are very sensitive to toxins, much more than we are. And it shows in the chronic diseases like cancer that are showing up in so many dogs, even young ones. 9. Are you seeing these sortsof diseasesamong any of thenaturally bred/ raiseddogs? I definitely see much less disease in naturally reared dogs. W hen disease occurs, it is less severe. I have even seen cancer reversed using natural means, even in one of my own dogs. My senior cooked up a mast cell tumor last year and we turned it around with high levels of antioxidants and essential oils pretty easily. I have a high level of confidence that natural rearing protocols will produce less hypothyroidism, pancreatitis, diabetes, arthritis, and even cancer. 10. There are lots of raw diet philosophies out there (commercially prepared raw, prey model raw, a mix of raw f oodsthat arecut up f or the animal, etc.). Haveyou f ound onetypethat you pref er? I?ve journeyed through all those types of feeding. I prefer to feed as many whole animal parts as possible while maintaining the right ratio of muscle/ bone/ organ over time. It doesn?t need to be done in every bowl at every meal. It doesn?t happen in the wild either. W ild canids sometimes get fresh prey and sometimes scavenge, and

that is what they are meant to have. That?s why it?s called frankenprey feeding. I do keep some pre-formulated blends on hand with meat/ bone/ organ/ tripe so that I can easily mix in supplements when necessary, but it?s not the biggest part of their diet. 11. What isyour f avoritethingabout boxers? They truly have a soul in their eyes. They can be comical, yet regal. They are deep beyond words. 12. What sort of diseases, specif ically, do you see in conventionally reared boxers, and are those same diseases a problem in naturally rearedboxers?Why or why not? Conventionally raised boxers are much more likely to experience pancreatitis, thyroid abnormalities, early onset arthritis, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and even cancer. Researchers are finding definite links between these diseases and poor diet, chemical exposures, vaccines, and even the overuse of antibiotics that suppress gut health. 13. I know you are very knowledgeable about using essential oils to help your dogs stay balanced and thriving. What is one of your f avoriteoils, andwhy? Frankincense, but it must be medical grade and sourced directly from the grower. It?s an affordable, high-frequency oil with so many benefits. It supports proper immune system function and helps to repair damaged DNA. In combination with 57

Copaiba, it is a powerhouse that can help with some severe imbalances. 14. What is your take on parvo and other ?puppy diseases?? I?m also interested in hearing about some of the ways you build natural immunity. Passive immunity to puppy diseases is conveyed through colostrum from a healthy mom?s milk. That immunity wanes in a half-life every two weeks until it is too low to be of use. Permanent, or ?active?, immunity can be provoked after that time by exposing a puppy to recently vaccinated puppies in puppy kindergarten. I encourage all owners of NR puppies to enroll in kindergarten as soon as their puppy settles in from the transition between homes. This not only provides excellent socialization, but when they are sniffing one another, the NR babies bring the viral particles that are shed by the vaccinated babies in through their nose and mouth as nature intended, creating antibodies. Exposing a puppy at a low level to a pathogen gives the body a chance to mount a permanent defense so that if it ever encounters the pathogen again, it is ready to defeat it.

Paula and Ginger. By any standard, Gentry Boxer 's Natural Rearing breeding program is truly successful.



Editor's Note: Most of us don't stop to think about the impact that vaccinations might have on our beloved pets. No matter where you stand on the issue of vaccinations, I think it'simportant to hear real-life accounts of what can happen after vaccinating, and what you can do about it if thingsdon't go as planned. Unfortunately, stories like this happen all too often. As you'll see, though, there is hope if your pet suffers the same reaction our author'sdogdid. The first time I ever encountered the words ?rabies miasm? was in a holistic vet?s office in Houston, Texas. I had a 5-year-old boxer bitch named Ginger. She had a myriad of issues no veterinarian to date had been able to diagnose. The words ?rabies miasm? were not what I expected, but there they were. Well, she did

seemto have a mild form of rabies, so maybe this vet was onto something. However, she also had many other symptoms, and I couldn?t see how it could all stem from this mystery illness caused a ?miasm?. What does ?miasm? mean, exactly? To answer that question, I want to take you on a little trip that may sound familiar. This is Ginger?s story. In 2010, Ginger was a happy, well-tempered, healthy three-year-old female boxer in the prime of life. She was an AKC Conformation Champion and a credentialed service dog. She was already working well in her service area and was traveling nicely in public transportation amidst other animals and people with a calm, focused attitude. She was starting in agility, and she immensely enjoyed the work. I am a veteran


boxer breeder with a mature breeding program, so my dogs are health screened often and completely. We run routine screens for hips, heart health, eye health, organ function, genome abnormalities, and comprehensive evaluations of thyroid function with a respected endocrinology lab run by Dr. Jean Dodds. Ginger?s health screens were normal when she was young. Her thyroid screens began to look abnormal after her second rabies vaccine, but we had not yet connected the dots. At age three, Ginger received her third (and last) rabies vaccine. Then our world changed forever.

The moment she was vaccinated, it was clear something was amiss. She developed a nodule at the injection site the size of a large marble. It was hard, but it wasn?t attached to underlying tissue. Upon examination, my traditional vet suggested removing it. I declined, wanting to know what it was. I later realized that this was her body?s attempt to contain the heavy metals and foreign animal proteins that were in the rabies vaccine. Her immune system was trying to keep them from leaching out through her entire body, across the blood-brain barrier, into her brain. I learned later that removing it would have not been a good idea. It needed to be there to protect her.

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Ginger began to drool excessively, her beautiful face marred by constant salivary drainage. Her eyes became dull, her head lowered, and she began to launch herself at the neighborhood children and pets who were passing by our home. We had to install opaque blinds on the front of our home to keep her from seeing the nightly parade of baby carriages that routinely had passed our door for three years without incident. We thought we had a ?training issue,? so we started working with an animal behaviorist to counter-condition her to the triggers. Nothing we did had any long-term effect.

I ran another thyroid screen. She was diagnosed with positive compensative autoimmune thyroiditis. Her body was attacking her own endocrine system. Her thyroglobulin autoantibodies were at 145%(anything above 10%is considered out of range). She was prescribed synthetic thyroid support; Dr. Dodds said she would need to remain on that medicine for the remainder of her life because her thyroid could not produce thyroid hormone anymore. Her reproductive cycles became abnormal, and her ability to conceive reduced. Also, significantly, she only seemed able to conceive male puppies, which I learned may have been caused by abnormal pH levels.

Ginger, healthy and beautiful after coming out of rabies miasm. Photo credit Paula Vandervoort


Ginger was also diagnosed with a disintegration of her anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), another autoimmune response indication. Her body was attacking both connective tissues and organs. She developed arthritis, and getting out of bed in the morning was difficult. Our beautiful, vital girl was growing old before our eyes. She became dangerous to non-family members, and we started walking her with a nose muzzle to control her head. What had happened to our sweet, joyful girl? Now, we return to the two words, ?rabies miasm,? that eventually explained everything. At first, none of this made any sense to me. I looked up the word ?miasm? and found meanings ranging from ?unholy atmosphere? to ?genetic predisposition to disease?. It seemed to be mostly a term used in homeopathic circles. The homeopathically trained veterinarian with whom I worked tried to explain it to me. As a trained scientist, I wanted to know exactly what this was, absent discussion of weird vapours. This journey eventually took me to the works of Dr. Ron Schultz, among others. I had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Schultz at a Young Living Animal Conference in Utah, where he confirmed this as a common side-effect of vaccines. Miasms occur with many vaccines, not just rabies. Ginger just happened to be vaccine-sensitive, as are many dogs. Dr. Schultz prefers the term ?vaccinosis? to ?miasm,? and he told us it runs in breeds

and within lines within breeds. He recommended that a dog with vaccinosis never receive another vaccine. Ginger?s body had been reacting to the various constituents in vaccines since she was a baby, but her body?s final scream for help came in the form of a series of symptoms that you may see described as either ?vaccinosis?or ?miasm.? We were lucky that they all occurred within a short time of each other, but I have learned that many are not so fortunate. Vaccine sensitivities are often insidious, because symptoms present later as the body?s attempts to deal with some components of the vaccine fail. As the body processes the heavy metal adjuvants and foreign animal proteins on which they are cultured, it is overloaded and cannot cope. According to Dr. Schultz?s studies, vaccine side effects are, unfortunately, very common. What are the symptoms of vaccinosis? The symptoms vary widely from minor to critical, from temporary or isolated events, to chronic anxiety and behavioral problems. Mild reactions include fever, tenderness or swelling around the inoculation site, "flu-like" symptoms, loss of appetite, lethargy, depression, limping, vomiting, diarrhea, and anxiety. Severe reactions may include seizures, anaphylactic shock, and even death. Chronic problems may be difficult to trace back to vaccinations, because symptoms or health problems can begin weeks, months, or even years later. However, when we

understand what happens in the body when vaccines are administered, we can begin to connect the dots. Many holistic and naturopathic practitioners believe that all modern diseases in pets are traceable to either direct administration of vaccines or indirect genetic transfer. The cure I can?t really say that there is a cure since vaccine side-effects are so varied. If caught early, opportunities for symptom-reversal improve. We switched Ginger from a commercial dry food kibble diet to a high-quality raw carnivore diet while we were working with her. We started the long process of eliminating toxic chemicals in our home, replacing them with essential-oil-based products, which provided her with health benefits. We stopped using systemic insecticides for heartworm and parasite control, finding she remained pathogen-free without them. These choices made a visible difference. We saw exciting physical changes. Her teeth were healthier, gingival hyperplasia (gum overgrowth) receded, and her overall physical appearance

Ginger. Photo credit Paula Vandervoort

improved. However, she continued to be unpredictable with people and animals until we discovered one final miracle in a little glass bottle. In Ginger?s case, a single dose of the appropriate homeopathic proved to be her miracle. A tiny capful of a homeopathic remedy called Lyssin was given orally. It tastes like sugar but contains the energy of the rabies pathogen. The vet told me that if we give the wrong remedy, nothing happens. If it?s the right remedy, a miracle might occur. We got our miracle when we watched Ginger?s bright eyes return within three days. Her head lifted, her drooling ceased, and her friendly attitude towards kids and other animals returned. Our sweet Ginger had come back to us. She had been locked in a miasmic jail cell for nearly three years. With the help of naturopathic medicine, we found the key to her freedom. Ginger slowly repaired the damage to her ACL, and her ?old dog? countenance disappeared. She gets up in the mornings with energy, and she runs like the wind. She?s returned to agility and earned titles in lure coursing as a Veteran Dog. Lure coursing is a high-speed, athletic event in which dogs bank and turn over a running course. She ran competition courses in driving freezing rain in December, sliding on her side and righting herself to run, joyfully, covered in cold mud. She was ecstatic to be back in a body that performed as designed! Ginger attended the 2017 American Boxer Club Nationals, in the Veteran class, in which she was third oldest boxer. She walked the throngs of people and dogs without fear or

anxiety. She wore her service vest proudly and performed her job perfectly. She gave blood to save the lives of other dogs, some days working from dawn until midnight. Never once did she growl, raise her hackles, lunge, or greet inappropriately. She was on a loose lead all week, greeting everyone with tail wagging and bright eyes sparkling. She shows no signs of slowing down or of the joint issues she previously displayed. Recent x-rays show a bit of spinal spondylosis, but we have her on Chinese herbs to prevent progression. She has no symptoms left. The downside is that her thyroid is destroyed, because we did not support it properly early on, so she will be on thyroid supports for life. However, she has been our teacher and friend through it all. She continues to be a poster child for rabies miasm, and provide us with living proof that it can be supported. Dr. Schultz advises that one evaluate the potential for disease exposure before making the vaccination decision. Read about the potential side effects; do not dismiss them. They are prevalent in all species who receive vaccines. Where pathogen exposure risk is low, vaccine side-effects risk may be much greater. The vaccine may be worse than the disease. The cost It?s been hard to wrap our heads around the costs involved. It?s not only the monetary expense, which has been staggering. The cost in misery and heartache to us and our beloved Ginger has been enormous. That $30 rabies vaccine has cost us many thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, diagnostic procedures,

medicines, treatments that didn?t work, and behavior training. Ginger?s tolerance for pain has become very high, but it?s clear that she wants support in that area. When I get out the essential oils designed to support pain and joints, she parks herself in front of me and indicates the areas where she wants me to apply them. She self-medicates from our garden of herbs and often chooses plants and consumes clays that help with detoxing. I don?t think she will ever be completely cured from the damage caused by her rabies miasm, but at least her quality of life has improved and her prospects for longevity and vitality are much better. The lesson We consider Ginger to be one of our greatest teachers in life. At the age of ten, she has a wisdom in her eyes that grabs and holds you. She radiates her pleasure with our choices in caring for her, and she shows us her gratitude by giving her all to every task put before her. We take every day with her as a blessing. Ginger has taught us that we must be discerning when making choices on behalf of our pets. Her situation is neither unique nor rare. Living with her motivated me to learn about naturopathy, to teach what I have learned so others can also benefit. She is a living example of both the horrors of rabies miasm and the amazing ability of the body, when properly supported, to overcome them. -By Paula Vandervoort 65

Adver t isement s




Def in it ion of Raw-pawthecary:


A regular column that highlights a specific item (for example, a protein, an organ, or a natural alternative to conventional medication) that should be part of your pet?s ?thriving? protocol.

Duck (and duck heads, which of course include bone) are good sources of protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, selenium, B vitamins, and zinc. The skin is also relatively fatty. Because duck heads contain secreting organs (brain and eyes), they have the added benefit of providing your dog with vitamin C and niacin, in addition to the nutrients listed above.

Duck heads Duck heads are great to include as part of your feeding regimen, whether you feed commercial raw or make your dog?s food yourself. They are relatively small and easy for dogs to eat. Because dogs tend to gnaw on them a little bit, they act like a toothbrush in cleaning the teeth, especially the molars. Plus, they contain secreting organs, which are really important for dogs. It can be a little shocking seeing duck heads if you haven?t fed them before, but dogs usually love them, and you can feed them thawed, semi-thawed, or even frozen if you want to give your dog a nice cool treat on a hot summer day.

Helpf ul tip If you follow an 80/ 10/ 10 protocol in your feeding, feed duck heads as bone. And, remember that they also contain organs that count towards the 5% non-liver organs. If you feed a commercial raw food or follow some other raw feeding protocol, feed duck heads as an occasional snack for your best friend. And as always, heads from organic, hormone- and antibiotic-free, free-range ducks are best for your dog. -By The Raw-pawthecary

Ducks swimming. Copyright Kristian Sigston


Raw Pet s Thrive! February/ March 2018 Puzzle Answer Key Congratulations to everyone who completed last issue's puzzle. Peggy Clark was selected in a random drawing out of everyone who sent in their completed puzzles. Ms. Clark will get her name in this issue's puzzle for having the winning entry. W ay to go! If you didn't send in your puzzle, you have another chance with this issue's puzzle. In the meantime, here are the answers to last issue's word search puzzle. We hope you enjoyed it! Check out our next issue for the answers to this issue's word search puzzle.


Raw Pet Digest Apr il/May 2018

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