9 minute read


July 29th

Beat the Heat Model Train Swap Meet Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

9:00 AM-1:00 PM

Over 100 tables of vendors and sellers from all around Arizona bringing model trains in most gauges, toys and railroad memorabilia. Model trains, toys, accessories and display layouts. Admission is $5/adults and free for 12/under. Free parking and shuttle service to the door. Located at 3700 Willow Creek Rd. in Prescott. www.camrrc.com

Garden Class:

Edible Landscape with Trees & Berries Watters Garden Center

9:30 AM

Free garden class at Watters Garden Center, located at 1815 Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott. Edible Landscape with Trees & Berries - Have your landscape and eat it, too! We’ll share the tips, tricks, and recipes that make for a better, healthier and tastier landscape. Plant experts will be on hand after the class that specializes in fruiting designs that can be eaten after planting.

928.445.4159 www.wattersgardencenter.com/ classes

July 29th

Discover Native History & Culture Museum of Indigenous People

10:00 AM-4:00 PM

Exhibits include prehistoric and contemporary examples of indigenous cultural and artistic materials from the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. The museum has special exhibits, art auctions and other special events throughout the year. Located at 147 N. Arizona Ave. in Prescott.

928.445.1230 www.museumofindigenouspeople.org

July 29th

Sip & Paint at the Zoo

Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary

2:00 PM-4:00 PM

Enjoy wine and appetizers while a local artist teaches you to create a painting of one of the animals at the Heritage Park Zoo. Pre-registration required for this 21+ event. All materials included. Cost is $45. See website to register.

928.778.4242 www.heritageparkzoo.org

Mark Cordes is The Spouse Whisperer

Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center

7:00 PM

It's never a dull moment with awardwinning comedian Mark Cordes as he delivers his critically acclaimed oneman show, The Spouse Whisperer. Take a comedic journey through "love at first sight," "till death do us part" and all of the funny stuff in between.

928.777.1370 www.prescottelkstheatre.org

July 30th

Prescott Valley Community Market

9:00 AM-2:00 PM

Outdoor artisan and maker market features vendors with food and nonfood items such as local meats, fresh eggs and vegetables, baked goods, body care products, handcrafted jewelry, art and much more. Located at 7210 E. Pav Way in Prescott Valley. Check Facebook page for weekly updates on participating vendors and special events.

928.273.9767 www.facebook.com/PVCMLLC

Live Music at the Windsock Loung: Blues Jam with Scott O'Neal Band Blues Jam every Sunday in July from 2:00-6:00 PM hosted by the Scott O'Neal Band. The Windsock Lounge also has STEFnROCK every Tue. at 5:00 PM, Travis Crow & Colton Burris on Wed. at 6:00 PM, the Aragon Ping Band on Thu. at 6:00 PM, and bands on Fri. and Sat. See website for the live music schedule and times.

928.776.7309 www.thewindsocklounge.net

July 30th

In Concert: 38 Special Jim & Linda Lee Performing Arts Center 7:00 PM

Forty years after climbing the charts with their explosive brand of southern rock, 38 Special still raises the rafters with a high-energy live show and unforgettable hits like “Hold On Loosely,” “Caught Up in You,” and many more.

928.776.2000 www.ycpac.com

July 30th

Prescott Library Events This Week This week's events at the Prescott Public Library: Preschool Storytime, Genealogy Virtual Mentor Session, Baby and Me Storytime, Mystery Book Club, and more! Community groups meet at the library every week. See the events calendar page on the library website for event details.

928.777.1500 www.prescottlibrary.info

Whiskey Jam - Open Mic

The Thumb Butte Distillery is located at 400 N. Washington Ave. in Prescott. Whiskey Jam open mic sessions take place on Sundays from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. Check website for the July live music schedule.

928.443.8498 www.thumbbuttedistillery.com

August 1st

Explore Prescott's History

The Sharlot Hall Museum is located in downtown Prescott at 415 W. Gurley St. The history museum has exhibits, galleries, gardens and historic buildings. Open Tue. to Sat. 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and 12:00 to 4:00 PM on Sundays. See website calendar for the August special events at the museum. 928.445.3122 www.sharlothallmuseum.org

Continued on page 108

August 1st

Prescott Summer Concert SeriesJazz Kats

Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza

6:30 PM

The Summer Concert Series is taking place at the Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza in Downtown Prescott. See website or Facebook page for the music lineup. Free admission. Bring a blanket or chair.

928.443.5220 www.prescottconcertseries.com

August 2nd

Plein Air Painting Workshop with Betty Carr Highlands Center for Natural History

9:00 AM-3:00 PM

This workshop will focus on techniques in painting the effects of light in a floral still life and a landscape setting. The “how-tos” in achieving dynamic, impressionistic paintings using painterly brushwork will be demonstrated. Color relationships, values, edges and temperatures of light and shadow will also be covered. Workshop takes place August 2-4 and the cost is $275. Register online.

928.776.9550 www.highlandscenter.org

Movies at the Elks: "Dr. Dolittle" Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center

7:00 PM

Catch a classic movie at the Elks Theatre! Admission is by a cash donation of any amount. The concession has soda, candy, popcorn, beer, and wine and accepts debit, credit, or cash.

928.777.1370 www.prescottelkstheatre.org/ movies

August 3rd

Explore Prescott's Western Heritage

10:00 AM-5:00 PM

The Western Heritage Center is located on Historic Whiskey Row and is open Wednesday through Sunday. Explore the exhibits and learn about Prescott's western history and culture. The WHC also hosts lectures and book signings. See Facebook page for hours and event updates. Free admission!

928.910.2307 www.visitwhc.org

August 3rd

Bronzesmith Foundry Tour

Bronzesmith Fine Art Foundry & Gallery in Prescott Valley offers foundry tours every Thursday at 11:00 AM. Learn about the lost wax process of bronze casting. Fun and informative! The cost is $20 per person and advance reservations are required. Individuals and small groups are welcome.

928.772.2378 www.bronzesmith.com

Come Play With Us!Prescott Ukulele Guild

Prescott Public Library

6:15 PM-7:30 PM

The Prescott Ukulele Guild, comprised of ukulele players of all levels who enjoy playing together, meets the first Thursday of every month. First meet-up is free. Free lessons. Wonderful new friends and camaraderie and music does wonderful things for your brain. The room opens at 6:00 PM for socializing, tuning, etc. Meeting starts at 6:15 pm. See website for more information.

602.769.2727 www.prescottukuleleguild.org

Prescott Summer Concert SeriesPelham Blue Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza

6:30 PM

Pelham Blue plays pop and punk rock. The Summer Concert Series is taking place at the Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza in Downtown Prescott. See website or Facebook page for the music lineup. Free admission. Bring a blanket or chair.

928.443.5220 www.prescottconcertseries.com

One Stage Family Theatre presents Disney's "The Little Mermaid"

Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center

7:00 PM

August 3-5 at the Elks Theatre in Prescott. Based on one of Hans Christian Andersen's most beloved stories and the classic animated film, Disney's "The Little Mermaid" is a hauntingly beautiful love story for the ages. Tickets available online or at the door.

928.499.8664 www.onestagefamilytheatre.com

August 3rd

The Center - August Events

The Center is a nonprofit organization that offers a wide variety of events, activities and classes. They also provide rentals for private and community events. The Center is located at 1280B E Rosser St. in Prescott. Visit the event calendar page on their website to see what is being offered in August.

928.778.3000 www.thecenteronrosser.org

August 4th

19th Annual Prescott

Gem & Mineral Show (Aug. 4-6)

Findlay Toyota Center

9:00 AM-5:00 PM

August 4-6 at Findlay Toyota Center. Fri. and Sat. 9:00 AM-5:00 PM and Sun. 9:00 AM-4:00 PM. There will be over 60 vendors in attendance, offering beautiful beads, gems, geodes, finished jewelry and much more. The show will offer demos and fun activities including gold panning, face painting and more. Tickets $5/ adults, $4/seniors, children under 12 free admission with paid adult. Free parking.

928.772.1819 www.prescottgemmineral.org

Friday Night Barn Dance Mortimer Farms

6:00 PM-10:00 PM

Enjoy a live band, dancing, campfire and a cash bar. Plus enjoy lawn games and the beautiful farm scenery! Add dinner to your admission for only $15 more. Barn Dance events are held every Friday starting at 6:00 PM. Mortimer Farms is located in Dewey. 928.830.1116 www.mortimerfarmsaz.com

Karaoke with Matt & Allie

Cooper's Pub

Located at 4499 AZ-69 in Prescott at the La Quinta Inn & Suites. Karaoke every Friday from 7:00-11:00 PM. Check Matt & Allies Karaoke Facebook page for their weekly karaoke events in Prescott and Prescott Valley.

928.227.8772 www.facebook.com/ CoopersPubAZ

August 4th

One Stage Family Theatre presents Disney's "The Little Mermaid"

Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center

7:00 PM

August 3-5 at the Elks Theatre. Based on one of Hans Christian Andersen's most beloved stories and the classic animated film, Disney's "The Little Mermaid" is a hauntingly beautiful love story for the ages. Tickets available online or at the door. 928.499.8664 www.onestagefamilytheatre.com

August 5th

Monthly Watson Woods Bird Walk Watson Woods Riparian Preserve

7:30 AM

On the first Saturday of the month, Prescott Audubon volunteers lead bird walks in Watson Woods. The walks are approximately 2 hours long and are open to birders of all ages and levels. Registration not required. Meet at the Peavine Trailhead parking area at 1624 Sundog Ranch Rd. in Prescott. (Parking fee $3/ vehicle). See website for additional events and programs. Note that the start time changes with the seasons. 281.682.6068 www.prescottaudubon.org

19th Annual Prescott Gem & Mineral Show (Aug. 4-6) Findlay Toyota Center

August 4-6 at Findlay Toyota Center. Fri. and Sat. 9:00 AM-5:00 PM and Sun. 9:00 AM-4:00 PM. There will be over 60 vendors in attendance, offering beautiful beads, gems, geodes, finished jewelry and much more. The show will offer demos and fun activities including gold panning, face painting and more. Tickets $5/adults, $4/seniors, children under 12 free admission with paid adult. Free parking.

928.772.1819 www.prescottgemmineral.org

Prescott Computer Society Meeting:

Digital Photos

Online Event - 1:00 PM

Prescott Computer Society is a group of PC users who meet three times a month on Saturdays at 1:00 PM via Zoom. Participants must register to receive Zoom connection information at www.PCS4ME.com.

August 5th

48th Watson Lake Car Show Watson Lake Park

The Watson Lake Car Show takes place Aug. 5/6 and is presented by the Prescott Antique Auto Club. Car show, trophies and raffles, parts exchange and swap meet. Old engine fire-up area and for-sale car coral. Open 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Saturday and Sunday. Trophy presentation at 2:00 PM. Cash-only wristband event. Admission is $7 for both days, free for 12/under with adult. Free parking. www.paacaz.com

August 5th

Mountain Artists Guild

Fine Art Festival

Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza

9:00 AM-5:00 PM

Free admission. Takes place on Sat. 8/5 and Sun. 8/6 at the Courthouse Plaza. 100+ outstanding fine artists. All-ages activities including art demonstrations and interactive art activities. Hosted by the Mountain Artists Guild, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of the visual arts.

928.445.2510 www.mountainartistsguild.org

August 5th

Discover Native History & Culture Museum of Indigenous People

10:00 AM-4:00 PM

Exhibits include prehistoric and contemporary examples of indigenous cultural and artistic materials from the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. The museum has special exhibits, art auctions and other special events throughout the year. Located at 147 N. Arizona Ave. in Prescott.

928.445.1230 www.museumofindigenouspeople.org

August 5th

Nature Niños - Free Family Nature Program

Highlands Center for Natural History

10:00 AM-12:00 PM

See Facebook page for details. The August 5 program takes place at the Highlands Center. The park rangers and community partners lead childcentered nature play events. Includes take-home freebies, creative nature activities, story time, scavenger hunts, guided walks, lessons, imaginary play and more. A free City of Prescott event for families with children up to 8 years old in the Greater Prescott area.

928.777.1122 www.facebook.com/natureninosprescott

August 5th

One Stage Family Theatre presents Disney's "The Little Mermaid"

Elks Theatre & Performing Arts Center

Two performances on Sat. 8/5 at 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Based on one of Hans Christian Andersen's most beloved stories and the classic animated film, Disney's "The Little Mermaid" is a hauntingly beautiful love story for the ages. Tickets available online or at the door.

928.499.8664 www.onestagefamilytheatre.com

August 6th

48th Watson Lake Car Show

Watson Lake Park www.paacaz.com

The Watson Lake Car Show takes place Aug. 5/6 and is presented by the Prescott Antique Auto Club. Car show, trophies and raffles, parts exchange and swap meet. Old engine fire-up area and for-sale car coral. Open 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Sunday. Cash-only wristband event. Admission is $7 and free for 12/under with adult. Free parking.

Family Sip & Paint at the Zoo Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary

2:00 PM-4:00 PM

Join us for Family Sip & Paint, an ice-cream social with a fun painting project. Painting never tasted so good! All materials included. Preregistration required for this event. See website for details.

928.778.4242 www.heritageparkzoo.org

August 7th

Childbirth Preparation Class

Yavapai Regional Medical Center

East - Prescott Valley

6:30 PM-8:30 PM

August 6th

19th Annual Prescott Gem & Mineral Show (Aug. 4-6)

Findlay Toyota Center

Fri. and Sat. 9:00 AM-5:00 PM and Sun. 9:00 AM-4:00 PM. There will be over 60 vendors in attendance, offering beautiful beads, gems, geodes, finished jewelry and much more. The show will offer demos and fun activities including gold panning, face painting and more. Tickets $5/ adults, $4/seniors, children under 12 free admission with paid adult. Free parking.

928.772.1819 www.prescottgemmineral.org

A four-week series designed for firsttime moms and their partners. Takes place at the Dignity Health, Yavapai Regional Medical Center in Prescott Valley. Register online. The class will provide helpful information as you prepare for the arrival of your baby. Class fee is $40.

928.445.2700 www.yrmchealthconnect.org/ calendar

There is a phrase, life imitates art. Only I believe your life is already a work of art in itself. It’s a beautiful masterpiece made up of all the little moments and interactions that create who you are. Capturing this is a treasured opportunity that I treat with respect, time and care. I believe in providing you with the best of the best images to remember the special moments and milestones of your life. Thank you to my community, clients, family and friends for this incredible honor! I am ever so grateful.

In celebrating my 25th year as a Wealth Manager, this affirms my passion for helping clients with their financial planning and investment management needs. I am honored to be your trusted advisor and look forward to helping our community members secure their financial future!

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