Raymond Nurse Spring Semester 2017 Portfolio

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Spr i ngSemest er2017

ARCH506-I owaSt at eUni ver si t y20”x30”Por t f ol i o

r ay mondnur s e

ent r y/publ i c ki t chen/publ i c bedr oom &l i vi ng/semi publ i c bat hr oom/ser vi ces

Thecont ai nerwi l lbeenvel opedbyspr ayf oam i nsul at i on bot hi nt er nal l yandext er nal l y.Ext r aat t ent i onwi l lbepai d t ot hebat hr oom zoneasi ti saf ul l ywetar ea.Wal lpar t i t i onst obei ncl udedwi l lbe4�t hi ckdr ywal l .


9Squar eGr i dWhol eSpr ead

ARCH506-I owaSt at eUni ver si t y20”x30”Por t f ol i o

r ay mondnur s e

Pr ecedentSt udyWhol eSpr ead

ARCH506-I owaSt at eUni ver si t y20”x30”Por t f ol i o

r ay mondnur s e

Gat ehousePr oj ectWhol eSpr ead

ARCH506-I owaSt at eUni ver si t y20”x30”Por t f ol i o

r ay mondnur s e

Ur banAr t sCommuneWhol eSpr ead

ARCH506-I owaSt at eUni ver si t y20”x30”Por t f ol i o

r ay mondnur s e

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