ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project 1ESO 2010-2011
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
1. What is the Ecological Footprint? 2. How can we know our Ecological Footprint? 3. Some Reflec?ons on our Lifestyle: Food, Transporta?on, Home and Recycling 4. How many Earths do we need to keep our lifestyle?
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
1. What is the Ecological Footprint? The ecological impact of our ac1vi1es and opera1ons on our environment. We live in a big city and we need natural resources like wood, food, energy to live. A>er using these resources we produce waste. The use we make of resources and the waste we leave in the planet is called Ecological Footprint.
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
1. What is the Ecological Footprint? What we eat, how we travel, what clothes we wear.... our lifestyle has an impact on our planet, the Earth.
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
2. How can we know our Ecological Footprint? We can know our ecological footprint studying how we live. There are websites that help us to calculate the resources we need to live the way we do. hAp:// hAp://
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
2. How can we know our Ecological Footprint? hHp://
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
3. Some Reflec?ons on our Lifestyle: Food We eat 3 large meals in a day. We buy food at supermarkets, convenience stores, and prepared foods from restaurants, and some1mes we buy ecological food. We don’t have a garden or share one to grow our own vegetables and herbs
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
3. Some Reflec?ons on our Lifestyle: Transporta?on
In a year we travel by car, taxis and carpools like 3.000 km In a year we travel by bus and metro like 1000 km In rails, subways and cross country trains like 100 km We travel like 2000 km by plane
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
3. Some Reflec?ons on our Lifestyle: Home We live in a building with 5‐20 apartments Some of the materials in our houses are recycled, for example wood and glass. In our house we use: We use low flow toilets and we use low flow shower heads and faucets We have water saving habits: We minimize shower 1me and toilet flushing. Besides, we run clothes and dish washers only when full. Our parents wash cars rarely
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
3. Some Reflec?ons on Recycling Recycling helps us to reduce our Ecological Footprint because we don't waste natural resources We recycle paper, plas1c, glass and electronics, but aluminum rarely. We generally live within our means and we use some items for years, others we replace before we need too. We use one or more bin’s in a week.
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
4. How many Earths do we need to keep our lifestyle?
2.82 Earths
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project
Barcelona = 2.82 Earths
Hong Kong = 1.26 Earths
Our Ecological Footprint IE Costa i Llobera _ Worldhealer Project