Distribution, species composition of pesticide poisoned animals in Serbia and gained conservation experience regarding Carbofuran poisoning 7th MAVIR Bird Conservation Confeence Budapest 7-8 November 2016
Chronology of facing with Carbofuran poisoning in Serbia • Indications that something’s wrong – the first cases of poisoning suspected to be caused by carbofuran: 2008-2009 • Increase of number of poisoned animals: 2010-2016 • Number of found poisoned animals per year: 15-32 • Licence for trade of pesticide Furadan 35 ST was withdrawn on 31 December 2013, but stocked quantities were fully legal until 30 June 2014 • Number of court filed for killing of strictly protected species by poisoning: 5 • Number of cases where perpetuator is known: 2 • Number of verdicts: 0 • Two complaints against the authorities of the Republic of Serbia are open files and are in procedure at the Standing Comitee of Bern Convention (sent by two CSOs)
Characteristics of poisoning of carnivores 1. In most cases found very close (up to 50 m) from baits - poisoned carcasses odr parts of bodies/internal organs of wild and domestic animals: a. Golden Jackal b. Red Fox c. lamb d. domestic duck e. mammal liver f. chicken eggs 2. In all cases bait was visibly eaten 3. In cases of eating, the entering place was always on abdomen of mammals and birds 4. In most of the cases traces of dark pink pesticide was visible 5. Time interval: November-May
Characteristics of poisoning of omnivores 1. Poisoning by seeds that were not adequately sewed, previously threated by carbofuran 2. Poisoning of Common Cranes was detected in one location for two years. The location is important stopover site that Cranes are using during spring and autumn migrations 3. Seeds were out of lines, but Cranes were also eating individuals of freshly growing young corn plants 4. Time interval: second half of April
Intentional poisoning of Red Foxes and Golden Jackals
What do experts say about the diet of Golden Jackal in Serbia? Penezić, A. & Ćirović, D. (2015): Seasonal variation in diet of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Serbia. Mammal Reserach 60(4): ...„Jackals consumed a broad range (15) of different food categories. Seasonal differences in diet are related with the availability of certain food categories. Small mammals are the most important food category when they are most abundant—in summer and autumn regarding both frequency of occurrence and frequency of biomass consumed (32.1 %O and 36.5 %B, and 29.0 %O and 37.0 %B, respectively)“... ...„Due to presence of domestic ungulate leftovers on illegal dumps yearround, this food category is representing its staple diet.“... ...„golden jackal’s opportunistic nature, foraging behaviour and high dependence on human-provided food resources“...
Not only carbofuran? What about Zinc-phospide and Bromadiolone?
In a periods of calamities of rodents, in particular Common Mole (Microtus arvalis – typical year was 2014) the practice of threating of affected arable fields by spreading of pelletized baits was recorded Spreading was recorded by hands and also by mineral fertilizer spreader!
This was not done in accordance with the Instructions published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection (2014): Application of rodenticide baits on the basis of Zinc-phosphide and Bromadiolone in autumn period, after the sewing of winter crops can only be done: 1. during the dry weather; 2. baits can not be left on the surface, but only in active holes of rodents or in the special boxes so that poisoning of domestic and wild animals and pollution of environment is avoided; 3. application during the rain, after the rain and in extremely wet soil is forbidden; 4. during application, plastic or metal spoons must be used, 5. surfaces threated by rodenticide baits must be regularly inspected, at least one per 10 days, 6. dead rodents and remnants of consumed baits must be collected for the purpose of prevention of secondary poisoniong, especially birds; 7. collected rodents ad remnants of consumed bats must be safely removed
Species composition in cases of poisoning of wild animals in Serbia 2009-2016 Species
Number of cases of poisoning
Number of other found carcasses (uknown cause)
Buteo buteo
Ca 20
Haliaeetus albicilla
Grus grus
Tyto alba
Circus aeruginosus
Corvus corax
Asio otus
Buteo lagopus
Circus pygargus
Ca 33
Buzzard (Buteo buteo)
White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
Common Crane (Grus grus)
Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus)
Two campaigns aimed to aware stakeholders on carbofuran poisoning
Despite of official ban, Carbofuran is widely available on black market
Activities of CSO – two complaints to the Secretariat of Bern Conventions
Public performances
Response of state authorities • Regular meetings within the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of all state authorities responsible for reaction to the cases of poisonining • Protocol for joint work of sectors of police, justice and environmental protection is prepared • Regular consultations between the Ministry and CSO
Chllenges in reactions to the cases of poisoning ON PAPER According to the Art. 93 of Act on Nature Conservation: 1. Cases of recording of dead animals should be reported to the institutes for nature conservation or the Ministry 2. Carcases should be transported to the nearest vererinary organization or other institution choused by the Ministry for the purpose of research of the cause of death 3. Costs of pathological examination is payed by the Ministry IN PRACTICE Cases of death of strictly protected wild animals are investigated by Environmental Inspection, without police and without consultations with prosecutors. In majority of the cases it is impossible to find possible perpetuator and to submit a valid record to the courts! According to the Art. 269 of Criminal Law, the maximal penalty is 3 years of prison. The maximal compensation price for one killed White-tailed Eagle is 400.000 RSD (3252 EUR)
Drastic case
Who are the stakeholders in fighting against poisoning? Hunters and hunting associations
Farmers, their associations, agriculture expert and counseling services
Legal dealers of pesticides
Outdoor dwellers and their associations
Employers in administrations of protected areas (rangers, educators...)
Expert nature conservation institutions (managers of protected species)
Administrative services and inspection services in nature conservations
Prosecutors and courts
Birds of prey need enough healthy meet – construction of raptor feeding sites in Serbia
Courtesy, contacts • Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia • Institute for Nature Conservation mof Vojvodina Province • Nenad Spremo • Jaroslav Pap • Marko Tucakov marko.tucakov@pzzp.rs • Nikola Stojnić nikola.stojnic@pzzp.rs • Slobodan Puzović slobodan.puzovic@pzzp.rs