Birds and Powerlines in Russia: An Overview

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Alexander Matsyna Ekaterina Matsyna Laboratory of Ornithology Ecological Center “DRONT”

The problem of bird death from electrocution is well known in Russia. The first scientific publications about eagle death on power lines 6-10 kV appeared in Russia in the middle of XX-th century (Vorobjov, 1966; Lindeman, 1977; Zvonov, Krivonosov, 1981 at all.). However, the most active investigations were started in the last 10-15 years. The number of scientific articles on this topic: 1966 - 2000


2000 - 2016


Electricity supply system in Russia has three main types of power lines:

Power lines with level of voltage less than 0.4 kV (minimal danger for birds)

Power lines with level of voltage 6-10 kV (the most dangerous for birds)

Power lines with level of voltage 35-1125 kV (dangerous for some groups of birds)

The total length of power lines is more than 3 million kilometers. Mostly they located near Southern part of Russia in zone of active migrations of birds.

The main part of power lines 6-10 kV (the most dangerous for the birds) equipped with the nonisolated wires and almost the half of them are installed on the reinforced concrete poles.

This construction is fatal for birds. Also the number of these poles is increased in the open landscape areas of the south.

By victims of power lines 6-10 kV become not only large birds but also and small species. Totally there are more than 100 species in the risk group.

In the forest area the Corvidae (rooks, ravens and others) have the highest death rate. Depending from landscape from 0,5 till 35 individuals per 1 km of power lines die by electrocution. In average 2,9 birds/km of power lines during one observation.

In Southern regions of Russia – steppe and semidesert zones, raptors suffer more than others groups. Most of them are endangered species such as Steppe Eagle, Imperial Eagle, Long-Legged Buzzard. Density of electricity grid 6-10 kV here in average is 0,16 km per square km. Mortality of birds is 2,1 birds/km of power lines during one observation.

Annual mortality of Steppe Eagles only in Kalmyk Republic according to our estimations is 3500 individuals. Electrocuted Steppe Eagle Aquilla nipalensis

Remains of three young Steppe Eagles under one electric pole on the nest area.

Remains of birds accumulate in soul under poles during many years.

In the forest area the highest death rate is among the passerines, in the steppe area – among the birds of pray. NIZHNY NOVGOROD REGION Forest zone BIRDS OF PREY







KALMYK REGION Steppe zone 74,8

2,5 0,8

0,5 0,8




Matsyna at all., 2006, 2011

Ratio of some raptor species dying on power lines 6-10 kV on Altay, %

Karyakin at all., 2009

Ratio of some raptor species dying on power lines 6-10 kV in Republic of Kalmykia, %

Matsyna at all., 2011


Numenius phaeopus

Many birds die not by electrocution, but due to collision with power lines.

Great Bustard Otis tarda


Eudromias morinellus

Today we know very well which species and in what ratio are becoming the victims of power lines in different areas of the country. According to our estimation there are more than 7 million birds dying from electrocution on power lines 6-10 kV annually in European part of Russia.

Many regional projects made in the different parts of Russia are the basis of this knowledge: The program of Ecological Centre DRONT with NABU-Kavkaz support UNDP/GEF Project «Improving the coverage and management efficiency of protected areas in the steppe biome of Russia» The program “Birds and Power Lines” of Russian Bird Conservation Union etc.

Last years some special anthologies and monographs on this problem were issued

The guidelines bird safety, 2011

Atlas: Eagles of Russia and Kazakhstan, 2016

Eagles of Palearctic, 2013

Problems of birds mortality, 2014

To attract attention to this problem we issued special posters: ATTENTION! THE DEATH OF BIRDS ON POWER LINES!

The Newsletter Raptors Conservation (It founded in 2005) - the main information platform for all events around birds and power lines in Russia

Regulatory basis is the most important condition for further development. There are two federal laws in Russia: Federal Law of April 24, 1995 N 52-FZ «On the animal world» «Requirements for prevention of death of wildlife .. the operation of communication lines and powerlines» (Approved by the RF Government Decree dated August 13, 1996 N 997)

There are also a few similar regional documents.

There are technical regulation documents accepted in different industry sectors.

PJSC ROSSETI • Bird protection devices for overhead transmission lines and open distribution devices of substations. General technical requirements. Standard Organization STO 34.01-2.2-010-2015 JSC GAZPROM • Technical requirements for devices to protect the birds from electric shock, used in the construction and reconstruction of 6-20 kV at JSC "Gazprom" facilities. Approved 11/06/2013

By the end of the ĐĽĐĽ century in Russia (and the USSR) was not reliable technologies for the protection of birds on power lines. The known technical solutions which were used, did more the harm than benefit.

The first efficient constructions for bird protection made of polymer and dielectric materials appeared in 2006.

Nowadays there are more than 20 modifications constructions for bird protection of 6-10 kV which are being produced in Russia. At least five Russian companies are involved in this process and this number constantly rises.

The consumption of isolated overhead wires is growing annually.

The number of protective tools for high-voltage power lines (35 kV and more) is also increasing.

Unfortunately, the amount of protected lines is not enough yet. According to our estimations it barely exceeds 20% of the total length of power lines in Russia.

Today we know that the power lines - a global factor that reduces the populations of many species of birds.

The results of these works showed the significance and necessity of special bird protection activities in Russia.

It is important to understand that a lot of work is still needed to be done to achieve the necessary level of bird protection and the safe energetics.

Thank you for attention!

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